Tim HER: OMAHA, RATIIKPAV, AUGUST 28. 1911 KEY YORK STOCK MARKET SUGAR PRICE LITTLE LOWER Mohler Takes His First Vacation in Last Seven Years Gcrmany'i Pacific Attitude Para mount Farter at Active Sessioiv. RISE IN COPPER , VALUES NEW YORK. Aus. H. tltrmany'a im l:e.t wlllinftiiPM to ill-avow the MnklnK f the Arabic an other evM.-nce of Ita ticalre to avoid compllrationa llh this i-ountry aere attain the paramount fac tor of to. lay a active and etrons mar ket. Developments In iithfT ijuartfra. whlrh heightened speculative optimism. Included the flrurea compiled by the lrpartinent of ITomtnerce. InillcatliiK that Jhe I'nlted Htatea now leal the entire world a an exporting nation: another very substantial rise In topper valiiee abroad and further upward revlalon of price achedulea for ateel, Inm, lead ami kindred product. Thrse cheerful su gurlc. were partly nullified, however. Iiy another drop In exchange on lxindon, de round alerting falling c under yeeler day'a previous low record of t.S.'P. with renewed weakness In rnmlttancea to ll "arli and other continental financial center. Am a whole metxl ah area were the out standing laanea of the day, Tenneesee copper absorbing the greater part of the attention by reaaon of ita wild fluctua llona. KaJhree of tha dlrectora to le clar an extj dividend or take other action favoralde to aharehotdera caused a drop of ten polnta In the first hour, to U-c. Later It recovered to tUo and closed at er. Anaconda, roue tHn to 7SVc. 1'tah Jc to 6".r, American Smelting 2'- to fCr, and National Lead J'ie to V,7 with en and elx-point ad-.-nnrr-a In rVrtcral Mining common and pmforrej at 36 and Mo, respectively. Tha better known war specialties made Irregular gains of two to five polnta and Vnlted Ktatea Steel, again on tremandoua dealing, aacended Hie to 77o, Ita heat price slnee tha In Jentlon of tha Arable Incident. Vert Ill car a, motor and a faw utllltle roa and fell within two to four po'nt llmlta cod south Porto Rhio tuirnr stood out Tor Ita twentjr-flvo-polnt rise, to 100 on , two aatea of 100 shams each, Inevitable realizing eajea . rausrHl aome Irrertilaiity and receaalona at the cloae. oTUl aalea amounted to W0.ono .hares. Should forecasts of the week'a money I movement be fulfilled tomorrow's tank statement will show another large gain In eaah, bringing excess reserves c:o to the t200.0tiU.mO mark of laat June. Bonds were Irregular with aniall future trfftrttiK. Total sales, jar value, a IT re -rated H7d0.0h). United Btutea bond were unchanged An call. " Aleata nM rt Heilres Patmlaam. Ara RMt Baser.... U Miami rper 17 AaMrVan Caa M . Kan. T... 1 Ssk Bmllf. a Rfne. J Mlaaaurt Faclfla ... 4 Asiar. Kusar King.!" National lead H Ammr. Tal. m Tal.. .121 Naaa Vomt H Aaaeeada Mlnlaf ..TtSNiw Tor a ('antral., tot Atchiaoa NX N T . N. II. H. 1 Hall I mora aV Ohio.. Nof1hMl PactM. ...I" B'klya tup. Traa.. 1 1 nmrlTanla eJ. Patroleara .... 1 ' Ion. Capper... MS. Oaoa4laa rarlfls ...ISt KraAlna Central !flhar 44authera Pi-IHc ... S Oipm a Onto. 4:Hnrn Hallway... u (til.. Mil. lit. P. 2STina I 'nmpaef 141 f'hlna t'oeear 4i;nlun lBeitto IM .lo Fal A Iroa.. 4St'. Hta "1 IMim a Klo O ... 