ATTOUST inn. nononononononononononoDonoDonononononoaonononononononononononononononononooononononononononononoDonono onononooononononoaooono B Get the fact that you have a house or apartment to rent before people who are looking n o a tor new homes. L,ist your vacant property in The Bee s Complete Rental Guide Sunday 8 nononononononononononoonononononononoDononoDononoaonoaononononoaononononononononononononononononoaonononononononononcnonononc Tim BEE: OMAHA, WANT ADS Want eds received at any tlm. but to Insure proier rlessrflcsllon must be Pr anted before 11 o clock noon tor evening ItHon and 7. JO p. m for morning and Sunday edition. Want ads received eftar uch hour will be under to heading. To Lata to Claaatfy." CASH RATES. . Ktmi consecutive times, 1 cent a wora ach Insertion. ... , Two or rooio consecutive time lv cant word. Otto Urn, t Mnta a wert CHAROR RATES. Seven mneecutlva time. cents a un ao!i Inset ion. . ... ... Thraa tonsocutlvo time. It cenU S. n oarh lnerU4i. Or tiro. II rent Una. Count all averas word to a "no. kllmimuni charge, JO centa. An edvertla.-inent Inserted to TJ!" not) discontinued must bo stopped oy written order. . All clalma for arrora m"t b ithm fifteen day afior th lt In" tlon of tha advrllment. ken can placo your want ad tn Tha iv il-iihona. CARD OF THANK. We desire to thank our friend fir tha hind sympathy. Iluwrr and iinlntwi extended lo tw d.irlnK our recent V. V. fi ' II E R M E I I MOIl N AND I AMILY. Va wl-li " t f I. '.r ion" 'r ,-r,.", arid MlKlitx.r and Hi V. 1. ",,lv Trl" ttv i huich n r t. e kindness and sympathy shown itH aid tha m.iny -m ifiil floral offerlntre In our r cut ami berra vetnent of our tieloved husband and uMht. MRU. FRED RO.ACKER AND I-AMILY. BIRTH AMI DEATH. Blrtho-J. and F.lllelh Kord, 4I North Twanty-thlrd, South S.lf, Kill. C. II. ami Ethel Wall, 441 North Thirty-ninth. lrl; C. J. and Kllaahath Hall. 17 South Savan aenUt. boy: Frank and Francae Marta, It. F. l. No. I, irlrli Maurlre and Fradriin nike Vatce. Via North Korty-flrat. South ui.i. R . and Hoaa Zrlany. BT Soutn Twanty-flrnl. South Side, bojr. iiaaina i-Tauanc-a iiomvuri, Waat riH..' wmia H llnrnrr. 6. T.-niv.ririh' Krntik It. Shaw. Mi, iTiA imrier. o. i North Twenty -fourth; llrrhart Hrall. 30. hnapltal: Stalla M. IVttH. , 1 Madleon; Malal TaiiKaman. ily. 1" Monroe; Hart A. Hod aero, m. 3I"7'4 UumlnRi t.. V, Uamtnar w V"1 Firnam. MtNHIK.H LICRHRF.R. Llcenaea to wad have been laaued to the followtna: Name and lleatrtence. Fr Frank Sabatka. Jr.; riattamouth... Ethel Romnburg. (Vntervlll. Ia... M'lae Kalelk, Omaha Franca Kunc, Omaha Mike Kamlnakl, Omaha Lucy Vndek, Omaha John C. Caae, Omaha Annie I.aurlc Hathiway. tnnha. Hnnhua 1. Haaael, Omaha I.aura Camp, ArcailD. N'eb tee V. Vaughn, Omaha Mary Johnaon. Omaha Vaclar Sadll. Omaha Joale Vavrea. fT"a- Nel Nelaen. Fort Dodge. Ia 4, M .4 M Bern Ice E'der. Fort Dodire. la nrnof nawertvouae and garage. 115.000; It, 1. Munser, Thirteenth rnd II, frame dwelling. -.0h; Harry Oros. Wll CumlnR. foundation to atore. iiwi; J. J. r .1. ;Ki North Twenty-fourth, brick atore, , U JO: Morrla Rasmuaeen, S21 Burt, frame dwelling, SA: Andrew Anderson, IX lioctor boulevard, frame dwelling, t2ti; t K. Hall, 4414 North Twenty-first, frame ilwell ntt. fl.f": t nlted state rsationai 1...1, lYla .a l-ipium allbwav. Il.tnai A. l ieeman. SUS 8 frame dwel'lng. l.l: A. rreaman. J1IS P. frame dwelling. tl.iW; M T. Klrkwood. WIS Meredith, renaira. vo- JnntM tenaen. 1J Maaon, fram dwelling, IS.SOn. Today's Movie Programs IJNTKRN alkie for moviaa. nd your inn if "Hi. eor, . .... ae. . - - - -- i I In aesslon. Law di-Dt. PMVURSITY uougms. 41 mw-A Ti TCT w mi unrniiv U,. mt II K irm J Dll. i . . i " "ci , ovi 41 , , vuiib iimn, IIUUJ IK W r IJOWllUlWIl PVpna . - Bertha Elflar. rort ioue, ia . ,n c ... ior any miiiwi.i wo ri l ! . . . OF OMAHA. Nominal ti.m ui a r Call and insp .. ;;t MMrr, re.a r ,-om. ,a,.n ,.,y.orrer .J-o ". nl up. Beo Bldg. Thor,,.. n Omaha N-til ta. HiJ? . . " "rr. ; l." r . ' -vr,. A"y r"" ror. . ji.ui i... ::h .i hUi,.L r.pairx ... ..,..,1.-.- lost mn j. ij. uranaeia x m, i"' -- inn iio'isa. 1 in, rarnam m. i. m 1 enirai 1 ynewrner r:xe. i p-arnaia. ... , . . . . rr will proper your copy, wo win color directed. Be Photo Popt. 10 Be Bid. . Ikminii 1 MPUESS. 