THE BEE: OMAHA. '. . ', AUGUST . 1915 If the present tenant is to move on October first why not advertise for the new one now and extract most of the worry from the incident Phone Tyler 1000 and get your vacant apartment, house or flat listed WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to Insure proi-er claaslf Iratlnn must be Pr" sented before 11 o'clock noon tor evening edition and 7.80 P m. for morning and Sunday edition". Want aria reived after ch hours will he under the heading. Ta Lata to Classify." CASH RATE. , Seven consecutive times, 1 cent a worn sen Insertion. ... Two of moie consecutive times 1H ctuli word. Ob time. 1 cents a word. CHARGE RATES. , Seven consecutive tlmea, cents a una a h lnse-tion. . Three -ymrecuttva tlmea. 10 centt each Inscrtii4). One tine. II rente a Una. Count ala average words to a una. Mlnilmum charge, X) eenta An advertiseim-nt Inserted T?" until discontinued must ba stopped oy lit ten order. . . -.aria All clalma for errors muat be. ,rn"" within fifteen days after tha last Inser tion of the advertisement. tott can place your want ad t Tn Bee bv telephone. TELEPHONE TTLER DfCtTII ART FUNERAL J0'"" ESSER-Mi.s Man', aged 83 yrara; died at St. Josephs hospllsl after a few days Illness of peritonitis. ,,... Remains will bo shli-ved from A lleaiey's chapel this evening tt 1 m.. to Earllng. !-. over tho Milwaukee railroad. rrVaieft two daughter; ,tn Ow-JJj Cassia and Agnes; In California. Miss Anna, Funeral notice later. BMITH-MIm MalT. died at Bt. Cain arlne'B hospital after a abort Illness. Rlma!n. Jt Heafey Heafey's chapel, funeral notlco later. . TOLPPOP-Mra. Emll. August IS. Ml. Funeral. Bund.y from Norwerlan and plnlshThuroh. Twenty-fifth 1 IWta. Sunday at 3 p. rn. liueri ent at Spilngwell cemetery. Friends Invited. 1.oiub notices. MODERN WOODMEN and Royal Nelgh Joint Plonlo .( Bil. b.tuN Auiuil U; c.eoige Green a band. pUUfwm 4dxo; darning free; unill nnd n"hl; ban game free; races end dr 1 contest, and a grand cam Wei. Uin old merr-go-around Included; plenty to eat on ' IhVgrounds; take Fort Crook car at Mth uul N Bis.; 2o-minute service; plenty of caraCome and bring your fitenda. BIRTHS AND DBATHi. Blrtha-Oarl and Lather rum1'.,!8 Pawanl. boy; John and Gertrude CraU dock. wil bouth Twenty-Ilfth avenue boy; 0ora a.nd Joe Comb.. li North l..h- teenth. boy; John and iseme rimn"'1 11 Nort Twctity-elKhth. Hmith Hlle. i Klrl; Anton a nd JlndrUka IMakac. tha, boy; Luclana and Oulwppa Salerno, South Kourteonth, boy; I'eter and Mary Tigllotte, 2"7 Pierce, boy and gin , i Fred D. and I'ainna n nurnmii, Blaine, boy; Blmon and Warle Bruak. Iwl u girl; Paul and Josephine Ulsal, tn 8, boy; Bteve and Katy Uerjevlc, 24JJ H. twiy; lgnatl and Barbara iNevinamaay, 1 V. boy; Frank and Marie Peaek, 312 North Eighteenth, South Side, boy; Uica and Beasle Rats, R. boy; Mike and Mella Stepacuk, ; Z, girl; Peter and Juila Zorola. 40 B, boy. Deaths-Madrllna Zaloudek, . Il South Fourteenth; Anna Marie Toldbod. 42. Tenth and Castellar; Oeorge Capka, 44, hospital: Mary V. Leurltsen. U days. 41 North Forty-first; George p. East man. 70. Twety-thlrd and C; raley Men efee. H. Twenty-ninth and R; Oertrude I... McCOrmack. 4. S0l South Slx- teenth- John Murraeo. 2, 22M Pacific; ! receivea 1 am obliged to sell my houe i...nh rabtx. S9. 1103 South Ninth. moving business. taBy terms. I. A, r . . . . MARRIAGE IICEHIEI. The following couples were pranted license to wed today: Name and Residence. Wl'llam J. Wedge, Omaha Minnie Plerson, Omaha Harry Vols. Council Bluffs......... tlrace Bothwell. Council Bluffs... Earl W. Newell. Uncotn Mlna M. Peterson. Lincoln Thomas Foster. Council Bluffs.... Florence Mills, Omaha Verne Rlchey, Panora, la , Amy Kinney, Jamaica, la Florence A. Slkes St. Faul, Minn l.lillan P. Enfield. Omaha Age 2.1 21 21 i m "' I ' I ..IS ..21 ..19 ..26 ,!;.4 Horace Parker. Omaha ..!..... Annie L. Knight Tlxxard. Omaha SO BlILUI" PERMIT!. Nels Blmons, S31S North Forty-fourtK .venue, frame dwelling, 11,600. Today's Mo?ie Programs LANTERN aUdaa tor movwa. Bend your sopy t us. We can re produce photos v will prepare; your copy. We will color SS tlrsjcted. Bee Photo Dept. UK Dee Bid. Dtiwatswa. EMPRESS. 15th And Douglas. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE. Tha Mystery of Mary, t-reel Vltagraph. Ham comedy. HearsUBellg No. 4. The Fixer, Blogrsph. PRlMCKBd. U1J-18 DOUULAa. The Wsy cf a Mother, -reel drama, N ben Hungry Hamlet Fled, 1-iwl com. The Assayer of Love, Western drama. Jturlk. 1 6T1I AND EINNRY. on AND. Margaret FUher Id The Lonesome Heart, a iuiiia4 masterpiece In tour parts, ana a good comedy. LOTH HOP, 24TH AND LOTHROP. Ronuuice of Llalne. l athe Newa. oatai. APOLLO. S8S4 LEAVENWOUTll. The Confession ot Madam Barasloft. itagraph. BllUe'a li)Ut. lAibln. West. MOXriOK. :SC6 FARNAM. Ruth Roland and Henry King In Fruits of Foily, -tt-l Baiboa. Pathe News, tVirrent EJvents and a good comedy. BES3E. J4TH AND N. Hearet-Sellg News Ptotorlal No. . The I lead feotil. Ijubin. OKPHkUAL liTll AND N. The Straw Man. M,.rtr Ii. bents a Harem. A MOVIES a 'f FEATURES f A TODAY A CRAND. 