12 THK.I1KK: OMAHA. TIIL'K.SDAY. AflU'sT .Ji;, l'MV BRUMBAUGH MAKES . VISIT J OMAHA Gorernor of Fennsylrania Remain Four Hour. After Being Sererely Shaken by Train Stop. SPECIAL NARROWLY MISSES CAR . Gorernor Martin O. Brumbaugh of Pennsylvania visited Omaha yester day. He remained four hours instead of ten minutes as the result of an In cident five miles this side of Missouri Valley, when his train narrowly arofded running down an automobile driver. The passengers of the train were severly shaken by the train's sudden stop and several suffered minor injuries. The Pennsylvania governor's spe cial train came In over the North western, running as a first section of No. 11, arriving at 7:35. It loft for Denver over the I'nlon Pacific at 11:40. In the interim the governor and 110 Pennsylvaniars r.pent the time receiving visitors and automobll Ing about the rlty. la the morn'nt the Northwestern train tarrying Oovernoi- Hru.nhaj.,h m l jnriy pulled out of JHrnAurt Viillry on lime and on the straight stretch for enm ten Wines south making a rp'-id of about forty mile per ho-ir. A .cut five mlUs ut. where the -ngn r.iml paialrl the railroad trark anil la on tnr i a t side, Engineer Stevens notld s mn driving a big touring car. moving south. The en gineer blew the wht!e. but the men In the eutomohO psld no sttentiin to Its fclssts. There mas a crowing some forty rods ahead ami maintaining his speed, En gineer Stevens thought he would he able to pans the machine and rons.-qtiently ' tie crowded on a little steam. The man In ha automobile evidently had a similar Idea, for he Increased, the surel of hla machine. Train Maps Close to Car. When toma 800 feet from the crossing ' and whera the wagon road turned arrora tha track, the, man In the automobile, pulley up onto the dump. The engineer realised that he waa certain to strike tha machine, and Immediately ap:llrd the air, Stopping the engine with the pilot box rot six feet from the autnninMle. In bringing the train to such a sudden stop It flattened six sets of the trucks under tha ten sleepers and at the same time scattered tha occupants cf the cars up and down tha aisles, throwing them out of the bertha. Nona of tha people In the rara waa Injured, aside from a few slight bruises caused by the Impact resulting from the quick stop. Few of tha occupants of the cars wr up, but being thrown out of their berths caused them to dress hurriedly, after Which they plied out of tha cars, hurry ing up to the engine to learn what had happened. When they ascertained they were, all loud In praising the action cf Engineer Btevene. I With tha Pennsylvania govern ir was lieutenant Governor Frank McCsla, an old friend of Dane Melady. As soon as tha lieutenant governor learned that he was going to be In Omaha several hours, ha hunted out Mr. Milady and the two liad a most enjoyable visit, re ounllna tha doings of other days. "Tou'll recognise him by his ehncgy eyebrows," explained a member of tha party. And so you will. When Martin a. Hrumbaugh, governor i Of Pennsylvania, acknowledges an In traduction, ha haa a strong hnnl-grat: 'and pleasant amlle. He has deopct eyes behind heavy eyebrows, ile Old a lot of hand-ahaklng while in Omahit, having arrived with hla party of 100 I'ennaylvan- ! lana at 7:30 In a peclul train, that went west at noon. Meeting tha party at tha Union station . werw Acting Mayor Butler, A. W. J ef forts, president of tha Pennsylvania ao elety; Harry 8. Byrne, president of the Mcjslnley club; F. A. Fhntwell, presl