Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1915, FALL OPENING School Number, Image 5

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    The Omaha Daily
School Number
School Number
a it iiii Ta u ecsai
Iti Twenty-Seven Buildings Are
Outward Evidence of Marvel
ous Internal Activity.
The triteness of a truism Is In the
statement that the University of Ne
braska is a great institution, nut every
iNebraskan Is triad to make this statement
and to repeat It and reiterate it.
The University of Nebraska Is only
forty-five years old, yet it ranks with
much venerable Institutions as the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania.
Its grounds are fully as large as the
Pennsylvania institution, its Instructors
are of as high standing, its courses are
(fully as complete. Its location Is far
Better, its grounds more beautiful.
The numbor of students in the Nebraska
Institution Is now about equal to the
number attending the university founded
"by B. Franklin. Nebraska's university,
(moreover, has greater liberty than Penn
sylvania's, for in the latter most of the
(courses are open only to men. At Ne
braska all courses are open Just as freely
to women as to men and there is prac
tically no tuition fee to pay.
The University of Nebraska started
Ih 1K70, giving a few courses in the clas
sics and the liberal arts. It has gone on
from that until today It teaches all the
(sciences as well, and all the professions
xcept theoloKy.
Many Building-.
The material brick and mcrtar and
(tone and wood equipment of this great
Institution Is imposing in Itself and Is
the outward sign of the academic worth
nd the proof of a usefulness In the field
f education that has been demonstrated
throughout the yoars of its eiiVence.
On its spacious campus, loce.tcd !ii the
seart of the city of Lincoln, are seven
teen large and imposing buildings most
f them in good repair clustered closely
together on a plot of ground four blocks
In area, which at this time of the year
is a veritable labyrinth of mottled flower
fceds, shrubs, lawns and treett
At the state farm are ten "equally com-
Piodloua and serviceable structures slt
ated on S20 acres of ground that with
ftxtensive cultivation Is rapidly becoming
pie garden spet of the state.
In these buildings are class-rooms,
libraries, laboratories and museums
Iverythlng that Is needed to educate 4.000
Students a year.
To meet the university's urgent demand
'or more room to accommodate Its ln
ireaslng number of students, the legisla
ure has authorized a three-quarter-mill
evy for six years, which has provided In
ill $2,000,000 for university Improvement,
ind which Is now available for the unl
rerslty'a use.
Still Greater Growth.
VM -.I. -m i . .l. -
ii :v iow oc w HH.L tio i;niversuy or ISe
raska now Is, as seen by the spectator
o spends only a few hours within its
tes, the spectacle of how great an in-
(itutlon It will be when $2,000,000 have
eon spent In enlarging its equipment and
creasing Us usefulness for the people
t the state almost stifles the Imaglna-
Internally the university gives every
ldenee of progress. It is doing better
irork every year. It is constantly raising
Its educational standards, and the fact
that it Is doing so Is recognized by com
peting universities of standing and repute.
Requirements for admission into the uni
versity are higher than ever before; re
tirements for graduation, still higher.
Numbered among Its faculty are men of
recognlied ability as teachers and not
l few who have a national reputation as
authorities In their several lines; such
pwvelnent scholars and men of science aa
Dean I A. Sherman, the lato Dean
Charles Bessey, and Dean O. V. P. Stout;
and such noted Jurists aa Dean W. Q.
Hastings of the college of law, and Dr.
Kdwln Maxey, a well known authority
pa International law.
Enclaerrlaa; Laboratory,
The attention of the technical world
Was recently attracted to the University
M Nebraska by the addition to Its equip
tnent of one of the largest and moat up-to-date
engineering laboratories in the
west. The latest Improvement is a beau
tiful and spacious building to be occu
pied exclusively by the polotical science
nd law departments.
