Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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for IlKNT
Ptnrea mm Ufflrea.
fjoon auta sales room nn Fsrnam Ft.
Very vrsaonable rent. Tel. Ivmg. iw.
f HAVE a t-rnom milt, will share with
wtnt om, frcter lawyer; D. T7-
It kfthdlllrk
Part or all of one floor In lara-e fl re
ctory brick bul'd'pg. 1 arge freight els
ator. Address J IS Be.
WANT El To buy -foot Jeweler.' wall '
case, oak flnth and A-l condition. Ad
dress T C7. Bee.
rmrr, furniture bought and U 4
', lOIIKT prior or old clothl lg. D 4TK
WANTED Reliable real eclats company
to anil large tract of Texas 'an-i. ub
'i-Wni Antiroaa fo 36. Wlnterset, la.
n-i oM1. w.h. "o
ho chefiC
raati. Otva price, and location. J. W4
S LIGHT housekeeping; rooms for family
oi 4 or furnish u collage, irom 10
S30 per month, for Sept. L H Mu, lie.
..;.rr-- ,.zr.-i .
FARM nNril t,M Pn 41. H
HAvfc Vol' A FARM Kuu 5ALIt!
lorfa-s Moat Powerful Want Ad Me-
dlum." Twenty-flva words aery Friday
evening. Haturaav morium anu -
Saturday evenlna: and unnay morning
for one month, irlvlng sixteen ada oa
AatTfHa, mtmtm .B & a lit faVOPslsl
I TA; 78 worna iT
'Zri$on ot .nylr.-
paper, uu.uw reaaer. aany m .
better. W. T
Want to inov to Omaha. Have house
J TT" . . 1 1 1 L. II . .1
barn, two guud sbedj. bii.k cntckon
houe twui leave tne chickens In U, a. I lots fa.tni east, good iocailn, two
block, from car, nut tuo cio u to town
sun.e iii.pruveme.ns. will sell cheap for """" " lnelr " ,lr In0 RT-aieat cure BROKEN BOW, Neb., Aug. .-(Spo-caah,
Wili make arraiigiiun tur pay on earth for pain. Will reMeve and cure . . . Th , thn ,,.
meats. Addrea- u Wi. Bee. more nulokty than any other known rem- 1 ;:Tlh!,.",l.. In?.' "1. . a
BASV MO.NKY Altalta land, &X tcrti, 4
mile, of town; good improvements.
Want general stock. J. Teu
nant, SecaiUles Bld.. Uea Moin.
30-aTre improved pasture land, near
Council Bluffs, at ISO per acre, suitable
for fruit and garden, well watered.
Day & Hess Co.,
12.1 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs, la.
IF TAKEN before September 10,
acre, on liver bottom, one mJlo from
good railroad town, eight mliea from
county aeaL Orchard, trame barn, sod
house, all fenced. Cheapest land In
Custer county. S. B. Mckenty, Analey,
FOR SALE 280-aere farm in Berahl Co.,
Idaho, t mlie. from K. R. and poatof
flce; lia A. under cultivation; 100 ton. hay,
26 A. In grain. 1 A. In potatoes, 85 head
of cattle, 18 horara, all machinery and
implements; U7.0U per acre, inducting
everything. For particulars, address 1&
O. Farnsworth, Plllon, Montana.
MO ACRES, mUe. from Mlnneapolla,
one mile from tewn; lt acre, unuer
cultivation; bajance used for paature;
can pracUcally all be cultivated: heavy
soli. Good let buildings, constating of
room bouse, large barn, granary, com
crib., windmill., etc; the land will pro
duce CO bushel, of corn per acre: tele
phone In bouse: country thickly settled:
complete set of machinery; head of
stock, consisting of 11 cows, balance 1
and J-year-olda; six good how., 26 hogs,
chickens, one-half of thla year", crop and
everything on the farm goc. at o an
acre, half cash. Schwab Hros.. 102. fly
mouth B.dg., Minneapolis. Mum
WOULD accept relinquishment on (M0-A
as first payment on good 160-A. J as. T.
