rnr. r.i:i;: umaiia. Monday. ai;i it .. ron txv.sr oatn. -kOOM. modem house. 540C Jores. fa Pr. month. J, I. Kmr. Tot;glas 957. NFW fir. house, ll nxvl. e -et heat. 4M0 Many St.. Telephone Wi h nxT. N KW. 7oDKItx'' lil'NW A l,6V. 7 rwmj. o'ik finish. 3 bed rooms. I J.'. 1t-.r 3. .',th St. -K. cottsse, mod. except heat. 'JWS. Oak ti.au. Tel. Walnut 21?. f . T-ROOM modern house. :il"7 JacKsou St , J2.ft . Ayt.lv st Hymn T'.ced M Inert Inn rows. BUT a 7-room modern lhn'wi I'ark home on a rental basis. Tel. I nr. 4.P. -R. bouse, electric light, cistern, water In house, ti a month. Mrs. Anderson. 30 llascall St. Tel. Harney l'ji:. FOR TtENT-Modcin -r. house. 1111 N 22t St. StiTTH OMAHA. Til. So. SI7W. IKY PAUK Avp.-T-r., strictly mod. H.UJS mo 8-room house for rent; nn. watt"!' and bath: t;op, fm Phono Webster JW yon nKXTritigT.T-ioitp iTor. i. htm. ONK 4 and one .r-rooni house; good con dition. Tel. Webster MM. S AND 7-room housca near high school, part modern, .. Tel. lienson frw-j. NEW 6-r.. mod . bun ga low . 127. 1. S037 . FIDELITY skills FIU:E tbona Douglas IKS for complete list ot vacant bouse and apartments: also for storage, moving lath and Jarkson ata HIQHF,T prices for old clothing. P 4714. eftlT the Central furniture riiorea. r HEB pWNTM, a-R. HOCSK, mod., except electricity : oak floors, elegant fireplace, good neighbor hood, reasonable rent to right party. ?14 H. 83d. Phone Douglas 40. ).,,.. Oralch Bona "!o., rl bklg GlobeVan& Storage 8 to res. movas, packa ahtpa; t-horse vaa and I man. II. K per nr.: storage II per mo. Satisfaction guar. n. 4U A Tr. I Gordon Van Co. living, calng. (itotaga. :!! N. 11th Bt. Tel. D. 394 or liar. lwi". VVK8T Farnam district, 6-room modern bungalow, 3 blocks from Karnam car. Vhone H. WA. Rent, IW month. One Small Office For Rent Good location Fourth Floor. Water and Electro Light, Free. $12.00 Per Month. The Bee Building "The building that Is always new." Office, Room 103. SIM Farnam, 9 rooma, nnxlcrn, fine con dition, 0. 110 No. 22d, 10 rooms, mod., 2 blithe. 140. r.i7 I'hlcago, x rooms, modern, 130. '.4(6 t apllol Ave., 7 rnw.. modern, J6. ill! t'allfornla, 5 rooms, $12.50. J.'iio No. anh. 4 rooms, 114. KINOWAL.T. BRANIK13 T1IFTA. BiMO. Maggard's 1 Van and to.a Co. Call ue for Jmatca for otov log, packti.g. ahlpping. nu weDsrar nv nrugTas MM. Jf 1 ) J Kp. Co., moving. I . KPPfl Packing A sioraiia AVVV-i UtiT Farnam it. u &-ROOM cotUge, 111 S. th it.. HS.OuO. water paid. MODERN 7-room house, newly decorated. 2415 Caldwell. Stores and Offices. Very Desirable Printing Office , Location 1 with ontmnce from 'Court of Bee Building. 1000 to 1500 square feet. Inquire Room 103 R. O. Babcock, Sup't. DFSIRABLH modern store room. 307 No. 16th St. Ixw rent. Conrad Young, 3'.'2 Jlraiideis Theater.Doug. 1371. 1ES1RABLK store room, steam heat, suitable for meat market, grocer, Jilumber. otc. 2622 lavenworth St. Con rad Yojg, ?aHj;andelsTJa;Doi fxTlt RENT Small" barber ahop, good lo cution. Phono Council Bluffs "'1. Mrs. Mills. MODERN store for rent. JXfl lake St.,; car stops at door; particulant, iOui lke St. W iirf knn aes. WARHHOl'8E-TRACKAOE. Part or all of one floor In large five story brick building. Large freight ele ator. Address J 18, Bee. WANTED TO BIT! OrlnCH furniture bought and sol J. J. C Reed. 1201 Farnam. Doug. Sl4 WANTED Reliable real estate company to sell large tract of Texas land, sub divided Address Box M. Wlnteraet, la. Ta nuys everything End hand. Web. 4904. Kllgbtlr useu nlgU grade uuuiw. O. MIT. WANTED TO RENT 6-ROOM cottage or bungalow, all modern, Weil loCllU-CI. Del. 1. f '2, Hi.' WANTEI To rent farm on halves: tools and horses furnished: stock on halves. Clarence Adams, Centervllle, la. REAL ESTATE FA Rlt HANI II LAM)) FOB IALH CsOitorsa. Uve Oak Colonics; none better. W. T. Smltb Co.. City Nut Ha. D. tUl. Colorado. HALF section of land on rural routs. I miles of Hterling, Colo., (6,000 popu lation), acroas the road from school. Level unimproved land, black loam so.l. excellent cropa joining. Price I17.W per are. Will sell on contract. 