Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    THK IiKJ;: O.vIAlfA. FI.Mi.W. AI'iiTST J7, I'll").
Decision sf Nebraska Supreme Court
Seemt to Pa It Ahead of .
the Gertrnor.
fFrom a Plaff rnrrennlent
LINCOLN. Auk. K. - peelal Ths
rontroverer to ahet braneh of the
state (tovernment the railway rominla
in rotnM under la paramount aim tho
rullrxr of the attorney arnersl that the
eominlsalnn. waa esaeiitlve and there
for a Ha member had aiven no bond
thev had no rlvtit to the offices.
Members of tho romnilsxlon are wlllin
to admit, and tVy seem to hav tho an.
thorlty to back them, that trie ennimin
alon Is a hydra-headed Iwxly and la a
...- Af IK.' Ka 1ii.ll.lnl
and lerlslstlve branch of tho elate ov- j
eminent. If uh la tha ow the mam-!
Iwra of the rommlaalen ere hlraer wn
than the attorney general and even have '
sreater powers than the sovernor. I
In the last report of the Blate Iiailaay
lommlsalon, on page 43, la fniind an
opinion of the supreme court In the ce
of the Hooper Telephone company
against ths Nebraska Telephone com
pany. The Hooper company won Its
contention before the coinmlaalon re
garding connection service with the Ne
braska rompany and the latter appealed
to the supreme court.
In the syllabus of the opinion, which
waa written by Judge Hedirwick and i
agreed to by the rest of the court, Judg '
Itose tiot sitting, the first Paragraph
'The FontHtutron a amended must be
construed as a whole, mid the purpose
and scope of amendments are not limited
by former provlalons only as the plain
meaning of ths whole Instrument re
quires. The amendment creating; tha
tftale Railway commission, and the
sianno enacted pursuant to the power
given to the legislature thereby, confer
administrative and judicial powers upon
the oommtsslon In addition to the main
purpose of Its creation which Is the exer.
clsa of legislative powers," i
In the opinion Itself, on page 437 .f I
the seventh annual report of tho conimU- I
Ion, Is found the following:
. i.rt,cl" 11 Jha oonstltutlon provides:
.Th? F?". ?f .th". anvernment of this
hiiiib are aiviaeq into three distinct de-
partments. the leslelatlve, executive and
Jimuiai, and no person or collection ef
Ira.ins being one of these deimi tnients.
"hall exerclae any power properly bclona
Ing to eliher of the o a, except as
hereinafter sxpreaaly dl i d or permit
ted The laet clause t. KU provision
Implies that some of the provisions of
the constitution expressly direct or per
mit one depaitmcnt of government to
exert lae powera belonging to another fie
partment The ritale Hal way conimlanlon
la considered as beinnging to tha leirla
Intlve department Has this amcndinint
given It judicial .powers? In provlulng for
this appeal the legislature considered that
thle amendment and theatatutea author
ised thereby have given the communion
administrative and Judicial pnweie in ad
dition to Its legialaiive powers the main
purpose of Its creation. . ,
KBArtNET, Neb., Aug. l-Hpe lal.)-A.
V. HSInva. mcn.ber uf the board uf super
visors from the Hlxth dlctrlct. will be
lemoved from off lea if the prater of over
) ijelitlonera Is answered. The peti
tion signed by Hlava's conallluonts. was
Piesented to the board of suiervlors
etrday. It asks that Jllava Ivi re
moved from office for continued absence
from the county for the last four months,
during which time a washout occurred at
the Ilatvenna bridge and was not lookml
after because of the absence of the board
member. The petitioners further asked
th.t j.wtK ait. .r Ktmi.
ll uJZln Uo
eadtagltlolan. of tZ cnuntv Lrn
! Innual t thehST !
pUUo under advliiemrnt.
iKii.Mwvnv v-. a.,.
,.i. w. -.....! 1 .l'' .
mf vuiu.ivnn vi tiv v nurcn iii i
the Bret hi en. whk:h Is being held here.
elected officers a follows: Moderator,
H. O. Mkkey of Haxtum. Coin.; writing
clerk. If. A. F rants of Ilolmesvlllc;
reading clerk, Edtiar Roph brook of Car
lysis. Neu.
Wednesday evening Mrs. Edwin Jarboo
of Lincoln addressed tho women of the
conference and W, O. bockner of lc
Pherson, Ken., gave a siorooptlcon lec
ture, Th place for holding the next
meeting waa left to a committee. Nearly
delegates from points In Nebieeka
and Colorado are attending thn confer
ence, which closed this evening.
