4-B niR OMAHA SUNDAY P.KK: AU'JL'NT ID, l!ia. SUMMER DAYS ARE PASSING. Society Kote the Waning Houra of the Outdoor Season with ActiTity. BUST TIMES ARE YET AHEAD eOnrtntted from Page Tro l were at Colorado Bprtngs, har gon oa t Onronado Beach. Cai., to b gone about IK Mkl. Mr. and Mr. Artnur Keellne are at Twpee k4ge thla wee and will be bom bout September I. Mra A. J. Beaton and children, who have ben at th K- ana ranca at vu.wivo, wm iwiu Mii Cudahy Entertained. Word comM from Chicago that In honor rf MIm Helen Cudehy of Chicago, whose i rtaicrment to Austin Niblack M made finMIc Friday. Mr. Nlblack's slater, Mr. James Ward Thorns, entertained at' her noma yesterday at a luncheon followed by a swimming party. Pleasure Past. Mra. Louis Goldsmith entertained at luncheon Friday at the Fempelan room In honor of Mra W. A. Bwarts of De troit, who la the guest of Mrs. P. K. Teller. Those present were: Mesdam W. A. Hwartt J. E Teller. I Mandeison, .1. H. Lets. M. Hernalcln. H. J' red. Me'rlames M. Tevlnson, H. W'elnhers, K. Kchoenlicrger, M. I. Oordon, I. . Ooldamlth, tiles Bertha rUort. Mrs. Oeorge Cuslck entertained at a china shower Thursday afternoon m honor of her niece. Atlas Josephine Rhoden, who will be married In Reptem ber. The room were decoratod through out with American Beauty rotea and cosmos. The guests were Meedamee Mredamea r. J. Carey, otto Pandlerg. A Relgren, II. Wcxxiard, Vila. Joarphlno Rhnden, Kdson (.'lev. I'. A. Jthodcn. W. Rowe. Mlftses Faullna Rhoden. Irene Carey. Marguerite h-llla. Mr. and Mra. Roy Sunderland enter- ; talned at dinner Wadneaday In honor .of Mra. Turner McAlllater of Oakland, Cal. Covera were placed for: ; Mr. and Mra. Mel I'hl. Jr. , Mesdemes Mcadames Lula lmlth. Turner McAllister. A. O. Edward. A surprise party waa (Wan Friday aft f ernoon In honor of Mra. J. "W I berg, at hnr borne, 2120 North Twenty-eighth ave , nue. Tba guests present wars: Meadaraes IE. II. Merrtfleld, J. Kink. R. P. Woo, H. W. Blork. . W. J. Cliarmley. K. Ackeraon, P. Breed. ' r- Nelson, 'J. Wlhor. Misses i Pusto Hnlmea, Mrtliln Carlson. Meadamea R. Hhrnberc, A. Olson, M. Oternren. O. PalmqiilHt, V, Jutineon. A. Carlson. ', 1, Johnson. HI ward V. I berg. A. Wndum, Ml Oikve tairnberg, 1 4i ura Nelson. ICllen Oeteraren, Killth Cliarmley, lirothy Breed. Muti'it nunnard Olson, ltlchard Breed. V-'.tt 1 1 v- IT Ml ana i niian wiwrt lli.th 1.' V, Masters 'Klmcr Wlbew, v Hermsn Blork, Frits Palmqutat. ; For the Future. : Tlio flrat meeting for the fall of the W. W. club will be held at tba homo of 'Mrs. J. K. McOomba Friday. Septem r a. Minn Beatrto Walton and Mix a Doris B radon will entertain at the horn of 11 tea Walton Wednesday afternoon. Their guests will include : Mimes Ml aiwe VargnrM Wriffht. Konannah Johoi, Hlen Johnston. Kthelwyn Hod (re, Ijula Miller, Maud MUler. Claries Brown. 'Vollet Preaeon, ; Bfrnlcc Nelson, , Hulita Wife. , Mary Johnston, ;rHdine Plani. " The marriag of Mis Carolyn Rath burn of B reason, Mich., and Mr. Ooorw Armstrong of thla city, win b celebrated Wednesday, In Omaha, Immediately after th ceremony, th young ooupie will lemv on a southern trip whtoh they will make by automobile. After teptember IE. Uey will b at '.home at UTt Boyd street. The groom la on of th moat popular member ot the metropolitan polios. Betrothal Announcement. Mr. aad Mrs. Sam 8chohtr anaouac th engagement of their daughter, Btta, . and Mr. A. R, Sax of Mason City. la, Th wedding will b oalobraUd la Oo- ' tober. Mr. CI are no F. Oata has announced ; th engagement of his slater. Helen