THE REE: OMAHA, AffJ'JST 101i g Get the fact that you have a house or apartment to rent before people who are looking 8 for new homes. List your vacant property in The Bee's Complete Rental Guide Sunday I nonononoaonononononoDoraononoaonononononoDoaonononononononononoaononononooonoDooonoDononoQooonoaononononoaononooonononononoDi 12 WANT ADS Went sds received at any time, but to Inaur proi-er classification must oe seeled before II o clorn noon ir edition and 7:M P. Sunday editions. W nt ads received after tioun will be under t& neaoin. "Te Lata to Claaslfy." CASH RATKi. , ftaron eonsecuUv time a. 1 cent ft woru an nil Insertion. ... ,, Two or mora consecutive time 1H cents word. On Um. I cent lort CHARdE RATE. ,. Sever, consecutive times, 8 cents a una a"i Inaetion. rutrv time. 10 canU ft Una Tor ooneecu Mrh InaertliSl. Owe time. 13 cent a Una. Count Hi Trg words to ft in Mlmlmum rharge, 80 cent An advertisement Inserted " Tb, until discontinued mut ba stoppea ' written order, made Alt clalme for error muat be within fifteen dava ftr tha last "r Uon of too advertisement !m mr plae your want d Tn Ma br telephone. TELETHONS TTLER W08. MARRIARR lirE!M' Th following marriage licenses have been Issued: Nam and Residence. T: David R. Woodward, Omaha nara I. Ihmoker 6rn.hah...::::.bV;-- .Ml. ion n. nu- rwer in v Anderson. Omaha over 15 Albert M. Sleek, Council jmuiib Bertha A. Kchulg. Omaha ... Harry D. Byrklt. Pee Moines Umi Foter Des Moines David o! Whltla. Battl. Creek Neb. Eva Oartner. Battle Creak, Neb Ia. I-aatar Pranstbler, Omaha Beaale M. Welna, Omaha ..27 ..y ..83 ..XI ..2 ..a Today. Movie Programs LANTERN silo a for moviaa. Bend four oopr to ua. Wa can reproduo photos or will prepeT your oopy. Wa will color a directed. Ba Photo Dept. 101 Baft Bid. Dawmntai EMPKESa 15th and Douglas. "HIGH CLAS3 VAUDEVILLE. Hlth Class Vaudeville. Tha Lftracv of Folly. 3-reel Kalem. Dreamy Imd See Oiarlay Chaplin, Ka. Heart-Sellg Newa No. 67. Mra. Randolph's New Secretary. Bio. PRINCESS.' IS 17-19 DOUOLA8. Tha Rattle of Ambroae and Walrua. A aperlal I-reel Keystone comedy. The Fatal Hour, Thrllllnit 2-r drama. Karewell to Thee, heart Intereet drama. North. ORAND. . 16TII AND BINNRY. The Knights of the Trail. 1-reel drama, featuring William 8. Hart. The Tavern Keepera' Son. And ft Clood comedy. ' LOTHROP, 24TII AND LOTHROP. "C. O. V.," ft -reel Vltagraph comedy. nd one other good reel also l'mho News, showing great naval battle In the Dardanelles oath. APOLLO. J824 LEAVENWORTH, Hearat-Bellg News llctorlal No. 3. A Man Afraid. Kaaanay. Tsle of the Hcoffcr Who Felt Hard. Kss, Wnt MONROE, 2ZSS FARNAM. Francis X Bushman and Beverly Bayne, In The Accounting, i reels. Isstk fttae. I4TH AND N. BESSES. The Olrl of the Oypsy Camp. Edison. Oertle'a Stratsgem. Vltagraph. ORPUEUM. liTU AND N. Diamond from the Sky, No. IK. The Little Lumber Jack. 1-reel drama. Father's Love, comedy. MOVIES A FEATURES TODAY LOTHROP. S4TK AND LOTHROP. "C. O. D" ft 4-reel Vltagraph comedy, and one other good reel also. Paths News, showing grest naval battle In the Dardanelles. MONROE. 2556 FARNAM. Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne In The Accounting, t reel a ORPHEUM, 24TU AND N. Diamond from the Sky, No. IS. ANJIOCH CEMENTS Office on 17th St Double Windows ONLY VACANT ROOM AVAILABLE ON THE STREET. ' Private Offlc W.lilo; Room 110 84. rt. 118.(0 The Bee Building Offlc Room 103. WILLI 8 C. CROSBY, undertaker aad em balnier, new location, 8U-&1S N. 24th 8t The moat up-to-date, modern undsrtak log parlors In the city. Tel. Web. 47. Iaveatlgata) Y.ii.CA. out g park, aumnaar. BUSINESS COLLEGE BTUDENTS 8AVE MONEY ON COURSES. For aale, with good reasons for selling. variety of courses In a reliable Busi ness School, on of th leading business colleges rt Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away below regular price. If you are considering taking a couree investigate this at once, since Fall term begin soon. Call Office. Omaha Be. ATTRACTIONS WANTED at North Platte. Neb., for our county fair, August 81. September 1 and I, two Utile outdoor tent shows, some thing clean and comical, singing, dancing and black face work, etc Teruis on pr cntaae basts or concession right If per f erred Immediate respona desired. Wire or address i. E. Sebastian. North Platte, Neb. AUTOMOBILES Wkansnt yoa are considering soiling or buiiia a Used car and vou full vaiue for your money or you want people woo mjw wiiuiig 10 pay lor wnat iney are getting you will have no regret If vou buy or advertla through the used car rfiumn ot 1 Da tie, pnuoo Tyler w. TIKE EXPENeU CUT 1 N TWO. We take two old tires and return one gooa ou. Plica, 83.78 and up. NEB. DOUHLE-TKEA1) TIRE CO., t! Famam St. Tel. Douglas 153. FONTr-NELLE ALTO CO.. 318 ft. llh