Tin: nr,E: cm aha, satukiuv, aitm-st 21. 1015. 3 1 Nebraska FIFTH REGIMENT HEN ARE IN CAMP i Thousand Soldiers of Nebraska National Guard at Crete for Annual Maneuver. TWO AVIATORS WILL TAKE PART CROTK, Neb.. Aug. 2). (Spooial Tele-tnm.)-Although the weather wna sny thing but lar-orable for military maneu vers, ths Fifth rertment of the Ne braska National Guard hna arrived, and baa pitched tents Preparatory, to the week's encampment. Despite the rain and mud the officer In command and their well disciplined men proceeded with their work, and vefythlng moved like clockwork. Within a few hours the soldiers had pitched their camp, had the ranges In operation, organization perfected and guard inmint held at 4:15 p. in., all to t'.io entire sat isfaction of General P. U Hall and Col onel P. J. Paul. The tents were tied up today and the grounds dried at a rnpld rate. With the promise of pood weather, the next few days will bo filled with active hours by about 1.00 soldier, who arc already In the field doing drill duty. Aviator Have (all The grounds were arranged for a place Ifor Captain McMUIcn to alight with his aeroplane at 6 this evening. Cap tain McAlillen has been making a few exhibition flights at Heaver Crossing and will fly from there here, while the mechanicians will come by rail. . Captain Shaffer with hlu squad of a dozen skilled men Is extremely busy working on his aeroplane, preparatory to a few student flights that will bo made tomorrow. Ills aeroplane is on the ' ground and has been the attraction for hundreds of people from the city. To prevent any accidents. Captain Shaffer, flurlng his aeroplane work, will uee the larpre field Jiist north of the csr.io (rounds, and all pedestrians will be barred from tho same. A lino of guards will bo placed on the public highway which separates the camp grouirjs and he aviation field. Take Many Precaution. Captain Shaffer, although a young man t years. Is an "old bird" man, having seen Instructor for the Curtiss people for Sitce years at Sen Diego, Cal., besides Dying In many other places and under zumeroua trying conditions and It In for these reasons that he Is extremely cr.utloua that no uccMents may happen either to the public, that may be sight KclnK. or his men who are taking their .'list lessons In the military art of the ilouda Company C. of Beatrice was tho first company on the grotmdH, and Company IX of Auburn, under tho command of Captain Davis, reported In the afternoon with three officers and forty-six men. Four of the regular army instructors are on the grounds holding classes In military work. The general opinion that the guards' life In camp is a good time, coupled with a week's loafing, will be dispelled when It is learned that the boys are called at fi:15 every morning and the day Is spent In military activity, until evening. There are now on the grounds nine companies of Infantry, .the quarter master's department, headquarters' staff, the aviation corps, two aeroplanes and k band. Wife of Wealthy Farmer Ends Life FA1RBURT, Neb., Aug. 20.-(Speclal Telegram.) Mrs. Tumi, lfe of Albeit Tuma, a wealthy farmer, living fourteen miles southwest of Falrbury, committed auicide today by drinking creosote dip. Mr. Tuma and the several children had attended a picnic and returned at noon to find her lying In the yard writhing in pain. The family are old settlers. Mrs. Tumi was 50 years old, and the mother of eight children, most of whom are grown up, married and living on Tuma farms, around Thompson, Neb. No motive is ' known, but ill-health Is ascribed as the reason for the crime. WORK ON NEW STATE HOSPITAL IS DELAYED KEARNEY, Neb., Aug. 20. Special.) Members Gerdes sffll Kennedy of the 'tate Board of Control were Kearney visitors on Wednesday afternoon and made a trip of inspection over the state Institutions. At the Stats hospital the members expressed much Interest In the new buildings being erected, although the work is much behind schedule time. In addition to the hospital ward room, which is now being built, a superintend ent's cottage will also be erected for the vfamily of Dr. Van Der Slice. The rainy weather has greatly retarded the work and the board members were of the opinion that the work could not be com pleted this year unless the weather "con ditions changed. They stated that the same condition existed at the other state Institutions where new buildings were feeing erected. . Notes from