Teresa, to Mr. Howard Douglas Ber gen. Th wdlng will take plae Tues day, September U. , Celebrate Wedding Anniyenary. Mr. and Mrs, Max Morris gave a family dinner Saturday veiling tn nonor of their ' fifty -flrat wedding anniversary. ' Cowra ' were plaoed for: Meeera. and Meedamee H. Heyn. Max Morrla. U Gana, , Mum Charlotte Heyn, Mcasra. Measre. ' Hunt. Heyn, Victor M. Qaa. ! .Clieater Heyn. . Chaie-Slater Wedding. Miss Loretta Adeline Slater C 1101 (rege. Neb., and Mr. Jackson Burton 'iese of Omaha were married In St. Paul's Episcopal church, Kanaaa City, 'Mo., on Wednesday at l.X p. m. Rev. ''Br. Jefferson officiated. ' . ' Mr. Clarence D. Sears played th wed ding music ''La Cygne," th bridal chorus from "Lohengrin;" MacPqwell's 'To a Wild Rose" and the Mendelssohn "Wedding March" were th selections. . There were no attendants. The bride wore her traveling suit of moleskin broadcloth with bodice of tulle, radium lace and taffeta and a plo tuie hat of brown velvet and cloth of gold with trimmings of ostrich feathers. Ph la the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Slater of Holdrege and la a graduate of th Nebraska W-es leyan university. Lat year ah speolal- laed at th stat university. Sh la a member of the Kappa Kappa Oomma kororlty. The groom la th only son of Mrs. K . B. Chis of Omaha. He attended the stat university for several years, later graduating from the law scliool at Ann Arbor. Mich, He la a member of the 'Alpha Tbela Chi and Phi Delta Phi fra temiilea. He will engage In the legal profession tn Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Chase are spending their honeymoon at The Elma, Exceudor Springs, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. John A. fclater of Hold rege, Neb.; Mra. E. B. Chase of Omaha and Mrr R. J. Strahl vf Scrlbner, Neb., went to Kansas City for the wedding. : At the Braadeii Theater. Saturday Is a popular matinee day with Oinalia women. Amomr those who enter tained at theuter parties at the Brandets urre Mrs. W. Kdwards. who had five Kuitls; Mra P. Paine, four; Mrs. N. I i,in otir; Mrs. J. t. Rettdls, five; "ATo C11t.JoT7 A Solicitous y CAKOLIKB R. Kl0. Hnndreda of person wr vainly ought admittance to the temporary homo of nilly Sunday, during that vifroroiiR pra:her'a recent compalgna In Philadelphia and rateraon, N. J., went away not only disappointed, but full If Tltuperatlon for the evang l.st's rlgllant wife. A "dragon" they railed her, noth leiut than a hard-featured, rross Kralned, unclirlstlsnllke dragon. Ke portera also gave lh lady this ame title, though trry quietly and Just among theinBelvos, aa they compared notea during that friendly little mid night luncheon, when ropy for the day Is all In the composing room and they may Meal a few hours for recreation. Mrs. Runday was quite aware of the appellation she had won. Bhe knew that ho waa the subject of many a tirade and iroeMlplntT tale; but with the calm ness of a sphinx she went right on being a dragon, guarding her evangi'llst hn- band to the beet of her ability. Khe knew ' Juwt how mrt he could bar and waa not g.lng to stnnd by and ser him haransmt by cesiial cellrra, bruwlxaU'n by reporters, beeti-ged by admiring col lege boya and girls or worried to death by the general public. And If constnntly wati'hlng over him, earing for the minutest detail of hla work, defending his short nnp between sermons, dln-ctlng hla meals, guarding him from cranks and mothering him al ways constitutes being a dragon, then Mra, William A. Munday Is a dragon of the moat