Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1915, FALL OPENING School Number, Page 3, Image 7

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    r . T1IK RKK:
r rTinrv r if ti ir 11 in -'"M
How They Develop Desirable Manly
dualities, Teach Obedience
and Promptness.
At thli season of the year when paront
re trying to dwMile what Is the best
thins to do with their boys, a few word
of explanation about the working of a
military school are of Interest. Colonel)
B. P, Hay ward, superintendent of the
INebr&ska Military Academy, Lincoln, haa
written the following:
"To prepare a boy fur life la Ihe problem
of the state, of the community, of the
school and the home.
'It la right here that a first-class mili
tary school cornea In; it la a supplement
to the home and to the public school; lta
function are scholastic and parental.
"The parental functions are so exer
clsed that health Is promoted, Rood habit
encouraged; he Is trained to do well
whatever he undertakes; he Is tauicht the
proper care of hi person, clothing and
room and a wholesome respect for the
right of others; he 1 taught to be gov
erned and to govern, the essential ele
ments of a good citizen.
Practical Instruction.
"Here he la taught to do by doing;
the rule are strict and every detail
from the preparation of lessons to the
dusting of the furniture Is carried out
to the letter. Yet boys like It, because
they realUe it I best for their develop
ment. "The average American boy Is
plendid material, but In the rough he
is conspicuous neither In order, system
nor respect for authority. The military
system is a most effective remedy for
these defect.
"The Infantry drill Is always the most
important of the military instruction; the
battalion Is the basis of organization for
instruction and discipline. The manual
of arms, the close order drill are wonder
fully effective in teaching a boy a regard
for detail; then with extended order
movement, skirmishing over the country,
charging on tho Imaginary or repre
sented enemy, these are whut cadets en
Joy most of all.
"Thexn are other details of the cadet'
military training beldes the matter of
drill. There is the marching to mess, and
claases, company inspection to sec that
all linen 1 clean, clothing brushed and
hoe polished; room inspection, where
the officer passe a whitegloved hand
over the furniture, and many other
things that can not be mentioned here,
fltndr lot Nearlected.
"Each boy does quite ns much study
ing as a student of a non-military school
and doe It with a clearer head by rea
son of hi regular haunt and abundant
"The boy at home, unheeding the gentle
maternal protests, varies his ritdnK hour
Indefinitely, at a military school, springs
from hla bed at the first call and
dresses promptly; the boy whose mother
'picked up' things for him at home. Is
now hi own chambermaid; he makes
his bed, sweeps his floor, keep his furn
iture innocent of dust and everything in
Its place. He no longer argues but obeys
without question, the commands ot the
most youthful officer.
Military education develops diligence,
good behavior an self-rollanco, while
various drill develop erect and proper
carriage, an eleatlc step and a manly
athletic appearance.
"The cadet are organized into com
panies, whose officers are selected from
the cadet for their peculiar fitness for
such honor and for high standing In their
class work. The work Is made to con
form as nearly a possible to the work
of the army, thus giving much variety.
lllaTn School Tralnlnar.
"In addition to this training, a full four
year high, school course is provided and
boy are thoroughly prepared for col
lege and business. The school assume
full control and responsibility for the
health, happiness and home hfo of the
cadet and relieves the parents of the
t same,
"Her a boy learn to meet and deal
with men: to entertain eople; he Is
taught social conduct the same a mathe
matics. To be graceful, courteous and
forceful Is of vast Imporance to his suc
cess; these asset give him at the start
a tremendous advantage. Their commer
cial value 1 Instantly recognized by the
business man or employer, whe Invariably
give the preference to the boy who ha
them. These point are too vital to be
left to a matter of chance, too Important
to be left to schoolmate or Incidental
ment devoted exclusively to girl rang
ing from to 12 year In age. It ha.-'
primary, Intermediate and high school
department. It make a feature of be
ing a "home-like" school and to give the
home comforts and attention to It pat
.Notable Mnair Department ot Long
Katalillatied School tor (11 Ha.
More than half p. century old 1
Brownelt hall, the school tor girls located
In Omaha. Among lta many department
that of music is especially notable. It
give Instruction in voice, piano and
The voice department has been In
charge of Miss Mary Munchhoff since
1911. Mis Munchhoff began her studies
In Berlin under Frau Prof. Pel ma Nlk-lass-Kemper.