15th and Douglas. HIGH CLA83 VAUDEVILLE. '. ue Woman Hater, t-r. Fjuianay. Hearst Sal Ig New No, . She Took a Chance. Vita. com. Two Won, a IHograph com. I K1NCES3. lSll-ll DOUGLAS, nils Read' great From the West." "The Yankee in 4 wonderful act, : a Mutual maatet picture, featuring Wal lace I'.eld. Jerry's Husy Day, a cremlng comedy. asrik. CnANn. I6TH AND BINNKT. R im iln-e of Elaine No. W 'ih Llitle LumlM-r Jack, l-reel drama. And a good comedy. LOTH HO P." ITll AND LOTH HOP, Frances X llujhnian in 'The Account ing." And a Ring W. 1-ardner base bsll com. sslk. t824 LEAVENWORTH. ArOLLO. Diamond From the Sky No. T. And 4 other good real. W rat. MONROE. ;55 FARNAM. Wm. Llliott In "Women and Wine." a Wm. A. Brady world feature, In five reels. la) Side. DnSSS. J4TH AND N. Francis Xavier Bushman KupiaortcHl liy MISS HEVEHLY IJAYNK In His Now 6-Act Mastorpieoo, "GRAUSTARK" Soon for tlio lUlSSE'TIIIUTEU ORPllEL'M, I4TH ANdTT When Hungry Hamlet Fled, I-r. dramb. J in units on the Job. drama. Help! Help! comedy. Farewell to Thee, drama. AN NO CN I KMENTb ULSlNLriH COLLEGE BTL'UENTa SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For sale, with good reason for selling. O variety of courses la a reliable Husi res eVhool. on of the Icadlug business evil, gee of Omaha. Will be sold very rKnble aay below regular prl If you are cousidering taking a course luvrtlgate thla at em-e, alnce Fall tens Wglna XH.n. 'all rfe. Omaha Meo. V C. t nut. lit. undruleread em tiiir. new Usimr, iiil ,;t fi. -ih St. Tha toust bp-lo-tlala. iiuKiern undsrLaa l. ,! wra la taa city. TL Wb. i. 7 ropy to Oa wo can roproouoo !"",'" '"" wnn capuai, wnn or if MOVIES a FEATURES Y TODAY MONROE. 2555 FAMNAM. wm. Eilloit In "Woman and Wine," a Wm. A. world feature, in five reeia. GRAND, SIXTEENTH A BINNEY. Romance of Elaine No. S3. PRINCESS. 1817-19 DOt'OLAS. Opla Read Taat play, "The Yankee From tha Weal," In 4 wonderful aria, a Mutual maaterplcture, featuring Wal lace Hald. APOLLO. 224 LEAVENWORTH. Diamond From the Fky No. 7. ANNOUNCKMKNTS Office on 17th St. Double Windows ONLY VACANT ROOM AVAILABLE ON THE STREET. I rivkfe t f flee Wutilng Ilium l') 8(1. Ft. $18.60 The Bee Building Off In Kooui 103. Inveatlgate T.M.C.A. out park, aumraor. ATTIl ACTIONS WANTED at North finite. Nab., for our county fair, AuauKt 31, September 1 and I, two little outdoor tent ahowa. Borne. ini InR clinn and comical, alnRlnR, dancing an l black fine work, etc. Term on per- ncenalim rlatit tf rer- "ponaj ! dealred Mlr, ! irrreil. Jmnieiiial rea or addreaa J, E. Sel iMHtlan, North Tlatle. Nell, AITOMOIULKH Whenever vou r lonalderlng aelltng o buying a ured car and you want full valuo for your money or you waat people who are willing to pay for what they are Retting joii will have no regret If you buy or advertlie through the uaml car column ol Tho He. I'hone Tyler lOi'C. tire exf;:nse ci?t"intwo. We take two old tlrea and return one good one. Price. $:.7H and up. N Ell. DoriU.K-TKh.4D TIRE CO.. r.'H Farnnm St. Tel. Douglaa 1U. rONTKNM.l.K AI TJ CO.. 2! S. Wlh t. Expert repairing; bargain M uaed ear, guaranteed aa raoreaentad DETROIT electric, Wort. Tel. Harney nima nmuairr, iiii niooei, newty paimiu nd overhauled Tel. Walnut I'M. FOR SALE Vy uaad Old.mohll. touring Cr, In good condition, i0. Car can be NFBRA8KA Bulck Serc Station, 1914 , rmntain ni, rnuDi Louf.aa iil - -- tlrSINKSS tTIANCES ' if your buaiaeas Chanco will stand ! iUm invratlgaiion and is Just what it la auru.d. or If you are looking t atart in Downeaa wr toursell you will be per- 1rt.11 IS ------- - - BtT'V '. B JI as fjiMti 0 DDI . ItFn ! IRYiSl M fl rli l Ml rs a . a .K. Si u s c?2-'.-."Ur kMl y,'.u u" the Uusine.s CARPENTER tools, shovel, plcka. jack Chanv column of 1 !.a Bee. When buy. j screws. Io-penny match vending ma jng oc bu.inea t none Tyler lofa ' chine, each; good hora. h'rnTJa. XI Mi' MT Ill"PITUI' KlIllW I Ij.M 1,I1 I llAUIrj fMlUU MANAOKU Will lease or manage on salary or """e; beat references. If required j UI furnlah bond, lllve full deacrlptlon In flrat letter, an N. 1.1th St. Add reaa . j. Koblberg, ' Phone Douglaa K.i. CONFECTIONERY atore, .xw Hamilton ,,,r!"'.,0l'"l',l 1 door from mo" ture show. ,kA,,mV,-,. . , . ... . . . without servlie, business IM V 1 11V a lug more mill 111 Tim ,.an li - .......IV. I . . . tan 1 li B. Incut. NEW modern hotel, equipped with light. oain ami neai. on Lincoln Highway, for rem. Auuress i; t:. Mayer, Paxton, Neb, J RnsTAt RANT for sale cheap if taken i . '"""d'-tely; railroad terminal. Box 1 lMManley, la. . N ANTED To buy an interest in country bank, carrying position of cashier; am experienced. Adilre Bog 125. Orleans. WANT!