vicious kind. But dragona aa a rule do not have kindly brown eyea, nor aofOy-parted. wavy dark hair, strong, capable hands and sympathetica volom. They do not greet one with a warm clasp and hid one adieu with a cordial smile. Tot all these thin irs are characteristic of Mrs. Sunday, Wholesome, perhaps, la the word that would apply moat fittingly to her If one wanted to descrlb her brlofly; aha Is so big, and fresh, and breey, and sincere, Khe believes absolutely In her prophet and hla work and la quite content to stand by and watch hlin receive all tho honors, many of whh'ii ha could not pos sibly attain were It not for the oar and guardianship of "Ma." Mrs. Sunday was bora tn a little back woods town In Illinois. Punde by name. 8he waa the fourth or frith Helen Thomp son In an old Scotch family which had tattled 'In Dundee) many generations ago. Khe was but a tiny child, however, when her parents moved to Chicago, and she grew up on the West Hide, In the shadow of the old Jefferson Park Pres byterian church, of which she later be came a member. It waa In this church too, that aha and the evangelist were married : and ha has preached there many times sine. Helen Thompson waa 18 when she met her future husband, and like most girls of that age, waa very Impressionable. WJien the then famous ball player made hla appearance In church on Munday, hla presence created quite stir, and I th young girls walked heme from ssrv- I l Mtsa Anna Cohen, four; Miss Sarah Adler, four; Mra Welnetetn, five; Mrs. Carl Stein, eight; Mrs. H. A. Waht, four; Miss M. Jackson, four; Miss Kkstrom, four, and Mrs. J. C. Klauck, five. For Little House Ouwt ' Mrs. H. W. Benolken gays a surprise party Friday in honor of her little niece. Miss Maria Benolken of Kansas Ctty, who has been ber gueot for th last six weeks and leaves soon for her home. The little guests were I MIsMea Misses Oeraldlne Ntchol, . Vera Manning, Anna Jensen, lmlsy Luolle Bonolken. siarwaret Beeson, MUctrud Burke, .testae lturae, l:thnl Carlson. VI visa Wilder. Plans of the School Set. Omaha girls who will attend Dana Hall at Wellesley, Mass., this year are Miss Ruth Fltxgerald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. FltBgwrald; Miss Alpha Fields, daughter of Mrs. C. K. Fields; Miss Ooiinn Ellott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. & EL Ktlott At Castle school,. Tarrytown-on-the- Iludsoa. N. T.. there wlU be Miss Alice Rushton, daughter of Mr. and Mra J. lLRushton; Miss Gertrude Porter, daugh ter of Mr. and Mra.-J. B. Porter, and Miss Helen Shepard. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W, J& Shepard, To Honor Visitor. Mrs. John A. Dempster gave a Bran- dels theater party Thursday, fallowed by a tea. In honor of Mrs. R. C. Saunders of New York City, who is the guest, of her sister, Mrs. John F. Wagner. Those present were; Mefda'nes Jlesdames--1. N. liaverty Andrew Traynor Jolin h". Dempster . E. C. Paumicrs John Wagner C Weolatem-roft Plan for Winter Dances. The Twinkle Dancing club plans a series of dances to be given the coming season. Following are the officers: Harry O. Churchill, president; Harry E. Marumber, business manager; Carl Qoets. treuir; E. W. Marr and T. Gordon Panders, dlreotore. Kewpie Club Party. Miss Madeleine Johnson entertained the members of the Kewpie club at her home en Wednesday afternoon. The club will hold its next meeting- with Miss Alive il.jOiUc.heoo. The members art: M Use M limit! Yard, Alice MoOitoheon, Uorothy Norton, Louise Thrane. Mies Kathelene Herd man, Madultdne