4 ao pM 1IH4 Krla tftah Copper (Ut, Oaneral KlertM ... .ITB Weaiarn I nine i Oraat No. pt4 Ill fluhl'lxwn Blaal ....PM riroat No. Or ( t(. 4l'iAIII tialmera 40 llllnola Onlral ....101 lolrtwla IM-nmotlra 7IV( tnaplrMtlnn f'oppar... nral Motor ..,.31 Int. Harra'lar lnr- . H I. a P II Kaa. iir Houthirn. lH'''U'lr'l Btal 7114 lientih Vall-r K.'1 !. Loulirlll a Nah .114' uradhtrekt's tiiadh rbvirw SevcRtea Pound i for Dollar Offered in Midit of the Canning Rfoaon. FIGURES ON LEMONS STILL LOW MiiKar, for the first time In many weeka, la a little eaaler and aome gro cery are offering aa much aa peventeen po-jnda for tl. Thia little ronceaalon right In the inldat of the canning ea s m j looked up'in aa aomewhat unuaui.1. Whitney crab applna ran be had at to centa a market banket now. Cooking apple are veiling at 15 centa a peck. Cantaloupea are three for 10 centa, or t centa apiece. Clueherrlea are 30 cents a quart Lemon are still abundant and selling aa low aa 15 cents a dosen. Orangea, on the other hand, are scarce and going at 40 cents a docen. Oregon and Idaho prunes are selling at 8a cents for four-baxket crates. Tears are $1.7i a crate. Concord grape are on the market and going at 20 cents for a seven-pound bas ket. Pnmaon plum are on the market at 15 cent a quart crate. California Elberta peaches are t cent a crate. Potatoes are 16 cents a peck. Big cu cumbers are going at 28 cents a market banket, while some of the smaller va rieties are selling a high as 10 cent a market baaket. Green pepper are 20 cents a baaket Kip, tomatoes have leaped clear out of their accuatorrwd path for the time of year. They are selling at 40 cent a market baaket, while In former year they sold at 20 and X cents at this time of rear. Oreen peas aia 10 cents a quart. Cel ery Is two bunches' for I cents, lied beets ars V. cent a market fcaaket. Cabbage Is on the market In unuaualiy large heads, three heads for 10 centa. There hi been no Important change In the nit marktt during tha week, the meats In all lines selling about si quoted la st week President Mohler of the fnton Pacific I home from the first vacation that he has taken alnce 1!. Four weeks he has been awsy enjoying himself snd resting along the Atlantic roast. He re turn aa brown a a harvect hand and aaerli that he never felt better than at the preient time. ald Mr. Mohler: "I devoted an hour or ao to buslne that required my urgent attention and the balance of the time I rested, t was along the ahore of Cape Cod moat of the time and had a delightful vacation." Mabt roach Relieved. Dr. rtell a Plne-Tar-Honey eases your cough, soothe the lungs and Invites sleep. Only 26c. All druggists. Advertisement Railroad Traffic is Good, Says Gardner President Gardner Is finishing up a tour over a portion of the western lines of the Northwestern, stopped off In Omaha long enough Thursday afternoon to play a few holes of golf at the Coun try club. Prealdent Gardner asserts that while the heavy run of fall business has not started there Is no cause for complaint over lack of traffic. He says that over prac tically all of the Northwestern territory small grain crops have been excellent though shipments have hen held brvk on account of the rains that have inter ferred with threshing. Rent reams quick, with Bee Want Ad. A "For f4o,lo" a wtfl turn second-hand furniture into aah. Ipllftlasr Kartura (oatlaaa te Aa eert lelves. NBW. YOHK. Auk. :;.