THE I5EE: OMATTA, ' .... AUOUST 1015. proposition is good and your advertising is good your results uill be good your WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to Insure proer claeidf iratlnn must be Pr" sen ted before 11 o clock noon tor evening edition nd 7. p. in. for morning end funds Dillon". Want ad received after uch hour vlll be under tfc heading, To Let to ClasMfy." CASH RATES. . hyrn rr-nserutiv times, 1 cent woro sch tnarrtion. ... Two or more eonseeutlTS tint H cent word. On time. 1 cent word. CHARGE RATES. . Heven mnmutlvt times, cent tin rh InHtion. . Three ooi,.ecutr time. 1 cent rh lnsrti)4i. Cme Une. IM cent line. Count six average word to a line. jHlmlmum chares, JO cents An advertisement Inserted to h run until discontinued must be "topped D arttten ordr. . .da All claim for error mut be rnn Hhln fifteen dav after the last rnr tion of the advertisement. ion can place rour wnt ad n Tn be tnr telephone. TELEPHONE TTIitn " CARD OF THANKS. Acknowledging sympathy and fr from Camp No. 1ft. Woodman ,lh World. Beacon Fre. Express Driver, Woodmen of the World employes. ( amp No. I, Woodmen of the World. Camp N'. 1 Modem Woodmen of America, f rlenrti and nelhbor during our Istee bereave ment. Mr. and Mr. George 8. Meek and family. BIRTH AJIU DEATH. ) ttirtha-lua and Gertrude Oliver. 1' Ja-keon, boy; Arthur CX and Alne Zim iner, 213 CtUcaao, girl; John and Mary Wknlil, 14.K houth SwveoUenUi, boy; Iboodore and Martha Andreaen, Hennon. Itry; Jame II. and Gertrude Craddock. a South Twenty-fifth avenue, hoyi , Joe-ei-h and OIe.!a Chytll, 111 North Nlne-U-enth. Kouth Kide. girl: Anthon and Maxy l ilulpek, a.m 11, South Bide, girl; v llliam Mid 5.ra Kula, IU17 lorcaa. noyj Joe and Antoni Beker. l" taulnlon, boy. Ieath-Jme Howell. 7. T) North Korty-econ1; llernard Rwirt, W. noepl tal: Wank Jtwohoda, !l month. 131 Wil liam; Mr. Emily Parker Hood. 77. 1X0 South Thlrty-ee'ond avenue; Mr. Jono hlne Kriinondenn. 6S, 11! Vim. Thoma liowle, to, t!5 Klnrenoe boulmard; Alfred ItaMry. 7, hoepltal; largaret Andreen. m, howpl I aJ. MARRIAGB LICENSES. The following couple were granted Ilcenae to wed today: Name and Residence, Age. Edward Adam. Minneapolis 2 Madge Curleas, Minneapolis 26 Krwln W. Rauer, Omaha 25 Minnie Hotter, Omaha E.ri Burch, Fremont. J Alvlda Hansen, Eremont 1 Adolph Oscar Llndahl. Nebraska City.. K hedlg l"eteron, Nebraska City 52 Onvrll Hanra. Hotith Hide M Flore German. Bouth Side t Jra. O, Wilcox, Heracher, 111 over SI Edna. R. Rowlhy, Omaha over in William B. Sander, Omaha. 27 Myrtle Lake, Omaha 1 Flnvd C. Dean, Collin Center, N. T... Lillian V. Ktejanek. Omaha Z7 Carl FkBtrom, Jr., Penver 2S Ella McCerney, Bouth Side 23 Robert A. Chandler. Hamburg-. I& tt Kiiima F. Booth. Omaha 2i BriLDIXO PIERMITt. E. T. Holman. K3 North Twenty-ninth, ! repairs. Mr. Anna Ctislrk. Hl-I j Hotith rorty-tirsi, oup:cx onca uweuinx, ITOifi; C. H. Rntl!r, 4i7 North Thirteenth, frame shop. :". A. lleck, H-I0 Nortrt Mxleenth, repairs, l.i-- William Angus, .Vi Mason, dwelling, 12.000., To da j't MoYie Program! LANTERN )!- tor movie. Bend your eopy t us. We can reproduce photo er will propers your copy. We will color directed. Be Photo Iept, 101 Bee Uld. biitiilisi, EMPUESa 15tli and Douglas. HIGH CLA83 VAUDEVILLa Pcher-Cutler picture. lleaist-ZrltK Weekly, No. 611 King of the Wire, S-reel Edlon. The Jabie of The Tip and the Treasurer, Ee- snnay. X'linpl and th Kuig, Vila graoh. 1817-1$ DOUUUA.& Vout Reel cf Good Picture. . sank, GRAND. 16TH AND BINNBT. The Heart of Jsbe Flint, t-reel drama. Cui.i.l Takes Taxi, comedy. The Ilrlde ef the bea. 1-reol drama. Comrades Three, American drema. lot ;;r7.orrsTTUNDLO,rHnoP. Anlt 8tewart, Julia Swayn Gordon and liarry T. Morey In an original melo li tun, rihad'VW of the Past. Boat. ATOLLO, 1324 LEAVENWOUTII. Hearst-el!g New Pictorial No. CL Sir, Jsrr lug Vacation. Vilagraph. .'ana of t xdl, taiiay.' MONROB. ""'oS6 FAKNAM. V."'ur Aiid rW'J ta Two of Ciursst. Era net X. Buhtia and Ruth ftone lionse In The Pat tie of Ixve. gvatU Ilia, 14TH AND N. EESS, On rangerou rath. 4ree! Edison fso- t ure. Oil l-Ht-Uid" 34TU ANDrJ! Play of the acaaon, Deaoon' Y.lilnksr. A MOVIES a FEATURE? T' T r TODAY A rr -jj LJ'KH. J4TII AKD N. im l 'angerou Path, t-reel Edison fea- ANOrNCT5!EXT3 nil I iii'. I in.-. tiV, umWtaker aad em ta.ii.vr. iiew iotation, tiii H. uih rn. j i, i..' i oi iti-untis. loiKiern undvrlak i.,: KH'.ri in t'i viiy. il. Web. ;. liCSlM'SH COLLKQU p 1 1 nr. .mi a r AVE MO.NKV ON' C0URSK3. l r jle, Willi io1 ivokous fur Selling, I niMif of i'uuki in a reliable iui fc. l.ool, one i,f ti n b.-.Jii,g liiiainre, i . .i-. (A Otnai.a. U 111 be sold very ay below reguiar pine. If nii lie riii,.-. 1ci line taking a colliw in i .J i, - it ti.ia t m.. e, iiiki Fell lei ta i- . i-on. I of:t. , irusaha Heo. iii i.tie V MCA, out g ejk. iuiuuki. Al'TO.lHii:lIJ'.3. :"i.i i i.l.l. A I i to.. j, 5. lanii r . t i'iI.iiI" 1 Ii-i II-.h lilted. I i.