dnt of tha Ohio - society; Victor Rue water, F. W, Judson, D. 8. Baker. H. U. Baldrlge, J. C. Klnaler, K. H. Ward. B. Edward Zeiss and W. W. Rlabaugh. Tha governor, who haa been mentioned aa a presidential poasiUlity, only smiled whan tha subject waa broached, lie re cently entered upon hla term aa execu tive for 1.000,000 people of tha Keystone state, and seema mora engrossed In state than national matters. Tha distinguished visitor made a hur ried trip over tha city and went to Council Bluffs to visit a cousin, J. P. Jteea. Ha promised Harry Byrne to ad dress tha MoKlnley club here in March, when he ex pact a to speak before the Knife and Fork club of Kansas City. "I remember the last time I appeared before the Knife and Fork club of Kan fas City," remarked tho governor, re mtnlsoently. "we had a regular three rtng elrcua. Ida Tarbell and William Alien White were on the program with roe." Mr. Jefferia mentioned the name of the lata Joseph 8. Walton of Cheater county, Pennsylvania, te the governor, who mentioned tha fact that he and Mr. Wal ton were collaborators In writing "Stor ies of Pennsylvania" and "Liberty Beir Leaflets." Mr. Jefferia and the governor's secretary. J. 8. Hyatt, were teachers under Mr. Walton, who waa superintend ent of tha Cheater county schools. Renews OI4 Aeejaalataaee. When J. Banka Kurts of Altouna stepped off the train he accosted Mr. Jefferia on the platform, lie bad not seen Mr. Jefferia fur twenty-two years and did not know he was living here, but Instantly recognised Urn and re newed old acquaintances. The train carrying the party constats of ten coaches of the Pennsylvania rail road company's equipment. It Is a so. Id compartment train, the first of Its kind to move west thla year. There are two diners ad avery convenience. The party will he In Kan Francisco five days aud will atop over five days at the Yellow etone National park. It is said that the IW passengers on tbta train represent more wealth tan haa paaaed through Omaha at one lima for many a day. la the party are Mr. and Mrs. c lien derson Kupploe. promlneat society folk of Philadelphia. Mr. gupplee spent seeral hours Waiting the slink yards, while bis wife enjgyed an auto trip through Omaha. - T. Trigg, aa extaualve paint manu facturer of Philadelphia, declared he was sincere when be said the business people of his section knew of Oiuskt i prog res. sivsneee anj looked upon the Oate City I- the Weet as a great commercial center. "It la your spirit of boost, for one thing. A city must boost Itself te Suocese i VESUVIUS AOAIN IN ACTION Photo taken at last eruption. Vesuvius, Etna and Stromboli are again active and severe earthquakes have been felt in Sicily and south ern Italy. The meteorological observatory at Vesuvius has been wrecked by earth tremors. I r j V - c ) I i .? , " . . . - f: i .? ' ;- i i , sx: r i . I I I . : , ' V 1 1 , ; i i . 1 ' - i ' I '. . ' , " V ; i ' ' , 1 "' ' n.' ; J I J " U " i l' - ' -' ' -- - 1B"' " ' and meet competition," said Mr. Trigg. City Solicitor Pusey of Pittsburgh re marked thst Omaha's streets are well niAlntalncd. J. Howell Cummlngs, president of the John B. ftetson company of Philadelphia, Visited Edward Zeiss, Nebraska Colthlng company. Drowning, King & Co. and other locnl stores. With him on the trip are Mr. Mr. Wrsterleft and Mr. Wright, treasurer and advertising manager, re spectively, of the same company. Eeg istration for High School Will . Start on Monday Principal Masters of Central High school announces that