Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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Buy An Acre at Benson
$10 Cash, $10 a Month
We Will Set Half of It to
Fruit Free
and care for same during the year 1916. The- second season
part of the fruit will eormnence to bear. To make Benson
Gardens a fruit-growing center,
Free of Charge
U00-- strawberries,
20 grapes,
20 blackberries,
10 peach trees,
8 penrs.
All of the best varieties and guaranlci d by us to grow. By
raising Fruit and Poultry you can easily sell enough to pay all
your living expenses while holding your position in tli City.
Buy a
Home to Support You
And Not a Home For You to Support
Benson Gardens' is only 6 blocks to car line on paved road.
Prices $650 an acre and up. Only a little more than you
would pay for a lot the same distance. Think it over.
Salesman on the ground to-day and every afternoon, or call
us by phone; we will take you out at anytime.
Hastings & Hey den
Five miles north of Council Bluffs, on
I.lnroln Highway; acres In crop; good
orchard; balance In pasture and alfalfa,
aond Improvements. Price, $3,400; half
301 Neville Block. o
First-class South Dakota land, will sell
for caidi or trade for cleat1 city property
In good location. Phone Douglas 6302. or
address Miss K.. Q1 Farnam..
A bea.utlful build in a lot for your buntra-
low or house, 1 blk to car; price iwwn.
able, terms. Owner, phone Walnut 2397.
t adjoining- lots, near 42d and Webster
Ave. J. P. Cbe. 823 Farnam. Red 66BS.
FOR SALE Three lots and three shares
of Ralston Townslte Co. stock. HANS
BUGION, 2420 Leavenworth St.
Get Into Your Own
Home This Fall
Here is Your Opportunity
On the Easy Payment Plan.
I have a pretty S-rooni all modern house
S blocks from car line and 3ft bio ks to
scho 1 that I wl I stl. ioi- a . Irat
p. yment cash and the balance like rent.
Ill i house Is f nished In oak and pine;
furnace teat, full cement basement. The
lot Is a large one.
Telephone about this
. Call Douglas 292fi today.
Call Walnut 683 after 6:30 p. m.
A Dandy New
All modern and
H block from car
line. In beautiful
new residence dis
t.ict. i CMi and Balance to Suit
Telephone today, and If description
suunds (rood, we will send an auto
mobile to brlna you to see it.
i Today
P one Doug- 2925.
Phone Walnut 6M
afte :30 p. m.
Bungalow Bargain
in bemis Park
tl.200-unQ cash. 331.60 per month, buys
classy new bungalow. 6 nice rooms; large
attic; oak finish and floors; f replare,
built-in bookcases; nicely decorated; large
lot. Price just reduced less than cost for
quick sale. A bargain.
Glover & Spain
noroLAs awu.
See 1 his Sure
If you are looking tor a barga n In the
Cathedral DUtr ct. The owner la a non
resident and has written us that w are
to reduce the price so that a sale can be
made now. At the price now askrd for
this place and the terms offered it Is a
bargain. 4031 Charles St. Is the address,
and the house has eight rooms, la modern,
hot water heat; also a small barn, lie
sure to see this place, as it ought to sell
!v t he prl-e afcked.
Creigh, Sons & Co.
Vi8 nitj ... g. h it. ijouk1 J
Must Be Sold
S330 Webster St., new, 7 rooms, sleeping
porch, all oak and birch finish; all 'hi
up-to-date features; beautiful lighting
fixtures; first class msle.ial and wor
manship throughout; a complete home
. In every particulsr; best buy In Omaha,
very cheap terms.
Wright & Lasbnry,
Douglas 163.
Practically New
Near Han com
Park, $3,900
Full two-story, six rooms snd bath. A
dandy up-to-date modern home In that
new district Just south of the park. Close
to Wlndhor sci.ool and West Bide car lln.
It, 60x140. Paved street, paving paid In
full. Terms if required.
Tyler 1 State liank IHJg
wcr will set the following fruit
2H cherries,
20- raspbemea,
10- currants,
0 gooseberries,
JNew Home
Field Club District
Small House Taken
In Part Payment
A fine home, finished In oak. with four
bed rooms and bath on second floor;
beamed ceilings In living room and din
ing room; built-in bookcases; fire place;
toilet and laundry in "basement; lot 57s
132; located 3339 Walnut St. Every house
In the addition built within the last two
years. Price 35.280. Terms. ,
Norris & Norris
400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270.
4-Room House and Lot $750
$200 Cash-$15 Monthly
Between B and F on South Side; here
is a chance to make some mo . Tnls
props, ty ought t j sell easl y for 11,2.0.
Payne Investment Comnnjiv.
'Doug. 1781. 6th Fl.. Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg.
bafe Investments
-v .....
i ii v . ' na jacKson cits ,
132x132 ft., close to office buildings and
center, r me gnraxe location; 84
year lease at 1730 per year. No reap
pralseijient. PK1CU, 136.000.
86-Room Hotel
and 6 Retail Stores
in the
3-story and basement brick building,
northwest corner 15th and Howard Sts.;
99-year lease, without reappralsement.
When present leases expire the rental
from stores alone will pay taxes, insur
ance and leasehold rental and Interest, on
Investment, leaving Income from hotel for
PRICE of building and interest in lease
hold $'10,000.
George & Company
902 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone D. 756 o
FOR SALE or exchange, country
store, complete general merchan
dise stock. Heal estate, tlxtures
and stock to exrhsnge for Ne
braska land priced right.
W. T. H.M1TH CO..
City National Bank Bldg.
