Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1915, Page 3, Image 4

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    Mr. Jack Now
MWAI&bA ' J ( V uaatQMftiwcs.J .M.V( . meet mm here tonight, I AGAM f (mWHAWl
V X'A Sj " WK" u '
.rl . L,
Buying Season Closet and, Starting
Today, All Western Loop Ath
letes Eligible to Draft.
Bui two Western league players were
' purchased by major league clubs thla
year. Teaterday the aeason on purchas
ing closed and all playera In the league
are now eligible to Ihe draft. George
Mogrtdgs of Des Molnea and Daziy Vance
of St Joseph, both twiners, were the only
playera sold.- Both pitchers were bought
by th New York Yankees.
That applications for a number of
Weatern league athletes will be made in
tha draft la certain. The number of j
scouts who have visited this territory and '
then, returned for a second Investigation
of the potential Ivory proves thnt point.
Sutton of Brooklyn, Davis. Kelly and
Farrell of the Yankees, Thomas of the
Athletics, Murphy of the Cubs, Doyle of
the White Box, Fraser and Ryan of
Washington, Klnsetla of the Giants, Con
nolly of the Cardinals and numerous other
well-known Ivory hunters from the big
timber have made repeated Western
league visits.
Links to Be Drafted.
Ira Sutton of Brooklyn admitted when
In Omaha the other day that the Dodgers
would put in a bid for both McQafflgan
' and Dawson of Lincoln In the draft and
probably Ernie Krueger. Sutton, it Is
also thought, will recommend that Carl
Sawyer of Dea Moines be drafted. It Is
practically certain that the New York
Americans will put In a draft for Krue
ger If they have not already purohased
him, a report to tha latter effect coming
from New York, but it could not be veri
fied In Omaha.
It Is expected that Bruce Hartford and
Carl Sawyer of Des Moines, Snooks Mo
Gafflgan and Rex Dawson of Lincoln,
. Ernie Krueger of Omaha and possibly
Frits Scbliebner, Jim Galloway of Den
ver and Choke 'Em Monro of Topeka
will be asked la the major league draft.
Om Player from a Clab.
Only one player from a team can be
procured In the draft Drawings are
made to find which player will be drafted
and which club will secure the player If
more than one club drafts. With nearly
all of the above mentioned athletes it is
thought several clubs will draft.
Following the major draft the class AA
leagues get a crack at tha Western. Some
of the playera who fall to go to the ma
jors, being eliminated In tha drawings,
will probably be caught In the Double A
' net. .
Morse Oatpltehes Harrlagtoa mm
(irlssllee Drop Seeaad.
LINCOLN, Aug. 17. Morse outpitched
Harrington and Lincoln won the second
game of the series with Denver, t to 1.
H. O. A. B.
13 4 1
0 S 0 0
10 10
8 1 0 0
1 10 0 0
110 0
i 0 s 0
0 0
1 0 s 0
10 27 10 "l
H. O. A. E.
0 0 10
0 1 1 0
0 T 0
3 1 6, 0
10 10
13 3 0
14 10
116 0
"i 24 15 Q
0 0 0 0 0-1
Lloyd. 2b I o
Wolfe. 1 4 0
McGafflgan, ss 4 0
Mclntyre, rf 4 I
Williams, lb t 0
Schrelber, cf 4 1
Whalen, 3b S 1
McAllister, e t 0
Morse, p 4 1
30 S
Miller, rf S l'
Kelleber, as 4 0
Spencer, cf 4 0
Galloway, 2b 4 0
Mccormick, If 4 0
Shields, lb 4 0
Whelan. 3b 4 0
Hpahr. c 4 0
Harrington, p 4 0
Totals.. 37 "l
Lincoln 0 1 0 (
Jjenver 1 0, 0 1
rra.-K... wi,.
" " mi, nrurntir, inorae, I A Ova.
Sacrifice hits: -Williams. McAllister.
Struck out: By Morse, 8: by Harrington,
J. liases on balls: Off Harrington, .
Time: 1:49. Umpire: 8egriat
' Beats Fed Agrcata.
