Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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    niK r.KE: ovaiia, Tnisn.w. ArcsrsT ?. m
Monday, August 33, 1915.
SOCIETY mill resume Its interest In the Orpheum this evening, and
Monday night promises to become again the popular performance
of the week.
The evening are becoming too cool to attend the clubs, bo
the theaters are enticing.
Tell Your Troubles to Conductor,
is Trolley Company's Invitation
fill a a il.
ft . m T . j vii uur iiuu wi'-i tj urn turn .
Country Teachen of Donflai County (Conductor. Th.t u the nation that
Here to Receive Initmctioni
for the Year.
has fmanaiH from the office of the
street railway company. The old rule.
. "Te'l your troubles to the police
PROF. DRIGGS TO GIVE TALK When you told your troubles to th.
policeman frequently Inn Information did
The court house Is Just full Of not get beyond that offlrlal. Now, hy
tlear little school ma'ams this week. .,"", '"f to the condu, t r.
. ... these troulil'S are going to tie Riven pub-
Tnrv are rhattorlnv In h rnrrinnra .. . .. ..
The supper-dances will likewise open for their second season tonight '.. Jn ,h" ;, n. rIintT 7 JT, " ,,T VZT
at the Fontenelln, and the Orpheum devotees are planning to attend the superintendent Voder and biting railway company are to become reporters
aurper-dance after the performance. I . .,, WP,nWiinlJ ,hnlr In a sort of a way. This new ru e of h
Dr. LeROT ( rummer Will entertain nne r.f th lartro. narflea thl.l . .. ..... street railway company became effective
. r urows in tne rooms Bet asiae ior in-
evening, at the opening performance of the Orpheum. His guests will Lt ruction
occupy lower boxes. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Met. will give a box party Thpy ' ,n from MIUard ,nd Ra,.
this evening In honor of their guest. Mrs. F. E. Hauck, of St. Louis. MImI0I1 ,nd WaterIoo nnd valley and
I . r, . - ... v- i several score other places where The idea of having the street railway
and Mrs. Clinton Brome will give a line party for eight. Among other ti)ere ar() ..tlIe rpd Bcho0, hoUBe8.. company become a publicity Mmt o.U
well known Orpheum fans to launch their Interest thi. evening are: bIgger br,CK Khool hou8eB( or any
cu o.W, Air. ana Mrs. u. u. iiunuey. Mr. ana Mrs. U. U. I K,nd of pub,lc Kbool noU(lcs. ln
jteaics, jacg uaiawin, u J. Lewis. I)r. and Mrs. E. C. Henry and Judge ract the are h
ana Airs. u. b. linker.
yratt-rday, but It had not been work
ing long enough so that there was any
report to be given out. The working
forces had not Rotten their "bents" In
working order so as to Rather any now.
tnated with President Wattles. Tn the fu
ture sad when the plan gets to working
smoothly, conductors on each and evtry
car will be expected to keep an eye open
for news, tike reporters, they will note
all the queer. Interesting tragic and other
Interesting things that occur. Their ob
servations will be reported to the barn
foreman, who In turn will report to the
office of the secretary, where a special y
detailed clerk will work them up In
ahape to be given to the newspapers for
Passengers on cars will be requested to
get In touch with conductors on cars
on which they ride. If theae passengers
have complaints they will Inform the
conductors and if they have noted Inci
dents that would be of Interest they will
unbosom themselves to the conductors.
Thin the conductors will tell the secre
ary's office and this office will tell the
At the Country Club.
The largest supper party lajrt evening
at the Country rlub wns fchen hy Mr.
and Mrs. M. C. Peters In honor of Miei
Grace. Wiltshire of Los Angeles, the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton. Covers
were Blared for:
Meeors. and Mesdamrs
A. J. love, Frank Hamilton.
Ir and Mrs. C C. Allison.
Misiwh M..
Wiltshire. rnly Poane,
Maara.-b Mtr
Luther lra, E. W. llari.
Frank rturkler, Coiin.ll Bluffs;
lr. W. O. Ft id,
Others 'entertaining at supper last Bun
day evening at the Country clubs were:
Prnator Hitchcock, who had three guests;
W. A. PI x ley, five; Ray Lowe, six; J.
A. Cavers, two; F. W. Clarke, two;
Robert Bums, two; F. A. Thomseon. four;
K. IL Eprague, three, and Dr. Bushman,
Dining with Mrs. C. C Allison today at
the Country club were Mesdames Frank
Hamilton. M- C Peters and MIm Grace
Wiltshire of Los Angeles.