Madigan, WaUac. Kaa.
TOLAND Ik TRI'MBri.L. Pee Bldg.
i TO $M).(M ina
promptly. F. It.
weaa, weao nirg.
ISih and Fa mam 8ta
CITY and fairn loans, 6, S1. per cent
J. H. Uumont o- 41 sut Bank.
A "For Bate" ad will turn second-hand
furrlture into cash.
CITT froperty. Large loan, a specialty.
W. H. Thomas. ;-3 state Hank
WANTFD Good (arm and city load.
IovhI ratea.
O.MAHA homes. East Nebraska farm..
101S Omaha National. Thone Pomrlsa "T'B.
A'ONKY on hand lor city and farm loan
H. W. Binder l Ity wanonsi nana mo.
P.K us 'list for farm loan, in eastern
Neh Tntted Htatea Troar I'n.. Oman.
CITY I.OANiS. C. O. Carl berg.
aiO-lt Brandel. Theater Bldg.
AV ANTED to buy t lots, must be eon-
nected, on paved street; state location
and price. A dress K-886, Bee. (
. I
ONE-HALF acre well improved,
Wtbsttr 1062 after 11 a. m.
; ;
w. nave a very cias.y. new, iivs-roora
bungalow, $4x40 that I up-to-date in
fnii iu.wmvnt. i.r in- ioeto4 No.
73 North S4th ft., where all homes are
near homes and where many homes are
ng built, we win make term to suit
Norris & Norris
400 bee tfldg. Phone Uauglaa 4270.
OOOD (-room house for sale or trade i
$ lots; bearing iruit and suade UvJ ;
yard la all fenced in; ha good Well
water; locatea toil N. $4lh St. Address
F Vi, care Bee.
For sale bv owner, new 4-r bungalow,
$20 cast,. $.V. per month. HernyW4
New S-r, bunga ow, 1 I lock south of
M I er l k.. cheap; see owner 2910 Crown
Point Ave. Phone Webster $14.
HOUSE. 2870 bodge 8t., U. VV. Aioo,
1VJL nr., or iv tvu.e
Council Bluffs. la.
Phone Black 1617.
A beautiful building lot for your bunga
low or house, 1 blk to car; price reason
able terma owner, phone Walnut $37.
$ adjoining lots, near 42d and Webater
Ave. J. P. Coo. iz3 Karri am. Red 4MU.
FOR 8A LB J Three lota and three shares
cf Ralalon Tow run u Co. stuck. HANS
Jl'GION. X4 Leavenworth bu
For sale or trade' 11-room house has two
apt., all mod. and in fin condition; li
trade for lot or house. Tel. Wsbster 7O40.
Food Commissioner Haraan Bring.
Actios Against Various Drag
Firms of Lincoln.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Aug .-Specl.l -Rlghts
vi ituem meaicine manuraciir.ra ap
dealers to Bell or keep for sal any ar
ticle conta'nlng on the label the word
"pure" mill k i4.l.l. k.. . a...
" "v ........ ii j a vpui in J rr-
ti e court In Lancaster county, Food
Commissioner Herman having; brought
!ZS ' P" 8"n"t Unln '
ri.i?,? comp h7 tn
, .Ml. " '
compound labelled known aa "Hair Ca-
tarrh Ciii-i. " mA Tnha w
another druggl. will hava'to answer for
the ft . 'i"cni." uUAri.iliBil m
cure certain diseases.
or tne ,atter at the Hargrewves dnur
"tore, paying I'M a bottle for It. Tha
euro" is manuractured In Lincoln hv
fh - o,,fc x,,,., .t
" a' Pn, m pro-
DrlCtOr h A Vtll IT hlMn fsVWltlfllf aa m iirll.latA
for the cltv nn.M.ZZ
b'Safe tTu
. - - - -
n ,n" 0,8 ot th '' ainln.t tha
... v Comtwu,v' tne commlaaloner
change the compIa-a to Include the
have announced that they will fight the
case through the court.
