TIIK ItKK: OMAHA. lTKSIUY. AUGUST J4. HMft. KOI. RKNT llonaea anil iDiliiri. M. fc-R'OM. water electric light, in go-si condition, ti; month. 341 Cass St., tvsr. T-ROOM modern house. 34"7 Jackson St., 8:?.5fl. -Apply at Hymn liwl M laurel I no eons. BT"T a 7-ronm modern llnncnm rr hura on a rental basis. Tel. Har. 4J5. R. Kauir, electric lights, cistern, water In house $12 month. Mrs. Anderson, W Hascall St. Tel. Harney 13'3 FOR" RENT-Modern 6-rT house.11ll N 2M Bt, SOUTH OMAHA. Tel. So. 8172. U47PARK Jv. 7-r., tr,rt,v modH 1 ' l'KJ $-room house for rent, gis. wntor and bath; price. H. I'hone Webster V. FOR KKNTiTrma.. close In. TelTp. n:T. ONE 4 and n 5-room house; good con dition. Tel. Webster lo2 JUEAL KSTATK F4RM A RA8II II 1. 4 Kite FOR Iowa. TTA TOTt A FARM FOR OA LB? Writs a good description of your land and tend H to the Sioux City, ta., Journal. 'na's Mint Fowtrful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-flvs word tverr Friday eveninx, Pstiirday morning and every taturdny evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving at teen ada oa twelve different day Tor $4; or W word $4 or 7 word la. Largest circulation of an? Iowa neve paper, iuO.tX) reader dally in four great slaWS. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET t AND 7-room houses near high gchool, pert modern. 5 Tel Hmwrn 5K3-J. JUM'SKS In nl purls of tho city. F. D. Weed. 101 Famem PL o NEW t-r , mod, bungalow. jX. P. 8037. FllJULltV FR15B l"koB tojjgla S3 for complete Uet of vacant boueee aad apartments: alo tor storage, moving. 18th and Jackson ts. 12h-ACHK dairy farm near town, Jnl off Lincoln highway; good water, Frio ft4 , per acre, fun eg 1 :J acrea adm:nlnu this, la nil, with good ciilliliiiks. on easy term. li acree, near town, eet out In fruit. l"rlce l.i', on easy ternia. Pay Ileus Co.. 123 1'enrl St., council Bluffs, la. rhnilin, 180 ACRR9 well Improved, close to town and school, fine location, large grove; I 80 In cultivation. AO In pasture. balance ' alfalfa: grove, orchard; must sell. Ad areee owner. Box Ml. Bmmet, Ncb, FOR SALE Beet large body" high-grade medium-priced land In Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradley. WoJ barh. Neb. HIOHF.ST prices lor old clothing. D 4714. 6EK the Central Furnitur Store 'REaj pVNTtl, I.T9T. -R HOTJrtK, mod., except electricity; oak floors, elegant fireplace, good neighbor hood, reasonable rent to right party. 814 8. S3d. Fhnn Douglas 3"40. tl,,oni, Crelgh Bone Co. H, bug IIOUSCS , ,Yl parte of the city. GlobeVan & Storage Stores, moves, paokg ahlpa; s-taorse vaa and I men. II. JS per hr.; storage M Pr mo. fUUafactlon guar. D. 4M tt Tr. I-A Gordon Van Co. n N. Xlth Bt. Tel. I. m or Har. Moving. rum, gtoi age. MlBMreetn. tn ACRES, a mliee from MlnntMipollg. one mne irnm town; isu acres unntr eultlratlon: balance used for pasture; I can practloally all be cultivated; heavy 'soil. Oood eet buildings, consisting of -'room house, lanre barn, granary, corn cribs, windmills, etc.; the land will pro- i ftllAA at huahAla fif rn.n nv n r - tele phone in house; country thickly eettled; complete act of maohlnery; Ti head Ox n, i-tjiiBiBi ill, tit II utowi., Mtmiiw and 2-ynar-nlda; six good horses, 26 hogs, .. 1. I .. - t. 1 . f .Ul- -' n n4 t lllV.7111., wiiv-iiaii 1.1 . lll. mi m . ' 1 , wmwm everything on the farm goes at 160 an acre, half cash. Schwab Urns.. 10ai Ply mouth Hldg , Mlnneapolla. Minn. 11& ACKhifl high land, overlooking beau tiful lake) 15 acns cleared: log build ings; H-mile to school; on main road; $1.!M. Paw timber: 70 mllea to Puluth; 111 per acre; terms. Geo. Reed el. Mo Omgor, Aitkin Co.. Minn. , WBBT Farnam district, -room modern bungalow, blocks from Farnam car. l"hon H. WO. Kent, fcK) month. One Small Office For Rent Good Location Fourth Floor. Water and Klectrtc Light, Free. . $12.00 Per Month. The Bee Building ;"The building that Is always new." Office, Room 103. Wremlsg, FINTJ KXk-a-re farms. Improved, 'in the heart of Wyoming's gruln belt, tli to l pwr actv: nbundnnt crops and ideal cli mate; come and Investigate. Forter aV Moon. Chugwater, Wyo. ; MlarrlVniieuBI, I ItH-ACRF) farm, fl3 per at-re. 130 cash and 120 psr month; no Intereat; rich soil; fine land: pure water, good title. Writ W. T. Young, ;r.. Kimball. Neb. 1 2706 Farnam, rooms, modern, fine con- , 410 No. sdd. 10 roortui, m6d.. 2 baths, $40. ' 3.J27 Chicago, R rooms, modern. ). i 2406 Capitol Ave., 7 rme., modern, . 1UV3 California, o rooms, 112.50. U66 No. aoth. 4 rooms, H4 fUNQWALT. HRANDE13 TltBA. BUDQ. Maggard's Van and 4lo.ge Co. Call us lor es timates for ujov- lcg. pacK.-a. snipping. 17U Wtbster Bt lirualas 14. J I - 1 Exp. Co- moving, ( KPPfl rscklng A storage t-KOOM cottage. 111 S. 2Mh fct.. 115.0-X). water paid. ; MODERN 7-room house, newly decorated. 241IS Caldwell. ' Stores and Offices. Very Desirable Printing Office Location with entrrmce from Court of Bog Building. ,1000 to 15.0Q square feet. . . Inrjulra Room 103 R. O. Babcock, Sup't. RKL CRT.1TB LOAJtS FARM Li'AN, R PER CENT. TOLAND A TRUMPUI.U 4411 Pee Rldf. i00 TO tlO.Onv made promptly. T. D. Wend. Weed Bldg.. llth and Farnam St CITY and farm loans, t, tV I per cent. J. H. Dumont A Co., 411 "tats Bank. . A "For Saie" ad wilt turn second-hand furniture Into cash. CITT property. Large loans S specialty. W. It. Thomas, lg Htate Hank B'.dg. WANT HD Good farm and city loans at lowest rates. PETERS TRtTPT CO.. m Farnam. OMAHA homes. Rast Nebraska farms. , O KEEFB REAL, F8TATB CO., lfllt Omsha National. Phone' Pouglia fTII. i! O N FY on hand for oily and farm loan H. W. Binder. City National Hank Bldg. 6 EE us flist for farm loans In eastera Neb. tTnlted States Trust Co.. Omaha, 6 CITY LOANS. C. O. Carl berg, 810-11 Hrandels Theater Bldg. WANTED City and farm loans; lowest rates. W. O. Tern pie ton. 801 Uea. T. 20HK REAL. . ESTATtWvOA EXCHANGE WUAHTKH fine table land to trade for six, fifteen or sixteen model automobte; no Junk, wanted. Address box. , Ogaiall. Neb. REAL ESTATK ACREAGE 10 ACRtH near Council Bluffs, on good road, 6-room house, fine well, lvt acres in strawberries, small orchard, nloe lay ing land, fair barn. Price IS.000, on easy terms. Dav 4k ilsoe Co., la Pearl Ht., Council Bluffs. . . REAL ESTATK NORTH SIDE fi5 NICH office opposite elevator at 401 Ware Block. II. A. WOLF. I ' Ware Blork. Douglas gftig, 8TOHK. 1522-24 K. 24th Ht.. 4lxiw, or less Jfirt A. 1. TL'KKY & SON. Tel. r.502. W, O. W. Rldir. DFSIRABLn modern store room. 607 No. 16th St. Low rent. Oonrsd Young. S23 Brandciw Theater. J)oujf. lf71. LARGE OFFICE. Entire third floor of Ware block; large office, with, many private offices and vaults; rent very low. H. A. WOLF. 614 Ware Block; Douglas 88S. bEiSIRABUC store room, steam heat, sultaible for meat nutrkct. grocer, plumber, etc. 222 lavenworth St. Con rad Yo'in g. t2t Brandel a Thea. Douij:. 