President Somers' Journey to Phila
delphia to sign Shortstop Chapman and
Outfielder Wtlle, was to place both safely
under contract, as he waa reliably In
formed that Federal league agents were
after both men.
After Wallaaaa.
Manager Jennings of the Tigers is after
Carl Wellman, the lengthy pitcher of the
Religious Census in
' Omaha August 25
Wednesday, August 26, has been aet as
tha data for taking a religious census of
tha city, preliminary to the Sunday
The census will be completed in one day
by 600 women, who will have It In charge
under the committee. Tha committee
consists of OUver Keve of the Walnut
HU1 Methodist church and A. F. Ernst of
the Lows Avenue Presbyterian church.
Everybody will be reached by this cen
sus, and It is said that more complete in
formation will be gathered regarding tha
religious status or the people of tha city
than has ever been secured before.
Besides taking the eensus the women
will leave Invitations at every house to
attend tha church services of tha neigh
borhood and tha "Billy. Sunday meetings.
The canvas will be non-sectarian, and
the Information will be available to all
persons interested.
Realizes He's
Standing of Teams
Played. Won. Lost.
Des Moines
Topeka ....
Lincoln ....
Sioux City
Wichita ....
St. Joseph
W.L.Pct. 1 W.L.Pct.
Phlla M 4t .M' Boston 69 35 .t4
Brooklyn ..M M .6T7 Iwtrolt .....70 89 Ml
I'hIcnKO ...M l3 .ami Chicago 64 42 MA
Pittsbura-h M 66 .4V, Waah'n M 62 .Wi
Hoslon 62 M .4". New York.. .61 61 .M
New York.. 60 62 . 4ft i Cleveland ..41 (jtf .sx
St. I-uia...fti M..4s;St. Louis.. .. 41 US .S7
Cincinnati .49 48 . 4381 Plilla S4 71 .S.'4
W.KF.t. W.L.Pct
Chicago ....62 47 .f; St Paul 70 4 .WO
Newark ....0 47 .661; Minneapolis 65 60 .Mo
Kan Cltv...fil 4( ,6V Indlanaplls 62 .KM
Plttihurbs . 47 .6'T' Kan. City. ..r7 64 .MS
St. lxuis...6" 61 .6' 2 Louisville ..."7 64 . 613
Brooklyn . .M 62 .44 I 'lcvelnnd ..49 61.444
D,,r r.j ivm MllLanUA .49 61 .444
Eltlmore"!37 II iS43 Columbuo ..42 71 .373 I
Yeaterdny's Hesnlts.
Denver, 1: Lincoln. S. .
Other points, rain.
Brooklyn. 3: New York, 2. .
Cincinnati. 2; Philadelphia, 0.
Chicago, 2, 6: Pittsburgh. 3. 4.
Chlcaa-o-St Louis; rain.
Detroit, 10, 7; Cleveland. 3, 3.
Chicago, 4: Baltimore, 0.
Kansas City, 3; Buffalo, 1
Pt. Louis, 14; Newark, 4.
Brooklyn. 2; Pittsburgh, 6.
Indianapolis. 6; Milwaukee, 7.
Cleveland, 1; St. Paul. 4.
Columbus, 1; Minneapolis, 8.
Gasses Today.
Western League Denver at Lincoln,
Topeka at Wichita. St. Joseph at Sioux
City, Omaha at Dea Molnea
National League Cincinnati at New
York. St. Louis at Boston, Pittsburgh at
Philadelphia, cnicago at uroouiyn.
American League Chicago at St. Louis.
Detroit at Cleveland, Philadelphia at New
York, Washington at Boston. t
federal ieague cnicago at uammore.
Kansas City at Buffalo. St. Louis at
Newark, Brooklyn at Pittsburgh.
North Platte Man
Leads Sam Huntley
CHICAGO, Aug. 17. The second day of
the Grand American handicap tourna
ment opened with "the Chicago over
ture," a 100-target event, all shooting
from the 18-yard .mark. This afternoon
H. J. Rebhausen, North Platte, Neb., was
leading with a score of 98, breaking his
last 80 straight 8. A. Huntley. Omaha,
second, 17, and W. M. Foord, Wilmington,
Del., with W.
