TTlKOMAItA SUNDAY mr.: 'AUGUST 20, 1013. 5 B AMI SKMK.XTH. AMI'IKMRXTS, WKEK TODAY Matin Dally, tslS. Xrery Klrbt, lis. SKASON OI'EXS TODAY Mattntyi 2: in. Night fl:!A. it V 11ihDlC WEEK l15-ltook asen.lSl J J .ISM"-1 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE JAMES C. eaoBToti and FRANK F. Xt Star of "The Tick Tok Man of Oi" ADA E son In "IT DOESN'T HAPPEN" Ity CIinniiLnir IVIIork, lXrrrllon JoMh Hart HES 1 y 1 y V Ib ,,v?w - I - :... .'- s , Y ?MAk9 - : . v.N s -- 4 r . 7 t ll i . - : ' : V (P MmSM0mm Madeline I V , tjulia dvrtis M Me OtfiAeum f'::X VH Sullivan v , 'J ANAQBR BURGESS li now &fQ - S,, W ; (W1 X, GaVfiiy JV-N . v nrjfl able t definitely fix the open- l, !l " Z t i I I 1V1 I ing date for Boy1'" theater, ' jJ K"w,,. " LV; " x ' x iS isjf LbmJ the event occurring on the r . i -iiuiiwm m ' -' 'II n m -. . i svAtiinff oir vv aiirumTui' Man i m . A 'fJ tember 29, when the biff Win- ter Garden how, "Dancing V - Stella Tracy & Victor Stone Offering golnlT Mtrlat, Julia Curtis "The Olrl with Many Toloea" Comedleaae The FUmings Willie Weston America's Foremost Blager of Character Bong. In Aa Artlitle Creation la AUbaeter. raiutJi vatineee Beet aeete 8Bo, eacrat atnrd and gander, a Tew Mignte ioo, BBo, Boo and 7Bc Margot Francois & Partner Oomlo Tnmblera oa tilt. Tito Oi')hiim Travel Vckljr " Around the World with the Orphanm Clrontfe Morlag IMotnre Fhotographere. at boo. VKXT M'KKK MclNTVKK anil 1IKATII. Around," with Al Jolson In the cast, will be presented. Four nights of this will be (followed by five nights of "Too Many Cooks," another of the big Shubert shows, on October S, 4, 6 and 6, "All Over Town," with Joseph Santley In the lead comes for October 8 and 9, closing the Ak-Sor-Ben eaaon with aa fine a list of attractions aa ever was presented here during the carnival period, . Next comes "Maid In America," another big Winter Garden, show, which has been running ail summer In Chicago, and will be sent to Omaha almost directly from the Windy City. This will be shown for a week. Walker White side in "A Ragged Messenger," drama tised from the Ixcke story, will be next, then "High Jinks," William Faversham, and "Silk Stockings," with Bam Both em In the cast follow in ordeiv The - booking list (or - Boyd's so far contains dates for thirty three of the leading companies and prom ises a. very. brlUliint season. Some of thane are, "Dancing Around.' with A Jolson; "Too Many Cooks," "Life." "All Orer Town," with Joseph Bantley; "Maid la Amertoa." the New York Winter Oar den oompany, now playing In Chicago; Walker Whiteside In a new play. "The Sagged Messenger; "High Jinks," a mu sical show under the management of Ar thur Hammerateln; "A Full House" and "A Pair of Sixes," It H. Fraxee's farces: "The Only Girl," Joe Weber's musical auooesa; "The Ulao Domino," a musical play; Forbes-Robertson, in repertoire; "Hands Up," now playing the Forty fourth Street theater In New Tork City; "Androdes and the Lion," the Barker Bhaw production from Wallaok's theater of New Tork City; William Faversham in "The Hawk;" "Passing Show of 191B." the New Tork Winter Garden company; "Bird of Paradise, "Trilby." with Phylls Nlelson-Terry and an all-star cast; "Ex perience," "The Blue Paradise," "At Last Alone, "Nobody Home," a musical play, now playing the Elliott theater of New York City; "Sinners," "A Pair of Bilk Stockings." Louis Mann in "The Road to Happiness;" Marie Dressier In a new play; Taylor Holmes, in "Mr. Myd's Mys tery;" Graco George, in a new play; "A Modern Eve," "Omar, the Tentmaker." In the meantime, Boyd's is being bright ened up a bit and some changes are be ing made in the Interior arrangement, that the patrons may be made more com fortable. From