Comfortable Modern Home
A splendid a-room house on paved street
with paving paid; on Chares Ht.; corner
lot. 60x12. R00..1 to bid.d another house
If desired Price reduced to $2j0. Hea
tonablo cash payment, balance month. y.
Payne Investment Com nan v.
Doug. 1781. 6th Fl. Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg.
For sale or trade' 11-room house has two
apt., all mod. and In fine condition; will
trade for lot or house. Tel. Webster 7040
We have a very clas.iy bungalow, new,
modern and up-to-date in every way:
oak finish, beamed celling, bookcases and
other special features; paved street, lot
ard location ideal, and you will agree the
price la reasonable. Trma, or lot taken
as first ps yment.
.06 McCague Bldg. Doug. 1663.
r'or sale by owner, new 6-r bunaslow;
RW) cli, 1 per month. Harnry
There Is a rut difference between "riattlnc" and "Developing" a tract
of ground It la one thing, to "Plat" and srll. and It Is another thing to de
velop the tract by GRADING all lots to perfect grade, and all rtreeta to the,
permanent grade established by the City Engineer. Putting In large Water
Mains, large Sewer Mains, build Sidewalks on every street, level off and
seed every lot.
ALL OF THEhE THINGS we are doing and paying for, In M1NNK
LUSA, and finally, we are paving ALL STREETS and building Homes that
are & credit to ANY community.
TWENTY-FIVE such homes are now being built, some of them com
pleted and occupied.
Is the arerage price of lots in this great new addition, the largest addition
ever developed in Omaha and this price includes ALL IMPROVEMENTS
except the paving.
We Claim
that MINNE LUSA LOTS will make MORE MONEY for the buyers than any
lota offered at any price and we're selling them hundreds of them be
cause they are bargains and everyone who looks wants to buy.
la beautiful come out and see for yourself.
Charles W. Martin & Co.
Tyler 187.
New Military Avenue
Pavement Is Started
This Means Increasing Values
for Wearne Park Lots
The prices are the 6arae as before and yon
can buy on easy monthly payment plan.
Wearne Park has walks, treee, curbing, permanent
streets, water and gas in and paid for, and every lot
is within 2 blocks of the car line.
Telephone D. 2P26 today and make ar
rangements to have us show you thes'J
beautiful lots.
Bo sure to do it tod;iv.
Owner Wants to
Sell Beautiful
7-Room House
This house Is located H block from car
line. In beautifu' section of the city,
where everything Is modern and up-to-date,
and where the surroundings are ex
tremely pleasant. House is finished In
oak In pr.nclpal rooms and Is wed built
and very conveniently arranged.
Will Take $500 Cash as First
Payment and Balance Can
lie Arranged in Monthly
For further particulars telephone Doug.
2W today. Call Wal. 682 after 6:30 p. m.
Foreign Exchangee Problem! Act ai
Beitraint on Activiity of
NEW YORK. Aug. 31. The extraordl-
narv nrnhima invniuofl In I i.u fiid un
change sit a. Ion aealn .er.ed aa a re-
str-tnt upon stock market activity today.
Vltu demand steriln. when the stock
'exchange closed, at the aiinost Incredible
rate of t4.6ot and virtually all other for
Uign b Us falling to greater dls.ounts. It
i was feared that the entire international
credit system mignt s J.ier severe dlslo
I c tton and cause the cancellation of
many contracts ty European Interests.
Further se ilng of our stocks proceeded
In lUht vo.ume. but was without notice
able effecL m fact. It Is now realised
th .t the extent of the European obliga
tions canno. be ove come short f a
cret It, loan or other form of neg-)t atlon
running Into the hundred of mll.luns of
d liars While American ba.ikers decline
to comment on this phase of the situa
tion, it Is believed that the only sort of
ioi atera. acceptable to the prospective
lender Is that consist. ng of tilth grade
Amt.crn securities.
Stocks moved Irregularly and at times
a uggishly, most of the trading occurring
In the iir-t hour, wlih mo moderate
, improvement toward tha close. Pools con
Jil.ued trelr activity In erta.n specHitl s,
out laiiea 10 enusi outsiae support, u una
of a point or two In some of these Issues
were o.fset by greater losses e sewhere
in the same group Hethlehem ftteel, New
York Airbrake and Studebaker displaying
rspecla' heaviness.
United Utatea tsteel held tenaciously to
Its leader hip. but was more su-cepi ble
to real s ng se es and bear pressure. Cop
p rs eased at timet on rumors of privste
pr'ce concessions for the metal. R ill road
share- were In better demand, Increased
eari.lngs contributing to that end, but In-
By direction of the property committee
of the Board of Regents of the University
of Nebraska; separate bids wl I be re
ceived until 4 o clock P. M. Maturdsy,
September 26. 11116. at the office of the
undersigned for the construct. on of a
botany-eooiogy building and the following
equipments for same, vis: Heating and
ventilating, electric wiring, plumbing anJ
vacuum Cleaning, Becoming to plans and
must be accompanied by cashier's checks
or certificates or deposits as required by
Instructions accompanying plans and
specifications. Bids must be sealed and
plainly marked "Hotany-Zooloicy build
ing" or "Hoihany-Zoolugy building equip
ment" as the rase may be, oil the outside.
The rlxiit is reserved to relect any or all
h'da. I'liiveiHlty of Nebraska, J. K Dales.
Secretary, Station A, IJm-oln
spectricationa now on rile at the office of I ... " " " ; siocs. i
the superintendent of construction. Said uTwixt m . , . t,
bi lldlng to be erected on the University , J. .i T? . TH. f,1 ntB
City Campus and to cost approxlmaluly L.1X h"mn- 111 bM- .oc-
llsO.000. bidders must con tir with the IJ' l,,,0i?i,.Ar- !, S T V 5
superintendent and use the blanks pre- S'J-tTrl :sVaMUJC'JJ,': M
Pared bv him for bulldlna: DroiMisala. fi da H: N. 14 90; WO fS.'O: WW, W OO.