registration for the coming school year will be started next Monday morning. The following xcherule will be followed: Seniors or Oman who have 21 points will come on Monday; Jun'ors or those who have from Id to S. points will come on Tuesday; sophomores or those who have! fioin I to U rolnts will r.omo on Wednes day j all others who have been In the high School twfnro will come on Thurs day; all Inoomltik, students to the high school will come on Friday. ISxaiiilniillotia for thoso whi have per nilasion to make up woik will be given tit.it K.hiH.. .1 vwk. rmi thMldrl ln milands. B.!V, S-le. im hlM ' u c uviiv w.iivi wura uuring inw'Tvo; iiecember, a.fi'c vacation and have tieen granted permla- I Mar"h W.flOer May. in. stun to dc s may take the examinations. Those who have not yet secured permis sion are requested ot sco the principal aa soon aa oonvepicnt. Open New Road for Thirtieth Traffic The department of publto Improvements Is making passable a stretch of road north of Miller park and west of Twenty sixth street, bring used st present on ac count of the closing of North Thirtieth street. Funerals to Forest lawn traverse thla road snd much difficulty haa been experienced. Commlasloner Jardlne took the' matter in hand. He got In touch with County Commlaaloner McDonald, Mayor Tuoker ot Florence, Commissioner Prexel of the street department and Manager Howell of the water plant and In less than an hour had teams, a road roller, weed cut tera and erraprrs on the way, notwith standing this rood la outside of Omaha limits. Cummins Goes to U. P. Offices in Chicago John P. Cummins, for tho last two years advertising agent fur the I'nlon Pa ctftc at the Omaha headquarters, ha ! been transferred to Chicago, the rhantte being effective September I. With him lie will take one aleaegrapher. in Chi- rago Mr. Cummins wrlH have charge cf thai Harriman roads' headquartvrs that' does with the central territory. j With the transfer of Mr. Cummins to Chicago, ttu icepe ot the advertising de. partmcnt will be In no manner changed: His successor w ill be sppomted in time ! to begtn work the first ot neat month i and his dtit'es will be similar ti these ut j Mr. Cummins.'... . ASKS DIVORCE AFTER 23 YEARS OF WEDDED LIFE Suit was rved by Julia Keffer asking divorce from John Keffer and custody of their tw children. They weie married lu 1303 and she says he deserted her In 1WJ. j A dlvoroe Is naked by Georgia Rich J from Arthur It. li'h with .custody of . their child. She alleges tion-stpport nnd desertion. Alleging habitual drunkemi-ss and ex treme cruelty, Kate Pohra asks a divorce from George Pohm will the cueiody of tber t we ehildrwa. After twenty-three years of married I life Lura Beer haa sued John V. Beer ! for divot re. a'.leriDg non-aupport. They 1 were titarrtcd in Chicago In Ifctt Btie I asks aJImooy of I a month. Aaaarlsg aaaaaer Caaatt. Tha first. dote of Or. Bells Ptna-Tar-Honey will help you. It kills lUe Gold germ. Only tue. All druggists Advertisement. mml iiHHaajsMSjggajMgJM iMIaMgswislisl igal tM I P lggggg?llassrssl ff lall I ss m. SAf ERUPTION NEW YORK RUMOR SENDS OMAHA WHEAT PRICE DOWN On the strength of a flsah from New York that the fleets of the sllles had forced the Dardanelles, wheat on tho Omaha market sold off 1 to it cent, closing at the low point of tho dny. Re ceipts were twenty-four care and the prices ranged from 99 ceints to $1.07 per bushel. Coffee Market. NW WTOTIK. Aug. K. COFKT3R n pnrts of further progress with valorisa tion plans In