r 4 1 AUGUST 1915. IT" You can provide against that possible lapse of rent income if you start advertis ing now in the Bee s Complete Rental Guide Sunday TJTE BEE: OMATIA, WANT ADS Want ad rtrrWM at any Uim, but to insure proper classification must b Pr en ted before It o'clock boob tor evening edition and 70 p. m. for morning and Sunday editions. Want ads tttelvrt after uch hour will he under th heading. "To t-at to Classify." CASH RATTW. . ren roneecutlv times, I ent a word acfc Insertion. ... Two or moi ooneecutlv time 1H cnt ward. Ob Urn, t sent a word. CHARGE RATES. . Seven roneecutlv times, cents unm ' "1 Inaction. Three oni.-ecutlv time. 10 cent una arh InaertljJh. (ma time, il cent Una. Count six inrnl words to WMtm, Mlnilmum rharae, 80 cent An advertisement Inserted bf. mil discontinued roust b toppa r written order. . . All clalma for error rnuat b Ithln fifteen days after tho last Inser tion of to a4vrtlsmsnt toq can plar four want ad l kw trr telephnn .... TELKPHONa. TTLER WOL CARD (r TIUHKI. HT, wish to than our relatives, many trends and kind neighbors for their klndnea and sympathy and f.orel offerings at th death of our dear hi:band anl father. .,u. MRH. ALICE KKARK AND FA MILT. DKtTIIS AND FtfliKR4L NOTICE MAPRACO, John, aged 2 rear, from accident at Union pacifio shops. Funeral from Heafey A Heafey ibapel at 1:30 p. m., to at. Fhllomen a cathedral. RtljKY-Jchn. . Funeral Saturday mominj. ABguflt B. at I: !U a- m. from th family residenc. tJt tfuutn Twenty-ninth avenue, to St Pater1 church at n. m. Interment, L Mary's cemetery. There are left two daughter In omaha, Casal and Agnes; In California, Mis Anna. LODOE NOTICES. MODERN WOODMEN and Royal Neigh bora, Joint ptcnlo at Bllvue, Saturday, August II; i.eoig Green's band, dame platform 4(xan; darning fre; until mid night; ball gam free; race and drill contests and a grand carnival, th old merry-go-eround Included; plenty to at on th ground; take Fort Crook car at 24th and N Sis.; 20-minui service; plenty of ear, com and bring your friend. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrtha-Cart p. and Pearl Kornmesaer. Sua North Sixty-first avenue girl; John k- -nt Ammm Kwn.ni. i'iir7 Parker, girl; Joeeph arul Uronlnlaw Hant, 1U North Twenty-ninth, Houth Hide, girl; Zo ami UUIe Hhe.r, hoiitl, boy: J. V. and Kmnw il. Uoyer. tuxtleth and Ine Cut Off, girl; frenk and ltoMe PanebUnco, Ites t-oufh Thirteenth, hoy. William and Jo phlne Co am II, honpUal, hoy. li.th-Oegle White, U yeara, 3D7 North Ninlh; Mary t wtemieyer. la yr?t nltal; Melville Unilth, M yeara, IM Fowler ivenue; John Kolln, ! yer. 1K18 South Rlghteenth; Dorothy Bemlcn. 1 year, 4Nl Military avenu; Joseph B. Todd, 67 year. Tenth and Caetellar; Helen Pmllh, 0 year. 7( North Nineteenth; Joeephlna At"t. 70 year. 41a Hickory, Klnar H. An fler, 13 year. Twenty-fifth and a. Boutrt Bid. MARRIAGB LICBRSBS. Th following couple wer granted Jlcena to wed today! Nam and Realdenc. At- John Robert lrtm, Angela Oraoa May HubbU, Klorenc Mauric Klrtry, Sloua City, Ia....orrn Uttk Townaend, hloux City. Ia..orr M Otto W. Koeatera, ValparaJao....... II Jewel Atohley. Valparalao. Joaaph (. Burgar, Omaha. Orac U. Leldy. Omaha H triurant Compon, Blair orer II Therea M. Warrick. Blair ovr U TJILDINd PERMITS. Mr. Haya U flouth Flghtoenth. brick dwelling, 11006; Perry Mann. Wl Hu-t-all. frarn dwelling, tl.; I L Hm thter, tM'd lloetor boulevard, fram welling, i2.M0; John From, Leavan arortk. fram 4welllng. H.7M; Maxy Turner, 4014 Nebraaka aenue, fram dweUlng. U.0OO. Todaj'f MoT.e Programs J LANTERN Uoa for bjovi. snd your copy to tuw W can raproduo photo cr will prepe.r your copy. W will color directed. Be Phot Dpt. lot Be Bid. KMFU ESSth'and Douglas. HIGH CLASS VXUDEVILLB. Th Mytery of Mary. -rl Vltagraph. lla.-n coin Ay. lUarsUSellg No. M. Th Fixer, P.lograph. PHlNCLbS. 117-1 DOUGLAS, Th Toast of Death, a Mutual masterplo- tur In 4 acts, directed oy no. mc. Th Honeyinooner, comedy. And also a good iveystone comedy. Jkeria. OR AND, J ITU AND DINNST. The Promoters, a S-reel drama. l'.omnce of Elaine No. ti. And a good coined y. XXiTHHOr', 2 4TH AND LOTHKOP. Francis X. Buahman and Ruth Btona- huuM In The Ba'ile of I-ore, 1 reels. aottia. 282 4 LEAVENfWOP.TH, APOLLO. Diamond From th Sky. And oilier good i-lcturea W'Ml. MONKOK. X555 FARNAM. Anita Stewart. Harry Northrop and Ji.lius rwayne Gordon In Th Painted World, a --ree feature. Ta for a Vf'iarter, toitn'ilf. BESSE. I4TII AND N. Ti e Fky Hunters, Essanay. I iicii, a and He Ring. Yliagrsph. OnTi ILL' Si. IWCi AND N, The Fortification Plan. 4itc.t of Society. Afir the Hiorm. A I'lutKed NickeL 4 MOVIES a FEATURES f A TODAY A CriAN'D, 16TH AND BINNET. Itomanca of EUlr.s No. 32. aTcXlu? tT2TL"iITtN:oiitIE I'lmiionl Ftora th iky No. I. AXNOU.M'lr.MlJNTS V !! i.t.-t c. ItxabY. ut.o-o taker aod ei... I .i.r. new 4e.aiu,u, a S. :tih M. ' ' '"'- .p-to ,, n:,i. ii( undertak I ( .ii. is in (I,,. (y i ,. VVt b. 4.'