15 per acre rash, balance CuO an a. re each year for 6 years, per cent interest. Ksstnr than rent, one crop of wheat will pay for the land, and It will double In value In two years. C M. MORTON. Sterling. Colorado. Iowa. Some Bargain Want to move to Omaha. Have house, new In liMt, goud barn, two '.. t urn-da, brick chicken Uum (will leave the chicken in It), all thro lots facing east, good location, two blocks from car, not too close in to;-., some Improve ments, will sell cheau for cash, will mako arrangements for payment if you have large sum to pay duarn. Address Q-46. bee. HAVE TOU A FARM FOR 8 ALE? Writ a good description pf yoar land nd aond It to ths bloux City. Is., Juurin l. 'Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Me dhtaa." Twenty-five words every Friday evening, Saturday morning and ovary Saturday evening and Sunday morulug tor one month, giving sixteen ads ea waive different days for $.': or 30 worda 14. or 71 words, ta. Largest circulation ct any Iswa bsws paper, SaO.0u0 readers tially n our great e 3JO-ACKE dajry tana near town. Just off Lincoln highway; good water. Price 165 per acre. Can aell 50 acres adjoining this land, with good buildinys. on easy terms Jt acres, near town, ret out in fruit. Prl'e ll.Ouo. on easy tenus. ivy A Hesa Ock. La Peari St.. ooncil HI'iffs la. he,,V. 1 ACRES well iinttroved. close to town and school, fine location, large grove. J In cultivation. t in restore, balance alfalfa, grove, orchard: must sell. Ad Mews owner. Box 3ti Emmet. Neb. REAL ESTATK FARM R XI II I. M) ton H4.I.K 14" ACRES. miles from Minneapolla, j one mile from town: l'-O arrf under cultivation; Ouiance used for pasture: c.in practically all W- cultivated, heavy 'i. Uood set buildings, consisting of -room b"usc. larse Iwrn, granary, corn lib, windmills, etc.; the land alll pro liJce V bushels of corn per acre; tele phone in house: country thickly settled; iomplrt act of machinery; ITT head of stock, consisting of 11 cowa. balance 1 and 2-year-olds; six po.nl horse. Jfi lioita. ichicen, out -hair of thla year's crop and everything on the farm soes at IM an aero, half cath. Schwab ltrs.. I Fly mouth U d., Minnt apolis. MUin ;li: ACltLU high lund. ocrlooklng beau I f ir ul lake: IS acres cleared: log bulld I ina;f; 't-inlle to school; on mnln road; ll.jut. Saw limber: 70 miles to Puluth; , IN per acre, term, tico. Keedel, Miv llregor, Aitkin Co., Minn. Wyomlat. KIXH Sao-acre fanns. Improved. In the heart of Wyoming's grain belt. 116 to l I per acre: abundant crops and ideal cll i mate; come and Investigate. "orter i Moon, tlmgwater. Wvo. MlM-rliuai, len-ACRE farm, U per acre; 130 rash and 130 per month: no Interest; rich soil; fine land: pur water, good title. Write W. T. Toung. Jr.. KSn,ball. Neb. RRAL ESTATR LOANH FARM LOANS, ( PER CKNT. TOLAND TBUMBVLI 44 Bee Bldg. I)?0 TO HO.ono made promptly. T. IX Wend. Wend PI "g ISih and Farnam Pta, CITT and farm loans, t, 5W. per ceat J. H. Dumont Co.. 411 State Bank. CITT property. Large loana a specialty. W. If Thomss. mate Bank B'.dg. WANTED Oood farm and. city loana at lowest rates. PETERS TRUST CO.. lt Farnam. OMAHA homes. Fast Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 101 Omaha National. Phone' Ivtuglaa ml MONET on hand for city and farm loana, H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. ftEK us flist for farm loans In e asters Neb, fnlted States Trust Co.. Omaha. tier CITY I.OAN". C. O. Carl berg, riO-1? Brandels Theater Bldg. WANTED City and farm loana; lowest rates. W. O. Templetoo. 0J Be T. 300, REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE WANT to exchange a western Nebraaka Improved farm of 320 acres for an east ern N'ebrsska or Iowa farm of equal value, or good income property in Omaha, or elsewhere. Address y 674. Bee. QUARTRR fine table land to trade for six. fifteen r sixteen model automobile: no Junk wanted. Addreas Box 8, OgaJalla, Neh. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 10 ACRH4 near Council Bluffa, on good road, 6-room house, fine well, 1 acres In strawberries, small orchard, nice lay ing land, fair barn. Price IS.Ortt), on easy terms. Pav A lleoa Co., 123 Pearl ft.. Council Bluffs. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE 301 Bl'RT STREET. B BLOCKS FROM FORD FACTORY. S-room, modern lot 3txl32; all paving and special taxes paid. There is a mtg. of 1.2ft0 in B. & L., in payments of 111 20 per month. Thi property is right down town and a good buy at $2,100. J. N. 8NITZER. 422 Paxton Blk. D. SIM. OWNER LEAVING CITY. Seven rooms modern, hot water heat. I bedrooms, plenty closets, gan.en, fruit, half block to car. Onlv 12.860. Verv easy terms to good party. 4515 N. 7th. W. 61. FOR 8 A LB Two vacant lots, good neigh borhood, close In, part cash balance ensy payments. Owner, Address B 977, Hee. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE Big Bargain ' 7-R. House, 4 Lots $2,250 .St., 6V blocks from car line at Elst and Center Sts. and near Beala' school: house is heated by furnace; large barn, brick cave, cement!; good well and cisU.rn; four large lots, fruit trees, shade trees, etc. This Is u good ."lied piece of prop erty for a little money and can be han- died on reasonable terms. Take laven 1 worth street csr line, transfer at 4Kth St. Tenant will show you through. Fred W. Shotwell Sole Agent 334 Omaha Nst. Bk. Bldg. Phone D. 1229. i-room houee, nrl modem: large fruit trees, chicken fence. I1.M0. 3010 H. th Bt. KuUlTY In nice 5-room bungalow at :C14 So. 22(1 Ave. Will oonfiider late mod. l 5-pas. auto as pert of equity, liar. &3J0. 1 HAVE a beautiful home In one of the choicest resident sections. I-room houxe, garage, eoment driveway: llfr-ft. front, beautiful hedges, trees and shrub bery. Want to trade for good, well lo cated, 6 or 6-room bungalow Vr smaJI house, clear ol Ineumbrance. Will ar range to carry dii'ference. L. W7. Bee. BEALTIFI L S-ROOM HOME For sale; completely modern, garage, best location, near Hanscom Park, 1622 Georgia Ave. OWNER. Phone Harney 416. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE LEAVING city. Bungalow for saJe cheap. Terms. 3529 No. 4th Bt. REAL ESTATF SUBURBAN Henson, K0 EQUITY. W. Tn modern 6-room cottage, 12,030. Phong Benson 640-J. 2311 N. tlat Ave. Florence. 6-ROOM cottage In Florence. 3 blocks from car; big lot of fruit; chicken house. 11.730. About 1600 cash can handle. Ihoti Florence 4. REAL ESTATE VACANT ONE of the best located lots in Morning aide addition for sate, cheap. Wal. 1143. REAL ESTATF INVESTMENTS FOR BALK or rent, trackage building. Utli and Seward. Apply HM Oust St REAL ESTATE MIHCKLLAXEOUts 1H 8ALlv-Real FIstaie Auction: For sale at public auction to lilghet bidder at court house lit Beatrice, on Tuesday, September 7, 1913, bank block, located at 4th snd Court Sts., Bestrlce. This Is one of the best built buslnese buildings In the city, centrally located, four stories and basement, steam heat, electric ele vatoi, fine banking room, burglar-pioof vaults. For terms and further informa tion write 11 L. Havelone, referee, Bea trice, Neb. REAL ESTATE WANTED HAVE customera for 6 or 7-room houses, close In U. P. tteblilns. WANTP;iJ to buy I lots. mutecor7 nected, on paved sttct-t. Sia ! )o-..!rjn 3ec Nebraska SUNDAY BUSY DAY WITH MEN OF FIFTH Thousands Visit the Camp of the' Nebraika National Guard at j Crete. GOVERNOR FOREHEAD PRESENT CRETE, Neb.. Aug. 22.-nMeclal Tele- I gram.l The camp of the Fifth regiment, Nebraska National Ouard, were visited by thousands of people todsy, and a spec tacular program waa carried out during tha afternoon. The day started with beautiful weather In the morning, but turned to threatening showers In the early afternoon, but not sufficiently strong to keep the big crowd from going to the camp. The religious services were well attended In the morning and were I conducted by Rt. Rev. George A. I Beecher. IJeutenant Wrtghton of the i military academy at Madison. Wis., who is here riving Instructions to the soldiers In military