Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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State Strong Box Keeper Eefniet to
Bndffe Position on Food Com
miisioner Fay.
f From a Puff Correso'wnlent )
LINCOLN. Au. M 8pvlal.-tat
Treasurer Geonr Hull still stuids pat on
his determination not to par warrant
of the pure food commission rotrlnr tc
him after being audited by the auditor
and approved by th eerotaTr ft rtatc,
notwithstanding th attorney -renral has
derided that after th vouch .- hv been
rant drawn and ala-ned by the seiretaiy
of state, there la no alternative of tt
treasurer hut to pay them.
Representative Hoffmelater of Chas
ccunty held a aeanee with the stt trcas
time this mornlna;. The Oh iae county
statesman has a son In the employ of
the food commission, and whin the sun
rise on th first day of Septetr-Ler th
young man will be out of a joo unli-i
Mat Treasurer Hall relents and pays
warrants of the pur food department.
Yaafcla Mare Hall.
The Chase county man was unab'e it
Biake any Impression on the state tress
war and the edict which has son fortri
from the finance department of the slate
that Tom and George are b!trir met.
than Attorney General Reed, will ha a
to stand. Just how relief will come I
up to the attorney general ani the gov
ernor. There are two ways provided t get
around the problem. One Is for the at
torney general to bring a suit in tne
supreme court to compel the treasurer
to pay the warrants ,and the other a
special session of the legislature, tn th)
first case it puts the matter up to the
court, and It may decide either ay,
according to the way It looks at the mat
ter. Representative Hoffmelater says that
when the finance committee of the last
legislature took the matter of appropria
tion of fees up to the attorney tenerai
at the time the matter wa before the
legislature they were Informed hy Mr.
,Rod that It was not necessary to apurj
prlata the fees of the department 'or the
use of the department and that the hial
of the department had the right to the
use of the fees.
How the Law Reads.
Chaipter 24, section Zl, covering fees of
the pure food department, reads: -Said !
fees shall in eaoh case be paid Into the
treasury of the state and be credited to
the general fund as provided by law In 1 Nelnon, Geors-e JurVnnn, Heptemher Jo-TS.
advance of the issuance or anv narmit " ' Columbus, Jrry Carrig, September 23-B.
,lr . V. 77 . ... ? permit. , J0,lp cly r J Tra' v. w ptember 2.-:4.
, Chapter H. aecUon of the food, drug Omaha, J. F. MrArdle, Beptomner V41,
and dairy act reads as follows: "All ot ' Week of September rf to October Si
the moneys paid Into the state treasury oobeVl!'' U Ch"y' 8oPt,mb,r n
in th administration of this law are Rextrlce, If. V, Rlssen. September W
hereby appropriated, so far as may be October L .
Wersary. for the payment of the ex- Jul' c- Leftw1ch' Ptmber
tenses cf enforcing the ( revla.ons hereof." Hiaden, O. U Llndgren. September 2S
From a political standpoint the demo- October 1.
- . i Week of October 4 to October t:
v.. i. uu nm iu. me ih puiung
up to a republican suprsnM court to un
ravel the tangles made by either a demo
cratic legislature or a democratic official.
Democrats tu Bad Maddle.
They appear to be of the opinion that
it weu:d furnish unfavorable cemmeat to
have a doraoc ratio administration com- '
.tliem save the state from democratic
Inefficiency, and so in order to get around
'that point about the only thing to do la
to call a special seas on and let the fel
low who are responsible for the mud
- holt a In the democratic roadway fUl them
up so the old machine can get over the
road without having to call oa Lbs tw
pub.lcan elephant to pull tham out. .
Governor Morehead Is very quiet as far
as saying things for publication. It la
lelleved, however, that the things he la
i a j In under his breath and In th prl-
- VKoy o fhis private office would look like
,. n n 1 1 m t B f"i I r nu A v 1 1 n f n.hM
state officers are not so reticent and
some of thera are peaking right out In
Holt County Dispute
Over Taxes in Court
; (From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Aug. 8&-8peclal.)-M. T.