. ' i Y U C.A. vut g pa' k, auiucr. AXNOCJ! CEMENTS BUS1NK83 COLLEGE STUDENTS 8AVE MONEY ON COURSES. For aale, with good reaaona for Belling, a variety of roursra In a reliable Huxi neaa Rchool, one of the leading bualne.. c-ollrgea of fimaha. Will be eold very reasonable aeay below raular price. If you are considering taking a course Investigate this at oru-e, alnce Fall term begin soon. Call office. Omaha Bee. AUTOMOUILES Whenever you ar considering selling or buying used car and you want full vaJu for your money or you want popl Who are willing to pay for what they ar foiling you will hav no regret If yott buy or advertls through th used car column ot The He. I'hon Tyler inrO. lONTKNKI.Lfc AUTO CO.. 21 . lth St Expert repairing; bargain In used oars, guaranteed as reiireiM-ntMl. I fT0 Ofl Oolden West Whlsky, 4 run vo perfectly new eight- J "S I quarts oottlid In bond, pr aca. A renl bargain. Ad- paid. Cs.klsy Uroa.. Omaha. FOK BAUVTwo cylinder t'adll dress Box 91 Kort Dodge, la. FOK fALIv Ary used Oldsmol'li touring car, m good condition, fAX Car can b seen St KM Fa mam BC On alx-cyllnlr Col. On four-i ylindar Cro tort-Keeton. On fonr-c l,nier Chalmer. Prices from to H. PKLToN, tht, Farnani t 1100 REWARD for any magneto w can't rei alr. Colls ieii. Rayedorfnr. 210 N. !. Industrial Oaraite Co., 20th at Harney Bt. Overton's for leaky rndiator. Mo, dealer. NFRRAHKA llulrk Fervlte r-tstlon, 114 Farnsm Ht. I'hon Doi::a Til DETROIT ELECTRIC.' CALL HAR- NliV 7P9. A MOIiKL M, slx-cyllmler Plerce-Arrow touring car; lust overhauled will el for cash only; no trades. Address B-KI, Bee. WILL sell my model tO Chalmers, flv- paaaenger touring car. In good hap i $3,,S tnkr-s II Ad'irees Wil, I tee. l-I'ASti" Iteo. (lood condition. Must sell. $400. Phone Web. 641. 6124 Flor. Blvd. WANTKD LATH MODEL ROADSTER; HOOD CONDITION; FI LLY EylUP rKD; Ml fT BR SACRIFICED. HPOT CASH. Address Y 70, Bea i ii i ii i' p'i I 0l'8lES CIIA7JCEH If your business Chance will stand rigid invsstigHtiun and is Just what it I adxrtlHcd, or If you ar looking to start In business Lor yourself you will be per fectly sallvlicd If you us th Buainvss Chance column of Th Be. When buy mgorjieiiiig j, business Pnon Tyler icm fl'lNH. snow t Ard. Cark A Hon. D. int. WANTED To rent good furnmhed holol by rellnble hotel man. A. Lcltcli. Coon Rnplils, U. LOCATION for doctor, ono of best In slate, for price of office equipments and drugs. Write for parllculnra. Y 7, Re. WANTED To sell money-making busi ness; on account of street car accident received 1 am obliged to sell my hous movtug buHlneas. Easy terms. I. A. Murphy,llilo Ueneva tit., fllpug Clty,Ia. OWNEHS-Llst your property "wlthW. W. William. hl Nvl,l Blk. D. 4107. TO SELL or buy a bt'sliiess, call on Busch A Borghntf, F renter Hlk. I). 33ift FOK 8AI.10 Or trade, blacksmith shop and garage In Co. seat town. Address T (U6, lie. FOR BALK Drug slock, doing good busi ness. Located In central Nebraska town. Will sell at a big discount. It taken at one. No dead stock or booc Joint. Had better than 111,") business last year, might consider land trade It suitable Address Y .'. Be. FtjK SAl.Er-Un-to-dat confe'tlonery and Ice cream parlor. Beat location In town of l.0iiu; doing good business; honest reasons for selling; good deal If taken at one. Address Box 173, Falrbury, Neb. A SCCCEHHFKL shoe business must b sold to close an estate: wl stund closest Investigation. Address K K35. Bee. WANTED To lrd one-quarter section of land In western Houth Dakota for forty or sixty-iooin rooming house, lo cated In businera district of Omaha, Will pay difference, r . Hee. 6H0K shop, good place, cheap, i0; mak le per ween, t-nas. Morgan, ivm vmton. TO OFT In or out ot business call on UANilSTA n, 4M He Illdg. Doug. 8477. BEAL estate Bustnesa places supplied or handled; all stale. F. V. Knlest Omaha. PEE Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains In established shows. D. StA. TH EATERS Buy, lea or e! your the ater, tnaehln and aupptle through Theater E-xch. Co., 140 Farnam. D. 1W7. stosaalnaT House for Sale. Rooming nous. l-r., full. A bargain It old at one, leaving city. lei. i. iiuv. FDrCATtOJfAIi Boyles College Da School. Night School, uomnlat bustnesa our, complete ahnrthand or tenotyp couta. complete telegraphy course, civil service nrancne ana &ng llsh. Students ndmlltqd at any tiiu. Writ, phone or call fur 1911 catalogue. H. U. Bo Y LE, Prasldsnt Tel. D W6, Boyle Bldg tanaha. Neb, FOK sale, th following scholarships la a first class Outaha Business Collsg: Ou unlimited rombluallun bualn and shorthand course. On unlimited sienogrephlo course. On three months' Duslnes or steao grachla course. Will be sold at a dlaonunt at th efflo of Tb Oanaha Be. ron B.UJB FOR SALE Hers U a clajulflcatlo that Is of th utmost Inportanc to every render, as ti ls column ulfers sorn acu tionel opportunities every day and a small waul ad will aell your article at IU fun value. I none i-yier iwm. raraltare, Hesekol4 Oeoda, kit. Public Sale Two kitchen cabinet, two round dining tables, chalra, rochnra. buffet. China cao Inet. one CablcNvlaon piano, ruga, linen, china, etc Euro, sod lot of furtutur this week. Also on complet set ot oarenter toola Omaha Van & Storage Co. VO 8. 