The University of Nebraska not only
furnishes Instruction to those who come
to its doors seeking it, but italao ex
tends the advantage of higher education to
those who cannot afford the time and ex
pense of years In college. Through cor
respondence study, public lectures, hlpn
school debates and the publication of
pamphlets devoted to general information
and welfare the university prepares many
persons at home for lives of greater uno
fulness. One hundred students are now
doing regular university work and re
ceiving regular university credit by em
ploying their spare hours at home under
the direction of the University of Ne
braska extension department.
I alveralty rablicatloae. 1
The university also turns out a vast
amount of knowledge for general con
sumption by the people or the state In tho
form of publications. Besides the annual
calendar and other periodic bulletins,
there are eleven university prpers de
oted to all kinds of soi.ntlfi' literary
ana educational interests, 'rne various
student publications and the published
reports of the Until Ic branches of the
University, especially those of cngineer-
xhe and agilculture, constitute no small
lert of the great educational service the
university is rendering the state.
- This year the indications are there will
lie an even larger registration at this
iirreat institution of the state than ever
before, but all provisions have been made
u9 the adequate accommodation ot ail
who may knock and enter these halls of
One of Nebraska's Oldest Business
Colleges Conducted by Fair Bex.
A young woman Is the owner and man
ager of one of the most successful busi
ness schools in the country, the Van
Kant school, located on ths second floor
of tho Weed building, Eighteenth and
Famani streets. It has ft day school for
young women and an evening school for
young men and women.
Miss Ion-; C. Duffy Is this younir wo
man. Sha Is herself a graduate of the
school, finishing her coursw there In 18S9.
Following her graduation Hhe became
stenographer and later bookkeeper in the
local office of a typewriter company.
Her ability raised her quk'kly to the posi
tion of assistant manager, a place which
frhe held for several years until she found
still larger fields for her ability and
energy. As a pupil Miss Duffy observed
the methods of the Van Hant school; as
an employer of stenographers, she meas
ured the proficiency of its grxd'iates; and
as a director of a clerical employment
bureau, she learned In what high regard
the school and Its graduates wore held by
business men. Therefore, 'vhen Mr. Van
Bant offered his school for sale In 1910,
Mis Duffy waa a ready purchaser and
becamo sole owner and .nuiagor.
"If this school were conducted purely
aa a norma) training school," said Miss
Duffy, "we could place Ml cur ;,rad'iates
In good positions as teachers of stenog
raphy, so well nre they grounded.
"A sclnntlflc business .raining brings
double opportunities and doubly certain
results to teachers. Vhe teacher Is as
sured of employment and satisfactory
salary either as teacher or stenographer.
It is a well-known fact that competent
business t,chool teachers draw much larg
er salaries than those paid in puMlc
school work."
A beautiful illustrated booklet about
the school has been published for the
Information of prospective students. It Is
printed on fine coated paper and pro
fusely illustrated, having pictures of A. C.
Van Sant, the founder. Miss Duffy, the
owner and a number of the teachers as
well as various charming scenes from
the school rooms. The frontispiece shows
a view of the streets from the school
showing the court house grounds and
view down Jatnam street.
Tho book is well written, beautifully
printed and has a handsome embossed
cover. It contains all information about
the ichcol, prices, history, methods, eto.
It is sent on request.
graphlo courses, as well as collegiate,
academic and domestic science.
It lays special emphasis on Blblo teach
ing and this course Is taken by an ex
traordinary number of Its students In
connection with their other work. It Is
physically, mentally and spiritually
sound, and an interesting claim that it
makes is that expenses of students there
are lower than at most Institutions.
'Christian Principles Without Sec
tarlnn Diikiiih," la Its Motto.
At Central City, Neb., Is located Ne
braska Central college, a college that
gives a wide range of Instruction to its
students. Including business and steno-
An Indiana relieve for Girls that
lias Many Advantages.
