Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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    T UK WKKi OMAIF.X,- HATHimAY, AUGUST 2. 1015.
James J. Marecek Alleges Helpmate
Kad Him Take Mother-in-law
on Tour te 'Frisco.
A harrowing tale of domestic in
felicity ii that laid before the d strict
cvurt by James J. Marecek la his
petition for divorce from Fanchloa
Clara Marerek, to whom he was mar
ried In 1910.
He recites Instances in support of
his allegation that aha has been ex
tremely cruel to him. Once or twice
a week regularly, he Mrs, sha called
him vila names and tried to strike
Inra. On July 30 sha hit him on the
head with a shoe, says he. He de
clares ahe spat in his face several
limee, refused to cook hia meal a or
wash hia clothes and would go and
May with her mother for several days
of a week at a time. Sha told him,
ho asserts, that she "could pick up a
uog" like him anywhere.
Bhe Insisted, he sirs, that hs turn over
ell hia pay checks to her and ha obeyed.
In UU he waa Injured In the perforro
anoe of hia duties aa laborer at the
Cudahy Packing- company's plant. After
hospital bills were paid be had 12,000 and
with Uils bo wanted to buy a home. liut
hia helpmate, bo says. Insisted that ha
uy a Port automobile, and ha obeyed.
Then, says ha, ahe Inalited that he tak
her and bar people out In the machine,
and became very entry whan on one
oeaatosi ha took hia own mother for a
abort ride.
Two month ao, ha aays, sha Instated
that ha take her and her mother aad
brother and slater to the San Francisco
exposition In the touring- ear, and he
obeyed. On this trip, ho aays, she fre
auently Insulted him and Initiated that
be pay all the expensea of bar and bar
people, which ha did.
Ha aaka a divorce and custody tWr
two children.
Drexel Notifies
Employes Friday
Last on the Job
Commie! oner Drexel of the street clean
log and maintenance department notified
N street rtnaners and fluahers that there
waa no money la the funds to pay them
after quitting time Friday.
Mr. Drexel explains ha la not respon
sible for the situation. Inasmuch as his
predecessor In the first riv mnntha .r
the year spent over $4&,0Qt of tha 11,000
aiioiiea ror ute year.
"Whan I get more money the work will
be resumed,", stated tha commissioner.
In tha meantime tha streets of tha city
will not bo swept or washed.
Italian Reservists
On Way to the Front
The movement of Italian reservists from
the western and central sections of the
United States has sat In and for the next
few weeks It Is expected that a large
number will go back to Italy to fight for
the colors and againat the Oermana.
. The data for tha departure of tha Ital
ian reservists of Omaha has not been
definitely set. but It Is asserted that they
UI leave early In Bepteinber and that
tha number will be between 0o and 300.
Tha Salt Laka City contingent of re
servists going back to Italy to Join the
army la on the way and will arrive In
Omaha at 4;S0 Saturday afternoon, com
ing In aver the Union Pacific, and going
out over tha Hock Island. There will be
aeventy-flva In tha party.
The Italians from Denver, US, will ar
rive In Omaha Sunday night on a special
over the Union Pacific. Hera they will be
taken aver by the Northwestern and
carried east, sailing from New York
early next week. Monday afternoon the
Union Faclflo will bring In a apodal train,
carrying, ISO Italian reservists, mostly
from around Los Angeles. There will be
lit In this party.
Revenge Cheap at
. $5, Says Winkler
John Winkler, lt Hickory street, three
days ago met Frank Kesaler. who was
financially embaraesed. . He took a lik
ing to Keaalar. gave him assistance and
the two became friends.
Today Winkler hunted Kesaler through
the streets of Omaha until he found him
tn a saloon. He dragged Kewler out.
called OrOoar John Hotden and bad him
arrests. v
H.eaaler hasn't gat my ." said Wink
ler, "and I am out that amount, but I
am satisfied. I have gut revenge.M
Wtnkler told the police ha spent the
Blent at Keealsrs room at Ninth and
Dodco streets; that Kaaaler awoke before
he did and took IS with him.
From Our Near Neighbors
islicd in
Steal Blank Checks
and Forge Firm Name
fiomeooe stole three Mocks of blank
checks of the CroweU Lumber and Grain
company and U aow fMUng them out and
forxing the company's signature. The
onecks sra drawn on tha Omaha Ns
twnal. tha City National and tha Vfer.
chants National banks.