Seward. SEWARD, Neb.. Aug. 20. William Zeh rens, a well known farmer of this county, fell from his threshing machine Thurs day, while engaged In threshing, and was badly Injured. He was brought to Eewaxd by automobile to a local hospital. His condition is serious. Joel Tlahue has sold one of his quarter sections of land near Bee, this county, for -3.2O0. Work on the Seward county Jail Is well tinder way. u will be ready for oc cupancy by December. The Lutheran congregation has let the contract for a new house for the director of the Lutheran seminary, Prof. Jesse. The house will cost (3.500. A- 3. Palmer has purchased the Guy Ramsey eighty-acre farm for a considera tion of S11.4U0. I Twelv stitches la Haa's Toacae. TBCUM8EH, Neb.. Aug. 20.-Speclal.)-Rollln Curtis of this city is suffering tha effects of a decidedly painful Injury. He was ruining a cake of Ice on a pulley, when the tong slipped from the ice. flew through the air and struck him under the chin. ills tongue was between his teeth and tie bio tailed him to bits his tongue nearly off. Ir. C. II. Da v lea gave the needed surgical care, being obliged to ink twelve stitches In me tongue U draw the member together I . A 'Tor Bala" ad win turn second-ban4 furniture Into cash. GERMAN MILITARY ATTACHE NAMED IN "EXFOSE-Capt. Fran von Papcn, military at tache of the German em bassy at Washington, named in tho "expose" of questionable German tac tics in this country. "s ' r fit I I T" J CAPfFFANZ VOH PAWN. RULES ARE ISSUED FOR CROSSING WIRES State Railway Commission Specifies t Just How High Power Lines Are to Be Strung. ADVISES MUTUAL AGREEMENTS (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Aug. 20. Special.) The state railway commission today Issued a long 32-page order covering the croaalng of railroad tracks by electric and tele phone wire and also thecrossmg of wires of different companies. Electric wires carrying over TOO volts 1 hen crossing under a track shall bo In pipes and conduits and four feet below. If under 700 volts, two feet Alternate currents over 700 volts the minimum clearance above r boelow other vires shall be eight feet, direct currents two feet Insulated and four feet bare wires. Trolley wire must not be less than 22 feet above a truck at each crossing. In many instances the commission rec ommends that opposing forces get to gether !n an agreement as to crossings. Store Hock Island Troable. The Rock Island railroad, with all Its troubles. Is up agalnBt another proposi tion. Secretary of Stae Pool 1 insisting that it pay its corporation tax to the state on the full valuation of the road. while the road claims it only has to pay on that part operated In Nebraska. The road has finally put It up to Its local attorney, E. P. Holme, and Mr. Pool has notified him that unless the tax is paid the state will ship no more automo bile plates over that road. Several car loads of plates have already been re ceived, coming over the Rock Island road and several carloads more will be re ceived, but the secretary f ostate will not patrnolse any road which will not come across with what he considers Is owing the state. Smith ton f era oa Briefs. Attorney Ed P. Bmlth of Omaha, spe cial attorney for the railway commission. In lis suits against the railroads in the rate cases involved In the No. 19 order, was at the slate liou..e today conferring with the board regarding the briefs to bo filed in connection with the case. New Bank Chartered. The Klrst Slate bank of Woodlake, Cherry county, has been given a charter by the state banking board. The bank has a capital of llS.uoO and its officers are: A. O. Holt, president; J. W. Graves, vice president, and L. R. Applegate, cashier. Omahaas Licensed to Wed. William 11. Karnett of Omaha, age 23, and Ellen C. Peterson, age 2G, also of Omaha, were given a license to marry at the court house yesterday. INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL BAND FOR AK-SAR-BEN KEARNEY. Neb.. Aug. SO.-Ak-Sar-Ben officials of Omaha have completed ar- rangemenU with, the state for the serv ices of the State Industrial School Boys' band which will render concerts during the festival this fall. The ooys' band of fifty pieces, has developed Into an ex ceedingly popular musical organization and it understood that other stats In stitutions will also be vudted by the boys a nlle away, concerts being given for the other state wards. CHILD'S BODY FOUND FLOATING IN MISSOURI FALLS CITY. Neb., Aug. 20. 