Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 11-A, Image 11

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Membership of" the Organisation
; Km Doubled During the .Last
Three Months.
"On hunrirrd per rent gain in mem
beretilp In Just nlnrty-fiv . day is the
growth record Just established br thn'
. Omaha Automobile club." declared Clark
O. Powell, secretary. "That meitna that'
w have Just doubled our membership
Mid plena ponder tnitt word 'doubte,'.'
for It meana a whole lot to too motorists
Of Omaha. In the liiat twclVe.daye we1
reeetved sixty-tire applications. ' Thl
moist weather eeema to be fine growing'
weather, but we attribute, our tremendous
gain entirely to the fact that we Are'
giving the motorist Just rily wlutt ho,
baa wanted for ao nurny years motoring)
Information In general on road reports,'
tour slips, guides, etc."
' Mrs. K. 1. MoArthur of Omaha recently
mad the trip to Cheyenne, but found the
return "voyage" Impassable and was
forced to ship her big touring car from
Overton to Omat.
It aecma about time that Omaha adopt
the traffic whistle' at the more con-.
' gaated corner In the down-town dis
trict. The customary wave of the hand
from the traffic officer does not ef
fectually divide the flow of traffic, pedes
trian and transportation many tlmM
mixing dangerously. " ' "
One of the most pleasant evening drive
(that Is, In dry weather), la out to Elk.
horn, then over to Elk "City, and bark
' through Irvlnijton to Benson. Thl rout
take you through the pretty farming
country on high ground and the natural
country scenery will brush, the cares of
: th day away.- ,
Chairman Gould of the road sign fom-
: mlttee la having, built a wall map' of
Douglas -and. adjoining counties which
will show by . different colored peg's
where to look, for direction signs
- "Thl overland touring baa helped me
In one particular," laughed an eastern
'motorist, a he pulled out a German
grammar. "I've teamed to talk German.
. since starting from the east. Tou see,
w have bn held up so many place on
account of rain that, the leisure time has
Hard-Working Motor Bus Uses Four United
States "Chain Tread" Tires on Rear Wheels
fU iV - -
The omnibus shown in the illustration above it a familiar tight on the
streets of Worcester, Mass. That such a he;Ay motor vehicle thould be
equipped with pneumatic tires, is remarkable. The rear wheels are
doubled, and the car is equipped with four United States "Chain Tread"
Tires on the rear, with United States Smooth Tread Tirea on the front
wheels. It is found that the four "Chain Treads' on the rear wheels
give ample protection against skidding and remarkable lost cost year
"-tind tire service. '?'..
been put to advantage, and I consider
myself a pretty good German student."
II. J ' Adams, an automobile dealer ot
Toledo, O., passed through Omaha Fri
day In a machine equipped for all and
any occasion. Adams baa a shotgun, a
rifle, an automatic Colt, a fire extin
guisher and about a dosen other "safety
first" appliances.
The Spirit Lake-Okobojl trail is one of
the moat popular in this vicinity and
wort marked, or rather one of the least
marked of any highway used by Omaha
motoriBts. The club has written the
auto .and. commercial cluba along this
road asking Umir co-operation In mark
ing the trail.
Tho best trail to Norfolk seems to be
the Eloux City-Omaha road to Herman,
over to Uehling. to West Point, ond then
on to Norfolk. This road Is much better
than the Oakland way.
Club member are requested to send In
their trips- for the benefit ot other who
may have plan for taking th same
route. 'Think of the man behind you, as
tho man In front. of you la thinking of
you." This co-ope ration will benefit all
and give us first-hand Information of
real value.
C. E. Sherman of th Sherman Auto
company, Greeley, Colo., and K. O. Bin'
nard of the 8lnnard Auto company. Fort
Collins, spent a day last week with Man
ager feller of the local Ptudebaker
branch. They are on their way to De
troit , and intend driving new Etude
baker 1911 cars from Detroit to Colorado.
Both of these dealer are very enthusi
astic regarding the mountain climbing
ability of th bow StudebeJter model.
iu: r i r
The Distinguishing Marks of
v No olhr car is so easily distingoisherJ as a Chalmers Sii-40
because no other car is so distinguished, "' " '-
Only one other American car has fenders like it -and its price
is $5000. There is no other radiator that has just the Chalmers
fine lines so high and narrow and distinctive.
CHALMERS bodies are neither
prayed, dipped nor baked. Twenty
OM operations are required to bring them
up to Chalmers "Quality First" standards.
No Car Ha Better Finish
Chalmers finish . is superfine , "coach"
work and no car can have better. "
The body is carefully prepared for the'
finish by the process known as sand-blast'
ing. The colors are then laid on by men
who have mastered the artistic possibilities
of paint.
Comfortable as Any Priced Car
No car at any price can be more comfort
able than the Chalmers Six-40.
The rear springs are of special vanadium
steel construction and are 57 inches long
the longest springs on any car in the world
at the price.
But springs alone will not give comfort
in a motor car; neither will upholstery.
It takes just as much thought and manu
facturing skill to build comfort into a car
as it does to make it mechanically perfect.