16TII AND DINNEY, Jdarfaret Ftsher In The Lonesome Heart, a fo'ir-rel Mutual inaatn pi-. lAJTHitOP. 24TH AND LOTUHOP. iiiyiuance of Llalne. 265i FAUNA M V i i l'sys. No. U. AXXOUJiCKMKXTS V!1,K!S C. rilOSMT, undertaker a ad em- balmer, new locution, 2hll-2f.ia N. 2th Ht. I i ne moei up-to-date, modern tindertak lug parlora In the city. Tel. Web. 47. Invaatlcata T.M.C.A. out aTparkTaumnMr. BUSINKSS CO1XK0B STUDENTS 8AVB MONEY ON COURSES. For wle, with rood reaoona for aelllna". a variety of couraea In a reliable Himl ne (Vhonl. one of the leading hnalneaa collee of Omaha. Will he nold very reasonable away below regular price. If you are considering taklns a couree Invent litnte thla at once, lnc Fall terra beglna aoon. Call office, Omaha Uee. AUTOMOBILES Whenever you are conaldering aelllng or buying a ued car and you want full value for your money or you want people Who are willing to pay for what they are felting you will have no regret If you fcuy or advertiae the ueed car column ot The Hee, fhone Tyler 1oi. F ONTKN h.l.m ALTO CO.. II . th 8t F.i pert repairing; bargalna In uaed ear a. guaranteed aa represented. FOH 8ALB-Two perfectly new eight rylinder C'adlllari. A real bargain. Ad dreaa Ho m Fort fodge, la. FOR BALK My uaed Oldnmohlle touring car, In good condition, louu. Car can ba aeen at 2A Farnam Bt. One alx-rylincier Cole. One four-cylinder C'roxton-Keelon. One four-oylinder Cbalniera. I'rk-e from mm to l,o0. II. FELTON. 22- Farnam Bt two HKWAHD for any magneto wa can't re air. 0I1h lepd. Uay(lot frr. '.'10 N. IS. o Induatrlal OaraKe Co.. nh 4k Harney Bta. Overton's fur leaky radiator. 6-, dealera. NEBKA8KA Hulrk Hervlce KtaUun. i14 Farnam Rt. I'tiona lionsaa 721 DKTROIT ELECTRIC. 000. CAIX. ILAR NEY 10. A MODlvL 19, ali-oyllnder Iterca-Arrow ; tourtns' car : iumt overhauled will .!! for cash lily no tradca. Address E-II8, ee. WILL soli my model 80 Chalmers, five passenger touring car. In good shape :r,n takes It. Aduress F 9 Hee. 6-PA8H Reo. (lood condition. Must sell. 1400. rhone Web. 641. 6124 Flor. Blvd. BUSINESS CHANCES If your busiaska Chime e will stand rigid investigation and is Just what It Is' ajjveriiafa, or u you are looking 10 start In business lor ourell uu will be per fectly sallnltad If yuu use tho Business Chalice column of Tiie Bee. When buy ing or selling a business k'uone Tyler ICHiu, NKW business enterprise organising of fers stock In block of T,Uuu to reliable Investora I'artlea must exchange refer ence. Oct In on ground flour. Address K K', Bee. DRLU BTlMtb-lowa'a best town of .'i0 pop., Ili miles from Waterloo, la.: atock nnd fixtures invoice I-.7UU: will sell for HHrtl cash: lcL muat bmII- 1H (Wm puh bualness; giod opportunity. Address Y "-;o,. iice. HONH, show cirdx. Clark A Son. D. 1371 WANTKD To rent good furnished hotel by reliable hotel mun. A. Lelluh, Coon llaplda, la. foil 8AI.I; Only meat market, town Isio in northwest Iowa; good fixtures; big business. Write Y 677. Bee. W FUH HALE-JHeat .commercial hotel northeaat Neb.; rent, iu; Price, U.KiiO. Jim Wray, Sioux City LOCATION for doctor, one of best In state, for price of office equipments and drugs. Write for particulars. Y i7, Hee. Vv'ANTF.D To Bell money-making busl- iieas, on accouiu or street car accident. .AllirliliV lull. wit R nll. I' IV fa OWNEHS-Llst your property with W. W. Williams, 20 Neville Blk. D. 4407. 13 BELL or buy a bi'slness, call on Busch Borghoff. Frenxor ink. I. 131ft. UOOD rafe or delicatessen proposition for iiisn kiui wue. or motner ana uaugnier. (iiurvruiiiy unioiilinu uis uusilieaa. Must have g od references; small capital rtqUred. A dress K 17, Bee. Foil PAl.K Or trade, blucksmlth shop and garage lu Co. svat town. Address T o-a, Lee. U-Hill SALE Onlyexcluslve confeo-" " tlunery. town l.buO. southeastern Ho. Dak.; price Jim Wray, 8iou City, Foil atock, doing good busi ness, located In central Nebraska town. Will sell at a big discount, if taken at ones. No dead stock or boose joint. Had better than flS.OuO business last year, might consider land trade If suitable. Address Y Wi9. Bee. Folt BALE U-to-date confectionery and Ice cream parlor. Beat location in town of ,0iJ0; doing good business; honest reasons for selling; good deal If taken at once. Address Box 173, Fatrbury, Neb. A rUKX-'KSSFUL shoe business must be sold to cloaa an estate: will stand closest Investigation. Address K 35. Bee. w- FoK EXCHANGE Flour mill, lat est equipment: Price lloouO: submit offers. Jim Wray, Kloux City. LOOKING for a competent office man ager to take charge of the treasure- ship and aelllng organisation with ten to nrteen thousand dollars in estaDiuned business Y Bee. o KU1I.I. fllltWWHV mnA hnllnn frwk tne wu .it n. i -.1 .. or ii,- rn iitt living rooms and good barn; will seerl-l flea for about Phona Walnut mt Uid and Center Kta.. Omaha. o SHOE shop, good place, cheap, make IJ6 per week, t'lias. Morgan, 1 Vinton. TO OF.T In or out ot business call en OANGSTAD. 