Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 4

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Plans for Another Season of Work !
for European Sufferer Are j
Formed at Meeting.
Loral society woidm began an-'
other season of relief work for war
sufferers at tha home of Mlsa Jessie
Millard, when Mlsa Grace Zorbaugh
of Paris, France, general aecretarr
of the British-American Toung
Women's Christian association at
Paris gava a detailed report of relief
needs In France and enlisted tho
Omaha women's aid In the work. !
Mrs. Fred Pearce, 119 South
Thirty-seventh street, offered her
home as a base for receiving supplies
and money. Mattress materials, un-,
bleached muslin, paper toweling, old I
kid gloves and Burgeon's gauze were j
. m L ) .l tit.. vwVm Hk 1
materials ior wuicd mias uuiu i
pleaded especially, as these articles ,
will furnish employment for Belgian
refugee women at the association
Doaatloaa of OM KI4 Glares.
Indications were that a few of the
womn will undertake a rampalcn for
donations of old kid s-lovea, which will
ho cleaned and sent to Franc, where
they are converted Into wind-proof vests 1
for military aviators and automobOUta.
Mis Zorbaugh announced that the
Thomas Kllpatrlrk company had offered
to pack for shipping all donations, free
of charge, and that the American Relief i
Clearing house, 150 Bsnk street. New to the needs of stranded Americana and
York City, would ship the boxes from ; then taking up the load of the Franco
New York to Franoa, also free of charge, j Belgian sufferers. Besides food, clothing.
Among the women Interested In the mattresses and other necessities, and sur
work who were present were Mrs. Her- gleal supplies, hundreds of women hava
bert Rogers, Mrs, George A. Joalyn, been given employment by the assool
Mrs. Sam Caldwell, Mr Fred Pearce, atlon.
Mrs. H. C. Summey and Mlaa Helen Mil- June IS of this year, Just before Miss
lard. ! Zorbaugh sailed for America for a much
A number of workers for the Franco
Belgian relief last winter to the number
of thirty, were also present.
Senator Hitchcock
' Makes Talk at York
YORK. Neb., Auff. . (Special Tele
i gram.) -The aperlal old aoldlers' plcnlo
was held this afternoon In the chautau-
qua pavilion In the city park. Although
It rained, a large Crowd assembled to
bear Senator Hitchcock's address. Tho i
senator's speech was a review of tho '
first fifty years, from the war of the
' rebellion In title country to the Interna
tional war In the old world. He con-
i eluded by a discussion of the changes
,'WhIch the present war Is likely to make.
lie said the changes would be felt in.
business, government and social organi
sations all over the world.
T. W. Smith was elected president;
' George F. Corcoran, secretary, and A. I.
jlean, treasurer, for the next year.
'. BOSTON. Aug. H Former Governor
Alva Adams of Colorado, speaking at a
suffrage mass meeting tonight, char
acterised the preamble to the federal
'. constitution as a 'He and a delusion,"
' In those states which have not granted
'- woman suffrage.
It would never be Justified, he said,
J until women have the vote. Governor
; Arthur Capper of Kansas also spoke In
; favor of equal suffrage.
CHICAGO, Aug. 3. Cora. .grd is, and
hor sister. Lillian Hodllck. 15 years old,
of respectable parents, confessed to the
: police today that they had been burglars
I for two yean. "We were taught by 'Bald
headed Mary,' " related Cora. "We rob-
'. bed houses, more than I can remember,
when the owners were away. We took
; clothing and Jewelry, mostly, and pawned
j them. The money went for clothes and
1 amusement."
CHICAOO, Aug. .-Waltar K. Oreene
baum, manager of the Indiana Trans
portation company, who was fhdlcted by
ahe county grand jury chained with
manslaughter In connection with the
ICastland disaster. Ills company teased
the steamer for the ejeurston. . The In
dictment charges the boat waa un sea
worthy end overloaded.