Complimentary to Miss Ellsa Haleey,
Miss Grace Allison entertained at lunch
eon today at tne Country club. Her
guests warsi
Misses Misses
Halaey, Mildred Butler.
Peters. K laabeth Hed
INiphne Peter. Kleanor Mackay.
Ann Ulfford. Mary Uurkley,
Mrs. Harold Prltchett.
At Happy Hollow Club.
Mr. At filbbernaen entertained Sevan
guests at supper last at the
JIappy Hollow club; I L. French had
three guests; F. It. Hoagland. four; C.
W. Pariah, four; n. M. West, five; T.
Hrownlea, two; E. B. Hayward. four;
Joseph Walters, six: J. F. Prentiss, two;
W. a Byrne, four; M. F. Engleman, two;
Taylor Belcher, four, and H. W. Ellis,
Jhsve returned from sn exteixlod eastern
w tnrj ukiKu ixinifin hiiu apeni sev
eral weeks tn New York City with Mrs.
Jearen's sot,, Hans Chauncey. Mr.
Jeasen left Omaha about four yerr
aso and has traveled all over the east
In concert work.
it the Field Club.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Manley entertained
fl, e guests at supper last evening at the
Field club; W. 3. Coakley had thr:;
Arthur Metx, eight; J. V. Benedict, three;
H. L. Kemper, five; E. C. Page, two; P.
C. Hyson, two; C. W. Calklnsl two; U.
V. Sholcs, four;' Taul Wernnlr, ' louri
E. C. Henry, three; llarley Conant ,s.xi
Albert Cahn, four, and Lester Drlshsus,
The Bloux City golfers dined together1 Cosad-7H' Kcblnl'"'1'
last evening, covers were placed lor. Cambridge II. M. Jones.
twenty, .
ey are here from everywhere
la Douglas county, with the excep
tion of Greater Omaha.
Look out, you country hoys, for some
of you sre Rolng to loao your hearts to
"tencher" thin winter, we can tell you
that rlnht now. They have the look In
their eyes that shows there's something
else so ns on Insido their heaus besides
readln' snd wrltln" and flstsi rln'.
Is Annas! Affair.
The DoUKlns county tearhers' Institute
la an annual affair. Just before the
country and town schools oren all thu
teachers come to the court house and sit
the feet of the various Instructors and
rn how to teach the young Idea to
sl-oot In their various and respective
The newer and less experienced teach
ers will be here all this week. The more
experienced teachers will Join them
Thursday, at which time about IriO county
REV. RtmCIE TO LEAVE OMAHA Heretofore Dundee school teachers at-
I tended, but since Dundee has become a
The Platte) river conference of the, pari of Greater Omaha they no longer
I'nlted Evangelical church came to'"11 lh county institute, in spite of
m rlnu .- ., . 'his loss, tlx re are more teachers here
a close yesterday, when the report of ith yw lhan ,a.t year owlng to h-
tli gtatlonlng committee was made opening of new schools and the enlarge-
publle. Paatorg were assigned to the'ment of others in the growing county,
various pulpits they shall occupy un
til the next conference.
A new pastor waa assigned to the
First church la Omaha. He Is Rev.
Ira McBrlde, who has been occupying
a pulpit at Aurora. Iter. J. M. Runcie,
Stationing; Committee Makes Report
Auigning Paitori to Their
Pulpit for Year.
.vho hat been the minister at the nomics.
Hrst church, has served the time
limit here and was transferred to
F.'ustUe, Neb. Rev. Thomas M.
Fvant continues at Grace church In
- M. T. Mate was named as presiding
elder of Lincoln district. In wh'ch Omaha
Is Included. . J. Held Eman waa named
Grahasa to Inatrart.
W. T. Graham, assistant superintendent
of Omaha schools, will give Instruction
In the "common branches" all through
the week.
Mrs. IL J. Gramllch of the University
of Nebraska will have - charge of the
work in domestlo science and home co
in las Mary I. Wallace, a teacher In the
Omaha primary schools, will show the
county teachers how to conduct primary
reading classes and "dramatisation."