- D To buy controlling intercut In any bank In eastern or central Neb.. c nfldentlally. Itogera Hef. Co., 140 Paxton llllM'K. HONS, show cirds. C'ark Son. D. 1J7X OWNER: Hat your property with W ii. i! imams, tc rseviile rug. d or. TO SELL or buy a Busch aV Borghnff. Frvnse nesa, r Blk. d. Mia Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Be Comfortable Yourself ami Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building wupsrintendeiu Office Hoam Its. TO Of.T in or out ol business call on wmiw.imn nn rung, uoug. 4TT. Kl.Al. eatale Uusmesa bla. as suppltso or bandied; si s si.s F . K ideal Omaha ff-K Omaha Theater Supply CV. for bar gabis In established shoos, p. SKIP. THEATERS Buy, ieaae or sell yuiir the ater, niacbtue and s.ipp.u-s througk Thester E'xeb. Co.. IVM Farnam. D. 1NI. BAlK).N dulng guod buainrsa. In good lo cation. I l.ave my v., for wanting to sill out. Thli is nn excellent oppor tunity. Apply Chris LundMl'Jt 8. JOtli ht. BAKERY buslneas. A gocd paying bakery In lowa town of S0rt. Will stand Investigation. AdJreas, Y Bee. FOR SALE or trade. U-room hotel In good southwest Nebraska town, on main line. Address. Y , Bee. RAi'.S OHVIITI'.MTT. Wanted Lady or gentleman to In vest lx In a dignified and profit able buslneaa enterprise. Early Invest Igst ion invited. Addreaa C J. Bee. EDrcVTIONAL Tlio VAN 8AIVP SCHOOL STE-NOQRA PH T BOOK KEEPING, Day School for Toung Women. Evening ttchool for Young Ma and omen. baturday miming das In typewriting. lone C. Duffy, Owner and Manager. So Kth St Omaha. fOK sal, the foUoalng eeholeranlpa la a liral class Omaha Business Colisse; Ow unilinlled corabtoatftua buaiuaa and sliorlbaad com a. Has unlimited atenographto eouree. Oe tlneo inoulb buauteea or ataao (raphiu cvureo. Aii1 ol,i ' ouKountiat tko olflco Of Tfe f"sSa Baas. EDUCATIONAL BoyJes College lay School. Nlcht School. compli bualnaaa eouree, complete ahorthand i rtanotype rouree, complete telegraphy courae, .-Ivll crrvlce hranchaa and knf lh Htudenta a'lmlttad at any tln Write, phone or call for I'll catalogue. uovLKs v(n.i.y.aa. It. V. BOYLEH, f'realdant Tel. D. 15. lioylea UId.. Otuaha, Nob. Ron HA LB FOR SALS Hare la a claaatflcatlua that ta of the utmoat lnor(anre to every reader, aa tula column offer aome excep tional opportunity every day and amall want ad will aell your article at Ita full value. I'hone Tyler POO, Kami! are, llonaekold tiooda, Hie. PUBLIC AUCTION We will aell an extra Rood lot of fur niture Ihla romlnR Saturday, (loo.'a are now crated: they will l, uncrat'd and old at your ow n price. Thla hiippena oe nri nana rurniture of aiout "-room houae. Sale will begin at 11 a. m., Saturdny, AiiRiiet 2t, and laat all day. OMAHA VAN A 6TORAQB CO., e"6 B. 10th St.. 17th St. Entranoe. IFOR SALE-Furnlture and fixture In a 41-room hotel. rioin uml r'mn,ni.i C ri iiaa uoreaa t ' PES K S V""- "" :'J -J- heeo, - " " ". . I s TN FCRNlTUItE AND H A IT I WAHE. J N. ;7M. WKft 1W. WAUHRdlli;. ball t'iTe. heda, .li.KaeriT dining till. I. s ev en t! Ing In leal condl llon. Incpilre l;ti: N. 4--'h St. Wal. 7fJt. Horae tul taitt-lr. FRESH COW. I'hone South . '2!. Grocers, Attention! OCR In run at irk of deliver tStudebaker'a, and our own make), of- fend at low price lo make room for our new Automobile truck and Ford ,UKrnT,, m,,.M. , S 'L ,k m? I .F??. FAT' Ih2!;t N. Pth St.. near Clark St. TEA Ml Nil aaara one or a carload. All j . . - . ... .. ii'n i w,i ix-iim rnnnr T i, v, m aa I ine oiuucnaaer, in iiain, in feter Hchtittler. limn and Hue, hens Muat sell 1UBJA5i!.pm:,J 'AhVRTVt !M PAPNV JOHNSON-HANrORTH COM I AN Y Mlacellaaeoaa. i$a2os Ooldea Wert Wblakey. 4 full iris colli id In wind, prs- cacgiey Itroa., Omaha. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom .r,d pocket billiard tables and bowling acceaaorie; bar fixtures of sll f, nil!ir.e?,v ,r,yment. '1'h if-nwlcli- . ?-""r""rr v " w-e- p. ivto w. lu; "Pr" wagon, tsi; kiu-hen one electrlo piaco. 1 sideboard. 1 hall tree. 1 iron bed. J. C. I9H. ion 8. th St. Harney 141 fcEt OND-H AN f Hurrough adding ma chine. Excellent condition. Muat aell quick. Address J 7;0, Bee FOR SALE CHEAP Business College Courae, ,Fu.'L ,.I,,,,l" 'holarhlp In one of the best Omaha buslneaa schools. Hood re son for selling f,u?rn,i -"..r-MiLM full Price but will be sold bly. if Intere.tedT lnve.tlgate ble; worth f : very reaion , r . - ....... There are a variety of course for sale. For particulars Inquire t the office of i" umini nee. DOC RLE-SURFACE Planer. -lnch. Whitney make. In working condition, for sale cheap. May be seen at actual work at the Kretrhmer Factory, 901 Eleventh Ave., Council Bluffs, la. A anap tf you a ppl y soon . o XT JJ-hand motora. dynamo, lNcYV magnetoa. te., mechanical repairs. La Broa tuoctrte Works.ns-m 8 uth st Coal Direct lo You. The Very Lowest Prices. (Jet a Trial Car. I. M. COX. N'orth Platte, Xeb. FOR SALE-Caah regiater, almost new, a bargain. Chaa. VI. k, 12H0 S. 13th St. II ELI WANTTO rKMALK rierleal aad III flee. EXP. M-no. male or female; apeak, read and write Polish; attorney's office (good lllk"'"'" Kohr W?1' "w Paxum STENO.. aut.w. pti, steno, co lections, 4V. bl Sl.NESS MEN 8 REFERENCE ASHN. i:i .0 -Wobdmen of World. I STENO. and Bkpr $; Stenographer ! WATTS REF. CO.. tCU-40-4J Brandela Tha WANTKD-1 young Udl.