Commlaaloner Harmnn has ben going
after nunwona manw'actiirer. for using
the wo d "cure" insisting that they have
no right to use the name un1ea It really
cures and that It la only another In-
'"nirement of the law agilnst mlshrand-
Ing. Recently he leaned a warning to the
manufacturer, of "Salvation Oil " who
label'el their at'iff "Tho gr ateat cure
ed y all bodily pain." A. a result of the
warnln-r they toned down their label to
read "The great liniment for pa'n. Rec
ommended for various arhea, pains, etc"
Th. ni.llw nw MlaKMntn -a. .
tin . t, f- .h rf. .
" w
the state law.
One Severely Injured,
nth firs TTnrt. in Hrfl sTi
w ww
(From a Staff Correapondent)
LINCOLN. Aug. 29. (SpecM.)-H.
Snyder, an electrician of Lincoln, had
hls back broken and sustained other :
probable fatal Injuries at o'clock thl
morning when a Rock Island passenger
train struck an automobile In which he
and others were riding at the crossing .
at Twenty-fifth and Randolph.
It I. said that the machine wa going 1
about forty mile and hour and I. ap-
beared to be trying to beat the train ,
to the crossing. The engine hit the ear
and beside, injuring Snyder, L. J. Car
ver, hi. partner in the electrical busi
ness, and Everett Co of Omaha were
injured, although not seriously.
Neb.. Aug.
(Special.) The county
Judge of Otoe
county ha fixed the Inheritance tax In ,
the Sophia Charlotte Rltter estate, which
Is one of the largest probated In that
county for some time. Mr. Rltter. who ;
death occurred recently, left property !
valued at $167,2U.4. The Inheritance tax
amount to $1.6C8.S, of which Otoe county
will receive S79.06; Pawnee county, S544.S9. .
and Johnson county. S244.88. The prop-,
erty which consists largely of real ea'ate I
i. divided a. follows: Otoe county. $67,400;
Pawnee county, $40,800; Johnson county, '
.wu. xne personal property Is valued
oi ine property n
divided among several children.
SCHUYLER, Neb., Aug. . Spc'ai.)
Frantiska Kracl sued Frank Herbiich 1
In the district court for slander to that
amount of $3,000.
Butler county and Colfax countv aettlnd
their difference in regard to tha Platte
Hwr hrM - ,.,
$iV aa settlement In full for all claim
now pending in court.
FAIRBURY, Neb.. Aug. 29. (Special.)
I During the last week County Judge t J.
i Nutxman issued marriage license, to the
following: John R Stevenson and Rose
K'stan, Kosooe C. Moles and Verna
nialr. Ma-ner D. King and Irene
Kroble. Milton Thomburg and Lela M.
Dietrich Wlllems and Edith
I Rohrbaugh.
R. C Mole and Miss Verna Blair were
married at the bride's heme In Powell,
Res. R. N. Orr'll of the Methodist Enis-
copal church of th's city officiating. The
b,Hd, '. a daughter of Mr. and Mr., a-iiu.a va a v j caiiu i si mm ncuci auil
county school teacher. Mr. and Mr.
I Moles left for a trip to California and
on meir reium win resioe in r airoury.
Mr- Mr Thomas L. Uter hare
remoxed to Lincoln.
Mr TT,-- l K -
engineer on a passenger run on th Rock
is'and out of that point.
Mr. and Mrs. William Dryden and son
leave for a visit with relatives In Good
land, Kan., tomorrow.
'ti- --.
