TilK NEK: OMAHA, SATmOAY. AUGl ST LN, 101T.. ) 1 8 i on i.vni Kurnlhticd Hoomn. NOT: tho .wat..n: ?K Hrxrnry- rooms well luintshi-d and well cared for; prices r a-nn tiltv The Col'dns." THE Chatham hotel for gentlemen. Rat. . iPcrmnnent gii"t. 110 S. l.lth. I). FOR RENT Choice room In Hamilton ; pnrtmcnt. furnished or unfurnished. can be rented for two month or longer I -T1!. Phone amut ixj. WELLINGTON INN. Farnam at 1M1.. 11 rnu., tl; fin rms., $1 50 ft up: weekly ft monthly rates: cool, quiet hnp'pltk. o S1J S. 2TH Modern room by day or ek; lOo and tip; Just off Farnam car line. Rate bv the week. Kvrnlahrtl lloie. NICFTLT furnished, all modern 5-room bungalow; $.f7,5fl month. Fhon Web. 584. iliiairkrrnltt Knnrai. The Pratt, cool, clow in. tit 8. g. D. 8133, ONE nice large room on first floor. 23 N 18th St. 3118 COTTAGE GROVB AVK-Two fur nished room for light housekeeping. PrKate. inodrrn home. Harney 1706. nirnunrii ruoiin i"r '".". " genta. walking distance. 213 S. S'h St. SPECIAL IAvW HATES TO PERMAi 8.NT (iUtSTS. HOTKL PAN FORD, l!Wh Karnam HOTKL. HARLBY. KHh A Tavnani. TV nicely f'-irnlxhed baaement rooms. P per wek. 11 S. th St. HOrsEKEEPINO rooma; bath; ladles; reference. Addreea P 99H, He. liooara aid Cottas;ea, Nona. TOUR-ROOM house vrllh 4 lots, Camden Ave. 433 B-ROOM Joue. mod., cloae-ln. Tel. U. ibi. a-RtXiM modern house, except beat, lit. Srace. Water frex Moo. 7-r. houee, Ml I'tnkney. Web. tieO. 6-R. cottae. Borl condition, tl. 11. 11"4. fc-K iioue, mod. '.n every respect, prac tically new, auiS Miami. Tel. Web. T05. Sal N.-14TH ST. First clusa. ail modern, for rent Tel. owner, Walnut 2iH- NKAT J-rooin coitiuxo. near Hth and t Alm a Ave., rle ttlc Uithta, ku tor cook- )n. Bargain at til per month. KKNKKT SWKliT, ' Of !lce 2511 Harney fit. nouft'.a,s 17. Af.U mod. S-r. iiouse. a No. 41st A voT 1 Vacant alter Sopt. 1. Inquliw ml N. 41 Ave. . Huatk. ' HIOHT-ROOM hous. urUlrs and downstairs, Kas. ail modern alio born. 1239 -8. 12th St R-KOOM. muuern house. 2401 Jones. t"B 'J per month J. I. Kamp. PnuiM aXl. riua.. 83S S. 22. Phone Benson 'iZ W. IIS E'leerant modern flat. 1415 Vinton ht.; modem axoept heat. Webster WX4 or Douclaa T9. s and 4-r. houaes. 'HI1 1910 r.ancioft St. CLOSB in. 616 8. 25th; 8 room', modern, newly dec; rent only tS". Harney &3I0. 4H4 8. 27th, 6-r. modTftt. XouIb flat. .IW.iiu dlO S. 27th, 6-r. mod. St Ixiuls tlst.... 27.no O. O. CAUbBBKU, 312 Hran. Thea. Bid. We. EI-EQAN'T l(V-room residence, 2601 Capitol Ave., $35. Owner. JN W. Famam district, modern S-r. bungalow. 3 blocks from Farnam St far line: rent HO per mo. Tel. Har. RSjO. M larrliaaeuaa. K10 Nicholas, 4-rooin and bath, $17. 1!X Ohio. 6-room, part modern, $W.W. K S. th Ave., 9-rootn, all mod. flat, $30. HUi N. 17th. S-roorn modem Apt.. $j7.."). RASP BROS., Douglas ltxa smi May on St, t rooms, all modern.. $40.no :'43 Franklin St.. 12 rms., oil mod... 35.01) m 8. aad St., 7 rooms, all modern.. 81.(0 8. 17th St. 9 rms., all mod 01) 41i!3 N. 26th Ave., 6-r., mod. ex. heat. .u0 JW2 Chicago St, B-r., mod. ex. heat.. W.tiO af.23 Hmmet St, 7-r., mod. ex. heat.. 17.W 34H S. lKth St., 6 rms., all modern.... ltiM lotiHPacitic St.. 4-r.. mod. ex. heat.. 13 60 S213 N. lth St., 4-r.. mod. ex. heat.. 13.W BIKKETT & COMPANY. 4S Bee Bldg. Douglas 6!a. CAN YOU BEAT THESE VALUEB? 4-r.. S37 8. 24Lh, 812; 6-r.. 83$ 8. 23d, $14; B-r.. 2T0B S. 14th. $12.50; 244 8. 17th, same; 433S Orant, 7-r., mod., garage, choice. $L'0; H-r., mod., select, good as new, 1615 S. 2th, $26.50 ; 7-r., mod., 434 Uke, snao, $15; 8-r., mod., 302s 8. 19th, j; 7 others. T. 14S2. Ty. ai40-J. McKltrick It. K. Co. B-R. MOD. house, close to good car line; possession given when desired. H. 44111. fi-R. MOD. house. Te Florence 448. 6-KOOM, all mod, ex. heat. Web. 3S07. BUY a 7-room modern Hanccom Park home on a rental basla Tel. Har. 4-a. nfT PARK Ava. 7-r.,"strrctly mod". "hTISM PIG S-room house for rent; gas, water and bath; price. $18. Phone chater SH.v; 1S15 Corby St., 7-r. part mod. house. $lti.uO 1843 North 21st St. 4-r. part mod. house .. 13.00 13ti North 37th St.. tf-r. all mod. house 27.50 620 North 41st St, e-r. all mod. house 25.00 113 South 37d St.. 8-r. all mod. house 37.50 S017 Grace St., 6-r. part mod. houee.. 15.00 ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO., 809 First Nat 1. Bank Bldg. Doug. 751 iror. r"s.. close In. Tel. D. 8711, NEW B-r.. mod, bungalow. $27. P. 6037 Vboae CKjuglas 88 foi complete list of U"' bouses and apartments: also for etorege. moving lath and Jackson Wta fcER the Central ifumiture diorea CRtB KFNTAL 1.1 ST. TTrmcou C-elgh Bona k Co., He bldg in sii nana of Ke city. GlobeVan& Storage SWes, moves, packs ships; t-horee vaa and I men, $l.$t per nr.; storage $2 per trio. Batlsfactioa guar. D. 483 Ty. JA Gordon Van Co. Mcving Parsing. Atoiare. 219 N. Uth Pt. Tel. D. 394 or Har. 137. Maggard's aa and u. ass Co. Call us far es mates for aiov. tog. laeKu,. shipping. 1718 Webster 8t I'rUglss 144 J.C. Keed Kxp. Co.. -nuving. packing i storage 1107 Varna m ft. li4 .FOR COLORED CLOSETn! JllSO-ax) Paul. 6-r.. gas. water ptld. Srj3'5. -. nod. ex. beaL 'j;B0 )31 Pierce, -r.. tilg otdlar. -o i',SXLsl'"s ,n Pr' of the city. F. D. Wed.i8CiFaJT.jn jt, -o cottagaTui 8. ath Bt. t&. Waiir MODiiRN 7-rcom bouse, gowly decorated. WIS Ce Id well. lores avad Of flees. Very Desirable Printing Office . Location with entrance from Court of Bee Building. 1000 to 1500 square feet. Inquire Room 103 K. O. Baboock. 8up't JL"1 "i'f roc"ut" Farnam St Very reasonable rent Tel. Doug. 4089. Warebmases. . -.