Bmsll, and tha better feel ing over IntnrriHtkinal politics Hwmnl to encourage a little ecwttenvt h living of late mnnthe In the market for ffeo fu turea here tody. Tble demand, nowever. was readily supplied, while there was a renewal of near months liquidation and after opening unchanged to I points lower, the market was Irregular with the clone net I totnt lower to b higher. Late months were relatively firm, with July eelllng at .TOr, while BetHemhrr flcotui eted be woe n 114c, end t.lrtc. Kales. In cluding exchanges, aa,V ba. August, S.lso: Heptembwr. S.ldo: October. .2?-; No vember. S.2o; Peoarnher. S.Jfic; January V; February. 4h-; Msrdi. 8.!Slo; Ai-rfl Wo: May. .: June, s.evi: Julv. iic. Bot. ateariv: Itlo 7c. 7c; Kantos 4s. Mio. Coet and freight offers were rerorted tin chnnored. Aci'ordlnir to latest riviccs it Is prupneod In Urarll to restrict Han too exoorta to SrtVOilO hags. M'lret nrlce were vnchano-cd st Illo with M rets lower et smntoB. with H'o enchange on Lndon unchanged at 11 Mid. Cotton Market. NRW VOI1K, Aug. 25. COTTON -Knot: l hl4 October. otton futures nncned itendy: January, 9?uc: i- IVF.RPOOL. Aiie. I&.-COTTOV-Snol steady; -good middling. fl.7Bd; middling. S.4M; low middling, 5.03d. galea. S.OCC baiea. . .. Loa4aa Stock Market. LONDON. Aug ?S. American securi ties on the stork market closed firm under the lead, of I'nlled States etteel. Htock In thla section was reported scarce, owing to rei-ent sales. HILVKR-Har, l-l(td per ounce. MONRY-MH per cent. Discount rates Short bills and three months, 4Vs4 1M per cent. Dry (loads Market. ' NEW YORK. Aug. 18. DRY OOODB Prtfea for spring. 116. were named today and advances, are asked for nearly all colored goods. White goods are cheaper than last season. ' Print cloths nnd sheetings were 'steadier. Iaccs were active. Km broideries were quiet. Irndr wear advances were announoed. Worsted yarna were firm. Burlaps were strong. star Market. -o,mV .I9RKi -SCOAR-Raw. dull; centrifugal, 4.70o; nvlaaae4, 3Mc. Re rined, nulet Sugar futures opened Irreg ular early trday and nt noon prices were t point, lower to 4 higher. Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quickly and chfaply by a Wee "For Rent." Ituy Sugar Beet S6.05 Pesxb.es Extra fancy California n A, few asbniKtou, wrapped, at, per box Bushel box Peers At present the market on Pears look hither. PIhbjb Red Bradshaw, i basket crates, about SO lbs. era to Bananas are good quality and low in price. 4S ll,s Tip ..... 4S lhs. Kcononiv Basket Stores ft I MaMaggaci.UI naae JaSLSwaew.ii..iai isisnii is assa awnptrantr !M P Mal.iaa.,i.,. s.,l,.IUi,,aiiy,l,,muxU.....lsaaas,l.a. ....Mii.T ; t !l -1li -saaases- f M Ihzz - ?- - . .J i-niixl NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Buoyancy it Imparted by Improve ment in the Diplomatic Situation. WAR , SHARES MOST ACTIVE NKW YORK, Aug. Z". Cumulative In dications that the complication growing out of the pinking .f the Arabic are likely to pass without a serious disturbance of relations between this country snd Ger many Imparted fmithor buovnrcy to the stock market todav. Paradoxl -ally tlie strongest and mot active tsuoa we-e the war shares and other securlMes hav ing m-jre or es material relations to the forelen rnnf M. The mirket was broader than re-ent sessions end railwar ! shares of Huh and low ii;r minlfested prominence st eulmtsntlal gains. Opfnlng prices offered a foretaste of what wn to come, specialties showing I Immediate gains of 2 to & points, which ' soon were extended