-a tu navel tor : advertising line; call at 10 a. in. Mra ; Bvrne. Wellington Inn. room H31. Sariary mm Vrssn WANTEI-Qlrl to work In tailor shop no experienco necessary. Apply 1&.4 OIHL to learn hairdreaalng. Opi-enhelm. ,, Maaaeeaier, aad Pssitilles. THE ewrvaut ciiri Problem Solved. Th t.-ST'"1 run aUrvnt Olri Wanted Ad J HtE until you get th dealred reaulla This appllea lo resident of Omana. Mouth Omaha and Council BiuUa buag ad tc The Bee office or telephone Tyter luu WANTED A competent cook; city -ef-renca required. Tei. liar. 151. "V'iu f2r,-f housework, 7U N. 'th.Retl 4.i. WANTEI i A girl for ganaral houae. wwk; lamily of two; Uertnan girl preferred. Harney 67M. WANTEI-Youn girl to assist houaework.I'uon Douglaa sau. WANTED A second girt- a " Call Walnut Ja With . ! week, i COMPETENT girl for genera. houwor.T I nojaundry work; gooJ wageaMla bcrt. W ANTKD-Coiniajlent girl for general huZ??'- i? 'mLi''renc. re qiurd. Phone Harney ton. V 1 T lo lst with Web , Uii .-ooaing or Washing. Tel. WANTED-a competent girl for general ' IUrne1,;0Uk; l" , WANTED Gul for aeiieral hu-,'i; -!? 5hlV' r,,rt requireiTluj aV rlrLH',JLili PEKMANENT place as housekeeper hi laay with entail child; country or amall town desired, good honu In i.l.r.n. ... . iZr BPacor. oare Oen rlliery. tmaia. "i.. i) a. uin HELP WANTED FKMALK lloaaakaepera and Domrillri, WAN'TFD CJIrl for aeneral houaowork; eaay place. Harney !74. A NT till A a:ood, eral houaework. hona Walnu'. !'..? reliable Rirl lur ,mi Coll after o'clock. WANTED A youna- girl for Unlit houae work; no cooking;. 17(M Lake. I'hone Web. Z.1X1. WANTED lrl for Reneral houaework. Imvanport. WANTrlF 'oHee or hlh aihool girl to aaaixt with houaework for room ami board. Call Walnut .Vtfl. WANTKD A Klrl for Rcnernl houaework. Apply 1M flilraao St., or phone II. 2U. WANTED afri for Reneral houaework"; 2 In family. Walnut 24'.'n. t ANTED A girl for Reneral houaework; email homo. I'hone after p. rn. Web ater .34. W'ANTED A cook with referencea. Ap ply H718 Farnam St. Tel. Harney Ml!. WANTED A eennd maM with reT arancea. Apply 3T1K Farnam or phone Harney iri9. HOU8EK EKPEK wanted in fmlly of five; no waahln or IronlnR. Apply Mra. R H. Stewart. Ill N. 1'ith St. fvVA NTEr-Flrat-claaa rlrt for Reneral housework. Apply, with referencea, Mra. I,. A. Spald.nK. I'hone Harney 3!2. Sf.'tft Harney afreet. WANTED A white Rlrl for Keneral houaework: muat be aood cook and fiirnlah referencea; wagea $.10 a month. Mra. 8. S. Caldwell, Soil Harney. I'hone . Harney 2;W). WANTED A Rlrl for general houao work; good wagea. 1I3T, 8. 2!th St. WANTEI A girl for general houaework. Tall Walnut WANTK3-, A oolorad girl to do aecond work. Apply IttuS Woo I worth Ave. Mlacellaneiia. TOtTNO women coming to Omaha a trangara are Invited to vlalt the Toung Women Chrtatlan aeeodatlon building at Bt. Mary' Ave and 17th St., where they will be directed to ulta.ble boarding place or other wine asaiated. Look for our iraveier g""e ai t ion atatlon LADIES, make ahlelda at home; W for "" am. I'mrnm, im canvaaning rnl Ktm Ivanhoe Mfg. Co.. St. Loulai MIDDDE-AtJED lady housekeeper: ref erencea required. Adilrcs.i S M", Itee. HELP WANTKI1 MALK f'lerlral and office. STENO., I7R: Steno., B; Steno., ll.llcr and Ledger Clerk, ISi; Steno.. ,u; Delivery lioy, ;5; office Roy. $iV WE NEKD LEDGER CLERKS WATTS REF. CO., R3S-40-42 Rrand. Th. Exp. Office Mgr., Inv $l)m. Ii;xp. Office Mirr.. Inv Hi", mo. I'.xp. Salesman, irro. in, c. Inv iin I Bxp. Caaliti-r, country bank. Inv. . mo. I I ? . . . . r u ut 1 " . . . . . , . . ,Aauii.