1TH ST. 1TTH ST. FiN'TRANCFl Ftsrts lu a. in. Haturduy, August IL laming all day. POWD AUCTION CO.. Auctioneer. AUCTION HALE, of household goods and furnishings; to 1m sold fur vtorsse tharKea. tSole atarta piompi.y at 10 a. in. Monday. August IX .-it ilnKKfids Van A Siorage Co, Vl3 Webster b's. LA 1 I a'Tn & IN Ft RMTL'KE AND II ABDWAPK. 1S N. NTH Wi n l.j...-. wr110,; Kn,n it D glM. Ilurse a ad Vehiele. Grocers, Attention! OCR Um st.j-k of delivery wagons Stu.leLs kcr's. and our own luake), of fend i.t low pi tc s to iiiiike room tor our hi w Autoiiiublltt trucks and Fuid triicV: l.o e,. ( , 1 1 N i V-1 ' A N FO HTM CO M PA N Y. Ils .i-Ji N. inn ot . n-ar claik St. FOR HAIJ3 tiers aiad V FRESH COW, Hi. Phone Routh . t,le Itwk for Half, FINK milch cow, sow nd nine plga, low end four ilg, H'rff Orpington hen, spring union, tH Fsrnam fir STl-atFOTVPH matrlcea make th beat and chespeKt lining for poultry houses. Tliev are l?xM Inchea. stronger and mor d urs hie thsn tsrred felt and practically 'Wnrnor. 7K1 hundred ann nee orru-e. 1,,., Irs, thirty geese and 200 chicken. f.1 Jefferson P., Ponth Omaha- MXD grnln, l lha. II. o. Wagner, mi N. K ta I f TTFKWRITERH. 1 nd tip. IM Be Pldg. TV H- W t ' e ! solo, rtnte.i repair Central Typewriter rie. IX) Famr. Mlseellnaeoa. CARPKNTKR tools, ehovela, picks, jack. crew, 10-penny match vending ma chines, 0c each; good hors. harness, 110; express wagon, !.; kitchen ulens.la, on lectrl piano, 1 sideboard. 1 hall tree, 1 Iron bed. J. C. I8H. 10M 8. th "t Harney 141. SECOND-HAND Burrough adJIng ma chine. Excellent condition. Must sell quick. Address J 7:, Bee. FOR SALS ropcorn crlspett outfit; ower-gr;aed rotnry popper, w .. tut th KC, North Platte. Net). FOR SALE Nw and second-hand carom and pocket billiard table and bowling Silos and acceanorlea; bar fixtures of all kinds; ensv payments. The Brinswlvk-Balke-Col lender I'd., )!- 8. lKh fit. FOK BALIi CHEAP Business College Court. Full and coir plute rcholsrshlp In on of the best Omaha business schools, flood reason for selling; perfectly rella- ble worth run price, out win oe mo very reaaonnhlv. If Interested Investigate at ono. because fa'l term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale Coal Direct to You. Tito Very Lowest Prices. (M a Trial Car. I. M. COX. North Tlatte, Neb. New i J -hand motor, dynamo, magneto, etc., mechanlnal reualrs. La Bron Eleotrl Works, 114-10 s. Uth 8t FOR SALE OH EXCHANGE 1914 OAKI.AND, electric llghta and tarter; dandy good condition owner win consider vacant lots, equity in property or sell cheap for cash. Oouglas 1S14 KIX cylinder Mitchell auto, practi cally new, to exrhang for vacant lota or equity In property ur sail cnean for caah. Douglas 11A. II ELI WANTED rKMALB f lerlcal and Offlo. BT1DNO. legal. 160. A-l Sleno and bookkeeper, V&. Watts Itef. Cto.. aw-tu-U Brandelg The. B1L11NO clerk, typist and offlo ant, 4o. Address A wo, Hoe. . Seetory am Traits. GIRL to learn halrdreaalng. Oppenhalm, HuutkMMn aaal DeisMflssi THE toeivaut ulrl Problem Solved. Th Bee wlil run a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad FKEbi until you get th Ueslred results. 1 his appllu tu reeiuenu ot umana. South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Biiag ad to Tn be ofilo or teiephon Tyier lwO. WANTED Experienced whit aura girl with reference. 4Js N. Uth bu Phun Harney 4. WANTHD-A oapable, clean oook with references; no washing or lrealng. 420 N. Krth Bt. Har. ft WANTED Girl for general housework; everything strictly modem;, small fam ily. Walnut souO. WANTliD A girl for general housework. lac J Park Ave. WANTfclD A good girl for gnral bouae work. iW Webster. Douglw au.Oi WANTED Young girl with mm experi ence to assist witu housework. Weuster 4C7U, Mrs. Martin. WANTED A woman for general bouse work, with or without washing, to go horn nlghla; must furnish city reference. Apply 4-i Dodge St. i'hon Walnut 174s. CO.MPETi'IN'l girl for general house work. Mrs. Orr. l-U 8. bt. WANTKl Experienced girl for general housowcrk; no wattling; references re quired. Mrs, M. B. Newman, &J0 Howard M. i'hone Harney 131.1. WANTED A competent girl for general liouiH'Wurk. I1& t.ji4th St. 1-hop liar. WL WANTED Cspabl gTrl for general housework, two In family. Call Douglas JJ. WANTED A girl for second work. In quire ll N. loth St. WANTED A whit girl for general housework; no washing or ironing. Web. 41. 203 N. lih tu WANTEJ A girl for general housework at esl rarnam. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, where second girl Is kept. Small family, good wages. IL 4oi. Hi. S. 4th St. WANTED An ex p rie need girl: no washing. Tyler IsjJ. Hum Deer Park Blvd. Phone "WANTED Girl for general housework: I In fsmliy; reference required. M South fcih M, Phone Harney WANTED Competent cook and second girl; no washing. Apply Mr. A. C. Paucoast. 4dtl Davenport Walnut ft4 WANTED a sir! for general housework. Apply SiilOHarney6t V A NT ED A good girl for general housework; nice room and bath; good horn for rUtit girl; must hav refer no. 6211 Webater St. Tel. Walnut . M lavellaaeeiaa. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit th Young Wooieu Chi 1st is II association building at St. Mary s Av. and li'tn St., whsi they will be directed to suitable boarding I lane or otherwise assisted. Look fur our travelers' g"1'1 at I a. on atation. GIRL wanted at Neumayer for dining room and chamber work. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical aad Of Me. FJxp. cashier, country bank Exp. bookkeeper, country bank.. i M 114 wk. jxp. bteno. and office Jugr.... Kill, bookkeeper, neat lunula Eau. bteno, male or female, speak. rvaa ana writ IMUnR IgooU. perma- nt'iit IH.siUon tog JltlKHBIFjOs Paxton Blk Or'FICii clerk, salary l.i; prefer young man living In north part ot city. Apply lol-A) Woodmen of World. A-l STENO and bcokkeeiw. 875. Wall Ref. Co. M1 BrandelgJThea. A YOL'Ncl iuan for combination clerical and collecting poaltlon. High School of Commerce gradual preferred. iv reference first tetter. Addrea 1 vet, Bee. lit TAIL giucuiy ci. rk; good pomixaii; of fice work, tel. Address C KJ, Bee. AiilbTANT biokketi,r and typist; aal ery i to 87a, depending on experienc. Address S .a. Bee. EXPERIENCED 11 Wl. Bee. beak oierk. Address HluH-OlUI'IS commercial puaiitona. WEaT KKFF.RENcal BOND AeSN. TUOmah Nat. Bank Bldg. Young man, atudy law Downtown even Injf kelcnk, lew dept. I MVEKSITV OK OMAHA. N.oiimal tuit'on. See A. C. 1 horn, n. Omaha Nations,! Bank. Afteaia, aaleauxeit .4 aoileltar. COAI. agents warned tn every town; get a tiUl car. 1. M. Cox. No. Plait, Nvb. HELP WANTED-"! I.E Asrsli, Seleamew and gftlleltara. CITY aolldtcra wanted. Real of refer ence required. Halary to rijhf. man. Call Meneray-Omaha .Nursery Co, il Slat Bank t'ldg, or Slat and Avenue A. Council Bluffs, la. AtlENT II a day salary and commia slon. 'OH Dodge Ht. THE first payment carries Insurance to January 1, ID'.; great Inducement; call or write Mutual Leneilt Health & Accl dert Aiisoclatlon, City National Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. I'srlor 1.ae.. WANTED Men to learn th brber trade. We hav originated a plan to teach It quickly and thoroughly. Wages paid while learning. Tools included. Write for Illustrated catalogue. MOLER HARDER COIjLF.CE. 110 a 14th Ht., LEARN BAHBER TRADE Wages raid. Toola given. Porltlon guaranteed Call or write for Information. Trl-Clty Colletre. 1124 Douglss Omaha. Positions Now Open. AMERICAN AUTO Fre Caia'ogj. WE need men; had to turn down te )oba per week lately. Oct la. Learn by our method. Oet on of the loba Catalogue D, B. fre. Nebraska Auto mobile school. tTi Leavenworth Bt. Drug store snaps. )ohs.Knlst, Bee Bldg. WANTED Two or three good broom makers. Steady work at good wages. Open shop. National Broom Manufactur ing Co., Purtiln, Colo. . MlaeellaMCoaa. MEN wanted: government jobs; WO per month; Omaha examinations Sept. 15. Sample quexllons free. FrLnklin Insti tute. Dent. !71 F. Rochester. N. WANTED Names ot men. Is or Over, wishing government lob. tn& month. No pull necessary, Address Y am. Bee. OOOK wanted oaf. at one. Apply Savoy WANTED Four good haying hands; must know th busiensa. Call on F. C. Bliss, 264 Exchange Bldg.. South Omaha. ToUNd man to look after our Interests In Omaha. Salary start lino- in wee,klv I Mf Ca Nla.1-1 Mfg. CO., "' no canvassing, f rontier are Falls, N. V. "' HELP WANTED MILK NO KRM4LS. WANTED Ba throoin attendant, young, clean and efficient, good masseur. Ger man preferred. Send application imme diately, with reference and pnoto and Stat salary expected with board and room. No. i. Hillside Sanitarium, Bloux City, la. SITUATIONS WATTTED YoU NO man wishes position as clothing or shoe salesman; i) years' experienco. Address M W7, Bte. i a Pni,on rBnK-: .j i 1 1 Paying proposition. What hav you T Ad perlenc In Australia and New Zealand dress & C V9 care Bee on ahann and cuttlj, ir,n- will 00 m i 'v. care nee. oni-, Wyoming preferred. F. T. Walker, i car Y. M. C. A., Omaha. RELIABLE colored woman want steady general housework, where can go horn nights; with city reference. Tel. D. 74. EXPERIENCED milliner, saleslady, wants a position. Heferano. Address E H43, Bee. YOUNG woman. M years old. wants place to assist wlLh house work. Phon Douglas 4728. Ask for Mary. YpUNG man wants work of