One of the checks appeared at the Bran
deia stores this morning for tha sum of
t.3.60. Jt bore tha name of "E. Oorman,"
Jt was declared by tha company to be a
forgery. The checks are in three colors.
Whm Mra, Oscar B. Schults. E31 North
Twenty-fourth street, awakaned early
FWday aha discovered that a waste
paper basket was biasing merrily. The
fire department was called because of the
fact that the city water had been turned
ft and without the household could aot
extinguish the fiaine. The firemen put
n end to the fire with cUetnlcaie.
Most of Uie retail stores will probably
v'-oss their doors at 1 o'clock on La bur
Joy. September . The board of directors
of the Associated Retailers has recom
wwm1 riiU
Ml. anil Mn John lc-ntrll
Omaha XlkKli)'.
Ii. H .er nf II -., New.
alley (MlnrMiiiy.
Vr. J. C. Aiv, fon sml dnuvhlrr.
down from hremont Tucmlay for a
Mrs. Monahan and Manilla ctnl aev
rial days vislltnfe in Benson ami Oinnhl
mm wcK.
Ml Ileiilah Ryars returned Wedncs
day from an extnmled vlst alth her aunt,
-Mi Tlimiiti, In New Voik.
Miss Iris Knpi) left Thursday for Wells,
Xev., with her uni le. Horace Ar. hho
will teach near Wells the comma" ynar.
Rev. Wr. Murrman returned Thursday
from Pennsylvania, where he was railed
a few weeks ago by the Illness of his
Mr. and Mm. Armstcad and children of
Poiilh Dakota arrived Tuesday for a vinlt
with Mrs. Arminp(l' sinter, Mrs. John
Mls Greenwood spent two days this
week In VsJUy parkin her roo, to be
shipped to rain, where she will tearh thia
yesr. J. Fit tun has rented her lion so ami
will bring hlr. family at nni e.
The funeral services of Lncli Hmith,
daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. i)mllh of
Bnnson. were held from tne Methodist
church Saturday. Aovunt l, at I : p.
m. Itev. Mr. A tack and Kev. Mr. Mo
C'lunir of Hnsoti, asnlated by lU-v. Mc
Allister, conducted the services. A lnr
number of relative and friends from
Omaha. Council muffs and Ba under
county were present.
The resular monthly meeting of the
VaJloy V, cmans fhrlatlan Temimrnnce
union was held Friday at the home of
Mrs. Mons Johnson. The following offi
cers were elected for the year: Mm. W. J.
Wliltmore t-nstrient; Vira. Mini Johnson,
vice preldent; Mrs. C. p. Nichols, secre
tary: Mre H. Klce. trnnwirar. Mra. Molds
worth. Miss llarel Is Vore. Miss DelAiid
and Mra Insram were elected deles ".tea
to the county convention at kJIk Cltv
August II.
'. which he has filled most ae
for the last two years and a
I i xdini
t i iitnbly
The Ixiyal club, an Omaha orsanliatlnn.
i i hum ii I Icnlc n KenninKton iark.
Augiist T A bare ball R-nme and other
siHirio bus ben Hrarnaeil for. A number
of city and county officlala expect to be
Mrs. W. C. Ilairs of RushvUle. Neb., Is
visiting here.
4Mr"t.71L yaJrm'kn "eatings la visiting
Mlae RMKabnth Iavdaon.
"rs. U A. Bate, and Ross W.
are visiting the Kelleys In Ieru,
Rv. J. K. OHnnell of Vlotor, la., U
vUltlng his brother. Rev. B. I. Orinnek
Mr,, r. o. Hohaal. who haa heen In
Oallfornla since last winter, haa returned.
Rev. and Mra. a. B. Arnold are attend
&,k. meeting at Aurora, lit, this
.i--.u'TT1 vw,r f Blmwood was
week! frtood- hr Ior Prt of the
ii.lll 2 V TTtr. " son. Robert, of
tanaon' " vl",Un- at N- "Jrlav.
Thelma and Lawrence Vnderwood of
traJTweek?1 rU"U of th family
In .Yi ! fVtj' W1
m t hr or hl" Prelnu. Mr. and
Mrs. I A. bates.
James Wade returned last Tuesday from
Montana, where he haa been buying cav?
airy for the French army.