-i. i . t. ii , .... . . r .ndiiirin ir.i ip.m.i m A I k ' . mnt .A.inirJii and bd THE C'ANO AGE NO, ftm it E K BIMJ HIOH-OILA ItK coinnieicial position. WEST. REFERENCE ft BOND ASSN. TM Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Wajted A Salesman Who Is well acquainted In Omaha and who Is to get out and bustle from :S0 a. m. to a p. ni. every day In the week. Applicant must baVM innil ffnr,ti.r onl and muat be a basinet producer. Will guarantee a weekly aalary to the iismi a i on or a worker. r t iersunai inierview, arrange by let- ter, giving abort account of your past ex perience and connection. Also give tele phone iitinilier. Do not tend letter of rererence. Address I. HIS. WANTED-An experienced furnTta aaleaman for northern Nebraska Apply with roferenccs. Western Furnluiio and Manufacturing Co., Lincoln. Nib. o. ,THE first payment caViles l.ia"nTto January 1. lain- ,r..i indue....... . .ii January 1, ltflH; great;" call 2r wrlt Mut"I l enefit Health , dert Association. City National Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. 6: Acci- ! Bank 'COAL agents wanted In every town; gel a trial car. I. M. Cox. No. Platte. Neb. Kaetury mI Imtn, WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Wo havo originated a nlan to teach It quickly and thoroughly. Wage paid whfle learning. Tool includ.d. Write for tllustratad ratalnun M. ,i.i.-n BARBER COLLEUHS. 110 S. 14th St., i WANTED An experienced auto repair man, must be able to do welding and . .mi, none nut nrai-ciasa worKman ' m-7vL-f a ,mi v,- ., of good habits need bddI. Mortanaen A,BSINEbS CHANCE Have Biirkhard. Winner, 8. D. Drug tore snapa. Job. Knelst. Be Bldg. LEARN BARBER TRADE Wagea paid. Tools given. Porltlon I ?,!""!! w r writ for intormatlon. I ri-t it; yCcneg. VU IVrngl... Q,n.h, '0',"" .Now Opon. Fre Caia'jgua aafiKlCAN AUTO ... COLLEGE A Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. E noen men; bad to u.rn dowa two job per week lately. Get la. Leara by our method. Oet one of thee Joba Catalogvi D. R free. Nebraska Auto mobile achool. ! Iavenwortb St. atlaeetlaaeeaa. WANTEI 8TYLK tftKJW MuDJCLS cung ladlea who wish to uddIv for (""""n as moaeis ior Mercnanls Mar- t fck c-lyle Show. Sept. 1st. may re- I porx at nyrne a. Hammer Dry Gok1s Company, Hh and Howard street. Fri- nay morning, August J7th. at :3u o'clock, medial, will be selected from the vjta win id irieu on ai mat time and HI be selected from the appll- I Foi mar evrjertenc deslrsbl. kn ' cornier experienie aestrame. but , cants. not absolutely nocoasary. models are rvgulrvO. Twenty-flvo - WANTED Four good haying hands; muat know the b us i nesa Call on F. C. Pl'aa. te4 Exchange Bldg . South Omaha. WANTEI Experienced young man in photographic finishing road work: ex-K-nsee and aalary paid; answer quick. Address K -5. Bee. VKN wanted government te: tM per M.oiiiii, vjniaoa esaniioaiion aept. is. Sample questions free. Franklin Ioatl- tute llepl jr F. Rochester. N T. w . vec-rv' & m . I ii.w-t,ihm wft an a. ts or over. No pull . wisni-ig tuvrrsnifoi im. tm montn. necessary. Afldreea T eat WANTEI Man and wife to work en cattle ranch and farm. Thoa Sheffrey. Oxford. Neb. HELP WANTED 1.M WAKTEP - Bathn no r:iLBx. roc m sttenasnL vouna clean and efficient, good luaasaur. Ur- dlately. witn referencea and paoto and 't 1Jy xpected wlta board aad K?"' .No- "u'"4 Sanltartuin. Sloug inan preierrea tv-rvl app.lcatlon li ' SITUATIONS WANTED woman with hlvb achool h1ius. uon o .sires position doing office work. Address A DM Ilea. SITUATIONS WANTED I HAVE coma to Omaha becauae 1 be have In Ita poexluditlea irotialillitiaa. Toung unmarrle man, itood education; comietent tKiokkeeprr. i orrenpondent and general offica man Thr.v veara' experi ence with aueceaaful life inauranre com pany; alao Chicago mall i rder houiia ag-Hrl'-nce. Clenn record. A- releicncea. W illing to a.oept minor poult Ion with t e aponallile progreeaive firm In Omaha or Immediate vloinlty. Smalt ealary until I demonstrate that I can "deliver the good." Ad dree. M pss. He. BTKADV Job dealred bv young colored man aa Janitor, porter or anyth.n I'hone Harney aw, Fra n kTh n m aa. WANTED Foaltion driving a t.ixl. Tn give good city referencea. I'hone 11. :r ney WS6 or D. Iff7. MIDDLE) aged man dexlrea place. Can furnlah beet of reference. Addreaa F 90. Hee. WANTEI Chambermaid work. Web.47j5. FIRST CLASS French "waiter want"ToT altlon. gH Douglaa. fhone Doug. 3KW. NEAT ynunir colored girl wlnhaa poaltion doing cenernl hourawork; atay nlghta. Call 7(25 Weletcr (I man wanla place to work for t,d room while attendlnR achool. College. I'hone 1.V5 Dougla. LOST ND POUND Lot or Found ad ia Omaha'a loxt and Found medium meana the Immediate re turn of that article If advertised in The Dee the I.o t and Found paper LOST about haven miles west of Lincoln Highway, 1 blitck mure about l.f Ihi 1 bay Poiae about l.loO ba., will give liberal reward to Under. Notify Orlftin'a Livery Stable, 2int and Cuming. OMAHA COUNCIL. BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Peraon