Johnson, In and Out of the Bee Hive. . Mr. F. A. Brogan returned Wednesday from California. Mrs. Waiuer Page and son, Richard. hare gone to California. Mr. W. Famam Smith has returned from a trip to St. Louts. Miss Millard and MW Helen Millard arrived home Saturday from Eates I "ark. Miss Harriett Walters will leave Sep tember tor Kemper Hall, at Kenora, WlgL Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Relchenberg have returned from a motor trip to Chi cago. ' Mr. and Mra Harry V. nurey and family returned yesterday froti Estes park. Mr. Kdnar Moraman, Jr., left Sunday to Join his wife and children In Bates Park. Mrs W. A. Duncan of 8heiidii, Wyo., Care for "Billy" and y - v, - - - k ' . fr" ' . r t r ; i 1 ' J - I' J, " Ira In groups of twos and three, dis cussing him from every standpoint. Helen was, perhaps, the least Impressed of any. aa ah had already given her heart, or thought she had. to another youth; but her chum confessed to her that she hnd met her fat In young Billy Sunday. Helen, sympathetic, then as she has always been, decided to bring the pair together; and, aa she was an officer In th Christian Endeavor society, she Invited the new church member to her home on the following Sunday after noon. When he arrived, he found a party of three awaiting him, consisting of Helen, her own "best friend," and her chum. Th three spent th afternoon singing hymns, and Inter went to the evening service together. But like many another diplomat, Helen found her plsos fruitless, for the base ball player Insisted upon accompanying her, and the "best friend" waa forced to walk with the chum. This was the beginning of a friendship which termin ated in their marriage on September S, ISM. "Billy proponed to me on New Tear's eve and It was leap year, too, so my mall brother, who always acted the part of th bad small boy of th comlo supplements when his sisters had com pany, always declared that I popped tba question." said Mrs. Sunday with a ainll. In disouaslng her courtahlp. la the guest of Mine Lillian Paul for a week. Mrs. B. V. Graff and children raaie down Tuesday from Okoboji, whera they spent two months. Miss Louise White and Mr. Jack Gor don will leave Monday for a short visit with friends In the stat. Mrs. R. E. McKelvey has gone to spend several weeks with her daughter. Mrs. Charles Daniel, at David City. Mr. George 1L Thummel and son. Oeorge, have gone to Join the rest of th family at Richards Landing, Ontario, Mr. and Mra K. 11. How land and Mica Marjorle Howland. and Mrs. W. Rlghter Wood, returned Sunday from Colorado. Mrs. Charlo 1. Beaton Is expected homo today from Milwaukee, where she has spent th summer with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Peterson re turned from Kansas City, where they have spent two weeks motoring In their car. Mrs. Walter Roberts left Saturday for New York to Join her mother and sisters. Mrs. F. It. Davis, and the Misses Davis for ten days. Jarvls Offutt has returned from Christ mas Lake. Caaper Offutt, who has boen taking a summer law course at Ann Arbor, remained at the lake. Mr. Richard Coad has returned to his ranch at Mslajfa, N. M but wUl be bark September 13, a week previous to his marriage to Miss Irene McConnelL Dr. and Mrs. Charles Impey left Wednesday for California to attend the expositions. While In San Francisco they will visit their son, C. F. Impey, and family. Mrs. J. H. House and granddaughter, Mildred, returned thla week from two months in Denver, where they were the guests of Mrs. T. F. Murphy, daughter of