THE BEE: OMAHA. SATI UPAY. AWt ST 2. WEYERHAEUSER TAX IS NEARLY MILLIOH State of MinneioU Will Try to Col lect 1900,000 from Estate of Late Lumber Kin;. APPRAISES AT THIRTT MILLION fey renerars assistants. aftr bis care ful study of the report of the public examiners ofrioe. w ll be followed by the state, the attorney central said. ST. PAVU Aub. J7.-The report that th state of Minnesota hopes to collect a. large Inheritance tax from the estate of the late Frederick Weyerhaeuser, lumber king, waa confirmed today by the attorney general'! office. It was stated that the amount the state may realise approaches IW.000. based on an state of WO,000.M. Instead of $l,300.e, as imported by the executors. To collect th amount, however. It will be. necessary for the state to prove that the report of the executors to the tax commission was some twenty-eight mil lion dollars short. Attorney General Lyndon A. Rmlth, aided by Andrew Frlti. public examiner, has obtained an exhaustive report of the executor, covering the holdings of the late millionaire. "The public examiner's office has been working on the Veyerha.ucr Woks and on the books of companies with which Mr. Weyerhaeuser was connected for several months," said Attorney General Smith. "A voluminous report has been presented, which 1 have reason to be lieve contains Important data relative to the affiliation of Mr. Weyerhaeuser with various large corporations." Mr. Weyerhauaer waa reputed to be heavily Interested In the Great Nor thern Railroad company, but the Inven tory submitted by the executr.-s showed a stock valuation of only Heal estate, including a homestead, waa listed at WO.TOo. Personal property was repre sented in notes of the F. Weyerhaeuser company for 1536.000; stock In the Mer chanta' National bank, St. Paul, the First National bank. Duluth, an Insur ance policy for 1100,000 and I29.9S8 In the bank were listed by the executors. In the Inventory there la no mention of timber holdings In various parts of the country. Including the PoUateh Lumber company of Idaho, which has a sawmill aid to be among the lamest In the world. Also, there was no mention of various paper and box mills In which Mr. Weyerhaeuser waa - ported to be heavily Interested. Whatever action recommended by "William J, Stevenson, one of the attor- Seventy-Five Girls Would Be Models; Two Dozen Chosen Tall models, short models, aiehder moil els and fat models, blond and brunette models to the number of seventy-five dis played their graces as well as the merit of hundreds of gowns and dres-s at the Byrne-He mmer store. It was try-out day for Merchants' market week style show. Less than one out of three was selected by the merchants' market week commit tee, which waa on hand In full force to in. pec t models to exhibit the various styles at the style show to be held In the Auditorium the evening of September 1. Of the seventy -five who entered the try outs, but twenty-three were selected for the work. Many of those who entered the try-out had had experience as models, but a num ber hnd not. Of those selected by the committee several had hnd no previous experience, but conducted themselves well. OMAHA NEEDS WORKHOUSE, SAYS ATTORNEY M'GUIRE Assistant City Attorney McGulre. who Is serving oa city prosecutor at the po lice court, declares recent observations at this court strengthen his belief that Omaha should have a workhouse. "It would surprise you to know the large per cent of nonresident prisoners arraigned every morning. Most of these offenders are floaters, who come In and make work for the police. A workhouse would serve as a deterrent and would make Omaha a less desirable place for these transient undesirable," remarked Mr. MoGulre. TOM KELLY WINS SILVER LOVING CUP IN CONTEST Tom S. Kelly, general agent of the life department of the Travelers' Insur ance company of Hartford, Conn., Is the possessor of a silver loving cup that he prises more highly than he would a 11,000 bill. It came to him by reason' of winning a contest In which there were K competitors. In other words, by hav Ing written more Insurance for the com pany during June than any of the H agents In Nebraska and Iowa, the lov-i In. run la hla personal property and Is! never again suhject to competition. AUTO STOLEN IN OMAHA LOCATED AT FALLS CITY Chief of Police Jlenry lunn Iihs re ceived a communication from Falls City, Neb., informing him thnt an auto which was stolen from Dr. J. I Hyde, 2."U South Tenth street on August 21, has been located at that place. Itsjve Resrnlwr Hnwel Movement. Take Dr. Kings New Ufa Pills and have a dally easy movement of the bow els. Cure constipation. Only Sic. All druggists. vAdvertlsement. Exhibit of