Especially beautiful are the grounds
and buildings of St. Mary's college and
academy, conducted by the Sisters of the
Holy Cross at Notre Dame, Ind. It Is
located within a mile of the University of
Notre Dame, two milea from South Bend,
Ind., and only two hours' ride from Chi
cago. A sound, practical training for life with
all its pleasures and vicissitudes Is the
aim of this college. Thorough instruction
and careful training are
clll (.rrvic preparation for government
mall service, carrlor, postal clert, book
keeper or stenographer. It gives also spe
cial inspirational courses In character
bullrllng, personal efficiency and nersotial
'There is n need of any- man toeing
'down on his luck' at all." said It. U.
Eoyles, president of the oollvn If a man
or woman prepare himself properly,
learns something and leama It right so
that he can do swiftly and efficiently and
reliably the things that the hunlness
world wants done, then tho business
world calls at his door nd offers him
work and good pay. It is all up to the
Individual and we teach individuals to So
these things."
curriculum, which Is In itself wide In its
Conservatory la Lincoln, Has a I.nn
Career f Marked "access.
Beautifully and conveniently located Is
the University Huhoot of Muelo, of which
part of the Wlllard Kimball has been director for
Great Omaha Institution Issues
Splendid 114-Taae Catalogue.
Boyles college, 1S16 Harney street, Oma
ha, has prepared a great army of young
men and women for successful carvers
In business and today many of the grad
uates of this institution have businesses
of their own or. hold highly-paid execu
te e positions with other firms.
The atmosphere of optimism and "I
can" permeates the institution. Every
student la taught that all things aV pos
sible aa the tesult of conscientious appli
cation along the proper lines.
It teacher shorthand, atenotypy, touch
typewriting, bookkeeping, telegraphy or
many years.
Its handsome building stands at the
corner of Kleventh and R streets, Just
across the street from the state ml-
slty campus. There Is tho roominess of
wide streets and the open campus around
It, plenty of lawn and greenery. And yot
this la but three blocks from the very
KM. X.VBXIA X. WIZiBOW, lMnolpal,
4313 Diesel Blvd., CnloafO.
aeth Tear.
Catalog on request Kali term opens
September II. Telephone 8054 Kenwood.
center of the city, the shopping district,
theater, eto.
The school gives complete courses under
best Instructors on all sorts of Instru
ments as well as voice, aesthetic dancing,
dramatic art," public school methods and
piano tuning.
Many Advanaes Are Offered to
Students by This School.
Proximity to the city ef Hastings, Neb.,
and the quiet and healthful surroundings
of the country are two advantages whk-h
the Immaculate, Conception academy
It Is accredited to the stato university
and Its normal course has been approved
by the State Hoard of Kducatton.
All Its departmonta are furnished with
modern Improvciucntn In Untiling, heat
ing, ventilation and correct sanitation.
An "American llnabr.
This In the title that linn been applied
to Ht John's Military academy, Delafleld.
Wis. Here the old-faahlonnd Ideals are
emphasised and all things of a "faddish"
flavor are avoided, While It Is Kplsco
pallan In Ha government and affiliations,
boys of all denominations are received.
Deaue College.
The forty-fourth year of lHisnn college,
Crvter Neb., opens this fall Its tradi
tions. Ideals and spirit are notable. It Is
located Ideally for Its work and has over
tort graduates front Its full college course.
William U. Allen Is Its president.
t nil AKTS IsTSTT,
TOTS, Kansas City, Mo,
1020 Met lee Ht. Thorougli
n In Drawing, Paint.
Design. Illustration.
Write for caialoKua.
Suburbs of Oakland, Oal.
The anlr wnmn'l roller en the Parlfwj Cnant.
Rnlranc nd r1ullon rqulrmnl qullrt
In t nlvormltr of l ulllnnilii Kinnrtar Iprtoi"fil.
KNill training In Mom Knnnml". nnd In tlfm-,
nillnm sad H mund Hiiprllon SiwUI aar
fnr hoalih of inatnta. I hrlntUn lnnoi: -.
Hmomlnndnnnl. Kail term belns SKanbar 14th.
for oataloaua adrimrti
tUstatrar, Mills Callus P. O.. California.
rr' CamdM Point, Mo.
Jtrwrdlnf School fnr Girl; fully norrr1lltt In
academic foun4m. Kioepttonalljr n trout faculty.
A II cnnafrVatorjr a.lvantaffi. Iroiia I t ln
lion f1ivfnpi character ami Individuality
Modern building and equipment. Hair nrl'
Ingly rwiPnnahU. On H .! lie Inlet-urban
VW KiwM! Knn-M Cltr an4 Ht. Joaph.
Kor catalog a.lrta F. J. naly.
Big business men employ our gradu
ates year after year because thsy al
.vs make good. Our sf'-'-ts pass
the government examinations with nigh
ratings; they are sought for by the
leading railroad companies, bankers,
wholesalers, manufacturers and Profes
sional men; and are so trained the 'hey
tnav advanra In GnvAtAA noalttnna nt
trust ana responsibility. PKBrfTIQE I
COUNTS when you are seeking a posi
tion Our nrestlge Is due to two t'
thoroughness and common sense
courses. Our graduates are work!"- '
28 states. We help you io a position.
If you are thinking of taking a short
hand or business course, write for our
new IMS catalog. It Is free to those
who are thinking of taking a course.
Address. ,
Hastings Business College
(We do not employ solicitors.)
XX pt. A. Bastings, asbraaka.
,'.1 t
v. .
"r iJ'J
nil I 1 Una a
:, S4 t- '
- - aW
'S1 ""art t
Conducted by the Slaters of the Order of St. Dominic. Boarding
school for girla. Accredited to the Stat University. Normal training
course for teachers. Exceptional advantages In Music. Registration
September 6th. Classes resumed September 7th, 1915. For partic
ulars address:
College of Saint Thomas
Under tkt Control mni Direction of Archbiikop Inland
Collitlol Commtrclal Actitmlt . PrtpQftotg
Creful Mental, Moral and Religious Training ..
, Seven Hundred and Forty Student from Twenty-four States Last Year
For illuitra ted catalogue sddreit
Very Rtc. II. MOYNIIIAN. D. D., Pmlitnl
rr" l
rlUItary Academy
t T.. sV
Whore Doys Do Things
Wentworth life satisfies the natural cravings of healthful
boyhood. Each day is full of activities. Scholastic
work is made 'Uva1' and interesting by men in sym
pathy with boyhood. Theories of study are made
personal and practical In field maneuvera, Ilntr sig
naling, field telegraph, telephones, bridge building,
lakes, camping, etc.
Pleases tho Boy
Satisfies tho Parent
Here Is the oldest Military School west ot the Mis
sissippi and the largest In the Missouri River VaK
ley. Doys are successfully prepared for College,
University, Technical Schools and Business. It is
rated on "Honor School" by United States Govern
ment, the highest rating given.
Scholastic Ilonors
The school has high Acadeinio standards and Is
nntad for scholastic honors. Graduates are ad
mitted without examination to the leading Colleges
and Universities. Boys who have lost interest in study respond to
Wentworth life. Individual instruction by men teachers.
Athletic System
Reaches every boy. Unique, practical, effective. Supervised out
door life results in mental rigor and ambition. Physical fitness
makes mental and moral strength. Helt-control is characteristic of
Wentworth graduates. For catalog address
Itox , Quartermaster's Office,
(48 Miles from Kanna City)
!m m M&m lm? SMB
a5s,"R' -
The real big mon of this country tho thinker of the land are more
emphatically demanding that young people (both men and women) have,
business college training. In the face of this, you can't attain your full suc
cess until you do obtain a business education.
Whrt Chance Have YOU When Business Men Stand Thus:
"The untralnnd man la misfit: edu
cating hlru In fundamental buslnptui
prsctlre Is expsnsJve. In employing
offloe help preference is given to ap
plicants who have a business rollenH
I rsinlng." NATIONAL CAH1I 11KU
I8TKK CO.. Dayt.m, O.