St Expert repairing: bsrgatna in Used cara. guaranteed as rspreaeuted FOK ALE My used Oidsiooblis touring r, tu good condition, fun. Car caft be su at jrarnaut bL AtTOMOIlll.KM Induatrlal Unrnne Co., 2lth A Hxrney 8ta ti) RKWAHO for any magneto wa ran't r-i ulr. CoIIk ft HaydnrfiT. -MO N. 18. o U K piiy i nch for iivd cara. The Auto ( l"rtns: Mqiiko. Karniim Pt. P. Xin NEB HA HK A Hulrhhen e Station, ItU Famam HI. I'hone luui Jl 721 BCRIVE8S CIIAXCE.H If your bustaeAs Chance will stand rUld InveaUgation and is lust what It la advertlntd, or If you era looking to start In buiiiKss U?r ourWf you will be per fectly SBtl-fl.d If you use tli ilualnees Chance column of The Hee. When buy Ing or Belling a buslnenn I'none Tyler 1"0. CONFI'XTli iNEHY store, Hamilton. rood lotallon. 1 door from movlnn pi- ture show. 1A wanted with capital, with or without service, biinlnesa paylnK more than lit per rent ter month on Inveat ninnt. Aildresa Y Hee NBW modern hotel, equlpred with llsht. bath and heat, on Lincoln Hlnliwuy, or rent. AddreKa 1. C. Meyer. 1'siton, Neh. FOR 8ALh Lumber yard doins; bis; "buM neea; money maker for someone means buslneea. Write A IAV2. care Hoe o IIRSTAT RANT for aale cheap If takmi Irnmed lately: railroad terminal. Bo ire Maniey, la. , W A NTK1 To ruy an Interest in country 1 bank, carrying position of cashier; am expe Neb. experienced. Address Box 125, Orlesna, PIONH, show cards. Clerk Bon. D. 117s. UWNKHS-Unt vour pro(rty with w. W. Wllllama, TOO Nevlile Bill. D. 107. 10 HKI.L or buy a bi'slness, call on Busch Borghoff. Frenser Hlk. T. t. W. Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Re Comfortable Yourself and Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent e Office Koom 10. TO OF.T In or out of bualneaa call on OANOSTAP 422 Be Bldg. lou. S477. HEAL estate Business plaa suppllea or bsndled: all stales. F. v. Knl-t Omaha. ttKK Omaha Theater Supply Co. galna In established shows. O. for bar- THKATICKR-Huy, leaae or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Thestsr Kxch. Co.. 14oS Farnam. P. Ir7. laveatmrnts. mmmm ryf Our Nebraska far I LA gage are not aff fl European wars or ' Amounts 1400 to I 9 collect all Inten rm mcrt ffected by r panics. taO.OOO. We rest ftnd principal fre of charge: W fears In tha Nebraska farm loan field without a loss la our record. KLOKH INVESTMENT COMPANY. Ml Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.. Oaaaha.- EDUCATIONAL The VAN ZANDT SCHOOL 8TKNOORA PH T BOOKK EEP1NO. lay Hchoot for Young Women. Kvenlng Bohool for Vourus Men and Women. Saturday marnlruj olass In typewriting1, lone C. Duffy, Owner and Manager. SM flo. Dtth St Omaha. Boyles College Day School. Night School, complete business eourse, complete shorthand or ftenotype course, complete telegraphy course, civil service brsnches and Eng lish. Studenta admlttgl at any tliua, Write, phone or call for 1911 catalogue. DOYLK.H COLLEGE. H. B. BoYLErt, President Tel. D lfrV Loyles Bldg.. Omaha. Nab. FOK sale, the following scholarships In a first clasi Omaha Business Collage: One unlimited combination business and shorthand courae. line unlimited aienographlo course. One three months' pualnosa or steno graphic courae. win oe aoia at a aisonunt at tne olfloe Of Tho Omaha Be. pon BALB FOR SALS Here Is a claaulflcatloft that Is of the utmost Inportauce to every reader, ae this column offers some excep tional opportunities every day and ft small want ad will sell your article at lis run vaiue. i noae lyier Aatoaaubtlee, DETROIT electrlo, tCOO. Tel. Harney 7B. METZ roadster, W14 model, newly painted wnq overnauieq. jivi. walnut 10U4. Faraltare, llunseftold Uooda. bite. T)R 8ALE-jeurnlture and fixtures In a 40-room hotel. Aninm trntA c,riiun.ii.i business, aouthern South Dakota. Address v r.s, nee. HP'SlIvS bought and Id. J. O. Heed. D Clla. BAROXtNK IN ri'llVITITUIP tun ne n I , K t r.. IN. :TM. W Kit. I SOT. Itaraaa sail iaia FRESH COW. Phone Pouth ! Grocers, Attention! OUR large stork of delivery wagons 8t'Jt!baker's. and our own make), of fered at low prices to make room for our new Automobile trucks and Ford truck bodies. ,'OHNSoM-DANFORTIf COMPANY. lt?l-."l-JU N. ICth St.. near Clark St. TEAMING sears, one oi carload. All aisea. two to six-ton rspai-ltles. We tell the Studebaker, th Bain, th Peter B nut ti. r. I't kui and unci kens. Must sll 100 this month. Big reduction In price. JOHNSON-DA N FORTH - 4JOM PAN Y. Pellr. Kaaa sad lavsllra, BTItHKIITVU.! n,elrl,-. in.ku the V.-Ut and chaaoest r.,r nt,ultr They are 17x23 Inches, stroimor and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. .8o a hundred at The Ue office. MXD grain, lot Iba 8lTs6TVBgner. gOl NTll i vs. ltee TYPEWRITERS. 