-YAR,Tm?USE-TRjlCKAOE. .prt.r ,H ' b floor In large five- WArTTETi TO BP1 MPVaPier-onT ""J"t-- r ordjthlug. D 4714." I C"P. for casn; g;ve pries and location. J 4. care Bee. 0 4. care Bee, TF? Reliable real e.tate companT ,t,v? tnu 2w trar of T" iodTi" d.vi.led Addree Hog 36. W Interact is. auyi trryttnn tun hand. Wb. 4W4 alia:i- uw aiu araa sau. O. ant. WANTF.l) TU RK.NT W ASTf'D- To if in fsrm on halves, tool and horses t urnlshed . stock on haivca Oarfnco Adams. Centrrvllle. la. 3 LIOHT housekeeping rooms for family of 4 or furnished cottage, from $ii to tW per month, tor Sept.. I. O WW, Bee. I REAL ESTATE FARM A Ht( II l.49in rn gAI.Sj Arkansas. FOR Information about rhesp land In southwest Arknrsi Writ W. L. Per kins. Ashdown. Ain. ti.ir LI Oak Colonioa. nop batter. W T. Smith Co. ti.t-M Cm Nat n. r. Iowa. IOWA BARGAIN Want n mnva, n Om.ka lt.v hmiaa . J.?. ?JI?0.r.?. PmA --2 house (will leave the chickens m It), all three lots fating east. Rood location, two blocks from car, not too close to town, some Improvements, will sell cheap for cash, will make arrangements tor pay ments. Address U 94.S, Bee. KASY MONEY-Alfalfa land. K0 acres, t miles of town; (tood Improvements. Want general merchandise stock. J. Ten nant. Securities HldK.. le Moines. HAVE YOU A FARM X)K JjAlKT Write a good description of your land and senj It to the Stuux City, la.. Journal. "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twanty-flve words every Friday evening, batirday morning and every Saturday eveoltuf and Sunday morning lor one moi.th, giving slKleen sda oe twelve different daya for 12; or to words, M. or 76 words, te. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, readers dally La four great stales Id an. FAJIMBRS. ATTENTION. We ai located one and one-half miles east of hayden likn. Idaho, thirty-three tnlics east of Spokane, Wash., In the fruit and grain bell of the upper Spokane vailey. We have orchard lands listed at from S&0 to J') per acre. Just coming into lM-a.r.rur, under Irrigation ditches water rights paid. Farm lands at from Ii0 to l.o per acre. Average rainfall twenu-flve inches per year, mover, tlm otliy, wheat, oats, garden vegetables and berriec do well here. No hot winds: mild winters. For further Information address W. H. Rogers, H, j. 1. Bat lid ruin. Idaho. Nebraska. (WJIT WORK FOR OTHERS ALL YOUR LIFE? Since Jan. 1 I have traveled through South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arixona Utah. California, Oregon. Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and eastern Nebraska, and of all these, good old Dawes county, right here in the north west corner of Nebrarka, is the best of all; contains the best opportunities; hai better soil for less money; has better advantages of all kinds and produces more real, solid comfort and enjoyment to 1 . m ' , , . v ' other secUon which I have visited. I have places here ranging from 160 acres up that I will sell to good farmers on very easy terms. Our wheat this year will run from X to 40 bushels to the acre, and all others crops In proportion, yet I can sell you the best of farm land at all the way from $15 to $50 an acre, close to railroad, town, school, church and society. You cannot heat It, no matter where you seek. 1 also have a few small places to rent and will rent them to good farmers on share mil aim ui lurnmn m nra 11 mey desire me to. However, It is far better for you to buy on my easy terms than t is to rent, for then you profit on the increase in valuation and get all of your crop. Either come up at once and look mo wrauuj wim ma, or n,o un for my book of descriptions and prices and then pick out what you want and come on up and look it over. 1 am al ways glad to show the country and will show you any sized place or any kind of a place that you can powlbly ask for. I will give you such terms ss will make a place pay for Itself. Sincerely yours, A RAH. L. HUNG13RFORD, Crawford, Dawes County, Nebraska. IF TAKEN before September 10. 200 acres on river bottom, one mile from good rallread town, eight miles from county scut. Orchard, frame barn, sod house, all fenced, cheapest land In Custer county. 8. B. McKenty, Ansley, Neb. Hlaaraftla. 240 ACRES, 45 miles from Minneapolis, one mile from town: lbd acres under cultivation; balance used for pasture; can practically all be cultivated; heavy soil. Good set buildings, consisting of It room bouse, large barn, grunary, corn cribs, windmills, etc.; the land will pro duce 60 bushnia of corn per acre; tele phone in house: country thickiy settled: complete set of machinery; jfl head of stock, conaisting of 11 cows, balance 1 and 2-year-olds; six good horses, 26 hogs, chickens, one-halt of this year's crop and everything on the farm goes at $00 an acre, half each. Schwab Bros., 1028 Fly mouth B.dg., Minneapolis. Minn. south Dakota, IV FOR SALE 160 a. 8 80. Dak. inv " jroved; Herman settlement. Price $17. Terms. JIM WRAY. SIOUX CITY. 18lseoaala. 40 ACRES, level to rolling, $ cultivated; 3-room frame house, log barn; borders lake; two wells; price. Including horse. farm machinery $iA half cash. Tom O. MoHon. shell Lake. Wis. ...,. rooming. OCU.a ,,,U4- i aOaJ IJLJ. VY 1 1C:-1 L rill rllA Kil'" .ur we win ne glad to One man haa 1uet talcan this off half section In Wyoming, lust over braaka line. Put your money where, crop win pay for land in one or two years. main Una U. P.. all level and fit to eul - u a m. Vi,uw ov aim uai. tiiuao lu i and fit tlvate. Long time terms; $L60 per acre now. balance soven annual navmenta xou ioe oniy one oay rrom oniajia. , Write when we can meet you. Ask for, Picture folder. O'Keefo lical Estato Companv.irJ; J-,,onMy' dec; A . , ' ' I orated, full east Trent lot on paved street, 1016 Omaha National; Doug. 8716. paving all paid and in excellent location. ' ... . 