work, addressed them at the morning service. The aeroplanes appeared to be the great attraction that drew the crowd from many miles around Crete. Captain Mc Millen mad two successful flights this afternoon, soaring high and then passing over the camp, so close that his name on the machine was dlscemnble. His aaoenaions were faultleee. Oovernor ilorohead accompanied by his staff and family autoed out from Lincoln today I and wan busy looking over the work In general, as being directed by the of ficera of the Fifth regiment. He as serted that the Fifth Is up to the stand ard and ta doing a great amount of hard drill work. The governor and party ate dinner In camp with tha soldiers. The program of the afternoon so far as the soldiers were concerned, was spec tacular drilling, skirmishing ar.d scout ing. Colonel P. J. Paul hag demon strated that the enlisted men are not spending any time in foolishness. While he attempted to give a milltaf? program today that would be beneficial to the boya In the ranks, it also served to ploase the publlo as an entertaining one. His work under General P. L. Hall, jr., did not fall short of expectations. Tomorrow the program wil start at 6: o'clock and routine work, field drilling and lectures by the regular army officer will occupy tba day. Lid Thrown Down And Many Arrested Down with a resounding; "bang" came tha lid on Omaha's nocturnal merriment last night. Police "moral squads" got Into action early in the evening, and before midnight headquarters station was crowded with women taken from disor derly resorts, and the property room was piled high with confiscated refreshments. As fast aa the women came In, they were released on bonds for police court appearanoa Monday morning, providing they could find bondsmen, and the few who were unfortunate In this respect, were kept locked up. The police allowed all male frequenters of the places to go free, and took only the women. DR. HALL DECLARES NEVER WILL ASK FOR AN OFFICE (from a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., ug. 23. (Special Tel egram.) About 190 democrats, many of them from out tn the state, gathered at a get-together banquet at the Llndell hotel thla evening. L. R. Willis of tho atate auditor's office presided and Introduced Governor More-head aa toaatmaater. Or. P. L. Hall, who is being pushed as a democratic candidate for governor, merely aald he never had and never would aak for an office In Nebraska. INFANT KILLED, TWO BADLY HURT AS TRAIN HITS CAP PtTEBLO. ftolo., Aug. 21-Mark Whale y. Infant sxn of Mra L. E. Whaley of Bowie, Tex., was killed. Mi. Whaley and another eon, Elmo, 11. were badly hurt, and Ruth Whaley, 14, and May and Mark Anthony of Memphis, Tent., were lightly Injured today when their auto mobile wm struck by a Denver A Rio Grande pa as ringer train near Fountain, Colo. Por latdlgrestloa. Never take pepsin and preparations containing pepsin or other digestive fer ment for Indigestion, aa tho more you take tho mora you will have to take. What la needed Is a tonic like Chamber lain's Tablets that will enable the stom ach to perform Ita functions naturally. Obtainable everywhere. All druggists. Advertisement. Dixon Athletes to Give an Exhibition The Dixon Athletic school, which was organised a short while ago by Tommy IXxon. will hold its first athletic enter tainment Wedneadsy evening at the Armory, Twentieth and Harney street a Students in the. school will give several emrlbltlons Tommy Dixon, the head instructor, will with alorrle Klynn of Kansas City, give an exhibition of boxing, ghnlby Foe, the champion of the school at 130 pounds, will meet Carl Martin of Council muffs sut Jack Tolllver and Fred Mlnden will scrap for the school wrestling championship. eaerllaa Throws I krlitn.ea, WAI-'fA, Neb., Ai'g. L.!. - riuerlsl. i - In one of the cloest slid lest wrestling matches ever staged In KlooiiK'leld, Arvld Hoderlind. the local wretliiiK champion, defeated Andy Clirls enen of Hioomlleld in stmipht falls last night, ll firM. fail came after 