About Development
743 Omaha National Dank Dldg.
and will aacrlflco his equity In a strictly
modern 8-room bouse; living and dining
room flnhhed In oak; full cemented base
ment under pntlrA hi.lmn- flnn rnrnA. l,t
1Kx1S2. overlooking Florence park. This
is one oi tne mom beautiful nomea n
Florence. If sold this week, will go at a
big sacrifice.
1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Douglas 369L
OOOD 6-room house for sale or trade i
2 lots; bearing fruit and shade trees:
yard Is all fenced In; has good well
water; located 6621 N. 34th St. Address
F 175, care llee.
New 6-r. bunga.ow. 1 block south of
M.ler pk., cheap; see owner, 2910 Crown
Point Ave. Phone Webster 1146.
terast waa mainly In low grade Issues Ilka
tries, Hoc is.and and Chesapeake A.
U..o. New liaven, at f!, gained 1H.
i Ign p.Ked ia.lei-8 fell i,ac lat. r on
rumors of crop damage In tha middle
H.tal sales amounted to 687,000 shares.
Our securities were most.y hlgner In
London, par Icularly Reading and Cana
dian Pacltic, but quotat.ons leceived hoie
alter loiiuon s clone biiowed a reac.lun.
1-lqida.lon of our bonus fur fotuign ao
count was again the efature ot the bond
II t caused aeneral but nonilna. reo a
s.ous. Total sales, par Value, agg.eKSied
ta,i75,0uu. United Stales bonds Mere un
changed on call. i
Maw York Honey Market.
CANTM,K PAPKR 3VuV per cnt.
bills. 14.637fi; demand. 14.6S; cables, 146W4.
Francs: Demand, ;, W.01. Marks:
lemand. 80So; cables, toj-kc IJren: De
mand, 14.62; cables. 6.D1. Rubles: De
mand, 34c; cables, 3440.
Hll. Kit Uar, 46Sc; Mexican dollsrs.
BON DS Government, steady; railroad,
TIMIi IOAN8 Pteady; sixty days, Pi
per cent; ninety days 2in per cent;
six months. V"14 per cent.
CAI.I. MONTY-Steady; hUhest, 2 per
cent; lowest, 4 per cent; ruling rate, t
per cent; Isst loan. S per cent; closing bid.
lt per cent; offered at 2 per cent.
- London St nek Market.
liONDON, Aug. 31. American securi
ties on the stock .market wer tncllm-d
to sag. United g'ates Steel, Union Pa
cific and New York Central were tho
most active shares. The closing was
F"T"FR Bar. ttd per ounce.
MONEY Vtf4 per cent.
DISCOUNT PA TEH Short bills and
three months, 4&6 per cent.
Cottoa Market.
steady: middling uplands, l.Ce. Sales.
8 5 bu lea
Cotton futures opened steady; October
.'o; DeCfmber, lo.oc; January. 10 14"' '
tunn !! viay, IV.OIO.
otton futures cloned firm; October
!5c: Deoember 10.11c; January, 1030c;
V"h, tx-e: Msr. 1ft7
The cotton market rlcSd firm at a net
gi In of f'oi 19 to tl point".
ea-ler: good mMd'Ing. 0Td; mlddllnv
.73; low middling, 5.?7d. Hales. 12 fwO
fitsdv. "::
! RMla.
An. 11. T'niPBVTTVtO
sles tK2 hbls : re-el-l
e-.nn-4 pities -mA THet Fratts
A PP"H xT-r.. I I.
PRIU'iy r'"T-PriiM easy. ArH
cots quiet. Peaches dull Rats ni at aiy.
A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand
furniture Ituo cai'h
I Hons In not n
Wheat Decidedly Bearish and That
Grain Falls Two to Fire
OMAHA, August SI. 1!)!V.
The nsh wheat market was decidedly I
bcarnh toilny and itroppe.l from :c to I
per liuKliri. 1 ha nceli'la ot huh iwn i
LIT inlrly 11k tit and there was
dniiano ! care 01 all tnu wucui o,t
the tables.
lorn iwrltdii wurf filr and tha sales
woiv ooiiii'iiiMtivny Unlit. There wb not
iniirn i. ii,H.,i1 lor -nah orn and tne mar-
ki t wan (i.uitiHl IV -c lower,
Oats receipts weir vciy hKht and there
wna iiaitilv any ocmand for in a cereal.
I'll iwta matKet -joid Hi-out liii-rf lower. I
Itcara on oal ir'dl t a free movement j
det-puu tne iicclnum prices Tn-'ir argil- i
until la mat tne Clop ia mm siaruua iu
time and the kihI.i is too uauip to mild
I uitvrliir tticvalors.
....I at,! : U hrlL 2d lower to 2d
hlgi.rr; coin, s'fld lower. I
Primary wheal receipts wero l.MS.OW
bu. and shlmnts V74,wo bu., against re-
ilit. of LtUM.iUi tu. and snipmenta 01
l.liO.ilOO bu. last year.
I'rtinart coin rwipis were mi.
and shipments 274 IW bu., against re-
ctlpts of l.lHT.OiM bu. and eh.piiviita ot
in.ttHi bu. lst year.
Primary oats reielpts were l,134.0 bu.
and sh.pmeiits l.l.(i00 bu., sgalnnt rr
oetptu of l,.H9.0ft bu. and shlrmenta of
8t-4.(U bu lat vesr.