Hlatt and H. M. t'ttley, taxpayer of
Holt county, haw appealed to th u
pretne court from a Judgment cf th Holt
county district court where they brought
cit to compel th Board of County Super
visors of that county to require certain
stats officer of the county to pay over
te the county treasurer quarterly tee re
ceived in their office.
They recit that th fee have been
uad to pay extra help not needed and
that fund .for th sal ot county prop
erty have not bean accounted tor.
iuit.i Fr.uid iitST FuiniT
WfcriT POINT. Aug. 80.-(gpec(al.)-a.
Warrhavaky, th man who Is accused by
Sch'nslock Bros, of tbl place with hav
ing defrauded them out of over 8000 by
means of a worthless check, given in pay
ment for a carload of horses, last De
ttuultr, and who was captured at Bloux
City aud extradited by Governor Clark
cf lows, has surrendered himself to
Sheriff Sexton and Is In Jail until he can
furnish satisfactory bonds.
Cuming county will be well represented
la the live stock section of the Iowa state
fair ht Moine this week. Char'e
Graff, th well known breeder of Red
Polled cattle ha shipped fifteen head,
ths pick of bis herd, and will plao them
on exhibition at the fair. The exhibit In
cludes animals of aU ages, from young
calves to aged cattle. After th Iowa fair
the bunch will be taken to Lincoln and
shown at the Nebraska state fair next
Cera 1 still backward in this section.
Ccld night and day of very little
warmth have been the rule for tr lart
tliree weeks and corn ha mad but little
progress. There will be some fields of
forn which wl'l ripen tn perfect shape,
but th great majority of th acreage of
Cuming county will be more or less soft
and immature.
A marriage llcenaa has been Issued to
Henry W. Adel of Wltten, S. D., and Mlas
Vera E. rvjiKihoe of Bancroft.
! ftoaeer Kads Life.
l;EATiUCE. Neb., Aug. . Spevlal
Ttlcrfram.) Krsr.W Apfeleck, a pioneer of
"Vvtiber. commuted suk-id at hi home
at that pluC4 yeoU-rday. Ii f rat took
tt p'Awn r4 later carbolic acid, dying
last tushl. Ill health is givtn as the
-u- fr his act. Us was 68 years of
'. ti leaves A widow and soversj
t. :.'
Schedule of Dates
For County Fairs
Over Nebraska
(From a Btaff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Aug. (Special.) flute
Auditor V. If. Smith, who Is secretary
of the State Association of County Fairs
and who wan for many year secretary
of the Seward county fair, has prepared
a list of dates for all county fairs dur
ing the next seven weeks, together with
names ot secretaries. The list la as fol
lows: W eek of August 30 to September 4:
Beaver City, W. C. F. Lunftey, August
Aurora, 8. B. Otto, August Jl-ftep-
temher S
North Matte, J, EL Sebastian, August
aft. (September a
Pierce, Arthur Oelke. September 1-4.
Osceola, F. H. ball, August Sl-Heptem-ber
Wahoo, Htnry Flckett, August K -September
Mitchell, James T. Whitehead, Septem
ber 8t anion, A. If. Loebe, August S-Bep-tenter
ix-enler. K. J. Mitchell, Augus. Il-flep.
temlr a
or1, Alvta Blessing, August II -September
Week of September to September 11:
Sidney, C. B. Radcltffa, September t-U.
lintte, II. H. Mory, Beptentber -ll.
Lincoln, A. JI. Rmith, September HO.
Gordon, N. Cochran, September 7-10.
fttate fair, Lincoln, W. K. Melior, Sep
tember t-iu.
Weew of September II to September M:
Alnaworth, R. K. Osborn, Septem
ber 16-7.
Nelixh. S, D. Thornton, Jr., Septem
ber H-17.