Scores were cut down by the high
northeast wind Into which the targets
were thrown.
In the national championship at doubles
Mark Aria of Thomsboro, 111., was leading
with 90 out of a possible 100 targets.
CHICAGO. Auk. 17 .!rll TeUimm 1
Samuel Huntley of Omaha took second
honors yesterday In the cmatMt inn
shooting match ever held In United States.
ins meet openea in urant park, where
more than 200 amateurs from every sec
tion of the country met In ma preliminary
to the Grand American handicap.
Huntley's high class work In a classy
field netted him $347 for the day. He
shattered 196 clay pigeons out ef a pos
sible 300. Huntley barely missed first
honors which went to William S. Hoon of
Jewell. la., who bad a score of 191 Hoon
won $388.
Predictions are made that tha winner
of tha big sweepstakes to be contested on
Thursday will establish a record.
Huntley lost three targets which were
sprung from different angles. He dusted
one of the birds, but the scorer refused
to give him a kill on tha spot. .
There are 304 entries to the Grand
American handicap, the Blue. Ribbon
event, and Elmer I. Bhaner, manager of
the tournament looks for a possible entry
list of 300 before the closing time tomor
row afternoon.. Among the men who to
day made 90 per cent or better were;
W. S. Hoon. Newell la 199
8 A. Huntley, Omaha it
Marry Mood. Flttaburgb, Kan m
William Ridley, What Cheer, la 194
a. A. King, Delta, Colo ji
Ooorgo Grubb, Wetiuore Kari.".'
1 1 M. Will MITIM Ph lfAn.1.
C. L. Parsons, Straw, Mont!!'.!!!
i. o. oenro, I'lllSDUrgn ..,
K. W. MrNelr Hnn.lnn T.
Tom Wilkes. San Francisco....,
C. H. Riley Salt Lake City ,
c v . xiensnaw. epirit Lake, la
A. J. French, Waterton. 8. D..,
R.' C. Kingsley, Omaha ,
R. II. Chaan. Alexandria a Tt
k,. rj. umprutnt. Alton, la
U' Vf- Newton, ta 1M
E. A. Kelts. Hooper, Neb 1
W. F. Reets, Wlaner. Neb
Koy waltrlp. San Francisco 1x6
B. J. Kebhausen, North Platte, Neb.. ..IKS
J. 8. I trwlrla Man til.., f'.l
J. A. Caoipbelyl, Tulse, Ok la...
A. Koyen, Fremnt, Neb ,
E. W. Vaner. Adams, NeA
O. M. Redlck. Omaha
R, .B. Bames. Bay City, Tex..
J. R. Jabn. Davenport la
L. M. Stephenson, Ie Witt, la.
W. S. Tolen. Fort Dodge. Ia....
oathera Aaaaelattaa.
Nashville, t; Little Rock, a Seven In
nings a green.
Memphis, 8: Chattanooga, S.
Mobile. 1; Birmingham, S.
New Orleans, 1; Atlanta, a Eleven in
nings. Far a gralae A sale.
If you will get a bottle of Chamber
lain's Liniment and observe tha directions
given therewith faithfully, you will re
cover In much less time than la usuallv
.required. ObtainAble averrwhere. All
j druggists.
a Perfect Simp
Coombs and Mathewson Renew Hit
torio Battle on Polo Grounds
and Giants Lose.
NEW YORK, Aug. 17.-Brooklyn played
a one-day stand In New York today and
defeated the Giants, 3 to 2.
Coombs and Mathewson renewed their
hlsitorlo battle on the Polo grounds and
the former Athletic star defeated New
York for the third time this season. Dau
bert, with three alngles snd a sacrifice
had a perfect day' at bat. Score:
AB. II. O. r.
Mm, cf... 4 1 !