any kind. Phone Walnut 43L YOUNG girl wlshea steady position In smaii store uougias ue, COLORED woman want steady work 1 any kind, moo wb, Ei44, COLOBJCO lad want poaltlon as oham- be r maid. Jail Doug. T4ti. Ada Hugiie. WOMAN with ohlld wants place ta cook In boarding houe. Tel. Red 7766. YOUNG lady ( year" xperlanoa sawrlria poaltlon u P. B. X. apvrator; ean oCfer good refroa. ftun Doug. Kf7. MIDDLB aged lady, neat and l irabl, wish position a housekeeper la respectable home. Pfaon Wab. 1W MARRIED rim want vtark mm (ana. Addresa T T1, Bee. TOUNO man. Dana, want steady job as Janitor or anything. Steady and so bar. Phone Harney 174. tfl & trth Bt. SikiADX Job desired by youug colored iuu jMuvui. yuiMr w r jj- Phoa liamey TMk Frank Thorn a. LOn VITD FOC1TD Lost er Found ad 1st Omaha' Lost and Found medium mean th Immediate re turn of that artlul it advertised In Th Bee, the Lost and Found paper OMAHA 4k COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. - Prona having lost som artlcl would do well to call up th offlc of th Omaha 4k Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In th street oar. Many articles each day ar turned In and tn company I anxloua to reatore them to th rightful owner. Call Doug. 44. LOST Watch 82ta of works, return to Be office and receive liberal reward or R. W. Boody, Etldora, Iowa. LOSIVSOth and Curtis, black leather vafi Ity esse, glasses, papers and money. Web. 5644. Reward. LOST Ladle' gold watch In Wool worth's lu-cent stor; waa in velvet case from Bioui Knar a Jew ir. I o iiionugramed "M. K." Phone Doug. 4400. IA)ST Bay mare; has sore on right shoulder. P.eturn to 2312 t. Uth. Red STcig. LOST While riding Saturday. lady's gold watch, hunting case, engraved "M. L. D" leather fob. Ivory devil's head charm. Finder please phone Har ney UAl LOST Lady a gray comb. Webster 1183. PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha a strangers ar Invited to visit th Young Woineu Christian associating, building at l.tn St. and St. Mary'a Ave., where they will b directed to suitable boarding places or otnerwis assisted. Look fur our travelers' aid at the Union station. THE! Salvation Army industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga sines. W collect Wa distribute. Pnun Dougla 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inepect our us horn, U10-1U2-1111 Dodg St. CORDON, th Magasln Man. Tel. Doug. 714. . SWAPPER' Xt.CMJ Wanted to Swap. Wny not advertise omviluiig that you no longer hav any u fur and Mot soiuelhiiiK vou ra.lx 'heed? it costs you nothing to join Uia swappers liuo ana you win mid it lot of fua swapping Oilngs Write Room iut, lee Bldg., or phone Tyler IWJ. Al'T Attention automobile owners! Your chance to get ail or any of th following auto accessories or waat have you for trade? Bulck 3b touring car body, good lup. pmduiuid. teitoer, two s ae llfclit. tallllght, radiator, Splitdurf Inoguoto and coll box; e-neffler car bur et. -i . Address S. C. IMS. Bee. AUTOMATIC Rotary Printer. Retail coat nac nav you to Offer. Address . C. I'M. Bee. 8 Al'TU-ily car a bargain for you. If you waut to get a good used csr ,lt will pay you to answer this ad. ijio, 40 H.-P., 6-pass., Mnuiiell; luily equipped; will t;el for somethliig useful. Address H. tW7. Bee. AUTOMublLES For other automobile bargains se th "Automobll" claaaifi cailoii A UTOMOBII JJ Waut to trade Ull flve paaeensttr Veda, ui goott ahape, all new tires, for smaller car, to use for road work: Ford preferred. Address 8. C. In.'. Omsha Bee. AUTO -c lindr car. eiuirt-d with bus body to carrv II people, f.-r Jitney bus: ha double Unltlnn. Atwater-Kent and Ivusch nuiitneto svatem: will swap for Ford op HuPi 'ii Address 8. C Uii, car Be. 8WAPPF.KS' COLUMN ACTO Ht PPI.IFS Two good 3x4 tubes. one acxl'i tube; Kellogg pump, Claxon born and other accessorlea to trade for what have you? Address S. C. 1JTI, Be. BOOKiC FTCcLwstudents; text books. lioinhrook seiles, and otter standura works, also tywrlter, desk ind chair and plain lame book case Trade for snotgun And field glnss or what hav you Addreia M C 1T.S. Beiv BTrrCLE New, for anything I can use. A d d ress 8. C. 1 3m.lw. BI'SINEHS CHANCES Recently pat ented article for th printer, with l heessry dies for manufacture, payin. over 100 per cent profit on each arllcl, sold. Will exchange all or part foi printing office, city property or good farm land, all to be free of Incumbrance. Thousand can be sold. Good chance for machinist with shop, g. C 1170. C'6Tn8 About 100 old coins; some of them ss old as 1448; valued to about WO. Also a prlmoette codec, 2'43. Will awap for diamond, furniture, or what have you? Address S. C. 1S01 Bee. BED Almost new Iron bed with spring; will trade for sanitary couch. Address S. C. VV3 Care Bee. BUSINESS CHANCE Have a cleaning preening and tailoring business, earns from lo0 to 1175 a month, downtown lo cation; let me show you. What hav you to offer. Addresa S. C. 1.W2, Bee. CAMERA A 175 small folding camera. equipped with Goers lens; In first-class condition; not being used, will trade for something can be used. Address 8. C. 1301, Bee. GENTS' furnishing store In So. Omaha; good location, will trade for real es tate to the value of II.Soo, or what have you? Address. 