FREMONT. Neo.. Aug. M.-(SpeclsJ.)-Twenty-threo
year of married life sat
lsftrld Jul! Peterson thst she did not
want to spend th remainder of her days
with Fred O. Peterson, a Fremont black
smith. Accordingly are filed suit for dl
orv In district court alleging drunken
ncs on th part of the defendant. The
I'currsons were married in Wisconsin in
iW. They hsve three gitiwn daughters.
Fatrfcary rsi ,tee.
FAIRUl'RJV". Neb.. Aug. M.-lSpeclal.
County Judge L. J. Nutsman Issue. mar
riage licenses on Tuesday to Ml Verna
l.lair of Powell ard Roscoe Moles of this
city; John K. rnevrna of this city and
Mis Rosa Rlsten of Wclr, Kan.
A short oesslon of district court will
be held Monday for a number of r'U -y
and clvtl cases. The Rlauser estat and
will rase will also occupy ths attention of
probate court on Monday, also.
Tardmaster 8, A. f mart has promoted
four Nebraska division brakemrn to con
ductors. They compline Messrs. O. U.
Renshaw, Frank Justice, A. C. Whltlet
and Lon Jl oitl. . .
W. Flllard, an accountant from th
genera! Rock ls'and offices In Chicago, Is
In th city checking over th account lu
Car Foreman Crant C liruan office.
Ed Burkhart, a farmer living north ot
2 Ion. fractured hi arm in a fall off a
wheet stack.
Th stockholders of the k'sirbury
4 liautauqua, met In the Cuininerdel Club
room last night and elected olft. er for
C'll and i.nifli li d ariangeirM-nts for the
im session.
A 'For fcal" ad will turn second-hand
furniture into csh.
Great Britain May Resort to
Conscription, Says Minister
Ix.VfxiN. Aug. JH.-Horm thins In the
nfiir of ronnrrli'tlm. though the term
ana not rfniii.ivxj, a ff.rxiitowM by
ho earl of Mlmmf, nreelrtent of the
llo.ii-.l of Ailtilii!r. In an aMrra thla
'flrii(fl to it rtrimtntion of asrtrultiirnl
i.n 1 ownim who vlalted him In ln1on.
"Many more men have rot to Join the
:irmy, whether voluntarily or lompul
BorHy," the earl (aid. "The aarlrultural
.laborer has lori hi part ntlr In this
wir. but the reeporiae ham been very
unequal owr the rountry. ami I forwent
that diirliiK t r.! oet year men will be
taken from iliatrirt and farm whence
hitherto ihejr lime not rnme.
"What J ehall aim at-anl Karl Kltrh-
Murderer of Sam D. Cox Just Work
ing at Grand Itlaad Soldiers'
From a Btaff Orrearx-initent.)
IINfOL,N. 2. tflpeHaJ Ttleeram.)
Kinest Kenateon, the murderer of Baro
I. (x of Mlaatare. baa not been pa
roled, acording to publiehed statements,
but la one of the convict working at the
Soldiers' Home In (Irani Island, m nt
there ta d work needed to M done by
the bear4 of cntnd. ar'orlng te mem
bers of the board, who have been crltl
l4cd, bcenuao Kennleon was allowed to
leave the prteoa sad visit hi sick wife
In rVott'a llluff county. He returned
after a few days' absence and was sent
to tha Soldiers' Home to do some work.
ft 'wave In Apeeei Dltrfc.
Ielle tng that the meney expended en
a prepee4 plan te aiealghtea ths Na
mHba river eon-Ik ef llumhohtt would
net bring the results wanted, Htato Km
glneer Johnson has refused to approve
tho plans of peeftle ef ItlchanUon countjr
who have formed a new drainage dis
trict. Kngmaer Johnson does net believe the
dlt-h proposed would bo adequato t
-arry off the overflow. AocirrdltHf to
his figuring a drtch 1 fet wide would
be necessary. Tha pltuts prepared by the
county surveyor of lU'-hanlson county
would cover the drainage of about
square mlla.
Murphy I er the Raw.
Itellevmg that the action of Kenneth
Murphy. George Carlan and Brneet M-
rod. paroled convlots. In breaking their
Mmi. will lrrnl. ih-lr .Kuim. of
paroles will jeopardise their chance of
being favored, convicts at the peniten
tiary are said to have taken steps to
boycott tha men socially. They do not
approve of the action of tha men In
breaking faith with tho governor, pardon
board and the warden, and will show
the returntd men by n timorous Utile
way that thsy are In bad In prison so
ciety. No harm Is Intended tho men, but
they simply won't stand for such action.