Wheal, corn. vats
....f 4
.... 03
.... SI
Oman. i
St. l'iils ...
n !..'' sales were reimrted today:
Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 cars, Wc;
1 car, m No. S hard wiiitor: 1 car, tc;
7 cars. SUV; 1 2-A cars. SMe; 1 l-R est.. !i-.
No. 4 hard winter: 1 car. Mr; S cars. We;
cars. Mc; 1 car, 87c; 1 car. Sic. No. S
mixed durum: 1 car. W0e. Maniple: 1 car.
tc; 1 car. Me; 1 cars, Mc; 1 car, Rio; 1
cars, Soc; 4 cars. Tw; 1 cars, 111 ; I car,
7c 1 ear, 76a Corn No. 1 whlto; A 70c. No. I white: I car, VjC No. 1
yellow: 1 car. 714,o; 4 S--6 cars. 71c. N.
S yollow: 1 cars, 71c. No. 2 mixed: 11-6
cars. 70H-: 1 ear. K": 1 c' No- '
maed: 1 cars. c. Sample: 1 car. Mo.
Oats No. 8 white: 1 car. S3to; I car,
3ic; 4 e-irs, Mr. Uye No. S, 1 car.Wc.
t!" t est ve Sainol": 1 ear. IGc.
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 1 tur
key, W.u'p; No. 1 turkey, H04JI7.J No. 1
hard. 9iti"c; No. 1 hard, (Ui.fic: No. 4
hard 8 KMc. Corn: No. 1 white 6ifctf7)e;
No. 8 wh.te,9'4 v; No. 4 whl e, IWiW
lic; No. u white. tesHiOk"; No. white,
xMixHintc: No. 1 ye. low, 7l'.lHe: No. g
ye low, 70j71c; N. 4 yellow. fiH4if70r;
No. b ye low, 7W70Wc: No. yellow JP
fiWUr; No. 2 mixed. tiWfriSvsc; No. 1
mlid. RSVtTff'r; No. 4 mlxe 1. 681itii;r;
iJiuc finis: ko. 1 white. ifAtliWc; stand
No 4 mltca. r- m;eu. i-w 1
ard Ril-Tnil'e; No. 8 white, ih.t.i nc ; No.
4 wills, aatKUHo. Par.ey: Malting, fcx
Uc; No. 1 feed. 4.1&4c Rya: No. 1. It4
K; No. 8, S-C89C.
Peatares of te TradlsiiK Closlaaj
Prleea Board at Trad.
CHICAGO, Aug. 81 Wheat aoid down
to new low prices for the crop today on
liquidation and Ideal weather conditions.
Clnslnsr prices were 4c to 10 net lower,
I with September at W0 and December at
Wc. Corn followed wheat on gem ml
an. ling by local traders ana underwent
a nAt In.'. I In fw.l-V i Oatlt olnsit
strong at a net rise ot to V and J KANKAH CITY, Aug. 81. CATTTW Tie
provision Irrenular, 60 lower to 7Vio 1 ce'pts. 17.U0O head; market strong; prim
higher. . .
Kverybody seemed to have wheat to sell
at the opening of the market and prbes
t the atari were Quarter to 10 orr.
I'rlvate wire houses and commission
firms led the bear raid. Demoralisation
of the foreUn cxchanK situation ham
pered export conditions and an absence of
demand from abroad promptly lowered
values here. The market continued weak
for most of the session, the only excep
tion being a short period In the latter
part of the session when some who had
been early sellers took profits by buying
on the break, this causing a small rally.
Bears were helped In their domination
of the market by tha fact that the move
ment or spring wheat Is Increasing
ranldlv and threshing Is progressing well
I and Knowing larger yields titan first ex
Northwestern returns Indicate that In
Minnesota and the Dakotas the crop will
be about 291,000,000 bushels aa against 1I4,
Im.ij0 bushels last year. .
Corn under general selling followed
wheat downward throughout almost tho
entlio SHHSlon, a amail temporary rally
bflmr noted In the last half hour on a
covering spurt by ahorta. Country coro-
mission houses were buyers of new crop
: deliveries un a lower bi bib in ri'iio ml u
expert opinion that a record orop Is yet
puMsih'e. Oats showed notable atrength.
The break In other grains was offset
by purchasing pf September and De
cember by oaah houses and the market,
which had a weak opening, unchanged
to a quarter lower, rallied strongly after
noon and continued firm to the end.
Oood buvlng sent provisions up In all
lines except ribs. Pork was down at the
start on lower prices of hogs, but the
buying strengthened prices a little after
midday. Brisk demand helped lard.
C'tioistlons on futures range as follows;
Artie 111 Open. Hlxh.l Low. Iw. .Yes y
W heat I
Sept. 4H
Dec.. 621
Sept. n
Dec. IB1
Sept. 36
Doc. IjH
Sept. 11
Dec. 11 46
Sept. I 06
Oct.. 8 12
Sept. 1 12H
Oct.. 47
K 82 MS WH
73hI 71 S n T H
63S.I m U 63
SM, 86 SV4 86
11 40 1126 11 83 J U 12H
l6JVi U46 UU4 U61)4
1S 8 06 1 12 106
26 I UVi I 11'
1 16 I 97 1 27 I 12
47 1 42- 1 42 i 47Vj
Cash Prices Wheat: No. 1 red. 11.01 W
102w; No. 2 haid, 11.04V'I.06. Corn: No.
2 yellow, 7Hi0ic; oihers. nominal. Oalsi
No. 3 wnlte, 33ti14c-, standard, 4jc Hye!