Clay Center, R, A. Byrklt, Septem
ber 14-17.
lirukvn Bow, Emery F. Bush, Septem
ber 14-17.
Chadmn, J. F. Lawrence, Septem
ber 14-17.
Lexington, EX C. VanHorn, Septf.n
ber 14-17. '
Hrribner, Henry Boll, September 15-17.
lienkelman, Dan Le Ough, Heptem
ter lb-17
Geneve, II. P. Wilson, September 1V17.
Kranklln, Jease 11. Baden, September
Grand Island, Pan C, Brown, Septem
ber 14-17.
Alma. C. 7. Alter, Hepiember 1S-I.
Culbertson, J. A. Kirk, Beptember 1-1.
("bambera, II. V. Iyke, retember 14-1H.
Mlmien, 1& A. Paaher, Heptember 14-17.
Oxaialia, T. I. Dutch, September 14-H.
Crelghton. C, Bcbroeder. September 1S-18.
Madison, 8. C. Ulackman, September
14-1 (.
('larks. W. D. Abel, September 18-17.
Pawnee. City, C. A. Schappel, Septem
ber 14-17,
flcward, T. C Beck, September 14-17.
' Week of September 20 to September 25;
Albion, A. J, Kudily, September 21-24.
1 . . n IT" I 1 . H.fl..nkn. I 4J
Dsvll City, W. 11. MoGaffln, Septem-
ner ifi-M.
Impe'lal, O. P. Bhatlenberger, Septem
ber 22-24.
Hooper, F. H. Maryott, September 21-14.
Greeley, Jess Pcott, Heptember 21-24.
21 - 24.
Tecumseh, Grant Burstctts, Boptember
Auburn. W. H. Fisher. October 1-1.
Indlanola. Vliltam Pl'ourd. October i-i.
Week of October 11 to October ISt
Falrbury, O. H. Bollenbergcr, October
Apartments, flata, houses and cottages
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Bee "For Rent."
. . s
if" made: in ""m J
1 T1 U.O.A. 4
i ....
i . . eassav art cfWjka n sT?
IC 19 t I I tl f& M
it tUJ
a it m n c ti if
Tho merchants hereabouts are long-headed chaps of constructive nature, building
business on the basis of GIVING GOOD VALUE and good service. They live a long
time in their respective communities and consequently have reputations for selling
reliable goods.
They deal in Omaha-Made goods.
.There Is scarcely an article necessary to household and business that is not made
in Omaha.
Omaha manufacturers are ready to prove that they can save money for you
on their products and give you just as good, and in . most cases, better quality and
i ... . ' . ,
Wo both have interests in common. Wo are earnest in our desire to show you that
we can do what we say wo can. A'l we need is reasonable preference and a fair trial
of our goods. Then it is up to tho goods themselves to win your permanent approval.
Polk County Fair
- Opens at Osceola
OSCEOLA. Neb.. Aug. M.-(Rpeclal.)-The
annual exhibit of the Polk County
Fair society opens In Osoeola tomorrow,
August tl, and will continue over until
Friday evening. There Is every Indica
tion that the patronage this year wilt
exceed that of any former year, and that
In every department with the exception
of that of corn, there will be a larger
display than has been given the people
of this locality at any time In the past.
Polk county's society has been to con
siderable expense In the erection of suit
able and permanent buildings and the
loyalty of all residents of the county Is
of the right kind.
HARTINOTON. Neb.. Aug. fSpe-
eta'.) Th county board has fixed the
county levy at 1S.7 mills, which, vrlth the
atate levy, makes the consolidated levy
for this county .5 mills.
Judge Bryant of this county has ap
pointed F. V. Stone of this city proba
tion officer. Mr. Stone was probation of
ficer for a year and a half before the
new law went Into effect, which make
the aherlff the probation office? unless
the county board authorise th appoint
ment of one.
Stockholder of the new state bank
which is to socn open In this city held
their first meeting Saturday and elnoted
A. J. Iiemmers president and C. N. Her
tert, cashier. Stock In the new bank I
owned by about a dosen men, most of
whom ar Cedar county farmer.