8. C. 1X6. Bee. LAW BOOKS Law text book and mes sages of president for anything I can vte. Address 8 C 1&3. Bes. MOTORCYCLE Twin cylinder, fully equipped, worth 1125, and also two wire less telephone outfit In good condition, to swap for anything of equal . valua Addrese S. C. 13, Be. PHONOGRAPH Dandy Kdleon phono graph, cabinet (I drawera) and 150 reo ords. will exchanse for comolata electrlo I'lfht and starting equipment for Bulck auto, a vacant lot or diamond worth SI3S. Addresa S. C. 15 Bee, Omaha. PIANO 1 new Emerson piano. Would consider good diamond or building; lot. What have you? Address 8. C. 1374, Bee. PIANO PLAYER and 50 rolls ot music; everything in good shape; will exchange for few goctl chickens or cook stove What have youT Address 8. C, 1367, Be. PIANO Upright piano, nearly new, ht excellent condition; will trad for dla mond cr lot. H. C. 1354. Be. PLAYER PIANO. ETC. On $150 outside piano player, 190 worth of roll muslo; Corben-Brown rear-drlv motorcycle speedometer, kit of tools, one horsepower air cooled International Harvester Co. gasoline engine. What have you for them, or separstely? Address 8. C. 13Ti9, Bee. ROOMING HOUSE Have U-room house. good furniture and full of roomers; SCALE 14o Toledo computing acala, In tierfect condition, lust taken nut nf butcher shon for what have vou7 Ad dress 8. C. 12S, Bee. fiHOWCASE I hav an 8-foot refriger ator snnwease; been In use about 1 year; Is In good condition: will swap for Jdhand rora. Aoaress t. u. 1814. wee. SINGER, 60 sewing machin. drophead. a-drawer; good condition. Will ex change for chickens or other poultry, or what hav you to trade? Address 8. C. 13K2. Bee. TYPEWRITER Whit hav you that Is useful for an up-to-dat typewriter? Address 8. C. 1361, Be. TO SELL or trad your shotgun or rifle. See FRIEDMAN, ml Douglas. WATCH 17 jeweled and adjusted move ment mat win pas railroad inspection. In open fee nickeled case. Will trad this high -class timepiece for typewriter. Addresa & X 1372. Be. FOR RENT AgtartsBCHta aad Flats. Th For Kent advertisement appearing tn th For Beiit column of Th Be daily cannot be beat for variety that will plea aad fill th needs of any on de siring to rent. Pbon Tyler lOu. FREE MOVING MOVE NOW - If you want neat t-room flat, for winter, walking distance, on Suth St., bring this ad to our office. W ahow you flat; If rou rant we pay moving bill. Small amllle only. Each flat t room and bath. Modern but heat. Rent 111 50 to SIS each. Newly papered. Don't phone. Refer ence required. D. B. BUCK St CO., tit Omaha National Bank Bldg. o BEAUTIFUL, strictly mod. apts. 16th and Yates Bts.; janitor service; fin lawn, playgrounds, tennis courts and summer comforts. Tel. Web. 667$ or 4328. Angelus Apt.. 8 and 4-room apt. H. iOH. a FOR RENT 7-r, apartment, old Hamil ton. Apt X 4th and Farnam. :3-ROOM modern flat. 707 Dodge St. In quire Hummer Bros., gith A Farnam St. BEST T-room modern apartment In th city. All room south and east ex posure. Apt. No. 8, Old Hamilton Apts. Phone Douglas 917, Faralahe8 Apartaaeats. Hoard aa IXowwta. Furnished Boom that offer vry mod ern convenience and comfort In private iamiliea or boarding bouse of the high est clasa will best ba found in the Fur nished Roouui column of Th lie. Phone Tyler 1. N. th, l'J2. furnished room with board, la. Webster, walking distance, 86 a week. NR'E mod. room In private home for em ployed lady; walking distance: near two car line; breakfast If desired. Tel. D. 6296. ei Harney, cool room, excellent table bd. Desirable room and board. 618 S. 19th St Faralshrd Maxima. IN private family; ti 60. Tel. H. . If you do not see anything that suit you In th way of Furnished Room you can call at Room 104, Be Bldg., and aak for th Fre Furnished Boom bureau and we will gladly refer you to high class rooming or boarUlug bouse In auy part of the city WELIjINGTON INN, Farnam at 18th, 100 rms.. 81; 60 rms., II. W & up; weekly Si monthly rates; cool, quiet, homelike. o 8. fcTH ST., 218 Newly furn. rooms; In excellent location; close In. Tel. D. 4724. NICE furn. rooms, as) N. Rid. D. MM, Th Pratt, cool, close In, 111 8. 25. D. 1. SPECIAL IjOW RATES TO PERMANENT OUEMTS. HOTEL SAN FORD, lth A Farnam. HOTrL HAHI.KV. joth A Farnam. TAKE Dodge car to 1TU3 Dodge St.. for clean, attractive rms., re as., downtown. Rooms, single or en suite, furn. or unfurn Modern. 82.60 up. tea N. frill St. 1). 7471. MRHH front room, nvod., tel. R. fejil Dewey Ave., 2si06 Entire upper floor, private bath and private entrance. fare Is he HBSJraialaj Raaaaa. Four nice rooms; new bath. 1111 8. llth. NT2Sd78.0 2 large. 