No. 2, 94Vv4'.6c. Barley: 6uae. Tl.n
oihy: IS.WtoT.OA Clover: ll.ll4ll.i6. Pora:
113. 2 . lrd: 18.0,. Hlbs: 7..tj8 46.
EOOS bllghtly higher; reoelpts, 9,.21
cases; at mark, cases Included, iic; oral
twry tlrsts, 204Dc; firsts llu2lAp.
i:HEWli-L'n hanged; li
13 :; twins, 12tfulic; America, 13W
Ulc: long horns, U&14c.
BUTTfciU Higher; receipts, 11.112 tubs;
creameiy exiras. 2ic; extra firsts 14
24c; firsts. 2210; seconds. 2xMci
pack his siock. Hu20c.
pOTATUh.8 Bhai.e easier; receipts. 80
giants. 4.W; Mluneajta aud tarly Oa.o.
cars: jersey coDuiers. jrr.
T-?,-..uu.. VJi.'lkrf.tiiiln. A0rn43c.
i'OlL.TRV Firmer; alive fowls, 13t
15c; spnngs, lHfliio. .
Mlaaeapolls Grata Market.
Routember. 9HAc; Deceinlxr, 9c: .
1 hard 11.02; . o. 1 northern. 9cwUS.
FlJUR Unchanged.
HAKI.K.Y 464icc.
BHAN fao.oo. J1.
COKN No. 1 yellow, 74(C4Uc.
OATS No. I white, 82V(f33c.
Ji'LJt X-f .ilW
St. Loals (iraia Market.
ST. liOriB. Aug. 21. WHEAT No. 2
red, 11.09; No. 1 hard, nominal; September,
96-c; December. Wc.
CORN No. 2. 7ttfo; No. 1 white,
72V.C, September, wn-i; lecmler, uu,
OAT-No. 2, J2ft32c, No. 1 white,
Liverpool Grata Market.
No. 1 Manitoba, nut quoted; No. 2. lis
id; No. 3, lis 6Vid; No. - 1 northern lis 3d.
4'OllN Spot, American mixed, new.
Is lid.
toffee Market.
market for coffee futures oiened at ua
caanged to an advance of 4 points on a
If tie buying wh ch aoemel t omu
chle'ly from European sources, but soon
turned easier under trade selling and
scattering liquidation. Offerings were
probe bly en-ouraged by t o be ter
we- thar In Uras l a d the fur'her ia II a
i n... ....... . 1 A..l . u.1.1.
cember con racts eel Ing off to Use and
V'srch to 1 .inc. The cose was 7 t' It
Olnt net tower Baiea. ra.iw nags, oep-
tember 1.08c: October, l.'lo: November,
14c Pe ember .17c; January, ( 2e;
February, 1.26-; March, line; Ap II. llSc;
May 40c; June. 4e; July, 4 0c: Au
gust 1.64o. Spot OAilet. RIo No. T. 1c;
Santos No. 4, 9'c. Cost and freight of-
ery Irregular with the Bltus-
sed by the annoimal fltKtiia-
Klo and sterling rates. Wan
ton 4, we e rcoorted In the market at
t-MtiltfvV and Klo 7 rm said to U'i
to i. on lit &. Klo nrhiiue ni
Ixnd n Km 7-SM lower with mllrela
frce unchanged at Hio and l'V rein
il.ber at Hantos.
(isolations at the Day
NKW YOTtK. Aug. !U FlAMTrv-trreg-
IIBAT-Fpcl, easy; No. 1 red, 11.00'j
r. L I. .New oi k, prompt shipment, ami
No. 2 hard, 11. lot, c. I. f. New Tork, to
arrive: No 1 noitnern. lnuiitn. 17V. and
No. 1 northern, Manlt.ina, 4V-, ". f-
Itnfralo. Future. wmK;
11 0.'
DUN 8 not, easy; No. t yellow. 8Sc
ten dya.
fAi8 R-nt. nominal; No. t white, BfWi
42ti4.'.c, nominal.
iiaV- ..., No. 1, $10: No. !, II. Sc);
No S, 11. JO; snipping. II.HKii.16.
IUIS Julct; state, common to chl"-c.
im. chip, k . ; t m. nu4, i cr-p.
12 U-: 1913 croii. 9Ii lie
HIDK-Hieady; Hognta. 30i(f31c; Central
Ai. i I I- i..
1.KAT11KK- Firm; hemlock flrwts. 33c;
si- mills .HViiSIc,
PlHVlsuN8 Pork, firm; mess, $
tfi7.i-; famby. 0ViC2.0l; a.uiit clears,
l,v OiiJ'.hi. Hr, duli: mnw, li;.vin;
ami y. s Kinniiaj.w. Mm, iirin, iiuwn
YAI.I., ..-billet: rltv Rtlfc"-.; COUB-
..... 1UAI.... ......I.I ulAj
ilVrrKK-'Mrm. recel". 1R.4M tubs;
cn-uiiierv, estrss. 7Wff77ic; firsts. MtV
.'k : si conda. 23Wti4i'.
KH1K Xteady; riH-clpta, 21,9 cases;,
freh eathered, rstras, rT(fiJiW'; etr
first m, I'.VoMVic; firsts, Nf'Mc; seconds,
I'll KliSPWFIrm: welpts. T.ll boxes;
nlate, wh'iln milk, fre-sh, flats, white and
colored, specials. 13VtAic; same, aver.,U1.
aire fnnrv. t:trdl3Mc
POl' unsettlrd. Oressed,
firm; western frosen ronstlna chickens,
2iv: fresh fowK Iced, 1.14fl7Hc; fresh,
turkeys. Iced, Ibttlac.