-r l: ft. A te.j Laraaln. Ad I "- I. l.-o . ... 1 .....j i.. n. M jt 1 i.i.t iiu. t... .. li.vd AUTOMOBILES Whenever you are considering sailing buyL-ig a used cur and you want fell value for your money or von ut people wno are wining to pay lor what iney are getting Jon will have no regret If you buy or advertise through the used car column ol The Hep. 1'hone Tyler 1HO. FOR SALE My used Oldsmohlle touring car. In good condition, ftuu. Car can be aeon at M Ftrnarn St One six-cylinder Cole. One four-cylinder C'roaton-Keeton. One fo'ir-o liBler Chalmers. Prices from l to II, H. PELTON. 23i Farnam t lino RKWARD for anv magneto we caut repair, Colin repd, Bnysdnrfcr. 210 N. 11 o Industrial Oaraxa Co.. 20th A Harney Bta Overton' for leaky radiator. SO.-, dealers. KKHRAHKA Buick Hervlce station. lfc!4 Farnam St. Phone lou;as 721 IKTROIT ELECTRIC. IXX CALL HAR- i urn. UV8INF.M CHAKCEH If your bualaeii Chanc will atand rid Id Inveatlgaiion and la Juat whot tt 1 dvertlned, or If you art looklnz to etart In bucineaa tor youraelf you will be per fectly aatUfh-d If )'ou ue the litialnea Chance column of The Be. When buy Irn or ellln; a bualneaa I none Tyler 10"Q. t IONH. ahuw'crdn. (lark ar Bon. I). 1377 W' A NT EI To rent nood furnished hotel by rellabl hotel man. A. Leltch, Coon Rapid, la. LO NATION for dixlor, one of beat In tate. for price of ofHr eoulnnienta and nniKi. Write for parllciilara. Y HT7, Hee. WANTED To ell muney-maklng busi ness; on account of street car accident received I am obliged to sell my house moving liDHineea. Easy terms. I. A. Murpliv, llilu tienevii fi , Sloua City, la. OWNERS-TJat your projrty wltbT W. W. Wllllania. WO Neville Blk. I . 4407. ID fiKI.I, or buy a bt'slnrss call ott Ruse h A Porshoff. Erenser Hlk. 1). nit fOK ft A US Or trade, blacksmith shop and garage lit Co. seat town. Addresa T ua, Lee. EOH SALE Drug stock, doing good busi ness. Ixicated In central Nehraaka town. Will sell at a big discount. If taken at once. No dead stock or boos Joint. Had better than II 5,0) business last year. miKht consider land trad If suitable. A ridreaa Y ti..D, Ree. EOH KALE Up-to-date" confectionery and Ice cream parlor. Rest location In town of ".oki; doing good business; honest reason for selling; good deal If taken at once. Address lio 171, Ealrbury, Neb. A H!'(X KSJKKI'L shoe business must be sold to close an estate; will atand closest In ves Una t Ion. A ddress K 1135. Ree. WANT ED To trad one-u,uartr section of land In western Bouth Dakota for forty or sixty-room rooming house, lo cated In business dlntrtct of Omaha. Will pay difference. Y 6"'9. Ree. LOOKINd for a competent office man ager to take charge of the treasure ship and selling organisation with ten to fifteen thousand dollars In established business. Y , Ree, o SHOW shop, good place, cheap, .; make xc . ; . .- 1 1 it... Ma. .a , ' 1 - . p-r wrir-R. him, jio.(nri, I's'l vinion fc.MAI.L GROCERY and notion txk for sain; well situated on enr Hue; rent. l; (I living rooms and good bam; will sacri fice for about Ii0, Phone Walnut 27HI. TkhI and Center Kts., Omaha, o FOR fALK A first-class vaudeville, moving picture and smsll theater, ca pacity 6u0, up-to-date In every respect. In Roone, la., a city of 13,Bu0. Only two other places a competitor, being (tor building as moving picture shows. Lease may be obtained for any reasonable length of time. Inquire at once of R. Arlu bon Realty at Loan Co., Boone, la. a Tf flF.T in or out of business call on OANGBTAD. 4!2 Ree Rldg. Doug. t4T7, RKA1. estate liuatnc places supplied of bandied; sll stales. F. V. Knlest Omaha PEE Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gain In established shows. D. Ht'.DO. THEATERS Buy, lea or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Kxch. Co., 14J Farnam. D. Htximimi Houses tor Sale. Rooming house, 11-r., full, A bargain If sold at once, leaving city. Tel. P. 7M. )aveaimats. aaaaa fYf ,lr Nebraska frm inert f , L gage ar not affected by ' if European war or panloa. ' Amount ItOO to I20.&00. We fl collect all (merest and Rrlni lpal Ire of chaifre; 34 ebraska farm loan field without loss la our record. KLOKB INVESTMENT COMPANT, Ml Omana Nat. Rank 11 Ids.. Omaha. EDrCATIOfCAi Boyles College Day School. Night School, complete business aourse, complete shorthand or tenotype course, complete telegrsphy course, civil service branches and Eug llsh. Student admit tail at any time. Write, phone or call for 1S1S catalogue, BOY LEH COLLEGE. It. It, IniVLKM, l'rldent Tel. D lWf. Roylua Rldg.. Omaha, Nab, tOK sale, the following scholarship In a first class Omaha Business Collage: One unlimited combination buaiues ud shortliaud course. On unlimited sionographlo course. Ou tbiee months' bualnee or tno- grsptilo course. W ill be soM at a discount at the office ef The Omaha