115. Red ko6. M'.'D. hkpg. rooms; ea a. Tel. H. lH. t rooms and bath liU 8. llth NK'EI.Y furn., atrlctly mod. houee VV. 71,i 8 OK 8-room suite, modern. Tel. R. iv.,JI. Ill N. lVnl Nice basement looms, K is range, electric lights, close In. D. (Vs. 9. th St., ! 1 roouut, nloaly tumiahed, complete for H. K., mod. T. 71!4 W. Isrsbkt4 M FURNISHED, mod. 8-r. horn In W. Far nam dint, for 8 mo, or longer. H. 1871. XloDEHN k-r. houae. fumlsbed or un furnlithod. 1218 N. Zoth. boulu Omaha, Telephon South l'l lleaarkeeglag Hmsii. DAVENPORT. 1018. THREE OR FOUR NICELY FURNISHED FRONT IIoOKKEHPINtl ROOMS. (Continued on Cel. 7. This Pag.) Ready Reference Directory Tie following firms offer quality and expert service that will pleape the most critical: ABSTRACTS Of TITLE. Rrr.D ABSTRACT CO., oldeat abstract efflc In Nebraska. W Brandei Thea. Kerr&to" a a.wa a. -.j. Q , inrantee and Abstract modern abstract office. S. 17th St. Phone P. M7. ADVEHTIill.NO MOVEIjTIE. M. F. Shafer A Co., l?th, Famam. D. 7474 AMATKVsi Fl.MSItl.NO. FtMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 41 Be Bldg. Dpt D. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK ACCOUNTS AUDITRD-Bnoks opor.od and closed. Cost nystm 'nstailed Lot me call on you to explain th advantages cf my audit service svstem. Address 438- namge Hldg Phone. Doug. 740. AHCHITECII. Brerett 8. Dodds. 618 Paxton Plk. D. KWL ATTuHnall. 2. T. Dlklnson, 611 Psxton Blk. D. IM. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1116-18 W.O.W. R. SI. AUTO I.NSlRANt E. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE) CO.. Douglas SUlt. AUTO BAU1ATOH REPAIR. Oman a Radiator Rep ., 0M Far. r MAKEH1E.1. g. H. RBBPER. 1608 N. 18th. Web. 8ST. kkiDOINO, g-NMAHA PILLOW CO.. MOT rhi.1.. J ir'",..,4a7' noTgtg feathe? ana malt e a . .11 1. 1 . feather mattresses and down -over. BRABg AND lHUiV FOtNORIblS, Paxton-Mltehell Co.. rth and Martha eta. CARPKHTKai AND CONTRACTORS, STEVENSON. 13 & w. Douglas Mat, , . f""" pon. 1WX5 cap. Ae. T. 18M, CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJCM'Tg Dr. J. a Lawrence. 1 Baled Bldg. D. 84L Pr- C. E. Brlgg. 2323 Harney. Red TTM.' CHiitiiruuisT, Carrl t. Btirford m Pax. Blk. Rea 417 OANCINU ACADEMIES CHAMBERS' Academy, claasla. D. 1S7L Bummer rate now at MackU'a leawon, dally. 1818 Hjgy DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college. 80th Famam MISS 6TURDJT Jf CAS3. j. 787. W8TBDHlEh C,,M ""'making. Web. DRESSMAKING COLLEGB. KelstT-g Dressmaking Col.. m City Ms. DYERS AND CLEANERS. BTATW Dry Clng. Co.. 190 v. llth. D im DETECTIVES. ,Aj,55 ALI-AN, 811 Nevlll Block. Evl . dene secured In all case. Tyler 113d. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. Wo pain. 811 W. O. W. Bldg Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea, 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms, i7 Douglas. D. tig. DRUG. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid an 810 orders; catalogues fre. Eherman 4k Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. J19 N. 15th. Terms ELECTRIC HUTUtt REPAIRING. CAHTLL F.LECTR1C CO.. Bee Bldg.D tfl; KLECTROLYSIS. ITIoa AlUnder. C4 Be Bldg. Red UK. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. vtw tohK sample store. Must vacate, NbuWdln2 coming Sown; cloak .ulu and dresses sacrificed. V N. lta St. pt UN AC ES AMU TIN-WORK- HABKR3TROH. 0028 Hamilton. Wat 871. FLORISTS. niTH'B. flortst. 180 Farnam 8L D. 8000. U.HKNDERSON. M? HESS 8WOBODA. 118 Farnam 8U A DONAQHUB. 18H Harney. Doug. lOOV iOLU AND SILVER PLATlNU. WK replat everj thinl of ?fL0J53l "Pll.iT o . ita Harney St. Est- w- .ij.'.-ijkai trsltsh. French. Instruction. 808 Lyrio Bid ' ICE. Lakeside Ice Co TIB triS 'PHONE WEBSTER Wl WrjC Offlc. 18th and Mandarin -ta jtjSTlt'KS tF THE FBAC84. H H- CLAIBORNE. 51S Paaton Blk. & im. Notary PueX? deposition C. W. BRITT. 801 Baksr block. ruiPAOO IjAUNPHY' CO. Douglas 271 L1VI STOCK COMMISSION. MftpTiw BROS. A CO.. Exchang Bldg. -TTriurini hatches, wiring DUHK1N Thomaa Pougl 1618, i Cuming St MOVING piccta MAcitiNkja. OMAHA Film Em.. "Ih and Doug. Motion 0?,. machine" and film bargalna Bs- ' UTUktl CLE. HARLF.T-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLL4 Baria na in used machinea Victor Rous. -ThV Motorcycle Mn." 27ut l.evenworta. Ml SIC, ART, LANGUAGE. LANQUAOE taught by telephone and mall. Free trial lesson. Vb. toot. n.s.lni piano playing poaltlvely taught Us?nsV 4i Cuming St. Walnut u: notion s. NOTIONS. nwa cigar, candy. 1338 Park OCl LISTS Eye examined, glsssea fitted, pay a you can. Dra Mcbarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. PATENTS. D. O. Barnalt Pamton Blk. Tl. Rd 1111. H. A. Storaea 38 Brandla Theater Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PUYSIC1AN. JOSyPHINW ARM 8TRONO. 818 Be Bldg PALMING AND PAPERING. HUGH M'MANUS. 