Karsas f ilr Oral and PwtIhIihh,
3 hnnl. II r;tl.llt; No. 2 red, t.Hv1' l;
Soptemtier, !?; December, Sa'rttsifnie;
Miiv MSKilWV-
CORN No. I mixed. 7(V; No. 1 white.
;(.; Heptotrbo- ,.tt1ic; IVi-emher, b't
(lff-".v Mav. V.
0T? Ni. 2 white, JTiHaSe; No. 1 mixed.
PI 'TTFn Creamery. ?Tc; flrsta, 2iV
sen-r1 ""S"; parklna, lHc.
EOOS-n-ats, 21c; seconds, ISc.
POCI.THY liens, 12c; roostera, c;
broilers, 15c.
Omaha Hay Market.
OMAHA. Atia. .-HAY-Pralrie: Th
supply Is reduiMd from eighty ears on
Thursday down to sixty ears this morn
4n, Inrludlna today's receipts. There am
thirty cars on the Union Pacific, seven
teen on the Chicago A North Western,
eight oars of southern hay on the Mis
souri Pacific, five cars on the Huri'nr-
ton. Prices have been very low during
the last week, and are still In the same
condition and will be until the market Is
cleaned up. Following Is the range of
Choice upland, WMXWft 00; (must be
extra choice to bring I1O.001; No. 1. tmt
00; No. 1.!0O; No. 8, IR.tywiT -.
Choice midland. t.M: No. 1, l8.WrtUW(
No. 1, 17.00U.00; No. 8, Ift.OO'q 7.00. Choice
lowland 88.00: N". 1. 17.vOu7.7iO; No 8,
$!.0O-f-7.(0; No. S. 14.0O5W.OO.
STRAW-None on ttie market. Choice
wheat Is quotable at t&.OO.
ALFALFA One car on tha market
Very little demand excepting for No. 1
and choice. Nd. I is Quotable at tll ootf
11.60; No. 8. 1H.00i10.u0; No. 8. 1.00(8.00.
Kansas City Lire fttork Market.
fed a eer. !9. 0 dressed beef steers,
ti.Mil 26; western eteers, 17.tOfiR.76; Block
er and reeders rutnri.w;, ga.&jy
6.00; calves. 1.010.60.
HOOHHace pta. 9.000 head; market
lower: bulk of sales, 1H WVB7.&6; heavy. 1 76
;7.i; packers and butchers, tti.9Q7.G6;
light 17. Oitao; plKB. K.Ki)7.M.
SHEJFH AND lA M li. Receipt a. 1.000
head; market strong; lambs, IMOtM.oo;
yearlings. TJ1.U; walhera, i,60iiil l
ewes. lo.Ooifi6.74.
Klonx City Lire llwk Market.
RIOUX CITY, la., Aug. 81.-CATTL.K
Receipts, 1,200 head: market, steady; na
tive steora, 17.2Mr9.n0: cowg and heifers,
16 7T7. 0U; canners, 13.6W4.76; Blockers and
feeders, $5.00fi7.ft); calves, 17.604)10.00;
bulls, stags, etc.. 16.0000.
lions Receipts, I.OiiO head; market 6
1A 1. 1 .. V. . Eil- tfl 1'.
.il i; light, 1U16&4.1I6; bulk ot aales, fci.40
SHEEP AND IaAMBS Receipts, 1.000
hesd; mnrket. steady; ewes, (6.26(86.60;
lambs. I8 60.
t. Joseph I.It gtoek Market.
ceipts. 1,000 head: market steady to shad?
lower: steers. b.76T(.n- rows ana neuers,
13.7r4f0.00; calves, tH.OiKQ 10.26.
HOt JH Receipt s, 7,000 head; market
6c lower; top, 17.60; bulk Ot aales, to.60
SHEEP AND I.AMBB-RecelpH, 1,000
liead; mnrket steady; lambs, Ki.OOg.M.
Lire Block la fllafct.
Receipts of live itock at tha flvo prin
cipal western markets;
Cattle. Hoga Bheep.
St. Ixitils 7.0H0 S,(iO 6,500
Kansas City 17.0u0 9,(i0 l.OvK)
Chicago 4.0T10 16,ri0 14,000
Houx City 1"0 l.OiiO 1.01)0
South Omaha 7.6u0 6.0U0 84.OU0
Totala M.700 40,000 (1,600
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. 11. M ETA L8 Lead;
14.90. asked, bpelter: Not quoted. Copper:
Steady; electrolytic, tlS.OP. Iron: Hteady
and unchanged. Tin: Quiet, 131.16I&33.76.
At Iondon Copper: W lua; futures,
04 16s; electrolytic 84 10s. Tn: Soot,
mZlta 16s: futures. 161. . Antimony: si 126,
1ead: 21 7s (d. Spelter: 71.
agar Market.
NEW YORK, Aug. 11. -SUGAR Raw,
steady; centrifugal, 4 77c; molasses, 4c.
Futurti opened very quiet today and at
noon prices were a point above last
night's closing.
Dry (inoda Market.
Cotton good, steady; yarns firmer; si ks,
active; men's wear, flnn; dress goods. In
good demand; burlap, easier.
Moving Pictures of
Head-On Collision
'A Srw-Adwav Thrill. .j-1 K . Ki.n m.
lected for the name of a motion picture
to m uwn in winana ai inn auio speeu-
way on llor day by a film corporation.
Contracts have Just been signed by the
management of the head-on collision,
which wll be staged as tha climax to an
afternoon's program of racing events.