1 "11., ... bKa t V, i - Ltnii.. H . M Nrrhaataxa, MO-ACRE farm. $16 per acre; $ cash, alanc 10 year time. C Per cent: rieh ol!, fine wheat land: pure water: good nn. writ w. t. touru;, jr., Klmbai. Nb. RKL ESTATE LOAIVS FARM LOANS, 6 PER CENT. TOLAND ft TRUMBULL. 446 Bee Bldg. li?0 TO $10.0uu made promptly. F. O. Wed. Wead Bldg. 18ih and Famam 8ts. CITY and farm loans, 6, 6H. f per cent. J. H. Dumont ft Co.. 418 Stat Bank. A "For Sate" ad will turn secood-band forpitur into cash. CITY roperty. Large loans a specially. W. f 1. Thorn i2 Stat Hank Bldg. W A NT HID-Good farm and city loans at lowest rates. PETKRH TRUST CO.. H91 Faraana. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha National. Phone Douglaa nil. VONEY on hand lor city and farm loans, H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bidg. HKE us f li at for farm loan in eaatera iw cniiw i-tales Trust Co.. Omaha, CITY LOAN. C. O. Cart berg. 810-18 Brandels Theater Bldg. WANTED City and farm loans; lowest rates. W. Q. TsiapUtesk COS bea. T. ataso. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED to buy I lots, must be con nected, on paved treot; tata location and price. Adres K-86. Bee. FOR sale, rental, loan, insurance, care of property and collection of rentals. F D. Wead, IsOl farnam St o' REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE fine Lot for Trade for a Goor or G-lioom Bnrgalow We have a client who has a lot In ClaiiDiout Addition, on paved street, wltn :ill improvements in. who will trade for equity in a good 6 or 4-room modern bun- -''"- wubi ur in so4ai lotiauiy. HASTINGS ft HEVDklN. l-j4 Harney St REAL ESTATF NORTH KIPK ! Bungalow W ImTA a Verv cl4v new fl V A.mnm , k'nml. tx4rt, that I up-to-date In every rtsixMt. Oak finish and oak floor. full bmonunt. large attlo. l.o-ated Ni C"4.t North 24th St . where all home are new homea and where many homea urn being hullt. We will make term to Suit punhaser. Norris & Norris 400 Pee l'ldg Phone Dangle 4270. $lo) Cnsh Makes First Pay. mcnt on a 5-Koom Cottage Newly papered and painted. In fin con dition, lorated on 29th Avenue and Boul evard, 4 Hocks from !4th and Vinton. Price, $1,300. HASTINGS HETDEX. 1614 Harney Ft OWNKK LEAV1NO ClTT. Pea-en rooma modern, hot water beat, I i r ,v""1"' IMeritT Closets, gan-en, iruil, hl' hl'x k to car. On'r li.lUV Very eaey 14. For salo by owner, new S-r bungalow; 4 S!i.c"rn' "nchanged. .. . tX ca.Vv per month. Harney W4.V ( brtmrr 7"' nc1'ipt .Z'lZ -r- ' oushels and shipments 1 1T7, bushels Bl'NQALOW. ' against rmelt ta of MfVUMi bushels and B-room. new, modern and tr-to-date In shipments of l.ora.imo bushel last year, every respect; fine shade surrounded by . Primary corn receipts were 4w,(Xi0 bush new homes. 4414 N. S?d SL Price, 12,; els and hl ments 22s,iw bushels, against terms. Phone Web. 43. o; receipts of M,o.m btiHtirls and shlptnenU ' - 'of t..(HiO bushels last year. HEAL KSTATF ROITII SIDR New Field Club Home Small House Taken in Part Payment Baltance in Monthly Payments A fine home, finished In oak. with four bedrooms and bath on second floor; beam celling in llvlnf room, dining room: built-in bookcases, fireplace, toilet rated :ftt Walnut St. Every house in the innuon ouiu wunin the last two years. Price $&.3a Ternia Norris & Norris 40 Bee Bldg Tel. Douglas 4570. Extraordinary Bargain Field Club At 1SH a sun 8t we have a dnndv 8 room house, 2Sx30, finished In oak and strictly modem in every respect. Kni.t front, pnved street, paving all paid; fine nhade trees, right in the heart of tho Field club dlstilct, where the lot alone is worth $:... We can sell this tiron- I erty for xt.ijO. on reaMonahle i.rnu 1 ' ?"y?i,Z "tm. '"T, hom.V. b"r" 5h!3i"E. 1 1 ?i E?""M?y w" Un" 1 'Jy.i J111. ',,l;'kl' nnt riwl.? i.S h-'"? k rl"nl ThTSSlrh B h y" j " PotmO Mr o T--t 1 1 L aVllC OC OluLCF vXJ. Exclusive Agents. 616 Omaha National Bank Building. 1201 SOUTH GIST . Living room, dining room, bedroom kitchen and pantry on 1st floor: stall wav to floored attic with complete bathroom electric lights, gas. city water cement basement; corner lot, 12S feet on 51st and 60 feet on Pierce St., one block from car i rito, ai.iw; aiw casn, balance monthly. C. C. CARLBERG. 312 Brandels Theater Bldg . BIT N OA LOW. (I-room, new modem and up-to-date In every respect: fine shade surrounded hv new homea. 4410 N. 22ti St. Price, $2 li; terms. mull, IX per mo. Web. '4'iiti. o -room house, part modern; large fruit nri-p, cincaen lence, l,.'i. 3010 S. 9th Bt. fc.9,V,.TY.f.n . nice -room bungalow at 8.114 So. 32d Ave. Will consider late model 6-pas. auto as part of equity. Har. 6J20. REAL ESTATE WI58T SIDE Two Beautiful Bungalows Just Completed In Montclalr, at 31t and Lafayctlo Ave., adjoining Beims nark on thn pmi ft. and rooms, oak finish, beamed ceilings, panelled walla, fire place, book rase, buffet and china closet; full basement, guaranteed furnace, elegant lighting and plumbing fixtures, yard sodded, walks all in. Owner must sell at about cost; might take In good lot. Call owner for price and terms Webster 3620. Cathedraf District Construction h.. Ra -, - r , room bungalow at 4311 Chicago St This I will be a fine place to call homo. Will j m compieieiy moaem. not sir furnac. 0aK fi ement basement and walks.) X?',i byPn"V Pymnta. 1 enow you ine plana. Creigh, Sons & Co. 60S Bee Bldg. Douglas 0. j Bungalow Beautiful we are orrertng at 83.350 one of the neatest bungalows we know of at a very low Price. 6 rooma. at riot 1 n Glover & Spain Do-g. 346X 1 City National. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. New. modern, seven room, sleeping poroh, oak and birch finish, fine buffet and book cues, beam celling, pressed brick foundation, close to cur, souUi front, best i,jy m Omaha. WRIGHT & LASBURV, T'ougia 152. fibTJSE, E70 Dodge St.. 6. W'AlbiT" Council Bluff, la. Phon Black 1417. REAL ESTATri INVESTMENTS . KENT $9J A YEAR PIUCK $7,500, ONLY $l,.r)0 CASH Absolutely the best investment we know of. Two separate new double permanent brick and stucco terraces, on big corner lot street paved, easy walking distance. 150 feet from car In. Tenants pay water and a wall ing list if a vacancy. Kent could eas- tlyrce'n,C",T. WW "hr d,Ub, HASTINGS & HKYDEN, 1614 Harney 4t. REAL ESTATE VACANT A beautiful building lot for y ur bunaa low or house, l blk to car; price reason able, term, owner, phone Walnut ZW 2 adjoining lots, near 42d and Webster Ave. J. p. . hj Karnam. lied Apartments, flats. houessliTToTu can be rented quickly and cheaply by a f I Bee "For Rent." I GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wlieat Falter. After Momentary Advance and Then Drop, Buck Two Cents. EIGHTY CARS OF C0R5 Olf FLOOR OMAHA, August ST. "heat was lower today part of the heat going at yestenlay prices and some going at !e lower. orn receipts were heavy today. Klghty one cars were reported In. but there were over lou on the floor. The corn market was very steady, corn selling unchanged to He higher. Oats were unchanged. rarmers of the spring; wheat country re selling wheat freely for forward de livery and it la being taken mainly by e porters. The aeaboard reported ("19,0jX bushels taken for foreign shipment, the greater part of It raised In Canada. Liverpool: Wheat, unchanged to id i-i unary oats receipts were l.wmi bushels and shipments l.lHK.ono bushels, ajfH.nMt rtc.litla rtf 1 lentil liuah..la And shipments of PHo.Onu bushels lat year. CAIUjUT lU-VKirTH Wheat. C'nrn. Oats. Chlrago 2W fni SbaJ Minneapolis 1.1) ... ... luiuth 14 UmoJia 47 M 34 REAL KSTATK MtSCKLLAXKOUrl $100 Cash Makes First Pay mcnt on Small Chicken Kaneli New 8-roont houso, electric lights, good wed, fine chicken yard, all ferced tight; chicken house; large lot and use of ad joining lot. Price, onlv $l.ln. HASTINGS A HKYDKN. 1614 Harney St. tXH 8AI.17-1U-I Estate AucUon: For ale at publlo auction to highest bidder at etiurt house in Beatrice, on Tuesday, September 7, 1915, bsnk block, located at 4th and Court Sts., Beatrice. This I one of the best built business building In the city, centrally located, four stories and basement, a team beat, electric ele vator, fine banking room, burglar-proof vault. For term and further informa tion write K. L. Havelone, referee, Bea trice. Neb. FIVE AND ELEVEN-ROOM HOl'Sfl. For sale or trade; 11-room house has two apt., nil mod. and In fine condition; will trade for lot or house. Tel. Webster 7040. llEAIi KSTATK ACKRAGE Invest Your Money in Acres Near Omaha A ure as Omaha continues to grow. your money Invested In acreage near Omaha will be one of Ve beMuid e.fest Investments you can get Your taxes are ", wo in tmiio is certain. 14 acre, close to F'lorenc i mile to town, on paved road; high, sight iy location, overlooking the river and Missouri valley. Price $.100 per acre for quick sale. lnd adjoining I held from $6W to $1,000 per acre. If you want a real bargain out Florence way, you should look st this one. I 5 seres north of Krug park. This I no.' doubt the lct 6-acre piece near Omaha; ' close to paved road. $i0D per acre. Klne east view. 4 acre N. W. of Benson, close to Key. stone park; all in alfalfa. Price, $1,60. 3 acres in Keystone park; high, sightly1 1 n r u 1 (..., ' ,, . .... . . .. . .......,,,. i,,wco km pavcu, miuj goou ur- roundlngs. Price $1,250. 10 aiTcs. within i mile of Mllltarv mnH northwest of Benson; lies high and 1:'- 5offj68c. Seeds: Timothy, $o.5tyi'i".W; sightly; has 3 acres In fruit, 5 acres In clover, $H.60fi 13.2.V. Provisions: Pork, alfalfa; 3 acres open land. Price IVO lHrd $797'i: rib, .(vi8.8T'. per acre. 1 M. UL-rTli.lt-iU-celpis. 10.2.7 tun niarket jlsleadv to a little lower: creamery, extras Wo also have acre tracts close to paved ' 44i4yic; extra firsts, 234i23VK; flrats, 214, roan out iiensonway that wa are sclllntr ju down, iiu per month. These are only a few pf the good bar gains we havo on our list. Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney St. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Daadee. I DUN DEE HOMES H. H. Harper & Co. 1013-14 City Natl. Bank Bid;. Phone Douglas 2590. Prettiest Home for the Price in Dundee LOCATED AT 6(24 Ut'RT ST. Seven room and sleeping porch. Ready to occupy at the turn of the key. Brand new. strictly modem. fnnv.nl. ently arranged. Decorated throughout in excellent tasts. Ixfc-ated on nuih front lot Two block from csr line, "all us and we win u a-ii .v.n you this rroperty because K will nlenae you. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 230OMA11A NAT. UK. BLI HA. II. 4VH. New Addition in Dundee Our prices are doing th w or If TVs have sold almost three-fourth of the addition. Sea this beautiful addition south of Dodge, joining Klmwood park. Telephone Doug las 3596. H. H. Harper & Co. I01H-14 City National Hank. rioreac. cottage in Florence. 8 blocks l-ROOM from car; big ot of frjit: chlcksn bona. $1,76". Abo ut $600 rash can handle. Phone Florence 484) tteaao. i bargain: movinu to California rtnW'" T.'- ,.,..u,'l,.fe, ,wo hu" term or 1iad"e for light uto B H Vaughn. 2T.17 N bid bl lKriison. Nt h! Phone Benson MJ. . 