The Bow Vailey Schuetsenfeet will be
held this week on Tuesday and Wednes
day. W. C. Fry. proprietor of the Midwest,
who was mixed up recently In an alter
cation with the proprietor of the Grand,
ha been bound over to the district court
on th charge of assault ' to., do great
bodily Injury.
WILBER. Neb.. Aug. . (Spec'al.)
Frank Apflbek died last evening from the
effect of rst poisoning. It I presumed he
took th poison about 10 o'clock In the
forenoon and went to h's room. He did
not aay what he had done till about 1 In
th afternoon. Medical aid was called at
once, but he was beyond help, and died
about I o'clock last evening. IIe was a
retired farmer, about 70 years old and
leave a widow and grown up family.
determinate Beateae for Crane.
FAIRIAURT, Nab.. Aug. o.-Spolal
Telegram.) Th criminal case ' of Wil
liam Crane, charged with robbing ePrrr
O'Neale at the Parker house in tnts
city. July 81, and taking t87 In currency,
was brought up before Judge Pemberton
In district court today. The defendant
pleaded guilty and akd Judge Pember
ton for clemency, alleging he could fur
nish good references and had only bean
confined In Jail on night in hi life.
He said he was H years of age and
claimed Kansas City for his home. Judge
Pemberton committed him to an Indefin
ite term at hard labor In the Penitentiary
at Lincoln for one to seven year.
Bsveral minor equity case ar bel.ig
4 i
Blauser Will Case
Again Postponed
FAIRBURT. Neb., Ang. 20 (Special.)
Just a Judge Nutxman waapreparlrg to
open the tM.TOO Blauser estate In probate
court this morning, a telegram was re
ceived announcing the death In Denver
of Clarke Blauser, one of the contestants.
Judge Nutxman deferred the case until
September 14. This Is one of the largest
estate ever probated In I hi county and
arise over the will and testament of
Maria Btauaer of Dlller, Neb., before her
death last January.
In this Instrument she bequeathed a
half section of land to Ceo Blauser. a
quarter section to four onq and daugh
ter and $100 In currency to another
daughter. Contestants and proponent m
th estate have retained tit best counsel
In Jefferson county.
The contestants allege Mrs. Blauser was
of unsound mind and incapable of ex
ecuting a valid will.
Cleo Blauser, a tl iresentate in the Ne
braska legislature last winter. I ona of
the contestants.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Aug. M.(8pedal.-A mes
sage received by Adjutant General Hall
this rooming that Private Benjamin H.
Darling, a member of the Lincoln hos
pltal corps of the national guard, had
died from blood poisoning at Sparta,
Summer Suggestions
for Baby's Mother
Seaimable Advice on the
HaUh of Child en in
Hot Weather
No on require a much food In Bum
mer as in winter. Do not overfeed chil
dren during th hot weather. Serve only
th tighter and more easily digested
foods, and make sure th bowel keep
normally a olive.
' Most of th trouble to which children
seem particularly susceptible In summer
havs their origin In a constipated condi
tion. Th first car of th mother ahould
be to eee that th children are regular.
At the first sign of a disposition to neg
lect this Important function a mild laxa
tive should; be administered promptly.
Cathartic and purgative should never
be given to ohlldren a they ar harah
and violent in their action and tend to
upset the entire system. The combination
of simple laxative herb with pepaln, sold
in drug stores under the name of Dr.
Caldwell' Syrup Pepsin. Is now very gen
erally used to correct stomach and bowel
troub'l and la especially adapted for
children, being pleasant to the taste,
mild and gentle in action and tree from
opiate or narcotic drug of any descrip
Swap Anything in the
Wis, where ha was in attendance at th
ohool of Instruction for field hospitals.