"Vouna people who come to us from
-rood business schools are able to
iHKillfy at once for better positions
Ihnn tlity could otherwise do. We
liflleve In well-eMitbliHlied business
M.hooN ' fl'HTIH t'UBMHtilNU
'u.. I'hl'aiielphla, 1'a.
"A buslneHs eduratlon Is absolutely
necesNury. Modern business de
tnnnds epeed In all thlnsa, as well as
rruiniiy. Tli youiiK man or younir
woman with buslnuss training sets
the iilnce and a sood salttry."
H.VLmKRS MO'lOJl I'O., Detroit,
Mb h.
Hoy leu College, with a reputation all. over, the
west for the success of its graduates, gives you ttie
right kind of business education the kind that omits
all frills and goes straight as an arrow to the mark
of practicality in commercial branches. Including:
Stenography, Steuotypy, Toucli-Tyrewrltlng, Book
keeping, Private Secretarial Work, Penmanship,
Telegraphy or Civil Service (preparatory for a posi
tion as railway mall clerk, carrier, or government
stenographer or bookkeeper).
. - f a m m. t at . u ill
' . Jin It w t J ' J
A school whose thief DUrpoaa is Character Rulldln anrl th daveinn.
ment of the Individuality of Its pupils. Thoroush pre4axatlon for oollrcs
or business. Ain edited by Htate University. Kvery boy receives personal
cars and individual attention In classes and during recreation hours
hpeclal instructor for athletics. Modern bulldlnss. extensive rampus.
complete equipment. Hepurate lower st'hooi for younger boys, wild very
careful supervision. CstMloir sent on reouest. Address.
MAJOR W. L. tJANShl.t, tommauilaat.
New Fall
Tern Opens
Sept. 7th
Already more students'
are enrolled than ever
.'i before la the history
of iloyles College i
that's what "mak
ing Kood" does for
At Once!
1 a ft
$40,000-a-Year Women and Millionaire Men Who
Started Their Careers With a Business Education
Here's the best proof in the world that. Boyles training is something you can't
do wflhout men and women who have reached success and riches after getting
an education in 'business colleges. These people Lad no better start than you have:
X -.
Tltrouitll luusih)r bm
robe from offhe toy at
14 yvsra of aico to norl
miuiMir it tt yesri, r
lrln( 14. VUI s yr
Mlsry. Now owita CbBl
ptifra Motor 4 o.
. vV" '"Si
. t
buik, lloOOWKXl a ymr
mall orilrr boua. Ha laid
hla foundallva Mu1yiic
Iniokkepplns at night
ai honl. Ha la sow a
DiuUlmlllioaalr and la a
vary youug siaa yal.
t'rlviai 'crwiarr t II.
H. Itucara. HUn-Jard Oil
man, vtto paid hr a
rjr ot $40,0uo a year and
tntruated to hr at at vital
bualtatMsi aatfati. Hh U
now worth utar II.Iaw.O-H,.
GfbidiittJa Id tnu(raphy
at a Mlftaourt bualnewa
cullaiie, nuv trtai wr
r-tarr tu John Hay
Hammond, mult toil) lion-
Ira mining man. who
para bar aa aoruoua
3. D. K047XETBX.Z.EB
on knaw him. of t'tura.
aa the rtchaat peraon m
earth. But 4 id you kaoar
that ka atartad hla bui-m-4
rarear aa sa huniM.
n'aiit iM-bool aludaat la
Send for Big Catalogue and Special Tuiton Offer!
Iloyles will find you a place to earn your board
hlle attending the school, if you wish, and will
jbtaln a position tor ou when you finish.
Drop a postal and get a copy of Boyles 114-najca
book, which will tell you all about it. and fire you
with the dealro for success. Write today it'a free.
1815 Harney Street. (Phone Dong. 1565)
Omaha. Nebraska