Morehead to Hyraease.
Governor Morehead, Secretary of fltate
I'nol, Mats Auditor Bmtlh and several
others at tho state house went to Syra
cuse today to attend a German picnic.
Admit Veteraas free.
Hecretar Mellor of tha Btate Valr hoard
announces that on Monday, Heptemher ,
all old soldier will be admitted to the
fair grounds free. The little brown but
ton will be all the credentials nseded to
pass the possessor through tho gates.
I Flea Seat Governor.
Tho Junior order of United American
Mechanics has sent a flag to Oovernor
Morehtad and a large autograph album
In which ha Is supposed to attach his
signature. The ring Is a beautiful silk
affair and It la expected that the "flrt
of the state will sew one of tho
points of a star which has horn left loose
to the flaic. One star for each stats ha vt uson peace policy and passed reso
bevn prepared In this way end after sew- lutlon upholding tho president in his ef-
,M" ' ,D " " ,-w th.
name to a card which will accompany the
"' A beautifully colored psge with the
"" of Brh h" hn
' " " "" h aovornor of each
raiiuru lor inr iiir-iiru, v mu . inw ,
I rilate who affixed hli signature on
! June 15.
I Oovernor Whitman of New York ws
J1' ' pn Ju,r (tavnMr 01-,fe
son of Colorado on July tl and Oovernor
Herdrlik of Wyoming on August IK.
Governor Merehead will be th fourth
...... i
governor to attach hi signature.
Lutheran District,
Synod Ends Work
IHCSl I, Neb., Aug. 2. (Knee 11.)
The eW delegates and visitors ot ths
Lutheran Missouri synod's Nebraska
state convention, held her during the
last week, hav departed fer horn and
parish. A peelal Rock Island train
buln.M waa ' m
n iue. reprt. submitted won dismissed ,
and voted en. j
Prof. F. W. C. Jesse, president of th ,
Lutheran Teachers' seminary at Howard.!
asked for still more scholars to enter ,
ins ihfkim liemma uassca ki c v a i u. i
as th demand fer Lutheran 'parlsn
Scheul teachers exceeds ths supply by
Rev. N. J. Rakke of tit Louis talked
on the condition, great progress ad nev :
of the synod oolvrrU missions.
The voting cH teens are sent at the con
tention, held a special meeting. Reso
lution condemning the present enormous
exportstlon ot arm'nd ammunition.
National honor, the sacred principles of
humanity and th welfare ot thla nation
are the reasons given In the protest.
Adjournment of th convention fol
lowed yesterday aflernon after a vole
of thanks to th churches In charge of
th entertaining of the delegates. .
Oaik Firm Oeta Brtdae Coatratrt.
FRKMONT. Neb.. Aug. (Special.)
Th Standard Bridge company of Omaha
was the successful bidder for the con
tract to erect county br dges n Itodge
county the compsny r. Th board
aaarded tho Omaha firm th contract
)tirday, after canvassing tho figure
submitted by flv other firm.
Hv nte. Typhoid r.ser.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Aug. fcv (Special.)
Carl, tha IT-jreer-old son of T. A. hmlth
of r illry. dletf thU momlna at a hospital
of typhoid fever. His mother died a
year so and a sister Isst May of the ' M wo strotia that It was stolen, that
same (llaesee. . Bnertff Italeklu took vssession. The
' party disappeared). - Tha car Is an Over
tWha ess ! Daaaereaa. i land modal T-U-8-Tut, Nebraska No.
lion't wait, take Dr. Kins s New Dls- O. A D. starter. Ttie aisly vt the
) now. It will help your Cou-h . Ueonee number was partly defaced.
and sooth the luncs. All dnuj-I
gists Aivrrtloetnent. 0 I Key to th Situation Be AdverUamg.
ener has beit s nipethetiHa to leave
tho farmer bla foreman, slot smart, rart
era and shepherds, but t'ie real of the
work will hsva to bo done by women or
men hitherto enKed In sgrlrultirre."
Karl Hrl burns rmnhaslted tha fact that
Ruasla's reverses Imposed a ur-nt
atraln on t'a allies.
"We have a i r-a ( r burden on our
nhouldera St the present mnment than
alt months aTo." hs sskj. "Tha financial
atrain Is Kolrg to be very great and the
altuatlon la going to demand from every
rises greater sacrifice. The speaker
ststed that the navy had the submarine
menses well In hand.