417 N'. 40th H. 8-! PLA1 IN G. Acme Plating. Ill D. 82T7. a uth st PLIMES CLEANEU. Dyed, mad over. D. Elsel. 1138 Clly Nat PRINTING. WATFRS-rtARNHART Ptg. Co., ejualllj printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 8. Uth Bt CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 3731 DOUGLAS Printing Co Tel. Dougtaa (44. RIBB.4GE COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RUBBAOE CO. This Is th man to rail If you hav any ashes of tin cans to haul. Phone Webster Ml. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. Opened, repaired, comb. n 7 h M changed. F. E. Daven- port, 1408 Dodge. D. 1SX1. SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., 81 8. 12th. D.grtl. SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BR08 , she repair. Ill B. 14 ITarley Shoe Rep'r Co.. 8004 Farn'rn. R.8448 SEWING MACHINES. We rent, renalr. sell needle and part for all sewing machin. MlLKjti-TS," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., th and Harney. . Douglas Ml. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 1- STORB AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcaswa, shelv ing, etc W buy, sell, Omana Flxtur and Supply Co., 414-18-18 8. 12th. Doug. 2784. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. W7 8. Uth. P. 828. TAILORS. CHAS. C. LANDS RYOC. 101 l?th Bt. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. KRELINO 4 BTEINLE, ISO rarnarn X. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT, RENT an Oliver typewriter I mo. for St. Oliver Typewriter Aganoy, 180 Farnam. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, til & 1Mb Bt All makes for sal or rent RENT a "Remington, not 1uat a tyea writer. lxw rent Call Dougla lis. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Chrlstlanaen, 2d fl. Paxton Bk,, 18 yr. exp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wadding announoamenta Doug. Ptg. Co. WL-ta AND LI4CORS. ALEX JETES. 201-8 8. Mth St Wince, liquors, clgara. plat dinner 11 to 8, 10c. HENRT POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSIS, Uth and Capitol Ava Tan-oaot lunch. MKDIOAXi RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sults g"u ran fed . Dr. Bowser. 814 Bee B I ti t. PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cure piles, fistula and ether rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on rectal diseases with testimonial, DA E. B, TARRY, 240 Be Bldg, RUPTURIC cured ta few day without pain. Call or writ Dr. Wray, to Bee BUU.. Omaha. Establishd 18i 9 TOXl RENT Ileaae anal Cottage. North. BEAUTIFUL home, In perfect condition: beamed ceilings, window seat, oak floors, screened-ln porch with awnings, fine garage, if you want something good, se this. Northeast corner of 18th and Wirt Sts. Price 84.000. Web. 817. ONE BLOCK MTH LINE, LS. l-r. and hall, full 8-story, stuar. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Omaha National. Doiig. 8715. 7-ROOM house, modern except beat; larg lot. Cll Webster 908. TO colored, o-r. house. Tel. Web. 606. 2&65 OHIO Modern, not water neat; liv ing room, dining room, BDrary, kitchen, reception hall, first floor; three bedrooms, bath, upstairs. Harney aiO 4-ROOM cottage, modern except heat; grown people only. 2521 No. lth St Phone Webater 1XH. 7 ROOMS, strictly modern, full lot on paved street. 2S blocks from car line; rent, iM per month. J. II. DUMONT A CO., Douglas 6SV 418 Stat Bank. Seats. t-KOOM, modern house. 1407 Jones, far) per montn j. i. Kemp, uougias twj. For Rent South half of double brie Sous 1 rooms, 4 bedrooms, ail modsrn, at lall Bouih 3t St., near Psrk school, n block east of Hsnaoom park Tel. Harney loC. NEW 8-r. houe. all mod. except heat, 4cl0 Marcy St.. 118. Telephone Web. 807. NEW, MODERN BUNGALOW. 7 room a. oak finish, 8 bed rooms, t'JB. 1S37 8. 27.th St. West. '-ROOM modern house, 3407 Jackson, St., 22.6i A-ply at Byron ReeV M luerllssrsaa. ?1 So. S8th Ave.. 6-r., mod 825.00 2117 Dewev Ave.. 8-r., mod. flat . tilt Ko. 2?th Ht, -r., mod. Tat 80 00 610 So. 27th St.. -r.. mod. flat 27.W C. G. CAKLI'ERO, 812 Brandei Th. Bldg. n ilKUTY stfcfe FREE Pboa vacant storage rvuiaa 2S8 for complete list of bouse and apartments; ajs for wiovtnr Mth ind Jackaon St a HIGH EST prices tor old clothing. D.471 C tER th Central Furniture giore FKEl RENTAL IJST lr.liad 9''.h 8on t4" ........... , an nana of th city. GlobeVan&Storace Store, rncvea, packs ships: S-bor va and 8 m. 81 M per nr.; at ores 88 per tne Batiofaetton guar. D. iXU A Ty. LA Gordon Van Co. Moving. P seeing, fetoiae. in N. nth st. Tel n Win Web. IM Maggard'sEv-i Irg. packing, shipping. 17 LI Wsbeter tu. I J'.uelaa tjea J.C. Reed SVcl Store and Offlee. OFFICES AMPI.K ROOMS Desirable spar In Webster-8underlan4 Bldg., Kith and Howard Ma uuuor,aasi M GEORGE 4s COMPANY, H City Nat Bank Bldg. 1hon D. f. (CONTINUED ON PAGE M1NB7 N COLUMN ONB.) a' fl -jf ) I 1 n: