THE BEE; OMAHA, TUESDAY. M (U sf 31. l!l.. 9 for RKXT Hoaara aad Gordon Van Co. S N 11th TM r M or Hiir. ! r Maggarci's rsvare t tlmatrs for mov. tng, pacic...,, snipping. 1'oucUa 14(. 1!U Webater si J.CReed o.. 17 Farnam. moving, torn ge. I. 14. ron kent. Ntk. 19th St. 4-r. cnrtaa-a Mnl by i and ham. clo,Vln, tio " t. 6-r. cottage, VIC, 911 rhat. ig, .ll Capitol Aw., s-r.. mod ex XV O SIIRIVl. n 1047 Omaha Nat. Rink Pldg water, g&. modern, fine heat. I S. LniLJi V 1',!lm.-.S rooma. modern. IJ. tV Pv'- MBry room, bath. I i 1' No rooms, toilet il2.owi Call form a. roonuV. bath f K.WV-M9 So iSth. 4 tVomsaier MINOHALT, R R A V P E 1 S T H F. A Rlt.M. ESTATE SOUTH SIDE $200 Living room, d ntn mora. bed roonv kitchen and pantry on flrat floor; stair way to floored attli with complete ba.h room, electric lighta. ire, city water, cement basement, corner lot. lai feet on Mat arJ V. fwi on Pierce St; ono block, from car. 3Ui cash and ha an.- IX: per month. Located 1301 a Slat St. C. 0. CAHLBKRO. 311 Brandela Theater Bldg. ! GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Take. Big Slump, Better Grade Dropping" Tire to Four Cests ia Pries. OFF GRADES DDWN nVE CENTS REAL ESTATE VACAXT LA 0Y OWNEH Flrst-etaa Srttth Dakota land, will aell fr ca-h or trtde for clear city property In itond local Ion. Phone. Douglas 6302, or addraaa k l.-a K.. 3 01 Farnam, A beautiful building lot for jtmt bunga low or hnuae, 1 blk to car; price reeaon ah'e terma. owner, phone Wlnut 21. lota. One. 1 adjoin ng Ave. J. p. rOH HAI.n-Thre lota of Balaton Townaite Co. BUY a 7-r. m urrn H.inwom on rental r1 Te' Harney IKJX1. Park home OMMU, August , 1J16. Whrat takea n htg alutnp todav. th better grade ael In J4J40 lower, and off trade ee.,t ,g 6o lower. 1 orn reec ta ere ery heavy. IIS cira pen.g report, d In. Corn waa atrndy, aell Ina unchanaed to lower. The oata were ateaJy. aelllng unchanaed to Up lower. r.ventuallv much lower price for wheat muat be Been, na we now iliooitd uiKn the forelcner to ahaorh the iiurpl ia. Hr porta are th it the tMntunn i rm aoon ! otn and the .Momenta of m.nv mlillotia of buahela of wheat now held In miria. Clearancea of wheat and flour wrr eotiMi to i I aim K...w-t- and threa aharea buahe a; oata 193fti Lua.ieli. ' ! o. atnrk. HANS. Wl, . iv. - . j . f . I Bl GION. H30 Leavenworth 8U I Im .ry hi.t rWilpU .r. tmm ' uio ampmenta 1 o bu ha . HaMnat rerelpu of J.T .0tt buihela. and ! FIRA l E8TATB MIRrKI.l, NEOrS , Fi imarT w" e"pt were 1!7 1 . buah- e ana ini, mei ta Wi.on tut ela near 45d and WebMer Z3 rarnam. Red t4. II jer erate; -vaaket urates, ll.eJ per vrate, lioun.rwn vhOwa. tuKbl. LuMth tiKtun i rail, ji ii e-. 0 oer buuwu. Jijiii irui luii4 a i.uim wl fort (.ilium, 4o r in. t. ama iuuixw, v ai.iuraa mi.kii oiauU, ai4.aj atu, i7 per ul. cai.ioroM M.wwii Praiiu. IH.U..K, i. a. ier traie; Cai.lorui Miaa.un uiatiu. I .(-, wa: lo pr craiav taaiiruaugui, I'm' l'r id.. APtnea, imc iXT tu.. i..6 er but. VMiKTAHi.'.-t ui'baae, homegrown, IVtc per lb. II. ad II w par dj. I'epiMtra. We per Imam I. Leaf H ttuca, 50e per di.a. lom.tti.ea, market price. , olo.a 8,nl.h Il ia, per 8tiioav ia'Vweek" tlut crate, Ureen peaa. tk per baaket. a t u o.Vl wikaT. - and green tH-ana. "e per baaket. New i a.i.a ml j J teeta, r.rrota and turn. pa. per b.. 8 ,,. uay weaa ao J'SJ ket. New potatoea, ohloa. av per bu. day Uat ear?7..l" i4J """"'r , , m r ram-i inn i iu.iii, tao a e,.oa t'.e rwlpi. jier. iitiijw t i wu m omnia noa and al.ei'ii at ha Omaha Nl'Tft-No. 1 walnuta. lvj Ih. fllberta, , "v lH k maiket f,r tf' yaar to Jala IX- per II' ; urnaiia. ,. t prrjni. llltc toihiwh witfi laat year OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle ReceipU Larg-e ind Pricei Weak to Lower Ltunli Ten to Fifteen Lower. HOGS STEADYT0 TEN LOWER OMAHA, Auffuat . W nevaipu wata: Cattla. Hoav Bheen, 1 u) 1 Ul i.2J ..( .IS 1 '.1.2 1? 4i. m i I with the aatna dav laat nar Itumiiiia Jodny art a new record for tha year. -ln tha laraert atrew tha mtd.ile of laat Oetoher. Toilaya bla run made It al-noat certain that tha ravord foe Augnat n celi la would bn broken, and a run of anything over 104X4 havd tomorrow WIU turn tha trick. Ieplia tha liberal offerlnga on hand, all buyara atlll wanted latnha thla morn ing but It waa only natural laat they ahnuld want prtra redui-tlona. Sellera reallaed that under aalatlng oondltlona lowar valuna aeie lnanable ai d a i maile up their mlmla to e needa tha 10ul c dwline paekera were aaklng. Tha reault waa that aeveral atrlnga of lamba had been alarted aialeward In gmvi aeaao.t on the baala n unej. On paper prlcea abowed mora of a decline) than that quoted, but aa a ganeral thing qual.ty Waa not ao aood aa at luat waek'a rl I hen praciiTally everythin cloarej at p M Itiilk of tnday'a effirlnaa brought! w wmn, ana a rour-car at ring aat a NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Highly Profeuion&l Character Noteworthy Ftatare. u LOUDON EXCHANGE DECLINES pef lb.; almonds. JO lb. MlsrF.LI.AN KOI S Crackerjaek. I.V50 per rwi cornpopa. U2." Mr eraia, crark frfar. caa.. $1.7; rornpopa. U eaae. ji i-eanuta. rso. t raw. eo Jumbo, raw. 7c ner lb.; No. 1 o per lb.; Jumbo roaated. He, Honey, IS.7S T cae per lb roaated, per lb. htwrra and Offices. Very Desirable Printing Office Location with entrynce from Court of Poo Rui!dinf. 1000 to 1500 iquare feu Inquire Room 103 R. O. Uabcock. 8up't. C.CtOO auto aaiea room on Farnam St. err rraaonibe rent. Tel. Poug 4W. I HAVE a J-room gulte. wfll ha-e with om4 one. Prefer lawyer. IX 1177. lir.W YORK t.KMvlltl, MtRHRT t y li V .. Uk.U . .I.w. tm ..1.-J4..W Catfo ; - b..p ;. pricea lor hoMa at the Omaha atoTk 11I 6Ua.lVI l..,t In.