Ru-ia. If.... 1 I e
CVM.r. ta.. 4 0 I 3
lnnlert. lb. I I i I
Whet. If. .. a 1 0
tlllirw, Ml I H
Hummfl, rl. I I I
fim, 3b.... 4 11
lller. c... 4 0 t I
1 fin' 'tson. rf I
twirl Jb... I
t Irtohrr. u. 4
Mrrkle cf.. 4
1 t
t t
rd lb 4 1 1
Iihert, 8b.. 1
I I o In. c I
toomtB. p.. 4
1 Grant 1
M- vera, e... 1
.11 I 27 11 Malhwson. p t
r n-Hlnraat .. 1
Marluarl. p 0
UjbDlncton 1
Tetala ....SI M 17 It 1
Batted for Pooln In tie.tnlh. I
Batted for Mathewasn In seventh.
L'atted for Msrqiinrd In ninth.
Brooklyn 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 03
New York 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 03
Two-base hit: t'utuhaw. Throe-base
hits: Cutahaw, Fletcher. Stolen base: j
Wheat Ewrned runs: New York. 2:
Brooklyn, 3. Double plays: Lohert to
Doyle to Bralnerd, Cutshaw to O'Mara
to Daubert, Mathewson to Doyle to
Bralnerd. Bases on balls: Off Coombs,
3; off Marquard, 1. Hits: Off Mathewson,
8 in seven innings; off Marquard, 1 In
two innings. Struck out: By Mathewson,
4; by Marquard, 1: by Coombs, .. Um
pires: O Day and CockUl.
Split Doable Bill.
PITTSBURGH. Aug. 17. Pittsburgh and
Chicaxo each won a game of the double
header today, Pittsburgh taking the first,
3 to 2, and losing the second. 0 to 4.
Benton, secured from Cincinnati, and
whom the New York club claims, pitched
the first game. After the contest was
finished It was announced that Manager
Breanahan of tha Cubs had protested on
account of New York's claim. Tha sec
ond game went to Chicago because of
hard hitting. Score first frame:
chicaoo. rrrrSBt'ROH.
AB H.O.A k as h o a f
Ooed. if 1 o orostella, rf. I I I I I
Unnat. rf.. S
1 Onlllna. cf . . 4 1 4 a I
1 4 rjobnalaa. lb 4 0
1 ( Klnahmn, II I J
0 4 f Wagner, aa., lilt
1 i eviox, ib i I I l
I OBalrd: lb... 111
1 OOlbaon. ... T 1
1 OUenloa. p... 4 t 0
1 1 ;
Total N I Hit I
riahar, aa... 4
ftahulta. If..
Zimrman, 2b I
Baler, lb.... 4
William, cf 4
Phclan, lb.. 4
Breanahaa, e 4
Hmparlea, 9- 8
Totala tt4 I
Chicago 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0-3
Pittsburgh 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 S
Two-bane hits: Breanahan. Wagner,
Balrd. Three-base hit: Saier. Stolen
base: Good. Double plays: Viox to Wag
ner to Johnston, Wagner to Vlox to
Johnston. Earned runs: Chicago, 2:
Pittsburgh. S. Base on error: Chicago,
1. Bases on balls: Off Humphries. 1: oft
Benton. 2. Struck out: By .Humphries,
1; by Benton, 8. I'm pi res: Kason and
Byron, score, second game:
AB.H.O.A B. All H.O.A .
Ooe4, rf.-f. 4 11 6Coatllo, rl. 4 1 t t 0
Flaher, aa... 4
HchiilM, If.. 2
llnrun, Sb 8
Faler lb.... 8
Wllllama. ef 8
Vlurrar. rf..
Pbelaa. lb.. 4
Apchar, 4
Eabal. p.... 4
4 11 OColllna, ef.. I 1 4
14 0 CJohnatoa. Ill 1 I
1 2 t oHlDeham. Ill I I
1 t t IWiinii, aa.. til
14 tVlna. tb t t 1
1 tBalre. lb... 41
I t ogebana 42
17 8 SCoupar, s... 41
t 1
Totals ..
..88 I 27 12 I
0 2 8 0-4
1 0 0 0-4
Totals ....12 11 27 1
Chicago 0 0 0 1 0
Pittsburgh 0 0 0 S 0
Two-base hits: Good. Costello. Wagner.