The Chalmers "Six-40" seven-passenger
model is a big. luxurious car, roomy
enough for seven grown-iips to lean back
and ride at ease. It is as comfortable as
your favorite arm chair.
The deep seats which are upholstered
in leather and the deep side-walls furnish
. a support for the body that eliminates all
train and fatigue from tnotoring.. Un
usually wide doors enable people to step
into this car easily without having to turn
' sideways. . , ,
; The Pride of Distinction
There is a certain pride of distinctiveness
in the ownership of your Chalmers
Six-40. ' '
. You have the consciousness of being well
groomed vour car's apparel is of the best
weave and fabric. The prestige of rank and
accepted style surrounds it '
20 Mora Power
The powerful valve-in-head motor is the
same type with which DePalmaa and
Resta's $20,000 racers were equipped when
they won the Indianapolis and Chicago
races at the undreamed of averages of 90,
98 and 1 02 miles an hour.
The performance of this motor is simply
marvelous. It is the "20 per cent more
power motor" the motor all Europe was
.using when the war stopped operations
It has the pull of a locomotive-- giant's
strength in a man's body.
It is "trigger-quick" and gets away lie
a racer. N
It is always eagerly pulling, like a high
strung setter on the leash. '
New Service to Owners
' Emry Ckmkmm ikt m y
tmit Ckmbmm cmr m
Stmtm Cm fimk. Mil nm
tmi a Afmm tmmt tf m.
Ma ti m J ii CUm
, The only conpamoot ever made
with Qialmets carl ar made with
higher priced cart either foreign
, or Aawrkaa. AskJ this is etpa.
cull rue ol the Qui men Six-40
at SI330 th lowest prioa at
which CUsai Quality fee evei
bceasotd. . '
Tie Chalmers Club
Emm Chmlmmm WW fa fmM
SlhCJMhuCU r
Mmiu ' nwioM MraiWe; Mb,!
Stowart-Toozor Motor Co.,
2048-52 Fnrnam St. Phone Doug. 138 ;
w am CLoaiwo on TBstmrrosT wow, ad wajtt svood, xxtm
' voxsrTB. wrri tjs to si rABTicina.iL. J
" Let your next ear I4 a Chalmen"-
Plows Through
Mud On Trip West
to Coast in Reo
Henry J. Adams, Ro irpreeentatlv In
northern Ohio. aaMd throunh Omaha
last week n his war to th exposition.
Mr.' Adams left Kostorla. O., Auust M
and reached Omaha August IS. Mud wis
packed betwti-n th apokes on all four
wheels when the car arrived. Mr. Adams
said it was unusual to hav the hubs
out ot the mud. most of th way through
The roast trip will tak Mr. Adam
through Denver. Cheyenne and Tellow
stone National park. In addition to, this
Mr. Adam Is determined to climb the
new road to the top of Pike's Peak.
It may be of Interest to know that Mr.
Adams ha been with the Reo sine they
started to II car.
Kissel Trucks Now
Made in Seven Sizes
That KIsselKar trurks will hereafter
appear In seven si sea. adding one model
to the line, la the official announcement
from the Kissel factory. Th capacities
will be 1,000 pounds, three-quarters to on
tun, one to one and one-half ton, on
nd one-half to two tone, two and one
half to three ton, thre and one-half to
four ton and sir tons.
The 1,000-pound delivery truck 1 th
new member of the group and mark th
entry of Xlsael Into th light commercial
vehicle field. It le, therefor, attracting
a lot of attention In th trad. Th strip
ped chaasia weigh 1,100 pound and the
length over all la a little more than four
teen feet It carries a new Klaael-bullt
block motor of thirty-two horse power.
Th wheel base la lit inches.
Aald from thl new model, probably
th most Interesting feature of the Klasel
announcement I the adoption of a worm
drive rear Ml on th medium alia
models. The worm 1 of David Brown
All th truck har Klssel-bullt motors.
The two smaller else hav thirty-two,
the next two, a thirty-sit horse plant,
cast enbloc. The two and one-halt to
thre ton ha forty horse power, the two
larger else a fifty horee power engine.
Th Klsnel ar presenting at features
cf the truck line several standard body
designs. Including a street sprinkler and
flusher, dumping wagons, fire apparatus,
ambulance. poUoe patrol and jitney
Marion Light Six
Creates Interest
The first Marlon light sixes arrived
nly a few dsys ago at their new heme,
the Fred O. Huffman Motor Oar rotnpanv,
and the Interest displayed by the trade
was very gratifying to Mr. Huffman.
Several dealers were allotted territory
and demonntrators delivered, and It will
only he a few weeks unUI the Marlon
light six will be making friend In every
nook and corner In the state. It proves
beyond a dout that It la poeslble for old
manufacturers like the Marlon builder
to produce a light six at a tartltngly low
price, 1, 1W, using the same quality of
material and workmanship that made the
Marions of th past so famous for their
road Ufa.
one-man top and a full floating rear
axle with pressed steel housing.