Convict Editor, in
Farewell, Says Much
Gold Among Dross
HTH.LWATrTt. Minn.. Aug. W.-The
editor of the Htlllaater Ktate Prison Mir
ror, whose writings have attracted con-atdi-rablo
attention In Minnesota and In
other states, has been granted clemency
by the State Pnard of t'ardons and wilt
depart from, the prison before the end
of the present week.
In the current issue of the paper the
editor, whose name was not mule pub
lic by ths board of parole, bids fare
wcH to his fellow convicts and expresses
sedneia at the parting, "although we
havs the yfnl prospect of once mors
breathing free air and dwelling where
one's sou can once more be one's own
and God's."
"During our Incarceration here," the
editor continues, "we have learned one
lessen never ta be forgotten. We have
learned there is pupa gold here among
the dress; that there are within these
walls as good and true hearts as ever
dared to throb, men who would make
the world better by living In It. were
they alt given tho chance. Wo have
formed deep-rooted frlendahlps that will
last until the rays of life's light are
extinguished. We now go out
into tha rand of freedom to toll as only
a free man can for those who are dearer
to us then cur own life ever can be.
They who have had the finger of scorn
pointed at them from all nooks and
corners; they who have suffered un
told. Indescribable hardships and de
privations because of our absence from
the family hearth.
"Our greatest sorrow in saying good
bye Is that we cannot take you all along
to share our Joy and freedom with us.
But memory will keep enshrined your
names on the tablets of our heart; stone
walls and Iron bars shall not break the
links of kindness and friendship.
"8 good-bye, one and all; good-bye
dear old Mirror. May you over prosper
and continue to bring cheer to those who
may be so unfortunate as to get here
from where wo now go forth; may you
ever continue to boldly proclaim the
right of tho convicted men and women;
may you never cease In the good cause
for which you were Intended and have
steadfastly maintained, and may the
time soon come when you can prove to
all as you have proved to many that the
word 'convict' does not particularly
apply to any one class of peoplo, but
thst those In prison are 'even as you
and I'-just ordinary human beings."
Wilson's Peace Policy
Favored by Brethren
BEATRICE, Neb.. Aug. J6.-sDeii
Telegram.) Tho conference of tho Church
of tho Brethren today adopted President
Eurooear Tw.V ' W 01 lM
European war.
n.v. R. M. .Wav.r of Omaha we.
legato from this district to th.
national conference f ,. church, to be
.. - .w.
Ilev. W. Blough of Falls City was
elected a member of tho ministerial die-
u-iouuns committee and Ilev. u. D. Hot
MhUkley. Neb., temperance secre-
tary ror Nebraska.
The conference closed this evening.
REWARD, Neb., Aug. PL (Special.) A
desen fin new residence and three
school building ar keeping workmen
busy. Two of th school building are
rural and coat 13.009 each. Tho founda
tion of the fo0,0U0 high school will be put
In thi autumn.
Ughtnmg struck John Free barn Mon-
iday. Thirteen head ef horse were In
sent out to EvangelUt Hamilton of Ba-
Hh K t- Bol1 miiHa, her, ur
the month 0f November. A tabernacle
wm a hunt .ti i tna
Albert rrochnen has M his resident
m Sunnysld addltlea to Stephen Payn
ror K.50tt.
Mrs. Alex. Halo ot He died tier yes
terday. Her body was taken to Dwlght
for interment. Ph was 4 ars old. The
4-year-old sea of D I. Cox of Mllford.
when crfoiblng a ladder Into the haymow
v. me mm, ien ana oroKe his arm.
A number of societies ot th Evan
gelical church. Nebraska conference, are
In camp at Mllford.
1 "-ar Teaeliera Meet.
. SKWARD, Neh., Aug. 2tf.-t8ue.MaJ1
: The thirty-seventh annual Seward County 1
Teacher association meeting Is In so-'
slon here. County Superintendent and
Mr .Yr. H. Rrokaw gave the teacher a
reception at th4r home, on Monday. A
i demand among th rural earher for
Instruction In manual training has re- j
quired Prof. David Jones to organise two i
classes. The Instructor are Prof. 1
Geonr Martin. Prof. Deason of York.
Mrs. Hattl Moor of Mitchell and Mis
Kathrtin Untcn. State Superintendent
A. I. Thorns wl'l pak on Friday. Hla
subject will be "Consolidation, and the
Standard Rural fVhotil." One hundred
,ten teacher are enrolled.