-Uradmrocfs to morrow will sar: L putting faciuia conllnuo to assert theiusvives In trade and Industrial clr ciea, but at the aaine limn there la a ut'iirtu of unevemuta In particular sta tions and ieitjii Industries that de prives the situation ot untlormliy. How ever, optimum us to Hi fuluro seems unabated; some sections report ' larger road orders; mall onler traiiu goes on increasing; the southern situation I) brighter; money everywhere la plentiful at low rates; collections are somewhat easier; foreign urdura for manufactured war auppl.ea continue of lmso propor tion; hlKher prlcea prevail for Iron and ateel and copper haa emerged from Ita recent spell of .dullness. On the other lianil, buyers have not entirely divorced themselves from conservatism; the labor situation tend to reflect In apyratllu stepa the Influence of competitive bid ding for help: retail trade, though goodi In some sections. Is not along other fa vorable lines; wet, cool weather In the west haa checked distributions, paucity of dyestuffs curtails operation In some textile line, and railway freight trafflo la lighter than last year. Weekly bank clearings. la.lSf.ltt.QCO. New York Moaey Market, VlT.vr TORK, Aug. 27.-MERCANTIL.ra ppvrtut34 per cent. PTETtMNO 1SXCH aNOE-PlKty-dny bill. tHfJ: demand. UWV.; cable. tSM. flLVKR Bar, 47Sc; Mexican dollar, 17c. HONDS Government steady; railroad, Irreaular. T1MK LaOANH-ftteady; sixty days' JV4 per cent; ninety day. per cent; six months 1 per cent. CALL MONEY Hteady; high, t pep cent: low, 14 per cent: ruling rate. 1 per rent; last loan, t Per cent; closing bid, 14 Per cent; offered at I per cent Ual lltwek Mark.' lOTTDOM. Aug. 27. American sarmHtlea a the stock tosrket reaistered further advance today. United Htatea Pteel was ear In prominently active and gained a rolct after tha opening. The closing was 'pi1.VF"R-Bar. B 1-1M per ounce. MrNVT-'4 per cent I'lPCOTTNT RATES lhort bills and three months. 4&S prr cant aOvaperraleal Apple a a 4 Dried PValta KKW TOHK. Aug. 17. EVAPORATEU jkri-i.Kx I Mill. PRIFD riU'lT3-Iriinea. steady. Aprl Coto, firm. Peaches, quiet Kalalns. firm. Vaaka Ray lle4rrs. The New York club has purchased Out fielder Tim llendryx from the New Ur inaria club of the Southern league. OMAHA UKItKHAl MARKET. BUTTER No. t cartons, Sc; No. 1, oo-lo, tubs. 130. CliUKoU Imported Swiss. ttc; Amer can Kwlas, Zoc: block Bwlaa. tsc; twins, ltc; daisies, 16o; triplets, 16c, Young America, ls!4c; blue iaiei brick, lwc; llmburgsr, a-lo., auo; New York while, lVfcc; Imported French Rouuefort 4uc rll-'irout, lbc; white fish, 18c; hali but, loo; channel catfish, luc; herring, 7o; ootidah, lixulZo; mackerel, Uo; salmon. nnKOT POTATOES Kansas, $2.76 bbl. HHI.F CUTS-Klbs: No. 1, llrtc; No. i. liVa"; No. i, l&c. Uilns: No. 1, 22o; No. 2. l,c: No. , 1754o. Chucks: No. 1, 13c; No. i, I2ti; No. t, HW. Round: No. 1, l7c; No. 2, luc; No. I, H'a j'lales: No. 1, tWc; No. i 'ac; No. i, o. Kruit uiid vegutabis prices rurnUhed by Olllinskl r'ruli coinpaiiy: s'RLlTB Oranges; California Valencia, 100a, 12ia, 2MHS, iU4s, snoa, li'iis) per box; California Valencia. i:m, 176a, -Mm, I16a, Z-'ais, lo.Ui per box. 1-emons: lixtra fancy Uolilon Bow, SUUs, 36U. I.VW per box; extra fancy Bunklat. H)a, Swi, $6.