422 Bee Bldg. Doug. S4T7. HEAL estate Business plates supplied or handled; all stales. F. v. Knlest Omaha IN(VRPOllATF.D company want parties with fl.UO to Invest In slock. C.IK ed-te prooaltlon and ta'st of tveitik reference f unlisted. Pays big dividends. Would con sider services ot good man. Address V, Bee. iEE Omaha Theater Supply Co. tor bar gains In established shows. D. 820. Til EATE US Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machlue and soppilva through Theater Kxcli. Co.. m Farnam. D. 1M. kwiulas Houses ivr sale. Rooming house, 11-r., full. A bargain If olC at once, leaving city. Tel D. ?03. EDUCATIONAL Boyles College Day Bchool. Night School, complete business course, complete shorthand or stenotype course, complete telegraphy oourse, civil scrvioe branches end k-ug. llnh. Students admlttuil al any tuue. Write, i bone or call for 1911 catalogue, BOYLES COLLEGE. II. U. lloYLE-S, Pieshtvnt. Tel. D IWe Loyles Blda.. isinaha. Neb, FOH sale, the following scholarships In a first class Omaha Business Collage: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited sienographlo course. One thiee months' business or steno graphic course. Will be sold at a discount at the office St The Omaha Bee. pon BALK FOR SALE Here U a classlflcatlos) that ts of the uimual Uiporiauce to every ,.m.L-. .7" " . . -icacsur, as ti Is culuiuu oilers some eacep- WAN r ED Competent covk a tioiiai oppoiiunuiKs every day and a small waiil ad will sell onr article al Its f..ll value. 1 nuns llcr luuu. Farallerei lluaM-huld u od , a.te. AUCTION SALE, of household goods and furnishings; to he sold for storage cnarges. bnle starts prompt y al W a. in. Monday, August it. tt Maktiaids Van It blotage Co., 17U VVebsier He BA BO 4 INS. IN Fl'RMTUHE AND HARDWARE IM N. :TH WKR tSl lMl f K raruaia St. D. glai. FOn BALK Karnltare, lloanehold tiooAm, Kte. Public Sale Two kitchen cahlnetg, two round dining table, i-hilra. rockera, buffet, hlna cab inet, one Cable-Nelenn piano, ruga, linen. china, etc. ICtlra good lot of furniture thla week. Alao one complete act of carpenter toola. Omaha Van & Storage Co. IWI S. 1TH 8T. 1TTII BT. RNTRANCEL Starts 10 a. m. Baturday, August 21, lasting all day. DOWD AUCTION CO.. Auctioneers. Horace Vealvlea. FRKSH dciXV, W6. I'hona South 029. Grocers, Attention! OUR large stock of delivery wagons (flludehakt r's. and our own make), of fered at low Drlcea to make room for our new Automoblla trucks and Ford I truck bodies. i JOHNSON-DANFORTH COMPANY, 1R2-4I1-M N. 16th St.. near Clark Bt l ive Btoek fop Sale. FINE! milch cow, aow and nine pigs, sow an1 fniir rwm Vliiff llrninvfnn hum. spring wiifon. 611 N Farnam bt. roaltrr, Kgaja aad Sapplles. 8TKHEOTY PH matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more ours hi Siirable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7to a hundred at The Bee office. , THE eggs you sell make the profit In the poultry bualness. Welch's wonder ful White Indian Runner Ducka lay more large white-shelled, good eating eggs than hens. My flock averaged over 2UU egxs each for 1 year. Hatching egga 11 60 for 12; M per 100. J. J. Welch. Cherrycroft, Omaha, Neb. tienson .a. o TKX pigs, thirty geese and 100 chickens. SfiM Jefferson St., South Omaha. MXD grain, 100 lbs. 11.86. Wagner. 801 N. la. 1 rsarltm. TYPEWRITERS, $10 and up. CS Bee Bldg. 1 1 i r i Mi.i oiu. rciitea. repaireU. Central Typewriter Kic. tlM Farnara. Mlseellaaeoas. $3.20 Oolden Wert Whiskey. 4 full quarts bottlxl In bond, pre paid, cackley uroa.. uraana. sT A DDUKtmpD a I. .U....I. a.l..L. 4.b vivi rjil 1 Er IUUII, Biiu t-ial, KB, jaai- cr0, 10-penny match vending ma chine!, 60c each; kooiI hurae, $2u; harnest. $10; expresa wagon, $65; kitchen utenails, on sftlttctrlr. nlatr.A I Llnlx-iavH 1 hull tretv 1 iron bed. 1023 8. rth Bt. ' Harney UX DOliBLfci-BURFACK Planer, iu-inch, Whitney make. In working condition, for sale cheap. May be aeen at actual work at the Kretchmer Factory, 301 Eleventh Ave., Council Bluffa, la. A snap if you apply soon. o fcl-.COND-HAND Burrough adding ma chine. Excellent condition. Must sell quick. Address J 71i0, Bee. FOR HALS ropcorn crlspette outfit; power-greased rotary popper. W., tal W. th St.. North Platte, Neb. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alios and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick. Palke-Collcndcr Co.. 407-40B 8. 10th Bt. LA HUE roller top desk. 116; typewriter desk. $3. C. O. CAKLBEKO, in Bran dels Theater Bldg. FOR BALE CHEAP Buslni sa College Course. Full and complete rcholarshlp In one of the best Omaha busltfsa schools. Uood reason for Belling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will he sold very reascnMily. If Interested Investigate at once, because fall term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale Coal Direct to You. The Very Lowest Prices. Get a Trial Car. I. M. COX. North Platte, Neb. New Id-hand motors, dynamos. magneto, etc. mechanical Rrnn K. . ac In. Worka.Ut-M 8. Uth 8t - UEU WASTED r-KMALK Clerical mm Uffloo. IbS.OO 8TWXO.. tUOOD OPEN1NQJ oO.OO IK'I.EHK AND TXI'lbT 80.00 r'ILK CLERK Si.00 THE CANO AGENCY, BEE BLIMI lExu, htuno.. male or female, sneak read or write Polish, good future.. $U0.0O n expertciiced lady demonstrator. Itujters' Iteference. 