Till: BEE: OMAHA, 'WEDXESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1015. tha wheat crop ha been handled and Is a good one the buying la active. ( Clear frana Idaho. It is no fiction when It Is atated that twelve state are represented in tha rrowj of merchants that Is here today. rado, Iowa. Minnesota and Missouri. Many of the towns In various parts of Nebraska and Iowa organised automo bile part lea of merchant and came as much sa 150 mls In a caravan of auto. Thua the merchants have made It a pleasure-seeking motor party on the road as well as a business seeking and buying party when they get to Omaha. NotaMe among the towna from which tha mer chants csme In In this way are Ogden, la.; Punlap, la., and Genoa, Neb. Bay Holiday Goods. The purchasing of holiday goods Is es pecially active Just at this time. Ready to wear goods are particular y In demand. "The import anew of Omsha as a Job bing center has ' been emphasised this time," said Ry Byrne of the committee, "by the fact that there are at least fifty merchants here thus far that never did their buying In Omaha before this." Key to tho Situation Bee Advertising. PRESIDENT YUAN SOUNDSYARHING Imprtuire Plea for United Action COME FROH IDAHO FOR MARKET WEEK MORE MODELS FOR THE OMAHA STYLE SHOW Miss Minnie M. Mack will be one of the living models to display tbe latest gowns, while Oaltea, the dancer from King Ak-Sar-Ben's den, will show how to wear the ankle watch. Ixnilslana. Is perhapp the fart hen t distant Merchant Buyers Come to Omaha "'"" PMlb1-' ,thIUh de,,- . , . tlon could hsve come farther. There are from Idaho, Montana, Utah and st two byr. -fr from ix,pana yen from Louiliana. .and dozens from Idaho, Montana, Wyom- Ing, t'tah, the Dakota, Kansas, Colo- SEVEN HUTHDRED HERE NOW I Aftiait Foreign AgijTeiiioa Caniea Much Ditcnuion. GRAFTI5Q OFFICIALS SCORED a. -- (Correspondence of ths Associated Press r'EHlNU, July 31. president Yuan Shl-Ksl uttered at a recent cabinet meeting an Impreenlve plea for united action in China, which made a deep Impression upon Chinese officials. Its publication In English today caused much discussion among for eigners. The Peklnr Oaiette charac terises the address as "couched in tbe usual language of orer-empbaals, ' but makes no attempt to discount the seriousness of the dishonesty and In efficiency of Chinese officials which the president denounced as a great menace to the republic at a time when outside pressure Is threatening. "Our susoralnty in southern Manchuria has gradually (one into th hand of f or al nor, said the president "The for eign sggTessor haa com t. their doora, but our peopla are still dallying in the mldiit of a calamity- As I am advanced In age and have received tho sacred and weighty trust from tha Tslng dynasty, how can I let tha country go to ruin w'.ien I am assuming the duties of chief executive of the republic t Fy all means, I must save the country. To avert the Impending disaster is the Barred duty which lie upon the shoulders of every oaa of us." President Tuan flhl-Kl is lees than 60 years old and In tha best of health, con sequently hla allusion to his old age is largely figurative. Ilravealy lty af Straa. 