SARGENT, Aug. 29.-fSpeclal.r-Th
Alumni association of the Sargent High
school had a social evening In the parlor
of the Methodist Episcopal church on
Tuesday evening. The officers of the
association are John Reach, president;
Lottie Phafer. vice president; Ha.el Yet
ter. treasurer, and Irma Crown over, sec
retary. -- ..--mm-n,
C-et a Kc bot'ln of Sloan's Liniment ap
ply on ba-k and tske dron four time,
a day. All druggists. Advertisement
Not es la bsrebv given that sealed pro
peaals will b rroelved by the unrter
slrned for the rr' tlon of 4 two-story
rtii basement b-ick addition to main
building. Institution for Feeble-Mindad
r-hlldren. G'enwood. Iowa up to one
Vc'ock o. m.. September 14. ir$.
For further particulars write Oeorre
Mogrldve Supt.. or the State Architect
t'e, Inea Iowa.
F 8. TRFAT. SecreUry.
H. F. LIEBKR, (Kate Architect
Child Found at Fairbnry Nearly
Dead Will Be Exhibited at
State Fair.
(From a Staff Correspondent I
LINCOLN. Aug. . tSpeiUD-The lit
tle baby known aa the "flat-car b-tby,"
found at Falrbury on a-fiai car, wiier
It had been abandoned by 1U mother
when about 3 days eld. will be on ex
hlblUoI1 ,t th, far.
Tha baby, when lound about a month
ago, waa wrapped In a sheet and near.y
l . W ........ W .a V. a iWkn.r-.
ulc hospital In Lincoln and lth good
car has been netting along nicely. No
An Incubator ha. been .-cured from
Omaha, In which the little girl, which
ha. been christened Mary ole.
V. M .vkikUU- Pkl.
will re
pose while on exhibition. This proiutsea
to be one of the Intereatlng exhibits of
The state house grounds have again
regained their former beauty. The grass
was allowed to growthia summer In or-
der that the dMide.lon. might be choked
out. according to a recommendation of
Commlaeloner Thoma. Ha.1. The heavy
rain, of the summer lodged the graa
so much that when It came time to clt
It the lawn looked like jiytn.n. but a
Th. Janitor, workl hard
upon ,u however, and with the aid of
lt " , Lf
Bel ,noV r " out of th w,y;
lhe roUKh Burf n1 th" lawn one
of the beauty .pot of the city.
Alleged Treasure
Box Recalls Hunt
for Money of Hermit
Fullhart place, sixteen miles west of An
selmo, of a strong wooden box that had
been pried open and which suggested pre-
vlously concealed treasure, call, to mind
the murder of Oeorge Fullhart and tho
aubsequent arrest and conviction of hi
ak,,a . U lltl.m nl.. IT. ill-
hart wa unmarried and known aa & t
H thw
hermit. He wa. supposed to be wealthy
was a report current that he
kind of money buried near hi
The dlscovery or Fullhart' body one
day along the line of fence with Its skull
crushed In by a hammer which lay
I nearby, caused the county official to :
look for Wdtlam Oxley, a young man
who had been working for Fullhart. but
Oxley had disappeared and it wa. aome '
time before he was located. Lester Klrk-
patrlck wa. Uie prosecutor for Custer i
county at that time and Ell Armstrong I
the sheriff. The latter did eome clever
detectlv. work on the case and waa un-
tiring in hi. effort to land the murdorer.
He .pent busy daya on tho trail and
finally succeeded in running Oxley down
in tho neighborhood of Lexington, mak- the exinse of the special session might
ing the arreat on December . 19W. Oxley be for naught.
was brought to Broken Bow and tried If a special eaalon wa called it could
before H. U. Sullivan. Although Oxley ; easily meet and transact tha business
never admitted hi guilt, too cireumstan- required In a very few day a no busl
tial evidence against hlra was strong aiil 1 net. could be transacted except that
a Jury found him guilty of murder In specified In the call, the constitution
th second degree. He wa sentenced to specifying "The governor may, on eg
the penitentiary for twenty-six year on traordlnary occasions, convene the legla-
February 26, 190L a little under two
month from the time of hi arrest.