Hee. FOR BALE FOR SAI.Ei Hsr u a classiricatloa that Is of the uuuost Inportance li every reader, this column oifer some excep tional ovoii Jiuilue every day and a smnil went ad will sell your article at lU full vsuue. I (tone T lr Feraltsre, HosaeaoM bMta, Kte. Auction Sale High Class limituro ThutfJay, Aug. 19, at 2 P. M. Sharp At 2022 Howard St. W will sell all the furniture of a beauti ful -roviii lioiiin, cornet Ing of on up right Grand iwsno, beautliul parlor furtiU luie, uruiocia tmia, tirrsmre, i lillfoiilma, bouki'MK, several nx-klng chairs, several ceauuiui room axe mss, Olning room fur niture, sanitary couch, lot box. gas range, diFe. linens, curtains, cooking utenall and hundreds of article too numerous to mention. Don't fall to attend thla sal. Dowd Auction Co., Atictioneers. Wr auction datea and tetma rail Mm A BAKOAINS. IN rURNlTUHK ANU HAKIiWARE li'S N. 54TH. ivrn 17. DKSKH and solj. J. C. K.ed. ' """MM hr.,m at O. gl 14 hl-LihtMiM and dining room furniture for wale, g.RMi a new. V N. fcart ht. ilorsea aad Vehicles. Grocers, Attention! OCR Urge stuck of delivery wagon olu.ut.ak.-r s. and our on make), of fer.1 at low pi iocs to make room for jur new Automobile truck and Ford rock bo.llea. ill . so N-P AN FORTH COM PANT, I --Jl-A4 N. P.ih St.. nt-sr irk bt FRESH COW. 5. Phone Kuuih I li Stack lop kale. UNE mlich cow, aow and nine pigs, sow nd lour pi.. ,,,lff orrnn.iun lt,lg. tpiicg ugon. J.:i Farnam tL FOB RALES Pewltry, Fas " pile. I BTKKKOTH'K matrices make the beat and chespeat lining for poultry houses. , They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable thsti tarred felt nd practically I 'Ireprnof. 7i hundred at The He office. a. pl. thirty Reeee and " chicken. ST.M Jeffereon fit., Hoilth Omaha. MX I) itrnln, Ion h. II. SP. Vener. (ml N. 1 TTPEWHITF.W3. HO nd up. r Bee Bld. 'I I Hi ikk.. Mu. r.ul-o repaired, Central Typewriter lien wamara. Mlaeellaaeoaa. $3.20 S Oolden Weal WbUkjy. 4 full larta oottlM in bund, pre paid. Cackley Hro Omaha. CARPENTER toot, ahovel. pick. Jck crew. 10-penny match vcndlr.f ma chlnea, Arte earhi Rood horae. 126; burner, 10; expreaa wKon, !: klichen utunaila, one electric piano, I aldeboard. 1 hall tree, 1 Iron bed. J. C. ISII. 1K3 H. 19th St. Harney 141. ELECTRIC M0T0K8 J-H. ! r0 rolt. t phsse, new,,, I IJ l-H. P., tM volts, t nhae. new 44 tH. P., 230 volt, I phsse. new M H. P.. Volts, I phsse, new 57 DYNAMOS. I K. W., 110 volt. D. C, new I TJ I- K W., 110 volt. D. C new l- I'A-K. W., l-o volts, new 0 I II. P., gssolln engine H I H. P. gasoline engine, throttling gov ernor 104 LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, III H. 12th St i KKi'OND-HAND Burrough ad. ling ma chine. Excellent condition. Must sell quick, Address J 7H, lice. STANDARD concrete mixers for al or rent. Sunderland Machinery tk Supply Co. FOR SALS-i-opcorn crlspette outfit; Iwiwbh.n,.mH m, artf T...llll-r VV Mil W. th St.. North Platte. Neb. IXiCHEE-ftURFACE Planer, 80-lnch, Whitney make. In working condition, for ale cheap. My be een at actual work at the Kretchmer Factory, tot Eleventh Ave., Council Bluff, la. A snap If you apply soon. o FOR BALE Nw and econd-hand carom and pocket billiard table and bowling alley and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easv payment, 'i'h Brunswick-Helke-Collcnder Co.. 407-409 8. 10th fit. FOR SALE CHEAP Business College Course, Full and con.nlete scholarship In one of the belt Omnia business school. Good reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, hut will he sold very reasonably. If Interested Investigate at once, because fall term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale Coal Direct to You. The Very Lowest Prices, (let a Trial Car. I. Si. COX. North Tlatte, Neb. HELP WAXTKD TEMALK Clerical aad Offlee. GOOD POSITIONS LOWEST FEES. Stenographer, Insurance exp A0 Stenographer and BUI Clerk H0 Typist and Bookkeeper loS Saleslady; house-to-house , Ml Cashier; restaurant $40 Business Men's Reference Ass'n -Woodmen of the World. v.l.t.irvTT.innuir.n. Mil. ion . . - - Ifllniib l.rl. aiA Steno., exp. credit work ..... ...M fReno., exp., rapid 946 Typist, blller, exp. IW Steno., exp., rapid 2 WESTERN REF. Ic BOND ASSN. 7BI Omaha Nat. Bank Rldg, EXP. Steno., epesk, read and writ I'oiisn tgooo permanent place). Saleslady( ladle' readyi-to-wear gar ments. ROGERS RET. CO.. 640 Paxton Rlk. A-l Steno., bkpr., 175 tie no, legal, out of town, 150. WATTS REP. CO., 838-40-4J Branded Tbe. U1L11NG clerk, typist and oi'fic assist-' ent. 446, Address A YW, !.. t..(T ft.H TMdM ' GIRL to learn halrdreaalng. Oppenhelm. Atciaoekeeaera mmA iloMieatlca- TIIE tottivaui ulrl Problem Solved. Th ieo will run a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad FREb! until you get tbe dnalred reeull. This applies tu reetdent of Omaha, Boutn Omah and Council Bluffs. Bring ad la Tu Be of the or telephone TyierliaAX WANTED Experienced white nurse girl with reference. 