Work In these subjects will continue
every morning up to snd Including Fri
day. On Fr'day, also, Prof. Howard R.
Drlggs, dean or tho teachers' training
school and irofesaor of English In the
as presiding elder of the Kearney district University of Utah, will give an address
Quarterly oonferenee members were'1"1 tM' prsetlcal and inspirational
named as follows: H. T. Lasbell of hclD- 8ute Superintendent A. O. Thomas
Aurora, i. W. Nye and J. Lehman 0f also expected to deliver an address on
Uncom. H. Wood and W. W. Under-'Ith1
koffler of Hastings. County Bmnerlntcndent Yoder will hlm-
Followinsj are the1 ministers and the' 1,0,1 o'rt the library work and the work
Stations In which they are tanlgned:
Alma-jC. Weston.
Amherat To be supplied.
Jinsora to De supplied.
KUStla J. M. Knn, In
Fd.lyvllle C. H. Helm.
; Fslrvlew-Oeorf! Tanner.
Holsteln Con llewlt.
Kllllhall fl. It Ullm.nn
Tne closing cnuaren maunees at met nearney u, miller.
doling; Hatiaeei.
Peymour Lake and Happy Hollow clubs
will be given tomorrow afternoon. At
Fey.nour the ladles have planned a spe
cial program of games, which will be
glvso from 4 until o'clock.
Mnaoot H J M.nmh
Naponee P7. F. Man' hand.
tteonto J. N. Me lon.
Otleaaa Clyrtn Illff.
Orrino-Nathnn Thomas.
Htielton snd Caniirun J. A. Lrmlng.
Center ('. . Taylor.
West Cottonwood To lx supplied.
L Aurora and Halem K. 8. Welsh.
. Karada-ll. L). Keefer.
S. Illuo riprinsa-A. K. Miller.
. K otiase A. K. Jackaon.
II. .. Tool.
Pleaiurei Past ,
Mr. John J. Dlneen entertained Les
Amies Whist club baturdsy afternoon at
kftp knm. Ura. R. I llluvlna and lira. ft. lnvlMo
Arthur Jenn were the guest, of th. ; JUffi- Kuiow.
club. The prises lor high scores wsre . I.ineo.n-F. K. Dunn.
awarded to Mra. J. M. Uorhardt and Mra.
J. J. Dlneen, The club will be entertained
again In two weeks at the home of Mra
J. si. OerhardU
Wedding Announcement.
A pretty wedding took place Sunday
Tnlng at Chambers' academy, when
Idles Fearl Oreenberg, daughter of Mr.
and Mra H. Oreenberg, waa united tn
snarriage to J. F. Albert.
The ceremony waa performed by Rabbi
Jaoob Fleischer.
The bride was gewned In white meeaa
Ilne, trimmed with pearls. Her tulle veil
was caught with orange blossoms and
ghe carried bride's rcsea.
The bridesmaids, the Misses Rose and
and Verdan-W. II.
It. Maule Orave
10. North ar-H. C. Forley.
11. Omaha KlraO-Ira Mi Hrlde.
' 11. Omaha (Urace) T. M. Kvana.
11 HelsrHde F. Devol.
14. ItoMiitont-W. K. Hmlth.
16. Koaedala and ' Haiwen I L Lo
baugh. I. Yors-W. C. Hrewer.
17. Zlon J. H. Williams.
It. Uroadvlew O. H. lckenpangle.
Work of Collecting
Old Gloves Begins
in agriculture.
McVann and Smith
File Briefs On the
Nebraska Rate Case
The brief of the Commercial dub of
Omaha In the Nebraska rate case . was
filed at Washington the Interstate
Commerce commission yesterday. The
brief haa but recently been completed by
E. J. McVann of the traffic bureau. This
la the case where the Omaha Commercial
club Intervenes merely to protect the ln
tereata of Omaha In the tight that ia
being made by the Missouri river towns
against the Nebraska rates as found in
Theatrical Season on Spencer Street
to Be Opeicd by All Star Cait
of Performen.