(0 per box; Red Pall, $4 UU to 4.50 per box. Peaches: California Crawtortls, 6o per crate; Cali fornia llbertas, 7uc per crate; California Klbertss, 100-crate lots, C7Vc per crate; California Klbertaa, 200-crate Iota, C6a per crate; California Klbertaa, 11.26 bu.; Cali fornia iCIbertas, 26-bu. lots, II. bu. Plums: - Italian Prunes. II. 2o per crate; Italian prune, (-crate iota, II 20 per crate; Italian prune. 10-crate lots. 11.16 per crate; wicsaona ana Keaseys, 41. per crate; otantonus, Hungarians and uroaa, 11.40 per crate; Rox Wlcksons, fl.16 per box. Pears: California Hartleys, H.oO per box; Washington liartletts, fancy, $1.76 per box. Urope: 4-4aaket cratca, II. W per crate. Hananas: Medium fruit $2.00 to $2.16 per bunch; Jumbo fruit, Changul nola and Port I J man. 4? per lb. Canta loupes, California ponies. Ma, $2.00 per irate; California standards, $2.60 per crate; Moapa Nevada atandard. $2.76 per crate; Juinboa, $2.60 per crate; ponies, O, 12. i per crate. NHT-VValnuU. No. 1. 18o per lb.; Bra (lla, 2i,v per lb ; almonds, 2iie per lb.; flkberts, )5o per lb.; pecan, 12Sto per l. M ISCELUAN KOCH-CrackerJack. KM prr case; crackerjack, half caae, $1.76 per cane. Cornpop. $3.26 per case; $1.76 per half case. Peanuts, No. 1, raw, Co per lb.; No. 1 roasted, so per lb.; Jumbo raw, 7o per lb.; Jumbo roasted, to per lb. Water melons, me per lb. V KOETA BL.K8 Cabbage, home-grown, IVio per lb.; head lettuce, $1.00 per dos.; peppers, 50o per basket; leaf lettuce, 60o per do.; tomatoes, fcac per bssket; onions, Washlnnton, ZWo per lb.; celery, Bbo per do.; cucumber, $1.00 per basket; parsley, 3Tk) per dos.; wax and green beana, too per baaket; green peas, 60c per basket: hew beets, carrota and turnlpa, 4Au per baaket: radianea, zoc per dos. Maw pola toea: 70o per bu.; white, a)o per bu. Sweet Potatoes: $1.60 per hamper. LIVE BETTER AT LESS COST You can do it when you be come familiar with the fifty of more delectable ways in which you can serve SPAGnETTI and jrow know, loo, that jron ar gMag yotar Isaiily batter balaneed and snore nutrition lood soal ol all. U is latry, sad a Mooea aslplng Is laiiaaoa. nfatee TbsTrva Skinner !tpahatt r'j W immn Mrs. 1 l i kMb.. 'i I Ttim Lmrfwt AoaaeorU acorjr 4a Ammriem 'dmr try 19 Pounds for $1.00 Rest granulated sugar, 100 round aac't IK. 76. 4 lor pnfliua ra . 1 ..... - r..k .n.l crlap. roasted dally. Moyune beat coffee' a nniinoa roe I nn ainvij. nmin inn Our Mpeclal coffee, IV pounds for $1.00: uu a itiuiiii, diiuiib ni'nu coriee, a pounds for $1.00. Bweet Hourhon Han to coffee, 6 pounds for $1.00. For Ice or hot tea use our 40o mixed, green or blsck tea, I pounds for $1.00. Rest cocoa $0o per pound. Hugar aold with $1.00 other goods. Phone Douglas 2446. MOYUNE TEA CO.. 40 North 16th St. WM ".it.i BSsxsssaxejasjasaaw 'prr I'M- s Sk l.r fL .V.'