44 minutes of fast woik, lac trick being turned with a body scissors and half-nelson. The second fail came In I 3 minutes with tba same combination of ! holds. Idge Trims Vork. )OHk. VeV. ug. -fr. al Tel ' gram.) Joe Bt. -her -uid bis IK I js team, defeated York lickupa this r rnou'i, 5 to 0. bteclmr s exhibit! in wt editing with bis brother Anton, was wlrneaaed I ' a crowd. Joe put tha acissors grin on his brother to snow the ujleti-.c how It wss doat Helps Weak Ktda aad Lautbaao. Oat a oc bottle of bloan's liniment, apply on bac.W and take six drops four tunes g day. AU druggists. Advertise-meatv Nebraska LUTHERAN FAITH OUTLINED Retiring- Preiident of Nebraska Dis trict Delivers Address at Fes tival at. T)p.hlpr CREED IS BROAD AS THE BIBLE I lKSIU.r.lt, Nob.. Auk. -v:.-tSt.vll.l Rev. v. II. Becker, president of the Luth cran Male convention or the Missouri synod ha declined rcnomlnatlon for re election. Mr. Heikrr has been president of the district and head of the Homo Mission hoard for fifteen years. HI rapidly growing church at Seward Joined In his request for release, which the synod had to concede was well merited. In this connection the president gave out tho following summary of the his tory, alms and trend of tha church. Tills statement la a synopsis of address made at the mission festival 8umlay In leshler at the Thayer county fair grounds today: "The Lutheran church Is the mother church of Protestantism. Originally the terms 'Lutheran and 'Protestant' were synonymous. Those men who at the Plet of Hplres made the famous protest against j religious Inequality and civil disabilities on account of religion were co-workers and followers of laither. And It was after that protest that they were called Lutherans by their opponents. "Protestantism as an organized ecclesi astical movement dates Its origin from publication of the Augsburg confession, June 25, 15.W. And this Augsburg con fession laid the doctrinal foundation of all the later Protestant churches. "Pr. Philip EVhaff, a greet scholar and historian, though not a Lutheran, wrote; 'Martin Luther made the Lutheran church the mother church of the reformation, the mother of Protestantism, the leader of nations, the pioneer of foreign missions, and the most conservative and the most substantial denomination in the world." Ilronri aa the Bible. "The Lutheran church Is sometimes hy its critics called nsrrow. Hut the Luth erans claim it Is only as narrcw as the Bible and on tho other hand Just as broad as tho Hlble, as liberal as the spirit of the living God. They put down as their first principle neither to 'add unto,' nor take away from' tRev. 12:U, 19) the teachings of the Bible, They make no apology for conservatism, and claim that the truth once revealed by God In His book cannot be subject to the varying opinions of various ages, but Is always the same, eternal. The loyalty of the sveiagc Let hern n to his church Is very marked, as he is persuaded that no church tn faith, worship and order Is in such accord with the church framed by BETWEEN and Me Members of the Fourth Regiment engaged in one at Fremont the other day, and the interesting pictures which our cameraman obtained may be seen by you at your favorite theatre in No. 3 of the n You can also see workmen preparing Billy Sunday's Tabernacle for his coming campaign, and you can see the following events of national importance: Duffalo: Omaha: Seattle: Omaha: These are only number of the iBBiab Do. 3. I j Nebraska Christ and Ills apostles aa the Lutheran church. The catechism complied by Luther la 1M la to this day used with out change aa the basis for religious In struction. The stranger amontr the Luth erans may find customs and ceremonies which lie never heard of before. Put ,ticn be gets to know t lint the Lothcrnn have a fine senso of proportion, dis tinguishing carofullv between human cus toms and commands of tiod lie brains to respect them for not llght'y throwing away what has bevn found useful In the experience of many centuries while