'Sorrow comes Into my heart whenever 1 revtew our present situation," were the opening words of the president' appeal to tha cabinet. "It seems to me that the general policy of the nations of the world is to conquer a weak country, to invade tha country which has forfeited tho con fidence of tho other nations, lo force order upon the country which Is In a state of chaos, and to take ever by force the country which Is on the verge of ruin. In other words, as many foreigner! claim, it la the heavenly duty for the strong and civilised nation to annex and control a nation which is barbarous or seml-dvillsed. "Our country does not manlfrst any sign of Instability, chaos, or the lack of con. fldence of other nations and It la most unlikely that any nation, for tha present, will Invade or Insult our country. But when we think of the neglect of dlsclpllna by our soldiers, tbe irregularities In ad ministrative affairs, tha calamities of floods and drought throughout the prov inces, the eelftshness of some officials and the lack of publlo spirit among the people, we cannot help realising the fact that we are enjoying ourselves while re posing on a bed of straw with a kindling fire beneath It liow many of ua knew the strength of our nation, the tendencies ot our people and the general condition of "the world? What portion of our country has been free from tha disturb ince and molestation of the bandit and outlaws, and what percentage of the of ridals are enthusiastic and strictly carry UK out their dutyT" Iyoral Officiate Cmmpt. After deploring what he regarded as the many shortcomings of China, the prest icnt continued: "Home persons ssy that on account ot our vaat country and population, tha de struction of our country by an alien peo ple la a matter of Impossibility. Look k , , y , - l , . . - :A flinniQfl.flack, X'OVqf 'i - -.:la The war and war prospects are forgotten and crops alone act as tbe barometer that governs the buying activities of the merchants who are mending the merchants' market week in Omaha. This Is the second day of that week of festivities and business activity, and "00 merchants are In from twelve states. Wives and families accompany many of them, so that a total of over 1.00J persons are In Omaha already and the entire crowd together with 250 whole salers of Omaha went to Lake Manawa this afternoon in chartered cars to spend the afternoon and evening in rowing and fishing, athletic sports and dancing. The wholesalers declsre this Is a good buying crowd that they talk no war at all and that crops of Nebraska alone hold the center of their attention. They now feel assured of a corn crop, and as Air Bombs Destroy German Aviation Station at Ghent AMSTERDAM, Aug. (Via London.) A telegram received here from Maas bode, says allied aviators laat Saturday destroyed a large building at Ghent, Bel Slum, used by the Germane for housing aircraft. Dr-rttnent Orders. WABHINfiTON, Aug. t.-ti4trlal Tele gram.) Marlon Hall of Columbus Juno Uon. Ia., haa been appointed a typewriter In the Agricultural department. Civil service examinations w.ll he held on October for postmaster at Crookston. Neb. ine comptroller ot me currem-v ma granted a chsrter to the Farmers' Na t onal bank of lake Preston, rt. t. C ap ital X,0. Ben I -awls, president; Charles A. Alseth. cashier. SHERIFF BUSHNO.L OROPS DEAD AT GLENWOOD, 10WA OLE-rVVOOr, la., Aug. U. (Special Telegram.)