-. 14 .It IX. J, 44., 4i After tha m.dilla of the forenoon there wer no new deveh pment. in tha fat Ian h tiade. alt ill h te np of J" 0 w ia P Id t vo or tlirea t mea atnr In tha day Mi.wmcot til tali- v i.rtlv nriii m i.f the butcher offertnga aro cleaned up be- liiarket tor ttio luat few daya. with Com-, .n,;1'"- , , . ,.. . lailMitia; I The demand for feeding Ian 77 .1 . . ' llnued very good and prl. ca w l'aia. wit. H, Mil 1 !.. i l-aa. m a eon- era nil v ateadv with laat week'a rl ae. b In united aa atronger In apo.e. kio t of t i.i de t aila feeder a aold around l3o whlln r eral a dot warn reported at nlah a e rem 1. 1 la t NKW York. Ana". -The noteworthy fi afire of tnday'a Irregular market waji Ita hlalr proreaalinil character. PuM c or aprrulatlv Intereat wa lesa pro nounced than at any tl-f alne tha rein Juatmrnt of rr-UoM wl'h 'lerm'nv and Pol manlp"latt"na ware th refir' 'ee effrrtlve. Fllmleatlon of a vrrv r-.nald-erablo part of tha Urro ahnrt Interea' In tha mora ttonular lauea al o am it, i derrlve he lo arrounf of a-ime of Its I recent ammunition. I Tl'a moal ir'-nl and d--rea-ng d--Velopmert vaa a further decline In -rhanae on Tonnn to the lowraf r-eo'd ye reported. IVmand Mlla on tendon fell to 4fl. aa aealn-' Kat week a lo ' ouotatlon of irz'i. The Parta cheek I weakened .1 centa to mt and 't'llan e I change alao fell perceptibly. Herman e I rhangn waa only al ghMv lower b it moat I other continental remittance vclje,i in , aympathy wlh tondon and Pnrla. . Karlv 'ealloa in etorka were marked hy mixed aalna and loiaea. th former I'lrnnminiunf. Lackawanna Steel waa lor i a... i i . . . . o k. r. w.. la?" 75.1 !!. tO " e a ana h I . mei ta 3S7 owl t it i MDn i i a ua- u i i i . . . ..... . j .. . a. n. win n waa I U" J I If II I mTi a or i. 1 1 no buahela and ahlpm nta ' XKW" YOIIK Am rn rt nim- Aug. a nuiti, i itdiu V "" r rmrr o vara we. a in tea in V ' , nin" or i a e- n Ha S I II II I of MftM bu-lo.a I at e4ir. i El-r ni im Vat cm a' ( 1,1 El -r ' 1 Wi J n J u J ft1 1 til T u rriU m' breeding and feeding ewea fi""0!" t roln '" h't" POfJJJ I T. Unary cat. rei-cU. ee i 4000) ' i l tU w It rr rtralwla A" ' S I It I " S m S? IJ ln tot thoir ahar, of alien Ion. 7,j.7 T"1?.Vf7lp"nr ,T '"J? !,L... v.- a .k 1 " ahlpment 1 44' () h tahrl t , 14 OiS lrt Imth new Af. II S I 3 I U V I i I til ' The a w, a good tepreentaloi of !.f in R" "ehlevetl a almtlar d'atl,.- bclJvarel 7 wSrf r?mh05 ffnifioS recelrta of llo bu-htl iii It r. T-no w'c.ik' No ltd U ott -? M " S ! ?; 1 J ? 1 ! M ) 'Ji r the 1 ro I ht vood Im !l0.n- prr"mb.1'' -nnec I m with a l-tTnrt;mMTaymerrdo'.rd haN , """-nl. of I bu. ktV-r r. I rXwk.aM.Wi l Ml S L I Si '."lll'S LTS.V"1' " " "" ' M tl'1' U M1"C" nc monthly, miarter.y or half-yrarlr CARLOT RkCltm liard, II. Ur. c. I. f. New York, to arrive, A 1 4 VfcJ I ki ? wU 041 T V) 7 4 Vwe, made un practically fa entire w"' ' ehareg and fertlMaera were puahed U.m buya a 1-r. modern horn, on W Lfci,... Wheat Com. Oata "'- rail; No I northern. Out utn. U) i,, ,4, I 04 1 . I Mi mu.w ,m!$ 'Thraar,, little a'oarT ' 17"., Tt7.W.M PmJde .racost .n rma to ault -g e..y; No. , ycl.ow. ten $ ; g g ;V .S rrin" wVS 1." 'SfW1' Tel. P. ad. 1047 On.aha Nit Hank Bldg. ;,nnlpe HAY-lv'uk- No 1 It 40' No tllUl"- W M lai .l T W ILAILWAY TIME CARD I Alt' at At iraik aail hleairo NortaTeatera NORTH. laaaa. nantnim. WAREHOrSE-TRACKAOK. ' Part or all of one floor in large flve tory brick building. lrge frelht ele. rator. Addrcaa J 189, Hee. WANTED TO Ed fwla City Sipreaa.. lkota ruHoi ., aioua city Local ... ailuiiaaDO.ta Kkiiiwal Tata City Llmilat. Dravar gpaelal .... Carroll thecal Itaakaya Eiptraa .. Chk-afo Lca4 Cangll Local Cticaca 4weUI KA0T. rMvart ...a i : am .. k J:6 am ...a a:M tm ...a w pot .a . pai a l .ia) aw a 7:t am at.:aa 91a a . pra :W am W ANTED To buy 1-foot jewelera' wall taae, oak finiah and A-l condition. Jd drcaa Y C87. Bee. OFFICE furniture bought and aold. r. Kred 1307 Farnam. Dour. ul4. l''GIIT prc,.g for old clothing. D.;i4 Yalo buy e.erytrTnTnTluIiuirTveTri5r REAL ESTATE! FARM A: UAc ll tAMn polk lALW HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALE? Mtite a good dceciipilon of your Und and send t to the Sluu City. la.. Journal, "Iowa's Moat Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five words every Friday evening. Kaluiduy morning und every Faturday even ng and funday mornlnif fjr one month, giving alxtecn ada on twelve different dnya tor 12; or 60 worda, J4. or 7S worda, IB. Largest circulation of any Iowa newa !per, u,U reader dally In four great atatea. . C'allforala. lMve Oak Colonic!, none better. W. T. Simth Co.. i-14 City Nat. Bk. D. 19. -a am ..a 4.94 pa lw, taa r raocivisi ij nil lad al. a. am t Ocarlaod Lmltaa a 4. .m Orcaaa-Waauiuaioa uaim..t H:U ui ima Aogelaa iaiitaa .a k.aa ym waaT. Cbafroa atfaal a 1:14 am ,tncola-ialiaa .a 1: am LtLcolD-Leug rtaa -a I li am iiaMtuaa-Bupartor k pta Uudauoa-riut aprlaa ...... a pui tMr-Uiuw 4k a .j am .. wlaaam Omake-St. Urit Bipraaa..a 4:M at an aaa traaa a 1 :ul lama fcli Oirrlan4 Um'tet .... ral.lornla Mall Omaha Vipnaa Atiaata kanraaa Uoa Angaiaa Llmlta4.. 4.0101 a4a MP"" Colurada 8palal taa r niB iaoa Umltad facKM Umlia4 ...... Orvaoo-Waablaauta LI honk Plana Local... Oiaa4 Uland Looai... guoaMbara Looat rhlrn'O Umltad Cktoaia Eioraaa Albiun-Oakdala , lklcao. V at, parlfle Umltad a T:4 pa (t loaa a Hpnolal alpm ipicaiu 3arllM Bpacial a J;l am c-alltornla Mall a t:M pia Marllla uocai m aia a am a 4 ta am a t:4i pm ail j am a am . a T:4 am I a a.M pm all:M pm a !: pm ai a aa ll:ll aia:U am a 1:u am am .c, j ara. njo; 2 rata. 84c; 1 cars. Me; uc 'i c,u Wc- cars. k:; 1 car (heating). c; 1 car (heating). ".He; 1 car. (heating). 