having loat ome article would do well to call up the office of th Omaha Mr Council bluff Street Railway company to aacertalo whether they left It In the street car. . Mini article each day are turned la and the company Is anxious to reetor them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 41 LOST Solid gold nugget, shaped sorne what like harp, with diamond set. Call Kennedy, clerk Henthaw Hotel. Reward. LOSTfiold bracelet, 8 sets: liberal re ward. Mra. A. R. Mitchell, Web. 6X70 or Web. 8:4. Carter Lake Club. IjOST Small diamond chipped ring, with Hlucher netting; very small. Phone Douglaa W.!Wi for reward. !ST Ixidge button, engraved "R W.," between Burgeae-Naah and Hay den' a, Farnnm and and 2Mb, Tuesday; more valuable to owner than finder. Harney T" rtewnpd. 14 )ST Monday, mesh bag containing over 12 gold watch and fob; Initials on watch !. a. B.;" reward. Phone 11.8348. PERSONAL I GORDON, the Magazine Man. Tel. Dour- TOL'NO women coming to Omaha as Itr.nv.M uva InullsJ . a.-i. . i . . . i , f hr.,, ,. ,.: k.i,,.,."? ,-.i. L-. lid St. Maiv'a AvA. Wh.r. they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelera' aid at the Union station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your oia doming, furniture, maga- wiiwi tve oisinnuie. t'non and our wagon will calL ect our new hums, llln.1119. St. R Johnston Stanley Seaburn. irance aaent In liklnhuitu nln . , . "K. Address, i-Tank T. Seaburn, Adair. 111. or lieorae V Heilrl.h Atinrl ney. Bushnell, 111. Reward for lnformav tion. SWAPPERS CtJLUMN Wanted to Swap. Wny not advertise ruiueining inai you no longer nave any I need? It costs you nothing to Join th swappers' Club and you will find It lot tur kiiu get someining you reulty ; swapping mings. write lioom lvt. " "a-. viiuna lyie DeeBldg.. or phone Tyler 1000. Al'TO tire chains for :i or 3ii-im:h tire. trouble tarrrp and enrbon Irons, for what havo you? Address S. C. l', B. "fVrTlot AddressSC6!! ZaMon - Address Jl. CjJIjX Bee. At'TOMOBILE tire, new, quick detach- able, clincher, 3ix4l,4; want to trado tor auarenB a. c isia. care nee. A LTOMuBlLES For other automobile iiu mvm ixi Auvouiuuiiti ciasairi- lion. Al'TO wanted. I have 40 acrea dear, worth tl.OuO; will make good trade for repass, car. Call 1S19 lirace St Web. 1.14. BASEBt' RN E R-Oood sai. Address S. C. baaeburner 1M. Bee. to CLOTHlNi'l. kthnishivhs t .t,.u cio.ning and rurnlahtnga for automobile, or will divide Address 8. C. ISrt. Bee. tor car. IMI11SITOR wants nlain lob work. Jaa. Ferguson 242 lien ton St.. Council Uluffe. i'none 32a. a cleaning. pressing ana tailoring Duslness. earns fiom IIjO to 1175 a month, downtown lo cation; let me show you. What hava you to offer. Address g. C. 1302. Bee, FT'RNlTtTlE for exchange for Vlctrola or di al ncnoia disc record only. Ad VvRslR- areas o. 109, i5oa. Three beautiful Diecea of furniture cjonaistina- or nisnn piaer. win worn on any piano: mualo cabinet and llano stool; also 60 roll first ciaas music; will exchange for chickens or coo a ioa e. Ada rem a. C 163, Be. tlENTS' furnishing store in SoT'Omaha; good location. Will trado for real es tate to the value of fl.SOo, or what have you. Addreaa S. C. 13W. Be. JOnBINO STONES-Rubles! emerald, garneta, amethyaU and aapphlrea. Will iraae ror anything can use in prtnLng line. Address. S, C. 13. Bea. i lots; It. R. add. Council Bluffs for light car. Harrington Realty Co., Florence. MOTORCYCLE Tw In cylinder. fully equipped, worth 1125. and also two wire less telephone outfits In good condition, to swsp foi a plaer pluno or as first payment on a guod lot. Addreaa S. C. IM. Bee. NURSERY STOCK First class nur uraery sioik stock close to Omaha. Will trades for painting work, a sound well broke work home, used auto or fence posts nai nave you- Acl.liejs . c. lib. L, . vi-ni,.. k...- . , ., " PIANO W hat have you for new. also ..i,-,,. am. Ire.. . r IM used planus. Address ri. C. 158, Beo. PIANO Have new . tsmlard p..n.. Will exchange for something useful. Ad dress S. C. I.'. Bee. PIANO: Circassian Walnut. Read and Son piano, good as new, will trade for Ford roadster or diamond. Address SC bio Bee. PIANO PLAYER with 7i record, fit any make of piano. What have you? Add -ess 8. C. 1S76. Bee. FURNITURE for exchange for the best clasa of work In painting and paper hanging. Address 8. C. lot. Bee. ROADSTER Packard roadster; mechan ically perfect Will trade for good-sised diamond. Address S. C IM. Bee. WILL swap Il.uu equity in modern home for lot or equity In lot or property nearer my buslneas. or, what have you? Aeras R led. Bae. SURGICAL Instrument and medical books, all In first class condition; will trade for ahotgun or something I can use Addree 8. C. U7. Bee. STAMP-Part of stamp collection. Will trade for anything can use. Address, ft C. Ml Bee. SMALL ice box and ga siove; both In good condll'on: to trad for 100 or tto-lb. c box; must be ta good condition. Ad drees 8. C. 1(1. Bee. TO 0ET.L or trade your shotgun or rUle. See FRIEDMAN. 