1 and up. M Be Bldg. TYPEV Hi I Klo sold, ruieo leuaireJ. Central Typewriter Exe. IMS Farnam. M larcllsataaa. CO OA Ooldea Wel Whl iDiJ.Zu Quarts botlla.1 In i,i. Ca.-kley Br. WhUkey, 4 full bond, pre- Bros.. Omaha. CARPENTER toola. shovels, picks, Jack screw a 10-penny match veudlng ma chines. Ulc each; good burse. IA; harness, 1 10; exprvee wagou, 365; kitchen ulansils, one electric placo, 1 sideboard. 1 bail tree, 1 iroa bed. J. C. ISH. 1023 S. th St Haruey 3J. SECOND-HAND Burrough adJing ma chine. Excellent condition. Muat sell quick. Addresa J 7'., Bee. ELECTRIC MOTORS l-H. P., 220 volts, 3 phase, new ..... (T III. P.. J--0 volts. I uhsse, new 4 Iii. p., um volts, 3 pie. nw li. P.. Ut Volts. 8 phase, new DYNAMOS. I-BT. W, 1W volts. D. C. uew.... ..3T1 .. It t-E. W.. U voiis. D. C mw (Sa-K. W., U0-i volts, near 1 It. P., gasoline nglii I H. P. gaauiiu eugiu. throttling gov ernor Lti BKON ELECTRICAL WUHK8, 3.8 it. l-'tli St STANDAKD concrete mixers fur sale or men with closing ability caii qualify. reut. Sunderland Machinery 4k Supply American Coupon Association. Advertla Co. I ing Bldg., Chicago. o rm hai.y: M lecellnneowa, FOJt 8A l,K -New and second-hand ramm Slid pocket LlllUrd tables Slid howlin. Slles and acceaorea; bar fixtures of n' sin-Is: eauv paymenla The Hn.niwl. Hal ke-C.,i under Co. K- H 10th ft. I''Olt HALK CHKAP nilslnefd I'ollege Coiirne. Full and con jMe rchnlarhlp In one of the lest Omala buslnena arhools. (food reason for sellins; eif"Ctly relia ble; worth full price, but will be old very reis.mbly. If Inlereated Inventlirate t once, because fall term beams soon. . There are n variety of course for sale Coal Direct lo You. Tlie Vory Lowest Prices, (let a Trial Car. I. M. COX. North Platte, Neb. HEW WAXTKO rEMALK Clerical aad OtMce. KMJlI )M(slTIjN8 IAWI-XT KKIS. HlenoKrapher, lawyer a office Mft 1 DlotOhona ODOlator I'm, Oi stenographer, Co(leitlon Ajfency k..iO Htenographer, Heal Kwtate M.W btenoKraiher, Automobile Concern . . $ni.u V.'; ev.uw HEFEHENCE AHS'N. 1.I1H S) Woodmen of World. Bookkeeper, unlet be good Hlltott-Flsher opr Hteno., rapid Kteno., bright, raold 4 Im lt Ii.i.IO) o 00 I 60. (C) i AA irf. I Hk'.iju W lOSTLHN REF.''iVNU A8.SvN.''lNj.. 7'.3 omaha National Bank Hldg. , vti mo. Hollcltor and demonstrator, ex p. iiooaaeerier, neat, penman , , . , - , - - . . i and wrY.a 'Toii.h Vh" oTrrr,'.. 1 phV.ei T! ! ,?!. T!6 ' Itogera Bnf. C., 640 Paxton Blk. 8TK.NO A BKPR 175 BTKNOOKAPHKK " 8TKNO. lEOAL EXPERIENCE... HThNOO. A BKPR.. KTl'DKST $!5 WATTS REF. CO., s:A-40-42 Brandels The, CAHIUEH i nnd board THE I'ANO A O K NTY-4W) HKT. BLIM1 factory a fradsa WANTEl Olrl to work In tailor shop: no experience necessary. Apply 21H Lake rt. OIKL to learn halrdreaslng. tppenhelm. Hoaaekerpera aad liuinratlcs, THE foervanc Olrl Problem Solved. The Lee will run a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad FKiiH until you get the desired reeulla. This applies to residents of Omaha, bo u til Omaha and Council Blurts. Bung ad 10 Ti.e Bee ofilce or telephone Tyier l(w0. WANTED A competent cook; city ref erences required. Tel. liar. 1519. WANTK1 A girl fur general houso- rork Ited H.142. HAA i blv-A girl for general house work; no washing. "Ho H. 87th ft. WANT El i Competent girl for g narui housework, small family, good wages. 1L 4e4.'; 1.1 JO B. MthStJ WANIKD A ulrl for general house work. Apply at once, amall family. go xl wages. iOH 8. 36th St. A OIRL for general housework. 713 N. Mh. Red 4757r WANTlJi A girl for general house work; family of two; German girl preferred. Harney 673k. WANTED Young girl to assist with housework. Phone Douglas 3231. J week. ! W A NTED A eevond Call Walnut &. glrl-t a COMPETENT girl tor general housework no launury wora; goou wagea. a.u; ii-i- WANTED Competent girl for general housework; 3 In family; references re qulred. Phone Harney 30H9. WANTED White girl to assist with housework: no cooking or washing. Tel. Web. 6303. WANTED A competent gtit for general housework; good home to right party. Harney 2104. WANTEI Ulrl for general housework; no washing: references required. 118 8. 37th. Tel. Harney lilM. PEKMANHNT nlaee as housekeeper by lauy wun email cnnii; country or aiuau i lun II uviivu, .it, inn 111 viivn v' high wages. Mra Al. Spencr, care Uen eral Delivery, Omaha. WANTED Ulrl for general housework, easy place. Harney 6K!4. COMPETENT girl for general house work. 3 In family. 113 N. 3Sth Ave. liar. 241.12. WANTED A good, reliable girl for gen eral housework. Call after e o clock. Phone Walnut W.3. WANTED A young girl for light house work; no cooking. 1704 Lake. Phone Vficb. 3381. WANTED Ulrl for general housework. 