. II P. 'ptl m o) arUli! 3 You ought to know this loaf. v mwmmam0?tmtttm AajsraK TSIADI MARK Rf . U.S.PATCNT OP'lCg Look for This Label Is Finding Its Way to the Table of More and More Homes in This City. Ml of Them Homes of Critical People. Perhaps it will "win you" and make you a more enthusias tic bread eater. That would be fortun ate for you for the average person eats too little bread, by far. The first slice is as good as the last wholesome, nutritious and good all the way through. Try It! 5c and 10o at Your Grocers 0. P. STEACl BMU.16 CO. BARGAINS I.) SCHOOL DEAR ! I f 5.oo Ilojrs' Salts In Mua Glrrs' fhrwl Iras4o--6 to 1 1. I TSJ. ..$2.98 j ---r..48c-98c. lloya' Hcho SIkmmi Famous B Buster Rrown shoes, on sale Girls' Krhool Shnen In Run 1 $150, $2.00, $2.50 Seirl Itoj-g K K. Waists- oq made; on gala. . ? 1.0 U- M 76c quality, on Bale.. OaC llotxi for School Hear - f Q Mpexlnl Hale on Men's 10.0t 20c quality, on Bale 1UC I Sulfa Saturday ff- f( ladies' tOat., Regular te t PJ.UU $10 values; on sale. . . . J)J U J. Helphand Clothing. Co. Sixteenth and Chicago Streets if uak aU -The- Sherman & McConnell Drug Stores --Invite You We Invite you to becomo "reanlar" customer, either on tho rnsh, or (If of approved credit) monthly mttl.-inent plan. Our if4)rks Lave l.eci Bclected with view of being able to supply all the needs of the Itrnq and Toilet ooU Iin of the people of this city and of the Transmlsslsslppl Country as well. We Invite mail orders from rh) l lans, HospitaU and Industrial Institutions as well as the I'atnlly and Individual. Ask us for the rare Drug or Chemical or u,-Udat Toilet Article. You will probably find it In our stock. Munyon's Witch Itaavel Soap, ISo size, Saturday r for UC Iv4ry or Fairy 8(ap, 8 for 11c Hire's Hoot 23c size, for Beer, 14c It Makes Five Gallons. Drug Store Price List 25c Allen's Foot Kase its 2So Allrork'a f'oriia Planters. . .ISO Hromo Bel titer. . . .So, I7o. B9o, 600 Hoiirjeols Jsva Rice Towder. (sen- ilne) gj E0c Charles Fleah Food 340 2So Carter's Llttle'Llver Pills.. 18) S5c Castorla fs-nnulne) Slo 25c Ciitlcura SoaD 17o ROc Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for 8r nOe l anlhrox J9q II. 00 Cooper's Hlacovery 84o 60e Poan's KMney Pills 34o $1.00 Duffy's Pure Malt 84.0 Father Johns' Medicine, Faturdnv at 34o Follows' Syrup n4o 2Be Holmes' Frostllla 17o 1.2S Oude's Pepto Mnnaran 98o IBc Hill's Crisiara Quinine ....14o Horllcks Malted Milk, 390, 690 an" 88.74 11.00 Ilvomel, comnlete 69 o 2Sc Hydrox Peroxide Cream 140 Hydrogen Peroxide, pure 14o Hostetter's Itlttera.... 840 75c Jsd IJver Sslts....' 490 25o I.yon's Tooth Powder and Paste ft l(e I.laterlne lao. ISo, 39e, B80 25e Laxative Bromo Qulne 190 60c La Blache Powder (4 shades) 39a Mcllln's Flood 390, 644) nOo Malvlna Cieam 99a I5c MuHsatta Talcum ..f !l3o 25c Mennen's Talcum (4 shades 1, at ia0 Mentholatum (genuine) -...140 2oc Mistletoe Cream 14o T.Oc Cape's Dliipepaln ... S9o 25c Packer's Tar Soap 14e $1.00 rinkliams Compound ....640 50c I'elieco Tooth I'aste 340 I 000 Pierce's Kivorlte Rx 640 J 5c Pond's Vanishing Cream.... 