The theatrical season on Spencer
street was opened last evening by
tne Spencer street all-star aggrgatlon
f singers, dancers, whlstlera and
The large barn at the rear of the
residence of V. II. Crary, 1622
Spencer street, had been fitted with
a stage and properties for this en
tertainment. Miss Sallle Crary am
Miss Marguerite Lobeck are the man
agers. The first show was put oi.
last year.
1 Icket speculators were barred. Provi
sions were made for parking automobiles.
Tne program waa us fol.ows:
Hinging Mncer Street Coon Town
Oration Helen Mnlone, "Where Can Al
exander Ue7" "r'lno Feathers."
HinlitK-Helcti Myers, "Five LHtU
I'usy Cuts," "Daddy, Com Heme."
Orutiwii, Cyril, Melon Knapp.
Jack Crary. "Hye Low Land."
hlng.tiK Helen Maione, Dorothy Kou
len. " Souse Ale, Teacher."
Tableaux Helen Myers, "The LlttK
liiillet Dum er."
hlntil.iK Spencer Street Coon Towj
Sqiialtut, "The Four rk-aaona." gprlnx
Virginia Ilevdcn; ritinmier, Dorothy lieu
hen; Autumn, Helen Myers; Winter,
Helen Maione.
MiiKlnti Dorothy Reuben, "I Did Not
Raise My lloy to IV a Holdler," "Whe.
You Wore n Tulip and I Wore a Big Ut
Kiwf," "There's a Little Hpark of Lov
-tlll Hurniiiii "
lanclng lieleii Meyers, Ppnnlah dame
Rimalan, I'oluml lue, Jliney Bus.
H snd WhUtlinK Kctt Anderson
Kinging bpencer r-treet Coon Town
Oration Jack Crary, "Tho Flag."
Wheat Takes Big
Fall in Price and
Corn Follows Suit
Early reports of froat damage through
the northern states sold the grain marke
off a cent. Lnter the reports were denier"
and there was a quick drop In prior
wheat suffering the most. It losing a net
I to 4 rents. Corn sold off and
4 cent, closing near the low of the day
Omaha receipts for the day were:
Wheat,' 6B; corn, 119, and oats 29 car
The range on wheat was from 89 'in
to 11.05; corn, Tl'fc to 67 cents, and oiu.
SI to U4 cents per bushel.
Grain storks In local elevators showe
a bl? decrease as compared with th
corresponding date of one year ag.
A, woman's watcti, 100 pounds of
cracked corn snd $4 70 In s'lver wns th(
loot obtained tiy burglars who robbed
three homes Sunday night, according to
reports msde to the police.
The wstch was taken from the home
of B. F. Howard, 2602 North Thlrtl.-th
street: the corn from the barn of Morri.i
tVvlch, 2419 Blondo, and the money from
the home of W. O. Hansen 2727 South
Tenth street.
Best Firit Horning Crowd Since Be
ginning of Institution, ii Esti
mate of Boy Byrne.
"This Is the best tirst-mornlng
crowd we have ever had for mer
chants' market week," said $oy
Ifyrne, of the merchants' market
week committee.
"I would eay, without exaggera
tion," said Joe lielley, another of
the committee, "that there were 250
merchants In the city already and pictures exhibited
perhaps many more than that, while them are J. Alden Weir, whose "Figure
every train la bringing more. If thei" ,th" Sun" nd wiiiiam M. Chases
.. .. . ,A ,,, "Fish." were shown In the last exhibit
weather continues favorable, lt will I of the loca, tr at the Hotel Fon-
Le the greatest merchants' market i teneiie. There win be pictures also by
Fine Arts Society
to Bring Exhibits
Here from Fair
The Omaha Society of Fine Arts la co
operating with other cities In this
vicinity to secure at least one of the
traveling exhibits or foreign and Amer
ican works of art which have been ex
hibited at the Panama-Pacific exposition.
These works were viewed by Mrs. Hal-
I leek Rose, chairman of the exhibition
committee, when she visited the exposi
tion. As soon as the routes have been
arranged Omaha's date will be an
nounced. The foreign collection, which numbers
about 230 paintings. Is In charge of John
W. Beatty. director of the Carnegie In
stitute of Art at Pittsburgh. On his com
mittee are several artists who have had
in Omaha. Among
week crowd we have had."