to as much as 11 i plnis. From time to time there came a ' brief halt, whl e the mirket was under- S Ins; pi oress of digestion, but thee pauses invariably were followed by fresh liuylng and In some Important Instances st hlehrr price". Deal nns In T'nlted Htates Steel again so far outdistanced ell other operations ss to mike that stock the overshadowing reature. u was one or me several inuue- . trlnl and soecla'tlee that recorded a "wide" openlmr. Its Initial fiioaiions j being based on s sale of in.') "hares at 76 to 7l. a gain of 1 points. Iter It mnd i a further sain to 7S, or within a point of Its hlsn price of recent years, out rb-sod at "l Other maximum sains of tre ilny tn rludeH IT for Wlliya-Overland. at W 1S'4 for Studehaker at U". 7 for Oenornl Klortrtc at 17N. for B-tblehem Steel st W and S for New York Airbrake at l:.l. Klsewcere In these shares there were rains of S to B rxilnts. with a new high record for Lackawanna Steel at 66 on Its i adilei i:aln of 3 points. Can-iolnn Pnclflc led the railways, gain ing JS st 1S2'. while other transcontl- rentals. Heading end New Haven showed j o'einls-ht gain or 2 to a point, .nmong the minor rallw-ava there were similar advnncea. Missouri Psclflr stork snd the under'vlne bonds featuring that group. I"r"'l taking became more effective In the final hour, Steel and Reading loslna 1 to 2 points, wl'h more substantial lrsses in the specialties. Nevertheless the loHnT was strong. Total sales amounted to l.fA0n shares. Honrts were strong, wun an ansenco oi the rece-t forel-m selling. Total sulen, par velue nrgresrated V H0.OK0 1'nltcd States bonds were unchanged on call. r'timher nl sates snil lM4lns qimtstlons on locks wers ss follows: Paii. Hlh. Iw. Clne. I..,.. n.M I WX J-li V!l Amerlrsn BM Husar.... ).7"t W f4 Ameri.-aa 1sn 7S.&SO Amrrlran Smelt. 4V rlof.. 4.NV) Amarlcsn P. It.. pM Amsrlrsn Sussr Reflnlns- II. S0" Amorlrsa Tel. Tel SM Amsrliwn TotsKe Ansoonda Mlnlns II. sns Alrhlson 1 .7 nalllmerw a Cl .! .nrnnklm Haeia Trwnsit.. ICO H4 71 St 74 lf 1C 1K4 Ml m 1011 i 4 17 101 4 4K 11 1 IDS 4 41 17 i 1ft 2X I V 114 43 101 71 14 1M 17 141 49 11 t 4 111 fcf 14 m " 14 1S 11 71 10n IM II 144 V, 45 t 19 lf 1.7 141 110 1 n 111 ill. 122W no lMVi 71 S2V4 sf. t74 ei 101 Sl'4 nt 1S rallfnrnle Pstmlsinn Cansrfisn I'sclflo Ontral twlher rMsneahe Otilo fhlesso. Oresl Westers.. Oil . MM. AS tH. Fsiil ... rtil-ao Northwests. rhino Coptxe Colorado l-uel A Ipno.... l olnrwdo a Bouthsrn ppnvsr A Sttn Clrsnile.... n,-nr Tt. O.. vti tHXIIIers' SMnrttlaa Vrte 'Will Hlsntrle Oral Northern. vt Oust Nortlisra fr. rtt.. Onssenhelm Bip'oPStloa. Illinois Ontrsl Interhoronsh Met., pf d. . . InsnlratliHi pMV Inisrnstlonal Harrsstw .. Kansas Cllr. Hottthsni... t-hish Valler txilattle A Nastwllls... Voilrwn retroleum Miami foppsr Vo.. Kan. Tesae Mlieourl Parlfie NflU-nHl ntirutt National mA Navsds foptwr Now Twk tiantrai N. Y . N. H a H Norfolk Waaxarn Northern Pacltlo farltlc Mall Pari fir Tab Tel........ ernnavlrslllw Pullman Palars Car Itr (lonsolblatedl Onppsr. l.aait 1M4 ire f.7l 444 48 m 44 4li tl 1H kx ni I SIM 4H it.se 4 1 lMVa 4 40 II 17 171 11741 41 611 W.inn Mt4 W Ko 174 l ii lte I too 14.7CO t.1 I. ma 1,000 107 143V, 1 141 1.4 III! li.eio "ein l.eno too 91 14a 'ii 14 st 4 26 I 1 14 1.100 107 107 I . mo l,oo lOIVs 101 RranMns llano 160H 147 ..kii.'trno a. fttaal.... 