640 Paxton Block OOOD positions, lowest fes. BUblNESt MEN'8 KEFERliVCK ASSN, BIL1INO clerk, typUt and office assist ant. 146. Address A S40, Bee. fr actor r aa vnSo GIRL to learn halrdresslng. Oppenhelro. Msrkftser a aa Uvamilct, THE txsrtaui e.lii Problaiu 8oivtd. Tha . Lee will run a Servant Uirl Wanted Ad r lltb until you gat the u Mired results. This applies to residents of Oinalia, Boutn omaiia and Council Bluffa to nag ad to jie ties ofi ii e or telepliuue Tyier Jau WANTED Experienced white nurse girl with lefereucss. iM N. SMn Ot, Phone llai ncv W A NT ED A capable, clean cook with references; no washing or Ironing. AJt Naaiu Bt. Har. ea. WANTED A' competent cook; city ref erences requlrH. Tel. Har. 13l. GOOD girl fur general housework; good wages; small family. Apply 101 8. 3ith. W ANTED Uirl for general housework; ever) Hung strictly modern, small fam Uv Walnut idw WANTED A girl for general housework, l aik Ave. WANTED-A good girl for general ho work. Kitu DougUa .O.O. WANTED Young girl with some expert . ence to aaaial wilu Housework. Wsualer tti.o, Mrs. Martin. WANTE1 A woman for general house work, with or without w asnlng. to go home nights; muat furnish city referenoe. Appiy 4-XAi tHxigo et. Phone Walnut 174a. WANTED Experienced girl for geitdial housvwrk; no washing; references re quired. Mrs. M. B. .N man. Howard M. I bone llainey MJIj. WANTED A couitrnt girl for general housework. Ill ft. -i h ft. i hone liar. WANTED Ulrl for general housework; In fiuni.y; reieruces re4Uird. ui ttoutn nut ct. i'lione llarney . nd second girl; no washing. A Piny Mrs A. C. Paucoast. 4MU Davenport. Walnut 164 WANTED a girl for general housework Apply jkU0Harnybt. WANTED A good girl Tor general housework ; nice room and bath; gowd home for right girl; must have refer- ence. 12LJ Webster bt. Tel. Walnut itoo. GnU. for general house work, one who can go home 'liuthts (while), eol No. 24i h. Red ltvi. AN experienced girl In family of three; no washing, excellent wagea Mrs. W. J. Hyuee- llarney .'0, HELP WANTED FEMALE lloaaekeeorra and Imealra. WANTED 5lrl for general housework; references required. Apply Mil. W. J. Va. 11 8. ft. I'hona Harney 21!2. M lacellaneoaa TOCNO woiren coming to Omaha a atrangera are Invite! to visit the Youtif Women C'nrlatian asaoclatlon building at Ft. Mary's Ave. and 17th Ht., where they will be directed to rultable boarding placee or otherwloa suisirited. Look for our travelers' g-'-e at l ainn station GIKL wanted at Neuniayer for dining room and chamber ork. LAOIK.S make shield at home; liO for lim; work eent prepaid; no canvaaalng; end stamp. Ivanhoe Mfg. Co.. Ht. Louis. Mo HELP WANTKD MALK Clerical anal Office. np. cashier, country bank..... LTC Kxp. bookkeeper, country banlc uU tlx ik Meno. and office Wgr $10 week i wo special salesmen. Rogers' Keterence, bV) Paxton Block. CITY salesman, r-al.. Com, and Fxp, Junior salesman, l and commission. Watta Ref. Co.. Mo-4'.J Hrandel Theater. A YOUNO man for combination clerical BJid collecting position. High School of Commerce graduate preferred, (live references first letter. Address J H. Hee. ASSISTANT bookkeeper and typixt; eN ary V to depending on experience. Address 8 ltt-e. HIGH-OKA I K commercial pooltlons. WEdT. IlKKKHENCr; & flONl) AS8N. 162 Omaha Nat. Bank Hlilg. Young mnn, atudy law! Downtown even ing scrMons, Law dept. U . 1 V KR1T Y OF OMAHA. Nominal tuition. See A. C Thomsi n, 4n." Omaha National Hank, - - " , . r - i ,.,?" -...". la)A'i y"1 ?,vlT.,l?wnv.;"t ii im lwi i. ft . lui, co. riHiie, CITY solicitors wanted. Beat of refer ences required. Halary to rleht man. Call Meneray-Omaha Nursery Co., 4J3 Blale Bank Hldg , or 31st and Avenue A, Council Hluffe. la. WANTKD A good ateady gentlemanly I salesman to handle a Ward's wagon In 1 ror full partlcUarB write promptly to Dr. w,rd's Medical Company, Wlnoni. Minn. jsstaniisnen i.n. AOLONTS tl a day salary (und commis sion. 2i27 Dodge St. LIVE agents wanted everywhere; posi tively fastest selling men's specially on the market today, write Immediately for territory and proposition. The Allen Co., Orand Island. Neb. Box he. o THE first payment carries Insurance to January 1, lMti; great Inducement; call or write Mutual Benefit Health & Acci dent Association, City National Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Ksrlur) and l.artes. WANTED Men to learn the Wber trade. We have originated a plan to teach It quickly and thoroughly. Wages paid while learning. Toola included. I Id while learning. Toola included. Write for Illustrated catalogue. MoLERiover M per cent profit on each article BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. Hth St., WANTED Experienced ealesmnn for drug department; must be capable of filling prescriptions; give references and state age In reply. Address M IMS. Bee. LEARN BARBER TRADE Wages paid. Tools given. Poritlons guaranteed. Call or write for Information. Trl-Cjty College. 