BRIEF CITY news jsAUNDERS MEN GUESTS AT DEN are Boot Print t Now rteeeon rress. Ileotrto Tans, (7.8a Burgess-Oianden. . . BoweU, recent United States at fomey, located offices at 775-81 Uiandels Theater Blag., entrance 17th or lsth Fta Bntler Ja Mayor City Commissioner Butler la acting mayor this week, during th absence of Mayor Pahlman, who In having a rest at Lake Seymour. Vadarf-ies Operation o. W. AVlging ton, train Dispatcher for the I'nlon Pa cific at Grand Inland, has been brought to the Clarkson hrpuul lor an operation "Todays Oomplete Hon Program rlassl.teu section today, snd aptwaia In The Ttee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the varlotla moving picture theaters o.fer. Steals Qardea Hoss Barney McCor mlck. a transient, was sentenced to thirty days In the county Jail for the allejred theft of garden hoee from the emergency hospital. road for Auditorium F?y adoption of a resolution offered by Commissioner liutler the city council set aside a fund of a0 for Immediate expenses at the Auditorium. Charities lose Out The city council decided to discontinue the ) monthly allowance given to the Associated Char ities by the former South 0:naha city government. i Burst Bemad Over Horace 2211 Seward street, arrested Monday night. charged with carrying concealed weapons, was bound over to the district court, with bonds fixed at tenO. ror Safety rirst In Life Insurance see W. H. Indoe, general agent Slate Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Worces ter. Mass., one of the oldest, 71 years, and best companies on earth. Six Hundred Boosters From Twelve Cities in County Are Given Taate of Pep. O'BiUEN S GOOD-BYE TO KNIGHTS Pep has been Injected Into 600 Saunders county boosters from a doren towns of that county. The same, pep waa dealt out by Doe Cayenne of Ak-Sar-Ben, at Samson's big Den last night. It was Saunders county night, and Tin; nKK; om.mia, wkdntspav, auoist 25. 1015 AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Rodgers, Officer of Traffic Squad, Dies Of Stomach Attack Armour & Co. Decide to Spend a Quarter Million on New Sheep Department )FFICFS AND CAR SHOPS ALSO MUST REMOVE TABERNACLE AFTER SUNDAY CAMPAIGN An expenditure of between ETA WW and W,ih for building purposes has been announced as the financial poll.-y of Arnio-T CV. during the nent year. Gen eral Manager It. C. Howe of the Omaha plant stilted tliat bids are now open to; me orncials or the company tor the construction of a new sheep department, office bul'dlng and car shops. The Armour heads have long contem plated erecting these buildings, TYIvate announcement was made some months Traffic Officer Pert A. Rodgers. sta tioned at Fourteenth and Flarnam streets, died at t 70 o'clock yesterdsy as the re sult of a rvulden attack of Indigestion. Rodgers had been In his usual health imtll eaily In the morning, when he ws taken III. H went to the police station for medical attention, but later became worse and went to his home at 81(1:4 Cuming street. His condition soon be came serious and death followed. The dead man was appointed to the I polloe force In Beptember, 1912. He had j been on the traffic squad about two I The Omaha Fvangeltcal assorlatlen will : be required to remove the tabernacle erected for the use of Rllly ftunday within a reasonable time after the campaign here. Tear that the structure mlirht burn and create a fire hatard prompted the city council to add this requirement In Issuing the formal building permit for the tabernacle. Rent rooms Quick with a Tee Want Ad NORTH TURNS MILLIONS OVER TO NEW COLLECTOR In the transfer Juet made In the offices of the Internal revenue collertor when Mr. boomls took charge, nearly t2.on0.tO0 In money vnlue was turned over. ant several millions In bonds and properties. P-dward North has been, for some time, artlng collertor, having been without a superior In the Omaha office for a long period. Mr. Ioomla took the oath of office yesterday. G. VV. LAIER TO RETURN TO ORCHARD & W1LHELM Oeorga V. aler Is about te withdraw from the Pteatnn Later rtwnpeay. and will again take a place In the Orcttard WUhelm company, with which he waa fnrmerlv associated for thirteen years. Two and a half years ajro he sold out his stork and nrganlaM tb Reaton Iler company. He Is to become geaeral sales m.tnnger for the Orrh.ard-WB.belm company eVpteraber 1. Dm tint nnl until last a w V ,nu .1 f l well and