11.400 44 "i 014 i M 44 lok lalani Vi X Ho. a laland n.. e'd-- -j- Rt. U A H. F . M pM-- -ulhsrn Parlfie f J" louih.rn fUllwar I-100 "in' a 144 116 7" 111 '70 111 't4 IH ISO 14 71 111 11 Tcnnrases cooper " i Trias Company t'nlon racl'lr I'nlon Parltlr. pM fnllro sislas Rlal I'toi.d Walas gtsal. pfd "tab hpir Wabsti. P'd Wralarn I'nlon westinsheuss Birtrlo Mcmlsna Power -rMMa Steal M'ls- tialmrrs flrthlehrm Pltasl Amerlrsn lx-onioli . Haldwln locomotlre ... ilanrrat Motor 1 KV Ub , 17,01)0 111 !min TSi t0 111 . 7,00 M M 704 11 44 7f.4 14 117 14 7 US 21 o ss.ioo 71 Jl 4I10S 74 10 0"0 l.ono im ( m M I.IO0 7 l.pn 1144a C. It 1 P-v Totsl for tha day . ... II, WO 14 l.me.OM sharas. ajew York Maary Market. NKW YOP.K, Aug. 25.-MBltCANTIIK p A PI-MI S'atl'31 per cent. 5TKRUlNO-ty day bills. $4.6126; de rcand MM! cabloa, M.6t7R. BILVBR-Bar. T.c; Mexican dollara. !?rBONl-Oovernment, steady: railroad, ''moN KT Time loans, easy: ality days, nt: ninety days, 4S per eent; I i Km.ha. S per cernt Call money. steady: high. I per o-nv, ..-. rr ' 1. " A. . 1 1 BU ..aa cent ; ruling rata. "I IT", I Der rent: closing bid, 1 14 per cent; of- fered, I per cent. Meta Market. NKW YORK, Aug. .-M ETALS-Lee-d, $I.Ki4 65. ripolter. not quoted. Copper: Firmer; electrolytic, 17.0ti 18 00. Iron: Ktradv and unchanged. Tin Firm at t4.fi4.40. t London Copper: Ppot, tffl M; Tu-tui-ea i 1; electrolytic, 71. Tin: Bpot. i;a Ss- futures, tlM low. Antimony, U2o. U-ud. '23 la 8d. ttpelter. o3 lOe. by the SACK. Cane 36.15 Klberta, wrapped, per box. . .67? 50 Sl.GO net, per 85t FLOUR SI (Mi 48 lbs- Thrifty Habit 'oi'"sVi 48 lbs. Cash Habit... Ol.Ul 18 lbs. Ked A At any of the I t S1.50 81.58 $1.52 in Omaha fBetter Qualities at We guarantee everj buyer satisfaction in their piano purchase here. See the splendid specials. A ROUSER OF A TROUSER SALE All Our Men's Spring and' Sum mer Weight one price, choice 185 ?'V t ffjf.fi Sir and Ktf.Htt stricllv all artistically At Sl.SI striped outing trousers, the genuine Palm Boachs, smart patterns; tweeds for golf or tennis; all latest styles and all choice patterns. See windows. Act quickly. Hundreds of Beautiful New Hats All fresh from the band box and work rooms. A charming dis play of decidedly new productions of America's most noted designers and original de signs and repro ductions by the deft fingers of our own corps of milliners. Very special $t$7so$1n values at Om 1U A Wonderful Array of Expressive S SlaUM- WViiS. A. 150 Pretty Silk I treason. In taffeta and crepe de chines that sold at $12.50, $15.00 and $20.00; at, -hoic 87.95 Hundreds of Summer Urease that sold at $5.00 to $10.00, choice 81.05 Long Oep Klnionoa Made to sell at $3.00 and 3 5. t 81.45 This We will have for Thursday's sale a etralght carload of extra fancy Cal ifornia F.lbtrta Freestone Reaches, nothing- finer grow n, shipped1 to us to sell for ths grower. Ws advise our customers; to luiy now, as we look for an advance. Just aa soon a thr bis; demand for canninn coin- (T turners. Tkuredar, DUG V orate www gpeolal Italiaa Blue 11 om Bsle TharsdaT. 4-baaket crate Oregon Italian Tl'ue Plums, nothing- finer to put un for your winters tacie use. Thursday, per orate Bns&el Bosea raaey Bartlet rears IS Ike. Best Para Caaa Oraaolated Baa-ar 95c $1.75 $1.00 4-lu. sacks best 'High Orade Hla- mond H Flour, niavd from the best elected old wheat, nothing finer for bread, plee or cakes, per aack $1.75 f!T TRY Equal Prices; Equal Qualities ct Less Pncc f e. t e a-'p-O-ei -fir WiUr Asia A i-i itf our pntirr Kmritur our entire Sprhiu: V Aym, Summer Stock. The v ?vned "Princess" V.A'v x ' i and RenoTied other well known makes The Lots at $2.65 include blua