There waa much speculation at the time
of the trial about alleged burled treasure
and lt la tated that many ranchmen
went covertly to the place to dig for It.
Many thought that when the prisoner
had aerved his term he would return for
th8 money. Oxley left the penitentiary
BOme time ago. Thl summer some
ranchmen going over the old place found
ft noi0 twenty feet -from the cave and a
.trong wooden box that. Judging from
the ru.t Inside, had contained a metal
box about two feet quare. The box waa
, iymg- near the hole and the lid had been
pried off. The hole had originally been
marked by being filled with ashes. Fhi
dently, whoever secured the content of
the box knew light where to look for lt.
The old adobe house In which he lived
1 now in ruin, but the uncanny
rru.norlea of the place will live as long
a there U an old settler In that part of
the county.
Bank Clearings
Bank clearings in the United States
for the week ending August M. aa re
ported to Bradstreet's Journal, New
Torn, aggregate f3.tf6, 700,010, against
$.t,io.7ti0.0w luttt week and $2,161 'lfi.
In thia week last year. Canadian
c'earlngs agregtte $125.?68 0Q0. as against
tV!l.S'' 0 Inst week end $127 627.0U0 In
thla week last year. Following are the
returns for this week, with per-
centiixoa of chamre shown this week a
compared with thl. week last year:
Amount. Ino. Dec.
New York.
$1 PT"l0l 10.!..
Chi -ago
271.723.i0ol 5 6!..
lfl 51",t)il0! 14 J ..
Phi adelphla ..,
11 Tn '
, vinsaa rity
i I"Jncl,co
1.70jH 10.$'
tirgiroi V31
47 4".'0 $1.61
?S,"7.0'1 9 0
r. 8' 00 1 22.0
27 WW 13.0'
24A1l,(Oi! I T.l
anTiaiir 8.ll
W."2.'Vft 4.01
l.fW0l I 12.2
12 ' 11.7
47W! .$'
l?."tC('l 19 2
in w "vni 1 (4
9.6'TOVM .11
1 inf.arM.'la
Detroit . '.
. ntM-,'nn,ti ...
I T oa Anre'ea
New nrfeans
in iwmiHoe
A t'sn-a
1 OOtHVl'l
St. Paul
Portland. Ore...
nw 34. Rt
.m"n-i 91
1. 'OS. "ft" l" T1
g.4m onr t.ji..
ft 4r im i
7wnfto R.ji
6.V7W It si
gl'ieirt' Jog;
6.'l 1 I . . ..
... 55.5
I Indianspo'ls ...
Wr Vorth ....
Wsabtnrton, D.
wtmNi s .
SO- -mi ti ji 1
rviom"s ,
A'tv.nv ,
B"lt Lake City...
Toledo ,
w Moines
B '(K iw n. 41
4rneol 1 jvi
K avr rm I j 4
-Wi il.V
- "om ih 21
4 VI en. .. I
'-vv( m 31
I " nnol . , , I
ir-"i ' . "-t 1
Heart, ai I
14 4
4 $
rut ..
h -mtf.f
-o-r.iv .
V-ron ..
ww T--en
PooX fa
"-fxI Raris ....
,hii F'a.
Sr1fiM. Mass.
fi' lock
Fremont '
1 "j 1
oj-w" '. .. '
7,it m i
?wvyii ; .i"ii'a
t" j t2.f
t neri i
$4-4"vt 15.1 1
i'rv 1 7.s
J ' ffi 0'.
1 i
1 eol
1 w .
1 ki, , . I
i o1. 1 I 11
Governor May Be Obliged to Calli1"' tie haii m -th mntinentai Mnok.
- . . . . . '.Fifteenth nnd ItoiiKla tlrnh. lion
One to Correct Matters
Left Undone.