7Sc; 1 cur, 7S-i 1 cur thot), 7uc. OnU 8 anuurd: 1 car, ttiVfro. No. 3 wh.te: 45 cars, 34i,c; I cars, livjc: I cara. 4c. No. 4 white: cara 33c. cara. S3c. Sample: 1 car. ;4o; 1 car. i-'c; 1 car. JBc;,.:0c 1 ,ar- 30r- Hy?; No. 4: I car (.. KlC. Com No. 1 Bll.lla- 1 n a 1. wn ,e: cars, 71'c; 1 oar, Wo. No. wince; 1 car. iUc ."So. cars, 72c. No. i yellow ino. s mixed: 2 cara, 7iyc; 3 cars, 71Vc; 8 care, 71c. No. 1 mixed: 8 cara. 71c. Na. 6 mixed: 1 oar, 7ttldr-. No. mixed: 1 car, 71 Vc: 1 car, 71c: 1 cur, "TO; c; 1 car. 70a Sample: 1 car (wheat mixed). 70V. 1 car. 71-140; 1 car. 67fce; 1 car, 7c; 1 car (hot), 64c. Omaha Caah Price a-Wheat : No. I tur Kev, f)c1.13: No. I turkey, lcjl 12; No. 1 hard. II Ofrl.10: No. 1 bard uacihi na- I No. 4 hard. W)ci8107; No. t spring. I1.ik8 J,:,:"'' 1. LNui' Prn". 94vJllO&; No. I durum, MTi fl No. 8 durum, 64i9hc. Corn: No. 3 4 4 JZ nh,Ul! "fr"": No. 3 white. r.VTlHo; a a:M pS 1 white. 71tfTiwc: No. t white. 70,i am ,lip! No. C white, 7O70U.c; No. 1 yellow. . -r,n,c No. 8 yellow. 72V4t'72V4.c: No. 4 am aL.515 No. yellow hHf74c: No I mlxatl. "TOuc; No. 8 mixed. 70(ti71c: No. 4 imixea. wvivo; No. 6 mixed. 70V,i170 'c: !V. a mixed. 70fl70Vic Oata Kt. 2 white, 3i,,T344C- ptandard, 34V(hMc; No. 3 white. S44YS4VC; No. 4 white, 3y34". Birley: Malt ng. 60Wc; No. 1 feed. 4;tfn: 4c Rye; No. 2. 87(r90c: No. I. 82nrK9c. hemlock first, 32c; An erlca. LKATHKR Firm ecotida, mnillc. PROVISIONS Pork. atendy: meaa, l.r)H17 OU; fiimlly. ISm'M'.'J.ou; short rleaia. If. WiLi.'O. HiCi, dul ; mesa. Hi 6) 4il80c: laitnly. H'0 M.Jo. Laid, ateady; mlin.l west, SSMtil.lO. TALLi W yulet: tlty, 6H564o: eoun tiy ,t'il;,tlc: aueclal, H'tc MIJTTKR Firiner; receipts, tuba; rlf-'c; Iirata, itjji'.c; nc, leatemay'T.t CAR LOTS. t a tlj.llcxta.. hern.H'r's, i .o.-.-r.t.ii.iier: n receipt . 11. 2A9 cnaea: fnah M1II11 r. . eMtrna. 2,ti2'; extra firaia. .uni-ti -.c; iirnta, second Xii'ac. t'HKKSK-KIrm; recelpla. l.iM boxea; state, whole milk, freah, flats, while ami colored, sicia.s. LIV" 1Svo; atate. wholu mi.k, firi.11. Half, white ai.d colored, av ciokc fnloy, 12c. I'tJI'LTRV-Allve, prices not quoted. Hreaaed ateady: weaiern frosen roaat Ing chickens, k; freah fowla. Iced, II He; freaii tutkea. Iced. liiylSc. Minneapolis Grata Market. J.;.. M. Bt P li 1 1 v. n oaan Mlaaouil Paclllu .... 6J 10. W , 4... et N. W east... 7 I 4'. A N. W , a eat.. 114 31 Jrt I C. tt P., M. A O.. 10 ; C, II. A Q . rant... 1 C. U. ot CJ.. ct..l(U 7 17 C., R. I. A P.. eant.. 7 4.. lliinoia cemral 7 Chicago Ut. West.. 10 2 1 yearllnga fe-ders, l OOJiT (; wethers. fair to choice 8,.tftT4.: ewea. good to rh-Ice, If. Jii,rtfi.i6; ewea. fair to good. 47ft SR. ewea. feedera. 14.1&4T4 7k. 11 Ki-preaentative salea: No. Av. J 17 native lamba M lil neder lamna, Idaho bl J 7. feeder l.uiui, 1, aho U 1 lftO boutn l'akota btedl.ig ewea at Total receipts.... HO 40 UlSt'OhlTlOV-HKAL t attle, iiciga IV 10 Pr. I 7(1 8 f 8 M U ....all i am a 4:M pm all:. am al:W am all:. am .tea..ait M am a l u am a l b pm ......ail il m .a 1:49 am O ki a Mam a f .4 pm - am a I HNK lalaaa av IOWA - BARGAIN Want-to move to Omaha." Have house ' t'ki.asa Nh i. :IJ " In East Dea Moines, near In lo. g,,od Mo'h.' SaT.T ! la! S!!. !". ?, barn two good shed... brl .k clilcken Cfcteatc-Nabraaka 4 4 pm a :M 4.Uttat Art. Heek MoauUIr Umltad.. i t ica so Local Paansr...., Olcaao Da. IP Kapraaa..,. a 1:44 am ' ai:. m a 4:M p a ; PZ 4 v pm a l:j am "( i-.'p 1 CHICAGO CltAllf IND FROYI9IO!l a sin pm ' .. . a i4:4aea Fat-ejB of tha Troalna: and CloatasT m j Prlre. an Board of Trade. I CHICAOOl Ana- anWiaat mniA tn the lowest figures of the cro- today on heavy liquidation and lark cf spot The market cloned weak at a loaa nf 2 to i. with beptembar at 85iic and Decem ber at 'He. A gereral opinion ti at fear of early froat damtge to com In tha northweat waa not well founded lowered aalue on that ce-eil after a strong open- nt. ine market cpaei eav to a ahadi MINNKAPOLIM. Minn.. Wll EAT Set temlwr, iTc; ;Sc: No. 1 hard, 11.03,; No B.'acTtJl.lCTi. FI Xs 1 : 1 1 l.' n cha n irad. P.XRLKV idtK'ic. KYfc.-4Kti9r-c. l.UAN-4-V.iO. CORN No. 8 vcllow, ltmi OATH No. 3 white. Zhaiic KLAX-ll.eVHtjl.'lVk. Aug. So. December, 1 northern. Kanana City Orala and Provlalona. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Aug U.-WIIK T No. 1 hard, tl.04trl.t0; No. I red. 11.11 tj'1.13; September, W'c; December, 90 o; tity di'vtiMVc. t oit.N rso. Morrta A Co , Hwlft & Co 1 1. udnhy Packing Co I Armour A Co ' J. W. Murphy IJncoln I a King Co n. o. PackL.g ro Cut. any, country "W. H, Vanaant Co Ucnton, Vanaant A L... Hill A Ifon K H. Iwla Huaton A Co J. B. Root A Co J. H. Bulla I V. Huas Roarnstock Bros K. O. Kelljgg werthelmer A Degen... H. F. Haml ton ?uMlvan Bros lothaihlld. J. Kreb.... Mo A Kan. Calf Co Christie Hlgglns Roth Meyers Smith am Paal . 11:11 am 1:41 am all I . am a I t am ail:a am 3 mixed. TOHc: No. 1 white. ' n ?ZZ ' ,. " - i.i.. ' i'11''".-. , viiii-, wwuiuvr, vayailp ua:; May, blSr. BL''i l ciamcry,a7e; firsta, Ko; aei onda, i.ic; packing, 19it". EC.(4S Klrata, ; aecot ds, ldo. PfULTUY llena, 1& : rooatars, to; broil era. luc. s 1:4 am .Dlf:. am s:s a.a hlather at 7IV,o for Beptamber and b3mtD I IWSkc for Dexi mbcr. Oata f nialiod at a .V'-."' 