14o Si. 00 Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal. .. .89- 50c Pozznni Powder 34o Itoirern (lallet Rice Powder.. 17o H11I llTHtica 19c, 34o, 69o 5fc '" -run of FIks 340 ' s ::. 64o Jc xnllte for 490 f.Oc Scmpre Otovlne 890 Rfic Scott's Kmulnlon 34o r-'tuart's PyHp.psIa Tablets 340 25c Ssnl Flush 17o 25c Tlz. for tender feet 14o II 25 Tonn. Vita 98a 2"c 4711 White Rose Soap lao 25c Woodbury's Facial Soap....l7o il.OO Wine of Canlul 69o 50c Williams' Pink Pills 340 Saturday is Cigar Day MKX IHV'T OVKRIiOOK OUR SATl'RUAY CIGAR SALES! THKY ARK REAL MOXEY SAVERS. 10e Chnncellors, each Be 10c F. (lurtla. clea" Havana. for 950 10c Cubanolus, 4 for 8S4 Box of 50 Manila Resallas for 91.38 Box of ten, 15o quality, foil wrap ped Manila cla-ar (General Hares' slie). for sse DRUGS Kpsom Baits, lb Be Borlo cld, lb. 84o V'ltch Haxel, pint 180 Wood Alcohol, pint lBo Cream Tartar, lb Boo Cream Tartar Surphur Losenftes, lBo hot. 2 for or.. J Aspirin Tablets, 2 dos. for 85o Minnie lauieis. i yo ror 19o (eiilnlne Capsules, 3 dosen BSo Aroni Castor oil (Honey-ol) a So Kaxsafras Hark Bo, 100 100 Bland's Iron Tonlo Tablets, 890 b-ib. can Chloride Lime 30 Choice Fresh Candies Our Candy Department Is becom ing a moat important one and so it should be. when the very lils;h quality of tho "Original Psckase" t.anilles we handle, Is considered. Upeolal Drive Saturday, obi BOc Uoxl-Wlll Chocolates, n purple box, for ; . fog LiKRett's F.lect Chocolates (every piece containing a nut, fruit, or nougat center) lb 8O0 Dainty Dutch Deliaht Chocolates. .Per 'h eOo Lla-e-ett's flutter and Milk Bitter sweets, per lb BOO LUsett's Fruit Cordial Chocolates, , lb., BOo; 1 lb l.Oi Photo Supplies 1 Supply Camera Needs On assortmsBt Is larre and com. piste. We develop rilms rsVBB. Enlarrement Price List: MS ., xl0 , 10x12 11x14 14x17 10c additional for Sepia Made from any slse negative, Sherman & r,.cGonncH's 4 Hexall Drug Stores Bhsrmaa k MeOoaaell Xrag OoH lta and Dodra atreets. Owl Srutr Co., lata aaa Harmey 8t rests. Loral Vharmaer. Z.oyal Hotel Block. 807-9 ST. lath Street Harvard Fbannanoy, 84ta aad Tar aam Streets. It- ,'f " Chicago Style Show Samples On Sale at Oonoffs H. Y. Sample Store Gorgeous Ladies' Suits, Dresses, Skirts and Silk Kimonos Look at our Suits before you buy one. Our small ex pense system enables us to SAVE YOU $10.00 on your garment. Very special for this sale Silk Pop'in Dress, worth $10.00, at $5.95. All Wool Poplin Fsll Suit, $10.50 well worth $17.59. c Tho best $7.50 Skirts in Omaha at $4.95. N. Y. SAMPLE STORE, 206 H. 16th St. 3-. .ra . a M ill LADIES' SUITS 50 smart styles to select from, in the newest fashions and high class models; V wahIi sqr nn annn fiafmi.n i.r, These X JZZL VU1JX Come SUITS SS18555 prepared are j&r tobuyas Serges, Cheviots, Poplins, Worsteds, Irish Tweeds and many others to select from. the supply is limited only Fifty Suits to se lect from not one worth less than $25.00 or $:io.oo. T U R D A Y THE NOVELTY CO. 214-16 North 16th Street. One Block North of P. 0. Buster Brown Camera $1.88 Tubes M. Q Developer 85o ISo Acid ITyno ao IV4X014 Printing Frames BOo 76o Ruby l.aro- i..,480 