PIERRE, . D., Aug; ?:.-(Ppeclal Tele
gram.) A request of the governor of
Iowa waa Issued today asking for the
custody of Henry Moorley, who la In
Sioux City, and wanted In this state on a
charge of violating the "blue aky" law,
by selling stocks of a company without a
license, either tor himself or authority
' the company to sell stock.
K4tar llaslaeea Cfcaav.
klrfJAU, Neb., Aug. IT. (Special)
llattan U Ron have aold their furniture
Hor to a. a Green of Eladen. Mr.
tlreen la buying It for his eon. who will
iave charge of the business.
Dr. King's New Dlsotrvery will help
your couth or cold; keep a bottle at home
for emergencies. too. All druggists.
Tark Hloekhoase Destroyed,
PKTROORAD (via London). Aug.
TIim fol'owlng official stnlement waa Is
sued today at the headguartert of the
army of the Caucasus:
"In the coastal region Wednesday our
s.o.ts. crossing the Ark-Hsve river have
n,iroved a Turkish blockhouse with
timid ureukdea. A motor boat and a tor
llu boat sank inn eiteioy aaillug wa
st is and their cargoes."
Will Pass MaaltloM.
IyOB ANGELES, Cal., Aug. . More
tlmn fe.Ut rounds of ammunition and
fifty-four cases of rifles, held up two
fk sko bv the government on sua-
iicion tliat they were intended for a
irtlcan t ilibuslering exptHlltlon, were re
Inused lur for vhipmviit to Carransa
sr. its st Maxatlan. OrUers were given
tu U-t rounds of ammunition pass
f'Oin 'nt-xlco. Cal., to Hsflian Cantou,
ilu 'hu ftulo In lower Cllf rnlH.
Swe.Ii Holiness. Kifty-eecond
1 avrn worth. Ri-v. C U. Stuberg,
t-ir -Murising. 11. Kvening, T.46.
li.l' KlKiyl,
Young People's meeting,
M Grace Zorbaugh of . Council Bluffs
Great Section
Giucq Zorhaugk.
With characteristic energy, It waa Mlsa
Grace 8. Zorbaugh, a former CounrJl
Bluffs girl who led In the relief wor
for refugees In the cast of France last
year. Miss S&orbaush, who la general
secretary of the Pritlah-Amorlcan Young
Worren's Christian association at Purls.
Is visiting her parents and Omaha, friends
for a few weeks and Saturday addressed
group of women Interested In the relief
work al the home of Mlas Jessie Millard.
filnca the first declaration of war, the
doors of the Toung Women's Christian
association at Parle have never been
closed, the secretary first administering
needed rest, ahe attended a conference of
persons Interested In relieving the suffer
ings of the refugees at Ht. Dlser, lfio miles
east of Parts. At this conforence were
M. Petit, souspreft or lieutenant-governor
of Wassy and Madame Petit; M.
Ron Jan. mayor of the city; M. Mareschal
and M. Bncquct, each himself a refugee
representing many fugitives from the
Ardennes; Madame Mungool. wife of the
, distinguished surgeon now at the hoad
, of the field hospital work In thi Vosges
land Mlsa Mary II Mddull, Miss Zor
baugh's assistant at the association In
Miss Zorbaugh and Miss Llddal brought
with them a large shipment of mattresses,
garments and other necessities for dis
tribution among the many thousands of
refugee"! who hud concentrated In this
part after being forced to evaettate their
homes In the Ardennes and Belgium.
I "Ia Mberte," a French newspaper pub
I United at 8t. Dlsler dn la Htiute Mnrne,
' gives this account of Miss Zorbaugh'a
"The distribution was made In one of
the most crowded sections of the refugees'
colony and the recipients expressed their
thanks to the association represented by
the two secretaries In warmest terms, not
only for the material comforts laoelved,
but far more for the moral good derived
from the two tadlee coming In . person all
the' way from Paris with their hope-In-
! spiring measage of cheer.