1:44 pm T of. wro to and nnvis ons , ail at bl4 M pm a : , at Pm liuuao (will leave t..e chickena In I.), a l t. r e lots facing east good location, two mock from car, not too do e to town, tuii.a will sell cheap tor eaoh, will make arrangement for pay Address O 945. Bee. I E A y MONEY-AUalfa land, 820 acrva, 4 1 mile or town; good linpruvem nta lant general merchand se stock. J. Ten Jiant, rec.iiltles Bid j.. Des Mo.nes. FOR SALE. 130-arre Improved pasture land, r , Council Bluf fa, . at ISO per aero, sulti for fruit and garden, well watered. WUT. CM, -Nob. Llmlte to Llai-ola a 4:t am a l:: am (clcra4 aiitoraia aip....a i.aa pm a (: pm rmlallOrTIi waa aw-w. aaa a wm BBa , Boekp Mouatala Utslum aU:ll pm Twin Cltr umiiaa a a:aa pm Tain Cltr Kipraaa a : am Cbtcaia Sipraa 4.S4 pm ttiaaourl facitlo C, t t I Bxpraas a 4:44 am U r a St. 1- Kaprcaa. a l:l pm K. C) a tt. raal a l:i am ble Day & Hess Co., lamriBi., council Biurrs, la. el M am a 14 am a l:t am a 4 M p. I 4U ti a 7:41 is a im m a liat pa BtRLI!HOTi kiAl'luN-ratk avaa Maaoa. BaMlntTtaa LINKS WBtT. Uapari. DaaTsr Lira lead a :) aa habraaka Uocal (OSta Nabraaka tiprew a I.L am Lincoln Local b 1 M pm Laulawllla-bchuvlar b t.W pm Icorckwcat. H ack Hllla. Mu tana ana Wathlnstna a 4:11 pa atatricc. Hamlats aad 0raa4 lalaa a 4:14 em i Daatai-Caiiiornla a 4.1 pm 1 Haai.nsa-Uraaa Itlaaa a4:-pm . ljbcoIo Local ........... a t : pu Caloiadoai.iamiav. nana. Cblcaf aad llllaol s T:14 sm (uwa local ..................a 4:1a am Platumoutb-Pacirto Junct....a 1:3 pm piatt.mouth-Hacllla pm (-raatoa Local k I I. pm Cblcaso Kapraaa a 1:4a pm 46 mile from Minneapolis, t y' ... i.iinoia 1 1UWII, IIN . ' I r. n UIIUCI I WW I II. Kansas cur"- - im am St. Loola. Mo ... a 4:18 pm dakta. JF TAKEN before heptember 10, 200 acres on river bottom, one mjle from gooa rahroad town, eight from ; county seat Orchard, trame barn, sod house, all fenced. Cheapest land In Custer county. 6. B. Mcivtnty, Ansley. 1 FuK BALli 2oV-acre farm in 6emlil Co., Idaho, t from R. R. and postof floe; lit) A. under oulUvallon; luu tona hay. 6 A. ln grain. 1 A. In potatoes, 3o heal of cattle, 18 horvs, ail machlaery and implements; Io7.00 per acre, Inc.unlng vvrytnuig. For particulars, address K. O tarnaworth. Plllon. Montana. Viaaniili. 43 ACRES. one mi.e from town; 1KU acrea uuuer cultivation; baJanoe used for pasture; can practically all be cuit.vated; heavy soil. Good set buildings, cunsiating of a rootn house, large twin, grbiian. corn 1 ciiDi, winttniins. etc.; ti.e lanci win pro duce CO uushe, of corn per acre; tela pnone In bouaa, country thick. y settled; complete aet of machinery; T7 head of stock, consisting of 11 cows, balance 1 and Z-year-oida; aix good horaea, 2a hogs, Cliioaena, one-naif nf this year's crop and everything on the farm noes al tut) aa acre, half cam. tfchwab Brua.. 102k Ply mouth U da , idlmicapolia. Mum tianaaa cii-a. k m a a fc mlf. a oiaaa. Arrlea a :u aa a 4:i pa a 4: m b bias am ki:j am a tM ,m (11:11 pm a :9 pm pm a IA pm a 1:14 aa a Tat aa Vl'ta'am 14 pm 411 :0 am ' am a :iai al: 41 am a 4 :00 am mn mm a a . at am cloned at a ran ire of SVc higher. Tre hear'h effect of lower northwest-, em and aotrthweenem market waa f. It aeon after the wheat market here opened. ' Though t' flrat figure, on a rush of eort huvle; went to rrore than lc oven the previous close, the strength was lost rll-o.t l"-d-' end c .,d a fcv 1 '' ralliea trloea gradually weakened till th cl .ae. r. .o a-1.1.14 waa inljeel bv rumora which eould not h. fnnriimMi in the sfia-htewt decree that Canada was aco- to lift the duty from wheat. Wheat waa alao under bemr'h preaaure owln to the weakening o' M nn"ano'la tremluma to a 10M5c decline, (l.-neral ae In poon ' l owed and the m-ri'et t' en became alurglsh. A bearish fenture of welvht wna also felt In ore.ll:-tioni I t fa'r and warmer weather In th.s country ard f anada. O n nf quntat'ona showed a net gain for com of 44c to IV, the chief re is in for the upturn belnv fro's In Iowa and Nebraska. Rerorta of carnage were lnt,. m'-ch mlnlml-'ed and bv the encntetlo set lng by some strong houaea the mtr et brake siarulv from the open'n flprurea and with a few small and brlof mil es on short buying- pr -es continued d" irree'c the lowering w'-eat va lies show In; their sympathetic effe t on corn, par ticu art In the last half of the aeaa'on. bnort a'KIng and grne-ai iiqu'dTC Liverpool Grata Market. LIVTCKPtX.L. Aug. . H IvAT-8it. Manitoba, lis 7d; No. 2, Ua bVii; lis S-d. No. 1 northern Duluih, ,d. CoK.V Kpot, quiet; American, mixed, new. as Ud F1oun Winter pat.nt, 41 d, IIOI- ti it 1. I'N In lxndon: Pacific coo at, 1 16 11 I Ht. ton 'a Grain Market. FT. LOTUS, Aug. 80-WHEAT No. I rod 11.1641 1 .0; No I hard, nominal; bep temtier, :i7L,t; December. 9 ,Wi'ic CORVN,. 2, Ur; No. V .vhlta. 74Vt 7 c; heptembtr, .'INiC. Poceinber, 60'vc OATn-No. i, 3' jif M -i.:; No. 8 whit, nomimil. 1 Coffee Market. NEW YORK Aug. 80 COFiTEB-naport that leg a.allon uut..orLiu tha Uaua of ..cte. tj me amount if ;io ,(XK) conte In arid 1 rovlilniK for vuli rlsntiiig u ana lnui been si ned by ti.e president, wa f I lowe . by ruicr tnoic aggrsslv bull sup, ort In the market for coffee future ti the o,k nlnK he n today, ha.ort of re 1 pki raiiiH and alt tly lower temjera ture ln Hui 1 a to heii e.l t e Inl al ad v..nce of fr m s t I point., bu. t it u In ' aeemed to enme almoat ant rely 4. om one or t o trokt ra. with no ndl ta on of any get:e-iil support, and pr i lt-r eased off under, closing 8 o li point n t ioer or a 0..111I a .av for 1 ecem er. taliH, ii,l baa; ewplemiMr. l.t't l.&CM Ml H 133 4H 141 141 1.11 8.4 lit lis IK,' MM m 1.7 1(4 5 7 1 21 1 W 130 84 8 m 4.. 