1671. FOR RENT Small barrn-r shop, good lo cation. Phone Council Uluffs Mrs. Mills. ! MODERN store fer rent, 20fO Ijike SL; car stops at door; particulars, lixii Ike Ht. 2014 BURT STREET. K RLOCKa FROM FORD FACTORY. 4-rootn. modern lot 'XliU: all Davlns I and special taxes paid. There is a mtg. ; of t,'A in B, & L., in payments of jlX 20 per montn. mu property la rignt down town and a good buy at $2,100. J. N. SN1TZKK, 422 Paxton Bile D. 1181. OWNER LEAVING CITY. Beven rooms modem, hot water neat, S bedrooms, plenty closets, garden, fruit, half blnok to car. Only 2,fM. Very easy terms to good party. 4615 N. 37th. W. RIM. FOR SALE Two vacant lots, good neigh borhood, close in, part cash, balance easy paymonts. Owner, Address B 977, Hee. 16TH ST. STORE. 818 X. 18th St., brand new modern store, ExtjO; full cemented cellar, rent very low. H. A. WOLF. ttl4 Ware Block. Douglas 8oK8. STOREROOM at 2410 Cuming St., 130. ALFRH3D C. KENNEDY CO.. Totiglaa TC2. 209 1st Nat. BanK llllg OFFICES, seoond floor, 1404 Harney bt. Offices, third floor, liO Harney. . Store, 14 Harney. O. C. ItEDlCK. ATTORNEY. . S42 Omaha Nat, bank Bldg. Tel. D. 1612. STOrlE KOO.M. ' TRANSFER POINT. 24th and Leavenworth Sis., at 708 P. 2-1 th St., large room, Jx45 ft., elec. and gas. Full sired, light basement. Alley on side of building. Rental 130. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. 1fi2t Farnam Bt. Dotig. 8S8. Watrehnaaea. WARBJHOUSE-TRACKAQE. Part or all of one floor In laree five story brick bulldlnir. Large freight ele I valor. Address J lie). Bee. WANTED TO BUI OrrnCE furniture bought and sold, C Reed. 1207 Ferns m rH.ii n WANTED Reliable real estate company to sell large tract of Texas land, sub dlvlded Address Box it. Wlnterset. la. Ta e nuys everything md hand. Web. 4304. Alignujr usi nlsu srtiw ulinii L. Mil. WANTED TO HKXT WANTED To rent farm cn halves; tools and horses furnmhed; stock on halves. Clarence Adania. Oentcrvllle, la. HEAL ESTATE KARM Jt RANCH I.A1SIW FOW- WALK vsatturaua. Live Oak Colonies, noue better. W. T. Smith Co.. i,'-u City Nt ty Nut Ha. Tt. Hi tttisrsou, HALF section of land on rural route. miles of Sterling, Colo., (ts.nou popu lation), acroes the roud from school. Let el unimproved land. l.lat K loajit soil, Hxcellent crops Joining. Price $17. .i0 p-t aort. Will sell on roniru. t, "i H-r at re uaali. balance I-' .M an acre e.irh year for 6 yeara, 4 per cent lnte.reat. Easier than rent. One crop of wheat will pay for the land, said it will doubte In value ui two yeaxs. a M. MORTON. filer! lug, Colorado. Some Bargain Want to move to Omaha. Have bouse new ui IM. soou baru. two ,ota sUs. bri'k chicken hones (will ea t4 chickens in it), all three lota facing t-SAl. good location, two blucks from car. not i,io cloua .j toe ii, kiir improve ments, will ll cheap for cash, will tnase en augemenls for paymenu If you have large soul lu pay down. Address O-Mo. iiee REAL ESTATE SOUTH BIDK Big Bargain 7-R. House, 4 Lots $2,250 . This proierty la located at 2114 8. 46th St., tiVi blocks from car line at fist and Center ts. and near locals' school house Is heated . -y furnace; large barn, brick cave, cemented; good well and cistern; four large lots, fruit trees, shade trees, etc. This is a good slxed piece of prop erty for a little money and can be han dled on reasonable terms. Take Leaven worth street car line, transfer at 48tfc St. Tenant will show you through. Fred W. Shotwell 8ole Agent 354 Omaha Nat, Bk. Bldg. Phone D. 1229. im SOUTH 5 1ST. Living room, dining room, bed room, kitchen and pantry on 1st floor; stairway to floored attlo with complete bath room, electric lights, gas. city wster, eemsnt basement; corner lot, 12 feet on (1st and Ml feet on Pierce St.; one block from car. Price, $2,200; $100 cash, balance monthly. C. 0. CAKLBEltG, 813 Brandels Theater Bldg. 4-room house, fart mudHrn; large fruit trees, chicken fence, ll.fW. 8010 8. th St. EQUITY in nice 6-room bungalow at So. Kd Ave. Will consider late model s-pxes. auto as part of equity. Har. o32ti 1 HAVE a beautiful home In one of the choicest reaident sections. 8-room house, garage, cement drveway; luVft. front, beautiful hedgrs. trees and shrub bery. Want to trade for rood, well lo cated, 6 r (-room bungalow or email house, clear of incumbrance. Will ar raime to carry difference. L. 87 Be - BEAUTIFUL -UOO.M HOME For sale; completely modern, garage, beat location, near Hansi om 1'ark. 16a Oeorsla Ave. OWNER. Phone Harney 41. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE MAKE US AN OFFER ON mi DOUGLAS STREET. Fine neighborhood, paved street, one I lo"W to car line. Thla Is not a new hous, but an ex ceptionally well-built houw, in .-l on dltlon. having new roof, new porch, new furnace, new plumbing, new hardwood noors. newly papered Inside, and newly painted outflde. For anyone needing the room this la the chance of a H'e time. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Call us end make ap pointment to eee this. BENHON CAR MICHAEL. TL Doug. yiZl 645PextonBlocV1 LEA VINO city. Bunralow for sale cheauT Terms. .' No. 4ith St. REAL ESTATE SnURBAN rloreaee. J-ROOM cottage In Florence. I blocks from car; big lot of fruit; chicken hous. 11.75-. About $i00 casli can handle. Phone Florence 4S. REAL ESTATE VACANT Wheat Market it Weak, with Most of Grain Selling at Satur day's Pricei. ONLY FAIR DEMAND FOR CORN OMAHA. August ,m:.. What was weak today, selling un changed to lower, most of the wheat gouiK at Saturday a prices. Omaha leads all markets In com re Ce.pta todsy, having li ears reported I". There was onlv a fair demand for corn and tt sold VO'l'ao lower. Oats receipts ere also good today, foriy-nlne cars being received, oats sold iViWo lower. The farmer ran now see there Is a pos sibility of a wheat crop of l.f,n.".MM biisheis. ForctKners have hld off from buying because of uncertainty of quality of winter wheat and they continue to hold off In the belief that lower prices are certain to come. Clearances were: Wheat and flour, equal to 81,000 bu.; corn, K.OOO bu.; oats, lf.oi bu. Liverpool Close: Spot wheat, un changed to le lower. Corn, unchanged. Primary wheat receipts were I.W1.0W bu., and shipments, l.i;,onO bu.. as ngjlnst receipts of 2.2U2 0UO bu., and shipments of 1.023.000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 670,000 bu., and shipments a.ono bu., as against re ceipts of l,.flu0 bu., and shtpmenU ot tos.uuo bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 1.711,000 bu., and shipments 8M.000 bu:, as against re ceipts of 1.&77.000 bu., and shipments of SlO.uOO bu. last year. CAHLOT RECEdPTS. WheaU Corn. Oats. fhlcago m 61 2st Minneapolis 1N7 Duluth 10 Omaha 67 Hi 4 Kansas City W tvi 21 St. Louis 16.1 64 WliinliK-g H These sales were reported todny: Wheat No. X hard winter: 2 cars, $i.l0. No. I hard winter: 2 cars, 1.1J; t cars, $l.o.'; 7 cars. $l.V; 1 car, llgnt. Ii.oa. No. 4 nam winter: i ear, 1.14; i cars. i 'n; 7 cars. $LiV, i cars, 29c; I care, Knc. No. spilng: 1 tar, $Lli. No. 4 spring: 1 car. ..i.l. Sample: 1 car, V7c; 1 oar, lsM(c; 6 cars, Mk; i car, c; 1 car, 80c. Corn No. 2 white: 7 cars, 7Xvo. No. 2 white: cars, 72 'o. No. I yeilow: i cars, 7i'. No. I yel low: 4 cars, 7.c No. 2 mU: 12 cars, Vic. Ho. i mixed: 7 cars, i.a. No. 6 mixed: 1 Car, 71o; I cars, 71Sc; No 11 mixed. 1 care. near yellow, 73c. Sample: 2 oars, mahogany. 7e; 1 car. heating. bo; 1 oar, 7uo. Oats No. 2 white: 1 car, 43o ; 1 oar, 4c. No. II -., . v u . . wv. , mm , Mv, urn. .otVi I caxs, 2741, No. 4 white: I cars, tdc. 2 oaas, atWc; t care, 25a. Sample: 1 car, 16c; 1 car, oono; 2 cars, S.V. it ye: No. 2: 8 cars, 9tic. No. S: 1 car. Vtc, Sample: 1 car, Mtc. Barley: No. 4: 1 car, hoc. Omaha cash Prices v heat: No. 2 tur key, $1.0311. M; No. S turkey, $1.0b1.24; No. hard, I1.104P1.21; No. S hard, l.0uw I. 20; No. 4 hard. $1.001.U; No. 2 spring, II. OtVu'Lll: No, S spring. $.07i1.09: No. 2 durum, WSWc: No. 2 durum, SwruWc. Corn: No. i white. 7HT734e: No. S white, T2if T2ic; No. 4 white, 7Htfr72e; No. 6 white. 7lW571c; No. white, 71W7mc: No. 2 yellow. 74tr7Rc; No. 3 yellow, im&mc; No. 4 yellow, "4rtfrt; No. R yellow, 74'if 74H: No. yellow, 7S6r74c; No. 2 mixed, TiWc; No. 3 mixed, 71 Vlf 72V4c: No. 4 mixed, 714r72.': No. 6 mixed, 71ViP,n;r; No. mixed, 71VtIlc. Oats: No. 2 white, 417r43c; standard, 88f 3fc; No. S white, 37Vi'Wo; No. 4 white, 2 trA Bnrley: Malting, 60WOc; No. 1 feed, 4Wi0r. Rye: No. 2, HoMfWc; No 8. X'tflWc. . CHICAOO CHAIN AND PnOVISIONl Fee tares of the Trading; and Closing; Prices on Board of Trad. CHICAOO, Aug. 23. The European war situation was the main influence today in sending wheat down. The close was weak, 14ki to 2Wlfa( lower than Satur day's close, with September at $l.KHi. and (December at IflVcWIsc. Corn closed a to He net loss, oats were oft c to Wlf. and provisions were unchanged to UK- higher. Reports by wsy of Amsterdam and London that the financial situation In Ourmany was tightening and was giving cause for hopes in some quarters that tliis would tend to the brlnfilng of pcacr In Europe was an explanation to tho bearish movement In the latter part of the Board of Trade session. Liquidations and short selling, followed by a sharp break in prices, quickly resulted. Light frosts in the Canadian northwest had caused a small upturn earlier In the day. this market being influenced by the bulge there, but the impetus it gave was not great and did not last long. Talk was current of anticipated relief In the exirort and import situation by the open ing of the Dardanelles, which some ob servers of conditions are predicting as Imminent. Though corn was comparatively weak. It held Its own a little better than othei grains because of u forecast of cooler weather. There was fair buying among commission houses. Oats followed thn weakness in wheat, and though there was some buying near the close by shorts, the undertone was easy. Provisions were helped upward by a Jump of 10 cents in hog prices and by active covering by shorts. Lard, weak av the start, gained a little later and held steady to the close. choice, 4tnV; extra choice, MTfo; fniH y. ftif. Itnielns, firm; loose, nius calels. tl7,'; choh-e tt fancy eoelt, 7l'HV: e edlraa, "WtffV', Ignition LiOt r. $1 .Suii t.ai. SKW IIIHK (.KM Kit 4 1. M4.RHRT qnotatlona of the Day oa barlows Corn mod 1 1 lee. NEW YORK. A. .3 -KIH R F.asv; spring patents, . if; whiter patents, new. to MjtvtJ; winter straights, new, $.. i:.nf...m s llr-AT Ppot Irregular; No. t red, H.IM4. c. I. f .. New ork, prompt ship ment; No. 2 hard, H.iiV v. I. f.. New tk. to airlxe, lake and rail; No 1 not them, lmluth, $1 02; No. 1 northern, Manitoha. Wv. c. l. f.. Buffalo. Futures weaker, SeptHllioer, $1 Of1. CORN Sioi, easy; No. 1 yellow, 89c, piompi shipment. OAT Easy ; No t white. rdtTM1: No. 4 white, iMmV.r, nominal. HA Y-fttrady; No. L $1.87': No. t 11.38 it 3u; No. 3, $1.30; shipping. II hun .1$, ail new . HOPS -Htendv; state common to choice, 1!14 crop ni'lV; Paclflo coast. 1H crop, U'iU c; i1S crop. .vile. HIDES steady; Bogota, 3CVlo; Central America, 2c, LEA 'I it Kit -Steady ; hemlock firsts, fic; seconds, ,irtllo. PIUiVlS ON 4 Pork, steady; mesa, $1N 'i;u; taiuily, $J0,0iiU,ii.u0, short ciear, $:.MVflX(n. Beei. qiiiet; mens. $U.jm' l!Xt, family. $l.roq.oo. iArd, steady; middle west. f Intij'K. 26. TALIXIW gulei; city, ISc: country, 6T apeilal, 6Sc. I TT'l t-K- Aiaraet steady; receipts, P.;fJf tubs; creumery extras, 2ttf'fTo; firsts, I4y.k.'vo; Kcuilltl, yjSitfZS'.c. EUI1.- Market steady: receipts, 11.464 cases; fr-h trathert-d rxtms, J'jXc, ex tra first. :,( .tiSic; firsts, c, sec otitls. '.ij'.".c. CHi:il-Mnrket weak; receipts l.m boxes, state whole mil it fresh flat, while and colored special, 14"'lJ'c; average fanry, 1:c, LIVE POULTRT-Market easier, prtee unsettlel; lrssed, easy; western fcoaen roasting chickens. 