"The St. Dlsler refugees are not the
only ones to benefit by the generosity of
the British-American Young Women's
Christian association. We understand
other distributions were made In the com
munes of Villlers-en-Lleu and Chan
cenay." Miss Zorbaugh wll spend a few more
weeks In Omaha and will then return to
hor post In Paris.
Convention of Baptists it to Begin
Tueiday Evening- and Continue
Until Thursday Afternoon.
In the Immanuel church. Twenty-fourth
and Ptnkney streets, this city, the annual
convention of the Omaha Baptist associ
ation will begin Tuesday eveulng and
continue until and . Including Thursday
afternoon. The Tuesday evening peogm
will be In charge of the Baptist Young
Feople's union. The program of the
meetings follows:
7:45 Bong service, cnoir of Immanuel
I: l Address, President Alfred Major,
s.2fc Reports of year's work from the
S:&Adnresa. "The Relation of the
I'-U)tlt Young People's Union to the
Church." Rev. M. p. Richardson, Wayne.
;16 Discussion.
:10 ltevotional service. Rev. J. A.
RtKks, Tskainah.
:i-ApiKiintnient of committees to sum
marise church letters.
: Adtlresa of welcome, Rev. A. J.
Morris. Omaha.
Response, W. 11. RelknapiH Blair.
06 Appolnltiieiit of cominiile'S.
10 :voR. ailing of church loiters.
10:-Elecllon of officers.
10:4fr-Addrs, "Grand Island College,"
Rev. 11. W. Taft, D. D., Grand Island.
11 :1H Annual sermon. Rev. J. O. Battle,
1 :Sft Devotional service. Rev. O. A.
Pmlth, Herman.
I is) Address. 'The Every Member Can
vass." ltev. Wilson Mills. Omaha.
rat Conference, "llvw We Do H In Our
Church." Calvary, Omaha. A. C. Husk;
Tekamuh, J. H. Force; Fremont. A. K.
1 tuv Address. "Tha Hlble School as a
S"l-l n I.'.- n al 1 m U
Rev. J. D.
Una, Lincoln.
t.y Genra1 discussion.
led by
w. R. Hill, Omaiia
4 0-Art dress, "The Contribution of the
Bible hcnool to the Trtunnh of Uie Klng
doni," G. W. Noble, Oiiuov
4 30 General
T:4& Song service, choir of the Im
manuel rhur'h.
:!& Addn-aa. "The Flve-Ysar 1 Yo
sts m." U. U. Prorwr. D. D.
: Address. "The Plsn of a ftound In
the Tree Tops." Ilev. liowland Hauson,
( Irvoiioiial service. Rev. R. N.
Cloud, Wahoo.
.ai-Keporta or committees, ernciency,
resolutions, place and preacher and
obit nary.
10 li Address, "Mlxslon Work In Xe
brsKka," Rev. V'rod Horry, Lincoln.
1" Dlsrusalon.
11:00 Address. "Prayer and Progreaa,"
Rev. H. O. Rowlands. D. l . Omalia.
11:46 Prayer aervice. In charge of Dr.
I SO Devotional servtoe
t:ik-Huainess and election of officers.
1 -Adiirt-K. "The Work of the
Women's Home Missionary Society"
Mies Helen Tenhaven. bloux V'alls. S. 1
1 00-J.1rss. "The Work of the
Woman's Kort-lgn -MlKslonary l?oclety,"
Mrs. Wilson, Uiico'n. S'.-l-
The male chorus of the North Presby.
tertan church. Twenty-fourth and Wirt
atreete. ui give the toiioing wusicej
I ' O ""V '.rr
x Ta a-: -f-p
'r, afesN-Sf JH
of French War Relief Work at Paris
Pour 1m persooaos Toyageant
Prenoms, fi-r-
Domicile .2jtitA.