9 20 M t,Aieski'ie ref-orteti tmlav : Whe.it .No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, $1 11. No. .1 naid winter; I car, H0; 1 car, $10,, I car, 81. t,; 2 cars. $1.04, 8 cars, $J4; I csr. $l.i; 2 cars, il.ut ,o. 4 hard winter: I car, 81.04; I car. l.tf; 1 car. $!.; 8 vara, Sv; 4 C-rs, ,"; 7 car. t-. No. J spring: 1 bulkhead, $l.t2. No. 3 mixed: I car, l.t. No. 2 dunlin, t car. $l.o. !anipie: 4 cars, lc; 3 cars, 1 car, 7.w ints No. 8 white: 2 cat. 3uV; IS 8-5 cars, c: 1 car. 4c. No, 4 white: 1 car, c: I cars, .H4sc, 1 cars 84c- No. 8 mixed. 1 ar, .H4lc. Sample: 1 oar thoti. i-'ac; 1 car, S Rye No. 8; 1 r. Wo. No. 4: 3 cars, K.V; 2 8-5 cars. Mo Corn No. 1 white: 4 cars 7l'lkc. Nn 1 vell.tw: 1 cars, v; Part car, 7SV-JC. jNo. 8 yellow; 1 cats, T.to. No to yellow 1 car, iJV No. 2 mixed- 4 cars. 7-''c: 1 car, ,Jo. No. 8 mixed: 1 car (near vellowi. 72c; 6 cars. "Sc. No. 5 mixed: t cat. lc; 1 car. 7ISc. No. 6 mixed, a car. Hc; 8 cars, 71c. Sample: 1 par (yellow), Jc; t car, 9c; 1 car, tc: $ cars, e. Omaha Cash Price Wheat: No. 2 turkey, iLOatrl.li ; No. 8 turkey. $t.011jl.20; No. 8 hanl. l.l2r1.20; No. 8 har.1. $l.(rj I IS; No. 4 hard. Hrtclill No SlirlnK t.lffl.U; No. X srr.ni. il 1111112 No. durum. $l.vi4jl.r; No. 3 durum. $1 OMi-1 01. Corn: No. 2 white, 721f73'4c: No. 3 white, l'T!l.Vt .11, White. 71vh71Vo- No w lute, lf.lHc; No. 6 white, .hhll'.r:. nariev: malt ns. 5i1if.u-: No. I fel itvn 48c. Rye: No. 8, 94r(t4Sc; No, a, Wvno. CHICAGO H R A I AMI PHOVIln Feat a re f the Tradla and C lMlng Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Aim 97n..i.n ,1. . ine wneat market ttxlay on improved domestic weather conditions and a break mt ln..iiM,rv Tv, .. - closed Weak at a net loss of ISc to ir, with Septemtier at 7Hc and December at .IV r."" followed wheat and fell I'ao to lirriVc. with September at 73-o. Do ceniber, li.l'ailnr.S.c. Oats was depressed by the slump in other grain nnd under went a net decline of 1Sj1c to lWulSo. Provisions closed Irregular with rlhs a stiade firmer, other products easy. Tho ,.'roi'.'"lon r"n at the finish was to lower to 7tc higher. I xi west prices of the crop were reached on all deliveries of wheat today. There wa heavy liquidation on the Improved weather conditions In the domestic north western belt, commission house being among the heaviest sellers. The bear sentiment early took such strong hold of the market that bullish fuctor abroad were Ignored. Buying of wheat was limited largely to short who were seeking profits, but their operations failed to check the downward movement and the finish was near tho low point of the day. There was frost in Wisconsin, hut thl hull factor wa Ignored by corn trader, on account of tho warmer weather over most of the corn belt and because of the weakness In wheat. Tho volume of trade wa very light. The course of price was steadily downward most of the ses sion, the few rallies being Insignificant and of short duration. Liberal arrival, general liquidation and a big increase in consignment note were, the depressing feature of tho oats market. Attention of provision pit traders seemed centered mnlnlv on i lbs. -giving some strength to that commodity while "k " J I" 'h"' ' ,r I V, lurd Q""tatlon on future r l. range a follows: . Artl' 11 Open. I High. I Lownloae Te y Wheat! sept 98V, 99Vi r, w 74 64 117 97 Dec. Corn Sept. Doo.. Oats pi 73 99 IDi'x 74 M D8 87V& 7V. 74141 63i.l 73M, 7otv J'1 Sept. Dec. I Tork I 37V aw. ar.vi 36 3U II I Sept.l 13 7 Oct.. I Vi 85 Lard I 13 76 I I8 60 I 13 62'U 13 67', IS SiVxl 13 U'AI 13 n'xl 1J 8U I I Sept. I 8 0C t 66 8 02H 8 rcval a a. 8 17l 8 If tot..l 6 iJVm. Ribs I Sept.! $ 50 tlc.t.. 8 65 8 r,2ty 8 60 8 80 8 62 8 6.'j 8 50 8 fti t,j, Chicago Cah Prices Whoat: No. 8 red. .1 i.l 1 ... ... . t u . .. 1 . . ..... ai.'vTiiiH i"-" i ATi". a nai 'Corn: No. 2 yellow, t 'VIHl'.c: others nominal. Oats: No. 8 w white, .(4ii'-WHc: standard. 4o4i4l'.ic. Rye: No. 2. 9'le. Mar. scconus, a"-ii(r-l'xc; packing stock lt"ll9-4 0, EGOS-Receipts, 6,480 case; market steady to a little higher; at murk, case ineludml, 17ii21o; ordinary firsts, I'l'-yn' SOUc; firsts, '.VVHi 2H4c. CHUKSK Unchanged. POTATtJLS-Receipts. 25 car; majket lower ex.Apt Mlneeaota and ")hlo, 1c higher; Jersey cobblers, 6xfV; Jersey Giants. 47(i6'V; Minnesota and Ohio, 44'iC iVltTLTRY Steady to higher. Alive: Fowls, UVAiUio: springs, 164ji7c. NICW YORK (.KNKR4L MARKET Qaotallons of the Day on Various I 'out mod It lea. NEW TORK, Aug. 27.-FLOUU-Uai ely steady. v tiiQAT spot weak; No. 2 red. II 10Vj, o. I. f.. New York, prompt, and No. i hard, $1 07V,. c. I. f.. New York, to arrive, luke and rail; No. 1 northern, Duluih, ll.MHi. and No. 1 northern, Manitoba, k.ic c. I. f , Buffalo. Futures, weak: Bepteiu ber, $1.06. 1 CORN Snot, easy: No. S vellnw. ftx w it bat Spot weak; No. 2 red. I I prompt shipment. ' m-rpoi, easy; o. 3 white, new, 47c, nominal. HAY Steady; No. 1, $1.40; No. 8, $1.80; both new. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice. 1914 cron M$13c: Paclflo coast. 1914 crop, L'tjl c; 1918 crop, SNillc. ' ii iues-steady; Bogota, 80Q31C; Central Amer.ca, ISc. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts. 82c; seconds, Sotiaio. TAi.iiOw- yulet: city, br;. country, ;j--",'e; Seciai, ftSac. PROVIS'ONS-Pork, steady; mess, $14.60 5"1I0":o,,fam"y.- 0W(22.W; short clear. $18. 60022.00. Beef, quint; mesa, $l7.unv 18 00; family. $lS.002o 00 I,ard, barely steady; middle weat, $X.HVti8 2o. BITTER Steady; receipts, 8,290 tubs, creamery, extras, ZbWSo; tints, 24 -He- EClOH-Flm: recelpu. 36.684 esse; freh Fathered, extras, 2Hc; extra flrt , WMaJbc; fli-eu, U'JtAo; second, .'I'AI'-'IV', CHiskse Firm; receipt, 1,848 boxes; state, whole milk, fresh, flats, whits and colored, special. l.TifrtlSc; me, col .r,,l,.avor,lM fancy, lite; same, whits, 1 z folic, I'Ol'LTRT Live, weak; western rhlck eiiH broilers, lc; fowl, 16Vc; turkevs. l-i.uc. Dressed, steady; prices un- oi:ailK:u. I Kaaaa, Hlr ft rata aad Prwvlaloa. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Aug. 27. WHEAT No. 2 hard t nam. ti.mtn.zi; No. 8 red, $1 ll September laJVa4l5V.c: December. May, VPir.. ."Ml 390, BIH'TEIl Creamerv. 7c- firsts. 25c j seconds. 23.i ; acklng. lu,-. KiK.S Klrsts. 2c; secnda 16o. JtL LTIIY liens rv 9o; broilers, li ' Mlasaapallt Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS Aug. 27 WHEAT September 84Sc: December, 93,c; No 1 h-d 41 1SrVFl.2H. ' Fl.ocR-irpchsnged. BARLp:Y-47U4ic RYE 7KW79C. BRAN-$-'100. I. I.oala Urala Market. "T. I01TIS. Aug. 27-WHEAT-Vo. 3 red, $l.itll.lo: No. 1 hard. $l.A'vu o September. 8 .o; December, 96c ' ' CORN Nn. 2. 78'-Cr; No. 1 white 76"e; eptembcr. 7:'V.c. lVieml-.r p OATH-No. 2. 3hc; No. t white, nominat Liverpool ;rala Market. L1VKRPOOL. Aug. 27-WHEAT-Spot No. 1 Manltibii, lis 7V.d; No. 2. 11 i.4d: No. 8. Us 4'rd; No. 1 northern Duluth! 11 4'.d. CORN Spot, American, mixed, r.ew. 8 Hoar Market. NEW YORK. Aug 27.-l'OA R-Itaw firm: i enlrifiigal, 4 7oc: molaaws, ijk Refine, steady. Future opened steady todav and at noon price were 2 to 6 txiiiiU higher. Kansas City 1M s. l.ouis 1 WIllllllX'H 41 TSVe- Wn i i, .--,, '. . r, prices for hogs t the Omaha live to k a n.VL t .3'fl,.lWc; Na B yel- market for the last few day, with com- Mw. 7S'?ff7Jtc; No. yellow, 73V7SV,c; vsrlnona: No. 2 mixed, 7;'ii"7'.",c; No. 3 mixed. 7I 7?c- No. 4 mixed, 7vvfi71c: No. 5 mixed. ""- Mil... H-i4 fn in- ')! ' !''' " WVi ,n",l- TllUo. Oat: Aug .l ( I 1 ; , 7 il 7 7X 7 4t No. 2 S5V,ie; aiandar-1. ... V :tiSo : No. Aug. 10. t 71 8 0 7 $i 7 S8 1 8tl 7 4 3 white, 34 iti :t.',',c: No. 4 w hite. 34-i:C.c. Aug II. I 6 'l O'i 8 1' I T III 7 8V 7 M ( (1 tN Nil a tflAff.i. . - white 7lLc- B.nt.Vi,ii. Z. 3 receipts have been larger than at any ber f.iiP- MaJ BttTi C Vecem- "t'r Point in the country, and on more OATS-No 2 ihu 1V Wttne. . ! V,an one occasion local supplies have been mixed 'Mix ' 3fic! No larger lhan at all of the oilier western OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light and Pricei Unchanged Lambi Steady and Ewei Higher, HOGS GENERALLY FIVE HIGHER OMAHA, August ?r. l!l.v Receluts were attle. Hogs. Sheep. 8.414 4.1W 2H, Official Monday t'tfli In I Tuesoay (f'lclsl v,l.,..l,. Official Thursday.'.. r.sumate t rlday Five dava I Ma m-nk "l ml 37.052 1W.1?6 44.T..4 lu.v! 40.17 69 Same days last week..!7'vS S .11 o daya $ week sko 17t Same days 3 week auo 14. W Same davs 4 weeks ago 12. 1t9 Same days last year. 2i.i5 S3, 94 1 B5.MI M.$-.- 27.33: :t7.a4 iti.244 The fol owlnn table shoo the receipt - ,flpf '. hoss and sheen at the Omaha live I ' ' nr. i 1 1 inv y wii w iMmw i..ie 11,,.' 10M. tnc. km. 8a rV.9IH 1.TI.4LJ ft m..r.. i'VL. VJ'i- -i he f.,it..i., ....... n,A .v,r.n Aug. 12 rl 8 7!8 7 Mil f 041 T ill T tti T 48 Aug. II. Aug. 14 Aug. If,. Aug. jai ivv s VII 7 M in I s vol I n 60V 9 04 ' 7 70! 8 I! 7 lo' T 4$ I 8 941 7 73! 8 12 7 00l I 16 K-.i.' 7 77' 8 14 7 171 84 IS II. T 58 7 4 Auk 17! aft'..! t ? 8 OKI 7 171 t Aug. 18 6 27', 8 691 7 75 Aug. lH.i fi L'4s! 8 wii 7 77 7 17 8 24 S 091 I 11 B i-1 Aug. 20' 6 r4'l 8 941 7 M.I 3 9I Aug. rii 6 4i'' 8 s.; 7 9;i s 041 a 37 7 ri Aug 22 I 8 8li 8 tt' 8 04 7 25 Hlllidn V Receipts and distribution of live stock at tho I'nhm Stock yard. Omaha, Nob., lor twenty-four hours, ending at 3 o'clock p. m., yesterday: REClFTS-CATt tX)T3. Cattle. Hog Sheep. It r . C. M. ft ft. r. 4 Union Paclflo C. N. V east.. C N. W., west. C.. Ht. P.. M. O 15 42 13 14 10 2 1lM 08 V., B. (J., west. C, C, K. I. P., east. , It I. & P., west. Total receipt 14 00 DISPOSITION' HEAD. . .4 7,417 2VI-2S . 3,7'H) 9. 7; 2 tl,'' , i.2 8.4T7 17.5 MO 7, W.ao 18 B4I Ana i 1 on 1 V V I ii t l t ti j m ".( no; ngnt, f..ri.uR: mixed. $hm Aug S, J ft J IS ? J 5 'A S ? JS ' Wk.AND LAMna-Recelpt.. 7.0 Aug. ., 6 5H, 8 ,41 7 911 8 81, I369I7M hed ; market stron to too hlshor: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ,.. 18 1.M7 1.5M ,.. 21 1.821 4.413 . . 810 1,6:1.1 Mi'j ... 108 1.473 S.Kt'2 1.O07 3.7IB I ... 19 .. 6 I.. 1 .. Ill 2 . . 8 I.. 6 .. 1 1 .. .... 6.148 ... 687 6.591 19.ST4 Morris A Co Swift ft Co Cndahy Parking Co. Armour ft Co J. W. Murphy Cndahy. country .... Benton, Vansant ft L J. B. Hoot ft Co Werthelmer ft legen ChrUtte Illgglna Roth Baker, Jones ft Smith John Harvey Dennla ft Francis Other buyers Total CATTLE Recelot of cattle were very light this morning, only eleven car be ing reported In the yard, which waa not enough to make a market or to Interest buyer. Still they were all out In good season and the meager offering changed hands for the moat part In a very abort time. The prices paid did not show any very material change as compared with yeaterday. Quotation on rattle: Oood to choice fed yearling. $9.0ixi.7O; fair to good fed yearling. $7.7T4i0.tii): common to fair fed vam 1 1 , , b 7 K, 1 .T. -nnl t n ..hnlft heavy beeves. $9.,0).2C; fair to good corn fed beeves, $x.25ti.00; common to fair corn fed beeves. 87. i nil R. 25: mime graaa beeve. i a.ai'im.ivu, himiu tu vnuifi tiap. ne... fi.iiq.w, mil lu R"uu ffi vnv:m, . " 4i7.i; common to fair graaa Deevc. ni tu i'7.40; good to choice fed heifer, $7.UKJ 8. ho; good to choice fed cow, $6.aou7.25; good to rholce graaa helfor. $650jr7.00; good to choice graaa cows, $4.0ij4i.60; fair to good cows, $5.2u4j6.W; common to fair cows. $4.4i.Y26; good to choice feeders, ir.60ti8.nii; fair to good feeders. $6.7(4W.5n; common to fair feeder, $u.60(K.70: stock heifers. $5.75Q6.76; stock cows, $5.60716 50: stock calves, $4.608.00; veal calves, 87.00 (1 10.00; bulls, atag. etc., $5.0007. 