and jrrny serges, silk mixed wor- firm twrofl and enssimerps wool or silk and wooL and hand tailored. vou'll fmd nil wool sertres and silk An advaneo showing of the new style ideas is Tailored Suits, Coats and Dresses so varied in their authoritative beeoniiugness that your individual taste alone should govern your selection. You will find qualities at every price unques tionably Buperior. The New Crown Jewel Suits In their wide range, artistic dOC aa designs at pZOaUU Are pleasing surprises even to those who expect most of the Crown Jewels a spe cially fine lot in gabardines, whipcords, novelties and serges, now on display. Other choice suit values at 15 820 835. 845 to 865. Remarkable values Thursday at 815 New Cloth Dreaws, 815, $10.50 825.00. Heautlful SUk Dresses, 819.50. 825 to 845.00. All remaining summer stocks at pricings which warcely represent the actual value of materials. U l....l ..l h3. ....... TV . . . urauunu nuiliHirr tirraam idh " J1-00. -. r-W.OO and 30.00, all at one price, $5.00. is California Peach We advise our customers to buy now, as old wheat Is very scarce. 10 bars Heat 'Em All, Diamond C or I.xiimliy tjueen Hoap ass 10 fakes Cupid Toilet Soap 13 a cukes Ivory Soap ISO 4 16-ounce cans Klkhern or Mans- field Milk sse :fJ-ounce Jurs ure Fruit Preserve for a6, 7 lhs. best Hulk Iaundry Starch, 8 sc i sr.s oil Sardines 1 Macl.aren's Tesnut Butter, lb., liUo The best bomeatla Macaroni, Verml- elli or Hpaithettl, pkg THe Yeajit Foam, pkg .Jo 2-lb. cans fancy Waa, String. Qresn or l.lnis Beans THe -lb, cans Golden Pumpkin. Hominy, .Sauerkraut or Haked Beeuia ... TUe 4 ll-s. fancy Japan Hlce or Nary (runs , go F.. C. Corn Flakes, pkg fto V. O. C. or Kriuublea, pkg So irap-Nuts. pkg loo Ths beet Tea Biftinrs. lb lIHe Il-rshey's Breakfaat Cocoa. lb....8M HAYDEW'G Big Price Savings on High Grad Pianos in Our Great Clearance Sale Now On. All Our Men's Spring and Summer Weight Trousers that sold regularly at $3.95 and $4.50, choice $065 All sizes from 26 to 52 waist inclu ded in both those lots. .- mm: $2.00 Skirt Flouncings 29c A beautiful line of 45-in. Em broidered Flouncings on fine voile and fancy rice cloth, made to sell regularly at $2 nnd $2.50 a yard, at. . .29 75 c Baby Flouncings 39c 18-inch, 27-inch and 45-inch widths, dainty patterns on fine voiles, organdies, Swis3 and longcloth, regular 50c to $1.00 yard values, Thurs day 39? A Beautiful Line of 18-inch Flouncings, special, yd. 15 Modes tlm winter aula Fine Silk Jersey Sweaters Good line of colors made to sell at $5.00 and $6.00, at 82 95 A Fine Lot of Swestfera Regular $7.B0 values? at choice jq jasj Children's Summer Dresses Big Msortment Thursday at HALF Don't Fall to See tha Splendid Values in New Fall Waists. Week OoMen Rantoa Toffee, lb TXB auma kusm roa paorua. The best Creamery Butter, carton or bulk, lh aso Fancy No. 1 Couatry Creajaery But ter, per lb teg Tne best Ialry Table Butter, lb., a Good Cooking- Butter, lb. .Sue si aw retatoest Is las. the peek, for 150 ...loe sweet Corn, per dosen , I large heads freeh Cabbajr . . , ( hunches freeh Kadishea ..... ( heads treh Leaf Lettuc .... f bunches freeh Onions , l-ancy Wax or String Beans, lb. 1 large Cucumbers 4 largs Green Peppers Fancy Teuver Cauliflower, lb , .. .Be ..So Fancy Hips Tomatoea, lb U , I Fancy Head Lettuce, ner hd., THe-ie r 4 bunchae freah Bseta or CaJ-rots ..Be Lj v .iotii ranavy , . SO Market basket Beata or Turntpa ..lSo 1J lbs. No. J Cooking Apples loe FI3ST TOAT PAYS DIG DIVIDENDS A BEE WANT AD H