the front door to the back wall, the house is being thoroughly gone over, and It will be well worthy Its Im portant position in th stage world when It opens its doors for the regular season. Manager Zehrung of the Brandels makes announcement of the plans for the coming season at that theater, which will still present the attractions sent on tour under the direction of the Klaw A Krlangor oompany. This will include the productions of Selwyn & Co., Cohen A iHarris, the Charles Frohman corpora tion, Charles B. Dillingham, David Bel asco, Flo Zlegfeld and Klaw A Erlanger. ' The first attraction at the theater will be Mrs. Patriok Campbell, who comes on Friday and Saturday of next week In AMUSEMENTS. mien "Pygmalion," the G. B. S. comedy that had New York by the ears last season, after having been both a furore and a sensation In London the season before. The Edward Lynch players will stay at the theater Indefinitely, so there will be no dark time. The list of attractions booked for the Brandels so far as known Is: Mrs. Patrick Campbell and her Lon don oompany, "On Trial," "The New Henrietta," with William H. Crane and an all-star cast. Flake O'Hara in a new play, Boston, English Grand Opera com pany, "Girl from Utah," with Donald Brian, Julia Sanderson and Joseph Caw throne, "Robin Hood," "Twin Beds." Cyril Maude In "Grumpy," "Peg O My Heart," "It Pays to Advertise." "Ben Hut," Margaret IUlngton in "The Lie," 3 AMUSEMENTS. Lake f.lanawa BATHING, BOATING, DANCING And Other Attractions. Fre Moving Pictures Kres-y Evening. This Evening: "Ousslefs Back ward Way," "Operator of Big Sandy," and "Checlunat." "OMAHA rCV CMTM" Dally sCta..lS-aS-SOo Brags., 16-aa-6o-7Bo Mason's Opening- Wsek of Joy BOB MANCHESTER S BURLESQUERS Mollis Williams, Aerial Curson Sis ters, Play Hart A Circus Olrls, Beatrice titarlowe, Geo. Douglas, Frank Fanning, Ted Burns and Big Beauty Chorus. LADrrca edq mat. win bats. Maudo Adams in 'The Little Minister," Montgomery and Stone In "Chin Chin," John Drew, Cliauncey Olcott In a new play, Klsle Janls In a new musical com edy, "The Ohio Lady," Elsie Ferguson, ' Search Mo," "Under Fire." "Rolling Stones," "The Boomerang"," Zfcegfeld's "Follies" and Gaby Deslys In "Blow Your Horn." Mr. Lynoh has selected Miss Qraoa Dale to play the leading role In 'The Bachelor's Baby," the delightful comedy by Francis Wilson, which will be the bill for the eleventh week of the stock season begin ning tonight. This decision is In line with Mr. Lynch' s desire to divide the work as equally aa possible among the mem bers of the company and at the same time give all an opportunity to bring out their best. In "The Honor of the Family" Miss Dw War, so long a favorite In Omaha, played1 the lead, this Week Miss Dale Is to have her opportunity and next week Mlsa lone MoOrane, who will have returned from her vacation by that time, will have one of the best parts of the season In Belaa co's comedy, "Nobody's Widow." Mrs. Patrick Campbell, who has not been seen In a number of years, will ap pear at the Brandels theater for three AMUSEMENTS. Municipal Band Concerts SUNDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 29th RIVERVIEW PARK (Take Either Faninm or Benson and Albright Can.) Wednesday Evening, September 1 AT (Take Harney Line Cars or Any Car Going West on Cuming Street Beyond 24th HtreeU) Omaha & Council Bluffs St. Ry. Go. HIPP THEATER Today Only, IiHiI.IABT i la telkTracey-At (h0rf U performances, Friday and Saturday and Saturday matinee. September 10 and 11. In "Pygmalion," George Bernard Shaw's latest play. She will be nccompnnled by her London company, the members of whom have been "personally selected by Mr. Shaw to Interpret Ihn different char