Mrs. House. Penonal Mention. Mrs. H E. Docekal and daughter. Helen, will go to Chicago this week to attend the wedding o( Mrs. Docekal's brother. Mr. W ill Biasing. Mr. Slgmund Landsberg has returned from a vacation spent oa hla ranch prop erty near Ijiranile. Wyo., and a trout fishing expedition on the Laramie river. Mr. Landsberg has reopened his studio In the Lyric bulldtng. Miss Carmellta Chase, who attended the wedding ot Miss Dorothy Wolfe of New York at Raquette Lake, N. Y., last Saturday, will visit her brother, Clement H. Chase, at Sewlckley, Pa,, in her way back to Chicago. Mr. John G Kuhn has been oonflned to his home for several days on account of Illness. Dr. .William Shearer has gone to New Mexico and Artsone, en rout to San Francisco, where he will attend the Pan Pactflo Dental eongress. Mr. and Mr. Harry Tukey and Mr. Sara Burns motored to Lake Okoboji for the week-end. OMAHA LICENSE TWENTY YEARS OLD IS RETURNED City Clark O'Connor received from th Board of Examiners of Plumbers. Chi cago, a Plumbers license Issued by th city of Omaha to li. H. Caaaell li June. 1SU T. J. Lowry, acting nutvor, and John Groves, city clerk, si sued the li cense. The document was left at the Chi cago office over twenty years ago as ref- etence 4--1 It waa "Ma" Sunday who had a large part In Influencing her husband to aban don base bail and give his life to evangel istic? work, and when he finally did so. It was "Ma" who bore the brunt of the poverty and sacrifice that necessarily fol lowed. "From the alary of a star player In a National team, to the pittance whloh my husband received aa secretary of the Young Men' Christian association was quit a drop," she said thoughtfully. "And w had two babies then besides. I shall never forget those years. I was alone so much, as papa soon started out aa an evangelist, all by hlmaelf, without fame, without even the moral support of any one but my mother and myself. It was a pretty lonely time, and I had hard work, too, to make both ends meet, nut w were doing the rfcfht thing, and naturally all had to turn out well In the end." For twenty years Mrs. Sunday has trav elled with the evangelist constantly. In that time she lias had two more children, BUly, jr., 13 years old, and Paul, who Is now a The four babies while they were very tiny accompanied their parents. Later when the need for education came they were placed In school, and Mrs. Bun day continued her wanderings, knowing that without her, her husband would wear himself out In a year. He I Intensely nervous, highly strung, over-sensitive and careless of himself. Without his Dahlman Learning to Hit Golf Balls Mayor Dahlman la learning to play golf at Seymour lake, where' he Is spend ing his summer vacation. News of his honor's meanderlngs after the elusive pellet caused unusual interest at the elty hall. One of the reports Is that Superintendent Erigllsh of the re creation department sent the mayor half a dosen large volley balls for use as golf balls, because the mayor found the regulation golf ball too small for practical purposes. A volley ball Is about the else of a small foot ball. , Another report is that ths mayor has become so addicted to golf that he In tends to prolong his vacation one week. HORSE THIEF OPERATES AROUND KEYSTONE PARK A thief operating tn the vicinity of Keystone park, near Benson. Wednesday night stole a roan mare from Fred L. Meacham, a sorrel pony, the property of P. J. Flynn; a doube set of harness be longing to Vital Coupal and a rubber tired top buggy owned by J, Watson. Th sheriff