1 he me. sage recited that an eeoort was
svobompanylng th body noma and that
it would arrive Tuesday morning. Darling
was a year of ag and bad been In th
ervioe about five . years. . Member of j
u Lincoln corps ana in gimra nerv
will meet the body upon It arrival.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Aug. . (9peclal.)Tha
first call for the supreme court ha been
Issued by Cleric Harry Lindsay and con
tain forty-eight case. Th flrt case
will be called Monday. September . All
the Douglaa county case have been set
for hearing for the following Tuesday,
eight being on the call, as follows:
Wnnrath against Peoplea Furniture and
Carpet compe-v. tee Majnst Ially News
Publishing company. Tverde aga nat
O obe surety co-r-panv. O llneky agant
II nola Central Ra lwey compiny. We Is
against Cochran Davids agalnat Tal
bot. Minneapolis Brewing comnany
against Flynn and Drews against lull.
gtreartsjeas Bore Back.
Ilelas Kidney.
Take 1x drop of Sloan' Liniment
four time a day and apply to small of
back. It kllla the pain. All drugglsts.
Advertl semen t.
HOLDREGK. Neb., Aug. 80. (Special.)
The large elevator of the Cen ril I
Granaries company was eompletly do-
stroyed . by fire early Sunday morning.
The loss la 836.000. A aomparatlvely small j
amount of grain wa being stored. The '
building wa Insured for $27,500 and the ;
era In for 810,000. Th company will re
build at once.
tion. 1 A does at bedtime brings relief
next morning; in an easy, natural manner,
without griping or other discomfort
Dr. Caldwell' Syrup Pepsin Is sold In
drug stores for fifty cents a bottle. It
ha been on th market for a quarter bf
a century and la today the standard
household remedy In countless -: home I
throughout th country. A free trial
bottle can be obtained by writing to Dr.
W. B. Caldwell, 453 Washington St, Mon
tlcello, 111.
"Swapper Column
Oar Semi-Annual Lace, and Dress Trimming
Display Sept. 6th to 10th Inclusive
Watch tht Daily Paper for Farther Announcement
Don't Mlas
the Special
New IUig.
You'll rrofit.
$251 Embroidered Flouncings 98c
Tuesday wc place on Rate a splendid line of exquisite
Swiss and Orgtmdie Flouncings, 45 inches wide, $2.00
and $2.50 yard values, the choicest special bargaina in
Omaha, at, yard 98
Edging and Inserting Specials, at yard, Z1, 5c and 7Va
Rousing Specials
Women's Silk Dresses thnt
sold nt $15.00 and $18.0; a
good assortment for selec
tion, for $7.95
New fall styles in gabar
dines, cheviots and novel
ties, nil sizes for women' or
roisse?; remarkable valuo.,
at $15.00
Silk Jersey Sweaters, $5.00
values, all colors and styles,
choice $2.95
Long- Silk Kimonos that sold
nt $5.00 $2.95
New White Coats, a splen
did assortment, at . . . .$7.95, $10.03; $12.50, $15.00, $19.50
New Cloth Dresses and Silk dresses, spec'l, $15, $19.50, $25
Wanted Silks
Black ' Chiffon, Taffeta and
Satin d Chine, 36 Inches wide
rich, lustrous finish, $1.25 yard
value, at, yard 88c
plain and novelty weaves, in
eluding Messallnes, Taffetas,
Tub Silks, Satin Figured Silks,
etc.; actual $1.00 values Tues
day, at, yard 68t
J7lts. Best Pure Granulated Sugar $1.00
48-lb. Pack Best Hlsh Grads Dia
mond H Klour, marts from selected
No 1 old wheat. nothl" fl 'r for
bread, ple. cake or biscuits, p;r
sack ,1-78
Vou can buy new wheat lots cheaoer,
but th result will be noor.