Let us Enlarge your Favorite Picture . . BOO . .6O0 . .T5o . .8O0 11.10 1915 FOREQUARTER SPRING LAMBS 934tf 1915 MILK FED SPRING CHICKENS 18He Pig Pork Roast 'Uc . Pig Pork Butts v lac Steer Pot Roast 10 He Young Veal Roast SI He Young Veal Chops 14 H Mutton Chops 14 He Mutton Roast 6 He Porterhouse Steaks 17 He Spare Ribs 8?c Salt Pork 8 He Swift' Premium Ham ....1594c SWlnnsd Hams ....13?4e Sugar Cured Hams 8c Extra Lean Breakfast Bacon 17 94 c Sugar Cured Bacon 13 94 c THE EMPRESS MARKET Opp. Wool worth 8c and 10c Htora. 113 South 18th Bt. Tel. D. 2807. Omaha Gas Company's Sale of Odds and Ends Still Many Very Good Things Left Our sale lias been very successful, many people have benefitted by securing many useful eras appliances at re markably lov- prices, and we have been elated with the thought of clearing out stocks. But, even so, many good bargains yet remain. And prices are going lower and lower in an effort to make tie clearance complete. Come and seo what remarkable savings are possible. Gas Heaters The wisdom of buying a gas heater for such chilly weather as this is quite apparent. Come In handy for Fall and Winter, too. And here's a chance to get one at cost. Many slies and styles iSr.."..:.J2.95 to4 Portables Remember that some of the- beat bargains are to be found In port able gas lamps. ,f rn a Prices range. . .P0.DU 10 J Domes Really you should Bee these, they are so beautiful, and such values! See some we hare tQ ff marked down to.... J)a.UU Keflex Lairps We think the Reflex Lamps are the best procurable. We have some 12.00 values to (j1 ff sell out at half J)l.Ul Brackets You shouldn't overlook this mis cellaneous lot of Brackets it you need such a fixture anywhere about the house. M!m fff A Wonderful values iJC IU 9e9U Gas Irons These are the I-Want-U brandy and come complete with six feet, of tubing and attachment Regu lar price Is 3.60, d0 Cf but now they are. . . . sPsaseOVF Mantles They are genuine Wellsbach man ties; no more need be said. The ten-cent grade, on sale, QC three for at-DC Arc Lamps For business houses, or large rooms where brilliant light la needed. The No. 20 else with one mantle, $6.50: No. 30 with 3 mantles now $T.OO. and a few shopworn No. 30's at.... $4.50 Four mantle upright dn ff Arc Lights for only.. POUU Toasters for only 10c Combination Fixtures, odds and ends, for gaa AND electricity, at decided reductions. Silk Shades for wall lamps, either gas or electric. These are fine for dressing rooms, bed rooms, eto. Fractional prices. There are a few good Oas Ranges left, some very elaborate styles. Prices are wonderfuUy low. Omaha Gas Company 1509 Howard St, Near 16th. Let The Bee get you a good job. "Situations Wanted" ads are free 1915 Milk Fed Spring Chickens, W2z PIG PORK ROAST Hitf Steer Pot Roast 10H I'lS Pork Butts Youns Veal Koaat lls Young Veal Coups ...JV,s Iamb Chuja 14aa Mutton Chups Porterhouse Steak IT He fcrare Kibs S Kalt Tor Swift's Premium Ham 1H Skinned Hama 134. Susar Cured Hams e Kitra Iean Breakfast Bacon. .. ITIo Sugar Cured Bacon 18t.e rzcraxjf From I to P. M. Iamb Chops te V'rom to 16 P. M. Pork Chop. 10a j PUBLIC MARKET VSS.HJSSSh