4WS Davenport. WANTKD-Colla or hlghftchool girl to assist with housework for room and boards Call Walnut Mi. WANTklD A girl for general housework. Apply S1W Chicago St., rphonelL217. WANTED Olrl for general housework; 8 In family. Walnut UM. SI Isrr I laaeaa YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Youug Women a Christian ssaocint.on tulldlng st St. Mary's Ave. and L'th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding I lacea or otherwise aaslsted. Look for our travelers' g"da at l amn station LADIEH, make shields at home: flO for 100; work sent prepaid; no canvassing; send stamp. Ivannoe Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo.s MIIll.E-AUEI lady housekeeper; ref erences required. Address 8 W7, Bee. HELP WANTED MA LB Clerical aad Olfloe. Salesman, groceiy arcclalty....8fc0 to gino stenographer, private seo'y ..4 Office Clerk. It It exiieiionc ...1) Expert Penman, good future d6 BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N., 1319-30 Woodmen of th Wort! Salesman, exp., rvady to wear... .8100 . 76 . W . K.1 wteno., prefer K. rv. exp., Strno., bkpr , cxp'd hustler Saaeaman, gen. mdse. exp.. I Steno., rapid, beginner lftlce clerk, live, North Omaha 40 WESTERN KEF. & BOND ASS' N. INC. 752 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 8A1.MMAN, A-l proposition. STENOGRAPHER .....375 bTENCHIRAPHEK tu AVE NEED IDQER CLERKS WATTS REr. CO.. 838-40-42 Brand. Ttiea. Vlxp. Offlc Mgr., Inv 1(36 nux h:ip. ffn Mgr.. Inv i js mo. Exp. Salt aman. groo. spec., Inv. l!io mo. Kip. tVaiiler, country bank, Inrv., l mo. Fxi. bkkpr., country bank. Inv SO mo. La l. Hteno., goxxi future $8 wk. Rowera Ref. Co., 640 Paxton Blk. SALESMAN tiiUci'EKlt-SI ....7771771) STENti., (PRIVATE SEOY) 80 STEN'tl , R. R 1 70 THE CANO Afir.MT-. BEE BIJeL HIOH-OIUUK commercial poaiilona. WEST RF.FFRENCK K BOND ASSN. TSt Omsha Vst Hsr.k Bldg. Young man, aludy lawi Downtown even ing aesHons, Us dept. UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA. Nominal tuition. See A. C Thomiin, 4at tlinaha National Bank. Aajvata. ftaleeaseei mm Sellelivre. COAL agents wanted In every town: get ft trial car. I. M. Cox. No. Platte. Neb. A-l SAlIlCSMEN to work evenlnga, T to t P. in. Woik will net good men from Kto (10 per evening. Saleamen with rge acguajutance among movie picture theater men li referred, but good aalee- IIKI.P WANTKI) MAI.K Aaenta, Ktlnmrs aad Solleltora, Wanted A Salesman Who Is well acquainted In Omaha and who la allllna to cet out nd hustle from :.10 a. m. to b p. m. every day In the week. Applicant muKt have sool former it-o ord and muet be a bueuiera producer. Will iruarantee a weekly salary to the rlsht kind of a worker. For personal Interview, arrange by let ter, giving short account of your psst ex perlence and connections. Also give tele phone number. Do not .lend loiters of reference. Addreas f, HIH. LIVF. agents wanted everywhere: riosU tlveiv lust est soiling men a spe laity on tie market tortnv Write Immml ie tel v tnr territory and projoslton I he Allen Co.. tlrand lsla Itox 61. o 1 8ALF.HMAN nA.i iY- --11 - hlgh-rlnsa premium advertising nrnnnsi-, iitnni 11 fr 11m 11 tsr rri 1 tlon to the merchanta of Nebraska. Col- orado and Kansas. The Acme Silver Co.,! Cleveland, O. TllK flret payment carrlea Insuiance to i i ,utd. o or write Mutual" Benefit Health & "Accl- der-t Association. City National Bank Bldir., Omaha. Neb. Faelorf e Md l.aoea. WANTE1 Men to learn the barber trade. We have originated a plan to (each It quickly and thoroughly. Wages paid w Write f while learning. Toola included. r Illustrated cataloaoa. M( )!.': It HAKMKR COLLKUK. 110 8. 14th Ht IF Vol I are a meat cutter of clean habits, not over 40 years old and ca- Pn,,lo of running a market leave your in".me I'ssket stores office, Bit Bran ,oeis 1 neater mug. WANTED An experienced auto repair man. must be able to do welding and i-.i ,. . . . . . , , inum wurn. none nm iirai-ciaes worsnian or food hahita need apply. Mortensen A """"bard. Winner, fl. iS. lrug store snapa, Joha. Knelst. Bee Bldg. LEARN BARBER TRADE Wages paid. Tools given. Porltlnng guaranteed Call or write for Information. Trl-City College. 1124 Pouglaa. Omaha. Positions Now Open. Free Catalogue, AMERICAN AUTO f"OtX.EOB. Xta Farnam St., Omaha, Neh. WE need men: had to turn down two oba per woek lately. Oet In. Learn by our method. Oet one of thee loba Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mobile school. 2406 Leavenworth St. M laoellN neons WANTRD Four good haying hand"; must know the business. Call on F. C. Pllss, EM Exchange Bldg.. Pouth Omaha. WANTHH Experienced young man In PhotograplUc finishing road work; ex penses and salary paid; answer quick. Address B 9M. Bee. MEN wai.led' government jobs; IPO per month, Omaha examinations Sept IS. Pample questions free. Prr.nklln Insti tute Dopt 221 F. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Names of men, 18 or over, wishing Ciivernment jobs. 6B month. No pull necessary. Addreaa Y 601. Bee. WANTED Man and wife to work on cattle ranch and farm. Thos. Sheffrey. Oxford. Neb. HELP WANTED WALK AKD FEMALE. WANTED Bathroom attendant, young, clean and efficient, good masseur, tler- man preferred. Send application Imnie- Ulately, with references and pnoto and state salary expected with board and room. No. 3, Hillside Sanitarium, Sioux City, la. SITUATIONS WANTED I HAVE come to Omaha because I be lieve in Its possibilities iprobablllttee. Young unmarried man, good education; competent bookkeeper, correapondent and general office man. Three years' experi ence Willi successful life insurance com pany: also Chicago mall order house ex perience. Clean record. A- references. Willing to accept minor position with re sponsible progressive firm In Omaha or Immediate vicinity. Small salary until I I ucmonslrate that I can "deliver th .. ,.,. Address. M 9S5, Be. VulMl woman with high school educa tion desires position doing office work. Address A hn Bee. BTHADY Job desired by young colored man as Janitor, porter or anything. Phone Harney 20i). Frank Thomas. WANTED Position driving a taxi, can give good city references. Phone Har ney tiSSi or D. 17 YOUNU colored girl wants place to work' snd where sho la able to attend school. Webster 2244. YOUNO man (Danel, wishes a steady io sitlon as Janitor; have worked aa Janitor In hospitals before. Sober and honest. Call Harney 374. MIDDLM aged man desires place. Can furnish best of references. Address F 9so, Bee PRACTICAL nurse would like a posi tion. Address F. 179. Bee. YOUNG man 25 years old wants place; steady work around house; ran drive any make of car. Experienced.' Call Webster 6778; call H. Richie. 2MS Ohio St. WANTBDChambermald work. Web.476. LOST 1ND FOUND Loot or Found ad in Omaha's Lost and Found medium means the Immediate re turn of that article If advertised in The Bee, the Lost and Found paper LOST about seven miles west of Lincoln Highway, 1 black mare about i.'"J lbs., 1 bay horse about l.loO lbs., will give liberal reward to finder. Notify Urlflln'a Livery Stable, 21st and Cuming. OMAHA t COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the oil Ice ot the Omaha Jb Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in the atreet cara Many articiea each day are turned in and the company la anxious to restore tliem to the rightful owner. Cell Doug. 48 LOST Solid gold nugget, shaped some what Ilk hartx with diamond t-et. Call Kennedy, clerk Henihaw Hotel. Reward. LOST-Uold 8 set,; liberaFTe ward Mra. A. K. Mitchell. Web. 6i70 or Web. 8:'4. Carter Lake Club. LOST Small diamond chipped ring, wlih i Blucher setting; very small. I'll. mo i Douglaa 5S8 for reward. LOST Watch fob on Sunday between llansconi park and downtown district Phi Bet Kappa key on nbbon with "O H. Bams. 'IV engraved on back, l'honr Harney 1644. HEW AKD. PERSONAL GORDON, the Magaxloe Man. Tel. Doug. 71 X YOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women s Christina aaaoclatioai bulkliug st 17th St. and St. Mary'a Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station THE Salvation Army industrial home so licit your old clothing, furniture, mag. Fines. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglas 413a and our wagon will culL Call and Inanect O'lr new home, 11 10-1 11 J lllt Dodge St. SWAPPERS COLXTUX AUTO Hupinobll in exue.ient condition for a lot. Address 8 C. 1153. Bee. Wanted to Swap. Wny oot advertise otuetlung that you no longer have any um for and get something you really Seed? It costs you nothing to Join the bwappera' Club and ou will find it lota of fun awapping things. W rite Kuoia Hi. le B'dg , or phone Tiler AlTtMOBILE tire. new. oulck detach tire, new. ttlit' A4a' lizriBX'' toronlld ou Col. 7. This Pft.ft.) 8WAPPKK8 CfLlIN AI'TO.MttllL k. For other sutomobl'a bargains set. tlm "Automobile'' classifi lailon At"T )-- ylinder car. equipped with bus body to carry II people, for Jltnev bus; has double Ignition. Atwater-kent and I'os'h magneto svatem; "will swap for Ford or Hupp '32. Address 8. C. 1313, care Bee. AT 'TO M'PPLTEB Two good ?.xt tubes. one Wix4'4 tube; Kellogg pump, Claxon hc-rn and other accessories to trsde for what have you? Address H. C. 1ST3. Ree. AI'TO wanted. I have 40 acres clear, worth l.; will make good trade for H-pass. car. Call i:M Orai e Ht. Web. m BAHKIH'HNKR ood basehurner to sp. Address S. C. 1T,4. Bee. BCS1NKSS CHANf'K H - Recen 1 1 v pat" ented article for the printer, with all necessary dies for manufacture, paying over 1"0 mm 0 per cent profit on each article v 111 exchange all 01 printing office, cltv property or good f'irm Innd. all to be free of incumbrance. Thousniids can be sold, (lood chance for . w"n """" "'" CLOTHING, FCISN