-". II. Buahnell. sheriff ot Mills county for the last flv years, dropped dead this morning at 10 o'clock while Inspecting work on the new Jail, which is In piocesa of construction here. Hla death la supposed to be due to an unsuspected lelaon of the heart lie leaves a widow and three married daughters. On Saturday, September Fourth, Tho Central Furniture Store Will Put on Special Sale For this Oae Day Only Bis Special Purchase of Beautiful Lace Curtains Portiers and Couch Covers. An Immense purchase of Lace Curtains, Couch Covers and Portieres bought direct from the ml. Is, at a pr.oe which was away , below the market value, enables us to put the entire shipment on Bpeclal Bale for this ONE DAT ONLY at a price which will mean a aavlng to you of at least one-half. In this big purchase there I ere absolutely no seconds, every lace cur tain, couch cover and portiere we abso lutely guarantee to be perfect. Come to Thla Big Bale expecting some very extra ordinary values and you will not bo disappointed, and, as usual, you make your own terms. Thin Men and Women 90 TOO WASTT TO OUT TAT AaTO TKOsTOf The trouble with most thin folka who lh to a -In In welgiit la that they Insist on drugging their stomaoa or s.u.ilng u w.tn . y iuuut; iutn on ue.esa "ilesh creams," or following some too.l. h phy-lcat o-li-re t..t, w.iaw t..e na isuftj of thinness goes untouched. You cannot get fat until you. d,e..tlv trc. I I . r , .rlv .HlmilaiM .Kit fnmi vo P.. 1. at Korea, the area ef which to not much Tuere in a preparation known to rell amaller than Japan. Home Japanese aLle druggists almost every whire. wnlch seeming. y emDOii.e. ine mishina eicint me needed by tha digestive nr. an tj he.p i u.ein conve. t fo.u into rlc, tat-auen papers hav atated of late that although China has changed the monarchy Into republican form of government. Its In- b ood. This , reparation la railed Bar.ol -rr.ir. .. 1,. .. .ni.rhl- : tsu much rema.kbl tetlmon, Is given , . " , " " "" ' to lis succesafu. use In flesh uullitm.. fearaol, whlc cornea in .he loitn or a small non-injurious tablet, taken at meal, and mixing with the dlaestlng food, tends to prepare Its iat, Ilesh and muscle but i l ite elements so that the b ood an readily accept and c.nv ihem to thu starved p rtion of the body You i an read ly pl;uie tha transformation t at additional and previous y lacaing tiean-makin ma te lal shou d bring with your cueea .til ing out, hollow about your ne k, shoul ders and bust dlnapiwt.ir ng and your tak ing on from 10 to i pound" of sold healthr flesh. Hargol la harm ess. Inex p nslve, efficient. Hherman A Mcon l Drug Co.. Cor lb and Dodne .; Owl Drug Co., Cor. 1 ih and Harnev Hts ; Harvard Phcy., Cor. "ih and Farna-n Bis ! Loyal Phoy., 207 1 No. 16th BU.and other lead In drug It or th loin ty h ve It and are authorised to refu id y ur m ney tf wel ht Increase Is no obtained ss er the guarantee found In each large packsa. NOTK: Bargol Is recommended only as a flesh builder and while excellrn esults In cases of nervotia In'ltexMon, tc . have be reported rare shiud be t ken about o-inr It "nl- s gain of weight la deaired. advertisement as to, the late dynasty and that bribery end gambling among officials still pre vails. "During tha Chlno-Japanese war and the boxer trouble our people were greatly ntlrvrd up and determined to 'lie on trews and taste bitterness' to prepare themselves for future emergencies. But when the anxloua time waa once paased they forgot everything. It Is worth while to not that when the Imperial govern ment wa gone, It was the dynasty thst passed away and not tha ccJctry- The new method of destroying- a country nowadays Is not only to overthrow thu government, but also to destroy the Ian guase ot the people and tha vary race of the nation. Poland la Example. "W cannot be Ignorant ef the history of Poland. During the crista of the re cent Cnlno-Japanese negotiation It was a good algn that our people