Signature du porteiir
Dmfiiiation pour let vcyagetu-t tn chemin ds fer :
Dilivri h
ConpWaoient du timbre
du Cemnlssariat de folios
(tl Raysr tss msnUoot louUlsa.
program Sunday evening:
Organ Prelude -Kyrle and Gloria. Haydn
Hymn 4J. ngreKattoii
Quartet Day Is Dying
Hcripture Reading. Responsive
"horua Trust In the Iord (Largo). Handel
Hymn Congregation
Holo Selected ,
Quartet I Need Thee Every Hour...
Chorus One Sweetly Solemn Thought
K. S. Ambrose
Address by the Pastor
Hymn Anthem Jesus, Lover of My
Hymn Congregation
Chorus Recessional DeKoven
Organ PoeUude Hallelujah... Lenbllotte
At the First United Evangelical church,
2420 Franklin street. Rev. J. M. Runcle.
pastor, will be held tha nineteenth an
nual session of the Platte River confer
ence of the United Evangelical church,
conunenctng Sunday at 10:44 with an ad
dress by Bishop W. H. Fonke. At t:S0
an address by Blahop W. IL Fotike and
ordination aervtoe. At 7 o'clock Keyatone
League of Christian Endeavor, led by 11.
8. Tool, and at 8 preaching by B. H.
Nlebel. general secretary of the Mission
ary and Church Extension society,
Rev. Frank N. Rlale of Cincinnati. O.,
will tirvtafh a f tha Vlrwt Prahttertiin
cnuron, louiuf women a Lnruuui asso- :
elation auditorium,
10 So o'clock.
Sunday morning at
Rev. Chaxlt-a A. Arnold, pastor of
Grace Preahytot-tan church, Kansas
City, will preach at Dundee Presbyterian
church at 11 a, m. Sunday.
Rev. R. Flockhart of Chanute. Kan.,
will preach at St. Andrews' Episcopal
chureh 8'Jnday morning.
First, Harney Street and Park Ave
nue, llev. H. O. Rowlands, Pastor
Preaching at 10:46, subject, "The Divine
Contact.' Evening, union services at the
First Christian church. Sunday school
at .. Ueorge IL Waterman, superin
tendent. Grace, South Tenth and Arbor, Rev. B.
B. Taft. Pastor Sunday school at 10 a.
in. Morning worship at lU subject. "Llv
ins for Christ." Lord's supper at closu
of sermon. Junior meeting at t:4&. Bap
tist Young People s union at T. Kvenlng
worship at 8. subject, "Kour Reasons
Why You Should Repent." Mission Sun
day school, juio South Fourth street, at
1 p. lu.
Olivet. Thirty-eighth Street and Grand
Avenue. Ilev. William A. Multord. Pas
torMorning worship at 11. subject.
"Christians That Stick." Evening at .
baptismal eervlce, bunday school at la
Union meeting at Central Park Conrre-
Salioaal church at k, addressed by Rev.
. W. Welsh of the Sunday party. No
young people's meeting. No meeting
Wediteeday evening.
Calvary, Hamilton and Twenty-fifth,
Rev. 1. A. Maxwell, Pastor Morning
topic, "Religion on Parade." livening
topic, T hums That Aocompeny a Ke-
. i . .. i i, . , v.. I v ......
people's meeting at T, led by Mlaa Mar
Mann. Women s Mission circle on Krl
tiuy at the home or Mrs. Nrgule, X1?
Hawthorne street. Wednesday evening
player service dismissed for the Omaha
Baptist assot'iatlun.
Immanuel, Twenty-fourth and Plnkney.
Rev. Arthur J. Morris. Psstor Mornlu
.. 1.1.. III W . . .1.. u.j.i,
j Cou1Ue.t " Bible achool at aoon. Chaxlea
at Head of
elf tial5av.
en chemln do fer.
Signataneat t
. au , .