TAXAA CITT, Neh.. AiK. Si-tUp ial
Telegram.) An nutomobile was aoarv-'
doned four mile northwest of Btella trt
a mu4 hole ty a stranger and the belief
(Continued from l'ae One.)
the victories to their arm In i ampalgn
acalnst the nuian permit (Jermany to
roede a step on the aea.
Count von Hernstotff brought nothing
to the State department to supplement his
telegrajn of Tuenday or the over-nUht
news dlapatchea containing the C.ermRn
rhaneellor s statement broadly Infrrrmn
mat a eeuiemeni "t a cneracier nuin-
dent to satiefy tho Trilled Htate would
le ma!e In the ratn of the Artil The
a mhssaador, however, re.terates his dis
claimer of Intent that any American
should he harmed and It was Indicated
that today's conference wss arranged by
the Mate department rather than the
s mbasaador.
Heport froas lierard.
No report had been received from Am
Imsaadnr CJcrard, but news dispatches In
formed official that the ambassador had,
made Inquiry and found that the govern
ment at Merlin had no reports on the
sinking of tho Arabic.
There Is notable relaxation of tension
at the While House and at the Btate de-
, mart, at bothi,roop hlrh P-trolled strategic point
.. . . . , .
place that whll official were much en
couraged by the apparent desir of Oer
many to avoid a break with th I'nlted
Plates, the president will not finally de
cide on his course until he ha before
him a definite statement of the Berlin
government's Intention.
It sems certain now thst there will be
diplomatic exchange In th Arabic case.
In addition to satisfying tha American
government In that, single Instanoe they
are expected to take on a character re
garding submarine warfare and the gen
eral rights of neutrals on the sea.
Rtateaaeat by Chancellor.
This Is shown clearly by the sttement
of Chancellor Von Hethmann-Hollweg
Inst night to the Aaaoclsted Press, par
ticularly by his concluding remark to
tho effect that not until all the circum
stance In connection with the sinking
of th Arabic had been cleared up would
it be possible to say "wheLhor the com
mander of one of our submarines went
beyond his Instruction" In which case
Germany would give complete satisfac
tion to tho United Htatea. Furthermore
during the conversation th chancellor
twice again referred to the instructions
given to submarine commanders. He
did not specify in detail tho nature of
these Instructions, but It may be said
that they are designed to prevent a repe
tition of the Lusltanla case and to pro
vide th opportunity tor eacap for non
combatanta on torpedoed chips, which the
I'nlted State desire.
Oermany still I unabl to understand
why Americana In these trouDled times
travel ,on belligerent ships Instead of
taking American or other neutral steam
ers, but since they In som? Instances
take pnsxagc on vessels belonging to bel
ligerents, Oermany will do Its utmost to
provldo for their safety.
Position of America Appreciated.
It Is not permissible to quote remarks
mad by the chancellor In tho .course ot
tho conversation. .other than tho formal
atatemont which ho made. Jt may bo
said, however, that Dr. Von, Bethmann
Ilollweg showed genuine Interest In tho
state of feeling in the United States
concerning tha sinking of the Arablo and
expressed th hop the American people
would not form an opinion on the basis
of conflicting statements giving only one
side of the story. He spoke with em
phasis of Oermany' desire -.o maintain
the friendship of America.
Tho chancellor aitpeara to be In good
health and spirits and greatly encouraged
by th successes achieved by th Ger
mans in the eastern campaign. The In
terview necessarily was of short dura
tion, a the chancellor was hurrying away
for a conference with Emperor William,
at 1)1 field headquarters.
Berastorff Call On Lansing.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3tf.-Count Von
Bernstorff. tho German ambansador, con
ferred with Secretary Lansing t.esrly an
hour this evening, and while both re
fused to discuss their meeting in any
way, it was understood the ambassador
reiterated that It was not the Intention
ot the German government that any
Americans should be lost on the Arabic.
The tenor of Berlin uiapatrhea late last
night and early today, especially tha
declaration of the Oerman chancellor
that proper reparation would bo made If
the sunmui'luo commander exceeded hi
Instructions, and the public disclosure
that Germany, after the sinking ot tho
Lusltanla, had taken step to prevent
another such disaster, renewed the feel
ing In official quarters here that friendly
relation between the two rountrle
would not be broken by the Arabic in
cident. American official have understood for
week that German submarine command
ers hav been given Instruction after
the sli.Vlivg ot tho Lusltanla, derlgned to
meet th representation of the United
pule, and therefore th sinking of th
Arablo waa a douhje shock.