4JS N. 38th fct. Phon Harney 6H. VANTEI A capable, clean cook with references; no washing or Ironing. 4.v N. 8Mb. St. Har. 6 VV ANTED Girl for general housework; everything etrlctlv tnodarni ami. II (am. II v. Walnut ftiuO. WANTED A girl for general housework. k are Ave. WANTKD-A good girl tor general bouse- wora. sice v eoster. I'ougms i. WANTED Young girl with some experi ence to ssniat Willi hniiiAiiiirk Ui,.i.i 4t;i. Mr. Martin. WANTED A woman for general house work with ow llhnnl K..lilntf Ia mix horn ulKhls; must furnish city referem. Phone Walnut 1T4. COMPETENT' girl for general house work. Mrs.. Orr, MS S. gstd St. WANTED Experienced girl for general bousewcrk; no washing; referencca re quired. Mr. M. B. Newman, XjO Howard bt. Phone Harney Jili. WANTED Capable girl for general housework, two In family. Call Doug la WANTED A girl for second work. In- Htlre ll N. lth st. A GIRL, for general housework, small family Apply at once, lul H. lath St. A neat Vilute girl for general housework. small faintly; good wages. Wat. Z3M. G1JU t'htcaao St. WANTED A gill fur general housework, liohetulan or ttermari preferred, I in, famlyApply by, N. SJd. Phone H. 1414. WANTED A white girl fur general Ironing. housework; no washing er WeD. -!. IV N. l!ih st. WANTEli A nurse maid at 1m S. IVth. VS ANTE1.S A khh girl for general house work; good home tor right party, luo 41. v AN'ihli nrl for general housework. WANTKI i A girt for general housework at Knniain. WANTED Competent girl for geueral housttwork. where second girl Is kept. Small family, good wage. H. 4oii. li.-e S. S4i h St. WANTEIv An experienced girl; no washing, goo Deer Park Blvd. Phone Tyler lnu. AVANTr'-D i.irt for general hiHiawwotk; 1 in fuiiH; rnliTi'ii.r. rtMjaired, 6u7 Bout it Sth .M. I'lione Harney 4. MlavrllMHewwa, YOl'NO woiien couniig to Omaha at siransers are invited tu live Younj IVii itui CiiiUtian asoociatioa buUuu.j st St. Mary's Ave. and Lib. St . vHei Ihey will be directed to suiiable boarjing I. e or oliierwiee ae.i.ted, Leo a fur our iraveiers' g"-'e st t smn station Gllvl wanted at Neutnaei' for d.lilng room and chamber ork. HELP WAJITKn -MA IX 4 lerteal mum Ul'lce. RFTAII, groceiy rlerk; g'd penmen; f fi 0 work, 4w. Addreo C. tKJ, live. HELP WAXTETVMtl.H Clerical asrf Office. Salesman; experienced man.... ...tlOO Balesman; ready-to-wear good 1100 Saleaman; clothing I 75 Palesman; city; drug, aundrle......! 7S Ptenographer; prefer bk. exp ,... 70 Stenographer; prefer R. R, exp I 70 Stenographer-Bookkeeper t IS Collector; A-l reference I Palesman; gen. mdse. exp I W Stenographer; hustler ICO Office Clerk; retail grocery exp $40 WESTERN RBF. A BOND. ABSN., Inc., Originator of the Reference Business.-. 7C2 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Salesman; fruit house t0 Mgr. Lumber Yrd and Implement... .16 F.tiwrkmiiAil T1 r i. ,Knl l i Office Clerk, young man 20 to 23 yeara.ltO business Men s Reference Ass'n ' "The Large Company," 13l-30 Woodmen of U World. SALESMAN, rttv, com. and expense. Two Junior talesmen, com. and exp. A-l stenog. and bkpr., 76. Offtf.h Vntfl. Inw-. t T AA S1 KA -v. - j, VLv V7W IIIV. Baleaman, Inv. It.rt, 100 and tip. WATT8 KEF, CO., 138-40-42 Brandel The. E-l ateno and mgr fio wk. Exp. cashier, country bank i.Vi Exp bookkeeper, country bank 160 -J tOG ERjI REF. CO.. Me l axton Rlk. ASSISTANT bookkeeper and typist; sal ary $06 to 175, depending on experience. Address H .!, Bee. EXPERIENCED bank clerk. Address R Wl. live. WANTED Bright young man In con atructlon work that can loan employer from 1,00 to $3.0fa Good salary. Money well ecured. Address L M8, Ree. H1GH-ORADR oommerclal position. WEST. REFERENCE A ONl ASSN. 781 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Young man. study law I Downtown avert ing session. Law dept. UNIVERrtlTIf OF OMAHA. Nominal tuition. See A. O. Thomsen, Omaha National Bank. A areata, Ssltinra mm Sellelters. COAL agent wanted In every town; gat a inai cr. i. si. uo, no. Platte, NeD. CITY solicitors wanted. Beat of refer ences required. Salary to right man. Call Heners.y-Omaha Nursery Co., 413 Stats Bank Bids., or 21st and Avanua A. Council Bluff, fa. WANTEDA young man to work ahead of camera. Call lor Airs. Hayden, 2024 Pavenport. AGENTS 11 a day salary and commis sion, zzz? iHwige mt. THE first payment carries Insurance to January 1. 1D16: great Inducement: call or write Mutual Benefit Health 4k Acci dent Association. City National Bank Uldg., Omaha. Neo. LIVE agents wanted everywhere; posi tively fastest selling men' specialty on the market today. W rite Immediately for territory and proposition. The Allen Co., Grand Island. Neb. Box o Factory Irstes. WANTED Mn to learn the -barber trade. We have originated a plan to teach It quickly and thoroughly. Wage paid while learning. Tool included. NVrlte for Illustrated catalogue. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, 110 8. I4th St., LEARN BARBER TRADE Wage paid. Tool given. Positions guaranteed. Call or writ for Information. Trl-Clty College. 1124 Dnuglaa. Omah. Positions Now Open. . AMERICAN . i . AUTO Free Catalog u. COLLBOrS. Wl need men: had to turn down tw jobs per week Istsly. Gt in. Learg by our method. Get one of the loba Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mobile school. 1408 Leavenworth 8t Drug store snaps; jobs. Knelst, Bee Bldg. WANTED Two or three good broom maker. Steady work at good wages. Open shop. National Broom Manufactur Ing Co., Pueblo, Colo. Mlaeelln, usees. MEN wauled: government Jobs; fA per month; Omaba examinations Sept IS. Sample question free. Franklin I nail- .kl llnht I'll m TV.. k.. VI v WANTED Name of men, l or over, wishing government lobs. 6S month. No pull necessary. Address T HCU. Be. COOK wanted, at one. Apply Savoy iaie. WANTED Four good haying hands; must know th buslens Call On F. C. Bliss, 2U Exchange Bldg.. South Omaha, IlELl WANTED ' U4LU AND KBMALB. WANTED Salesmen, Women to dem onstrate. Bell unique manufacture. Re lieater. People buy to do a certain thing; how them on will do it better every way. They buy. W have it, everybody use it. Good pay for work. Many men and women getting 110 to t'.S per week. Can make t;0 or mors, Permanent, ex clusive territory. No experience neces sary. Call In person Tuesday to Saturday inclusive, ZZ4U Lmnoon t:ourt, Omaha Neb. WANTED Bathroom attendant, young, clean and efficient, good masseur. Ger man preferred. Sund application Imme diately, with references and pnoto and tat salary expected with board and room. No, t. Hillside Banitariuin, Sloua City. Ia. SITUATIONS WANTED WIDOW wishes position as housekeeper; desire to leave tiie city, prefer west ern states. Reference if necessary. Address, J 134. Hee. VuU.Na man wishes position clothing or hoe salesman; 10 year' experience. Address M W7. Bee. WANTED Position on ranch; had ex perience in Australia and New Zealand on sheep and cattle farm; will go out at one. Wyoming preferred. V. T. Walker, care i. m. kj. a., Omaha. REUARLE colored woman want steady general housework, wher can go home nights; with city reference. Tel. D. 74. EXPERIENCED milliner, saleslady, wants a position. Refereno. Address E HI, Bee. EXPERIENCED housekeeper wants posi tion. Best references. L. Gates, Parkin son, Mont. Viil'Nt) woman, 24 years old, wants place to assist wtth house work. Phone Douglas 47 Zl Ask for Mary. Yol.'NU man wants work Of any kind. Phone W alnut all. YOl'NG girl lithe steady position in smaii store I Kinase OOIXRKD woman wants steady work of any ktiitPhoneWb. fc44. COLORED lady wants position as chornl lirrmnil -ail lHug. T tTL Ada Hugnea WOMAN with child wonts place tocook In lMardtiig ho vino. Tel. Red 7716, Y Ol? NO lady I years' experleno desires position ss P. B. X. operator; ran offer good refe-iicek l'hofle Iioug. &sil. MHiUjJ aged lady, neat and desirable, wishes position as bouseseeper In a respectable home. Phone Web. loui.s LOST KKO roCND Lost or Found ad ia Onisna'a lt and Found medium means tiie Inimedkat re turn of that article if advertised lu Th Be, tli Lost and Found paper FOUND Purse. Dundee. Harney lstt. OMAHA A COl'NCIL Bl.UkF kirU.ii.Tl KAlinAI COMPANT. Peieon having lost sum article would do weil to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it in ibe street car. Many articles each dsv ar turned In and the company Is anxious te restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 44 I-OBT-StHh and Curtis." black leather van ity caM. siauMu-a, papers and money. Web. I1.1l Reward, IST ladles' gold watch In Woolworth' 10-cent store; ws in velvet case from fl" itir ' .! Iri' to nionogramed "M. K Phone Doug. 4. LtJ.T Hay mare; ha sore on rla"ht shoulder. Return to 212 t. 12th. Red LOST While riding Saturday, lady's gold watch, hunting case, engraved "M. I- D.," leather fob. Ivory devil's head charm. Finder pleas phone Har ney itit LOST tody's gray comh. Webster 143. LOST Ladles' gold watch fob, engraved "K. I H." Reward for return. D. Jort t I'EIWOXAL YOlNG women coming to Omaha as stranger ar Invited to vtalt th Young women inrisuan sssociailrss building st 17th St. and St. Msrva Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding liinc-ee or oitierwise asstsreo. LiOOK lor our travelers' aid at the Union station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licit your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglas 41 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new horn. 1110-1112-1111 Dodge St. CORDON, th Magastn Man. Tel. Doug. 7113- SWAPFEHSP IXILTTMH Wanted to Swap. Yrtiy not advertise something that you no longer have any use (or and get something you really need? It coi you nothing to Join the twappere' Club and you will find It lots of fun swapping things. Write Room lu. goug., or pnone jyter lowu. A I "I I I A n.tnn . , . ,.11 , Your chance to get all or any of the l,la mi. .icvMiines or wnar. nave you for trade Buick 06 touring car body, wyt. winuaiiieiu, tenner, two Side lights, tailUght, radiator, SpUtdorf nuirnwtA a nml ko . win4rs1. g.a.v isvs vrig , CI tn 1 A ITJr U4VI UU( AUTO My car I a bargain for rou. If you want to get a good used cr ,lt will pay yon to answer this ad. 110. 