1211 Dougl.a W mi carl -sds ef wno.1: will trsdo for automobile. Address 8. C it;. Bee WATCH-Wlll trsde my Dueber Hampton watch, fl-lewel McKlnley movement. tS year case, for a postal card site rsmera. Frame C preferred. AM'es 8. c. 'Vi Me WILL fcWAP elightiv uaed aaaina nia, h. I. tne for aatanOard typewriter. Address j Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service thai will pleafe the most critical: ABSTRACTS UK TITLES. RFF,r ABSTRACT CO.. oldeat ahatract office In Nebraska. 20C Brandeis The. KerrSM Guarantee and Abstract modern ahatract office. 17th St. I'hone D. ADVKRTlSI.tJ JlOVELTIE'. F Fhafer At Co.. 12th, Farnam. D 7474. AUAIt.lh flAimuKU. FiT.'M.i' i''oped free If purchased from F.ioto Craft Shop, 41 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. AtCOHTAATS. E. A. DWORAK .A1 cf,:T!,c!4"T'r--M me cn.'l on vou to eiru . '' , Jf rnv , uditVv?, Vft en Add Am 45" an.rf nd, rhenef Don, 74? AflCill rui'ia. 5X?J5!iJ?- nodda. jjTpgxt,,,, Blk. n. r;t A It I IKK I i, MHB AflT.!.F., !AL MmoTrace. nnd n-.,...... Co., A iril rif .,1- ,. .t.t-. Artificial Limb th St. I I OttMil s, T. Dlklnaon. r,lTT7rnn Rlk. D. 1S04. 4ltl'lU.tEHJ, Dowd Auction Co., niS-M W.Q W R. 3M ALIO I.NSIKA.NCH. AV50ill0Zi H INSURANCE ALTO HAU1ATOK REPAIRS" Omaha Radiator Rap , , r. BAKIH11S. Z. H. REICPRR. iToTrV. Htn. W.K m UanoiKQ. Hn. KOL'NDRIUa7 6TKVENSON SZia - H- aw. Douglas Mao. Lerd A Son," 1906 Cap. Ave. T. 1CJX srlBafslaiaa CIUHOPR ACTIO SPIA AL iDJ0.M,Tj Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. l mt. Dr. C. B. Ttrlgg, Ba Harnar. RM CIllRuPUliJST. rarrle 3. Burford 620 P. nnt UAAC1MU ACAUKMlliS." CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. IgTL puinmer rare now at Mackla'a lessons dallv. icia u?f.K,e WITat Doug. B444L I) R a, b M a at l A a, Terry Dreaamak'g college, aoth Farnara miss STURDY, 2416 CAfiq rv - ' "ltt Pouglaa 770 l)HKSMAhl.u I'OUEOB. Kelater's Dressmaking Col., 1 City Na. DIEHI AAl) VUANaUl, STATE Dry Clna. Co.. iw v. ttth. r. DslTatTlVUI. JAMES ALIjAN, 812 Neville Block. Erl dence aecured In all asea. Tyler 113s, UaATUis, Dr. Bradbury. No pain, tn W. O. W. Bldg Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea, 724 City Nat. Bank. Taft Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglaa, D. 8. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on til orders: cataloguea free. Sherman as Mo- Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. ELLtllllC riANOS. Continental Nov. Co . 1H N. 15th. Terma bLIATHK Ju4 Ma.fAiM.lAU. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bldg D.K7, 'uLii.cinoi.isis. lHoa Allender. ittl Bee Bldg. Red 0M. Ktll,tii,9 AMI ilartUBa, HinrRSTROH. 4028 Hamilton. Wal XSTl. ' FLORISTS. , BATH'S, flortsts. 1H04 Farnam Bt. D. 3000 I U HENDERSON. 1?14 Douglas. D-J Member rlurut Telegrapn DL A o, HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam 8U A pQNAOHUK. 1621 Harney. Dout. 1ML .Ol,U AJU MblBB eUAHSM. WE replat everything of J?tiltPha Platln i"ri Harney B- Kat- tai i IIU.M f.ltsh. French. Instruction. 305 Lyric. Bid It K. Lakeside Ice Co FOR ICE Pllo.N.- ,EB8Ta;H iSi. "pSee, ixth and Mand.r.on rita . . w a ak OS SB rut rs-Aiai. s-'i a i uiiuk: it Rig paxton Bik. R- 740L Votary WusT apomo" .wuo. C. W. BRITT. Waksr block. si hnHIRI. ,nnn I.AI NDRT CO. Dougla TJ. LIVE H"1 awasssw . uinTlV BROS. A CO.. Exchange Bldg. Z 7 - - m.m aa l.tSi . LiiiHrmu riiTi.s WIHINti. DURKIN Thomaa. Dougla Sll. Cuming St. awufl.sts r - - Mava. riMAHA Film Ex.. 4ih nd Doug. Motion nkctur machine and film bargalna HutvRi lilts- HARt EY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In uaed machlnea Victor Raoa -The Moiorvycle Man." 8701 Leavenworth Ml Sll, ART, LA.Itit AUK. LANGVAGE taught by telephone and myii Free trial leaaon. veb. iwJt. RaS.lme piano playing ' positively taught 'jo leaaons 4lA Cuming St IVilnut a, AOTlasAS. NOTIONS', newa clgrs. candy. U3 Park Ul t LISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as yon can. Dr. Mccarty. 111! W. O. VT Bldg. I'AT) VIS. D. O. Barnell. rsxton Plk. Tel. Red Till H A Pturees rw Osndels Theater Bldg. osrewwraiuii JOSFPHINg ARMSTRONO. 