Three-base hit: Johnston. Stolen bases:
Zimmerman, Zabel, Wagner. Double
play: Wagner to Balrd. blamed runs:
Chicago, 4; Pittsburgh, 4. Base on error:
Pittsburgh. 1. Bases on balls: Off Zshel,
3; off Cooper, a Struck out: By ZabeL
6: by Cooper, 1. Umpires: Byron and
Pender Trims Dodge
In Errorless Game
PENDER, Neb., Aug. 17. (Special Tel
egram.) The fastest gsma of the season
waa played here today. Pender defeated
Dodge, 2 to 1. On account of tha wet
grounds the gam waa played In a pas
ture which waa high with weeds. Tha
game was free from errors by both sidea.
Britton for the locals outpitched Smith,
es-Whlt Sox and Lincoln leaguer. Tha
game went only seven Innings. Tb teams
play tomorrow at Rosalia base ball tour
nament for a purse. Score: R.H.E.
Dodge 1 00000 0-1 20
Pender 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 4
batteries: Dodge, Smith and Baines;
Pender, Britton and Smith. ttruck out:
By Smith. 6; by Brown, 4. Two-bait hits:
Brown, Serb, Wagner. Khemlock. Um
pires: Racely and Kacwly.
St. Mwir4 Makes Cleaa Sweep. '
ST. F.DWARD, Neb . Aug. 17. (Specie!.)
St. Edward made four straixht alns
during the base ball tournament by de
feating Uenua yeaterdu In a one-aided
game. Powers was In-ls rgeular form
and only allowed Genoa three scattered
hits. Irish, who starter for Genoa, only
laated one Inning and Campbell, who
took his place, could do nothing with the
homo team. Cain's one-handed catch
featured with the St Edward's base run
ning. Score: R.H.E.
Uuoa 000000023
St Kdward .1 I M I 1 1 4 Mil 1
Batteries: eOnoe, Irish, Campbell and
Badra; bt Edward. Powers and Fisher.
Coast Usfit Resalts.
At Portland Score:
Salt Lake City 10
I-ortland 0 S 1
Batteries: Salt Iatke City. O. Williams
and Hannah; Portland. Kahler and
At Sen Franctsco-Soora: BH B,
Los Angeles 14
Sao Francisco SSI
Batteries: Los Angeles. Love, Ryan and
Boles: ban Francisoo, Fanning and
Da Yaa gaffes with Colds f
Take lr. King's New Discovery, th
best cough, cold, throat and lung medi
cine made. The first dosa helps. 60c. All
druggUU. Advertise meat.
THr. Uhh: DMAlt A H J.lArMAl , AUHl
CepvrlgM. W International
News Service.
Joe Steelier and
Hussane May Meet
Here on Labor Day
Omaha wrestling fana may be able to
see a high class wrestling match here
Labor day after all, the eontestants be
ing Joe 8t eerier and Hussane.
Stecher was in Omaha Monday night,
along with tha Fremont bunch to see the
Den show, and his manager, Joe Itet
manek, came In at midnight, having been
stuck in the mud in an automobile near
Scribner. Oscar Thoraon of Dea Molnea,
now manager of Ilusaane, waa here and
after Iletmanek arrived they held a con
ference with Gene MelaJy until 3 o'clock
in the morning.
The only thing that now stands In the
wsy of the match la a date for the aame
time which the Turk has somewhere In
Indiana and for which he has posted a
forfeit. Thorson has gone to Indiana to
try to change that date so, that soon all
will be arranged.
These two have met before, at Dodge,
and Stecher was given the doclnlon on a
foul. There has been bad blood between
the two ever alnce and several previous
efforts have failed to bring them together.
Magee Eesigns as
Brookfed Manager
NEW YORK, Aug. 17,-Presldcnt R. B.
Ward of the Brooklyn Federal league
club announced today that ho had ' re
ceived and accepted the formal resigna
tion of Lee Magee as manager of the
Brooklyn team.
Magee, who has been sick for a few
days, will continue to play at second
base. His contract with . the club still
haa two years to run, and Manee's chief
reason for resigning is that he cannot
do Justice to tha club In the dual capac
ity of player and manager.
Magee'a auccessor w named todav,
Read la mA
' The Oakland club h er'-orl "Mips Of
release upon Inflelder Milton Reed.