ably did the Saunders I nits H'tri frrtrvi ths C I ra. a -v if fli I I lhai county crowd turn out for the oc caslon. Elgin boosters were to have come 100 strong In twenty automobiles, but the mud, the same old drawback that has put many a good party to flight this summer, prevented. The years. On January xl, 1M4, H. l Oorneau, the proposed expenditure was authorised. ! I' atatloned at Fourteenth and "in piitip, was senea wnn a srroae of apoplexy and died a few hours after ward at Wise Memorial ho.plul. The Intersection has been given the name "hoodoo corner" at the police sta tion. llodgers was O years old. Coupled with the enormous sums the I'nlon Ptork Yards company baa been spending In Improvements at the yards In the hog and sheep divisions, the Ar mour proposition indicates that the Omaha market Is growing fast. The new offl.-e building will be erected Just east of the Armour eottaires. rn the ' Elgin bunch, though they rose at 6 ' vacant ground west of the Ice plant and FILE CLAIMS AGAINST o'clock In the morning to make the J owed, hy the company. Space is limited, MICCnilRI PAPIPIP UFDC drive, found It Impossible to do so, WT" '""' wm .J. .1 ' r I be high structures, probably seven or " " ."w. I and onljr a baker dozen come on the eight stories. An engine room will be The claims of the Commonwealth Pteel I Northwestern railway. made of the present office site at Twen- company In the Missouri Tarlflo bank- o'Ftrlen Given Gift. J streets. . ruptey esse have been filed In the office rava O'Brien, for many years governor : nneai nnrt tirant'' Reception. , of the clerk of the federal court here, of Ak-Par-Ben, was Presented by the Tne I,,raJ tork y1"1" officials will be l The case will be conducted by Circuit working crew of the Den with a hand-I no"T" ,0 lne Kni"" Mens as-, judge Elmer W. Adams of Bt IOUls, and some and rare set of peart eUff buttons, ' "0,tln and also hog men from the In recognition of hi, ion. v.... t Sioux City and St. Joseph stock yirds I booster service In Omaha, now that ha Is next s"turrt'ur afternoon at the local es leavlng for Connecticut, where h. I. to ! change building. It Is expected that more Xoyes' Salary kalsed Dean Noyce, make his future home. Chief of Police ' ,han 12i no n,en from 'he yards superintendent of the street repah- work Dunn msde the presentation speech. J wl" ""le the trip. The Ksnsas City In the department of street cleaning and I O'Brien declared that while Tie had been' association la known ss the "("rueal and maintenance, has been granted an In-' member of Ak-Sar-Ben for i.ray.nn. i Grunt" club. years, his only wish was that he could be: Chr"e Cannon. Cmlahy buyer, who re ft member twenty-one vears longer 1 '"'"'d recently from a trip to Kansas Judge Hen Baker was chairman of the ri,y an'1 st- Joseph, said that all expeo tatlons of local men will be gratified. The crease of salary to $& a month by action of the city council. Mrs. Stone lined Mr. N. Btone. 1718 turning Eireci. cnargea witn Keeping an speaking feature of the evening. A. K. ill-governed house, was fined 25 and costs Ramsey of Kansas City, vice chairman nfK men of the th,''B representative yards In police court. John Chlausis, 603 South i of the Federal Reserve banking system, i Brp ,,,kln marked Interest In the ex Thirteenth street, was given thirty days spoko briefly, nut hsd nothing to say of' cursion and will lie on hand with a com- uiriuicu KnicniT on a simuur rnarge. i me nanklng svstem. He was busv tlllni i'"1 epecica guesis. fine ts Saspended A report pub-' how he had been smothered with cour. the rla'ma Mled were ass Inst the Missouri Pai-lflc holdings In Nebraska. ssiwiTr TO HELP OTHERS S Store Hours 8:30 A. M. to 5 P. M. Saturday till 9 P.M.-5! urgess-Nash Gompamy. Wednesday, AtiKuat lit, IV 1.1. 