8peclal Telegram.) The body of a child or years of age, barefooted and dressed In a light colored romper suit, was found floating down the Missouri rlfer near the landing on the Collier farm about fifteen miles northeast of Falls City. Officers are of the opinion that the body had been in the water sight or tea days. There were no marks upon it to assist In Identification. Nebraska APPLY SWORD EDGE OF LAWJTO SINNER Lutheram at fleshier Haer Dii courie Upon Doctrinal Matter Darin gthe Session. FINANCIAL OUTLOOK IS BRIGHT DESIILKR, Neb., Aug. 2f. (Spe cial Telegram.) A rising vote of thanks was tendered Rev, c. H. Becker, for his fifteen years of con scientious and efficient labors as president of the Nebraska district of Lutheran Mlssoourl Synod, by the. delegates of thirty thousand commu nicant members of this state In con vention here. In the same way the assembly's grati tude was expressed to Mr. O. E. Ber necker, who has served as treasurer the same number of years, without any ma terial reward. During this time, the annual budgets for missions, church extension and char itable purpseoa were from $11,000 to $75, 000,. raised In this stats and all passing through his hands. The amounts raisehd and expended by the hospital associa tions at York and Beatrice, are not In cluded. New Officers Named. Rev. C. F. Brommer was e'eoted pres! dent for the next three years, and Pro fessor August 6chvt1ke is nominated to succeed Mr. Bernecker as treasurer. The letter's business In Seward and work at Lincoln engage his time. In the doctrinal paper, read by Rev. W. Mahler, the correct application of the divine law and the gospel was dis cussed. Tho speaker anld that It should be the purpose and aim of Ihe church Janitor, of the elders, of the organist, choir, teachers, as well as that of the preacher to help by their services to apply the sword edge of the law to the hardened heart, and the gospel of for giveness and peace and God's pardon to tho penitent. He also hailed tt as a hopeful sign, that enlightened congrega tions are beginning to see that the older pastors, tested In the furnace of trials and sorrow, and experienced In the art of applying law and gospel correctly, are a more desirable and valuable asret to the church than more versatile and bril liant, younger Inexperienced men. He quoted the word of Luther: "Prayer, study, meditation and the test of trial and tomptatlon make the good theo logician." New Vice Presidents. Rev. W. Harms of Bancroft. Neb., and Rev. W. Cholcher of Deshler. Neh u. elected vice presidents. Rev. P. Brandt of Pittsburgh. Pa., re. ported officially on the fine progress and financial requirements of the doxen MYMUHfflE ACLEARSKIN Will help you even when 'all else has failed. The Soap to cleanse, purify and beautify, the Ointment to soothe and heal. Nothing better than these fragrant, super-creamy emollients at any price. Samples Free by Mail rvtlrurs Soae sad OtatsMnl asld enrrvksre. Llbarsl SMPts of each sua Iras wtt is-p. aeeft. AMrws post ssrS "CuUsuia," Dept. 7Q, tutta. PEASE BROS. CO. 1417 Farnam Street Any Summer ' Suit now O j-vA tat I f ,-. mm i m sal Every Suit a Hirsh- VVickwire Hand Tailored Final Clean-Up of Shirt s now 95c Any Straw. Hat now 1.00 concirn SOAPAHD Nebraska different branches cf home and foreign missions. Rev. T. H. Gullanecht, missionary, from South India, stated in th eeourse of a highly Interesting leoture that on the southern field In India more heathen ap ply for Christian Instruction than the Lutheran missionaries can take ears of. He described India, the home of ST0,OOi, 000 people, as the most valuable Jewel in the crown of the Brltlxh possessions, as a confederacy of fourteen provinces, gov erned hy Brltlh governors, snd M states ruled by native kings, rajahs and prlncea, whirring with a' babel of 147 different languages. All missions In the southern points of India's wedgo were first founded by Lutheran societies. Tho average course of Instruction rrtor to baptism takes two years. A baso ball game between pastors is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. A mass meeting and mission festival In the county fair grounds will be held all day Sunday. VETERINARIANS EXAMINE HORSES FOR DURINE (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Aug. !0.-Spcclal.)