Merchants' market week opened yester
day. For weeks letters have been
coming In for the merchants of half a
doxen states, principally Nebraska, stat
ing that they would be here for the week,
when business and entertainments are to
be mingled.
Aascwat the Moath fop Colds.
Harden your system with Bell's Pine
Tar-Honey. It kills the cold germ. Cures I Ing In France, whose "Fox Gloves" was
Edward Redfleld, whose work waa shown
here In 1911
The second collection, which Includes
both foreign snd American works of art.
Is In charge of Clyde H. Burroughs, sec
retary of the Detroit Museum of Art.
Men In high standing ln the art world
declare that no such representative col
lection of modem art has been shown in
the United States before.
The grand prlxo at the exposition was
won by F. C. Frieske, an American ltv-
the rough. Only 2Cc. All druggists. Advertisement.
also shown here at the last exhibit of thi
Fine Arts society.
iLllJLil ..' 1 Mini I M.-. , ,V r iinl in mi iii i ' ' ' ' M
what ia known as the "1'routy" scale.
Kloux City. Bt. Jose. h. Atchison. Council This decreana la close to z.uw.uw pusne;.
Bluffs and Kanaaa City hae brought the the greatest falling off being in oaU
eaae, charging that the Interstate rates Stocks on hand now and one year ag
are unreasonable, and that the Interstate are:
eviction cause, discrimination ; bu N Tear A,o
against them. c,.rn bu m.OTO 4 S O.
The Mbsourl river cities mentioned t ats, bu W.tJo 1,H0,0 (,
mii Mriuctlona made ln their Interstate Rye bu ." 4,000
rates to points In Nebraska similar to "alley,
those which reduced the rates within
Nebraska, 10 per cant
Simultaneously with the filing of the
Totals 969,000 . 2.S.W
Last year at this time, grain man as
sert, the market waa swamped with new
The S. A. Pierce & Cos
Stock of Fine Fall Shoes
"eassaaxssasasaBa eaasasasBSBsaBW saaxaxsBsaasBSBSBssassasBBBBiaBa) tkaaaaasBSBSBBxassxsasBsjsBaxxa ejssasBBssBBisamaaBBBBBBsisamxsamtaiasM
secured by Drandeis Stores for cash at their auction sale recently when this
concern went out of business, will be sold Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and
Saturday of this week
at about half-price.
The S. A. Pierce & Co. was for forty years one of the leading concerns
selling reliable shoes. Their stock was known to be one of the very best
and most complete. It is not often that one can- buy Fall Shoes when
they are wanted at such low prices as will prevail. Prices are usually at
their highest when the season begins.
There are all kinds of shoes in this sale all styles and all kinds of
leathers. The six Items below are indicative of the value you may expect:
We will sell all of the Men's Shoes
Strong & Garfield, Stetsons, etc.,
fine shoes, late styles, all sizes and
widths Fierce's retail price, $5 and
$6, at
We will sell all of the Men's Shoes
made to retail at S3. 50 and $4.00,
many famous makes, all sizes, at
Men's Shoes, worth to
We will sell all the Women's Shoes,
worth $5.00 and up, such makes as
Wright & Peters, etc, at, pair
All the Women's Shoes worth
$3.50 and $4.00, all good styles, all
sizes, at, pair
There are about 1,000 pairs of
Women's Shoes, Pierce's price $2.50
and up, which will sell for
Se Tuesday Ereninfa Newspapers for Complete Details,
Commercial club brief In the case. Ed P. oats, while this year the new crop baa j
Smith or Omana also men a oner in (no , namiy enmmencea to move, uuo. n ia
case In behalf of the Nebraska Railway contended, to prices being low and thresh-
commission and the state of Nebraska.
Have you any old kid glovea ready for
the discard?
If you will gather them together and
alah fha Aid k 1.1 a'nv,, rf p rt..i H-
farsA Blobodlnsky Mtas Esther Arenson i Mf Fre1 R 1arc wm .rnJ her
and Mia. M.nnle, wont p.nk jtutomob, fo, them. Then tn. ,ov,,
crvpe de oliine. I win tu. iawui nn to ih n, i i.h
Christian a-
here Hal
ing hardly under way.