20c: folwa. Jcod. j.31 li turkeys, iced, iWllic. OMAHA UF.NItUtL MARKET. Artli lel Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Closo Yes y Wheat i I I SepL 1 02 1 02H 1 001 1 () J 1 02 Dec. t t 0 97 I 7 1 0oJ.t Corn I I Sept 7 747 74 74 7474 Doc. 6S1 63Hi 63VI U'tt SUMi Oats ii Sept. SRH SSW 37V 3"t 38 Dec. S7 271 37 27!, Pork I I Sept. 18 75 13 77 18 T 13 75 13 67 Oct 13 85 I 13 90 13 86 13 HO 13 80 Lard 1 ' Sept 8 07 8 12 8 07 8 121 8 10 Oct. 8 17 (22 g 17 8 12 8 20 Kibs j Sept. 8 76 8 75 8 70 8 70 8 70 Oct 8 22 8 85 8 73 IK iM Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, $1.0iejrnTJV. No. 2 hard, 1.101.12;. Corn: No. 2 yellow, 81QK14o; others, nominal. Oats: No. 3 white, new, Stilton; standard, new, 43Vjtff,46c. Rye: No. 2, $l.u(tjl.04. Bar ley: R!tfic. Timothy. $5.5o'rt.75. Clover: $5(ylJft. Pork: $13.75; Lard: $8.07. Ribs: $8.I0ir.i. BUTTER Lower; receipts, 13.301 tubs: creamery, extras, 24-; extra firsts. 23'j 23c; firsts. 2Mic; seconds, 206;ilc; packing sto;W. 184fll4c. EGOS Higher; reoeipts. 1.KZ rases; at mark, cases Included. 17&Hc; ordinary firsts 1!iiltfc: firsts, SOVi'-lc. C1EEKSE--Kteady; daisies. 130,1.V4c: twins, UWv3-; Young Americas, 1.1V Wc; lonif horns, 13'A4lfl3c. rtJTAT(Ft Firm: receipts, "65 cars; Jerev cobblers, 60riT3c Jersev irlanta, SrOOc- Minnesota and Ohio, 424rV POT.TiTHY Alive lower; fi.wls, 1301 134c; springs, 164)l7o. Liverpool Ormlt Market. LIVETtPOOI Aug. 23 w.l I EAT Spot. No. 2 Manitoba, lis 7'd: No. ", lis 'd; No. 1 northern Duluth. lis d. CORN Spot, American mixed, new, s. FIOUR Winter patents, its. HOPS In London). Pacific coast. 4 I I'.vaoomted Apples and Dried Krwlt. NEW YORK, Aug. 23. EVA IOHATED AKPLE8 Quiet: cl.ol e, 74ile; fani:y. 84i'c: prime 7V;ifi7'i:. 1KIET FKU'TS- Prunes, steady; Oall fornlas. 4Vim.c; Oregon, 7(ilc. Apri cots, firm; holce. h'wJWf'V.c: extra choice, ViitJtrV; fancy. lO'v-. Peaches, quiet; ONE of the best located lots In Mornlng atds addition for saie, cseap. W aJ. 1146. REAL ESTATE Ml SCKLLAN EO US FOR SALE -Ileal Estate Auction:' For sale at public auction to hudiest bidder at court house In Beatrice, on Tuesday, September 7, 1SI5, bonk block, Iccatetd at 4th and Court Sts., Beatrice. TbU la una of the best built t u ness bulldlnxs In the rlty. rentrally located, four sturles and bssemenl, steam heat, rhctrlc ele vator, fine banking room, burglar-proof vaults. For terms ami further Informa tion write E L. llavelone, referee, Bea trice. Neb. BUTTER No L X-tb. cartons, Bc; No. t, HO-lb. tubs. 230. CliVI'.SElmported Bwlsa Ifto; Amer ran bwiss. toe; block Swiss, tic; twins, ljc, dalaies, 16c; triplets, ISo; Young Amerb a, is'; blue laiiei brlt k. Ittwc; llmburser, 2-lb.. 2oc; New York white, 18V; imported French Roqueloit, 4cc FISH-trout, 16o, white fish. l.Ho; ball but, Ijc; channel catfish, 16c, herring, 7o; codilsh, luu'lio; mackerel, ltc; salmon. Sv. FI-TT POTATOES Kansas, $2.75 bbl. HKEF CUTS lllbs: No. 1, llVo; No. 2, 1-1 ., Ka If I K7n 1 T II. 1.' 2, ls4ci N'o. . 17'c- Chucks': No. 1, Lic j No. I. J'Jc; No. 8, ho. Hounds; No. 1, 17c; no. x, 111c; co. , t'taiea; r.0. 1, 9W, No. 2, rc: No. 8, Stc Fruit and vegetable pni.es rurnlshed by (itllluskl Fruit (company; FRUITS oranges: California Valenclas, 100s, 12iis, 2tes, Hit, Ikkis, tj.vO per box; California Valcnclua, l.V, 17Ks. lints, 216s, 20Os, $6.60 per box. Umoni: M7xtra fancy Oolden Bow, Sous. ;Wos, $6.60 per box; extra fancy Sunk 1st, 300s, 3wls, $h.b0 per box; Ked Pall, $4.U0 to 4.W per box. Peaches: California Crawfords, 76o per crate. Cali fornia Ellertaa, 70c per crate; California Elberlas. luo-crste lots. 67sc per crate; California Elberlas, 2u0-crate lota, 65o per crate; California Elberlas, $1.26 bu. ; Cali fornia Elhertas, 26-bu. lots, $1.20 bu. Plums: Italian Prunes, $1.4i per crate; Italian prunes, 6-urate lots, $1.20 per crate; Italian prunes, lu-crats lots, f 1.15 per crate; Wicksons and Kekseys, $1.2Ti per crate; Diamonds, Hungarians and Oross, $1.40 per crate; Box Wicksons, ll.iri per box Pears: California Bartlet'.s, $3.u0 per box; Washlnaton Bartletts, fancy, I1.75 per box. Orapea: 4-basket crates. $1.M per orate. Bananas: Medium fruit. fc!.uu to $2.25 per bunch; Jumbo fruit, Changul nola and Port Llman, 4c per lb. t'anta louiies, California ponies, Ms, $2.00 per erate; California stsndards, $2.60 per crate; Moapa Nevsda standards, $2.7$ per crate; Jumbos, $2.60 per crate; ponies. O, $2.27i per crate. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1. 18c per lb.; Bra alls, 12c per lh. ; almonds, 20c per lb.; filberts, 16o per lb.; pecans, 12c per lb. MI-4CELIANEOUS Crackerjack. $S.W per case; cia'ker)ack, half case, $1.75 per case. Cornpops, $3.15 per case: $1.76 per half caae. l'ot.nu's. No. 1, raw, 6c per lb.; No. 1 rosstod, 8c per lb.; Jumbo raw, 7o per lb. ; Jumbo roasted. 8o per lb. Water nie'ons. IVie per lh. VEOETA BLEB Cabbage, home-grown, 14o per lb.; head lettuce, $1.00 per dox. ; primers. tJc per basket; leaf lettuce, 50c rer ,'dos. ; tomatoes, 65c per basket; onions. Washington, 2c per id.; celery, $5o per dox.; cucumbers. $1.00 per basket; parsley, Sf.o per dot.; wax and green beans, 50a per basket; green peas, 50o per basket; new beets, carrots and turnips, 40c per basket; radishes, 20c per dot. New Pota toes; 70c per bu.; while, Mo per bu. Sweet Potatoes: $1.60 per hamper. Omaha liar Market. PRAIRIE HAY-There Is a very large supply of hay on the market Total sup ply on all roads, including today s re ceipts, amounts to brtween seventy-five and eighty cars. There are about thirty cars on the 1'nlnn Puclfic, thirty on the Chicago 4k Northwestern and about twenty on the Missouri Pacific, and Bur llngton. The last twenty cars are south ern hay from Kansas City. Prices must decline low enough to prohibit shipments from Kansas City here. With this heavy supply on hand and prospects of clear weather ahead and liberal advices of hay to arrive, the market cannot remain where It has been. The hay that Is on the market averages fairly good. Very little, however, that Is choice, but ths majority will grade No. t Following Is the range of values: Choice upland, llflWl 'ti1U; No. 1. llO.OWi 10.50; No. 2, W.umfnOOO No. 3, $7.0mi.; choice midland. $10.0ia lO.fO; No. 1. $!t,00tM 10.00; No. 2, $K.xr.0u; No 3. gfl.ixVun mi; choice lowland, Iy.nitj9.tif No 1. V.miV.W. No. 2, $7.KKu8.00; No. 3, Kmi 7.00. The prevailing opinion of this market seems to be that prices will t low dur ing the fall and winter. There Is not enough demand to take care of the sup ply. There seems to be an abundance of foravn In nil directions. STRAW None on the market and has not lieen for soma time. Choice wheat is quotable, st from $5.00ji6.60, possibly mlKht bring $8.00. ALFALFA Three cars In storage. Practically no alfalfa arriving on the market and practically no demand for It. No. 1 to choice Is quotable at $11 (cut 12.00; No. 2, $9.00tiU.OO; No. $. $7.00HJ.. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 23.-OOFFEE There was a renewal of Soptember liqui dation in the markeit for coffee futures here today, and after opening at a de cline of 6 to point, active months sold about 8 to 13 points under Saturday s losing flKiirne. with Septinnber touvhlng 6.1rto and Iecembor .81o. Nervousness over International conditions and favor able Brazilian weather advices mav havn contributed to the decline, but btmlnnas waa chleflv In the way of switching and price rallied durlntc the afternoon oti covering and a little bull support The cIoha was 2 to 6 po'nts net lower. Sale. 4.2f.O bags. August. d.Ur; Hrntemlx-r. .J"c: October, tl.Lc; Novemlier, 8.33c: IXv cember, 6.37c: Julius rv', .43c; Fnbniary 6.47c: March, 651c; Anrll. 8.55c; Mav 60c June, lifilc; Ju'v. 6fy-. Spot, quiet. lilo 7s, iV,qc; Santos 4s, tro. Cimt and frolKht offi-rs were rensrtel eas er, with quotations ranging from uhwit to aliout 8.70c for Santos 4s. Fngllah credit. Hio exchange on London was 1-TJd lower, with mllrul prices urenanged. Kansas City ;raln aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Aug. 23. WHEAT No. I hard, ll.144rl.2g; No. t red, $1.18' 114; September, !Re; December, H64ip .,(; May, 96'4c. CORN-No. 2 mixed. 72c; No. I -white. 72VJ4'7fic; September. Se; December, 59'c; May, 61Si(lT4c. OATS No. 2 white, 444Hsc; No. I mixed, 4'(f4lc. Hl'TTEK-Oreamery. 27c; firsts, 2Tc; aeconds, 2:1c; packing, Itfc. KC4 1S Firsts, 19c; seconds. 14o. HU'LTltY-Hens, 1LV; roosters, . broilers. Tic. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle ReoeipU Heavy and Trad Slow to Lower Sheep and iAmbi About Steady. HOGS ACTIVE AND TEN HIGHER OMAHA, August 13. N15. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. JTstlmat Mondav .0 4.a Same day Is.tt week .... "I'M 4..VO 2-, Seme day I wks. ago.. 7.5"'' 4 847 1sl2 Same dav I wks. sgfl.. 4 (HI 8 4!2 I7.2M Same day 4 wks tin.. 4.M 5.M' 4.5a Kanie dav la:d year.... 9.9M W9 The following table shows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at the Omaha lsve Stock market for the year to date, as compared with last year: WV 1914 !" Cattle 814.21 Wi.U'l 141.17 Hogs 1.RM.17.I l.4M.7.' MIM fheep 1.M8.K4 1.477.1W 4l.7i The following table shews the average price for bogs at the Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons- . aUrTl15. llgl4.llHU.ll8lJ.llKll.ilslO.il1 Aug. 6. Aug. f. Aug. 7 Aug. Aug . Aug. 10. Aug. 11 Aug. U. Aug. it. Aug. 14 Alls. 15. Aug. il Aug. 17 Aug. 18. Ana. ID. Aug. 20 Aug. 11 Aug 22, Aug. r.t t (I 71k ( fcl 7 86 46'4 27 241 $4 41 "HI 421 I l 8 331 6 Oil 1 04 I m 1 e I ( 7 881 171 7 l I t Tli J 88 $;5 13 $ ll 7 l T I tW as I as a M a Ml 1 Ml f Ml I I 11 I BM I si c 1 a 6 Iti 1 8 7 II 1 T J a H I T 8 T 2$ 7 III t 41 I 7W t l I 04 T 111 T i 1 I lJi 1 t;.l 1 Ml S II IY.I 1 41 It 04 7 70 1 $ 12 7 10 7 48 I 8 4 T 71 8 1J 7 W s is - f I 7 77' 8 141 7 171 8 241 7 , 1 1 on t 171 ml si t OO! 7 1 8 81 7 84 $001 $3717 58 ft Al W V7 W I 7 4UI $ M, 7 35 8 Ml . 8 W 7 15( l 1 S sales bsd been made at about th same fisurea as Were paid last Friday, good In m I s selling largely at tx 80 hlch price bo., ght th bu.k vf desirable stuff 011 last week s rlose. Alter a trauma basis wss once estab lished, thei e ere no new developments, and bulk of th lamb of farinas cleared! In soixl season, praitlcaJly exetythlng going at lsuu. Feeder laml were In goil reijuest, but clivers would not pay more than steady prices, and the bulk, of the stuff moved In Isst Friday a notchee, good to choice kinds selling largely at $SOT3n, the. latter pries was the highest that had been paid up to a late hour. Feeding yearlings looked fully steady with any time last week, rennlilng $K.75, the high est flsnre paid since a wek ago today. Fat muttons were none too heavily sup -plied and, as a eneral thing, went at about the same prices as were paid on Isst week's lose. KTwes sold as hUh as $61, with some that weren't any too desirable ui to V'.Jb. Quotations on sheep and lambs : I nibs, good to choice. $N.4Mjt.80, lambs fair to ftood. $8 26fi.46; feeders, $7 5W8 28: year Ings, fair to ohol.ie $5.(4HW.r; yearllnss, f.eders. 88.004W 75; wethers, fair to cholc. I25tl6.); ewe, good to eholi-e, $ 36; ewes, fair to good, 14 KtiA ; teeoers, x4.Z14j14.T6. No. Av. 2 native lambs 78 71 native lambs 78 $6.0u ewes. I. 7 80 8 10 CHICAOO I.IVK ITOfR M4RKF.T I 7 77 71 l 7 78 8 8l 1 77, $ M 7 Ml 8 82 7 8 80 8 l 7 ffunaay. Receipts and disposition of live stock st the Union Block yards, South Omaha, Nsb.. for twenty-four hour, ending al o o'clock p 111 , yesterday. REVIPTS OAR 1A1TS. C'tle. M il. Sh'p. II. AM. C, N. A. St. P 8 I Wabash I Union Pacific .... M id 1 C. Hi N. W east.,..10t. O. & N. W west. .. .1 I J C. N. W., a est H 27 lii C St P..M. O.. 7 3 .... 1 C, B. A Q-. east .... 1 C., B. A Q. west 1.VI 15 .12 C, K. I. P.. east H 7 I'Jnols Central ... 4 I .... I Chicago Ot West.. 1 Tattle Weak lists t roe a Sheep and l.aaahs Firm. CHIOAOO. Aug. tl. CATTLK Re celts, 21.tx0 head; market, weak and ltf 2oc lower: native tweve. $Hlil0M. weetem steers. lASMftS'; cows and heif era HldftH 76; calve. $8.5012 25. HOOS Ket-vlnta. i.iHi head: market. I strong and nsmtlv UK- hlchrr. bulk. $ X I i7.2i, llxht $7.HWf7.80; nilxeA Sf. i : ! heavy. M. 10(726; pigs, $7.ti1UlO. SllViVJP AND lAMltS-leilptB, 8.0W bead; r-rket, firm, lOjlic hlxher; shea-p wethers. s 7Mf.; ewes. $3.f(7i.ui: lambs, $tl.7fvn.10. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Moderate Irregularity With Depre. ion and Then Recorery Mark the Session. U. S. STEEL IS OUTSTANDING Totals receipts 320 DISPOSITION Ca Morris aV Co Slft A Co 1, Cudahy Packing to....l Armour Co Schwarts A Co J. VY. Murphy Morrell Lincoln Packing Co Cudahv, from country. W. B. Vansant Co Benton. Vansant A L. . Hill AV Bon F. H. Lewis Huston A Co J. B. lloot A Co J. 11. Bulla U F. Huss F II. Kellogg McCreary A Kellogg... Wrrthelmer A Iegen... H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Rothschild Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... Christie 11 ikk Ins Huffman Itoth Meyers Olassberg Baker, Jones A Smltl. .. Tanner Bros John Harvey Dennis A Francis Klein Other buyers 104 10 til HEAD, ttle. Hogs. Sheep ,284 11! 871 $ 13 7 15 211 i:U hi arts 100 112 143 818 (411 II 22 15 24 12 82 8 2 10H 114 121 130 2t 658 4HS 8.013 1.1M2 Hf l.tHS 6.428 31H 1,320 l.MM 7.81 Totals 7,203 4.826 16,A1 CATTLE Receipts wars very liberal this morning, being Just about on a par with the big run on Monday of last week. Still the total was sliKhtly smaller than a year ago. All other markets wern heavily loaded and from all other points csm advices Indicating more or leas de cline. The trade hero opened very slow, with buyers holding back and waiting developments before transacting very much business. There was also a good deal of sorting and shaking up to be done, so that Tt was weil along toward midday before the trade was really under way. l ornfed beeves were In light supply and they commanded about steady prices, but westerns, which constituted the bulk of the receipts, were slow to 10u lover. Heavy feeders were steady to a little lower, but good light Blockers were firm. Cows and heifers were slow to IU4I&U lower. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice fed yearlings 8H.0OUV.7O; fair to good fed yearlings. $7.75i 71; common to fair fed yearlings, ttl.75ta7.76; good to choice heavy beeves. 90O4ie.4O; fair to good cornfed beeves. $!.2l(iti.00; common to fair corn- red peeves, f.uwt.J3; prims areas Deeves 84. l.nnle Live Itoek Market. BT LOUIS. Aug. 23 OA TTL 155 Re ceipts, 4,010 head; market, steady, na tive beef steers. $7 frttflo 16: rearllns steers and heifers, 8H.6tytflO.1U; cows, MOO fteOO; slockera ami fexlera. $. southern steers. $6 Tm WV cow s. M Oncd 6.40: native cakvee. $t:vtni 00. IK s)S Recelpte, 7 8t) bead: market, hlalter; Plus and lights, $7.6uu7.80; mixed and butchers, $7.tr7.65; Kood heavy, $t.7Mr7 40. SHEEP AND I .A MRS ReceJnts. 600 head; market, higher: lambs, l7.7Vijtl.7u; sheep find owes, $6Ml(f7.00. Kansas t It I. Ire llerk Market. KANSAS TTT. Aug. 28. OATTLrV. Rocolpts. 15.0HO nea.l: market lower prim stnera, $Tt.6iii0 80; dreaad beef steers. In OtUS 40; western steers, 17 of 8(in: mockers snd filrs, M.!McS.3ii; bulls. 15 3Wd.25; calve. $ti.0ii 10.00. HOOS-Rceljta 8.000 bead; market higher; bulk. 4r7.40, heavy, $.60r 80; packers and butcheni. $0.7."7 4i; light Jd.Mf7 41: pigs. H BoffT? 38. SI1HEP AND lAMB-Rolpts 11000 head; market, hlithsr; lamlss, M2MJ8; yearllnss M.2Mf7.0O; wethers, $6.60(1(4.26; ewes. $5.2fKtfl NEW YORK. Aiis;. H.-Moderite Irrog-, ulniltv foil .led ny jjn.rnl te ressinn and a haste ami Cuiinl.Ht lecovery marked the miciilvj MkKes of oisy s Mock market Vhese rl,niw 11 ntiit-J in the main 'rom th aaressicns -f the short Interest whim chose to place an unfavorable ennstrit-lin upon latest In ternational developments, but c.'ihfd to cover when free snd on'l.l.snt hi;" fn, caused a ehar: rebound. Unltel States tSeel wss sclit the out standing feature, the extent of the dnv s operations In that stock exceeding anv record of recent yes re It opened with it sale of 15,(X shsres st the minimum prie of irt, or under last week s clo e but soon advanced to 71. only to fall back to tT74 before midday. At that level sup porting orders Boon effected a sharp re versal and thereafter the stock mani fested greater strength again, rising to ii snd closing with a net gain of to 7'. Trndtns. In steel segregated &7,flft shsres, or shout per cent of the total output of ClO.Oim abates. While Steel nun at Its worst the war shares bet; an to crumble, losses ranging from 4 to 7 points. The recovery in these stocks was even more thorough, however not only wiping out moat losses, hut showing artual advances of 1 to 8 points In the final hour. This advantage wss forfeited in part Just before the close, when prices receded from their best and Bethlehem Steel fell 4 to 2R&. Th efforts of the beats to capttallx the Arabic Incident proved abortive, con servative Wall street falling In line with Wsshlnston s receptive attitude. Another factor of enonuragement wss the placing of additional large orders with the steel snd Iron companies and several excellent railway returns Including that of South ern Pacific company, which showed a net gain tor July of $1,300,000. For the first tlm In ,.v.r.l wU I Jondon botisht on halsnc In this mar- IL.. i.w t ' 1' "V ' J. UiiUitt VA 1 nvi, mnuunn vmnni prices aoroan wer . ... v ,-., tiiiurr Etuni; In the International Hat. Kxchangs on lxindon was heavv and no development of Importance wer reported In this con-i nectlnn with th pending credit negotia tions. Bonds were weak at the outset, more particularly convertible Issues, but made ipartlal reoovery later. Total Bales, par value, amounted $3,2Ou.0O0. United stales 2s declined per cone and tha 4 1 tier cent on call. Nwnbsr of ssis ss Issdlng giratsltssa ea sioras wvrs SJi naivw . In cv I. Ire Ktork Market, S'OUX CITY. la.. Aug. 23. -OA TTLE Receipts. 4.50 heed: market, 1ie lower; native stoora, $7.00r'(i,.l0: cannera, 11 ir 4.7f; stox-kers ajd foebra. $; 0u7.1i; calve. $5.oOtT7.i)0; bulla, stags, eta, $4 7MI!.f. 1 1 OOS Reoel pt a. 2.0n0 heed: msrket. MIlOc higher; heavv. $it.fJi 7 2.".: mixed. $0 8 nr-0; light. $ii.iiofr 80; bulk. W. 70. SHKE1P AND MM lH-lleitlitB. Wk head; markot, 10c higher; liimha, '..Oi'fH 40. It. Joseph l.lvo Stock market, ST. JOSEPH. Aug. 1SV-OATTLE Re. celpts. $.700 hesd; market slow: steer. r.00f.75: cows slid heifers, I4.ontfll.00; calves, $8 004(10,25. HfKlS-Reoeipts. S.M0 hesd: market 10W16C higher; top, $7.25; hulk of sales, M 8Mfr7.10. SHEEP AND LAMT1H Receipts. 6.000 head; market dull; lambs, $8.triJ8 70. I.lv Stock In Mlsrhl. Receipt of 1W stock of the five rlpal western markels: r stiie. hosts, prln- South Omaha Stoirx City .... Kansas Olty , St. lx.uls ..... Chlcas-o Totals , Sheen, 4.;mn 2H,tio i.im 500 6,010 11.1XO 7. mo 500 iil.ool) 8.080 . OO . 