1124 Douglas. Omaha. Positions Now Open. Free Catu'ogna AMKH1GAN AUTO COLLKOB. WE need men: had to turn down two jobs per week lately. Get In. Learn by our method. Oet one of theas Jobs. Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mobile school. 1406 Leavenworth St. Drug store snaps, Jobs. Knelst, Bee Bldg. WANTED Two or three good broom makers. Steady work at good wages. Open shop. National Broom Manufactur ing Co .Pueblo, Colo. stlsoellaaeoaa. MEN watited: government Jobs; 190 per month, Omaha examinations Sept. 15. Cample questions free. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 221 F. Rochester. N. T. DISirWASHERj wanted, fcavoy Hotel. Apply at once. WANTKD Names of men, 18 or over, wishing government Jobs. 6ft month. No pull necessary. Address Y BUI. Bee, WANTED Four good haying hands; must know the busienns. Call on F. C. Bliss, 2U Exchange Blda- South Omaha. HELP WANTED at ALU AND FKMALB. WANTED Bathroom attendant, young, clean and efficient, good masseur. Oer man preferred. Send application Imme diately, with references and pnoto and atate salary expected with board and room. No. 3. Hillside Sanitarium. Sioux City. la. SITUATION'S WATrrro BAND DlHCCToR. professional (con ductor only; arranger, teacher of all stringed and wind instruments, at lib. erty; first class references; will come for unconditional trial rehearsal; bands of less than 14 not considered. Address r 75. Bee.' CIVIL and mechanical eiiglneer. havinK d a wide experi- technical eaucanon and a wide expe ence, with a complete eel of surveying instruments, which may be used where employed, uealrea a position. Address u StSBee . A LADY of good health and edocatlou JKould like a posit lon. Address 17A Bee. A LADY who Is not very strong would like some kind of light work. Address K W. Bee. YOUNG n. an wishes position as clothing orshoe salesman; 10 years' experience, Address M W7. Bee. YOUNO man wants work of any kind. Tel. Walnut 431. WANTED Position on ranch; had ex perience In Australia and New Zealand on sheep and cattle (arma; will go out al I unit, n yoming preixrreu. r. i. a:ker, care Y. M. t-. A.Onialia RELIABLE colored woman wants fclcady general housework, where run l,o nights; with city reference. Tel. 1). 74ii. EXFEhHENCED milliner, sales'iudy'. wants a position. Reference. Andreas E WJ, Bee. YOUNG woman. 24 years old, wauls puicu to assist with house work. Phone Dougias r.n. Ask for Mary. COLORED lady wanta position aa clian7 bermaitk .'all Doug. iJi. Ad rt.... WOMAN with cblid wants place-to cook In tKr1ing house. Tel, Red 7755. YOUNG lady I years' experience desires position as P. B. X. operator; can uIKr good references. Pti"ne Doug. 5.177. MIDDLE aged lady, neat and desirable, ! rooms, excellently arranged; second floor wishes position as housekeeper in u corner. Private pore Ilea entrances and resjiectsble home. I'hona Weh. Kx.. laundry. Strictly modern and up-to-date MARK1ED man wants work on fann.;or rt'm 'Mrnlshed."'a47.60.'r Address T 71. Bee. j & room., gi2 pactflo Bt. Large recen- YOUNG man. Dane, wants steady Job as1 Hon hall, very large living room, beaull- Jantlor or anythUig. bteady snd sober, Phone Harney 874. 60 S. ialh St. SibAPl Joo desiied by young colored man as Janitor, porter r aiythlng. Phone Harn-ir '. Frank Tiioii'as. LADY desires place housekeeping on a farm; has two boys who sre able to work on farrx Address U Ml, Beo. LOOT ND FOrXD Lost or Fouud ad Us Omaha's Lost and Found medium means the Immediate rt- I turn of that article if advertUvd In The Bee the t-ost snd ronm' paper LOST Bionse medal; reward. Return to Gerald Henry, Merchants Nat. Bank. OMAHAlTcbl NClL Bl.U FF8 r REET railway company. Peieons having lost so-nc article would do welt to call up the office ot tha Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they lift It in the street cars. Many articlea each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore lueia to the rightful owner. Ceil Doug. 4$ LOST AND FOUND 1ST Watch 8..R.'9 of works, return to Hee office and receive liberal reward or R. W. Hoodv, Kldora. Iowa. IiST Lady'a gray comb. Webster 14H3. PERSONAL YOUNO women coming to Omaha aa atrangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at li'th St. and Pt. Maiy'a Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the t'nlon station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so lulls your old clothing, furniture, ma ; fines. We collect We distribute. I'hoiiL Douglas 4135 and our wagon will cull. Call and Inspect our new home. D 10-1112-111 Dodge 8t. GORDON, the Magazine Man Tel. Doug. 71 U. SWAPPEUS' COLUMJf Wanted to Swap. '.'n not advertise omtilmig that you no longer have any use for and get something you realiy need? It coais you nothing to join tno t-wappers' Club and you wbl find It loU of fun swapping things Write itoom lvl, 1J"'U JLL-"--JLreJL?!L AUTOMATIC Rotary Printer. Retail cost SX.Ou. What have VOU to nffnr 8. C. 14, Bee. Al'TO Attention automobile owners! Your chance to get all or any of the following auto accessories or what havo you for trude Bulck 36 touring car body, kciMi top. uuiNiiluid. leirlcr, Un a ic lights. tallllght, radiator, Splitdotf magneto xuu coil box; nelfler carour i tcr. Aildresa S. C. Il'i, Ttce. Al'Ti.MIjr car is a baricaln for you. If iu want to got a good used car ,it will pay you to answer this ad. 1910. 