... ,1 VUI.IWI, M, Will Vfl .V II"
Mr. and Mrs. Albert left for California !Amerlcall Toung Womcn., chrl
and points la the west. They will be at .,oClUon at Parilj France, wfc
stome after Beptembar at' the Helen
The out-of-town guests wore:
Miss I.UUaa Kohlnson. Ies Moines.
Mlas 8arah Kob.naon. lva Molnea,
MIm Hertha Uervi Itch, Lincoln.
XiUa Kits riiem. I.lmcln.
Vllos Minnie Ureenatone, Lincoln.
MIins Kstlier Arenaon. Lincoln.
Mr. Jaiuts OrBiial-nie, Lincoln.
Mr. Hyman tierw.t.h Lincoln.
Mr. Ham Koscnblatt, 1 1 oaf oil
Mr. Kam Ureenalune, 8 uu City.
Mr, Meyer bilvemian. Lua Moines.
To Honor Visitors.
The aliases Alice and Catherine Wood
worth gave aa Orpheum party this after,
nocn In honor of their guest, Mlas Polly
Cole. The other guests wets alias Amy
and MUs Blanche Sheffield of Minne
apolis. Pertonal Mention. . -'"
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Harriman left
Faalrday tor Ban Francisco.
gtan refugee women will convert tbem
Into wlndproof vests fur military aviators
and automobl Ists.
The work of gathering the gloves wis
undertaken by Mrs. I'earce and Mrs. II.
C. Bumney at a meeting Saturday at the
horn of sliss Jessie Millard, which was
addressed by Miss Grace Zorbaugh, gen
eral secretary of the association at I'ar.a,
who Is vUklng her parents in Oounci.
Bluffs for a few weeks.
The sum of 1130 was also raised Satur
day to purchase material for mattress
covers and aurglcal bandages (or war suf
ferers. Mlas Helen B.oble will be trvaa
urer for ail funds received.
Stoppage in Transit
Case Won by McVann
B J. McVann. manager of ta traffic
bureau of the Commercial club, has re
ceived word that he haa won the "stop
page In Tmnslt" ease of the National
Implement and Vehicle association before
the Interstate Commerce commission.
The order of the commission makes It
compulsory for the railroads to continue
the practice of allowing stoppage of cars
In transit to complete loading or par
tially unload them.
This privilege of stoppage has been al
lowed from time Immemorial. One It w
permitted free of charge. Y,ater the roads
chargej II for the stoppage privilege.
Again they ralaed the price to f3 and
then to &.
Last year they arbitrarily cancelled the
prl" Here entirely. T la nt'n was Im
mediately held In suspension by the In-
Sign Ordinance is
Deferred Once More
The street sign ordinance has been de
ferred another w.ek, making ln all three
Mrs. J. A. Tuthlll underwent an oner- IPtPn.nts. covering weeks, la
r.tloa at the Lord Lister hospital last
Mr. and Mra. Ueorge Parker of Detroit
aie guecrt at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Kausom.
Mr. snd Mra. IL W. Ml er cd 'a gh e-,
Certrude, te returned from aa estemled
trip through the west.
II Us May Grunts, a teacher In the pub
llo schools, has returned from Beattle,
Wuh., where she KH t-d ber slater.
Mr. and Mrs. 11 E. Linn. Mrs. C IL
I Inn and Mlas Hekn Linn
chairman of tbs council committee of the
whole, announced that he la for reason
able regulation of overhead algna. lis
also suggested that signs on walks at
curbs should be removed.
Nervous and Backward
A country home for limited
number of children under 12.
Individual attention given eali
pupil. Kindergarten, manual
training, etc. For terns and In
formation address, Mrs. M. L.,
Care of Bee Office.
Piif fxrers aeekli relief can now Join the
VrivUaes itvliable Informs. Ion about
hay fevvr. buaseations for home treat
ment. Perfected nroerama. with detailed In
terstate Commerce- commission, pending formation about brat hav fever reaorta,
a hearlnc i Inaurtna Quick relief Rei'ur-ed rates.
. ' . . .... v..,,.i Fraternal or social advartaKea
It was then that the National Imple- 4.idreaa OIOSII rLAHX. Hriatrar.
ment and Vehicle aasoclatlnn, with head
quarters at Chicago, decided to take the
lead In rUhttug the case, for the rul ng
waa to affect linplementa particularly,
along with a lot of o'her rommodltlea. K.