Wf An IT1
V the national joy smoke
teiiTVp-1 (It j m y;v:
PAINT this little picture on your mind,
then beat it quick-cross-lots for some
Prince Albert tobacco, because you need it in
your smokings !
Talk about putting the hush on that tobacco
hankering I Prince Albert just purrs pleasure
on your tongue as you draw in the cool smoke
from a jimmy pipe or makin's cigarette ! The
patented process fixes that and muffles the
bite and parch ! .
So you cast past smoking memories into the
discard and draw cards. via Prince Albert, for
you'U trump tricks on every show down when
you fire up this national joy smoke '
Such jimmy pipe tobacco, such makin's
M 1J, VJld.
Toney Blanks Phillies with Alex
. ander Opposing Him
, Seven Rounds.
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 17. - Toney
pitched Cincinnati to a ahutout victory
over Philadelphia today, the score being
3 to 0. Only four hits were msde off
Toney and two of these were msde in the
ninth. After being held to one hit by
Alexander until one waa out In the fifth,
Cincinnati filled the bases on Griffith's
double, Wlngo'a single and a pass to
Wagner when Mollwltg aent In two run
ners with a two-bagger. Alexander waa
taken out for a pinch hitter in the seventh
and Chalmers finished tha game in good
style. Score:
ftroh. 3b.... 4 111 Ifmi, lb... 411
lloraos. aa.. 4 1 I 4 1 Bancroft, aa. I t t 8
Wllllama, If 4 1 tPaakart, ef . . 4 I 1
W Klllfer. ef 4 t t 'rath. rf. I 1 1
Orltilth. rf, I 1 OLarieraa, lb. 4 1 T
Wlnsn. e.... lit Wnlttad. If. 4 I I
Wamer. tb.. 124 ONIrhtrf, tb. 4 2
Mollwlta, lb I 1 n KlllirVr, el 1 T
Toner, p.... 8 01 Bura, ..., 1
Aletander, p t 8
Totala I 27 It lrhalm-ra. p t t t
ur t
Backer .... 1
Totals It""
Ran for-B. Kllllfer In seventh:
Batted for Alexander In soventh.
Cincinnati ....0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0-3
Philadelphia ......0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Two-base hits: Griffith, Motlwlts, B.
Kllllfer. Earned runs: Cincinnati. 3.
Stolen base: Byrne. Double plays: Wan
ner to Heraog to Mollwlts (2), Mehoff to
Bancroft to lurlem. Bases on balls; Off
Toney, 2: off Alexander. 1. Struck out:
By Toney. R; by Alexander, S; by Chal
mers, 1. Hits: Off Alexander, 4 In seven
Innings: off Chalmers, 1 In two Innings.
Umpires: Kiem and Rlgler.
Lyaeh Fired aad Hired.
' Mike Lynch, who was released as
Northwestern league umpire, has bp.
re-appointed to take the place of Kugen
McGreevy. .
for The Bee by
Stecher Signed for
Exhibit at Nemaha
G. N. Titus of Nemaha came tip to
Omaha yesterdsy and while her signed
up Joe snd Anton Stecher to stage a
wrestling exhibition at the old settlers'
picnic at Nemaha on August 24. Nemaha
wanted a big card for the picnic and It
was decided, that the famous Nebraska
wrestler would be about the biggest card
possible, so Mr. Titus came to Omaha to
arrange tl c event. The wrestling match
will be staged on the base ball diamond
Jut before the combat between Auburn
and Salem.
McLoughlin Defeats
Pell in Second
NEWPORT. R. I., Aug. 17,-Maurlca B.
McLoughlin of San Francisco appeared
bn the grandstand of the Casino today
I for the first time sim e his defeat on the
aame court by F.. Noma Wllllama, jr.,
last year. T. It Pell of Nw York was
Mclaughlin's opponent in the second
round of the Invitation round single
lawn tennis tournament.
William Johnston, San Franrlaco. beat
R. C. Heaver. Boston, 4-4, -l, 0-1, 0-1
Maurice E. McLaughlin, San Francisco,
beat T. It. Pell, New York. 0-3. 7-6, 6-1.
William Washburn. New York beat F.