00. Reiireentative sales; S1EEH0 AND HBIFEtRA No. it... u... 14... Av. lr. No. 44 7 It 80..., 1100 T 40 COWS. VKS 4 7 8.... , 1050 6 (0 1.... iv l rs BCLTA 1410 8 15 .... At. Pr. .lint t 40 .121.4 8 M ,14M It .1174 I 10 111)0 4 M STCCKERi4 AND FEBDER-S. 7M 4 U 6 Kl IN 1070 J to 3. iloUS Tueru was another fair run of hogs on hand, alraut 111 loads, or 7,200 head, making up th day's aupplie. 1'or the five day thl week receipt foot up 37.0W! head, being 7.700 smeller than last week, S.Oiiu short of two weeks ago, and slightly smaller than for the same daya a year ago. With th exception of three week ago, the run so far this week. Is the lightest since th second week, of July. Shipper buyer started out paying fully Bo higher price for th good butcher weight kinds and bought lights on a steady to 6c higher basia Best light sold as nigh as $7.50 on more than one occasion, and sales were scattered from that figure on down. Big and of th packing hogs sold from I4.36 to $4.66. with a springling a low as 86.26. and a fair showing of butchers on tip to $6.76. 8of ar thl week values are 15'25c higher, the good butchers and lights showing the big end of this gain. Top are a flat $0o above last Saturday, when price had not recovered from th bearish raids fn the lightweights. Representative tales; Na. At. Bha. Pr. No. At. "ha f. ' Kl 10 IS ft M 40 6 7t 40 144 10 4 10 7 14 ... 4 7k It 170 W 4 to 41 IM ... 7 W IM ... 4 14 MA ... 4 10 I 47 1MI to 4 85 0) I 0 I K 1 17 til .44 4 It 47 21) ... 0 41 Ill IM 4 40 n -m 10 1 M ) T7f 40 4 40 H7 ... 7 00 ti 77 2a0 4 4t It ... 7 10 t 114 . 4 44 4 tJt 10 1 10 1 3 t0 1U 41 210 ... If, 1 InA Ml t to .11 10 M 78 71 iui ... to 40 H 1 11 41 t4 ... U 83 IM ... T 40 40 t W I M U fii,-, ... 7 40 1 247 ... an t 117 40 T 4t t4 270 ... I 10 tl IiM . . Tan 64 171 ... 4 44 18 IM 40 7 to SHKEp The week close with a lib eial Friday run, estimates calling for sixty cars, or 16,2m head. Total for the week to dute amount to lu8,ia head, be- ma i.ci nuger inan a ween ago and Sl.KO heavier than two week ago, but anout J,("J hinaller lhan for the same week last year Tills week's supply I inn Heaviest or in year, ai.u for that mutter are the largeai since last October. On every day thl, week So.a h Omaha markets combined Old sheen were Just moderately etumllad toiluy, and sold ut lroni;er price, best ewe going to packer at $5.75, a against the top of 65 yesterday. Breeding ewea leached $5.nT today, while tops lenterdav failed to go above $5 Ml. Ewe mad up piaeucaiiy tne enure inuiion (Uppiy to Oay, and for that matter there have been Mil)' a few yemiingi and almost no weth ers at any time thl week. Ewe are selling .i(ooc above a week ago and wether aiid yearling have been almost too e arc to inane coiiipansona Umli trade opened out rather dull and never became active. Sellers all wanted higher prices again today, and while packer were offering steady money from the outset they refused to do air better loan thai. It wu well along In the fore noon when firat salra were finally miuiii, but packers had not budged and first iamb to sell brought $9 10. whloh waa conaldi red fully steady with Thursday. In sp.te of the tact that trade never became very lively, ull the fat lamb hud been started caloward long before noon. The eurlv sale notched the whole trade, and $ 10 remained the oo.iml.ii- prico thiougliout the forenoon. Values can be uuoted a 4uirop higher than last week. Jaiat Friday $8 60 bought the hull. of the Hireling. (Juallty. today U fully as good, if nol a little better, than a vA.-ck ago. I. It nl soiling made leoders scarce ...h, today, and some sold early at fully aleady prices, bringing $8.85. Yesterday feeder trade touched the high soot nf SeaaMl When turn rAfiel,,! t i.i Vefler Vearltnaa anl.l tmlnv - i.i.,i. 7I, whh h Is ali-o the hlnhesl miTk since in' 11 in ino rsnge, seiimui (juotstlons on sheep and lamha: latnha good to choice. H :HTii1. 10. laniba. fall '. good. lA.fUftiN.so; lamii. feedei'K, $; 7.V,i " yenrllncs. fair to choice, $., 7, 7', yenrllhgit, Icsleia. fa; iv,,7 ft,. Wethers' '."T R.2Mii25; ewe. Krod to chol.T, 8, .Ztn. vi., ewes, fslr to good, $l.3f, tiiMT.; ewes, feeders, 84.2T-4T 4.75. Hi present.fi ive sales: X'O. Av. IV M ft 61 9 no Kl Hi 51 8 93 4 75 11H 8 105 B ) irrt i a 134 6 65 112 5 7.", li 6 51 8 79 8 5i 8 OK 5i 8 X, 5.1 8 15 fx! 7 75 M 8 75 61 8 90 73 8 00 79 8 90 91 6 87. 94 6 75 58 8 25 M 8 70 9 C Ill 5 75 118 B 8u Ill S 35 117 B ( 128 6 56 213 Utah lamb V44 l'tal-i lamha 17iI tah lambs 174 I'tah feeder lambs I'tsh feeder ewes 93 native breeding ewes .tt Wyoming feeder ewes.., 14H Wvnmlntr ewea 1 Irluho ew-ea I 210 Wyoming breeder ewe ., pi Wvomlng breeder ewes.., , 1TI9 Idaho feeder Inmha "2 Ids ho feeder lamb Wnmliig feeder lamb. .11 Idaho feeder lambs 9 Idaho feeder lambs 4H culls 4:H Idaho lambs .'. 1154 Idaho lamha 5!4 Idaho lainh B Idaho lambs 2L'-'2 Idaho breeding ewe... 87 Idaho breeding ewe... 1H7 Idaho feeder lamb 380 Idaho lamha 272 Idaho lamha 6V3 Idaho breeding ewe... 64 Idaho breeding ewe... 213 Idaho breeding ewe... !22 Idaho breeding ewes... Idaho ewes C IIICAMO L1VR TO K MARKET Cattle 8Krongr-.il oa Mroai -bee gtroag. , CHICAOO. Aug. 27. CATLFJ-Receipt . l.tio head: market, atrono" n.ilv. iu.t,M I 86.l0riM0.IS; western steers. $R.6f)Ht.85; cows Slid heifer. $3.ilP4jg.75; calves. $K6nM.0it. I HOOS-Hecelpta, 1f.,0nn head; mrket strong, mostly 10c blcher: hulk of sales wethers. $6.O(K0.7O; ewea, $4.0O(ij.25; lambs. $7.2501 9 55. Kanaa City Live atork Market. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 27,-CATTLEl-Re-cetpts. 8,m head: market, strong; prime ini sieer, i'.i.it.m; i reeded neer Bteerd, x.ni..Mo; western steers. s. $7.0Mr9.0; stock 18.60; bulls, S5.2&I77 ers and readers, is.nwna 6.75: calves. 