Mis, Clara Heaoclt were united in mar
m'Z the hrlda's parents,
Uay. C n"nHi ta"t Tuea-
Joeeph Bates son of Dr. H. t Tatea
2!i.V.'ir-mr,l N-." he been vl.ltlmt
5'T tT.n- Prted Friday for
SlTi1!"- where hia broUier la a
practicing physician.
were Omaha
.P;. w-Runfr" nd wife
visitors Tuesday. .
Miss Mary Ktutt waa visiting Nebraska
City relative this week.
vrsttlng A voce, relatlvea
Mrs Ore, K. Oopea la spending tha week
with relatives at Cook. Neb '
L. H. if lckel and fnmlly were bar from
Alvo this week visiting relatives. 7
,wV' FL w. Kniee visited several days
this week with relatives at Millard.
Albert 8111 has gone to Mills Grove.
Mo for a week's visit with relatives.
Friday. rWtember 8. Is the date of the
Modern Woodmen of America plcnlo here.
L. J. Marqiiardt n C Nutsman and
mil lea made a trip to the atate fisheries
A vara defeated Manley at base ball at
the plcnlo at Weeping Water Wednesday
te m.
Mrs. Charles Woodson and son of Coun
c I bluffs sra visiting her parents here
this week.
Mre. M. Bonnev of Perclval, In. Is
vUltlng her daughter, Mrs. Frank Urea
seals, this week.
Mra, Charles Royal and children of
Palmyra are spending tha week with
relatives east of town.
Charles O. Bailey and famllr were
here from Elmwood (Sunday vlaitlmr at
the home or Lester Hoback.
Roscoe Harahman and wife are the
happy pa rente of an eight-pound boy
which arrived at their home August ?3,
Mrs. Minnie Wltte was an Elkhorn vis
itor Monday, .
Ellis Cunningham has bought a farm
near Kennard.
.Mr": . w ""m Weber "and three 'children
of Oklahoma. City, arrived Bunday for
an extended visit with Mrs. Bleber'a par
JJJjJj1 r. and Mrs. IL.U. Lebbert. and
Henry Petersen, formerly of Washing
ton county, hut at preeent living tumr
I?.?. BLU"' Wyo ' h bought the John
Miller farm, north of town. The con
sideration waa $176 per acre. ,
'Fred I'aulaen has bought property in
Henaon Acres, having resigned his poai
.n aa manager of the local telephone
Mr. end Mrs. Frank Mockelman are
the parents of a iiaby boy, loin Thura
dn y.
Mrs. John McArdln nncl son, Kmmett,
started Monday for California for sev
eral weeka' vls't.
Mr. Hurk irlirned Inst week from New
York, where he spent the summer at
post-graduate work.
Mra. It. A. Mockelman entertained the
laiilea' kennlnKton on Wednesday. Lunch
eon was served by the hostess.
Carl Pf'effer stated Thursday for
feattle, Portland and other points of In
terext on the Pacific const.
Mrs. T. Mickey was called to Benning
ton 'Ihurwiay un account of the Illness
of her son. tr. C. W. llk'kry.
Mrs. Amy Calvert went to Omaha on
Wednesday to siend the week-end with
her daughter, Mra. George Higny,
The famlllea or William Ryan and Fred
loll of West omaha motored out Wednes
day and called at the J. A. Oibnons
Mrs. Bwltxena was rsllod to Omaha on
Tuesday on account ot tne death of her
icrandson. Arthur Kchlmerhorn. who be
came overneateo: id a hay field.
on thelt wav home from Cnllfornle. They
were residents h'-re a nimv r of yeere
Mrs Max Keefer of Flmemod vWteJ
i he first of the week with her mther,
Mrs. r V. WnJker.
Tom CI. rhllllpe of aoiithesatetn Okla
homa visited here with his father. II. J.
i'hlllips, Wednesday evening.
Ir. Kred 1. Ited hss been appointed
n memin r of the Pension board, to take
the place .if the late 1t. M. M. Butler
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Johnson returned
FfituMny from Winifred. Mont., where
trey visited ihelr son and daughter, who
nre homesteading.
Marver Rnrecnt. a Weeping Water
trnvelln men, has Jtmt won a prise ot
nn ai'tom'ihll-. offered by hia company In
a salesmanship contest.
MsKuiltiff set fl.w to two wheat stacks
unday morning at the AmM Sheldon
farm south of town. Neighbors aaved
two adjoining stacks from burning, but
the two that were struck were consumed
Miss Pearl Carpenter left Tuesday for
ten days' visit with friends at Mundei,
The Presbyterian Aid society held their
annual picnic in the park Thursday
Mr. I.. A Tbompnrvn. Martha and Wll
f, ara visiting relatives near Council
Uluffs. thla week.