413 .SX ghee -ep. 3 I04 b,7.o 1.13 A.vl 843 C1I1CAOO LIVR STUCK MARKET d i-II. Pnllrd h'tatea FteeT. wh le the tmaf active atoek manl'eated heaviness, aell In down to 7u and cloalrg at 7."i4a. a net j l' ' of . Totul sale amounted to TK.oun An Increase of fnrelgn ee'llnv featur-d tha day s trading In bonda. which rnweu fr-m IrrcMilar to h-vv To'al pah-a, pai '", aaaiegatea HZi.nn. t tilled Mtatee bonda were unchanged on Cill. Alaska Onl4 TIM Ilia M I Amarii-aa iwt ftiurar Its j Amarlaan Caa 11 oo smart. a P.f,, t I01 t sua Cattla -Iloara ateady ta lllgke Weak gbeep Lower. CHICAOO. Aug. 80, ("ATTLH3 Re colplH. lH,Oi0 head: mnrket, ateady to loo hlKier; raivra. lower; native beevea, ril.iiinlU.lO: western ateera, IS.)bUrtt.l4; cowa and helfera. 83.1O&8.80; calvaa, IHKIH-Recelpta, S7,fln0 head: market. closed weak, mostly lOo iowr: bulk. fa a.nn.nii: light 87 M: mixed. 84t. ..., heavy. JH.a5Hj7.6u; rough, tb.Z4lt0; I 0l-an NoenaMna l 7.ll0t) 00. I klae Copear PltRKP AND LAMRR Receipt. 18,000 fV',,," ral Iron.. head: market rrneraJIv Kl-oloo lower: 1 OraiHa. wnthera L' Sofia KO: II lM III' ,D"'W v. .... v, - it "- t v rw ava w 1 aaa mw lambs, 7.(4f.40. A marl nan g. ft. pM. Am.riraa auaar Rfftn... Amartean Trl. A Tel.,.. Amartran Tohaooo Anaranoa Mima Atohlana . Italtlniora a Ohio Brook lya parl't Tranalt rallt-rnla rmlaum ... Canaillaa faain rantral luii.r Oieaaraafce a Ohio., 1 I tiloarn, (it. Weslara.. 1 r.i cj.i . m . 1.1 1 in IM) M una 1 'aa . 4 VD lew 4 10 l.u 4.) a I.7M l"7 i';i in "tiH hv!4 lc, IMS 4H 4' 1 l 1 It Tl" 101 Vb IV, 44 m l o e i m 1 .... Kaaaaa Cltr Llv Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Mo. Aug. SO CATTLB Ricclpta, 13,0 4) head: market loer; pr me fed atec-a, 't.3:f .76; d reaped beef steers 17 71170.111: wa.'arn iH ri 17.071 8 0: (trcker and feeder, 14,0 Oi.00 bulls, IRlifit.A: caves, t.0t!'luM. . HOUS Recel t", f. 4) head: market, m-er; bulk of aalea, I'.lnfJ. 0; heavy, 14.76 4i7 8.S; 110 11 and butcher. c7.0cO .6); light t7.0lJ7.8V pig, gil.TctPT 10. KIIEKH AND LA MII8-K. alpta, 11,009 H. n. ant., nacuritlaa , head: markat Inner; lamba. .... liea llngi. tt.40tp7.0o; wether. . tu V O J bU. UlStllll Pla .. Oiaral Bliiris 0-at Nofiharn. afil Orwtt Northeni Ora etfa., Onaaeahetm PNplorattoa., Illlnala Canlral I IM.ri. rmiah Mt., pf4.. I faaalmfloa Oaeaer BItaraottonaj Haraaalar.., rana'e rita, rTnuthar . Mak Vallar tvHilavtlt A W..K.III. I Maiteaa Patra'tua I Miami Ootpt ,. Mo., Kaa. a Taa..i.... I.iee 4,40) 4.T00 II. M I 111 1 tl 4 ! I. TOO lir tm 14 00 47 U 114 llk 4 44 "1 l'l 144 H 1 HO 17 It; t. ST. Loots Llv atoek Market. IOriS, Aug. SO CATTLE Ra- John Harvey rcener I Hum A Franc la. Other buyer m .... 18.12 -I"'"-" v.""."'. L. "iP'. K hel market low-; native CA1 1 CEReoelpt. were very largt thl t ,.eers 17 roifi 0 00; yearll-i" steer ani moin.iiif, sua lata iwlng repot ud lit. Thl heifer. l1.t04VP.00: cows, H.0U4JS.0O; stock- l" ;- run lor a Monday onuo .,. and feeders. I4.O01W !; southern two w.;k ago, but Is ainaller a year a'ea a, tt ..Wij cows and he:r, I 0J ago by over 3,01 head, other n.a. ke. ai I ro native calves. M.C0C 11 41. Polnta wet heavily loaded with cattla . Hons Receipt. 1.700 he-d: market ..I. a.iwiiura 1 u. ui 111 aa hualng more or lea ile-Hm. A a re- 84 :"8t).o0; 1 Mlaaoarl Pas'ft wore iiioiruaiiciicni m r w.-riiiB ' ' I tl 15c; October. 6.2m-: Nov. (inner. ') : 1 iira. irieouiu-i, wnii pi uiui r ai.ig ' ec.icg -aivri, ni.acfrj.un; veal ceice, li.uotr 110 1 about t.50o to 11.61M for Ba ito 4a j 10 00; hull, slag, etc, I5.00fj4t.afj, ut d aroui d 1 8J0 for Rio 7. Rio axchanga Rapreentatlve aalesi pork comnaratKely steady, on and rlba. I rd rem I nit t Pork lost from 13c to 27 Vio. Co a'lnns on ruture range aa ft'lowa uit tha mat ket her wa alow and late oeiore oiwiiiug, and It waa well along toward micday before enough budnaas had ben dono to really tlx prices, buy er aiarted out, howaver, b.ddlng price that war anywhere from weak to lou or more lower on piacticnlly all kind. W hn buyer and aeller got down to business cornfed brave changed hands at prlcea that ni l not show much change aa compared with laat Keek, In the. main about stiady. The bea, yearlltiKS here sold up to 19.76. Western beeves aer weak to 10c lower. Toe general run of butcher atoek. that la, cowa, heifer, ate, were steady to lic- low.r aim lha same waa true of atockera and feeder. Ouotatlon on cattle: Good to choice fed, 9 0vraV70; fair to good fed yearling. l7.7fvb,9.oo; commo'i to fair fed yearling. l.7H(i7.J6; go. d to choice heavy heevaa. M.7MJ0.26; fair to good cornfed brecea, 88 2.VW8 7&; common to fiilr corn fed breve. Il.ornjk 26; prltnu grass heeve. K.10f.'0; good to choice graaa lieecea 17 (i 00; fair lo goi d gruaa hcevea, tl.2f 4)7 40; common to fair gras beeves. i.40 r7.J6: good to choice fed heifer. li'.Omf 60; good to choice fed cows, tti.WwiV.iio, good to choice grass heifers ; Hfiil 0": good tt choice graaa cowa.; fair to good cow, Ifc.avtit 0U; commoti to fair cows. I4 0tv&.1.; aiood lo choice feeders. fair to goid feedara 8i'..7ia1W.M); common to fair feedera. 85.tOfM.7o; stock neirers. .; itock cow. 86.60141.50: lower: pig and llgM, f7. 04T7.ui; ml el ard butchers, 17.Nxd)7.ka good heavy, 17 33 4U7.T0. SHEFP AND TA MRS Receipts, 1 1"0 head: market lower: lambs, ld.OD4J9.UI; heep and ewes, 8V6OI1I 60. Klon fitv Llv Block Market. ftlOl'X CTTY. la.. Altar. 90 TATTLrO- .1 . . KVI I. I . I. . 1,1 .rt .. I . . .u . . imti viiia. v.. iia-', !'. ... .vit. v" 1' 1 , man ra'lve steers, n.ZnTweo: cowa and neirer. . Weatara Unloa n.2"ifi 60; atockera anrf f-eders, d. lOjfl.OO; ! Waatlnsboiiaa Rlactrt bi ll- slugs etc., .i.2ftTru.7u. I Montana Power HOO.-4 Recelnta I'M head: market ft I'ruelbla Ileal ' 15c lower; heavy 8d.mir7.40; mixed. . 