Sipa pitfetlitfi iffimtt :
m Commigaairtf da Police,
W. Simon, superintendent There will be
no evening service. The congregation
wilt unite with the other churchea of the
neighborhood In a union service In
Trinity Methodist Episcopal church, to
be addressed by Rev. J. W. Welsh, D. D.,
j? the Sunday 4rty. The Omaha Bap
lst association will meet with the Im
manuel Baptist church. Tuesday evening,
and continuing until Thursday afternoon,
First, Nineteenth and Davenport. Rer.
Frederick T. Rouse, Pastor Morning
worship at 10:S0, subject. "All Tntngs to
All Men, If by Any Means We Can Save
Some." Sunday school at noon.
Central Park, Forty-aecond and Sara
toga. Rev. 1. R. Beard, Pastor Morning
worship at 11. Sunday school at 10, tl
D. Gepaon, superintendent. At 6 a union
service will be addressed by Rev. J. W. Leoause of the late time of the
afternoon meeting there will be no even- I
Ing service.
Hi.lslde, Thirtieth and Ohio. Rev. W. &
Hsmpton, Pastor Morning aervlce at
10:30, communion. Evening aervlce at .
Sunday school at noon, L. Stegner, super
intendent. Senior Endeavor at 1. Inter
mediate Endeavor at 4. Junior Endeavor
at a.
Plymouth, Eighteenth and Emmet,
Frederick W. Leavitt, Pastor Morning
servloe, 10:X; topic, "what It means to
e Saved:" the Lord's supper, baptism
and the reception of members; Bible
school at noon; young people's meeting,
6;30, union service with Rev. J. W.
Welsh at 1 at Trinity Methodist.
North Ride, Twenty-second and Lothrop,
sv. Oeorse L. Peters Pastor Bible
-i10i 10 a
vesper aervlce at t:4s.
First, Twenty-sixth and Harney, Rev.
Char-tea E. Cobbey, Pastor Morning
service at 11. topic, ''Faith." JDvenlng at
Si. union aervlce. Rev. J W. Welsh In
charge. Bible school at I.4S. Young Peo
ple s Society of Christian Endeavor at
rfcrlatlaua gcleaee.
First Church of Christ. Scientist. St.
iMarya Avenue and Twenty-tout th Street
Servlcee at IL Subject. 'Vhrlet Jesus."
Sunday achool (two sessions). 1:46 and IL
Wedneaday evening meeting at 1
Second Church of Christ. Scientist,
Dundee Hall. Underwood Aveoua and Ftf
Cetu Btmt-oervicea at U. Subject,
"Christ Jesus." Sunday achool. :&.
WeUueeday evening meeting, I o'clock,
St. Andrews', Forty-first and Charles,
John flockhart. Prlest-tu-Cbarge Serv-I'-es
for the thirteenth Sunday after
Trinity as follows! fcarly oonununion, a.
Morn ng service, II. nuuday achool, :4.
Conflrntatlea oiaas Thursday evening at a
Church of St. Philip the Deacon, Twenty-first,
near Paul. Rev. John Albert
Will lama. Vicar Holy oo mm union, lax
Morning prayer, a Holy communion and
seriuoii, 11. Sunday echooi, L bTvening
prayer and sermon. T.
B earn ae HoeU.
Grace, Camden Avenue and North
Twnty-sevenlh Street There will be reg
ular services at U.. Kev. B, H. NlebU of
Pittsburgh. Pa., preaching tha sermon.
First, Franklin. Bear Twenty-fourth
Bunday services will be as follows: bun
day achool. Mi. Sermon. Blahop W. H.
Kouke, 10 4a. Address, Bishop W. H.
Fouke, 1 to. Ordlnatton aervlv. Testi
mony meeHlng. B. HUler. K. L. C. H.
service, H. a Tool. T. Devotional. C.
Hewitt, a Annual missionary aermon.
B. H. Nieble. general secretary of M!e-
i onarv
' anl Church Etanakn aoeietr.