Kiss Kllxa Wilson left Wednesday for
a few days' visit with . . m...
nd Thurston. Neb. "
Mls Florenoe I-e of Crete arrived
Friday to he the guest of Mrs. E. .
Ntckerson for several week.
The 'Knights of Honor" clam of the
Presbyterian Bunrinv school n..wi.i
ThVW.?"T M.".!dI" M th nome o Mrs.
1. o. Clarke Wcdnewlay evening.
Tho first meeting of the Woman's
will be held Wednesday, Heptemlier 1, at
ilTT ' M- rrnk King. Mrs. II.
.w,il WM ,r,e meeting on
Primitive Music"
Mrs. Robert h'panton of Ralston visited
Mrs. Albert Jones last Wednesday.
The annual holiness rampmeetlng Is
In progress at the Bellevue church.
J. P. Kepler and wife are back from a
three weeks' fishing trip .n 'Colorado.
Prayer meetings were resumed Wednes
day evening after the summer vacation.
Mra Henry Henlrson, who haa been
Uk for the last week, is on the road
to recovery.
Master Ryron Reeves of Homestead
visited Mrs. Wilbur Cockerel last Batur
lay and Hunday.
F. I Ianvhelne began the construction
of a modern cot t ago for Laurence Uvck
stesd last Monday.
Rlnold I Ohman of the Commercial
.-yanonai nenK of IJncnln spent last Sat
urday in Itelievue with his mother.
Mrs. William Trent served IWi people
at dinner and supper last Saturday d'r
inr the Modern Woodmen of America
Rev. W. J. Khallcross of Pellevue
preached the funeral sermon Monday
afternoon for A. C., Ki-llevuc
Mrs. Winifred Flndlev expef'a to leave
tlellevue the end erf this week lor Fuller
ton, where her son, William, 'is principal
of the high school.
Tr. Stephen Phelps, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church of Bellevue, will oc
cupy the pulpit of Rev. Frederick Evans
at the First Presbyterian church of
Coum-ll Iiluffs next Sundsy. Hr. Charles
A. Mitchell will preach at Bellevue dur
ing In. I'helpe' absence.
Mrs. William Trent entertained at din
ner Wednesday evening In honor of
Wilbur Cockerel, ho celebrated his
thirty-second birthday.
Ray Flndlev has left for the western
pert of the state to look over his 1b nil
rlsims out there before tokun up his
work as principal of the hlKh sschool at
In view of the fact that the trees In
ITnlon siiare in Bellevue were planted
and tended by the Inte A. C. Sloan. It
haa been auugested that the name be
changed to Sloan park. The matter will
be taken up at the first town board
John A. Freeman, ex-maj-or of Bellevue
and center of the bitter mayoralty fiirht
of last erring, has ic'uined irom fva
vacation, which he spent touring fellow
stone park and the northwestern pnrt
of Wyoming. He and his sister. Mrs. M.
L. Ffadon of Bellevue and Miss Mabel
Fpanton, were part of a party of thirty
which spent tliree weeks without seeing
even a newspaper.
Hog Buyer, from Kansas City, St.
Joseph and Siorn City to Have
Special Show Tonieht.
Evelyn Rorta spent Tuesday
Wednesday with Beatrice Knight.
A irnhy boy was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Haiard on Saturday morning.
The Willing Workers met at the Chris
tian church, Wednesday, for dinner.
Helen Hanralian of Omaha la spending
a few days at the A. 11. Chrlatophcrson
Kmll Jacobsen and James Johnnsen
vlited at the 8ltxer home on Monday
The Christian church will hold Its an.
nun! Sunday-school picnic at Elmwood
park on Friday.
Mrs. A. D. Knight and daughter, Vad i,
le i Monday for Central (Jlty, where they
will visit relatives.
Rev. Mr. Kvans and family returned
home Saturday after a two weeks' vaca
tion spent at Brewster, Neb.
Mrs. Allen Haxard and Anna Jacobsen
left Wednesday for a week's visit with
relatives at Herman and Kennard.
Emma Sundell and Mabel and Florence
Knight were entertained t the Andrew
Christopherson home on Sunday.