86.2ri4110.2r. HOOS Receipt. 3,5(0 head; market. ' higher: bulk of aale. $"v."Ti7 40; heavy, .75Ji7 26; packers and butcher, 86.104 7.70: light. $ laxfn.M; nlan. $6.60rn7.W. HHEEP AND lJkM 118 Receipt. S.808 . head; market, higher; lambs, $8 5fl9.6; ! yearlings. $6.50(67.25; wethers, $5.7&U1.76; ewea, au.OOtl.OO. HI. Loals LIT Steele Market. fT. LOUIS. Aug. 87. CATTLW Re ceipt, 2.0K) hed; market, steady; native beef steers, 87.6ivff16.oti; yearling steers and heifer. $8. 6" m 10. on ; cows. 86.00ii.fln; etock ers and feeder. $4.00trtL2u: aouthem steer. t.?v)rs.N; cow ami neiiers, et.ou'na.oo, liatlve calve, $8.0"tl1 BO, HOOS Receipt, 6.200 head; market, higher; pig and lights, $7.i8.n0; mixed snd butcher, $7.80tiifl.OO; good heavy, $7.10 tl7.5. SHEHP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1.000 head: market, steady; Inmbs, $S.(i9.i, aheep and ewes, $r.f0(ir7.4ii. Rloax City Live 8 roc It Market. PIOITX CITY. la. Aug. 27.-CATTLE Receipt, 800 head: market steady; native teern, $6.25fi0.25: cow and heifer. $8.00?jD 7.50: ranner. $4.0tV(i4 76; calves, $6.0009.64); bulls, stags, etc., $5.25.0O. HtlOS-BUK'elpt, 6 0ti head; market 104 ST higher; heavy, art.7ftH7.DO; mixed, $6.40 6.7fl: light, tt.l0'S.4O; bulk. $6.3fxiM.8S-. IIELP AND LAMBS Ilecelpt. $" head. Rt. Joseph Live Rloek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Aug. $7.ATTLE Re ceipts. K81 head: steers, $7.5dfr9.75; cows and heifers. $4 0O4je.0t); calve. $7.5O4f10.y,. HOOS Receipts, 8.500 head; market Mi too higher; top, 87.65; bulk of salc. $K6.Vfi7.60. 8I1BF.P AND laA.MRS ttecelpt. 2.0(81 head; market steady; lambs, $8.2Mf9.10. I.lve Rrork In Slaht. Tlecelpts of live stock at the jlv prin cipal western market: Cattle, HoiT, Sheep. .South Omaha. sioux City Chicago St. Louis Kansas City... Totals 7.2"0 16.2ii mho 6.oiv B. 5,2) 8.500 i 7,(i I, 'PHI 3.NO0 ... I.ftal ... 2.0 ... 8.000 ..12.100 36.900 37,800 Omtk Har Market. OMAHA. Aug. 86 HAY-Pralrle: Msi ket conditions ar unlavurable to the shltiner. A very large supply of hay i on tho market and a Urge proportion of It I hot and out of condition. A good deal of off-colored, weedy and coarc hay la included In th supply. The best Is taken and the poor Is left There 1 nothing but lose to the shipper on all of thl out of condition and course off colored hay her at the preavent time. Hay la selling as low as $4.00 to $6.00 per ton snd the best Is selling at around $9.00 to $9.60, and a great deal of demur rage Is accruing on hay that is out of condition, and even the best is drawing car service. Hay still continues to ar rive from Kansas City. There were about twenty cars arrived tier yesterday. The total supply on all tracks here amounts to about eighty cars, thirty-five on the Union Pacific, twenty-five on the North western and twenty on the Missouri Pa olfic Thr is soma very nice bay ar riving from Kansas City. Top prico quoted In Kansas City yesterday wsm $9.00 to $9.60. Th bulk of the sales were made there at from $7.00 to $8.00 anil quits a lrg bulk of hay sold there at $6.60. Following Is th range of value her this morning : Choice upland, $3.60; No. 1, $8.5iVt9.01); NO. 2. $7.00H8.60; No. 8, $6.0nW7.0O. Choir midland, $9.00; No. 1, 8.0018.50; No. 2. $7-0tfj.); No. 8, $8.8Vf. 7.00. Choice lowland, $8.00; No. 1. $7,004$ 7.60; No. 2. $60047.0U; No. 8, $4-OW4?00. STRAW None on th market Choke Wheat. sTVOaySBO. ALFALFA Two cars on the market. Practically no demand for alfalfa ex cept No. 1 and choloe grades. No. 1 to choice. $11 00HJ 11.60; No. I, $8.00iiri0.50; No. 3. $6.008.00. I . Coffee Market. NEW TORK. Aug. JT.-COFFEB-Fur-tlier September liquidation which accom panied the circulation of notices In the codes market mis morning appeareu iv bo readily absorbed and the notices were estimated at only 2O,00 bag, but after the opening unchanged to 2 points higher the marktt encountered some scattered realising and the close wa at a net Iota ot 1 to 5 point. After selling at 6.42c, early, December reacted to .;b', and May eased off from 6.73c to .70c. Sales were reported of 40,000 bags. Includ ing exchange. August, 6.19a; September. 1.1'Jc; October, 4.25c; November, 6.13c; De cember. 6.37c; January, 6.43c; February. 6.49c; March, 6.55c; April, 6.61c; May, 6.Wc; June, 8.70c; July, 6.74.:. Spot, steady; Rio No. 7, 7c; Santo 4a, 'J'r. Cost snd freight offers ranged from about 8 55c to V.uOc for Santo 4x, according to description. Rio exchange on London l-16d higher, at 12s 1-&M. Mllreis price unchanged at Santos and 75 re la higher at luo. Cottoa Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 27. DRY HOODS Cotton food higher; yarns, firmer; silk active and men's wear and die good In good demand. The cotloii market closed steady at a net advance of 15 to 18 point for the day, Cotton futures opened hare.lv steady: October. 9. 55c; De ember. 9 8.V: January. 9.96V; March, 10,18c; May. 10 4rte UVLIU'OOL. Aug. 27,-()TTON Snot. steadv; good middling, 6.93d: middling, 5.63d:. low middling, 6.17d. Hulex, lrt.Oou Metal Market. NEW YORK. An. 27 METAT..ll.d $4854j4.96. Spelter, rot quoted. Copper: Finn; electrolytic. $18 09. Iron: Stmdv anil unchanged. Tin: Quiet at $34.268A At I.onilnn Copper: Spot, 71 10s; fu tures, 72 15s: electrolytic. 8t loa. Tin- Spot, fl-ki; futures, 154. Antime t.y. fli. Lead, (22 16 kl. Spelter, 68. Swift ft Company t ola Rack Yard. Chleasa. Aux. at laii Dividend No. 116 Dividend of TWO DOLLARS f$i0i - onipaiiy. will be ij.1,1 on ii, i.,i... -r ir 1915. tu stockholnVr ,,r mm I, S pteiu ber 10, 116. a eliown on uie book ..f tii company. r. a. XAYWAKD. crttary.