-8lxteen hundred snd two examinations have been made by special veterinarian, irhn. with the state veterinarian of Nebraska, have been looking aftor th horses nuar. anlined in the counties of Cherry. Blaine, Grant. Thomas and Hooker, taurine, the disease hlch has caused the quarantine, haa shown Itnelf In twenty-elrht cum where there la no question as to appear- How Heat the Vital Organs Hot Weather Conduce to Chronic Con$tipation and Diarrhea A disposition to confine one's diet lo cold food and to indulge freely In Iced drinks, is one reason why constipation snd dlrrhea Is so prevalent In summer, snd there is no season when bowel dis turbances should be mora rMfullv avoided, as much serious disease Is dl- recuy traceble to these conditions. To regulate the bowels and quickly relieve even an aggravated case of con stipation, the combination of simple lax ative herbs with pepsin, sold In drug stores under the name of Dr. Caldwell-. Pyrup repsln, Is highly recommended by many pnyalclsns and all those who have need It. Unlike cathartics and violent purgatives. Dr. Caldwell's Bvrun Pen.in sets gently on stomach, liver and bowels. wnnoui griping or other discomfort and brings relief In an easy, natural manner. Mild, pleasant to the taste, and Inexpen sive. It Is the ideal family laxaUve. By cleansing the bowel tract and eliminating SUCCESS- (Et 1 EE i mm: frm Douglas 1611. "BUILT FOR YOU TO ENJOY" The sweetness of the ehoieo barley malt, combined with the fine flavor of imported hepts, makes its taste most delicious. Bare Coupons and Get Premium. Phone Douglas 1839. LUXUS MERCANTILE COMPANY, Distributors If You Don't Want to Move Again for Years choose an office where your location will constantly grow better. Business is moving up the hill. Some day the business center will be at the corner of Twenty fourth nnd Farnam. From now until that time, there ' will be no better office location nor better offices than THE BEE BUILDING Was built for comfort. Although the offices offered are v-ry few indeed, there are none better in the build ing. If we have not what you want, let us place you oa our waiting list. Ths rooms vacant at present are: Room 223 Choice office suite, north light, very desirable for doctors or dentists; waiting "room and private office; 630 square feet 815.00 Room G40 &i0. Water; partitioned Into private office and waiting room; has large double east windows; 180 square feet 818.50 Room 411 Small office, well ventilated, fourth floor, with water and light free 812.00 APPLY TO BVILW.Va Bl'PERINTKXDENT, HOOM 103. Nebraska anos. while threa more cases examined I are suaplcJous. There ar yet about 400 ' mors horses to be examined of ths num ber reported above. A question which involve the damage which will he due , the owner of the horses which will he ! killed Is whether the money will go to the ! owner of the horse or ths holder of the i mortgage on ths horse. Show Fm a1ey Drawaed, I BEATRICE. Neb., Aug. 20. (Special Telegre m. Robert T. Meyers, a member of the Bmndsg shows, appearing here this week, wss drowned In the Blue river ' ai me viueen city park Ihls afternoon at I o'clock, while bathing with som of the members of the company. He was 19 years of age, snd his home was at Hsger town, Md. A letter addressed to Miss Irene Hicks, 2M1 Faron avemi. Bt. Jo seph. Mo., wss ths only thins; found In his belongings, which would In any way Identify him. He Joined the shows hers lest Sunday, coming from tlller. Neb., near which place hs worked for William Fanders, a fanner. Teeehera' Inatltat at Aartfra. AURORA. Neb.. Aug. .-Rrclal.- jn ii.tmiiicn county institute Is In - slon here this week with 10T teachers en- j rolled. The Instructor are Mlas Brms, 1 Wstson of ICIgln, In charge of the prt- i mary section; Mr. John Woodard of 6ew ard. Mr. O. W. Neal of the Kearney J niais normal. Pror. Neal has on exhibit 200 pictures from th Turner Art Insti tute In Boston and gives a talk on are I every morning at 10 o'clock. Affects ths foreign matter and Poisons that Irri tate and Inflame. It will quickly check an aiiacg or diarrhea and restore normal ! conditions. j Dr. Caldwell's Syrup pepsin has been j ths standard remdy in countless homes : for more than thirty years, and Is sold ' in drug stores everywhere for rirtv i.nt. a bottle. A free trial can be obtained by I writing to Dr. W.