With th exception of a few parts, the
Allen company manufacture th entire
car. The engine and axel ar both man
ufactured by th Allen company,
Sunlight Car Now
Upon tho Market
The Sunlight six, a new car, built by
th Sun Motor Car company, ha made
lta appearance upon th market. It I
built In Buffalo. N. T. R. Crawford,
formerly general sale and advertising
manager of the Hayne Automobile com
pany of Kokomo, Ind., 1 vice-president
and general sales manager of the new
company and R. C. Hoffman, who de
signed the Hayne light six, I chief en
gineer and production manager.
Th eat will b furnished In only one
color Breweter green body, hood and
fender, with blank running gear. A
roadster and a f1v-paasnger touring
rar will be furnished on the aama chassis.
The price will b considerably lee than
Thre of th first test car from th
Sunlight factory will start on a trans
continental tour at an early data, visit
ing all th principal clUe of th United
crossing the Rockies. Th tourist il l
most of their driving on high gctir ar, I
assert that th motor seldom showed
signs of laboring.
. A Oeegm ktedlelw that Helps.
Dr. King' New Dlaoovery will he)
your cough or cold; keep a bottle at horn i
for emergtncles. V!, All druglts. Ad
New Allen Car Has
Arrived in Omaha
la an Interview with Carl Ch angstrom,
manager of the Standard Motor Car conv
pany, much enthusiasm waa displayed
regarding th new car.
i Mr. Changatrom states that the new
feature in the Allen are numerous and
In view of the fact that the price la re
duced 1100, he can see nothing In sight
but improvements, both from a quality
standpoint and a sale standpoint.
The new featurea are, a larger motor.
longer wheel base, Stewart vacuum feed.
Saxon Car Goes ,
Through to Coast
Going from Du Bola. Pa., to San Fran
cisco, over th Lincoln highway la twenty
one day of continuous driving la th
record Juat mad by H. I Krinsr and
D. A. Tingling In a Saxon roadster.
With a total of 1,800 mil t th credit
of th car on thta trip, Kriner and Ting
ling used but US gallon of gaollnand
ten and three-quarter gallons of oil, at
a total cost of I34.M. They reported upon
reaohlng th coast that th oar had sur
prised them during th trip with It
ability to keep from overheating whll
We are building
a business on
sound principles
Expert Mechanics
Reliable Service
V I'
Ream Bros. Garage
and Repair Station
Phone Douglas 4401
203 North Fifteenth Street
the Motoring Public
We are pleased to announce
our connection with the
From this date on re xvill handle the wonderful 1NTEK-STATE Cars. And are now
ready to show von the 1916 MODELB. Come and see the Car "which combine BEAUTY
... t
. 'silii..ihlssiiseiLeeePTniliirisii , - ......... t.1 1
j tomtom vmMtum.m,,,,.,,,.,,!! ...... s, ' J f
Here It Is the Inter-State Five-Passenger Touring Car
- It is the same wonderful value as the 1915 Model because it is essentially the same car
the only real change has been in the price, and that is much lower. Hundreds of owners
bought thia car because they decided it was tho UEtST car for $1,000. Tl M . t. then,
what a wonderful buy it is, the same car, for $850.
Consider Well These Specifications:
KOTOaV Four ylnOr Intr-8tat Bvr, 10 H. P.
Cyllndsr cast tn bloo. IH-ln. bora. f-ln. atrok.
Ovarhead ybJtss. Ramovabl yllndr had.
OavaJTS SBUrr-Carbon tL S-ln. d!amter. Front
bearing t -In. long. Cntr bearing S-ln. long. Rr
bearing IH-ln. long. Htl bearing babbit lined.
OiUtnUTEB-Automatic float feed. Economical fuel
consumption, l-ln. opening.
Z.tnaUOATIOaT Circulating splash ytm. Pump
gear driven. a
XftStlTIOsT Jump pa.rk.
miSIia An OOwrnOI. Left hand trlng. Cen
ter control. Bpark and throttle lTr on top of
steering wheel. Control lever at driver' right.
HSVaarUg Servln brake, external oijermaj by foot
pedal. Einerseney brake, Internal operaled by band
lever. Irum diameter, lf-lu.i width t-ln.
tntOSTT UU Drop forged I-beejrt eatlon.
ajs aXUI moating type. Oear ratio 4:1. BvJ
Olive. Hyatt roller bearing.
WTmi.SV-Wood. Artlllory type. Stpoke IK -in. think,
11 aioke In both front and rear wheel. Eaulpped
with F1reton demountable rim.
laoKTnrtp asto arramnjro two unit rumy e-Uctrio
starting and lighting system. hd lamp wlta dim
' W"" lniruiont board Ump, 4eotrio horn
aAd tall lajnp.
tat double venti-
Utln windshield, apeedometar, gaeollne gauge. rob
aAt root rail, rear tire oarrler. extra rim. ooiooLete
Sbt too la, eto.
We have a surprisingly good proposition for dealers. Write ns.
Traynor Automobile Company
2512-14 Farnam St., Omaha
TVallaoe & Oront, Iowa Distributors, Council Bluffs, Iowa.