4.5nn .15 0 . 4.0U0 ,21,t .M.600 38.2K) 48,000 Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 23.-COTTT1N Spot rrulet: middling uplands, 8.20c; seles, none. Cotton futures opened barely stesdy; October, Hie; December, 8.44c; January, I.Bo; March, 9.77c: Muv, 100-. The cotton market closed steady st a net ssln of from 1 to 3 points LIVEKI-OOL, Aug. 23. 4 N ITTO V-3pot easier; good mlddllnga, ft.ttoc. middling, 6.SMc: low nilddllnMS, 4.9.V; sales 7,tln0 (isles. Cotton futures closed steady: October, !2o; Deoember. 9.5")-: January. 0.61c; March. .85r: May. 10.08c. I aii!1.76: sood to choloa Brass leeves, 7.86'a.26; fair to good grass beeves, $7.40 CTWi; common to fair grass beeves, $i.4t REAL KSTATB WANTED HAVE customers for ( or 7-rooin houses, closw in J. p. Stebblns.s WANTED to buy 1 lots, must b con nected. on isived street bis'-e ligation Foil sales, rentals, loans, Insurance, care rt tlr , 1 1 r. w m nA ..nil w, , I . . n I t D. NVeadVlVil Farnam St. o Mlaneapolls Grala Market. MINN EA It iLIS, Minn. Aug. 27! WH EAT September. inc; Dcember 4Vc; No. 1 hnrd. U.K.; No. 1 northern, new. II wvn.iv FIOi'R I'nchanged PA ULFT Ntrw. 524i3c; old. 67a7c. HYK 14iiei i a ' :;i oi. Cons' -Nu, 3 yellow. 70-crti.-. OA") '14 No. 3 white, new, 34vi344r. FLAX fl.t3b1.644. St. I.ma.s firala Market. ST. IjTMMH. Aug 1-WHEAT-No. 1 red. H.13hl.l6: No 2 hard. $1.12; Scntsm. I ber. II On: lecetiilr, ie.c. corn No. 3, xic; No. I white. 7te; 8et.te".bT. 7.tc: 1 teceinbor. wS.c. BOATS No. 1. SWftoc; No. 1 whit, nominal. ti7.40; good to choice fed heifers. $7 objy $.50: good to oho ire fed cows, $6 6o7.S5; good to choice grass heifets, Io.6oitf7.0u; food to choice grass cows, b.X4.i6; fair ti good rows. $5.754J 26; common to fair cows, $4.011416 75; good to choice feeders, $7.2."8.(iO; fair to good feeders, $6. 7uur7.it: common to fair Blockers, $6.6ma.lo; stock heifers. $5.7But.75; stock cows. $u.60V.60; stock calves, $6.604J.00; veal calves, fi'.OOij? 10.00; bulla, stsgs. etc.. $6.0utf7.U) Representative sales: BEEF BTEE1UJ. N. Av. Pr. Wo. A Pr. 20 lint 4 Ik II 7 Uu S'lEEllS AND HEIFERS. 1 4W 71 4 (18 I "i COWS. I SM 4 00 1 1U lit 8 'St I u 4 IIS I l 4 toil I m 1 .,..iiu tt 17 Ml l 8 104 HI HEIFERS. 11 r.i I 60 I V I 25 Tin I M 3 mo bu I Ml I II til III 7 1014 16 CALVES. I 40 I on 1 40 IS I ri is 1 bus 1 it I Ml T 74 I lit I S STOCKKR8 AND FF.EDER.H. 1 77 lit It H2 T 10 1 I n 11 iui 7 Ill Hi t lllil T to 14 t-2 7 00 11. set f is 111X18- Receipts were just moderate, even for a Monday; estimates calllngfor some sixty-five cars or 4,3uo hesd. This Is 5u0 head smaller tnsn a week ago, but Is 7iX) head larger than two weeks ago, and Is a gain of 6M head over th sarre Monday a )eyr ago. Shipping trade opened sharply higher again this morning, and whole some of the light hogs did nut show so much advance, goiwral run of shipping pur chsses was about a dime higher than Smurd;iy. some of the mixed kinds being 14 noted as even more than that Tops rsached $7.20, which is loc above Satur day's best pi ice, and sales ranged down ward from that figure, several bunches of the lighter mixed kinds going as hlyh as r 00. Killers were slower In getting started, and on early rounds were not inclined to pay more than 6c higher prices, but In the snd they pul their droves on about the same basis as shippers were selling, that Is 10c higher than Saturday's aver age, so that th general market Is right around a dime higher. Bulk of the packing hogs moved st a spread of $i.3bii 46, with good mixed butchers on up to $ 75. Today's average trade Is ths higher since a week ago, and th top eouala the best prices paid sines Isst Monday, being only a nl'k.-l below Die highest price paid this month. Representative sales: No. At. SV Tt. m. a, gfc. Tt. l 214 ... 4 21, at tt m I at 4(1 Ml tt) t ill W til ... I It II 2M ... 4 n M til ... I Tl tt iM M III It tat ... IH bl no Kl 111 II II 40 7 00 t l lift 4 40 II 1st III IS I I fit MIS tt IBS ... T 14 41 ro to 4 list 4 Ill . . 7 It I rrt 1x1 1 it 10 111 ... 120 M r4 till 1 to 1 IBS ... 7 10 12 tt.l SM IM Bt It3 M 7 BO B4 M ... IM HHb.a7p Sheep supplies were larger than at all other western markets com bined and wsre th heaviest of the year to date, about 104 cars, or 28.000 haad, being estimated. This Is slightly larger than a week ago, and 10.000 heavier than two weeks sgo, hut Is almost 10.ua) short of the corresponding day Isst year. Chicago, with only 7.0U0 hsad, this morn ing, reported a stronger market, but wlih so heavy a run here and ao little at other points it did not take local traders long to gut together on a steady basts snd by Ui nilddls of th forenoon several OH -nrf lloslfi. AVANNA1T. Oa.. Aug. 23.-TITRPEN TIN 10 Firm. :cr"o; sales. 4M Mils.: re ceipts, 116 bhs. Stock, 18.fl.-j9 Mils. ROSIN Firm: celpts, 671 bids, stock. 84,845 bbls. sz.iw: c ana i, 29M8o(V a, K. W.3CrT40 shhtneiiits, :3 bbls.; 1 $5.55; WW, $5.70. sale, 1.233 bbls- re shlpmcnts, 500 bids.; Quotations: A snd B, HI": E. $2.WVn3.9".: F, lt.omri3.flfi: H nml 1 1305: M. $4."; N. $4.70X14 75; WO. te- Honda Mete. NFTW TORIC. Aug. 23. DRY tlOODS Cotton roods riulet; yarn steady; raw allk. firmer: dree goods, moderate, with sales for small use large. Klgln Baiter Market. FLOIV. Ill . Aug. 23.-nrTTF.R-2on tubs sold st 24c. Alaska tlnlit Asisrinsn JMst gugar Amsrlraa fan Amsrtntn garlt. A Raf... Amsrlnsa S. ft., e'8 .. Amerlnts Hugsr RsflBlng. ABisrtcsB Tel. A Tel.... Amsriiisa Ttihscoo , Ansnnnds Btullng Ati'hlso , tultlmors Ohio Ilmnhlrn Rspl8 Transit., twlltorsl yotrolsum .... tsiiBdlsn Fwirio t'entral lsthr CheMBBaha a tHils I'hloago. Ot. Wssiers.... cm , mu. a at. psui ... Chios go NorthweMsni. tlillln (Vpr tnlorsda Fusl s h-en..,. tolrdo A Southsrx ... Ttonvsr A Ills Orans..,, slinvsr A M. O , firil ... liuilll.nr Mssuntles . .. Kris Osnsral Rlsetrlo (trsst Nonhorn, pf1 OrsM NnrlSsrn Vr etfs.. OiiBgsnhsIm Kiplorsiloa. Illinois iVntral IntsrlHnush Met., pfd.. liMSimtton CVper ....... Intemsilcmsl HftrtMUr. . Ksnsss Cltv. Smithsrn... Lsklsh BVIIsy Ltnilxllls A NsskTllls... Meiiosa Pstrsleum Miaatl Cknjipsr Mo., gas. A Tsibs Missouri I'srlfln Nallsnsl Hlsrult Mstiuns) ln NstsiIb Cepir Now York tlsntral N. T , S. M. A H Norfolk A W'MUBra Nontn.ro Pscltlo Psolllo Mail Panirio Tsl. A Tel Psnnorttanl Piillmas Pslsos Osr IRay nonsolldsted IVipevr. HsaSIng , Itevublle Irna A Dual l ock Ilss4 tV Rook ltlssd Co., pM HI. I. A P.. Id phi.. Host Iwnl Pselflo Houlhsrn ftsllwsr Tuntissses ppsr Tsiss 4 emptor Union Pacific Vnloe Bsrlfln. pM I'niiBd matss aii 1'nll4 gtslea Hll, t'tsh repoer WbdssM, pfd Woslsrn tnios WestlnstioiiM Rlsetrlo Montana Power Irut'lhl Stool AIIM-rhslmsrs Bnthlolteni HUel Amorloaa locomntlvs llsiitwln IjAOnmotlvs . flenorsl Motor C , K. I. r Total for Ihs 4r pra. SbIm. . 