11 Bee Bldg rAlMTl.tts A!D rtrEfllMi. Hl'OH M MANU8. 117 N- 40th. H. yt) J. V. Robb Son. 171 N it St Web IXA PLATI.NU. Acme Plating. 1U d. vrr. 8 rth St. PLlMES CLEA.NEU. Died, mad ever. D. Eiaele. U3t City Xat prixtistq. WATKRS-R A RNI1ART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. Tl'M. Kl S. 13th St. CENTRAL PRINTINQ CO. DOUQ. 8711 DOUGLAS Prlntlnj Co Tel. Dongla 4. HlBB4t,U ttlMrtJIIEI, NRBRAPKA RUBRAOE CO This la th man to call If .you have anv aahes or tin cana to haul. I'hone Webster '!. IIHK LUIK KJLValsirs. C A r?T7C wU'ned,- repaired, cc w l.ort. Mo6 Dodge. D. comb. ven l&l. ihalk it i.rAini.u. OjrJiUnaj-djJeCo.. SI? 3. 12th. D.P11. SHOE IU P 4 tlllNO. FRIEDMAN BROS . shoe repair, ill B. 14. Harley Shoe Ri p'r Co.. !04 Farn'm. R.I44 TIT- rent, repair, sell needle and V V tr Wrt for all re-lng machine. "MJCKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Douglaa lfiSl STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 S. 10. STORE AMI OfKll'K FIXTURUS. LESKS, safe, scales, showcases, shelr Ing, etc Wo buy, sell. Omana Flxtur sad riupply Co.. 414-i-l8 P. 12th. Doug. 27H. TuW IkIj s) lit Pubis. OMAHA Towel Supply. Xf7 B. Hth. D. MS. TAlLukt, CHAB. C. LANDER YOL. 10 N. th St. lHtAn.9 AMI OIjITCAbxCS. FUELING A STEIN LE, 1806 Farnara St. TYPEWRITERS FUR HUNT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 3 mo. for 14. Oliver Jypewnter Agency, IMS Farnam. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, til S. Uth Bt. AH make for al or rant. RENT a "Remington," not Just a typa wrlter. LowiejitjCaJjouglaa ISHj WATCli fcPKCIAHSTS. ' Chrtatlansan, id fl. Paxton Bk.. U yr. exp. WEUUIAU Il'AliUMtRY, Wedding announcementa Doug. Ptg Co. Wl.aiS A MO LlttUVBt, ALEX JETE8. Jfl- 8. Mth BL Wlnea, liquor, clgara Plato dinner U to t, 10c. H,F;NBT POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUHa loth and Capitol Are. Ten-oant lunoh. RHEUMATISM treaieo. euoossafull suita guaranted. Dr. Howser. 4 beo Bldg. FTLB8. FISTULA t'URBD, Dr. E. R Tarry euros ptlea, flstuU and othor rectal dlsae without surgical operation. Cur guaranteed aad no money paid until oured. Write for book on reetai diseases with testimonials. UK. E. B. TAKRX, sM Boo Bid. i.riX S'C curd rw days wltnmrl PA'n- Call or writ Dr Wriy. M Bn Bldg.. Omaha. Established tL -Z FOR RENT A part meat a aad Flat. t F-or nent vertUoment appearing in th For Rent column of Tbo Beo dally cannot be beat for variety that will pi..- .ad fill tho need, of any on do- SWii Phone Tyler lOuO. iiumtiiiou Apdruueuis Fire Proof Suites of I to Rooms, With Bath, Furnished or Unfurnished. High Class Cafo In Connection. ?4th and Farnam. P. JTAt o 1st fl.; mod., reaa. to right party. 27 S. 84th flft.50 1201 N. 24th, fine room. PREPARE for winter. Secure fine Esta brook apartment. Clow In. a. P. Steb b'n. MODERN Steamheated: close In" rent. O. P. Stebbln. 1810 Chicago' low BEAUTIFUL strictly mod. apu. 16th and Yates Sts.; janitor service; fin lawn playgrounds, tennia courU and summer comforta. Tel. Web. 6678 or 4328. VERY choice. 4 or 5-rooin, ateam heated apartment on Was p-.rn.n. a.Tr " JOHN W. ROB bin g. pq FAF.NAM a-r Angelua Apt.. 3 and4-room apt. H. 20r4.-a' s-KOOM apartment. St. Oanrs. in vi list Ave Phon Tyler 1536. vnlng' Web 1.;4 CHICAGO. 2110-Modern. 7-r.. 40. D. Mr.- - ern SLr1! lloom tllt offer very mod fiinii.2? venie"c nd comfort In private mia-!f?, bM ,oun1 the Fur- Tyiei liV?Ula to'unia of T" nn Desirable room and board. H S. lath St. Faralsaea llooins. net see ai ou in tee way o Furnished Rooms you -H at Room lot. Bee Bldg.. and ask or tha Fie Ftarnlshcd Room bureau and will gladly refer you to a high Gas rooming or boarding nous In any tart of I he city ' FOR RENT Choice room In Hamilton apertinenta. :urmshed or iinf .rn.shed can be rented for two month or loni, r if deslred. phono Walnut L7. 'oncr WELLINGTON INN. Farnani at 1Mb.. 1C rm. 81; 50 rma.. fl 50 & up; weekly & monthly rates; cool. ulet. homelike. o NOTH the lo.tlun; iMfi Harney; room well furnished and well r&red for' reasonable. "The Collins." THE Chatham I otel for gentlemen. Rates in permanent guet-tg. Ill H. l.-.m. D. r.v ossarrpleir Itooma. Th Pratt, cool, close tn ti 8. S. D. 8131 NICELY furnished rooms for lad lea or genta. malking distance. 213 S. zh St. 8,'ECIAL LOW RATES ' TO PEKMA EN V tiUEST8. HOTEL KAN KORD, lth & Farnam. HOTEL HAM.KV. Kh A Farnanx TiVi "''y furnished huaement rooma t'OO tier week. 2 1 x. fcth tt lloasrs aad teitagea, Korta. FtiUK-KOOM house with 4 lota 432 Camden Ave. Li - vs., ,j - L - -- (CONTINUED ON PAGE ELEVEN COLUMN ONSJ I