St. Mark's Fngl'sh. Twentieth and Bur
dette. K Groh. Paator "Love Neighbor
aa Self." Nobody does. 11. Sunday
echool. 45. No evening eervlce.
Kountxe Memorial, Firtiin Htret and
Twenty-eixth Avenue, Rev. OI'ver D.
1 ' Baltsley, l'ostlr; Rev. C hYanklln Koch
Associate 1 'as tor Morning worship u.
"Why Ho Many Clo Wrong and How to
On nrxfit ftunony ehl, t:4&. Oacar
I. Goodman, aup-rintenonL
Orace Emtlinh, 122 8uth Twpnty-slxth
C. N. Stewart, Minister "Wlsat to
KxDt of th OhrUttan." 11. "How
tn T'lfBHO fod," n. Sunday arhool, 10
and J at forty-eighth and lavenworth.
I.wthr leaaun. 7. Leadrr, Mlaa tvelya
fit. Paul's, Twenty-fifth end Kvana,
Rev. F. T. Otto, Pastor drvlroi, 10
Sunday arhi'ol of. the Enllnh nVnart-
f tit. Kverln wrmnn In Knrlth, a
theme. "The letter Kllleth, but the Kptrtt
Olveth Iife.-' (.'tiolr prnrtl"e Frldava at
fc Tailth arhool Kln September .
Pt. Mattf-w'a F.nsllah. Nineteenth and
Cnatellnr. Rv. t. V. fnvdor. t'ator
Morninjr service at 11, ubjret. "The On
Thing Needful. l.thrr league a-rvlc-, 7.
uhjfct. ")oiVi Proral'- for the Chris
tian I Ife." Pur.rtay at honl, 70. t!b)c'.
"Ood'a Care of Kll'ih.-' The iMrtlea' Aid
society will meet Thursday afternoon at
the rea'denre of Mrs. Georae Bwaniwn,
9027 Lej-imore avenue.
Flrwt, Twentieth and Imvenport, Tlttia
Ix)we. M'rlater .Sundv rrh o' at 9:4b;
.temeg Hodire. actlnit eupe rlntend'-nt.
Morning worship at II. 8i:bje't. "The
l1vln Flrna'." Bnwo-th kajtii" fit 7.
Fine meotlnv for vo"tig rople. Kvenlng
worship at a Subject. "The Faavlnatlon j
V,r Men and
' .1
-wf Tew. sf T
sea college
m SFM swaa!! 11 I
Msats Salts
From 810.75 to 835.00
acifnei' Afternoon aid Evening
From 814.50 to 830.50
Aato Coat and Evening Tfrapi
From 812.50 to 845.00
TTalsts and Blovsea In great var
iety, from 81.50 to 815.00
Skirts In Every Hew and Desirable
Silk Sweaters
87.50. 88.50. 812.00
All Wool Sweaters
84.00 to 812.00
A Complete Line of ForBlshlnga
From Which to Complete
Tour Wardrobe.
A Comprehensive
Stock of Misses'
and Toong Women's
Have You Made Up Your
Madeline Scott,
Joaephine Zeldman
Loniae Pann
Hnelah Beand
Anna Moskorlti
Loetta Deoyer
Virginia Bcott
Margaret Pariah
Ida Baum
Mytrel Klnpe
Franrta Cameron.
Ruth Margolin
Helen Linehan
Nellie Flnaleateln
Haael Hogan
Helen Anderson
Dorothy Iloaenthal
Elsie Harrlts
KUen Reuben
Florence Auderaon
Iaahella Caruso
Ruth Carrol
tWaln Kreldman
Agnea Fltagerald
Margaret (iraee
Bella Green
Alhertina Anderson
Helen Holateln
Mildred Topp
rather Willlamaoa
Rernlce Champion
A Una Chase
Era Novak
Marie Flanagan
Mildred Nonby
Rene Krapt
Oerlnide Cooper
Inea Bhamp
Inea William
Roaie Beamaa
May Jen en
TiVdla Nelaon
Muriel Cnmilck
Katherlne Lowe
Grace EhJera
Catherine Reynolds
Virginia Ieaaaier ?