40r env light, t6.tmi.t0; bulk of soles, rt.SoO , 6.70. HIIEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts, 20 ' . lirau. National 1a4 Navada CVneor Now Tsrk Oateal H T.. N. II H Natfi.f d Weaisra Ktarihom PSein yaeirte Mall raetflo Tal. A Tl. ...... , renaaalaaal Pat ConaolKatsd Coppar. ; Tcaailln Kaeuttlle troa A Btaol... I Hack li'aad Ce , tt k Man Co., aft...., ! PI. I. A a. r , 84 pfd.. j rVtiithar taetfl I ftouthara ItcPwaf 1 Tenaaoaa roaar 1 Toss Ompsair Ifnloa raairit , rlni rarlfle, efd t'nlt4 atalaa Htaal I I'mtrt Hlaraa Waal, rian i appar , wabaaji. pra. t.'M I v 11 I.K l 1. re 1 41 I '00 an) t.ano I n 704 14. ro 4 w 11.01)7 pM. a. .Ia..nk f ive arV Me'e PT. JOBE"7t. Mo. Aug 30 CATTLW Iteceipts 4 iv peaa; markst dull ai low er1 steers. 7.i't) 7Ti: "ows and hclfe 4.'"1 -al ea. f " '"lO.". H04IS Rei-nli fa, stOfi hend: market 1v lower; top, 17.00: bulk of salea ll.tOff 'BMBWP AND LAMBS Receipt 4 00D head; market K'c lower; lamba, IK.Ountou Allla-chalraan Hathlaham ataal Amarloaa loatlv Oaaoral Motor bald w la Locomollv , C. H. I. A r Total tor Iks tap, 7IT.4M shsraa. I 401 I to . IM .175.' 0) . 4 1 4 . II to) . 7. 100 tm . 7 lot . I.ooi . 17,1.10 If l "4 KTCC to-H 1H tTH 10 4 154 44 '4 1'4 HH ta 1t 13114 77" I104 494j 'u 1IS T7V 'S 8.4. 44 4 1V 14 H rac, IT 114 4?H v 10 ii:c, IS 41 11 " 4 10-C4 s It I.-H im 14 4 I5 aei, PI' IJlVa wvi l"4t 7Vt it H M T4 a 44 I14 T. US f.'t m ' pm I 1c, M tois IU si u l'W 44 4t 111a IjtC 44 V 42V. 4 11 f S P4 Ilk 43V S7 PI ?4V M IH lit 1114 4Vt I'lH P4 4 44 V II la 41 PS 'H 88 I a . V 14 S 4.1 Vf V V po'n P4j W ! i.nv ' ! TMt n V 41V V 1 BI lt.H A4 1 M !'. 5: Newest Zeppelins in Shape of a Fish and Painted Gray Mekraaka. FOR BALE Bool iaia body hlgh-grad mwaiuin-pr.cau leoa in oeoraakai Utll luuuey raWUUad. C Lrally. li. Neb. very VVul- WKBSTER aTHtiliT TAT:oST-ir. teealk aad We hater. Cklraaro, at. umaka Paal, HlasrapoiU Twla Clip Paaaaagar . ua I'M V ra-a R'ona Cltr Paaaaagar gnoraoa Local .am a Satis aaoaet Valentine, part cloudy ftepart. ...b It. am ...b I IS pa ...e I B am ...b ( a pm Kaaoar. ... ib 80 Arrlea b i t Pa bil:M am Artlc'el Open I Hlah.l w. I Close. I Kat'y I heHV , 1 1 Beptl 97V' 9S4 r, 9f,'4 7H tec..l Km PCV 9J't HJ4 to Corn I Bept "744 75 7 7?' i 73 Dec. 64' 04H 4334 634 63 Oets Pes t 34 MH 8T'i 85 .V,V Dec.. 86',. 8044 86 8644 86 Pork riept. 13 CO 18 H 18 83V, 13 S2H 13 00 Oct..' 13 70 13 72H 13 62 i 13 77 J Lard I Bept.f 8 C7H 8 07i t K 8 06 8 K'i Oct . I 1 20 8 80 I li 8 17Vs 8 16 Rib I Bept.f 8 46 8 46 8 80 8 I 47 14 fw-t I 8 60 8 6?H 8 45 8 474 I X) k 4:1 a .00 UlKrliauraaa. WOULD accept re.lnqulsliment on 640-A ilrtt Lm,. c.i auvu ItiO-A. Jus. T. Mad lg an. Wallace, Kat. REAIi ESTATE LOANS FARM TOLA Mi a- lJA.Is, t, PKR CENT. 'I'tU MBl LL. 4.8 Bee Bldg. tiM 'IO al.ooM noma pruuipiiy. F. D. Weed. V end B:d., iMn M Farnam St a. ClTY and farm loans. A, uVi. 4 per cent J. H. Duniont A t o.. 414 Mate Bank A "ror bale' ad will tum secxiiid-iiaud furniture Into cu.h. CITY property! Lara loans a staciallyT W. H. Thomas ia .state Bank B,dg. Forty-Seven Bandits in Raid Upon Texas Ranch Shot by Posse Chicago Cash Prlc:e Wheat: No. I red, ll.Cwia.064-. No. 3 bard. Il.t'nV.'&M.Oo. Com' No. 2 yellow. ROVtljarc; other nominal. Oata: No. 8 white, 8'!'Vt'3-l'lic; standard, 'u4!c Rye: No. 2. H'.Hiaic. Bar.ey: 44 fie. Seeds; Timothy. I5.fij7.(i0; clover, tr.St 4)13 2 . pork: 113.32. Lard. 02. lUba; 87 mi j 47. TjTTii.iiM.p a . . . A . mr.-n - i. aaa on L nd n, 8-kzi lower: unchanged at H1j to 5u H.mtns. tillreU rtcea re U higher at No- A. Pr No. A. Pr. U 10 1 T vl oTKERB AND HEIFKRS. 4 ANTED Qoocl lat in aud city loan at loweat rata PI-TEHS TR1'T CO. K2J Farnam. OMAHA hunica. K4at N.braaka (arma O'KEEFK RE.M. KcTATE CO.. 1011 Omaha National Phone Doi'fclas 1715. MONEY on hand 'oi f y and farm loan. H. W. Binder. City N'at'onal Bank Bldg SEE us tlrtl Im farm loans in eastern Neb I nit'd 8'atea T uat Ci., Omaha. (;"'( ITY LoANM c. O. Carlberg, alO- v 12 Brand a Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE ONE-HALF acre well Improved. Vicbaur 106 after 11 a. m. Plum REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDR OoOD t-room houae lor sal or traui I lou; bearing ) r (It and snade trej , yard U all lemed In; he good Wall water, located till N. 84th t Addraa. F l.t, care Bee. For aala by owner, new -r bungalow"! ."lfr rnonth. Harney t4a. ' j" ' SEE THIS AT'ONCE. . Naw 8-r. bungaow. 1 tlook aoutb 4f tier plu. cheap; see owner. 29lu Crown lolnt Av. phono Webster 2146. BROWNSVILLE, T.. Aug. thentlo report were received here to night by county officer that forty-seven of tha Mexican bandit who parti ;lpatd In the attack on tb Noria ranch, slxty ilve mile north of Brownsville, on Au gust I, hava been kl.led by America-) poaaea and officer and flv other of the band, numbering probably fifteen, are still at large. Ona of the Mexicans, It was said, waa killed laat night near Sebastian, while another' right arm waa shot off and bo waa captured. DO POL. 8, Aril. Aug. 80 -United State official her say they have dis covered a plot believed to have been fomented by Villa agent her to cross th international botnlary Hit and cip tur Agua Prleta. which I now defended by only a (mall Carranta garrison. D -eovery of th alleged lan and precau ton already taka hav frustrated the effort. 24c: feats '2W2'Vc: reco. da. ltf'Tle. I0COS fllghtly higher: recelpU. 7 6"A caaea: at mark csso ncluded 2 e; creti ns r f'-aa. wrax-ci ftreta '.102mc. , CHEESE-Un hanged; dais ea. PVifK 18 c. twiie. I2l44j.v: Americas, Ukif an t. ... i LSC.C : long liorna 13V.T14c. w " 1 , ... I - 1 r, ! . V . . . . ., ' IiV'CI.JIll III.. I I linn. AIIVQI Swm-lm l-a.ll... . r- 1 . ld,.lL.. I POTATOES Unchanged to Sc lower; I recel' ta 60 car: 'ersev cobbers Psr-0c; j Jersey irlants. 4'tfj : Ml and Ohio, Evaporated Applea aad Dried Fralta NEW YORK, Aug. 30, EVA PORATEXp Al'Pl.fS Dull; funcy, 4,1i.0o; chuloa, "A'ii i-'c prltre, 7'4'i7yc. DRIED FRUIT! Prunes, easy; Call fornlas, ISle; Oreirna. 