40 H.-l'., 6-pass., Mitchell; fully equipped; will t:ade for something useful. Address S. t V.V.I. Tlee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. AUTOMOBILrJWant to trade 1111 flve passenger Velle, In good shape, nil new tires, for smaller car, to use for road work; rord n 1342, Omaha B work; Ford preferred. Address 8. C. ee. AUTO 4-eyllnder car, equipped with bus body to carry 11 people, for Jitney bus; haa double limttlon, Atwater-Kent and Roach magneto system: will swap for Ford or Hupp '32. Address 8. C. 1313, care Bee. AtTTO SUPPLIES Two good 8x4 tubes, one JKx4'4 tube; Kellogg pump. Claxon horn and other accessories to trade for what have you 7 Address B.C. 1373. Bee. BOOKS. ETC. Law students' text books," nomnrook seiies, and otner standard . works, also typewriter, desk and chair ! ana plain lame hook case Trade for shotgun and field glass or what have you? Address 8 C 1.T)5. Bee. BICYCLE New, for anything I can use. Address 8. C. 13, Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES Recently pat ented article for the nrlntcr. with nil necesanry dies for manufacture, navtntr sold. Will exchange nil or part for printing office, city property or good farm land, all to be free of Incumbrance. Thousands can be sold. Good chance for machinist with shop. S. C. 1170. COINS About 100 old coins; some of them as old as 1448; valued to about 1150. Also a prlmoette codac. 2tt3. Will swap for diamond, furniture, or what have youT Address 8. C. 13H1 Bee. BED Almost new Iron bed with springs; will trade for sanitary couch. Address S. C. 1:113. Care Bee. BUSINESS CHANCE Have a cleaning, Dressing and tailoring business, earna from $100 to $175 a month, downtown lo cation; let me thow you. What have you in oner. auorcM s. i.wz, ee. CAMERA A r?5 small folding camera, equipped with Goers lens; In first-class concr.tion; not being used, will trade for something can be used. Address S. C. 1351, Bee. GENTS' furnishing store In So. Omaha; good location. Will trade for real es tate to the value of 11.600, or what have you? Address. 8. C. ViiA. Bee. LAW BOOKS-Law text books and mes sages of president for anything I can ve. Address 8 C 1353, Bee. MOTORCYCLE Twin cylinder, fully equipped, worth $l& and alio two wire less telephone outfits In good condition, to swap for anything of equal value. Address S. C. 1;W3. Bfe. PHONOGRAPH Dandy Edison phono graph, cabinet (6 drawers) and 1j0 rec ords, will exchange for complete electric light and starting equipment for Bulck auto, a vacant lot or diamond worth J136. Address S. c. W5 Bee, Omaha. PIANO 1 new Emerson piano. Would consider good diamond or building lot. What havo youT Address 8. C. 1374. Bee. PIANO Upright piano, nearly new, In excellent condition; will trade for dia mond or lot. K C. 1354 Bee. PLAYER PIANO. ETv-'.-One $150 outside piano player, ISO worth ot roll music; Corben-Brown rear-drive motorcycle speedometer, kit of tools, one horsepower air cooled International Harvester Co. gasoline engine. What have you for them, or separately? Address 8. C. 1350. Bee. ROOMINO HOUSE Have li-room house, good furniture and full of roomers; paying proposition. What have you? Ad dress 8. C. I:si9. care Bee. SHOWCASE I have an 8-foot refrigcr- II". ood condition: will swap for 2diiand ' yorl Address 8. C. 1314. Bee. SINGER, $) sewing machine, drophesd warawer; gooa condition. will ex change for chlckena o' other poultry, or what have you to tradj? Address S. C. :. Bee. TYPEWRITER What have you that Is useful for an up-to-date typewriter? aoress p. f. i3:z, nee. TO HKLL or trade your shotgun or rifle. ree FRIEDMAN. 1211 Douglas. i WATCH-17 Jeweled and adjusted move- ment that will iaja railroad lnsnectlon In open face nickeled case. Will trade this lUn'h-clam timepiece for typewriter. Address 8. C. 1372. Bee. fok lucirr A part meats aad Flats. Tha For Rent advertisement appearing In the Fur Hunt column ot 'the Bee daily lanuoi be teat for variety tnat - will pliasu and till the needs ot any one de siring to lent, x'uoue 1 yieriuco. " CHOK'H HKATr:D APARTMENTS IN BELBT REST DEN CB DISTRICTS. ( rooms. l' Fu. th SL. a choice brick dwelling, modem In every respect, with many superior features, such as private i roi.t and rear porciies, private entrances, laundiy and large yard. Heat and Janitor rooms. 14 Bo. 80th Ave., large light l iui Drug iirepiace, ntHit-in dook cases, a coxy bav window. Finished In quarter saw ed oak. 1a rite dining room with pan trv and kitchen opening off of It. Two large bed rooms connected by small hall way to tiled bath. Plenty of closels. Private porches, entranoea. laundry and large yard. First floor corner. Hest, hot and roM water. Janitor services fur nished. 8to 00. We have others. Pee our complete printed list before renting. PVNK SI.OTKR CO.. (it Omsha Nafl Bank Bldg. CHICAOO. !110 Modern. 