TtTlsJi WltU
aTarloB CMitr
BiUaT 7a folder wit yen.
Girls Tub Frocks
Plain eolora In am bray, ginKhanw
also blaok an4 white cback and ainaxt
plaids. Thrsa-quartar alewvea, on-
piana waist ur..
for Buys and
' Girls, from
fl.SO Cp.
of Chrtet." The mlnlater preachea at
both aervlcwa.
Ileta Memorial, Tenth and Pierce. C. N.
Imwsnn. Pastor Hiinday ahotl at ::
It. J. I Krna. aut e. Inten.tent. t'rea. n
tng at 11: tiieme, "tKxd ticcurlty. ' K
worth league at 7; Rv 8ta.rk, leader.
Preaching hi S by Pr '. O. Iirown. vjuar-
Pearl. Twenty-fourth and Irlm ire.
Eain H Powt-n. Paator i.o. ulng wor.-nip
at ) Reivption of memoera. Hunday
eci.ool at noon; J. W. Maynard. auperln
teno, nt. t-p. urih fititt.L . .
aervloe at S. No prayer meeting Wednea
tay night.
McCahe. Fortieth a.nd Famam, W. H.
t'nlerwo-)d. pit e tor t'ommumun arv re
and reception of members at 1U Kvenlng
ervlce at Lit. Sunday nool at :6:
rn. Dennrn Ffritrlktn. anuenntcndi rrt
Adjlt Plble clan at :&; Dr. I. C. John,
Jennings Memorial. Fifty-first and
Hl-k"ry Sunday arhool at 10. Preaching
ty John Dale at 11: subject. "Opp.trtun t
and liuty." General gowpel meeting at a
Kpeclal Invitation to attend these services
n xt Rundav as there will not be anv
pre hing aervtcea in this church dur ng
the next six weeks owing to the Bunday
Hanscom Park. Wool worth Avenue and
Twenty-ninth Street. C W. M OS III.
l aator Preaching a trices at 11 end 7:45,
condii ted bv the pnntor. M 'rnlng theme.
-He That Will I0 His Will Bhall Know;''
Of Special In
terest to Young
SST Week
Women going to College, High
r i i ... it..
ocnooi or university.
Young Men's Suits Br Sam Peck,
$15.00 to 835.00
Toung Men's Overcoat Chester
field, Raglan and Form-Fitting
815.00 to 830.00
Jew Fall Shlrta sites start real
small. Prices from
81.00 to S5.00
Fall JtaS2.00. 83.00. 84
Fall S-S1.O0 to 82.50
Holeproof Hose, Fancy Hose,
Interwoven Hose.
Pajamas 81.00 to $5.00
Bath Robes $5.00 to 810.00
Gym Salts 45J Per Garment
A Large Line of Exclusive Keck
wear, from 50 Up
1616-18-20 FABNAM STREET.
Carefully consider your needs then come
to the store that caters specially to boys and1
girls. ' ' - .
Girls' Wool Dresses, 6 to 16 Years
In black and white checks, imported Challies,
French Serges, Fancy r'ds and Imported .Velvet
Corduroys, also Black Couvent Dresses.
$3.95, $5.75, $7.50, $9.75
Boys Suits With Extra Pants
Models by 6am Peck.
Clothing with every evidence of tailored skill. Most
boys' suits are made to meet a demand for cheap
clothes, but we aim at ECONOMY rather than mere
$5.00, $6.50, $7.50, $10.00
Girls' Middies
Tn all "White Galatea with colored
collars (navy, cadet or red), with or
without lacings, short or long sleeves-.