ISM I N IS :. stock clothing and furnishings, running stock. for automobile, or will divide for Address H. C. ISn, llee. Ul'SINEf;a CHANCE Have a cleaning. pressing and tailoring business, earns from lljo to $;75 a month, downtown lo cation; let me show you. What have you to offer. Addresa ii. C. 1302. Bee. EXCLUSIVE county or state selling privilege lo trade for auto; a money maker. Write me. Box 1M, Ong, Neh. FV Ft N'Tt i " RE f o r exchange-foVvictrola or (J i ai'hctiola. disc records only. Ad dress 8. C. 159. Bee. FURNITURE, ETv'. Three beautiful pieces of furniture consisting of piano player, will work on any piano; music cabinet end piano stool; also 60 rolls first clans music; will exchange for .chickens or cook stove. Addresa S. C. 153. Bee. GENTS' furnishing More in So. Omaha; good location. Will trade for real es tate to the value of fl.600. or what have you. Addresa S. C. 1.T. Bee. JO iYhI NO STON ESRubTeiT emeralds. garnets, amethysts and sapphires. Will trade for anything can use in printing line, Addreaa, S. C. 183, Bee. 2 lots; R. R. add. Council Bluffs for light cat Harrington Realty Co., Florence. MOTORCYCLE Twin cylinder. fully equipped, worth 1125, and also two wire less telephone outfits In good condition, to swap for a player piano or as first payment on ft good lot. Address S. C.',1. Bee. NURSERY STOCK First class nursery stock close to Omaha. Will trade stock for painting work, a sound well broke work horse, used auto or fence posts. What have you? Add ress S. C. 1.118. PIANO Have new standard piano. Will exchange for something useful. Ad dress 8. C. 158. Bee. PIANO: Circassian Walnut. Reed and Son piano, good as new, will trade for Ford roadster or diamond. Address SC I Bee. PIANO 1 new Kmerson piano. Would consider good diamond or building lot. What have youT Address 8. C. 1374. Bee. PIANO PLAYER with 70 records, fits any make of piano. What have youT Address 8. C. 1376. Bee. FURNITURE for exchange for the best class of work In painting and paper hanging. Address S. C. 158. Bee. SHOWCASE I havean Sfoot refriger ator showcase; been In use about 1 year: Is In good condition: will swap for 2dnand Ford. Address S. C. 1814. Bee SURGICAL Instruments and medical books, all In first class condition: will trade for shotgun or something I can use. Address 8. C. 157. Bee. STAMPS Part of stamp collection. Will trade for anything can use. Address, S. C. 162. Bee. SMALL Ice box and gas stove; both in good condition; to trade fur 100 or 150-lb. Ice box; must bo In good condition. Ad dress 8. C. 151. Bee. TO PELL or trade your shotgun or rifle. See FRIEDMAN. 1211 Douglas. WOOD 3 enrtoada of wood; will trade for automobile. Address B. C. 1C2. Bee. WATCH Will trade my Dueber Hampton watch. 21-.1ewel McKlnley movement, 26 year case, for a postal card size camera: Premo C preferred. Address 8. C. '56. Bee. WILL SWAP slightly used sewing mach ine for a standard typewriter. Address 8. C. 101, Bee. FOR REWT Afaartaaeats aad Flats. The For Kent advertisement appearing in tho For Kent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please sad fill th needs of any one do- tiring to lent, rnone uyier luoo. iiaiiitilton Apartiuenio Fire Proof Suites of 1 to 9 Rooms, With Bnth, Furnished or Unfurnished. High Class CHfe In Connection. 24th and Farnam. I 2M 6-Room Flat T.'o bedrooms at 2513 Charles St.. new brick, o.ik finish firt floor, white ciiMnel Lathroom. with porcelain' fixtures, itood ahade, electric flxturea. newly dec orated. Kent. t-"7.60. Key at olfloe. TRAVKR BROS. Douglas 1153. 7u6 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. STANDARD FLATS A few vaci-ncles In these desirable 6 rooiu, (Irani -heated, modern apartment. Janitor s. r Icp. T. J- HOOK. 11"! N. IMh. f 18. 50-120. N. l'4th. 8 fine room PREPARE for winter. Secure fine Esta brook apartment. CHos In. O. P. Steb- bit's. 1 $12 3-ROOM brick, gas range, sink, toilet: I . ,,,P,:ll,,,lVini1 m", TJReTl'W Ww. southt of Vinton on 18th. Red 4903. . . 152-. SOUTH 2CTH. 8-R-, MOD.. 800. Oood condition, hot water heat, barn, fine lawn, big maple, dandy porch. A real snap. Woodman. R- 4'3. o MODERN Stenmheated: cloae in; low rent. O. P. Stebblna. 1610 Chicago. !cilICAOO. 2110-Modern. 7-r 840. D, 75&S. FOR RELNT. new. 3 and t-room apart- i liirnta, disappearing Deds, pneumatic Meaner, anower Dates, iirsi ciasa in every i particular. Flora Apts.. 2ul Jonea St. o For Rent EXTRA CHOICB RESIDENCE FLAT, EAST 1IAI.F OF DOUBLE- BRICK HOUSE; T ROOMS AND RECEPTION ItaLl's i RD ROOMS. OAK Wrs-)D-WORK. DECORATIONS AND FIX Tl HIS ARM CERTAINLY OF THE BEST. N1CB NEIGHBORHOOD, LAROH poRi'll, 1 BIXV'K WriST OF HIOH SCIBX)!.. S MINUTES WALK TO POSTOFFICE. SEE OWNER. 