HARLAN. I.. Aug. SB. (Special Tele
gram.) -Today' race at the . Harlan
County fair were called off because of
the wet track. Summaries for Tuesday
Pacing. IH class, purse W: Orpheus
Pan. first: Miss ( lark, second; Fred Hill,
third; Yankee Olri, fourth. Best time.
Trotting. 2.1 class, puree fW0: Velma
Todd, first; IJmeiiite. second; Hnnpneaa
Mac. third; Tommy Hooper, fourth. Best
time. S:ttw.
. i ... i i .i. v. 1 1 , . ii i
r. "T. v" ' 1"JZ ' "
Nema. 'third. ' Time. 1 !. ' " ' '
V ednemlay a races
Trettlng. !15 elass, poise W; Mla
Hexetm firot; Alice Wood ard. uccond,
Jim O'Sben, third; Tlntt G, fourth. Best
time. MiV
Pacing. 2:14 class, purse $.V: Tlud
welser. first: Billy Murray and Drift
Allen divided second and third money;
Olive Hltt, fourth. Rest time, t:13'-
K Beatrice lleraee Wis,
BKATRICE, Neb.. Au. . Reclal.
Kour Beatrice horses were in the money
Wednesday at Harlan, la., and Uontreal,
Canada, liudwelser, owned hy V. W. and i
Roy .Mun'ford of this rlty ou the Mi'
pace at Harlan and took a mark of i:M.
Fred 111 I, a pacer owned by ullvr Mum
ford, was third la the t a pace, and C, H.
Mumford's trotter. Tommy Hooper, was
third in the 1:3) trot. Badie owned ty
Kllpalrick Broa. of thla city, was second
' ln ,h '' trot l Montreal. Canada, tier
, ! "" i w
Slaters Meet After Maay 1 ran,
("KNTRAli CITY. Neb., Au. i.-Sri-tial -After an rla of thir
ty -three esra Mrs. J. N. Klchardmm
of this city had the pleastuit uriwiiw
today of a vtwt front Sirs Fred for
ward of Unoolii, III., her stater. A sv--ta.l
dinner waa prepared and a very
fleasact family reuutun followed
Nine Presbyterian Missionaries
Sail from New York for Persia
M.W TOftK, Aug. .".-Nine American
missions lies, five of whom are t',y H'-mii j
sent by the Freb tf-rlnn toaril of for
eign iTiljaikilut for service In Persia, are
ailing today oo the steamahip United
Ptntee for CoVfciiUAen. Tliree members
Ih- ... ...
! K cf ,Pl,.nfl MonL an(, 1r Mary
j.n,.mniin(, f Uinedaie, Mich., lire Koing
, wosl j.,., whe .VrTa mc.ntha K0
maseacrca and severe fia-hlin' wi, re.
Iportri during an Invasion of Kunde from
Turkey. lr. Kills will become an n
sociste of Dr. Harry rackard In the
Amertcsn hoapltal at I'rumlah.
The other members of the party. Dr. J.
Iavldson Frsmc of I'hliadelphla. Pr.
Mary O. Smith of Kokomo, Ir.d ; lr.
Holla K. Hoffman of Lelpeto. O.; Mrs.
Extra Troops Sent
to El Paso Withdrawn
KL PASO. Tex . Aug. W fnlted Htatea
military authorities today withdrew the
I In and nca
r the city last nUht a the
result of rumor of a Mexican uprising.
Threatened hostile movements by ad
herent of Car ran xa, Orbseo and Huerta
failed to materialise and Brigadier Gen
eral John J. Pershing decided that the
extra troops could be spared. Although he
announced the army would be ready for
any action necessary.
Military and Department of Justice of
ficials expressed the belief that there was
a plot to start an uprising in Kl Paso,
but that the prompt action of the govern
ment representative frustrated It.
LOS ANUELE3, CaJ Aug. 20.-Tvelve
bishops and hundred of members of the
Protestant Kplscopei church were in at
tendance today at tho opening of the
thirtieth national convention of church
men under the auspices of the Brother
hood of Bt. Andrew, which will continue
until Sunday.
I H. D. W. EngllBh of Pittsburgh. Fa..
j was elected chairman of tho convention.
j A committee on resolutions was ap
pointed and It was stated that all reso
lution not pertaining to church work
and the Interests of the brotherhood,
I would bo excluded.
Cleveland, O., appeared likely to win
the 1916 convention.