wore greatly awakened by tha threatened calamity. Uhould they again quickly forget th In tilgnlty the country received tha greater - calamity of the country la bound lo . oonte." President Yuan Shi Kal concluded his appeal with thla warning: i "Now the situation of our country is comparatle to a email boat on a wild a. It ta not the :lme for ua to pursue our pleasures and let thinga drift into tha course ef destruction. Above all do not forget the national discrace of May ?. Take off vur eay garment and cast away your habitual lastnes and go ahead with all your effort to avert th fat of .mpendlnc disaster so as to protect the i-eopki and av the country." ship vFtTbiq cargo" Uf UOrrch ABANDONED! SEATTLE. Wash.. Aug. 3L-The Alas kan Bteamahlp company's freight steamer Edith, which waa abandoned by Its crew off Cap Hlnchlnbrook. Alaska, yester day and afterward picked up In the Gulf of Alaska by th passenger steamer Mariposa, which attempted to tow It to Cordova, waa later cast off by th Mari posa and was sinking rapidly when lart seen. Vessel and cargo were valued at PubIie'oncert AND nn L nn a aASm j AUDITORIUM Sunday, September 5, 1915-8 P. F.1. M'EAKEKS- HON. JOHN C. WIfAHTOX, Cbalrmaau HON. O. M. HITCHCOCK, U. 8. 8. HON. C. O. LOUKCK, M. C. Civil Service and Pensions HON. A. M. M KT:;, Prea. N. A. C. 8. K N. Y. C, N. V. HON. L. A. SCHWARTZ, Trees. N. A. ft S. E., Chicago, IU. MH8. F. A. COLE, Chairman Civil Herrtce Reform League, General Federation Women's Clubs. Selections will be rendered by the following bands: DALLAS. TEXAS, BAND BALTIMORE, MD., BAND CLEVELAND, OHIO, BAND An Invitaiioa is Extended to ths Public. Ro Admission Chars XXCAL OOMM1TTEK, H'st fr taaatatta. The best tnedioin for const patlon is Dr. King's New Ufa HI la Mild and ef. ftcttva and keep you well. c. All dru glst. Ad vertiaament. M Fall Opening This Week sMrrssms mm Fall Opening This Week STaasjraTTBTsTssTTsS atsSBBE. .- ,--miitmttmmttBitmtttMtBttaatUKSKtm f 1 COFFEE" FOR 2 ID. CAM 3 "That Economy L. ,J Corf.i.' - M M i MM M 4 - 'i ' 1 1. 1 .1 . 10c The First Moving Picture of the Newest Amusement "HEAD.0N-C0LLISI0Nw 1VION., TUES. and WED. 10c Store Hours Betfinnin September 1st, 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. THOMPSON, BELDEN & COMPANY- Let Nothing Prevent You From Visiting The Great September Sale of Dress Goods 25 to 50 Reductions Never before in the history or this business have we offered such an abundince and choice variety of beautiful -Dress Goods at anything near these prices. i What Then Does it Mean to You to Buy Choice Dress Goods at the Beginning of the Season at Half Their Value? Better Investigate. This Great Sale starts Wednesday morning, 8:30 A. M. The goods will be piled on long counters and tables, giving you an opportunity of looking them over at your leisure. Back of your purchase stands our guarantee of the superior qual ty of every piece of goods, and our assurance that each reduction is exactly as stated. Dress Goods Department Main Floor AMUSEMENTS. AMlkMT9. AMUSEMENTS. "THE HEAD-ON COLLISION AT NEW YORK WAS THE GREATEST SENSA TION I EVER SAW." Opie Reed. "THE COLLISION WAS THE TALK OP NEW YORK CITY." N. Y. American. cal 2 p. m. OMAHA AUTO SPEEiWAY LABOR DAY MONDAY, Sept. 6 GENUINE N iHiiia- "NOTHING CAN SURPASS the HEAD ON COLLISION IN THE WAY OF SEN-" SATI0N EXCEPT A TIDAL WAVE OR AN EARTHQUAKE l TIMED TO THE CON . VENIENCE OF THE PUBLIC." - -Boston Globe GATES OF Eft at 12 O'CLOCK LL HrMrgsTsTssB-H rsTsBBrstsla-agf Rjn "To CoL