B. Alexander, New York, 8-4, 6-3, 6-1.
H. C. Johnson. Boston, beat R. Dana,
Providence. 6-2. ft-2. 6-2.
H. Norris Williams, II, Philadelphia,
beat Charles M. Bull, Jr.. Brooklyn, 6-7,
t-t, 8-6, 1-6, 6-1.
Irving C. Wright, Boston, beat O. C.
Caner. Phlladeluhla. 6-4. 6-2. ll-.
Wallace F. Johnson Philadelphia, beat
F. C. lnman, New York, 4-4, 6-1, 7-0.
Irwla lias a Pheaoas.
The New Yorks' former business man
ager, Arthur Irwin, now manager of the
Ixiwiston club In the New Knglsnd
Wsnie. has developed a great outfielder.
who, bo says. Is one that will make the
..i) Rbnut Ty Cobb and Tris
two years.' The
ahenom s nam la Becker.
uli k a Pc Want Ad.
tobacco, never did come into your taste-zone
before I Such flavor, and coolness, and fra
grance x such mellowness! Why, men, P. A.'s -so
good you call it by its first name like you
were brought up in the same house I
And you just go on smoking Prince Albert
day-in, day-out, because it's - so good and
friendly and cheerful to the tenderest tongue !
And nail this: You will find P. A., jammed in
a jimmy pipe or rolled into a makin's cigarette,
better than the most cheerful word we ever
printed about it!
Buy artW Attart twarytsJUra (atCaeaw is iU Toppy reaf
(Aavf far si'goraffs anatw, 3e tidy reaf ft a. 101
kmmdmoma poanj m4 kmlf.pmumd tm Ao-Wor mitkt
day pmnj crytal- gloas kamiJvr tmtk th tpmmtm-mntittmmmt
top that A sops (Aa feoacso sicA
COMPANY, Winatonalem, N.
J. Swinnerton
Pittsburgh Defeats Tip Tops by
Score of FiT to Two, Corn
stock Starring.
PITTSBURGH, Aug. 17. Th Pitta
burgh Federals defeated Brooklyn today
by a score of 6 to 1, due mainly to th ef
fective pitching of Comatock, lata of the
lYovldenr team of the International
league. Bluejacket waa hit hard and
was wild, being substituted by Walker
In the eighth Inning. Score: R ILE.
Brooklvn 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 02 6 4
Pittsburgh ...2 0 0 0 t 1 1 0 S 10 1
naitai-isa- HnOTklvn. Rluelarket. Walker
and Simon; Pittsburgh, Comstock end
O'Connor. . . ,
Whales Whip Teirpa.
nAT.TiMOBE. Aug. 17. Chicago romped
home with this afternoon s game with
Baltimore. 4 to 0. Brennan was In
superb form, allowing but three hits. Chi
cago bunched ita hit with Baltimore a
errors. Score: ...... R;' .
Chlcsgo 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0-4- 7 1
Baltimore ....o o a e o w a w
Bstterles: cnicego. tfrennam an
Fischer; Baltimore, Uulnn and JacklltK h.
Kaasaa City Wlaxa.
BUFFAI1, N. Y Aug. It A double
rlav by Chadbourne, unassisted, retired
Buffalo In the last half of the ninth In
ning today and gave Kansaa City a I to
2 victory. Louden waa on,, second bssi
when Ilofman lifted to center. Chad
bourne caught th ball and ran In. catch
ing Ixuden off the base. Score: R.H.E.
Kansas City.O 00800600-SOO
Buffalo 0 00010100-382
l Batteries: Johnson and Brown; Schuls
and Allen.
Terrier Beat Newark. -
NEW YORK, Aug. 17. St Louie ham
mered three Newark pitchers today and
had little difficulty In winning, 14 to 4.
Neither Kalaeiling. Falkenberg nor Fran,
dom could stop the batting of tha In
vaders, who made eighteen hits. Haven
port managed to keep eleven hits scat
tered. Score: R.H.E.
St Louis 3 (1 1 1 I I I l-rl4 18 1
Newark :...,,0 0 1 00 1 4 11
' Batteries: Davenport - and Hartley:
Kalserllng, Falkenberg, Frandom and
Rarlden, Prat.