Several rameraa will be trained on the
scene of fiction
The picture la planned
to open wiin a bird s-eye view of Omaha
and vicinity, showing tha automobiles,
street cars and conveyances of all kinds
going toward the speedway, the head
quarters down town, crowds at the en
trance of tha speedway, the rpectators
assembled at the grounds and the move
Intents of the englnea from the time tho
i signal to start Is given by Colonel J. C.
Connolly to tho time they meet In the
gigantic amaah.up and la In piece, by tha
track with the crowd swarming about.
A Urge sign bearing the words, "Omaha
Auto Spoedwsy." Is being erected over tha
entrance by local boosters, and Inasmuch
as this picture will be shown In an the I
leading theatera of tha country, much I
good la expected to come of It.
Tha clerks transferred from the Short
Line and Oregon Washington railway
company offices at Salt I-ake City and
Portland, to tha Union Pacific bead-
quartera here, have commenced to arrive
'and have started work in the office of
. iU(ltt, Southard of naasenaer accounts.
When the tranafer Is eomplota, which will
be shortly after September 1, there will
ba something Ufa fifty additional man
here, moat of whom have families.
Cattle Receipts Large and Prices
Steady to Lower Lambs Plen
tiful. Generally Steady.
OMAHA Auguxt 31, Mli.
Receipts worn: Cattle H a. 8hin.
lli.loial Mnnilny III.. II
art s.a
Rntimatr. Titrxday T.uM
Two days this work. .17. fill W.iftv
Ran day last week...l4J ll.wa fc'J,7:i
Jan.e diiys i meeks ago 14 431 13.1K1 41,14
H me nays 3 weeks sho 12.J.S l..lhl J7..".
Sa e day- 4 aro 7.9il 10.41 5 2
Bame days last year. .14 2 U..1M 7il,al'
The fid utMn, tab.e snons t'ie receipts
of cattle, ho.s and si.ui ji at tho Omaha
live stork market f,,r tiie year to iato
as compaied wttn lust year:
i"15. t'.HI. tnc.
fa tie K4.i' 617.S31 1W.4:'4
Hogs 2,H ,7J l.i..,I4n 94i,7.-
..ep l,Hi,aiS l.fiVu,.! a.i
i iw toio.iig tau.? uu aeia4-
prices for hun at the iiiimlia stixk
market for the last few days, with fom-
I'm i iwons:
I 'ale. ) ins, jt4. j.1. jlHli. Wl t. ,l:Mil.!1w.
I ' i n AJi .. y
i " ( s us f Hi s jo i i
W 7 Jil 1 171 241 7:
! i l tan I
Aba. iv.i H .1
Am. i a 3414 1 ui 1 mi 1 mi g an 7 w
i II W I I l 1 Ul Ol
' Ai.. 2lj f 4H, Ml 7 W S 641 7 17) 7 4J
Auk z1 1 m 1 y a 111 7 a.i Mi
. v ( 7 wi; S wi 7 ii ! t c
rt a sfi s 7i
"l 6..S 7il 7 SI
Ml M I 1 '.81 f S7
27 6 M'i I 741 7 91
S l 7 W I 4t! I :
7 1UI
7 ni 7m 1 7i.
7 Li ' 8
8 an
I 8 U 7 Kt
IS (S.n.1 Mi 7 ttil 1 811 7 13 17 '
l 8 95 7 6 8 U, 7 1j 1 1
. 7r-, 7 W s 7 11. ii 7 t
all 9 00 18 2: 7 nil 7 77
Ca 1 Receipts were quite liberal
this moniin-, lj- ears beb.a reported.
'Una makes the total tor tne two Oh ye
this w 17.bil head, the laiesl ot auy
hlnular period siuco the oii.iiik ot tne
luiiKe atusuii, but sliKiitly smaller than
a year ago. Most oiuer market polnis
were fsriy well suppl.ed, ao that I tic
1 1 Mile here was a littiu Biow la opening,
buyers IxiinK ini-lincd to fed their way
twlore filling nruers Aa a gr rural thlnti
they started out blddltiK prices tst wero
a little hwcr than yenterday, although
they picked up a few of the better cattle
at what liKikid like steady prices.
In the end desirable beovea brought
prices that were steady to strong. There,
were no choice cornfeds here, but year
lings sold tip to 19.40. with ranee beeves
aa nlKh aa IS. 20. Common and Interior
kinds were slow to 10c lower.
Canner cows were about steady, but the
general run of killing cows ana heifers
were 1fUx! lower.
Desirable etockrrs and feeders com
manded about steady prices, while other
kinds were a little easier.
Uuotrtltnns on cattie: Oood to cholci
fett yearlings, !9.0U(r9.i&; fair to good fed
yearlings, t7.7Mr9.oii; common to fair fed
yearlings, SK.7UV7.7&; gold to choice heavy
bee ves. !S.7n4itt.X; fair to good corn fed
beeves. t.Ztt.7&; common to folr corn
fed beeves, 7.00(fg X; prima grass beeves.
K ldt r0; good to choice grass Deeves.
17 MkM.OO; fair to good graas b-ves, 17.25
f7.00; common to fair grass beeves, t.40
(17 ; good to rlvolie fed heifers, !7.00l!
1.60'. rood to choice fed cows. ttl.Mi'if7.:
good to choice grass heifers i 6iiii7.0O;
good to choice grsss row a KS.0Otrf.Si; falr
to good oown, 16.2f'(li.00; common to (alt
cows. MOO-a-V; good to choice feeders.
17.MHia.00; fair to gold feeders, !.70tf i.bO;
common to fair feedera, 16.60ijW.7O: stock
heifers. t.'..7Tvfil.7S; stock cows, (&.80ih.SO;
took calves, J6.60nill.00; veal calves, 1.3U&
10.00; bulls, slsgs, etc.. 10.01KU6.1&.