23 CAP 1TOL AVE. o BEAUTIFUL, strictly mod. apla. lith and Yates St a.; Janitor servlos; fin lawn, playgrounds, tennla courts and summer comforts. Tel. Web. 5578 or 4328. BEST T-room modern apartment In th city. Ail room a aouin ana east ex posure. Apt. No. 3, Old Hamilton Apia. I'hone Douglas 817. FOR RENT S-r. suite, Athlone. No. S VERY choice, 4 or 5-room, steam heated apartment on West Farnam Street. Ji iHN W. BOBBINS. Iwi FAKNAM ST. ArVehis Afl .' 1 and 4-rtin sot H m;4 e I Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service tha will pleafe the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. riFF.n ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 20ri Brandeis Thea. f Title Ouarantet IVcI I tnodern we. a. a i-.u ... . tee and Abstract abstract office. 3u5 8. 17th St. I'hone P. 6H7. ADVEHTISI.MJ NOVELTIES. F. Phafer A Co.., Farnam. D. 7474. M AMAli.VH t-l.MslllNU. Ffl.MS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 418 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. AllOl.NTA.V T9. E. A. DWORAK A I COUNTS A UDITFD- Books opened nd c osed. Cost Hysteni installed I.ot me call on vou to explain tne advantages " 'T,Y eudlt service r.-stem. Address 4.S3 4.17 Ramye Bldg Phone. Doug. 7408. A Ki ll 11 El l S. Everett 8. Dodds jl2 Pax ton Blk. D. ml. ARTIFKI4L, LTMBSu A?Zn 'h?AmXrnc Trusses; Co'? so" is, h ,f;'ttW(" Artificial Limb Al luHSKl s, T' Dlltln"n, 511 Paxion Blk. D. lH AltiilOKHRJ. Dowd Auction Co.. 1115-18 W.O.W. R. 32SS. AUTO lSt KAM E. AIOJlnlr-K niuTUAL INSURANCE CO., Douglas 2f.l. AUTO HAU1ATOH MEPAIHS. Omaha Radiator Rep em.. g02fi Far, n JflOi. , BAKERIES. H. REBPER, 1508 N. 18th. Web. 8?3T. BEDDING. 0MACT,urlIL'CO 1W Cuming. anrt..2467' Renovates reathe"s teatner mattresses and down overs. BRASS AND 1HOM KOLNDRIaJiT" fjixn-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Bts. CAHPEaiTKas AlU CONTRACTORS.' 6TE VEN SON, 823 8. 2M. Doug!.. 562a Lessard A Bon, 1908 Cap. Ave. T. 16.U CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL AUJU'SVTS Dr. J. C. Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. i 84Gt Dr. C. K. Brlgga, 2323 Harney. Red mi'. CHIHOPOU18T. Carrie J. Burford K20 Pax. Blk. Refl 487. DANClftU ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 1571 Summer rates now at Mackle's; private lessons dally. 1818 Harney. Doug. 8444 DRESbM Aavl-VU. Terry Dressmak'g college. 20th eV Farnam MIS8 STURDY, 2416 ,CAS3. Douglas 7870 DRESSMAKI.NO COLLEGE. Kelster's Dressmaking Col.. 1828 City N a. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATU Dry CIng. Co.. 120 v. iith. TJ. 6072. DETECTIVES. JAMBS ALLAN, 312 Neville Block. Evi denoe secured In all cases. Tyler UStii DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes. 724 City Nat. Bank, Taft Dental Rooms. 1H7 Douglas. D. 3188. DRUGS. DRTTGS at cut prices: frelftht paid pn 310 orders; catalogues free. Bhertnan & Mc Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 1 N. 15th. Terms. ELECTRIC JstUioa. Utiil-AlHlMi, CAH1LL F.l.ECTRjC CO.. Bee Bldg D 3g ELKC'l UOL SIS. . ..- 1., rn'Ree Bldg. Red 305J. iTi.ia aiii - v. nsiACkiS AM) ilNWOBlv nftriTP''',!!yi "M Hnm"ton' Wa1, af7L FLORISTS. florists. 1804 Farnam St. D. 8000. BATH'S, HENDERSON. 18U Douglas- D iaA UMember Florist TelegraP" Del. Ass n. HESS SWOBODA. 1416 Farntm St. iw llurnev. Doll?. 1001. A. DOWAiinu TkTintiR PLATING uOLU A ICE. Lakeside Ice Co FOR ICE.... 'HONr: WEBSTER 681J. Genera I uriice. loi-n ..-.'tiii.'. MEACK. c. w. BRrrTjoi,??; ' " -aft, ftv"lJ 1 i..M. LIVB STOCK tUBJll"""" MARTIN BROSTcsJ -TiSilTalrix WIBISIO. DURK1N TcurgX "MOVIlsU 3ICCU- MACRi- Motion Ins. jtOTORCYCXES, ,B, FT-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. HBgrin. in used machine. Victor Roos. n?h. MotoreVcle Man." 2708 Leavenworth. ML SIC, ART, LAIatiUAiili. LANGUAGE taught by telephone and iuaa. Free trial lesson. Web. 64. n.stme piano playing positively taught L ulaJiiTa-0 Cumfng St. Walnut 33;. NOTIONS NOTION S. new, cigar, candy. 1333 Park OCIL1STS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can Pre MoCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. PATENTS. D. O. BftrnelL Paxton Blk. Tel. Red Till. i H A Pturaes S8 Brsndls Thester Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PiikSIWIANS- JOBFPHTNB ARM9TRONO. 813 Bee Bldg f AINT1NU AND fAPERlNQ. HUGH M MANU8. 41T N. 40th. II. S'lS J. N. Robb & Son. 1718 N t St Web 1X50 rLATlNti. rn. ' Acme Plating- '-U 9 t'th St. PLC ME ILEANEU. Dyed, mad over. D. Elsele. U3t city Nat PRINTING. WATERS-B ARNHART Ptg. Co., OUftlltJI printing. Tel. Doug. 21W. 624 S. 13th 6t CENTRA :NTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUO. 37 )UGLAS Printing Co Tel. Pouglaa 4. HIBBAUE COMPANIES. ' DOUG NEBRASKA RUBBAOE CO. This Is th8 man to call if you have any ashes oi tin cans to haul. I'hone Webster 5818. . SAFE AM) TIME LOCK EXPERTS, O A T?T?C Opened, repaired, comhi wMF r-,ri chanced. F. K. DsverJ V-,A port. 1408 Dodge. I). lWlj SCALE RKPAIRINO. Om, Standard Pcale Co., B13 8. 