74itlIOc. Apri cots, quiet: choice, 7'un; ex'.ra choice, SVr: fancy, l.jc. Pcaclie. dull; cholc. ilUec; extra eho ce, bt'V4c; fancy, Mai. o Italaln, aiaady; loona muscat', I.''(i7l4c; r.liulce to fancy i-e.ed, 7WirV4o; aecdlcse, CVtytiktac; Iondon layer. II iof.ll.40. 1 Cnttnn Market. NTTW TORK, Aug. 3o.COTTON-f pot. quiet: ra "Idling upland, 1.75. Fa.ea, l(rt bale. Cotton future elofed aay: October, .66c; December, B.VCx:; January, U.lOc-; March, 10; May, 1058c The cotton market closed easy at a net loss of from l lo 21 points. LIVERPOOL, Aug. . -COTTON Spot a A . a I .J .J ! I M I I . , a i ' i' t iuuu mi 11111110, iiu . miuu-lnif 1:::::? 1 n 44.) 4ll Ml I 44 I It 4 14 41 T 71 No. Pr. T 10 TM To Caplals llald t'ader Ball. NFW IfDfK, Aug. 80 rour eaptatn ef sugar lighter, a mat and two athor men arr ted yestard ty on charg. a of grand larceny in coiinaetion with wbota sale theft of augar from variou utn. r aat ins for i o alga porta, a are held to A cull ball each. A pproTaa Isaac mt pspti. RIO JAN CJrtO. Aug. to.-Praaident Vtv cea'au Bra, today approved th au of ao.u.4 or a to tlii-liX-.(vu) in aaper, which was vou-1 ly ib Chambci of lput a on a . .t (ill 4 11 A t.lal:Klt MARKET. BUTTER No. L 1-ro, cartons, 3c; No. 8, au-ii., tun, tic. CHU-bi-liiiporled Swia. trie; Amc-r-'Call Dia iba, iC i tllu-jk t n ca. 2-Ci IW.ns, lac; daUies, lac. ut-icls, lac, Young America, loVo; clue Miidri ciick. lo .c; tliiiprgai', 3-lo., Zviv, New lyra, lMc; Li.por.eU rnucn U iue.uii, 4vc p lalt-'tiwut luc. wil l .ion, lac; hali but. )-c; i tlLiiei call. an. iwc. iiii..i. CtMituth. luu 1.C , niau ktrel. loc; sail n 30. "it,!.i7T lJ H ATOKS Kansas, v? 71 bbl. BEEF CUTS-Rlhs: No. 1. lac; No. 2, l.Wc; Ao. . iM. iuli.a ,u. H iu. i. Isc: ..o. 17'.ao Chucas: .u. 1, iac; io. i. ilvac; .no. be. tCj.tius: .lo. I, iiivC; No. 2, 14c; No. I, lie. piea: ..u. i, tec; jsj. -, Dxc; No. t, 9c. li'ruu and v.atl.v ,..1.1. f....iaiiu by Cil'..a.i A- rule . FrtlU'rai orsusaa, wa.liornla Valen cia. I-, iaua, oata. aViua, t'.O) i.r bua; Ca..ior(ua Vatuciaa. Iwu, l.oa, iuum, Ilea, iiMm, ta 4v par boa. Leuiuns, eaira fancy Hidden Bowl, aj, If. w) pr Ui, extra fancy Oo.den Bowl, Mm, 11.50 per box; xira fancy UunktsL tows, lluis. H a) per box; Keg bail. K0 per box. rVm he. Cal-forn!a Kitwrtaa, 7to per crate; Coiu rad. K.beria, 10e per cratu; Vvaartngtoa Elbartaa, 4Tc par crata, Idaho bdehel. ILW per bu. Plum. Italian prune. JI Uu par ciate; Diamond. Hungarians, Uroaa. orand Duk. ILls per crate. Petra, Cal. Ifomla Ba Helta, fl ea to iO. per crate; Waahlngton Bartletu. fancy, I..74 per crata Ora pas, -oaaat crata. sxtraa. Mrlal Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 10 -METAL-lad, 4 k 4T4 96; aia Iter, not nuoted; copper, ateady; electrolytic ll'.OO; Iron, ateady; No 1 northern. 8lG.75'ilt 26; No 2 Mi 6 t)f.(0: No. 1 southern l" "' 15 76; No.'l Ilo0i15.r0; tin. dill. T3 ori'a34 01. At London C'onper: Spot i:-8 10a; f j. turea. A lTa. Electrolytic: K4 10. Tin: Hiwt. A1"0 lo; future. A. CI 15. Anti mony : 125. Iad: L'Si I s. Bpclter: .0. Oil aad lloala. BAVAVNAI' Ga.. Aug 1 1 TURPEN TINE Fl m: 81o; aalea. 43. bbl.; racai. ti. i 111 b Is ; shipments. 111 Lbls.; stocks. 18, 8 0 bbls. I KO i' Firm: sales, 610 bbla; receipts, I ""N bis ' sbl ment , 1, 22 ' bis.; t ck . T0 bbls Quote: A, R, l'.9?Vi. r, D. U.X; E 3.0; F. 13 H; J, II. t.l S; I, '3.i; K. I1'0 M 4 lu, N, 14.6; WU, 85.60; WW, U8.TS. . . . Loadoa iie Market. fyONDON, Au. 80 Amerl an aecuHtles on the stock tiiBrket wi re unreitnln. Thi y i 14 414 7 75 ;J kU 111 771 I 10 cows. I Mo 4 It l 1 1014 4 ' 14 ... HEIFELS 714 4 14 I .... ' 4 to 14 WO I 11 I Til 4 IA CALVF8. IP T 00 . . . ai a BTOCEIS AND FEEDERS. P4 4 r , ( ,oo 4a4 4 44 tt Ml T 00 WESTERN'S. Av. Pr. No. At. j. rt, ra y tor "Jrhraaka. gleer ..Pot 75 28 teer,. . .pi J. l. i-srey r Kros. Wyoming. W gteers...lM 7W 43 iteer...niJ I ateora... 44 T 60 J. C. Phaw Wyoming. It gter...Pi 7 N 8 M-lc-n- fM S. A FroshllnK Nehraaka 24 steers .. Wi 7 45 D. If. Mm son Nebraska. v neirers.. fl e bu HOGS Rerclpt of hog were rnoderat. eve:i for Monday, only flfty-rilna car, or about 8.10 h-ad being reported It. Thl I smaller than laat we k by 600 head ' nearly 1,00) thort of two wiek ago. and uo lighter than for the tame M rir'ay a yrar ago. Today' tun 1 the sin illctst for a mmuay since rour weeks ago, when ony 3,433 head were received. No one seemed to want I ght hog very bsdly this morning, and while both ship per snd packers bought the few good ones that wer her, they forced all the price reduction and the result wa that good light were anywhere from 6o to as much a 15c lower, or generally ab u a dim off. Bt ahlpii lg g adea reach d 17. o mnr than once, but aalea wer very scattering under that nrlca. Hhlpoer bjy i ra took hold of t e mlird Dni'kli a ar idea i right from the jump and borg it hai kinds fre ly at f.gurea that were uneven. out on ine wnoie looxec! about st.-ady. Parkrra tr.ed hard to force a 6?l x- de cline, and might have done ao, but for tl.o comfctl'lon rMp."rr buyers f.rnisi.ej He lu'rkr -.4. a a It araa Ih were very d rarity, but In the end pack. Ing hose aold lararlv at priog tha wer not over 5- lower, aeif In aevaral ease were ateany o- very cloae to li. Live Btork In Uht. Tteivupta of live itock at the flva prin cipal, western markets: Cattle. I log Hlipen. Bouth "o-nnha hloux City .... ( hleacro , Kansas City , bt. Iouls Total . ... .. 9,0i0 .. fM ..1C.000 ..23.0") ..12.200 2 600 27,0110 k.Mri 8.7O0 SO.OX) 800 lB.flOO iH.ono 110) .62,700 60.300 73,000 New Turk Moaey Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 30. MERCANTILE PA ER 3V"3 V l:r cent HTKRLiNO FXrHANOE-4m-day hill. 84 68 demand I4.I6 : able. 14. 