SOUTH BEND, Ind., Aug. 2. Jesse
Harper, athletic director of Notre Dame,
announced tho foot ball schedule for the
coming season. It follows:
Alma at Notre Dame, October 2.
Haskell Indians at Notre Dame, No
vemlier .
t'nlvemlty of North Dakota at Notre
Da inc. October 23.
University of Nebraska, at Lincoln.
October io.
Army, at West Point, November 6.
Crelghton university, at Omaha, No
vember l;t
University ot Texas, at Austin, No
vemner .
Rice Institute, at Houston, November 27.
CinCAGO, Aug. 26. (Special Telegram.)
B. C. Almley, a Milwaukee & Ft. Paul
railroad baggageman living at Perry, la..
and running out of Council Bluffs, was
found here this morning with bla ekull
fractured. Ha is about 29 years old and
has been with tho railroad for ten year.
He I well known among Council Bluffs
railroad men.
YORK. Neb.. Aug. 26. (Special.) The
marriage of Miss Martha Htoll and Rev.
Q. A. Deck of IJncoln were solomnlaed
at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mr. Charles Stoll, KT Kost Seventh
street. Rev C. K. Ryder, pastor of the
Uaxarlnn church, officiated. Rev. and
Mrs. Peck will visit for a month in
Colorado and California, takintf In the
Panama exposition. On their return, they
will be nt home to their friend at 1K2
11 street, Lincoln, whvre Rev. Mr, Deck
Is pastor of the Nasarene church.
Department Orders.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 26 (Special Tele
gram.) -J'osl muster appointed: Miss
Hhunna A. Branacomb. vice R. W. Sund-
trm, Rockvllle, slicrmun county, Ne
braska: Ml us is ell in reitliam. vice
Mrs, Lydia S. lin'.lew, Buffalo- Gap, Cus
ter county. South Dakota.
A poatoffice lias been established at
Rider. Harding county. South Dakota,
wlirt Alma Stormley as postmaster.
Civil service examination will be held
on Sorteniber 2S for a motor mall carrier
at DaltOD, Neb.
Morfarili at Oeraa Steamers.
ArHTXt. Sailed.
KrltUuJJord. . .
Psnia CV-nis
Nleuw Amsterdam
. n.lMi'l lH
ST. MI'nifcUI
I fVT.KIIHlU....
"Gels-lf for Corns,
SORE as Sunrise!
Auy Corn, With "fiets-It" on It, It j
an AbtuilulA "Uaner!" ;
Yes. It's the simplest thin In the world j
to Kot rid of a roiu wlu.-li you usu "Oct-'
It." the words greatest corn-rluVler.
IBeally. Its a
luioHt a flmumre to haw
I "
svo them ootna olt wall,
"Gt-It.M It Just loosens the corn from
,the true flean. easily, and then makes It
visaa on. - no rs ends e .rna for
kee It makea ths uee ot tape, corn
niiieuming b ndages. irritating salvea.
knives, acuwor and rmors rually look
rktlculous. :et rid of th e corns qui. klv.
surely. ramlecHly tuet raxily nu "Ue
It." Kvr wane snd bunions loo. its trie
'ih miiurr uay.
Oets-lt" la .!(! by all druiita, SC
a btviiltt. or eent uiret by K Utniun
A tK. t.liicatio. isuld in nd
ieeoiimieniie.1 the woilda bei-t corn
rented bv tihernmii & McCunneli lru
fo.'s titotra,
Xivt- attMfs ',
"Oats-lt" 1WU Xvmt res ta Clave. I
C. A. lunulas of 1'ortland, tre.; Dwignt
UotinMeon of Huntington, W. Vs., an!
Miss Mary I Owden of Washington,
la., arc going to northern and eastern
It wis said today by officers of th
JrcHbyterian board that theee mission
aries go cheerfully and willingly on this
errand of mercy, to districts from which
reports have come recently that medical
and other old wiis ura-ently needed.
Recognlxlnp the danger existent In the
present crlali". the board doe not urgo
Its mlexlonarle to go, simply stating the
need and willingness to send, and leaving
It to the Individual to deride.
The party will go by way of Fcanrtlna
vla, Finland, Kuaela and across the Cas
pian Sea. and expects to reach Persia the
latter part of September.
The Mid-West Bowling association,
which held a meeting at the Commercial
club to select a successor to P. J.
O'Brien, the pres'dent. who has decided
to leave Omaha, failed to reach a
agreement as to who should be the next
chief executive of th organisation.
YeVna Store la Robbed.