12th. P.2SHJ SHOE REPAIR1NQ. ( FRIEDMAN BROS . shoe repair. 211 S. 14 Tlarlcy Shoe Rep'r Co.. 2CH Farn'm. "R.844I SEW1NU MACHINES. We rent- reDalr. sell needle ftn parts for all aewing machines. I If 'k H I .'Ni " NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 1 13th and Harney. Dougla lOfiij STEEL CEILINGS. .1 CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 8. 19 STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DEPKP, safes, scales, showrasea, shelv-l Ing, etc. Wft buy, sell. Omana Flxtorg aftd Supply Co.. 414-i8-18 P. 12th. Doug. 2711 TOWEL SUPPLIES. , OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 fl. 11th. P. B2j TAILORS. CHAS. C. IJtNDERYOL. 108 N. 16th SM TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FREDINO A STEIN LE, 1808 Farnam 8' TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 3 mo. for til Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1906 Fanaajn BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, 318 8. Utaj et. ah manes tor saia or rent. RENT a "Remington," not Just a writer. Low renC Cal1 Douglas WATCH SPECIALISTS. 1 Christiansen, 2d fl. Paxton Pk . 18 yr. expj WEDD1NU STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Pg. CoJ Wir.'US AND 1.IHCORS. ALEX JETES, 201-8 8. 18th St. WlncsJ liquors, cigars. Plate dinners 11 to 3, 10o HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUBTOil 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. ' ' r-z ., aj MEDIC A Ij -I RUPTURE. 1 Rupture treated successfully by all safe.1 scientific methods. The majority ari cured without a surgical operation. Wj have treated many hundreds of menTl women and children. The cost is deter-! mined after examination, and time re-' quired to cur two or three weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank H. Wray, Suite 80. Bee Bid.. Omaha, I Neh, RHEUMATISM treated successfully, r- suits gunranted. Dr. Bowser. 314 Be Bldg PILES, FISTUI.A CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, flatula andl citner rectal diseases without surgical! operation. Cure guaranteed and no I money paid until cured. Writ for book I on rectal diseases with testim.-ilal. DR. E. K. TAKKY, 340 Be Bldg. FOR REN1 , , Board ana Ilonmi, Furnished Koom that offer vry mod em convenience and comfort In pnvat families or boarding houses of th high est claas will best be found in the Fur nished Booing column of Th Bo. Phon st lUlV. Desirable tcum and board. 618 6. lth St Fariiistird Rooms. If you do not eee anything' that suit you In the way of Furnished Rooms you can call at Room 104, Bee Bldg., and ask for the Flee Furnished Koom bureau and we will gladly refer you to ft high class rooming or boarding house in any part of the city FOR RENT Choice room In Hamilton. apartmenta. furnished or unfurnished!, can be rented for two montha or longer 1fde;s(red: I'honeWalnut 12K7. ! W E L LJ N G TON 1 NnT Far nani at lsth, 100 i rms., 31; 60 rms.. 81.50 4k up; weekly St monthly rates; cool, quiet, homelike. o NOTH the location: 2iot Harney; rooms well furnished and well cared for; price reasonable. "The Collins." Housekeeping; Rooms. TPrtt- col- close In. Ii2 8. 26. D. 3138. NICBLY furnished room for ladles or' gents, walking distance. 213 8. 26th St SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT OUEBTS. HOTEL SAN FORD, lth & Farnam. HOTEL HAKLEY. 20th St Farnam7 Booms, siiiKle or en suite, furn. or tinfurn. Moilern. 32.50 up. 622 N. 28th St. D. 7471. THE Chatham Hotel. 110 8. 13thi D. 6011 For gentlemen: rates, permanent guesta.. TWO nicely furnished basement rovms, ! 3.100 per week. 213 8. 25th St. DAVENPORT. 2"18 TWO OR THREE! ' NICELY FURN. HKPO. ROOMS. NICE, large housekeeping rooms, close-1 In. 1824 Dodge St. ilostri aad Cottage, ' Norlk. POUR-ROOM hous with 4 lots, 432 Camden Ave. I-ROOM modern house, except heat. 314. iH Grace, Water frec Six-room and hall, north aide, on block car, 3-5. OKEEFB REAL ESTATE CO. Douglas 8711 l-'lfc Omaha Nat'l. Soath. T-ROOM HOUSE, 325. 'Ota PACIFIC ST. All modern and near car. Furnish this place and rent two sleeping rooms and you will have male your rent. ARMSTKOJU--WrALSH COMPANY Tyler l3fi. State Bank Bid. Kij in -koom house, upstairs and downstairs, -as. all modern and barn 12? s. l?th st 8-KOOM. modern house. 2407 Jonea, 312 is) per month J I. Kemp. Douglas 987. I4 So. 27th. -r., mod. St. Louie flat l tilO S-fc 27th. -r., mod. St. Ioula llat. 8J7 50 2317 lewey Ave., 6-r.. mod. flat.... 1 C. o ('ARIJ)KRil ' 31? Brandela Theater Bldg. NEW, MODERN BUNUALOW rooms, oak finish. 2 bed rooms it T 15.17 S 2'.th M. CONTINUED ON PAGE 137 COLUMN ONE