at the same' time grsnlln full liberty In these matters to other Lutherans First Missionaries to ladlana. "Tho first Protestsnt miaalonarlea sent Into foreign fields In India In the east, snd Ireland and Greenland in the west, were Lutherans. Hefore even John KHot, sometimes called the 'Apostle to the In dians." set foot on American soil and beforo the coming of William Ponn, the Lutheran Swedes in Pelaware were preaching the gospel to the Indians. And the first book printed for the Kol Men was the Luthersn Catechism, translated by a Lutheran pastor Into their language, long before the 101 lot Indian Klhle. "Tho many charitable Institutions of the Lutheran church over all the country, orphanages, home finding societies, oht folks' homes, hospitals and asylums for the denf-niutea and feeble-minded, give, evidence of the provalnnit' of the same spirit whl.'h Impelled the Lutheran pas tor, August Herman Pranrke, to found D i WE WILL DEUVER IT LATER WHEN 41 r . iX V-.-- -V World q)88 Aeroplane Breaks World's Altitude Record. Oryan Drives Tractor at Fremont Tractor cel. (nights of Columbus Hold Convention. Harry .Thaw Spends Day Here on I'Jay to Goast. a few of the many interesting subjects which you can see in this m RELEASED MONDAY, AUGUST 23. the first and greatest orphan asylum In llnlle, Germany for .! children. "Tha . Lutheran church la an educa tional church. The church maintains a complete and hartnonioua system of Christian eduritlon, from parish school to college and seminary. In the one synod alono colloquially railed Missouri synod, there are over I.OKo parish schools In session five d.ivs of the week. A dis tinctive feature la that prepondoratlngly I he ti'ncheis nro men They are trained in the fine normal schools st Chicago, and Seward. Neb. For the training of Its pHstors and for advanced education ol Its young people this synod has rol louts m ii, I seminar en from New York to San I'rnnclsco and Iroin ,t. Psnl to New Orleans. Us iVncotillit seminary of St. Louis, Mo., n the distinction of leing one of the laigest If not the larg est divinity school of the entire country and of nil denominations. . "Conservative Lutherans are not friendly to fads and fancies, speculations and shifting opinions. They preach eln and grace, repentance and salvation through Jesus Christ, the old unadulter ated gospel. rVrarh the Old tinapel. "When ihallcnged as to their Lutheran adherence they are likely to answer In the words of the hero of the Reformation period, the Margrave of Hrnridrnborg. 'I was not baptised In the name of Luther; he Is not my Saviour; I do not rest my faith In him; and therefore, 1 lit this sense I am no Lutheran. Hut If 1 be asked whether with my heart and lips I profess tho doe ti hies which God restored to light by the Instrumentality of His blessed servant, Luther. I neither ! I IP) in a ujajl r. ,"-siHW ,,-"",- " - v"-5!"- Fii tgp , , hesitate tior am ashamed r call mysrlf s Lutheran. In this snse I am. and, as long as I live, will remain a Lutheran.' '' Caddies at Field Club to Hold Big Field Day Event l addies of tha Field club will enjoy a field day Wedneadnv. A caddies' field day was held at the Country cluh lat week and proved a great success. The lads who shoulder the heavy golf bass will piny a round of golf them, selves, and then take part In tho various kinds of athletic competitions and ince Following the big doings a feed will be spread and the caddies will Iw guests of the Field club at dinner. George Mogridge Is A Cop in the Winter George MocrhUe, star lnirlet of Hie .Western loop has been discovered. A curious lies Moines newspsper man Je elded that he would like to know Ju.i what each player on the Ilooster squad did during the winter months, and lie learned that Mogridge carries a club and patrols thrt streets of ftoi besler. N. V In other words. Oeorse Is a harness bull, bull. - - - 1 The nrn Wash ing Powder. Is, wlil under S0F-T0.1E rtiaranlei. ASK VOI R GIMK'KK. tOU ARE READY - - tnaassm gag Weekly Vol. 1. REPAIR. Week