J. McVann of Omaha was retained to
lead the fight
The rase was hard In Chicago In May,
argued In Washington before tSie com
mission later and decided last week.
Implement dealers from All hlgan, I 111
rola. V iseonstn Minnesota li'i M'
sourt. Ksnsas, Nebraska and the Pakotaa
were fighting the case.
20 i Kir-t National ItHek Bill.
rort uod'e, iowa
guaoPtaN ataN. si so snd upwaro
rt r C Au Meea Trains and S)-mOT
TI14TIi:iL OOWaTJ. Tail
Cttii Buita, Taatdos, r iaos
Alberts, Silk Mats, ramps
113 scodalsl tor ssle or rent.
Mail Orde's a Suee'a'ty.
rhoas S. 1 as. OPsa rlgs.
T o-nar Hotel 1M(
r, 17ta St., Orsha, sre'.
lasteirim Tirops
Via The
New Tork and return 854.60 $58.20
One way rta Buffalo other way Tla W'aahington.
Boston, Mass., and return 353.0O-$G0.20
One way via Montreal other way via Direct Lines
through Albany and Buffalo.
Boston, Mass., and return 850.50-$05.25
One way Tla Buffalo and Albany other way via New
York and Washington. D. C.
Many other combinations may be had. Including Lake Ocean
Bay and River Trips. 8Uty-dsy limit with many
stop-over privileges.
The acency convention of the Prairie
Life Insurance company, la on In Omaha.
returned fUventv-flve salesmen and members of
Thursday from a nvotor trip of one week . th ii(ox club era attending. Mc-tlns
to Kauaes City uid Excelsior Hprlngs. I held at the headquarters In the State
IS- Bank butliMng. The crowd lunched at
Mr. and Mrs. Geore W. Holdregs are 'the Commercial club at noon. Is to he
home from a moulb sint at Dome Ike. taken t the den this evening, and to the
Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Lootnls are still at Fo tenelle for a ba-q' et T esay evwlng.
U.e Uka. , fhey plaa to return, next Ths members of the lleeoo club are the
week. salesmen who wrote tlOO.ret worth of
Aire, IL V. Jeaaen end daughter. Ruble, business during the year ending August L
Drexel to Put His
Crew Back to Work
Commissioner lreael of ths street de
partment expects to resume street clean
ing work thla week. This morning
an ord nance will be Introduced to eover
Tho Original
Vnlo you mmy "HORLIOK'S
oai may pot m ( fatfess
temporary transfer of 112. ft 9 frm the In
tersection boitd f un
paid back neat year.
".to- tirnniieiTr ravi nn
tersectlon boitd fund, the money to be , I.lLItWllHll I d I 11 A I LU.
I Touring aad Cleaed Care.
gjo pes uu, aaf. .
SUuU a KerekaaU atotei.
Key to the Situation-Bee Want Ada.
AU Under One Roof
Round Trip Fares via Direct Routes:
Alexandria Bay, N. J., and return 840.30 to $41.80
Atlantic City. N. J., and return $51.35
Bar Harbor, Ms., and return 854.70 t0 $61.20
Boston, Mass.. and return 8-17.85 to 851.85
Buffalo. N. Y and return 838.55 to $40.10
Burlington. Vt., and return 845.40
Chautauqua Lake points, N. Y., and return 837.20
Cleveland, O., and return 833.70 to 835.70
Detroit, Mich., and return 831.20
Halifax. N. 8.. and return $50.80 to $73.85
Montreal. Que., and return $41.30 to $51,65
New York, N. Y., and return $48.85 to $53.85
Portland. Me., and return $49.00 to $54.70
Portsmouth. N. H.. and return $48.40 to $52.40
BL John, N. B.. and return $51.80 to $02.20
Fa ra toga Springs, N. Y.. and return $41.05 to 845.40
Toronto. OnL, aad return..: 830.20 to $40.55
Sfpcvra Slyty-aay grfssit. tCaay vtkst
pel a la, lactaWlaar Orewt lakea. St. Us.
Blree, Jgmdsoa aura, ea.
raw ttoketa, reseerratloaa aaS fan taiev
snauea apply to
fOn aTni.aiBjr. Oaaaral Agaai,
1401-S Twraasa Stxeea. Oaaaaa. INjrb.