1. em 4 fro 4, to .... . e "i'rn imo .loo I.Jtw no l.1H) t.Ti line 410 1MK) "linn 1. mo 4.100 i. I. so 1 tl tl.eo I. IKK) too ll 14. '.no e 110 l.tno l ll.cn l.ooo so l.tno "i!ini l.SM l.' 1." mm I. mo 1.S04 "iiioo "iiirsV it tuo II. utu 13, WO I, HOI 12. 1( 1 oA ll.HK) is. BOO l.liKI 1,700 1,10a M.dOl) V. ilM 18,11(10 I. SKI 5 ! 11 l 2. 2-m SH.OOll Hire, Unr, Olsss, t' H I24 v itH so tS4 l44 Mi ll T 77 , Xi' 108 1TV, 10714,. It 181 tl., 8W 4 wiii InoS 100 ions S tiv 1t 84V. Iltt MM, 1IH ItH II", 14tt 14H 147 H, 4 41 v 41V 4H 48 11 11 11 V 81 1Vs, 1 44 41 4J', t 87 8 8t 4 H t 1 21 H t 171 11714 1TO, I 117 111 117 I 11 4SI4( 8114 IB It Hi nn 101 75 74 74 U14 XI l inivi Ml . M 21 N rt 141 Itn 141 lit 111 iif H 7Ti 7 lt 14 1 7 7 1 !! I 11 81 on nit, 14 14 14 M ", 1 II SI li 1044 li. li 1HV !, II ll4 1M loin, HHIH 167 1 21 II-, 141 144H 14S 41 MS 291, tt Ml VIS 111 '71 HOI, ft M "ii Sii, I10 M 7H 24 J4 110. Coo shsrss. BSV 4Ji, 17 121 ' 110 m im wiv, t 41 VI IK 11 t IK II Ml, 12S i KH4 7IS tun, MS so ms 4Mt STl W "IS 'i 23 ' I.ooal ttoeks and Bonds. Quotations rum I .to! by Burnt. BrtDkaf A Oa, 441 llnuiba NaUousl bank bulldlni: HUKts- Bid. At. An.snesn SoruHdss, pM.. "A" st HurgewNsak 1 psr ml pfd 1 bsnkars' Ksssrrs bits cur National Hnb Blog-, P4 ' i i'o.. mu.. I sir w w 1S let ...It Omaha Ranks High Among Postal Banks The Postofflre depsrtment hss Issued some figures on the deposits of postal savings banks throughout the country, operated In oonnectlon with the postof flees. Tli Omaha office In the matter of deoslts stands first In Nehtsska and twenty-seventh in the list of rllles of the I'nlted States. At the close of the government's fiscal year the deposits In the Omaha office aggregated $275,004, a gain of $40,515 dur ing the year. Of thla sum $l7ti,23l was owned by foreign born men and women. The Russlsns were In th lead, with de- jj;,. , tt . It . ft .Hi . H . th, . Bt $7 71 IMn A Co.. pfd., I Sir. Kslrmont rrosjnsm ooropiny Hsrald Bills.. psr csnl, p4.... Hupp M.iii.i car Lincoln Oat A glso. LA., am.... Lincoln Tslaphona Co.. conmoa.. I Jon konnint A Hunty Ca Mullns flow. Btil Oman A C. B. at. SW . pfd ... ikn.sha A C. B. Ky. A Urldga.. I 'ii Ion Stock Tsrds stook Bonds Hj,n.or. Nab.. It Ilundas. Nab., stusirlpsl mt. 1M0. . . .101 71 14 JS Kaalani Puwar A L. 4. Vlt Bf Bl M l.lnrola CMS A glsc. la. 1141 7 Ksslern Powar A 1A. I lull M North Plana 1A. A Powar . 1M4 I., anaalas Kv. ta. 1I4S B.V Munvhit. Taso , Si ho.il. Is, It. ...Ml! Morris A Va . 4Ss !" 87 On.tlia AulllorluiB 4',. IBM n,..h Watar 4a. 1141 1 O A C. H. St. itr la. ll-'l B Omaha f, 11$ p.. llle ts Co. la. 141 IT Hlouk City Block Ytrds ta. Itsu It an IMaso Oas A Else. Co la. till . . IS VS'lrbll In loo Block Ttrds It, lull . It to M IS 1 T lot 17 M 1001, lot is Ml, 100 St I M 1 posits of I4fi,2fi4. Th Italians came next with $43,282, and other nationalities In this order: Swedes. $17.9u5; F.ngllsh, $18.2; Germans, $14,245: Danes, $12,134. Omaha Leads Sheep Markets of World Omaha led the world in the sheep mar ket ' Monday. Cars began to enter Jocal yards, numbering last evening at 8 o'clock, and before morning a record doubling that of all other markets of ths. world, Including Chicago, was made In th sheep Import. The local figure stood at 29.000 head, while other markets registered as follows: Chicago. 7,0u0; Kan sas City., $.000, and St. Joseph, 5,000. DAIRY EMPLOYES ATTEND BARN DANCE AT 0TTE HOME Fiiapioyt a of the Alamito dairy were guests tit a barn dance at the home pf Kggert Otte. who llve three nlles meat of Benson, Saturday night. The employes rode to the tarn In two automobile, trucks George DyiXill. vl" president of Ihs dairy company, wag chaperon. Th event marked tho dedication of a hug new barn erected by Mr. Ott. Musie, dancing, cards, r fnshn.ents and cigars were on the entertainment pro gram. The arty danced until a p: te hour. Alamito employes returning homo had an additional adventure when they wero caught ty A rainatorm w York Money Mark. NF.W YORK, Aug. 23 W KRCANTI L87 FAI'h R 3liV per cent. STERLING EXC1IANQFv-60-dav bills. 4K2. demand, $4.8575; cables, Hxn0. SlLVl-.K liar, sibc; mttitrso uuiiars. BONDH Government, heevy; railroad. Weak. MOSEY Time loans, firmer; 80 das i, l'2'i per cent; 80 days, 27'3 per cent, six months, $' Per cent. Cell money, steady; high, 3 per cent; low. 1 a-r .cent; ruling rsi. s i-i cn, 1041. 1 per rent; closing bid, 1 per rent; of fered at 2 per cent. I Usdos Stock Market. IjONDON, Aug. 23 American securities en the stock market were affected by the weakness In Wall street Saturday snd the Areblo situation. Prices opened tadow parity and gradually eased off. I'nlted States Steel and I nlon Facifi were froiiisntly sold. The closing was A shsde over ths lowest. LONDON. Aug. 23. SILVKR Bar c ier ounce. Hit INKY S'ii4 tier cent. DISLXji NT RATICS- Short bills. 4 t4't icr cent, three months, 4 13-lnft 4'a ier cent. Bank C'learlagrs. OMAHA. .ug. 23 Hank clearings for Omaha today wer $2,W4,5u3.67 and for the correspond, ng day last year !.72n,53C 08 Sngar Market. N F.W YORK. Aug. 2 BLefrAR Raw. nun Inal; centrifugal. 4.8k:: molasa, llTc, reflnetl. Bteiidy; cut liaf. Sfcoc; c.ruhd. I Me; mould. A, t.lfco: eul.s, $ KV: XVX nowdered. $.r8e; powdered, 5.Noc;' fine granulated, 6.70c: diamond, A. S-7'jc; con fecthners, A 5A1; No. 1. 5.45, Bixar futures opened nuleter early today and at noon were a shade easier on scattered Wal) street llipildatlou. How TO aa bur Haw Tor ta.'k gicksusa sarorttias oa a partial parmest basis is aa plaisad In lb currant la.VM of THS (IUU LOT RBVIIW. fubllrtiad br Jobs Mulr A Co. . 1 nrosdarsy. New Vork iVi: 1 t s yaar. rand lor fraa asaisla c p'r. t V t 1