acters he had In mind when writing the play. The rehearsals of thw play were also directed by the gifted author. "Pygmalion" Is the first love story a. Bernard Shaw has ever written. It con tains nil the elements of romuntn ilrnm, clothed In modern dress. The tltlo of the play Is sustained In the action if l ho story. It Is In effect a modern "Py gmalion and Galatea." Mr. Mi aw himself describes It as a "romance In five nets." (Continued on Page Twelve Col. Two.) AMUSEMENTS. One Week Commencing Sunday Right, Aug. 29 At 8:30 Matlnco Daily 2:30; Night 0:30 BID'S QILB L D PICTOQ MS TO ES Beasts! Reptiles Birds Bugs Found In All Parts of tho World Taking Ten Years to Make and the Lives of Six Men. Lecture by John W. Ru3kin, member of Expeditions. AEMISSIOR, CHILDREN 10c. :-: :-: ADULTS 20c TONIGHT fiUKS Trends Wilson's Delightful Comedy, "The Bachelor's Baby" irmil WTT.DA X.ACKMAH AS TUB "11BI." Ifsxt Wki "Monody's Widow." CUi try';' . ,.i ." ZL3 Turpln's Dancing Academy 28th and Farnam Adult beginners Monday and Thursday IP, M' Opens Monday, Kept. 13th. Adults advanced, Tuesday, Sept. 14, I P. M. (Note) Only new dances taught In this class, lilsh school beginners Saturday, Sept 18, 8 P. M. pupils join ing class on opi ning date will be given f 1.00 reduction on ticket. Application received now. Harney S14S. EMPRESS TODAY AKI TROUPE in Magic and Mystery 3 MISSOURIANS-3 Singers That Sing WEST & VAN SIOLEN Comedy Musical Offering CARL STATZER In a Comedy Sketch "The Black Detective." "THE SLAVEY STUDENT' "The Fable of Uie Roystering Bladea,M by Geo Ado, "A City Rube." Ilearst-Bollg No. 68. inn Admission iuu "a fn Tt4 StiU 10: Eitn 10c 2D 3III3Z3E THE GRAND CLIMAX OF SENSATIONAL REALISM ESS AT 2 P. M. -25rjr Gates Open at 12 O'clock CS AT 2 P. M. Omaha Auto SPEEDWAY "Hearts and the Highway" Monday and Tuesday, BOWAJKO OOMITBia.T "Marse Covington" George Ada's Xoinanoe of the South. Wednesday Only, BAM BSJUTASS "Poor Schmaltz" Pint ajoreea Apoearanoe of Comsoiaa, This Cteeat Tborsda) sr. woaa vawostt lay, Friday aturaay "The Majesty of the Law" Q Q a. i imm day, ks1 fflEMJK- UT" AFTER NOON o s SEPT. 6 MM $20,000 ENGINES SMASHED INTO SCRAP IRON ADMISSION SAsTCTBTCK Lamp's Orehestra. oiler Skating, free atotloa anotnrea, Ideal Xtoalo Oreanda, sTree Oarage. aCABTT OTaTZB ATTXAOT.OsTg. bio uim nono xabob dat. Sigmund Landsberg Pianist, Composer, Eastraotor, announces bin return from the West, where ne spent his Taxa tion, and will resume private and class Instruction In Piano, Har mony, Composition and fcnsemble, beginning the first day of Hop teinber, Hew kVoeatloa of acaale Booms at bvztb soa, z.Tmio sua. 19th and Farnam Sts,. Paoae XevlM M4. D INCLUDING GRANDSTAND AUTOS PARKED FREE BssSBBBmaaBnaaaaaaBBBaB Children Under 12 Yrs. Accom panied by Parent or Guardian Free ' 1 i jU SECURE TICKETS NOW AT MERCHANTS HOTEL ADMISSION 00 Talisa at Instant st contact by New XsrK iamiM at ltrlshtea Hearh race track, raid admission lfl.eOO. A DUEL TO THE DEATH INCLUDING GRANDSTAND bCHCLUM PIANO SCHOOL 3661 Bongtas Btrest. Ke-opea Bept. eta, August Borglum, Madams Borglurn (Pupils of Wager fcwayns) Bolfegs-Bcbvsrts Msthod. Parts Ilsrmony Public Performance We Dash Together at Sixty Wiles an Hour Two 80-Ton Giant Engines With Tenders Attached POSITIVELY THE SUPREME SENSATION OF THE HOUR &The distance off point of collision, from where crowds will assemble, renders the event free from any possible accident. Green's Famous Band Will Furnish Music A Full Afternoon's Program of Harness and Running RacesStock Yards Derby Relay Race. All Horses Entered In This Race Will De From the Stock Yards. South Omaha. Motorcycle Races p Remember, Only Given Once on Account of Prodigious Expense D