8 lb. bet Whit or Tellow Commwl
ran OH Sardine .190
10 bar Beat 'Em All or Diamond O
Soap for
The bet Domestic MacaroKl, Vermi
celli or gnsahettl. vK. ....i.To
4 lbs. best Pearl Taoloca or Navy
Beans for 88
4 lb, best Hand Picked Navy Benns
for . . . as
7 lb, beat Bulk Laundry Starch, 88
Tall can Alaska Salmon 100
1- lb. cans Fancy Hweet Sugar Corn.
Wax, String, Green or Lima Brnns,
each 7 Ho
2- 1 b. cans Early June Peas .....7H
3- lb. cans Solid Packed Tomatnes SAt
l-lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, Hominy,
Bauer Kraut or Baked Bean ..7H
fX-o. Jar Pur Fruit Preserves. "i
K. C. Corn F:akes, tkr so
w. O. C. or Krumbles, pkjr o
Grans-Nut, pkg. loo
MacLaren'a Peanut Butter, lb..lHo
The best Tea Klftlne-s, lb. ...... l&Ho
nld Santos Coffee, lb ....... .fiOo
Th Bs St'-lotly rr& Country
Bffgs, per dossa aao
The best Country Butter, carton or
bulk, per lb 880
in I U I 0 kfsV" iW7
To Chicago and East
Four Dally Trains
Leave Omaha .. ,1:15am 7:10am 5:50pm 7:50pm
Arrive Chicago. .2:00 piu 9:10pm 8:10am 9:16am
Equipment of these trains has every requisite of travel com
fort. Including coaches or free reclining chair cars, drawing
room, compartmefwfid open section sleeping cars and unexcelled
dining service. Obturation cars cn all trains, together with well
ballasted, double track roadbed protected by automatic signal,
add to the pleasure and comfort of passengers. Try the "Mil
waukee" on your next trip east.
Round trip summer excursion tickets to New York, Boston
and many other point, including attractive trips by lake, river
and ocean, are now on sale at reduced rates. For information,
reservations, etc., call on or address
W. E. BOCK, City Passenger Aent, 0. M. & St. P. Ey.,
1317 Faniani St., Omaha, Neb.
Agents for all steamship lines.
All Hummer
Far niching
at About Half
in Cloak Dept.
New Wool Suitings
All Wool Granite Suitings and
Novelty Stripes, every new col
oring and $1.00 and $1.25 val
ues, at, yard. 78 and Q8c
All Wool Plaid Saltings in
those subdued color combina
tions so much wanted for
separate skirts and short coats;
yard 81.18. 81.48
Flancy No. 1 Creamery Buttr, lb., ISO
Fancy No. 1 Dairy Table Butter, v'
lb 84o
Fancy Full Cream. Toung America
New York Whit or Wisconsin
Cream Cheeae, lb ..8M
Good Cooking; Butter, lb 80
Fancy Wisconsin Brick Cheese, lb. 18
Fancy Llmburger Cheeae, lb 83
Tuesday w will sell th Best Taaey
California Slbarta freestone
Fetches, per orate 69s
Vew Potato, 18 lb, to th peck, 18o
4-baskat cratsa Xtallaa Bin Plain
for . aao
Bnshsl Boas Panoy Bartlstt Par
for ... 81.73
Sweet Corn, per dosen ....10
2 large heads Fresh Cab bass Bi
H bunches Fresh Ha'llshes 80
8 bunches Fresh Onions Bo
6 hads Fresh Leaf Ltettu-e 80
Fancy Wax or String; Beans, lb., 8V4o
3 large Cucumbers for So
Fancy Denver Cauliflower, lb. ...loo
Fancy Ripe Tomaioes, lb 8H3
Fancy Itead Lettuce, par head, 7K-8o
4 bunches fresh Beet or Carrpts, Bo
4 bunches lYesh Paisley Bo
Market Basket Beets or Turnips.. IBs
11 lbs. No. 1 Cooking Anplcs .....18o
When you buy Potatoes or Applets
buy tham by weight, not measure.
IS lbs. Potatoes to the Deck.
II lbs. Apples to the peck.
ssl IV W I ItJB Pi