Apartments, flats, houses and cottages
can be rented qulokly and cheaply by a
Bee "For Rent"
With old King Ak tonight
Is going to be Squeal and Grunt
night. Thia does not mean that the
old king is going to squeal and grunt,
but he is going to make some of his
prospective minions do some squeal
ing and grunting before he gets
through with them.
The hog buyers at all the packing cen
ters have organised among the members
what they term the Squeal and Grunt
club. These members, tome 200 of them,
from Kansas City, St. Joseph and Sioux
City, arc coming to get acquainted with
the king. For the occasion there Is going
to be a special meeting of the Knights of
Ak-Sar-Ben, though it la not going to
be exclusive. It will be for all the
knights and also for all others who feel
that they are fit to undergo the tor
tures connected with the Isle of Pep.
Whilo In Omaha before they are taken
over by King Ak, the Squeal and Grunt
men will be the guests of the Squeal and
Grunt men of Omnha, who have a strong
organization down at the stork yards.
The visitors wi'l be met at the depots
by Omaha Squealers and Oruntera, after
which they will be escorted to tha Hotel
Fontenelle, where dinner will be served
at Q o'clock. After that they will be
escorted to the Den. They will return to
their homes when they feel that they are
physicallj' able to do so. It may be days
and It niay be weeks.
Tells What Pastor
Should Get in Money
SAV FRANCISCO. Aug. Z7.-Frederlek,
A. elano, vice governor of the Federal
Reserve hoard, set forth In a report here
today what constitutes an adequate sal
ary for a minister and the further In
formation that Unitarian ministers Aa
not get It He spoke before the general
conference of Vnltarlan and other Chris
tian churches as chairman of tha com
mittee on ministers' salaries.
An adequate salary for a minister In
any given town or city, the report said.
"Is an amount which would enable him,
his wife and two dependents to live, with
reasonable economy, tn sufficient com
fort to maintain the health of the family,
to take sufficient recrestlon. to keep up
his professional standard through the
purchase of books and magazines and
by attending conferences and to make
due provision for Illness and old age."
BERLIN (Via London), Aug T. The
Chemnits Volkstlmme, a socialist organ,
reports that the Oermana on thetr en
try Into Warsaw, liberated forty political
prisoners from the Warsaw citadel, who
had despaired of ever raining their free
dom. The majority of them were Rus
'n snclllst. Tl'e newenaners sny that
the cltndel ranked In revolutionary an
nals with the fortress of St. Peter and
St. Taul In St. Petersburg as a place for
political prisoners.
Th Besf Medicine for Cosarhs.
The first dose ofDr. King's New Dis
covery hels your cough, soothes throat.
Get a bottle today. 80c All drug-gists.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
Weealnar Water.
,M1 ,A"r" Koua-h went to Kansas
City, Mo., the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Homlnifo are visit
ing thl weok with relatives at Koeailc.
Miss Mary Rwckor of Vnlon visited here
Wednesday with Mbjs Ruth Noyea and
other friends.
Mies Nel'.lo fvreey nf Salem. Mo., came
In Thursday for a vinlt at tha hnm. nr
her brother. Jack.
Ren Olive struck with a 1 t-ii
Thursday and nuslained a fietturetl bona
In his right arm.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sickctt of Stanlon
Mich., stoppod for a vlyit hole this week
' .j
When School
The wlae parent will over
look no opportunity to make
It pleasant for the boy at
actaool. The ahoea the boy
wears should be
because they will outwear
two pairs of ordinary boys'
shoes &nd will always look
neat and dressy. Bovs' 1
to 6 4, 1 2. 50. Little Gtocts"
to 154, $2.25.
Parcel Post Paid.
V 115 FarnanTst.
Elver Offered In Omaha During Our
'..25 to 50
1031 Other
IvRKSSEIC. Has lame baae. consisting-
of two roomy awel.rd front drawers, and
two smaller drawers. Klchly finished
In American quarter sawed Imitation
oak, showing; a beautiful flaky grain.
Haa heavy plank top and large sixe
i-Tencn tevei plate mir
ror. An elegant piece of
rurniture. specially
ducod for tomorrow.
Nil 0
re- fJLXeVU
FAMOUS KROKh-.. i.uu.'wlU uaicm-.. ,ion delg;n. Mads
throughout of genuine quarter sawed oak, finished tn golden. Back and
Beat la upholstered In hltrh grade Imperial leather over steel spring con
struction, inatantly converted from a comfortable daven- rff)t f A
port to a roomy sanitary bed. We nre offering this for ll
tomorrow at this unusually attractive price. Truly an VatatUV
amazing value vaan; si.w a nuniu.
