V ) ( f , The Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Page Pi "7r TO R A a 1 - -f. , - i I V 4 . V i J1 r T .J t -. A. . . : . ... ) r 1 v. V.'l-r' r ; . t 7 i " ' . -. I ..... m Charmingly Demure Hat and One of the New HIrh -Lucile" Collars. ADY DUFF-CORDON, ih U- mom "Lucile" of London, mi fortmott creator of fuhioni ia the world, write each week ike faikioa article for ihi aewepaper, preMnring aD fift ia aeweet and betl in tyice for well d rested women Lad? Duff-Cordon's Pari esuU'ulr ment bring her into dote touch with that centre of fashion. V M ,-- i ' i s 4 i it'. Chnrmin I Vi "Character nat," Which Brlnra Oat the Freah, Girlish Charm af Wearer and' Costume t f .. .. X . J !" II " ' 1 X .Ill I J' By Lady Duff-Gordon rCST a few words on "character hats," or character In hats. You can study the collars In the pictures. . Hats are quite one of the Important things for tne well-dressed woman to study. They are really the exclamation point on the woman herself and her gown. They Intensify the outward manifestations of character, and therefore they should be closely studied In relation to character. In fact, every hat ought to be a charac ter hat, and the tragedy of so many women la that It is not The three photographs of hats on this page show clearly what I mean. In each case the hat emphasises, and is In harmony with the dominant note jDf girl and dress. The sweet Ingenuous ness of the model In the large picture Is reflected and "sign-pointed" by the char acter of her hat How absurd would be the ' dashing little hat with the birds on this face) It would be absurd because It would Dot harmonise with the character of the wearer. These, alas, are only too few words on this Important subject. r . V--. . : ftS j X An Advance Photo Photograph of One of Cherult'a New Afternoon Coats Black Faille Silk, Showing the Enor mous New Collar of Black Velvet. 1 1,1 Another Ilat A i Which K Intenalflee the "Swing- of the Wearer. .4 J - 1 i : f r V7 I A "Character Hat" in Which the Little Birds Interpret the I "Dash" of the Gown. OoorrifU. ISIS, t the Star Cvmotmt. Otsat Brtula lUfkte BMr