Cowan Line of Furniture We have transported from the Grand Rapids show rooms the complete sample line of furniture manufactured by the Cowan Company, which is each year exhibited there during January and July, the furniture market seasons. We felt that this exhibit would be attractive to our friends and customers if shown complete, fo we purchased the contents of their show rooms. This sample showing is not only an exhibit, but a sale as well of unusual interest, as the goods will all bo marked at prices much lower than they could be sold for regularly. Taking the entire line, we got a liberal discount, and they were shipped through in full cars, enabling us to take advantage of the very lowest rate. These advantages we are offering in the prices we have put on the goods for this display; We invite you, if interested in furniture, to see this line, without the slightest obligation on your part to purchase. It represents the very best and newest ideas in furniture. Exhibit and Sale Starts Monday, August 30th Orchard & Wilhelm Co. Jl(Q) o J wUHllvL UilllJi 0 0 AND THE BIG STATE FAIR Where You Will Find Our Exhibit In the Main Manufacturers' Building COME AND SEE US AND HEAR ABOUT IRS PETE QUALITY FAB .FA FEED For Horses, Mules, Cows, Cattle Sheep, Hogs, Poultry FINE FEEDS MAKE FAST FRIENDS- WE MAKE BOTH M . C PETERS MILL CO, Omaha "Mer Cult Me." lily Your las! porta i t -l . ' i I ii , r i i i i ii HAS COIVEE To Have One of Our Finest Suits at HALF PRICE Styles that men and young men most desire the choicest fab rics and the best of fine tailoriug. You have the choice of every broken line in the store. Spring, summer and many fall weight suits of "Kuppenheimer," "Stein Bloch," "Hart, Schaffner & Marx" and "Society Brand" Celebrated Hand-Tailored Creations at 70 to (Q)00 That Formerly Sold From $15.00 to $40.00 Fancy weaves, grays, browns, stripes, checks, worsteds, chev lots, Scotch and English fabrics, one, two and three-button mod els, patch and regular pockets. Don't miss this last opportunity to make yourself a genuine saving of 50c ON THE DOLLAR 03 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, $7.50 AND $9.00 Iftt Saturday's demand for the special lines of suits we offered at tWM and $9.00 baa prompted us to prepare for a renewal of that attractlre erent this Saturday. The price, the style and the materials all seems to be what hundreds of our patrons want. So we hare replenished our stock with values worth up to 125.00, and for an other successful Saturday sale marked them aa last Saturday 7 50 and Mere of these Hill striped Madras Shirts at 79c The shirts, mad by a lead ing maker, are finely woven madras, equal to the usual ti le an S3 0 shirts. 7fi Boft bosom. French C cuffs. Bpeclal Athletic Union Suits; 79c Liffht welsnt nainsook, emas bar and mrcrlsed madras ma terial, drop aat and closed erotch models, sleeveless wft and kne Unirths, ll.oO y and f IO0. valuea Our Readiness wttb -bors' new fall suits ts ap parent la the splendid new as sortment of smart styled stills now' awaiting your selection. $3.50 to $10.00 Sad Fleer Take Klevaler. The Correct Fall Hat Foe eTerr mam. young; or old. Is here, at $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 These hats represent extraor dinary values and distinctively fashionable styles, a-rey, pearl, blue, green, brown, etc, eta. Stetson Hats If IfB Btetsoa yon know It's right In quality, style and price. $3.50, $4.00, $5 00 Ask for th new 'Bvoat," 14.00. Any Straw Sailor in the Store 49c. Values to.$3 Thoughts of Fall Suits can't Imagine you must see. the latest and best fabrics, pattern, and colorings are here and the models are typical of th snappiest style Ideas of the most ' skilled desls-ners. "You are Invited to look them over." $15.00 to $40.00 Desirable Rooms for College Students Young men coming to Omaha to attend our many Schools and Colleges will naturally be very busy the first few days getting settled ready to begin study. But troubles may be lessened and work lightened if they will take advantage of the Service THE BEE offers. 1 on't run all over the City looking for Lodgings read THE BEE , iu tho Classified columns many desirablo Furnished Rooms and Apartments are offered for rent. And if nothing is thero found to your liking call at Boom 101, Beo Building, where a list of rooms and board ings is availably ( But, you can find most anything in THE BEE if you have chums you may wish to band together and rent a furnished houso or apartment maybe you will want unfurnished rooms, or fur nished rooms with, or without board. In any event look to THE BEE to aid you; our Classified Columns will save you much tire some tramping and running around.