(From a Staff vYrreUHnilent.l
S-iSjHHial.) A spe
clal ax-a.-i.on of the IckI. I.iture Is tn-ing
proposed In orUor to fl up sume of tha
things the laat etlon left undone and to
a I tlP. 1 1 Hu mniiiMr mr , nt- m r a.i,n ft mnn t
-'-" ";-
lon.o rata are olacuaiMiif what It will
cost. They have not Iraa-nrd the loaeott
that coat la not the whole thlnx In tlio
successful miinagemcnt of the state.
The last eoaalon, trlvl to put
forth an economy plan of cutting ex
penaes, made a miserable Job of It anl
It la now becomlnd npixirout that alKiut
the only t..lng lutt la a apvcln.1 aranlon.
Hid It not buen for the aonuto, tho atatn
woald ba now famr a much moro aerl-
" Proaltlon than It haa on Its hauda
t" Preant time,
T.. ci.auoa vt a supremo court com-
",'-"'n tenographer and no
" 01 M lne noUM
lr,PU 10 "'onomixo. mow mrce commis.
f t .!- with only one
tried to economlso. How throe commls.
".'- " "-.
no funds vo'cd to even pay the commls-
sloners. or the stenographer, or hire art-
uitonpi .as at .nee If needed la a ouea-
tion which will have to bo met by the
state some time and It may require a
special session ti) settle that thing and
other things of more Importance.
The worst muddle, however, confronts
the pure food coinmlaalon. Here Is a
commlaalon, one of the moat important
in the state, bringing Into tho state treas
ury thousands of dollars every year
above Its expenses and saving the peoplu
thousamla more brcauao dishonest people
cannot dispose of their adultciatcd and
spoiled food to tho piililio, unable to exlat
because of a ruling of the state treasurer
that as the legislature failed to
prtate the tees of the department for the
une of the department, warrant, cannot
be drawn for the support of the depart
1. K l. l, r. .IU.
settle the Difficulty, but state officer are
afraid that If It is put up to the courts
from ap urely legal standpoint thn edict
of the state treasurer might stand and
then the state would he up nmilnnt tho
proposition of a special session anyway.
It Is estimated that thn fees coming
Into thn pure fond department alone for
the blennluin would pay the expense, of
a special session and that from the sland-
point of financial benefits, the special j
sernlon should be called,
What may stand In the way of calling
of the special session I whether tho
members of tho legislature who were
unable to handle the state finance, sue
oeaafully last winter, will be any likely :
i to do a better Job at a special session
this fall. In oaae they have not Bath-
jerod aense with the lei. on before them,
j lature by proclamation, stating therein
tho purpose for which they are convened,
and the legislature shall enter upon no
business except that for which It Is
called together."
Under the constitution the governor
must .pecify the business to be trans
acted and while he might not go very
far, there 1. every indication that lt
would take a long proclamation to cover
all the thing, which a special eaa on
might do to correct irregularities and
failure of the last session.
Officer's Memory
Cause of Serious
Charge for Couple
Tho memory of rrooaflon Officer A. II
Vosburgh 1. gotng to cost a lot of worry
and grief to Vlda and Charles Williams,
611 North Twentieth street They were
being arraigned In Juvenile court yester
day afternoon on a charge of improver
handling of their m'nor children, when
V of burgh suddenly remembered that the :
federal authorities were holding warrant .
for a couple wanted a year ago. He In
vestigated and a few moment ater :
United State Marshal Tom Flynn wa
on the Job with warrant charging them !
with white alavery. It 1 charged that
the couple took a 16-year-old Council
Bluff girl to Grand Island.
Bluffs Children
At Hanscom Park
"Uncls Henry" DeLong of Council
TVuffs brought about ? little children to
Hanscom park for an outing Saturday.