TANKTON. Jt. V., Aug. 2.-Speclal
Telegram.) Robbers entered Hentges'
clothing store last night and stole twenty
five suits valued at over $500.
The Final Dress Sale
of the Season Friday
These prices are the lowest ever
quoted in Omaha for merchandise new
this season. Every dress from regular
Friday the ready-to-wear section
will be devoted to a thorough clear
ance of the last few dresses left in
stock. We are pursuing our regular
policy of a complete clearance twice
each season.
The Values are as Follows
Two Racks of Wath Dre$es, for house,
porch and street wear in stripes, figures and
plain colors.
Former prices $6.50 to $10.50
Friday, $1.00
One rack of white and colored voile and
net dresses.
Former prices $12.50 to $35
Friday, $5.95
8 Silk Dresses worth up to $35
On Sale Friday at $6.75
All Sizes 34 to 44
Sale Starts at 8:30 a. m. Because of
the low prices none of these dresses will
be sent C. O. D. or on approval, neither
will any returns be accepted from either
cash or credit customers.
During th sultry, bumid and
weltering days, acid drink com
bined with phosphates are most
refreshing and beneficial to the
system. The best acid-phosphat
drink (one that requires but a
teaspoonful to a glass of water)
a thirst-quencher, nerve-bracer
and tonic is
Acid Phosphats
(Nob. Alcoholic)
Keea a settle at yew beex
A safe, sure, vecetable remedy
that removes the craving- and ne
cessity for drink in three daraby
thoroughly eliminating all alco
holio poison from the system and
neutralising Us functional effects
upon the body tissues. It is no
louger necessary for men ad
dicted to drink to spend enor
mous sums and time at institutes
to secure the same results. Price
of the National 3-Day Home
Treatment complete, including
after tonic, by express or parcel
post prepaid 115.00. Not a worth
less secret remedy, but one with
genuine merit, worth everything
to the man who is drinking to ex
cess and wants to quit. Plain di
rectionseasy to take no suf
fering satisfaction guaranteed,
writ at once today. NATIONAL.
REMEDY CO. Incorporated),
llox 176. Cotinrll Tiluffs. Iowa.
Japan Will Build
Munition Plants
TOKIO. Aug. n-The establishment of
rpeclal factories for th manufacture cf
hells will be a part of the Increase!
assistance which Japan baa decided to
give It allies in th war. It ta learned.
Detail of tho plan for carrying on the
work of Increasing Japan's munition sup
plies hava been dlsoussed by th am
bassadors of the entento power with
Premier Okuma.
PARIS. Aug. 2.-The minister of fi
nance, Alexander Pe Rot, lntroduce.1
In the Chamber of teptitles. IT"Ti41l pro
viding for a comprehensive reform In
the liquor trade. The measure contem
plate suppression of privileges enjoyed
by prlvato Individuals, who are per
mitted to distill brandy from their own
fruits, and for an Increase in the tax
on alcohol from U francs t.l). to
franca a gallon. To this Is added a t
on consumption of S francs a gallon
on apfetrter and Itquers.
Memoranda attached to the bill con
tain an estimate' that If consumption of
the articles affected should decreaso by
me-half, th government would never
thelcss receive Increased revenue to the
amount of 10,000,000 francs.
It Is also proposed that the state cre
ate a monopoly In the manufacture of
Industrial alcohol and endeavor to find
an additional outlet for the product
among consumer of fuel, such as own
ers of automobiles.
BOYD'S Theatre
800 Amazing Scenes
Animal, Reptile, Bird & Cut Ufa
Found In th. AretH, Jun.le. at AJHoa ass
iDjIBoath Amarioa. Au.u,K SooiuST.
AosBia-ai Childxem 10 Adolt BOa,
Oommenolny aoaday Blfht, Aas;.
M. Mat. aUy 8i0 Wight tae.
,KiT1! ta. and Bvaaia
-Txm stock juriBCTr"
Edward Lynch XXZ?
Otl ShlBaWs atomaatl Drama.
Matlaee. ISO, 8 So. Br tso, 8 Bo, 10
wwii tb Baoaelot
"CKiKAi rvar cmsrrm
ror opealas; Vwrfonnaaee BatarSay Brits,
Ana;, aath, aa ttniaftai.
bob MAMGxxmnnm mvmxqxtwm
Sun., Aug. 20
iiu or ntn si a ana
rasil. AV9. M.
And Other Attraction.
Tree Maria Plotare Zverr eater.
Thla i "1- B rot tear ui."
Ta A.rtla Msdel- a ad -Mar Ormai-