'I IV SILVER Par, 47o; Mex can do lars. 87r. BONDS Oovarmnent steady ; railroad, Irre-ular. luONEY Tim- loan, rteady; 6) day. 2 r cent ID day, IViUJ -er ce t; six mini 3 'a per cent. Cat money, ate dv; h gh. I par cent; low, lit per ent; .ulng rate 2 tier cent; kt foi n 2 per cent; co l-ig lid, 11 per cnt. o.fered at t p- rent. . 7 . ; .0.1 .tit . o 0. g. nf. 2a. 4o oarioa . V a. It. rag ta coupon . t' a. 4t. re. 4o roup-m Panama ta. coupon loo Atn-r. Smalt. a... A T. 4 T. ot 4Va Arwioor 4 ro. 4V. At'-Maon aaa. 4a.... pal ) lo 4a.... Cn. Parlflo 1-4 rboa. A O. 4Vs ... r . h. a u I 4a., C M A I g 4Va. 11. Pto. r. C, H. I P. f 4t. 4i'ko. Pas' rat. aarStia. 4 a. r. 4wa. I h. Ba"wa 1. A K. I), r. aa.. 4 ! nlon pactda Crt aa. 4s 44 Vo Blaelrla la ...! 01 Nor lot 4'4a ... ' 111. ran. rf .... "4 'tv K. . g. rtf r.a. ... f I'M L N. ai 4a.... ),et Hid. ltrr4. M . K. AT. itt 4a. 74 Mil p. . cv. ia.... It N v lvj, dK -. 1 - lev N. T. C IVa (IS4JI.I01V N. Y. R. 4C,. ... 1 II, N V.. N . 4 . e 4a lliu nti a wormarn rariric 4a. t Northarn Par t'c la. pmora. H I. r-t 4,. 1 Tao. T A T. ... MliPenna can. 4Hl f'enaa. pn. 4Sa. 41.rtaa4IBS (. 4a.. H i . U B. K. r. i Sll '4 4'H ri i v . n . Ml 1'alan ir a t'. t. rao. c. 4a fnaiv-r 4a... ktaal ta h ! ta Tnloa 4Vi.. Blar.. ea. aa. . ' . t4V "14 . at V . 14 .PIV -1""4 :.5. PARIS. Aug. W. dermanv iit ol Zeppa'ln hav been repainted a leaden gray almllar to th color of battleship which render them difricult to be acen vn when flying beneath the cloud. A telegram from Zurich published ln th Milan Btampa, ay that during recent flight over Lak Constance. Zeppnltiif appeared In their new diet. Th latest model reaembl larg f sh. Both ends taper so that they hav Lost to iom xtnt th fnml.lar cigar ahap. Burleson Will Cut Rural Mail Budget WASHINGTON. Aug. 30.-Poetmast.i General Burleson announced tonight that he would aak th next congress for at' appropriation of 10,000,000 to provide rura' delivery service during the flsnal year beginning July 1. 11. Tho last appro priation for this purpose was t,53.0J0,O and the department plans to sava th" 14,000,000 without reducing efficiency. slled t n aintaln the opening price, hut itloslnr trade v aa du'l and weak, and no do id fairly atra ly. Muat of th bi s:tieaa 1 nnv particularly anxious to buv the was in c rilled Staler Klel. Union Pacific "'w rovm teat were le t ror tue flnl h ind houMicri Pa-lftc. KILVFIt Hir 23d per ounce DISCOUNT RATES-Bhort I Ills and tr"-e p'onths. 4'4ti'J per rent. MONEY-IV.44 .er oent i ttjr M'rk-t. NEW YORK, Aug. 80 afTOAR-IUw, OUlet; centrifugal. 4 70c; molaaae. 8.93c. Krfined. quiet; rut loaf. 45f.c: crnahed, 4 4: mould A. 6.10c; cube, t 9nc: XXX X powdered. l "0c; powdered, 1 74c; fin granulated. I.tfcj diamond A. enc: run. fcetioner' A. 166c; No 1, 6.4nc. Futures ned qu'eter today snd st noon pr.rrs were 1 to 2 points Mi-her. Most of tee Packing hnaa ail I at,, 140, with scattering aalea of real gold butt here and lighta on up to th top. Hrpreterita-ive sale' Ma. P4. . 14.. 44.. It. I .. 46.. .. '4 44.. II . AT. ...tal ...14 ...14 ...M ...:o ...140 ...ItO ...lit .17 Kk. r Na Av. So. . . I HI 44 fM .,, t t 14 a f.l ... ... 4 44 44 Ml ... ... 4 44 tl I ... 40 ID 44 2H4 ... KO 4 M 44. I1T ... I 4 II itt ... tO I t 41 1-0 ... ... 4 4 r tot ... rios. ... 171 Pr. 4 41 4 Tt I 1 14) 7 te T It. I)r Goods MarWrt. iFrw yofik. Am. .-rRY ooonit C'tton roods and yam; raw silk, easy; dreaa good firm SHKEP-Pheeo and lamb reeeinta were verv II k lit again thla morning, and once s"ln led -II market p-tn-s in-ti 1 4 cars, or '. 0u hesd, showing up Tois -l.ofa) larger than a wag ago and 9,00t heavier than two weeks ago, but a f il ing oft of over 8,009 head, a compared SEEK FEDERAL AlO IN REBUILDING CAUSEWAY 0t,Vr,'"T'O' '""v.. Ana-. SO Fd.-i aid In the rcbu'MIng of the Galveston causeway, wrecked by th rrent hurri cane, wl'.l be asked of the next eion cf eoncri . It wa announced today by Congressman A. W. Orcgg of Houston. II ald h wo'tld I'o seek government ess statu to strengthen other Morm pro tections her. In th two weak sine tha hurricane, condition in th city hiv beai restored almoat to normal. Street car and other public aervle corporation are In operation. Tralna will resume aervle to Oa'veptnn next Wedne1y. Th water aupply at til I thort, but there la plenty for drinking purpoae. TAKE OVER PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THREE fiFRMAN PRINCES PARIS Aug. 80 The Pronerty right of three Herman prince In th ostate of a French king hav hem taken over for the' fr:cd of the war fry the government. The lrorty In queetlon consists of Vim terest of Pr Pierre Auguate, Prlncn Augi-ato leopold and Prl c Loul Oa'on of ae-Coburg and Ootha In th Asso-l atlon of the Forest of Dreux. The so ciety wa organised to administer the un divided rrorerty of the heir of Klnu Loul Phi Ippe. Apartment, flats, house and cottage can b rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent." kleamer Sank at Wharf. BEATTI-P. Wth . Aug. 80. Th tremer Admiral Walscn of the Psclflo Alasks Navl 'atlon compaoy waa ia.n. nie.l here to.'av and sunk ut Its wharf bv the steamer P:aiau. which afightlv damaged. The accident waa d .a to a heavy pall of s'nok-j from fcraat 'lee overhastlng the bay. A lontahora iimn i.n ti.e leck a atruck by a fal.lng and kil'ed. Now po caa kup Na w Tor aiock Ri. lianss acciiriii,. au Tka Partial Pavmmt P'aa i plained In lha cur tut laaue ol TH H Ol) ) I IT hWtf rw. br Joha Mulr r. tl krot.a,, N.a. Vo x Cltr baacia tuples ( aa I ii r, r.anriJte tl J :rnl 9