has offered a reward of U for arrest and conviction of the robber. WEST LAWN MAUSOLEUM. WEST LAWN Humanity has always shuddered at the thought of the grave. The finer thoughts of our hearts call for some better way than burying our loved ones in tho ground. Unless ono is able to spend ten or fifteen thousand dollars lor a family mausoleum, we havo been ovrerlesR to gratify our desire for tomb burial. We present this beautiful white marble temple as a fitting solution. "We cordially invite your early inspection, which will be to your advantage, if you are interested. Open Sunday afternoons from 2 :30 to 5 JiO P. M. Representatives will be there to re ceive you. Prices and terms are reasonable. Sales are being made. Early selection of location is of advantage to you Take Leavenworth street car, transfer at 48th. Automobiles take Leavenworth to Elmwood Park, south on 6th, or via Center street. COUPON Please mail me book on Name Address n the Boys "dragon" be would forget his meals, his rest, and even his overcoat an.t rubbers. But let no one suppose that Mrs. Sun day does not sacrifice much because of her ln1te.it guardianship of hla welfare. Phe Is essentially a domestic woman, the kind that would make the most comfort able arwt of a housemother, friend and neighbor. Kven In her wanderings she has contrived to loam as much of coolt ry lore as many a housekeeper of fifty years' experience. She discusses her best r ctpes with nil the enthusiasm of a bride, hnd describes her first year of married lir In ' the little 115 a month flat with the IJO Imitation oak ied room set," as though she would enjoy repeating thoe early experiences In home making. As to gowns, hots, wraps and shoes, they are her hardest problem. "A woman Is pretty busy when she can't snatch nn hour to buy some clothes, isn i soe sue sam lamchingly, rererrlntt to, newspaper article which spoke of "the same dark blue sown whIA she hid worn Jtvniany previous occasions." Once, several years ago. Mrs. Sunday discovered a modest little dressmaker In an obscure Ohio town, who had learned the' secret of making dresses by "the ab sent treatment" Mra Sunday had her measurements taken by this wonder and luis had fsr less trouble from the clothes question since. For she simply tells her what she requires and In a very few days the new gown Is ready for wear. The newest member of the i?utiday fam ily, little Billy Sd. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sundr.y's dden son. George, la tho magnet which now draws Mrs. Sunday honiemsrd whenever "he can he spared. This baly dwells in Winona, Wla., with his father end mother. Mrs. Sunday's only daughter, Helen, now Mrs. Mark P. Haines, lives at Elmhurst, UL All Fall has An invisible aid to beauty jfi sr-a-n i p Tnvlmnbl& pAPMFn Watt? Witt hi- 1 .A jkJL wr A. A A AuauvAiaya vw Vg for that fashionable, neat, well-dressed appearance wear Carmen. the Quality Hair Net. A style for every coif We skew abve tk Carasaa seeslues. for year guidance ia awjriaa hear a sts A v ! -. ! .... .... - . . , t i y4 jmmt Nebraska Mausoleum. Harley Cafe 21 8 South 20th St. SlaaeT sTusaay, Aag. S9. HIS. ia t a asd to riao r. at, 50c SOL'P Chicken Noodles Stuffed Olives Celery MEATS CJiolc of Spline Chicken Veal I-oaf Tomi' uc VEGETABLES Mashed Potatoes Corn on Cob Hweet Potatoes Krenes Peas SALAD App'e DESSERT Choice of Brick Ice Cream and Cake ' Chocolate Pie DRINKS Tea Coffee ' Ice Tea Milk Mrs. M, 3D. aturphy, Proprietress NEW CORSET SHOP To lie ()eiieil September . JUt at SUM Balrd Uldg., 17th and