They occupied themaelve. playing and
running race. For winner In athletla
event the following were among the
prixes offered: Girl.' lavallere for base
ball throw, silk scarf for big girls' race,
kolid gold brooch for little girls' race,
mesh hag for volley ball, Venetian collar
and crocheted bag for double-handed
race. Boys: Base hull for base ball throw,
volley ball for volley ball throw; five
dollar bill for broad Jump, constructive
toy for small boys' race.
New Fire Company
Has Its License
With the Issuance of It. license In com.
pllanne with the requirement, of the Ne
braska state law last week, the National
Security Fire Insurance company ha
passed from the ta-;e of promotion to
that of actuary writing policies to cover
fire risk. This la the company orginized
I with Walter A. Georg. former state
.. . . .
ftvw"i ti official roster Include such name a
a 1 l 7i.!!!"E. E. Howe'l M. R. Hatch. O. A. Daniel-
""laon. F. J. Zeman. C. If. Clancy, Edwin
T. Swoh. Nonia Brown. Charles E. Fan-
I n!n. Chester H. Aldrieh and W. B. How.
rd. The mi offices are to be main
tained in Omaha.
For n Haralr.4 A--1e.
If you will get a bottle of Chamber
lain' Lln'ment and observe the direction
given therewith faithfully
you will re-
fm .n murh l,.a, ( I ... ,).u . I .. n.,..1l..
a required.
Obtainable everywhere. All
Knights of Pythias
To Have Big Open
Meeting on Monday
Nebraska Inline, No. 1, Knights of Pyth
ias, will t In It winter season wltu
n open nin'UnK tin Moiid.ty evening, at
tV. V. Yolintt, lMt grand chancellor, tor
twelve year supremo representative from
Nebraska, and well known n nn lnn'ii tff
: '11J J'"" '";'' ,';r'
ipr'tuipal ailil.'iss of the evening, rcitk-
Ing on "Pythlnnlam."
Alter Hi, .i rjikhiv th.-, n ..Ill
, ,n ,,, ,, (r my Hln.l. a. iiic
of them reminiscent of tmj hood days,
and alt with Just a little more thin nvcr
aire nut unit of pleasure In thi'm. Kor
thone who wlvh. tabloa for plnMng .aula
wlll be fuinlilied.
A contrat la pro-
Tliroo membership ii'innilttfin nre le
Ing organised, and the pora nml la nhoiit
flAtpntlo.,1 imnn I ho mpmbtTS loolitng
forwanl eajjcrly to tho cam;ml.:n thai la
now opening. Prixes worth while are
awaiting the winner", and this fa-t la
rnnl.tlng tl'ent to get up coiirlilorablo
al u m. The card tomnHment, soon to
t"1 opened. In nla.i ottrnetlnir a good ilrn
" advance. M ention. t Is Uln worked
on a s a.cmatlc plan, su t.-,l,,o
Pl to I played for and w1t I e one
Mh main feMure. of the winter a en-
" r "7' "... "r
mmonv una i-huiko or ine jour-
I r-jyts.JiLr r T....7 "TT1 , -- - - - t ,U.a,J
TTrfSVAX 1 f I
-AsnafiaaaaaMiM.. . . . . 0 W 9m
( MmiWp.ii"iiiITO , ,, , t,U,.
vA VA" iwmi
UnCfra-sMa 'wmiVsiw'si'i''mi " "
lii.lV! ' 1 t-,,!" ",w J-'"- -.-,1 j
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Or. rf Oil.
ima aiig Kci,r' pnr
wlu,,l. wriusi
"I m9 him kMlf
fm RUnb, t ui Im
oil bewlic wtU. 9,C.llanl
b Mtl,i. pwd la tW
raM mi allWrl. b-opl- wftm
It ni irwbJk U build up
trt atTMrvth, to lUnuUu
BiM i iirtruoiia. mni li m-
Dr. CmrmJ Ink.
isMrl, wriiaSI
"I ham Kkd tb 9mrt hmmi
rswutt ruyi Karliii in
Uilrtv.) rrt wf furvssa-
m ciit m (M.4J aaiiti u