40 H.-P., 6-pass., Mitchell; fully equipped; will trade for something useful. Address W. C. 13H7, Beo. AUTOMATIC Rotary Printer. Retail coat i rVr"k 1 r r L v a - . , nave you 10 orrer. Addrss S. C. W4. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For othr automobile bargain see th "Automobil" clasalfi cailon. AUTOMORILB-Want to trade 19li flve passenger Velie, In good shape, all new tires, for smaller car, to use for road work; Ford preferred. Address 8. C. 1342, Omaha Bee. BOOK 8. ETC. Law student' text books, Homhrook series, and other standard work, also typuwiiter, desk and chair and plain large book ctase Trade for shotgun and field rIhbh or what have you 1 v aureus a u i., nee. BICYCLE New, for anything I can use. Address S. C. 13N0, Bee. COINS About 100 old coin; some of them a old a 1448; valued to about II. M. Alao a primoette codac, 2Hx3. Will swap for diamond, furniture, or what nwve you r Aggress b. o. 13H1 Bee. BED Almost new Iron bed with springs; Will foe UnllBPw Atmk A A A . ..... . j wuv... AUU1CH S. C. 13U Care Bee. BUSINESS CHANCE Hav a cleaning, pressing and tailoring business, earn from IliO to 1175 a month, downtown In. cation; let me show you. What hav you to offer. Address a. C. 1303, Bee. CAMERA A 175 email folding camera, equipped with Ooer lens; In first-class condition; not being used, will trade for something can be uaed. Address 8. C. 1351, GENTS' furnishing tor in So. Omaha; awu .wHi.uii. imuv tor real es tate to the value of l.roo,. or what hav " luiiigB p. I Mm. DM, LAW BOOKS-Law text book and Dies ages of president for anything I can Pe, Addresa 8 C 1.(63, Bee. MOTORCYCLE Twin cylinder, fully equipped, worth 1, and also two wire less telephone outfits in good condition, to swap for anything of equal value. Address 8. C. 1.W3. Bee. PHONOGRAPH Good Edison cylinder phonograph. Would to trade, what have you. Address t. C. 1X9. Bee. PHONOGRAPH-Dandy Edison phono graph, cabinet (8 drawers and 150 rec prde, will exchange for complete electric light and starting equipment for Buick auto, a vacant lot or diamond worth J135. Address S. C. HWS Bee, Omaha. PIANO Fine Steger unright piano. Want to trad this for something I can use. Make mo offer. I must dispose of this at once. Add res S. C. 1J70, Bee. PIANO Decker Bro. piano. Want' to trade, what hav you. Addresa 8. C. ism. Hee. PIANO PLATE R and 50 roll of music; everything In good shape; will exchange for few good chickens or cook stove What have you? Address 8. C. 13&7, Bee, PIANO Upright piano, nearly new, in excellent condition; will trad for dla- monq or lot. . j. 11,4, Bee. PLAYER PIANO, ETC. On 1160 outside piano player, l worth of roll mulc; Corben-Brown rear-driv motorcycle peedometer, kit of tools, on horsepower eir wuica iwernauoriai Harvester CO. gasoline engine. What hav you for them. w -, 1 .icij i jvouress o. c . ijoy, tsee. ROOMING HOUSB-Have U-room house, good furniture and full of roomers; navln lirni..,ll,.n Wk., k-..- . . dree 8. C. 1. car Bee. SCALE 1140 Toledo computing scale, in perfect condition, lust taken out of butcher itinn fa V, , , k , u w... A A SINGER. 100 eewins machine. Hroohead. -drawer; good condition. Will ex change for chickens or other poultry, or Jt hav you to trade? Address 8. C. l.i Bee. STUDIO camera and outfit. Ixlo: price ITS, or will trade for diamond of equal value. What hav you? Addres Y etil. Fee. TY PE WRITER What hav you that is useful for an up-to-dal typewriter? Address 8. C. 1JM. Bee. TO PELL or trade your shotgun or rifle. See FRIEDMAN. 1211 Iotigla. WASH ERtl For a live wire: hav 0 vacuum waaher. These are well known to every housewife, I hav other busi ness. Trade for something I can use. lie bnv. I must cut them loose for something. Addresa 8. C 1371. Bee. FOK KENT Apartaaeate awa Flats. Th For Rent advertisement appearing in th For Rent column of Th Be daily cannot be beat for variety that will please sad fill th needs of any on de klrUig to rent- Phone Tyler luuD. FREE MOVING MOVE NOW- If you want neat l-room flat, for winter, walking- distance, on Huth tit., bring thla ad to our office. We show you fiat; if )ou rent w pay moving bill. Small families only. Each flat 9 rooms and bath. Modern but heat. Rent 112 bo to III each. Newly papered. Don't phone. Refer ence required. D. E. BUCK A CO., , 1? Omaha National Bank Bldg. o BEAUTIFUL, strictly mod. apis, lsih and Vales Sts. ; janitor ervlce; fine lawn, playgrounds, tennis courts and summer comforts.. Tel. Web, fr.78 or 43JI. t-RiXlM apart ntent, SU George, ill S. Slst Ave. Phone Tyler Uab: evening Wtb. 174. JL FOUR rooms, close in. Phone Red 4a. f 8TEAM -HEATED, modern, hot water fieu, !4 aiol up. G. P. btebblns. Angelus Apt.. I and 4-iuom apt H ?0.