Douglas fits. Featuring the Artists' Model and iMdy Clare corsets. The new military curve, an exclu sive feature In the modish cor bet, means you can immedi ately hare .not only a distinc tive figure, hut perfect comfort in a real corset. Appointments by phone Douglas 375. DWYER&CO. that i$ promising in authentic 1915 Style, and all that is good in workmanship, been blended into The '"La-Book" Man Tailored Ladies' Suits for the Coming Season When a well dressed Omaha woman refers to the tailoring creations of "LA-BOOK." she has in mind exquisite garment modeling, finished workmanship and undoubted style; price is an afterthought. But. , even so. "La-Book" gives a remarkable amount of VALUE for every dollar put into a product of his establishment. This announcement is to remind you that "La Book" fabrics, and "La-Book styles for Fall attire, are quite in readiness. Kindly pay an early inspec- tion visit. ' ; " j. . Webster-Sunderland Building. 16th and Howard Sts., Omaha furea shade for any bair. Ask your dealer for the "Carmen Booklet" Latest Styles in tlairaressing it free. btyle e tarmen Net is 30 Inches loaf with knotted ends. Look for th Carmen envelope Se each at YOUR dealer . ( I- CEMETERY. OMAHA Mausoleum Company Mausoleum RuUders. 948-0 OnuOia National ltenk Bldg. l'Uoiie lKMiglaa 217S. Council lUuff KerrntaUve: MEHSlUi. LKWIH tTTLER & HONS, rudertakere, 28 I'rarl btreot. WINNING MENU Submitted by JCrs. A, 0. Weeter brg. 3030 Ames whloh wilt b served Angus 89, from 13 to 8:30 p. m., la ou 75 Snnday dlaner meaa ooaiest, Cream of Chicken a la Raine Tomato Bouillon Wafera Olery Radishes Queen Olives Canape Caviar Choice of . Roast Long Island Duck, stuffed with Apples and Prunes Pprtnr Lamb Chops saute, Maison d'Or Breaded Veal Cutlets, Painrika Sauce, Spaghetti MHanals Calves' Sweetbresds In Cream, a la King Mashed Potatoes Browned Sweet Potatoes New Corn en Cob KrtexJ Ejrg Plant Hot Dinner Rolls Covrrblnatlon Fresh Fruit Salad Bread and Butter Sandwich Peach Pie a la Mode or . Charlotte a la Ruse Coffee Tea Ice Tea Milk Buttermilk MUSIC Zech week a 8 book of mal tickets will b aivea away for th beat wienw submitted for th 7 So anaaay dlaaer. GANSON'S CAFE 1508-10 Howard Street KODAK FINISHING Any Roll Developed, 5c . Post Cards, 50o Per Doz. ARNOLD'S -PHOTO SHOP . a. Wl . ui a us ai ns hi w. t Ladies9 Tailor ATKINS & CO. DRESSMAKERS 1802 Famam Street ' Will ba ready to show New Fall Styles Wednesday, Sept. 1st. HOTELS. San Francisco GEARY AT TAYLOR Bellevue Hotel 10 minutes to Exposition without transfer. Built of concrete and steel. Private bath to every room. First class in every detail. Rates from $2.00 up. X. W. WIX.X.XS, agaaager. (Mam bar of Official XxposlUoa Hotel Bureau.) HOTELTURPIfJ "II TBS BUST sr TBI CITT" ' 17 -OWCLL ST. AT MARKET SAN rRANCISCO Cvtar CONvtNiiNca anb Com roar KUROPCAN PLAN. ALSO AND USMASS 'SCI Auto Bus Meets Trains and Stmrs Perfections AkMlaMy esasseliiS Eafer ihaa potsoa or drags eCV It Mrdwa, mtmp ir A o-erii scans S by audL rsrtoctlea aoech in. Co. Orb 14. ' fcl. IIS SCltOULS AND lOLLEUKI. Lincoln Medical College Opens Seplember 15-19 High School diploma admits this year only. For Information address The Dean. BARN llsiiikiiilinaasMtSBlsl mmmm .lsclami4ortf. rlhitaMstWyearMyaMa. t "ORB IVnkM af lunHttis asm uraiag WITH mw. IMS. aa4 karelaMa Vl aiwi a. atiac.ai l i il i l.Silin all TOIL, m mm m m. ,m omwm mm JmTmmm HIGHLAND PARK C0LLEQE ftesrg t . Maglu, A. S 0. O., Prulisai . OP MING DATE or tobk atramssj ooixbob. Texk, Maa u W4ssssy. swp. la. i 1