-n. .Caldwell, is ' ington St., Montlcello, III. That "Nothing- succeeds Ilk succeea" Is demonstratAd by a glance Into our dining rooms of a Sunday evening;. The Dinners de Luxe Inaugurated 0n the first Sunday after the opening of the hotel have indeed proyed a success. The cool, airy dining-room is as popular In the hot daya of Mid-August as In Mid-Winter. The reason for this success is plain The best of food properly prepared and served In a manner enticing amid surroundings befitting. Usual Sunday night Dinner de Luxe from Six to Nine at One Fifty, the person. Muslo by Chrlstman and bis Fontenelle Orchestra. T)ASArvHna vmaw V 1 . Hotel fToNTEMELu THE EEER YOU UKR J CLEARANCE SALE If cyor there was an opportunity to save a lot of money on deprntrable high grnde home fiiroishinirs, tlmt opportun ity is here now at Hartman's, thuinsr this -August .sale tji" furniture. Wo want to clean out even' odd piere of furni ture which we have in our house und'havo marked priors throughout the entire building accordingly. Prices have been cut 25 to below retail prices Below are a few of thovPpocial values listed for Saturday. Others on dis play at our storo at correspondingly low prices. DON'T MISS IT. Take a Year or Two to Pay If You wish. IM Ell K.8 SI I mm tl.BO 1 A VKRV PrKCIAL VALl'R IN OKNPINKfri e WITAHTRH KAWKI) OAK CHINA rl,OS. KT. l'.xtra large else model, measuring 72 Inches high and 3t Inches wide. Fitted with four ad- juatanie sneives. tlaa neat mirror top and carved claw feet. Finished In golden. A rare value at II.sS CSH. it. 00 A XOnTK. Tl OOlia KJ&K t a,U; GENUINE tWILTON VEL-p VET UUa Our special LV offer for tomorrow's selling Is a .9x 11 ft. Velvet Kug made of selected woolen yarn in the newest ori ental and floral color combina tions, suitable for parlor, bedroom , or' living room. A decided bargain at only: . $11.98 1.05 CAM. i gj.00 a uotrr v my r T J't"e ii GENUINE lOUIOLB GO BASKET. Made throughout of Imported reed. 7 l. Ik I SDlendldlV. flniahed harnnlnl hrivn T In.H throughout wltli brown repp. The protects the child's eyes from the light weight and handy tso-cart that anywhere on street cars, etc. Never fore olfere at this low price too vm.ix. 700 A atwsTTK. I : NET. HTMAN'8 CHEAT SPECIAL JN A TWO-INCH CONTINUOUS POST COMBINATION. Bed has ten fillers, full height and beauti fully enameled In a-nld hrnnu Heavy angle Iron springs, wlrt ii fabric top and high grade ii ore cotton top mattress Complete outfit priced. Q fjn for tomorow at 1.00 CASK.' 91 XX) A KOsTTX. AMKIUCA'S liAltt.tST sisTfsxr'srm BiariisT a i i v a t 1414-16-18 DOUGLAS STREET uij,Ai'aau"Ji:jgj'., ELEGANT IMPERIAL CIRCASSIAN WALNUT 2 DRESSER A LAROr: AND MASHIVK PUKSSF-R. M.vde with heavy plank top and full swelled front. HrJm Is fit ted with three roomy ilrawern, Ix-Hiitlfully finished In Imperial .('IrrHSHlnn Walnut. French, heleved il.t mirror mensurea 18x30 inches. Alto- J gether sn elegnnt piece of furniture 'SIS S greatly umlerprlcnl at f CASK. $1.00 A ItOKTE FREE A at -Piece Tea Set with eTerjr Pur chsm of 92ft or OTcr. I " l"JSsr .rWt 11 id. mi iiiui wi- $12.98 fM!sr JiSaeit.1 4 " l SOLID vJ HEAVY OAK PLANK DININQ ROOM TAHLK. Made throughout of carefully selected wood, has heavy round barrel pedestal supported by four neatly rounded turned feet. Table top meaaurea 42 Inches anil extends to six feet. Bril liantly polished in a rich shade of golilen. Hpeclally quot-(Sf g jr t rnlyT. I?"'.0.".0'. . ? o " e 1.00 CASK. 1.00 A MOWTK. f. UST.-zt'S? Mr. mS A SFLKN1J1U UOCKEH. UAH GAIN. Frame Is made entirely of hardwood, finished golden. The back and seat are upholstered In genuine Im perial leather. Back neatly tuft ed. Steel spring construction be neath seat. ' One of the very best rocker values ever offer- di Off ered at this low price . .P) 500 CASK. SOo A KOsTTX. Let Hart man I'eatbcT Your Nt'st. peaked hood sun. A very can be taken be- r7 or Qi .00' 100 Other Bargains On Sale. jA NEAT DESIGN IN A HOME r.A i i. J (X)Mp ORT KITCHEN Baso fitted With two slidlnir hlna ' two drawers snd sliding knailn; board, "lop lias roomy china compurtment with plain dnors tns(s1 of lattloed doors as shown In Illustration. Two aplrs drawers aiid lunar bin. Maria entirely ot solid oak. Offers alt conveniences and at r comforts. A bla vaJus )X MS , t W VSMtf TSe CASK. 7 So A atOsTTX. wttm? ONE3 MOTION AUTOMATIC B B D DA.VEN POUT. Heavy frame Is made of genuine solid oak. The upholstering- used ia high grade Imperial leather. Beat and back are diamond tufted over full steel spring con struction. Our clrr ance aale price Is only $17.95 llO.Mtl-ill MSHKK.S ss i ij