-4. FOR RENT 7-r apartment, old liami. ton. Apt. I. lit b end Jt'arnatn. IjtROOM moilern fiat, I7H7 IKle St. In quire Kouinier Bros, 2Mh A rarnnm St. Beautlfuiiy iliunlied 4-im. mod. Alt. t Hie Pae. phone Harney 1j. o (Continued ou Col.77Thl Pase.i I Readv Reference Directorv The following firms offer will jjleape tbe most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLK. RFF.D ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract office In Nebraska, lot Brandel The. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 8. 17th St. Phone P. 6CT. ADVaRTIIlftQ MUVKLT1E9. l. F. Pbafer A Co., IWh, Firnim. D. 7474. AHATlitk FI.M8 developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 411 Bee Bldg. DtptU ACCOUMTAMT. E. A. DWORAK ACCOUNTS AUDITED Book openod nd c osed. Cost nystem installed Let me call on yo1( to explain tne advantage ef rriv audit service system. Address 43 4.H Ramge Bldg Phone. Doug. 740A. A Rtll I T BC'I B. Erertt 8. Podds. gll Paxton Blk. P. IWt, ATTUH.VGll, ? T. Ptklnon. Ill Paxton Blk. P. 1WV4, AUCTIONEERS. Powd Auction Co.. Hlli-lg W.O.W. R. tt. AUTO INSURANCE. AyTOfclolm'K MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Dougla ZS1. AUTO RAD1ATOH REPAIRS. Omana Radiator Rep ear, ygg jer, n at AKbiH IE. g. H. BEEDBR, 1B0 N. uttl. Web, m. HKUDINO, O",". Coming. t?"..7- Renovate feather feather mattreses and down cover. BRASS AMU IRON FOUKDHIIUg." fkton-Mltchell Co.. 7th and Marthg'sts. CARPKNTKag AND CONTRACTORS. ETEVENSON. Kl"s7rl. Douglas gn Lesard A Bon. 190 Cap. At, t. VOL ' " " T 1. JtMX. CU1ROPRACTIC SPINAL AOJU'Sf'TS Dr. J. C, Lawrence. I Balrd Bldg. L tin Or. C. V. Rrlgga. K2S Harney. Red 7?m' ' CHIROPODIST. Cani 3. Burford. m Pax. Blk. r?H(1 j PAN CINQ ACADEMIES! " CHAMBERS- Academy. clale. D. 1S7I. Summer rate now at Mackle's- M..u aon, dally, igig HaroSy. 'luMsa DHESSMAKINO; Terry Presmak'g college, toth 4 Farnam MI8B STURDY. 41 CASS. D. Ttm WmTBD-HI,th el" -re-maklnc. Web. DRESSMAKING COLLEoifl. " Kelster1 Dressmaking Cot.. Rgg ntv Kb DYERS AAD CLEANERsT 8TATW Pry Clng. Co.. IM e. .sth, p. n DK'ritlCTlVES. ,AdenS Bvl secured In all cases. Tyler 113. DlbA TlSls Dr. Bradbury. No pain. Ml W. O. W. Bldg Pyorrhea. Dr. Flcke. 714 City Nat Bank, Taft Dental Room, KI7 Dougla. p. tm DRUGS. DRUGS at cut price; freight paid on fit order; catalogue free, Sherman 4k Mo. Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS, Continental Nov. Co., ill N. lBth. Terms. ELECTRIC MOTOt REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Be Bldg D ll7 ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa A11nder, CT4 Be Bldg. Red Stea EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down: cloak, ult and dresses sacrificed. 9 N. 14th St rURNAlUI AND TIN WORK. HABERSTROH, 4026 Hamilton. Wai tm. FLORISTS. BATH'S, floruit. 1804 Farnam St D. SDOO. L HENDERSON, 1814 Dougiaa. D. 126S. Mambar r lorisv Aneinyu HESS 4 BWOBODA. 1418 Farnam SU A, PONAOHUE. 1611 Harney. Poug. 1001. COLD AND SILVER PLATING. WE replat everything of "t!; ,I!ilha Plating 4-Q-, t-J ntiwr - -j 1 .K.rain:itilM. English. French. Instruction. Lyrto Bid ICE. Lakeside Ice Co FOR ICB 'PHONE WEBSTER 6S1S. General Office, llth and Manderson til. .. .ri E.-a UN THK PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE, SIS Paxton Blk. B, T40L Notary rum., oepooino- - C. W. BR ITT. 01 Baker block. . CHICAGO Ui'NDrH CO. Douglas 7X LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. A CO., Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. nTTOtriV Thomas. Douglas ISIS. DUlvLVliN 1419 Cuming St "MOVING FlC ItMa) UAvlili OMAHA FUm Ex.. 14lh and Doug. Motion picture mt'iin" - uuTORCl CLES. HARLET-PAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machine. Victor Rooa, The Motorcycle Man." lit Lsavenworta. . MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE taught by telephone and tone boat. nuili. 1 ree trial iweu. . . I n n nlavlr. noaltivelv tanetit to! lessons. i Cuming BC Walnut His. NOTIONS. NOTIONS, new, cigar, candy. IMS Park " ' OCt LISTS. Eye xamlned. glasses fitted, par a you can. Dr. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. PATENTS. p. O. Barnall. Pxton Blk. Tel. Rd TH7. H. A. Sturae. CH Brsndels Theater Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC Pi4ISlClANS- JOPrpHINK ARMSTRONG. CIS Be Rldg PA1NT1NU AND PAPERING. HUGH M'MANUS. 417 N. 40th H. Stt PL AH I.VU. Acme Plating. Ill l. 1277. S ltb Be PLLMF.S CLEAN a.U. L mad over. D. Elscle. UM City Nat ,t quality and expert service tha J PRINTING. WATFRS-BARNHART Ptg. O.. otialltj printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 8. 