She continued her studio
In Parts with Madame Matilda Marchesl
for two years. Numerous concert tour
through Germany, Russia, Switzerland,
Great Britain, Austria, and other coun
tries gave Mix Munchoff a prominent
place among the concert singer of the
day. ' She sang in symphony concert
under the most celebrated conductor and
gave many eong recital In Great Britain.
She return constantly to Kurope and In
troduces her pupils to opportunities ftr
foreign study.
The piano department Is In charge of
Miss Emily Weeks and Mis Sophl
'NoBtlti-Nalmska. Miss Weeks was for
some year a student in the New England
conservatory in Boston and haa stuuled
under George Proctor, Harold von Mlck
witi and Harold Bauer. Miss Naimska
Came from Vienna last fall. There she
studied under Marguerite Melville-Llia-nlcwska.
first assistant to Leschotlzky,
and under Ixschetlssky himself. She ha
had wide experience In hi method. Miss
Naimska will have the claases In theory.
The violin department will be In charge
of Mis Luella Anderson. Mis Anderson
ha spent th last three years In Bru6sel,
Belgium where he studied under Oskar
Bach of the Brussels Royal conservatory.
Mary McCague, fourth and fifth grades;
Helen Pcoble. French and German.
Mr. E. A. Holyoke Is principal of the
Indication Are that It Is Entering
lta Moat I'rnaneron Yenr.
The Toung People's conference, which
was held at Hasting college, waa
a decided Improvement over that of
last year. One of the leading addresses
waa given by Dr. Klene of Fort Collins,
Oolo., who I to be the college speak en
during the week of prayer next February.
Hon. John U. Kennedy ot Omaha haa
been selected to give the opening address
of the college, September 15.
The faculty of the college la now com
plete and a number of the members are
already preparing for the opening. The
last one to be chosen la Mlse Bertha Kills
Booth, who will have charge of the de
partment of Greek and Latin. Bhe look
both her "A. a" and "A. M." from
Drury college and recently her doctor's
degree from Chicago university.
Prof. Ferguson, who has been working
In the laboratories of the University of
Nebraska during the summer. Is now en
gaged In getting hi new equipment ready
for use when the college year opens.
Harry Thaw, whose parent have been
among the steady contributors to the col
lege since It establishment, visited the
Institution during hi recent trip through
llolroke-Dox School.
This school, located at 3S63 Farnam
street, Omaha, offers Instruction to both
boys and girls from kindergarten to sixth
Simplicity and thoroughness character
ize tho work of the school, and that It
supplies a need of the community 1 evi
denced by it growth. The teaching force
thi year will include Mr. W. II. Dox,
kindergarten; Marie Hodge, first and sec
ond, grades; Alice Carter, third grade;
Come here for your Suit Case,
Grip, or Trunk. We have the cele
brated Hartman Wardrobe Trunks,
which are the beat without excep
tion. Nobody else claims to make
a better trunk they all say "Just
like Hartman's," which Is flatter
ing Imitation. We have the genu
uiue Hartman Wardrobes at
$19.50 & $25.00
Students should also see our
good Dress Trunks. Nicely made
and finished, and especially de
signed to carry clothing without
mussing it all up. in fi(
These sell at only . . N 1 nC U U
Wonderful line of Bags, regu
lar $9.50 values and you'll think
them worth more, 07 CA
now only P eOU
Freling & Steinle
Omaha's first liaggage Builders,
1803 Farnam St.
An Kdncattonal Center that Una
Grown to Greet Proportional.
One of the six institution in Nebraska
that require a full four-years' course of
tudy over and above a full four-years'
high school course for graduation.
The university I handsomely situated
on high and spacious ground at Uni
versity Place, a auburb of Lincoln, Neb..
with ahlch It I connected by trolley line.
A ride of less than halt an hour takes
one from University Place Into the heart
of Lincoln.
Wrsleynn university Includes a college
of liberal arts, tcail era" college, academy,
conservatory of music, school of expres
sion and oratory and a school of art.
Thriving; Institution that la Bnlla.
Ina- l i with Great Hapldttr.
Twenty-one teacher are now required
for the efficient work done at York col
lege. York. Neb., and every teacher Is a
specialist In his department.
Thi college require a full four-year'
course for graduation a thorough a that
of the Stat university.
it has a alandlng offer to student that
if any one cornea and attends faithfully
to the work of the department for ninety
daya and then I dissatisfied for any rea
son his tuition and railroad fare will be
refunded to him.
Collegiate, normal, academy, commer
cial, music, expression, art agriculture
and domestic science departments are
school Iihs a splendid record of growth
and achievement.
Arcadia Colte-.
Nature smiles so fairly about this col
lege that It haa been named after the
valley In which It la situated. It nestles
In the timber crested range of tho Ocnrk
and lta health record Is remarkably soo.l.
The ground are ample and attractive
and the bulldlnKs tip-to-Oato and heated
by hot water syatem.
The curriculum la designed to give a
sound and polished education and special
advantages are offered In music and art.
A Klnderstarten School.
The roetaloxai-Frocbcl Training ncbool,
Chicago, makea a specialty of preparing
teacher for mtinlclal playground, sum
mer camps. Institutional churches, etc.,
In addition to It regular school klndrr
gartan training. Sixteen professors. In
structor, and lecturers constitute the
teaching force.
iiRrvruRR riAVo,
NMtrn - carter.
Hanlor anil Junior Cnllo an,t rrnnitrry Or
llflri Mmlln In al Ollncm. Kpr.lon. IMhllr
rrnooi, nMi, Inlln. art, nrmnaallca. l'M !.
mHr SYlMir. Anna
a. Cairns. rvaalilant,
Kt trfwla.
wia'wsn , .'eananT m
Becognlrd and Accred
ited. If your clmmun-
Ity needs a veterin
arian and you know a
bright young man who
would make a good one,
ave blm write for ratalgue
ml full Information.
Dm. BumTOir n, koozks.
707 SylTanl St., St. Josanh, HO.
An "Honor School."
The War department of the lulled,
State government designates Fhsttuok
as nn "honor school." This school 1
located nt Faribault, Minn., nbout fifty
miles south of St. Paul. Colonel Vasa B.
Stolbrand la headmaster. It I noted for
Its college entrance and for It clean
sports as well a academlo work.
Spaldlna; College.
Located on the beautiful Cedar river,
at Ppaldlng, Oreeley County, Nebraska, Is
Spalding college, conducted by Father
of Third Order Ilegular, of PC Francis.
Elementary, classical, commercial andl
agricultural caurses are given and the
I . . .
Tfle largest Music School In the state.
As good as any. ltettcr than many, tict
our catalogue.
Pestalozzl-Froebtl Training School
Overlooking lake Michigan, nth Year
Opens Wept. 51. Diploma Course, 2 venra.
Primary Course t'LAYUROl'M) KKI'T.
1'nlverslty lectures. Accredited. Write llox 19, tili-:"J Michigan Hlvd.,
Whitton-Carlisle School for Girls
Primary Intermediate High School.
Hoarding department limited. Special department
for jrirLs from (5 to 12. Small enough to be a "Real
Home," and large enough to he n "Heal School."
For catalogue, address.
ruSFOIB To develop true womanliness. Careful attention to manner
anil morals. I'omlucted by thai I'raulllie Sisters.
EMVI&OOTUENT i'lctiiresrUl- situated at the beautiful Valley of Arcadia
a iv. I nestled in the t Imher-creatvil hllla of the Osark range, thin aclionl'a"
record haa been remarkable. HiwcliJly designed IiuIUIIiiks mndernly nriulpped
and well lighted and ventilated. llt-watcr heat. Complete fire protection.
Ample and uttisctlve grounds.
CUSBICVLVH la comprehensive and guarantees a sound and refined educa
tion. Kxceptlonul advantages In music and art You will be Interested lit our
free Illustrated catalogue, sent on reiiiiesl.
Address MOTHS SUEklOB, Arcadia, Missouri.
, v V" iY-'V". ., i, , 'V
ji iUtfri!iJ..
.. . , . . .uuau ui"a-n',Yr-.Mj JBha 9KJkun in
Trinity College
Conducted by the Fathers of the Third Order Regu
lar of Saint Francis. For Boarders and Day Students.
Healthfully located two miles beyond the city proper.
New buildings with modern conveniences, up-to-date
methods. Training, Moral, Mental and Physical. Courses :
Commercial, Academic, Collegiate.
Wrif For CataUgat
I a
Hastings College
A strong, growing, Cass A,
Christian CollegCi over
100 increase in
student enroll
ment the past two years.
Academy of high rank.
Teacher Training
Public School Music. Violin, etc.
lioiuehoid Economics.
Strong Conservatory of Mulo
with equipment among the best
in the West.
Clean, WhoUome Athletics.
Ixtyal Student Hody.
Ideal College Life.
Expenseg very moderate.
Dormltorlea for boh men
J women. '
College opens September 14th. For eatalog and Bulletins ndtlroHS President 11. U.
Crone, Hasting, Nek Dept. A.
Kaaanan R-rhool for Bar and Yoath
Give Taoroggh PrepnaxiHon.
Character building- la the principal aim
of 8U John Military school, lorated at
Ballna. Kan. It I accredited by the state
university and give thorough prepara
tion for either college or buslnesa career.
It building are especially fine and
commodious and aituated on a campus
that U beautiful and extensive.
Ther i a special instructor at the
academy for athleMca. Younyer boy are
taken car of in a eparate .school with
very careful supervision. M'ajor W. I
Gansalo I the commandant.
(at nolle Military Col lea.
Archbishop Ireland has the control and
direction of the College of 8t. Thorns at
St. Paul, Minn., a Catholic military
school which had 740 students last year
coming from twenty-four state of the
Collegiate, commercial, academic and
preparatory course are offered, with
careful moral and religious training.
Spec-inl t-r Little Ulrla.
The Wottton-CarlUle IScliuol for OMm
at Lincoln, Neb., ha a special departs
Mount St. Mary's
A Boarding School for
Girls and Young Ladies,
Conducted by the Serv
ants of Mary.
It Is the aim of the Servants
of Mary to Impart la their New
Academy a thorough religious
and secular training to their
Home Ufa Is combined with
school Ufa ss far ss practic
able, that the young ladles of
the Institution may reflect In
their lives, evidences of s
strong religious faith with the
refinement and culture which
should distinguish our Catho
lic women of today.
Academic and Prepar
atory Courses, Music,
Art, Business Course,
Needlework, Etc.
Terms Moderate.
, Iteverend .Mother Prior,
U. 8. M.
I "'- i ..,'H..."- , - .r " J "4.I1 "'"V f
liaiiai mmm uniiia.aaai 'i i liar. i7 I ; - - ': "' J- - - ' Tf -a nj Titi ("ifft fii Tfft
' ' In Charge of Sitter of St. Dominic
This academy is situated in a beautiful and healthful
place. Building roomy and with all modern improve
ments. The academy is accredited to the University of
Curriculum comprises: Primary, Preparatory, Aca
demic and Commercial Courses, together with Music and
Painting. Every attention given to moral and religious
' For particulars apply to
Spalding, Neb.
A first-class collogo, twenty minutes from 24th and N Sts., South Side. Situated
on Old Elk Hill, t'onunutidiiu? a view of over thirty miles of the Missouri Valley. New
$25,000 gymnasium ready by Registration Day.
1 Arts and Sciences, lending to tho de
grees of A. H. and II. Sc.
2 Normal Department with course
leading to First Grade State and Uni
versity Certificates.
3 Pre-Medic, pre-law, and pre-engi-neering
4 Home Economics courses preparing
you to teach this branch.
5 Physical Training courses for both
men and women under trained physi
cal directors in the new gymnasium.
G Music, Art and Expression under
Prof. E. M. Jones, Evelyn Hopper and
Edwin j. Pula.
7 Preparatory department preparing
for entrance to college or technical
Thirty-Sixth Year Opens September 13, 1915
Address The Registrar, Bellevuo College, Bellevue, Neb.
Notad for H ColUg Entrance, (a
cludinc Yala. Harvard, Princeton,
Cnlaaabia, John Hopkins, arte ,
Sixteen Buildings 200 Acre
1 000 feet above tee level
50 artas toulh St Paul mnJ MlmrnapmlU.
Dt$lgnmUj "Horn StUol" iy U. S. Wu Dtpi
' i Trra-ira-a n i
49th year. Founded and conducted on the' same
broad lines ait the famous English schools of
Winchester and Eton.
Achief object is to prepare hoys for College. Equally
efficient in training for business and technical fields.
Life at Shattuck appeals to the well-intentioned
boy. The school traditions foster a spirit of enthusiasm
for achievement in study, physical being and sports.
Self-governing powers are discriminatingly given to
student body. Boys respond to the hattuck axiom
"A Boy's Sense of Right
and Honor is to be Trustee."
Nationally noted for it academic work, Shattuck places
equal emphasis on physical training, deeming it as important
as and necessary to true mental culture. The military drill ia
made equal, in regularity and tyatem, with mental culture.
The school has an enviable record for clean sports. Shattuck
hoys live a well-balanced life amid moat healthful surround
inga. The school traditions inspire high ideals. Recognition
of a boy's individuality develops initiative, self-control and
leadership. For catalog address
Drat war T, Faribault, Mima.
... ,
Six weeks Summer School. June to August