Connolly's genius is due tne credit for the incubation of the idea of the greatest attraction ever placed before the public." Des Moines Register-Leader. WE DASH TOGETHER AT 60 MILES AN HOUI TWO GIANT 80-TON LOCOMOTIVES WITH TENDERS ATTACHED A Full Afternoon's Program of Harness and Running Races, Stock Yards Derby Rela Race, Motorcycle Events. Green's Band. Secure TICKETS NOW at Merchants Mote Program Promptly at 2 P.M. GATES OPEN AT 12 O'CLOCK ADMISSION Including Grand Stand Autos Parked Free 1 Children under 12 years accom panied by guardian FREE. "The Collisions given by CoL J. S. Connolly demonstrate that there is but one way to mako a Holiday a financial success and that Is to find out what the peo ple want and then give it to them." N. Y. Journal. At the 1915 Nebraska State Fair, Sept. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS srs is neom la a antshsll hs masts sntomesU ArlTsra ( t. wortd, aaa ths graataat arlatos of Utm all - ARNf OLLFl.fLJ, LOUIS DISBROW, RAIMEY, ENOICOTT. GUNNING And IY1 fiy Others. OiansM will tas. wtta aa asrsplaaa, gtr. s.hlblUoa SrtTss sad try ts Ttraak world. roora. Twt days it aatomosil. racts gapttlxT 10.11. aa mass. Baasi Day. DcLLOD THOMPSON, Daring Aviator Th. UTsatov ef tas ..asatloasl tam bis from th. eloads. It was ia oma ig f a taat too roacwaod Boaoasy mot ala aaata. Tkoma-oa ivjum tha ioou, gtvaa aa apsiao-aowa flight aad biswa ap m fart. Oldtlsld aad Th amp sua STsMI BAT, sUkT. S-ift. DLS.Bf J.t, MwTfUQ USffiuU, tfAUiEViLLE, BARD CONCERTS, UKRIVALE0 EXnIBlTS ap dlajtlar la svary Uaa. aig-ras. Aslo ul MmMmtt ftaowa la ta. Woot. . OOaTOnT. "Bmaday Aftoraooa aad BToalat. Btsmba. ata. "W " 'irr ksormlag:, SWpaisr t, oOoj aVaaaay afta S00 w aa. Mat Bally Adirlloa. 50a. VkU 4Jt X.-I 1 lis ' HTi7STm T7U OATH II". a-lL. gUBClAX. Tst-XKS VH AJbl. kAIaOAO JOlin BOVala, VrasKUak W. SV. at-f.VOl Lake l1anaiva DANCINO, BATHING, B0ATINQ And MaJiy oUaer Attractions. Free MoTing Plrtnre. Erery E-enbi. This Kvenlnir: "Wlfhsd on Mabel," "AlUr of Ambition" and "At tbe Hour of Kleven." Modern Woodmen of America rrnlo at Manawa next Monday. EST! TlinPiri'S DAriCING ACADEMY, 2Sth uri Farnao rt m . . , A(iu:i MSl'inet a Honour urn inurmr. r. . avaiii. Orsaa. J,tn ncad. Tuasday, 14. t P. M. (Nots) n.v naar ilancea lauht In this C SS Htata school tagu Bars Haturday. hart 11. P. M. puul's tulnlng rUaara on ti,.nins dais m lis b glTa II reduction oa Uckou Aj-tilcailon racalvad now. Karpey H BOYD'.- Theater BCaUaa. Today, 1(30. .(, g 130, an p.s. Roskin's Wild Life Piciore. mO AMAZING SCENES OF An. mil, Reptile, Bird & 6 Kg Lift BatartalalBsIf daarrlkad by )ha W. SiMaia. abaaibar al am avpaSlUaaa Calldroa 10a Adalts) tea. -oiuiii nrw CSaTTU' JBrlt LttJ 1 Bally Matalvas sy agB l-o.t.a saaoa. Cpaalmg Waak of Joy BCBK.ftatht.Uk . fcbkU.QUESS Mollis Wllllama, Aartl Curson His. tsra. Ul ly Hart Circus OI.U. Hwatrlua Harlow. Quo. Tuouglaa. Prank rana.a.. Ted burns and big itfauty Charua, XUZXs' BlaU SCAT. Will SATk. EMPRESS K DOLLAK SHOW TOR A DIME OR SO VAtDKVUXJS AX1 PHOTO P1Y8 10c 10c Phoas las 49. ADTisCIS TAUDTrLX.S. DUy saais- lilt, Bvory Mikt, ills. Tfcia ' Hi a Sioo.m ml-m . avi. Trc, a bu. U l W mi, Mij raai( ruUM, Jviila (unu, Tk. riauua aaS ta. (nkna TfaMl WaaSir. . rrk-a-aaia.. a4 BW mot aaata. aaa. Bat. aa4 aa. Maia.. a aaata at tas. Mlais. ISa, U. Into aa4 Ho. "SUM TOCX paArmcT. Edward Lynch rraaata WUsoa's BaUgktfal O sC-Xia' lilt Kattaaos, 16a, SS Its-, Baa, Ma. - vraak. attaa atorraa aa SODI'I IM a-tayars la lamoaa