$1.00 and $1.50
All Navy or all Khaki Galatea, long sleeves,
at 81.50
Extra School Pants
Corduroy, Blue Serge and English Mixtures
and Khaki
$1.00 and $1.50
Special BOY PROOF Corduroy 81.65
School Shoes
For Misses and Children.
In button atyla, made from dull leather with
rock oak, Goodyear welt, aawed soles. The
best shoe that can be produced at the price.
Slsea 8 to It
Sixes 11 H to I
For Boys and Youths.
Button and tare styles, made from full stock
calfskin leather, genuine rock oak we t, sewed
e-olea Theae are shoes that will stand the
wear and tear of the achool boy. Tha cele
brated Holland make.
Slsea to ItH
... $2.75
... $3.25
Slsea I to 6
Pony Ilose for Boys and Girb
Light, medium and heaTy
weight, reinforced at the knee aa
well aa at the toe and heel.
1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET.
evening theme, "The Blhle In Person'
WorK." r..niiay school at !:ft. tvpeortl
eKU at i I.j. Tin rp win i c piavt-l
service at the church Wednesday evening
tTly con f era Wednesday at
IToh) trrlsa,
Cnstrllnr. Sixteenth and Castellar. Re.
r. f. Meek. Pastor Morning service n
11. Bunday school at P:4f. lntermediau
and senior Christian i'.ndeavor at 7.
F'arkvale. Th.rty-flrst Gold, R. W
Talor. Pastor fuiidnv athool at 10. I'l
vine service at 11. thenie, "The K.xpande
Holy I-lace." Chrlstlun Endeavor a.t7:oi
Preaching at 8. theme, "Moana at th
Ai;e of Maturity."
North. Twenty-fourth and Wirt. M. V,
Hlgbee, I. li , F'astor Communion Jierv
li-e at in:'. Sinday school at tioon.
Youni People's Six iety of Christian Kn
deavor at 7. The men a chorua and regu
lar choir will give an evening of snrred
song at 1
Church of the Covenant, Twenty
seventh and Pratt. Charles H. Fleming;
Pastor Morning wore .kp at 19:30i Sub
ject. "God's Ua h." Rlhle sc hool at noon,
Km'eavor at 7:15 and evening worship aj
S. Bubjoct. "The Last Weok. Death and
Reaurrextlon of Jeeua." This eermon K
11 uatrated by the world's beat pejntlngi
reproduced In colors by the ster on. nnv t
LAdiea Aid plcnicjit Ketnls park Wedne
riav aftcrno n and Ice crt-am aodal theri
in the evening.
'r2"TfSi 5 s " s
Pi O mm .
'r-ev A "
A Comprehensive
Stock of Tonng
Men's Under
wear. School List?
Henry Kraft
Mlair Martin
H ii gene (oudurier
Arthur Thomas
Victor Da via
BUI Bergman
I'aul Hamilton
Carl Brown
A lea Brebung
Joe Breknitrh - .
Ricliard Hansen
Paul Benner
Harold HiU
Laterne Haugnesa
James Cameron,
Alfred Hook
Joe Wonder
Robert Baysdorfer
Louis lire n el .
Merle Hanne
Joe Dennis
H olden Cappa
Louie CurnazEo
Chaa, Mercarlo
Hod r nan Brown
Warner Juergens
Harold Wright
Barry Moser
Robert Low man
Harry Hinith
George McBrlde
Phillip Canplev8kl
Walter 8winberg
Morris Aipertn
Barton Peanon
Harry Jan ire
James MrMntlen
Panl Meyer.
Herbert Robinson
Richard Iavson
Clifford Kinsley
Millard Meyers
Gilbert Olson
John Fife
Arthar Jsnsaa
Mlcaaal Itela
Orrla Zhlsrs
Fiord B. aCalllraji
Sam, Tatar
HsJury ronda
Brlafyons folder with yon.
Boys' Blouses for School
In chambray, ' gingham and
madraa, stripes and plain colors.
Better qualities at 81.00 and
ftir IVoja and
GirU, from