HOOH Kecelpts were very light, the
run of eighty-eight cars, or 6,I0 head,
being the smalleet for a Tuesday since
July is. Total tor tne two aays is oniy
. '- . "" . .V,
than Inst week, and 2,0"0 abort of the
"', AW last year. This U also the.
. smallest two days' run since the second
week of last November.
Shippers hnd orders for all the lights
there were on hand th a morning, and
prices were fully steady, to "oastbly h
little higher. A couple of bunches of
sorted hugs aold aa high as 17.66, w.tu
full loads again touching 17.60. Oood
butchera also came In for. their share of
attention, and sold on the same bas.a as
lights, that s steady to stronger.
Bulk of the Parkers' pun.-ii.ises was
made up at a range of 16.3Cti.66, with a
few good butchers on up, and a sprl tk
llng of I ghta all the day to the top.
Heavies and good I Hints are a little low, i.
nosHlhly os much as 6iti0o, than last
Saturday, while tha mixed and butcher
gradea are strong, and In many cases n
nickel above 'ast week's close.
PHHEP 8 uth Omsha receipts were the
latgest of any f tha ' Ig niarke a, and ac
coiding to eariy eat urates fiom o h-r
points, the local run was larger than ihc
comblned supplies of the other western
markets. Karly estimates culled for 83 Mi
head, but later this waa cut to 117 cars,
or 82.000 head. Total for the two days
Is 68.80H head, being lii.000 larger than
last week, and 27,700 heavier than two
weeks ago, but about 7,600 smaller than a
year ago. This la the largest M nday and
TuesdhT-Vun of the season. Besides all
this, today's run topped off the heaviest
August aupplles the local sheep market,
ever saw, almost 414,000 head having been
received here In tha last month.
As was natural with another heavy
run on hand, buyers were a little slow
in getting staited, and made early offers
on a somewhat essler basis. Sellerj, h
ever, set their mark at yesterdays prices.'
and by 10:80 a few atrlnga of lambs had
been cashed at about steady prices. On
the basis of the early as las. bulk of the
offerings waa again selling at W.Stxff 0.
with choica stock up to 1 00, yesterday's
best pile.
Feeding lambs brought good, ateady.
Prices tills morning, bulk of the desirable
kind selling around 11.36. Breeding ewe
were plentifully supplied, but were
cleaned up readily at t.gurea fully as good
aa yesterday's, more Irian one sale being
reported as high as 10.00. A bunch of
yearling ewes, the first to show up In
some time, touched 17.60, which la higher
even than most sellers predicted.
Big end of the mutton offerings again
consisted of ewes, which landrd In about
the aome notches as on Monday. The
best ones offered were real weighty and
so d at 16.70. but good handy we.gtiU can
still be quoted as high as 15.75.
Quotations on sheep snd lambs: T.amb.
good to choice, IS. 750.00; lambs, (air tn
good, 18.6otisi.76; lambs, feeders, 18.00b
1.4u; yeari.iias, fa r to choice, 16.76'(v6.7C :
yearllnga, feeders, lri.007.00; wethers,
fair to choice, 15.26m.?6: ewes, good to
rh' Ice, 16. 26416.76: ewes, fair to good, 14.2f.
CS.26; ewes, feeders, t4.504i6.36.
ateady lloas
Weak aad
; reipt", 4,iw head; market. eadraTvs.
c tiiguer; nutive neeves, i. l.vy
western steers, fo.Ha4Mi.BV; cows and helf-
era, H ItXriH.iio; calves. !8.26(i12.0i.
HOGS Receipts, 16.000 head; msrkel
weak and mostly VVtf lie 'lower; bulk or
sales, R&oful.&O; light, 17.3ucij7.'J6: mixed.
J . 40(117.70; heavy. $h.l.'; rough, tti.i&ti
.; Hks. 17.0ixg8.00.
SHEKP AND UAMBS Reoelirts. 14.00i
head; market steady to Kc higher,
wethers. Jo.Offj j.tji., ewes, 10.004, -i. 10; Uiiuij.
St. Louis Live Slack Market.
ST. LOT'lK, Aug. $1 CATTUE Re
cetts. 7 000 head; market lower; native
beef steers. 17.6(4(1010; ye..rllng steers ami
, riei era. sv:(l.u ; cows, tiviS.; stox-K-,
rs and leeders, Hi.ii n.J5: southern steers.
tC.UxiHi.rfi; cows and heitV-rs. 41.0mni.bJ,
i uative calves. W.'-u.i 11.10.
neceipis. win neaa; marxei
lower; iHk and llKh's. tT.axnT.H'j; mi veii
JJV wn''N,: "a ne"vr' 9lM
I SHHEP AND Re-celnts. 5.VI
' head; market lower; lambs. fS.u009.Oo;
,heeP and ewe-
WUl reduce Inflamed. Straloedl
Swollen Tendons, Ligaments;
Muscles or Bruises. Stops the
, lamaneas and pain from s Splint,
Mia uoce or none apavlo. Mo
blister, no hair gone. Horse can be
Died. 2 S bottle delivered. Describe
tVvai your rsse for special umructioa
and Book K Free,
AESQRBINE, JR., the antnntlc liniment lot
niankiud. keduecs Strained, Torn Uga
msnts, Enlariied Clanas, Veins m Missel rs.
lisals Cats, twmt, I lean. Allays pala. rraa
L 1 WahunlcM 4nkrairllTras. "4WIa,
p.r.lW)JiO,Mvf. mlaavitllrlnitvnsHKi