LY t'O.NeTia;CTIii UKKSSEH. Made
entirely Of American quarter Sawed imi
tation oak, finished ao.den. Base is
fitteij with four roomy drawers, sup
ported by four carved claw feet. . Has
neatly shaped French beve'ed plate mir
ror. All drawers ritten witn
wood pulls. Specially of
fered for this sale at
HE Summer Vacation is
nearing itt end. Before we
know, it the boys and girls will be back at
school again. School means a lot of prepar-
ation. There are new clothes to buy
SHOES, NEW HATS and CAPS. Isn't it
natural to make those purchases at the
store that caters specially to children.
iSenson & TtaoFie Co.
That's It!
From Head to Foot
For Boys and Girls
tiON TABLE. Has mas
sive square pedestal, sun
ported hy four heavy col
onial turned less, lias large
t extending to
ft. Fitted with easy run
ni..: s.iUes. Entire - table
cuuiiiuiiy rinisnen in
s ilen. We are offering
this for Hatur- i
day's selling '
at this veryv . ji'
1.00 Cash) 91.00 a Ksnth.
.ipITTaftv- :l
i. t m isr
A'V Bveolal Terms. V
Cy aa.oo Caski
Moo a atjaUt.
A coo' kitchen in summer
A warm kitchen in winter
Greatest values in a snow
white porcelain trimmed
combination coal and
gas range.
Special Introductory, sale of our
Fampus Regent Combination Gas
and coal stove. Completely equip
ped as Illustrated. Has large 18
Inch oven, white porcelain door,
four adjubtable burners for gaa
cooking, four holes for coal cook-
Ing, splendid high closet, full
white porcelain back. Com- A A
plete with broiler and high SS (III
TABLE. Made very plain and very
aitiHLtive In appearance. Constructed
entlre:y of American quarter sawed
imitation oak. finished golden Top
neasuroa 28x41 inches, fitted with
roomy stationery drawer
and mairaxlne sneir. espe
cially quoted for tomor
row .1 n n I v ...
pi w "ae -i v a wronh.
-nr-t-wi lsvfJ
r a
closet, as illustrated
Complete with high
closet without broiler
larae stse model. CI n t is Si
Inches wide, and 11 Inchea
hlsh. fitted with four adjust
able shelves. Has heavy carved
claw feet and bent (class ends.
imi in golden oak finish
and orrered for
tomorrow at
thla very low
Upholstered in Spanish
tal Leather
O VMa-B iniisiii
J .4
i ViH , Imoerial Leather IIJLWNM
Made with roomy drawers,
linen compartment, and heavy
scroll legs Mirror Is of French
beveled plate set In heavy
broad irame. Kntire buffet
finished in American quarter
sawed Imitation oak. beauti
fully polished in tro den. An
extremely well conatructed
piece of furniture, offered for
Saturday's sell-
Ina- Bt the ex
tremely low
price of
e, uiiurou tin
l . - " if--- r
V s rvsrv-SJ-W'V' i ju-
COMPLETE UOOM FULL OF FUUNITURfi. The three pieces illustrated,
are constructed throughout of geuulne n!ld oak. elegantly finished In
fumed. Set consists of large library table, fitted with roomy drawers, com
fortable arm chair and rocker, upholstered in Spanish imperial leather
over iuii sieei spring construction. A splendid set at a
greet saving. . Be sure sad take advantage of this special
offer .
1.60 Cask; 91.00 a SCoatk.
Kr. MONARCH Bitl tidEI Kt'US. Extra S-' '
wen woven in tha very choicest desims an t
beautiful co'or combinations Suitable tor
parlor, din ins room or bedroom. Kully
win sii.uv. ituyiiiir i ram
russ In large quantities per
mils us to sell them at this
special low price
- . 11-00 Cask I UM a MCsaO.
in h
i ? i i ' i
ISsUSl nhiisS
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ER. Ejcactly as shown In Illustration, heat
and hack beautifully upholstered In sruar
snteud lmoR-lal leather. Ths frame la
vory massive and aolendkllv finished in
a-oiuen. lias run aleel sprlna; construction.
x-oeiuveiy a ii.u value. An
eleMt value In a roomy
t'oiiiiuriauie rocker at
I only
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una k hviiuii,