13th St CENTRAL PRINTINO CO. DOUO. DOUGLAS Printing Co Tel. Dougla niBa.iWH COMPANIES. NEMRA6KA RTJBBAGE CO. Thl Is thJ man to call if you have any ashes 04 uncana 10 nam. rnone vvenster 6X1. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPKHTSJ SAFES Opened, repaired, comN changed. F. E. Daren port, I4Q6 Podge. D. lifel SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., 811 B. ltth. P.H HOB REPAIRING. Friedman pros., hoe repair, m a Harley Shoe Rep'r Co., X)4 Farn'm. R. SEWING MACHINES. ttt rent, replr, sell needis W f lauts for all eewlng machi vvc " MICHEL'S," rent, repair, sell needles and machine. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., llth and Harney. Potigla 1X31 STEEL CEILINGS. I CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 B. lPj I'UHV AND OFFICE ULItRKI. DESKS, safe, scale, showcases, BheltM ing, etc, v e ouy, sen. vimana r ixiurw ad Buppty co., 414-is-is t. itn. uoug. jin, TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 807 B. UtW. P. B2aj TAILORS. CHAE. C. LANPWIWTOU. 101 W. lMh Btj TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRETJNO 8TEINLB, 1PW ram am Btj TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 8 mo. for tj Oliver Typewriter Agency, litis FarnamJ BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, 111 S, tttuj ot, ah maka for ai or rent. RENT a Remington," not Just a writer. Low rnt CaM Dougla WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, 3d ft. Paxton Bk., U yr. expi WEDDING STATIONERY.. s Wedding announcements. Doug. Vtg. Coj WItuS AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETE8, Jnl- a. Hth fit. Wlneaj liquors, cigar. Plat dinner 11 to I, lOcj HEKRT POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUHR, 16th and Capitol Av. Ten-oent lunoh. MGBlOAIi RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re suit guaranted. Dr. Bowser, 1114 Bee Bldi RUPTURE. 1 Ruptur treated uccsful1y by all af sclenttflo methoda The majority . art cured without surgical operation. W have treated many .hundred of men, women and children. The coat I deter mined after examination, and tlm re quired to cur two or three weeks. Call or writ tor further particular. Frank H. Wray. Suit tu. Be Bid.. Omaha Neb. PILES. FISTtTLA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cure pile, fistula and other rectal disease witiiout surgical operation. Cur guaranteed and no) money paid until cured. Writ for book) on rectal disease with testimonials. DR. tli. tt TARRY, 40 IS Bldg. FOU RENT Aavartaaeals bs4 Flat. FOR RENT. new. S and 5-room apart ments, disappearing oeds, pneumatic. particular. Flora Apt'.. 2561 Jones St oj 8PI.ENDID, NEW, FURNISHED APARTMENT lor rent In th NEW Traverton FIREPROOF. 24TH AND LAN DON COURT. P.l.rin. t . . luinil. a! k 11..J . ; " , v iviiiiwa loautl. Apartment la completely equipped fori able. ' " ' ana oomrort-j Alaonna iinfiipnlaht n k . - - rJ summer, $0i.o0 winter. TRIWD Trra Tel, Dougla 1163. 705 Omaha Nat Btuik. -ROOM at, nicely furnished; front! .w, ..,. mouern; pnoe M per no.l Hot and cold water. Howard A Maiiuil ". " ana nowarq. fnone Doug. uf4. FurnUhed Room that offer every mod -4 ern convenience and comfort In pnvalaj ... . ,!?ru",f nouses ot me high eat r ... win 1 . v . . , , .. . . T Tyler4 lS00"1 culumn of Th Bee. Phonej ' 1 N. th, IJ3. furnished room with board. 6. J1 Webster, walking dlstanoe. 16 a week" NICE mod. room in private home for m- " "); wumni aisiance; near two car line; breakfast if desired. Tel. D. CSQ. 2o21 Harney, cool room, excellent table bd Desirable room and board. 4! S. ltth St. FaralsAril Rawoas. IN private family; II M. Tel. II. J3SS. If you do not ee anything that suits you in th war ot Fumisned rlooma you can call at Room 104, Bee Bldg., and ask for the Fie Furnished Room bureau, ana we win giaaiy rcier you 10 a big 11 class rooming or boarding bouse in mot part or l He city 8. 6TH ST.. 21-Nely furn. rooms; I J excellent ioooaioii, wioee in. Tel. D. 4711. W E LLI N uTONlN NT Farnam at UthTlOii mi).. 11; W rms., 11.50 A up; weekly s monthly rale; cool, quiet, homelike, q LARGE furnished room. Including private bam, hot and cold water, eieciilo light; suitable for 1 young men who can fur nish reference. Con Include kitchen equipped wits gag rang for light house keeping If wantsd. Tel. Har. ll. o NlQg. furn. rooms, am N. ad. D. (wt.j.1 The Pratt cool, close In. Ill g. 26. D. I137 SPECIAL 1IW piTia TO PERMANENT GUESTS. -HOTEL BAN FOR U, llth A Farnam. HOTEL HARLEY. 80th A Farnam: TAKE Dodge car to 17l Dodge St clean, attractive rma., reas.. downtown. tarnished lleasekeegilaar Rmou. Four pic rooms; new bathJilll 8. llth. N. X3d. Ijo-I large. 115. Hod a! " Kl Lkpg. rooms; res s. Tel. H. 14 t rooms and bath. 1:12 B jiih NICELY furn., strictly mod. luu-e W. 71.4 (CONTINUED ON PACK r"TN' COLUMN OSK.i 1