'EV eryb ody's STOR K " KToitK m:vs ixm wkunksday. IMIONK l. iT. llshed In The Uoe Sunday said that Shti Flnkensteln, Twenty-sixth and Blonuo streets, was flnexl fO and coBts in police court. Flnkensteln's fine, however, was suspended by Judge Foster. truok by Anto V.'lUlam Turner, HOS South Ninth street, sustained slight bruises when an automobile driven by Dr. C. 8. Stoakes of Battle Creek. Ia., struck him at Fifteenth and Douglas streets. He was attended by Dr. Charles Zlmmerer, Building- Condemned Upon ths pre sentation of photographs showing the dilapidated condition of the building at 3 North Sixteenth street, the city coun cil ordered the structure condemned and torn down. Several other buildings wore condemned. testes since he had come to Omaha. Wnhoo Man Talks. R. II. Park of Yutan and Judge Slaina of Wahoo also spoke briefly, thanking the organisation for the entertainment of the Saunders county crowd, and pledging eternal loyalty to King Ak-Sar-Ben. The organisation now has a membership of 2,5H. A total of 7.860 guests has been en tertained thus fitr this season at the Den as against 4.200 at the same time last year! A special show la to be staged at the Den next Saturday night for the Squeal and Orunt club of Kansas City. This Is an organisation of hog salesmen of Kan- uy mai is to spend the day In umana, entertained by the Union Stock yards and ths .... -m . ""'St!,.? "W-r Attorney; other hog men frem Ts iou City and I Bt ne advised thn n eotinnl th-i th ana i. joe are to De here also for the occasion. This evening the Board of Governors Is to be entertained at the big pnn fireworks ueieDrauon at the Douglas grounds near Krug park. Kine advised tho city council thai tho city cannot be held liable for the death of Otto Gllck, who was killed during an automobile accident at Forty-sixth and Cuming streets, three weeks ago. Essie Click, tho widow, filed a claim, main taining that cinders in a rut of the street rendered the thoroughfare dangerous. Sues City tn Water Damage Charles D. Alexander Med suit against the City of Florence, asking 3,()0 damages be cause water flowed on his property on locust street, during several years, flooding his cellar and devastating his garden. He says he repeatedly called the notice of city officials to the need of grading the street so as to obviate tho flowing of water upon his premises. SECTION HAND SUES ROAD FOR DAMAGES FOR INJURY . Millar d Baugh. a section hand on the Union Pacific railroad, filed suit against that corporation for $Z,OU0 for injuries received while he wss working on tho line near Hastings, January IS. He re lates that lie was ordered to accompany the foreman, Arthur Lnch, on a hand car to Hastings and while the car was moving rapidly he was ordered to move from the rear to ths front of the car. While doing ho the momentum of the vehlclo was suddenly decreased and he fell in front of It. lie says he has been confined to bed lor nineteen weeks. His shattered leg, he says, was mended by screwing an Iron Plata to the bona, but U still shorter than It waa and he Is compelled to walk with crutches. county fair Mauy Disorders Come, from the Lives Constipation, Headache, Bilious spell Indicate a sluggish Liver. The tried rem edy Is Dr. Kings New Life Pills. Only aii arugguis. Advertisement. LABBE PRAISES OMAHA FOR ITS ACCOMPLISHMENTS . .viui n. uiime, traveling passenger agent or the Illinois Central, Is In Omaha on nis vacation. For three years he has had the south for his territory, with lieadquarters ot Dallas, Tex. Prior to that and for a number of years he worked out of Omaha. It has been three years since he wns here and relative to Omaha he says: "I hardly knew the town when I ar rived. It has grown beyond all my nx poctations. It Is simply wonderful and I have no hesitancy in aaylng that right now Omaha Is the busiest and best city In the United States and I have seen most of them during the last year." Knroute bsck to Ms territory Mr. Labb will go by way of flan Francisco, where he will stay a couple of weeks. Ha left Texan before the hurricane visited Gal veston and the coast ountry. Ixcal officials will spnra no effort to make tho reception as fine as possible. Tho visitors will come in a special car. making the rounds of the three stock yards cities before starting on the trip to Omaha. Maarlo City Noaslp. The "Olrls" and party picnicked at Klk horn Sunday. George Jacohsen is reiorted as seriously ill at his home. John Dohse of Ho wells was visiting with friends here In the city yesterday. John Van We has returned from a week's visit with friends at Clarka. Neb. The West L Street Base Ball club will give a dance at Hushing hall Wednesday evening. It will bo ladies' day at the municipal swimming pool at Spring Lake park to morrow afternoon. Charlio Cannon, buyer for the Cudahy Packing company, has rotumcd from a trip to Kansas City and St. Joseph. Mrs. Jess Tromell ahd daughter, Flor ence, of Montrosn. Colo., are guests for me wee 01 air. ana jura. Martin. 