7-r.. $4. D 7.V5. BFAUTIFl'L, atrictly mod. apts. Itith and Yatea S'e. ; Janitor service; fine lswn. playgrounds, tennis courts snd summer comforts. Tel. Web. 5f.7S or 43-1. Angelus Apt.. and 4-rKin apt H. .'4 o :j-ROOM nulern flat. ST-'TDod St. In quire tiouiiner Bow , JMh A Farnam t. BEST I-room modern apartment In the city. AH rooms south and east ex roaure. Apt. No. I, Old Hamilton Apts. P hone Itouglss 17. (Continued oa Col. 7. This Page.) Ready Reference Directory TLe following firms offer will pleafe the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. RFF.n ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 206 Brandeia Thea. Kerr Titi r.iimniM ami Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 3U6 8. 17th 8t. I'lione U. stL AUVEHTIill.lU MOVULTIKS. XI. F Phafer Co., 12lh, Farnam. P. 7474. AHAIi.ln I- l.MKIU.NU. Fil.MS developed free IP purchased from PSoto Craft Shop, 41R Bee Bldg. Dept. D. ACLUt'.TANT9. E. A. DWORAK ACCOUNTS AUDI I KD-Books and closed. Cost hjstcm Insta.led Let me call on von to explain tne advantages cf mv audit service svatem. Address 4.a 4J7 Himec Bldg D""g. 740S. AIIC1I i rue I 9. Everett 8. Dodds, 612 Paxton Blk. D. ?n. A I l uHMil s. A T. Dlklnann. Rll Pairlon Rlk. D. JS04. At t iloM-.KItS. Pod Auction fo..; w.O.W. It. IHS. Al TO l.Ntl ItM U. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE! u., Douglas Zi9. AUTO HAUUTiiB HEI'AIHS. Omaria Radiator Rep wo , ?o;fi pRr r ynoi. BthKKIts. Z. H. RF.F.PER, ISO N. Hth. Web. J2?7. MUDUlAiU. 0 fMwn.m."t,re,8e" of a" kinds, makis feather mattresses and down -overs HHASg AJD IH(. KOLiSUHIfcJS. fgjcjvMitchp!, pp., nth and Martha Bta WBPKSITEas AM) COJS TKAC'I OKsT ETEVEIJ.SON. $23 8. aa. rWm, jco. Lessarrt A Bon, 1906 Cnp. Ave. T. 1. ClUROPHACTlt; SPIVaL ADJU'Bt'TS Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Ealrd Bldg. D. 8ICL Pr, C. R. Bring,, 2323 Harney. R,d 7TB1. , ciuiiopoDtsr. " Carrie 3. Burford C20 pHX. Rlk rh1 47. DAKCiaU AtADKMlalS CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 1S7L f,."m.m'r '? now at Mackle'a- """y- jgl Harney. Doug. 644 mtEgsMAlklSjU. " Terrjr Dremmak'g college. 20th A Farnam mis STURDY 2418 CASS. D. 7870. W62B?TED-niKh cI" dressmaking. Web. DRE8SSIAKING COLLEGE. Kelster's Dressmaking Col.. Ifi28 Cltv Na. DYERS AAD CLEAN ERsT STATE Pry Clng. Co. 120 V .Jth. n rot DETECT! V Eg. ,Adm5 Nvlll. Block. Evi. an cases. Tyler 1184, UiaA'I'iaXaT Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea. 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1M7 Douglas, p. 1180, UHttiS. PRTTGS at cut prices; freight paid on 110 orders; cataloguea free. Sherman & Mc. Connell Drug Co., Omahn, Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 119 N. 15th. Terms, ELECTRIC SIOTOH REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bldg.D.IS7 " ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender. 621 Bee Bldg. Red 80S8. E V ERY THIN ti FOR WOMEN. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down; cloaks, suits and dresses sacrificed, id N. 16th St. KIRN ACES AND TIN W ORK. HABERSTROH. 4026 Hamilton. Wal. 2T1. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists. 1804 Farnam SL D. O0O. L. HENDERSON, 1811 Douglas. D. 1258. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. HESS SWOBODA. H15 Farnam St. A. poVAftHtrv- 1622 Harney. Pout. 1Q"U GOLI AND SILVER PI.AT1NU. WR replste everything of "et;Ji,0n;ih Plating Co.. 120 Harney St. Eat, INsTRCC'tlON. English. French, Instruction. 805 Lyrlo Bid ICE. Lakeside Ice Co FOR ICE 'PHONE WEBSTER 691S. Genersi Office, 18th and Manderson bta " Ji aTU K!i OF THE PEACE. H H. CLAIBORNE. 613 Paxton Blk. R 75t Notary PubC deposlUon stsu C. W. BRtTT. 801 Baker block. LAUNDRIES. CHICAOO LAL'NPHy CO. Douglas 2971 'LIVE STOCK. COMMISSION. . . irhn. m.ia MARTIN BROgA CO.. Exchange Bjdg. W'- u riku FIXTURES. WIRING. Hun"" DURK1N Thomas. Douglas 2518. 411 Cuming St. ut,u yiuisu MAUU1NES. OMAHA Film Ex.. Hth and Doug. Motion C ..icture machine and Him bargalna UUiOUC) flits. HaRLKT-PAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargalna In uaed machine Victor Rous. "The Moiorcyclo Man." 27 Leavenworth. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE taught, by telephone and niail. Free trial lesson. Seb. tawi. Regains piano playing positively taught in M lessons. 42.0 Cuming St. Walnut 83, a NOTIONS. NOTIONS, newa, cigars, candy. 133 Park 7 Ol l LISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, psr as yu can Drs. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. PATENTS. D. OBarnell. Faxton Blk. Tel. Red nil. 1 H. A Fturges Brsndls Theater Bldg. VllbulMlalt fllVtllltN- JOSFPHINF ARMSTRONO. 18 Bee Blrig rAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH H'MANl'S, 417 N 40th H. r?3 PLA1 ING. D. tm. Acme Plating !!1 S 17 th St PLUMES ILKtM.U. Dcd. made over. P. Eisele. Uii City Nat quality and expert service that . , . PRINTING. WATFRS-RARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 524 S. Uth St. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUO. 87M DOUGLAS Print Ins Co Tel. Douglas (41. It C 11 B tt E ttMPANIKS. NEBRASKA RUBBAOE CO. This ta the man to call If you have any ashe or tin cans to haul. Phone Webster 081. SAFE AN U TIME LOCK EXPERTS. O A Opened, repaired, comb, JMn P.J1 chanced. F. E. Paven. fort. 14"6 Iiodpe. D. lSzl. SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., 81? S. 12th. D .2911. SHOE HI.IV4IIU.NO. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. 211 S. It. Harley Shoe Rep'r Co.. H Fam'm. R 3446 SEWING MACHINES. tjt rent, repair, sell needles and VV P nart for nil bewing machines "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th find Harnev. Douglas 1VJ. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTFR Sheet Metal Compsnv. 1W !. 10. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We bu, sell. Omana Fixture and Supply Co., 4U-.6-I8 P. U'th. Doug. 27H. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 B. lltn. P. 828. TAILORS. CHAS. C. LANDER YOL. 108 N. 1Mb. BU TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FREL1NQ STEIN LE, 1S06 Farnam Bt. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 3 mo. for $4. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 19n6 Farnam. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, Sl S. Uth 6t. All makes for sale or rent. RENT "Remington," not Just a type. writer. Low rent. Cal' Douglas U84. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, 2d fl. Paxton Bk.. 18 yr. exp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. Wlr.tuS AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES, 201-$ S. 18th St. Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinners U to 3, 10c. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUBti Uth and Capitol Ava Ten-cent lunch. BIKDlUAXi RHEUMATISM trealea successfully, re sults gunranted. Dr. Bowser. 314 Bee Bldg. PILES. FISTULA CURED. Pr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DK E. II TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg. RUPTURK cured In few days without pain. Cal! or write Dr. Wray, 8u4 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Established 1KH. o FOH RENT Apartments and Flate. FREE MOVING MOVE NOW - If you want neat S-room flat, for winter, walking distance, on 30th St., bring this ad to our offico. We show you flat; if you rent we pay moving bill. Smalt families only. Each flat 3 rooms and bath. Modern but heat. Rent $12.60 to $1$ each. Newly papered. Don't phone. Refer ence required. , D. E. BUCK A CO., 912 Omaha National Bank Bldg. o S-ROOM apartment, St. George, 118 N? 'iat Ave. Phone Tyler 1536; evening. Web. 1H74. i FOR RENT. new. 3 and 6-room apart nients, disappearing Deds. pneumatlo cleaner, shower baths, first class In every particular. Flora Apts., 2.! Jones St. o Muard tut htnsu. Furnished Rooms that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort in private families or boarding houses ot the high est class will best be found in the Fur nished Rooms column ot The Bee. Phone Tyler loOO. N. frith, ysi. furnished room with board. $i ?Wt Webster, walking distance, $5 a week. Mit mod. room in private home for em ployed lady; walking distance; near two car lines; breakfast If dslred. Tel. D. 62W. y.21 Harney, cool room, excellent table bd. Desirable room and board, 618 S. lth St. Faralssied Rooms. IN private family; $2.50. Tel. H. 23SS. If you do not see anything that suits you In the way of Furnished Rooms you can call at Room 104, Bee Bldg., and aak for the Free Furnished Room .buresu and we will gladly refer you to a high class rooming or boarding bouse In any part of the city WELLI NGTON INN, Farnam at 18th, 100 rms.. $1; 60 rail., $1.60 & up; weekly St monthly rates; cool, quiet, homelike. o ' LARGE furnished room. Including private ! oath, hot and cold water, electric light; . ,ul,able ,or 2 young men' wno can ?ur: nlsh references. Can Include kitchen eouinne.1 with ,m ranira In. Iltrht hniia. i keeping If wanted. Tel. Har. 8. 2oTH ST., 21S Newly furn. rooms; In excellent location; close In. Tel. D. 4723. NICE turn, rooms. 6ue N. 23d. D. ixfci The Pratt, cool, close In. $12 S. 25. D. $138. SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL PAN FORD, lth & Farnam. HOTEL HARLEY. 20U as Farnam. Booms, slnKle or en suite, furn. or unfurn. Modem. I- oO up. K2 N. 2rith St. D. 7471. LARGE front room, mod., tel. R, c&L. lewey Ave., 2". Entire upier floor. private bath ana private entrance. Perataheal llaasekeeplaa- Hoama. Four nice rooms; new bath. 1112 8. 11th. N7"23d, 6J0t large. $15. Red 8j6. M11D hkpg. rooms; (gas. Tel. H. 14. t rooms and bath 1112 8 11th 3 yrt s-ruoui suite, modern. Tel. R. Qj.'l. 2lT N 1TH Nice basement rooms, gas range, electric lights, c'oso In. D. 6Jsi. 8. 261 h St., 2 rooms, nicely furnished. complete for H. K., mod. T. 2114 W. Feralssird Hoasrs. FURNISHED, mod. S-r. home In W. Far 11am diet, for mo. or longer. H. 1S7I, Houar kerplaa; Rooms. DAVENPORT, !. THRKE OR FOfTR NICELY FURNISH ED FRONT llvases aad t'otgigee. " North. 7-ROOM house, modern except litut Urge lot. Cail Websir J. CONTlNl Kl) ON rACEi37 COLUMN ONL