8711 T street. i J. M. Tyrcll of Kimball, Neb., was rep ' resented on the local market yesterdav with a load of cattle. He also stopped over until today and visited with friends. The Ladlos' Aid so.-lety of the First Presbyterian church will meet at tli home of Mrs. C. M. Bchlndle. 92S X.irth Twenty-second street. South Side. Wednesday afternoon. K?H.rr' H": A J: """bash. 630 North Nineteenth street, left yesterday for Ura mVii """re they will visit with Mrs. Philips sister, Mrs. Henry Winters of .atii0w.n- Zhpy wl" Pcnd a month at the Winters home. , By Telling HowLydia EL Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health. Miami, Okla. "I had a female trouble and weakness that annoyed me continually. I tried doctors and all kinds of medlcino for several years but was not cured until I took Lydla E. Finkham's Vegeta ble Compound. I hope my testimonial will help other suf fering women to try your wonderful medicine." M rs. M.R. Miller, Box 234, Commerce.Okla. Another Woman who has Found Health in Lydla R. I'lnkham'a Vegetable Compound. Llndsborg, Kansas,, " Soma years ago I suffered with terrible pains in my side which I thought were inflammation, also with a bearing down pain, back ache, and I was at times awfully ner vous. I took three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and am now enjoying good health. I will be glad to recommend your medicine to any woman suffering with female trou ble and you may publish this letter." Mrs. A. L. Smith, It. No. 3, Box 60, Lindsborg, Kansas. If you have the slightest doubt no urDMsn pn,n...., ... ! that Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegeta UK. HtnMAN SUGARMAN ON hie Compound will help you,wrlto SANTA FE MEDICAL STAFF to Lydla E.PlnkhamMedlclneCo. (confidential) Lynn,inassiorad A 'Tor Sale" ad win turn second-hand furniture Into cash. I Dr. Herman 8uarman, son of Mr. and Sirs. 8. 8ugarman, formerly of Omaha and now practicing; in Los An-eles. Cal.. has Just been appointed to the Medical Staff of the Banta Fe Railroad for South ern California, according- to a letter re ceived by his brother Martin L. Sugar man of Omaha. Dr. Bugarman was born in Omaha, re ceived his medical education at Cre shton college and served as interne at St. Joseph hospital in 1P10. vice. Your letter will he opened, read and answered hy a woman, and held In strict confidence. Women's and Misses Tailored Suits for Autumn at $16.50 to $100.00 INTRODUCING ninny now distinctive style idens, many novel features unlike nnything you have imagined, yet delightfully wearable. Box coats are favored, also Russian styles, no me belted, some fitted at the waist tine and flared at the lower part, both short and long effects. Skirts are on simple tailored lines, some gored, others In modified circular effect, many have pleats. The trimming, the deep toned shades, the most favored weaves afford a wide variety of style characters that Instantly appeal to thu woman In search of Individuality. Come In and see for yourself our splendid assortment of the smartest styles typical of Tall. argeeaJTash Co Booad rieeat, August Sale of Furs at 20 to 333 Less Than September Prices Fl'Ra are the vogue everywhere you so now and we unliPHltatlngly predict & greater demand for the future. If you desire to make your selection now and benefit by the savings In our August Kur Sale, by paying 25 per cent of their value, we will store your furs until November 1. Barg-ess-lTasli Co. Second floor. DAINTY NEW NET BLOUSES Specially Priced for Wednesday at $2.95 CHARMING new models on sale Wednesday. Fretty, attractive, dainty and ap pealing. Well and carefully made and readily recognized by all who see them as blouses decidedly better than the usual blouse at this prloe. Cream and black. Bargees-Hash Co. Second floor. Stock of PORCH and SUNROOM FURNITURE at Exactly Price EVERY piece Is marked at exactly half the regular price In deter mination of a quick and derisive clearaway. The Ideal furniture for porch or sun room, and at half-price. This Idea: $ Fiber Arm llocker, $0.25. Well-built, roomy and comfortable, upholstered back and cushions of cretonne. Was $12.60, now fibre eoraar ehalr, was 10, aew fS.OO rtbre rocker, was SS.SS, mow. . . . M.Su Tlbrs obalr to matoh, was Sa.SS, S4.60 fibre seUee. was SIS. SO. mew. .. .fa.aS ribrai aettee. waa S14.SS. mow. . 87. 4S fibre aanging basket, waa 9J.S0, and so on throughout the stock. Snrgess-sTash Oo Third floor, $6.25 fibre table, waa as.BS, mow. . , . flbrtt term Btaad. waa as. mow. fibre breakfast cha'r. wae S7.80. I fibre rooker, waa S7.45, aew...i s-iore rooaer, was ma, mow. . . , mow. Women's Silk and Fiber Silk Sweaters nPHESB new silk and fiber silk sweaters are very de sirable as a light evening wrap and very stylish, too. Wide selection In two-toned effects of Copenhagen and black, green and black, gold and black, with belt across back, at Others ot blue with border of gold, old rose with border of ITJ11. yellow with border of white, Plain blue anil plain old rose, with suslios, at, tlO.Sa. arresa-sTasa Co. .-seoM fleer. BUME-MAlHI BAEMEMT STORE New Trimmed Hats, Values to $7.50, Wednesday. $2.98 PLANS FOR FORD PLANT AT BUILDERS' EXCHANGE Plans and specifications for the new Ford assembling plant at Sixteenth and .Ournlng streets have arrived In Omaha, and are on file at the Omaha Builders' eixchang. The specification! call for a five-story building, JKiHxlM feet ' In dimensions. H. . Morgan of Detroit la the man to whom communications are to be addressed. Bids are to be In by 8op . tember 1 The contracts that lie outside of the general contract are fur plumbing, eleo trie work, elevators, hot water beating plant and other detail. AN AMENDED ORDINANCE INTRODUCED ON CAR STOPS An amendd ordinance has been Intro duced to cover the stopping of street ears on either side of Intersections on unpaved streets. The street car company, howow. ha taken oognlsance of the situation be offering to consider crosswalk accommo dations In unpaved distil. t SPECIAL purchase of new Fall Trim med lints. Wide selection of ".mart trimmed hots of black velvet, trimmed In ribbons and flowers, also white satin, etc. We consider them good values at $7.60; a pe dally priced Wednesday, In the Millinery Section, In the Basement, at THIEF STEALS REVOLVER FROM GARRETT LAUNDRY 8am Ban to. 14 Capitol avenue, reports to the po'lee that Monday evening thieves sained entrance to his room and took t from his trousers. The Garrett laund -r, li&S North Sixteenth street, was alo vis ited and a revolver stolen. Trve1lm' Stan - r! nerlenee, "In the summer of 18ft I had a very se vere attack of cholera morbus. Two physicians worked ovsr ma from 4 a. m to p. m. without giving me any relief and then told me they did not expect me to live; that I had best telegraph for my family. Instead of doing so, I gave the hotel porter M cents and told him to buy me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Dlnrrnoea Remedy, and take no substitute. I took a double dose ac cording to the direr tlons and went to lep after the second dose. At f o'clock the next morning I wss called by my order and took a train for my next stop Ping point, a well man. but feeling rather shaky from the severity of the attack, " writes H. W. lielsnd. Louisville, Ky. Obtainable every where. Advertisement. Largm Package, 10c Order This When the Grocer Calls ALWAYS keep two or three packages l of Faust Spaghetti on hand it's a dish that can be served several times a week in so many different tasty ways that one will scarcely ever com plain on the grounds of sameness of diet. FAUST SPAGHETTI is ctrengthening. It is made from hard Durum wheat that is extremely rich in gluten. This is the food element that builds up muscle and tissue. Faust Spaghetti is also easy to digest. It's a cheap food, too you can well afford to serve less meat when you have Spaghetti. Write for free recipe book. MAULL BROS.. St. Louh. U. S. A. i 1 A i . . z ili t-M in, yr-ssn w i :siy;r;fcd TV $98 $5.00 to $5.50 WOOL BLANKETS at $3.98 Pair bed slie. During August Bale at 3.08 pair. a.CO Cotton Blankets, 91.00 Pair. Heavy fleeced double cotton bed blankets, gray tan and fancy plaids; f V.50 values at 91.00 pair! Crib Klatikets, lOe Each. Fairy crib blankets, white and pink and blue borders, at IOc each. :I2-Incli Drees Gingham, Oc. AtnoskenjK dress ginghams In checks, stripes and plaids, very desirable for school dresses, etc. On sale from the bolt. at. yard. Oe. 5c Mercerised Messallne, 2Ss. Black, yard-wide mercerised messallne, at Me yard, lOe Outing Flannel, 7 He. White outing flannels, soft and firmly woren for gowns, regularly 10c, at. yard. TMe. Bnrgess.jrasa Co, assise at. nr r -V as h Co. B as (meat. Burgess-Nash Co. Every body ' Store 16th and Harneys Omalia Pictures for Omaha People in the Omaha World Film Weekly