Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1915, Page 9, Image 10

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    Till: J IKK: OMAHA, WT.DM .SPA Y. AldlsT is. l.n:,.
. I
f .
Wleat. Ullies After Several Drop
and with Market Strong Ad
ranees Two CenU.
OMAHA. August IT, 1!!5.
Wht vas strong, soiling i cents over
I'eslsrtlay's price. 'I'M poor weather con
ditions continues to send the hpt
.Dig her.
Com wait steady today, most of this
cereal going at yesterday's prices, with
a few saics at o higher.
The better grades of oals sold tc higher
' and the rest going at "c lower.
A seaboard export! r say It looks as
I though tha luvrrnmcnls ( the allies
.Intended buying all foodstuffs thomselvea,
I thereby eliminating all speculators.
They will posaimy buy up ail their
l own crops and soil to tne mllirrs at a
I fixed price, regsrd less of what the goT
, ernmsnt. might have paid for It.
It seems that the only way to elimin
ate the speculation to prohibit this Im
port t Inn of foodstuffs by dealers.
Liverpool (lose: YYhettt. unchanged to
4d lower; corn, fed lower.
Primary wheat receipt were l.ffiS.OOO h j.
and shipments S60.wu bu., against re
ceipts of l.t'ni.OXI lm. and shipments of
30000 bu. last year.
Primary corn receipts were W,Ono bu.
and shipments ww.nno bo., aaeinst re
ceipts of Mi.i'M) bu. and shipments of 4!V,
(lOii bu. last year.
Primary oats receipts were l.i"74,noO bu.
and shipments .Tfi.iaii bu., against re-'
celpts ot l..2,000 bu. and shipments of
11,00 bu. last year.
. Wheat. Om. Oats.
Omaha ,..
Kan wis City
Ht. Louia
Winnipeg '
These sales were
Wheat: No. 2 hard winter. 1 car at 11.12;
. Ho. 3 hsrd winter. 1 car at I car
; at ll.ia. 1 oar at S1.ll. 1 cars at 11.10, 1
car at ll.Ov, 1 car at S1.0N; No. 4 hard
.. , -winter, 1 car at I1.06V4, cars at $1.(), 1
, . car at 11. 00; sample., 1 car (corn mixed)
' at l.(Vt, 1 car at H OI. i cars at 1.(M. 1
car at tl.OlVk. 11 cars at $l.o. 1 car at
UTVjC. Corn: No. 2 white, 1 car at 7fk 6
4, cars at 74c; No. S white, 1 cur at Hc,
cars at V4vic; No. yellow, 8 cars at
TWic; No. a yellow, 1 car at -6 of
a car at 75c; No. 6 yellow, 1 car at 75c;
No. 1 mixed, -2 ears at 74Vc; No. I
mixed. 2 cars at 74Vc. H car at 74'ic;
No. 6 mixed. S cars at 74Vo, 1 car at 73Vc;
, sample, cars at ec. 2 cars at 6Rc. Oats:
- No. S white, 1 car (old) at 42Vto, 1 car
at 40Hc; lVs cars at 40c, 1 car at Kc; No.
4 white, 2-6 of a car (old) at XHfcc, l-S-6
' cars at 5Hc. 1 car at K'c. 1 car at S9c;
'i sample, 1 var (old) at 41c, 2-6 of a car
... . at 4"o. t car at X.
- Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2
turkey, $1,117? 1.32; No. S turkey, l.(tm
FOR SALE 320 acres. 1H miles from
Wayne. Neb., 1 mile from state normal;
110,000 la Improvements; 8 miles woven
Wire fencing; 8 wells, 2 windmills; 80 acres
alfalfa; 100 acres pasture. If Interested
come or write U. w. Owen, Wayne, Neb.
We will sell any reliable farmer with
food equipment, a good. Improved, 640
" acre farm In Kimball county. Neb., the
I county of big .crops, on a cash payment
'.of 31 an acre, the remainder.' crop pay
I ment plan, price $15.50 an acre.
1 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. o
S44 acres, small Imp. Prlee $12.50 per
acre- Inc. $1,250. Want small east Neb.
or Iowa farm.
' 33 acres, Thomas Co.. Neb. Price $12.50
Vr acre.. Want eastern land or city prop
erty. ' - wr e. frank. --
I 201 Neville P-lk., Omaha.'- o
I North Dakota.
Our excursion party Tuesday. August 17.
, bound Tor the B1Q CROPS on our farms
' in' North Dakota. You can bargain for
our (arms by paying $3 an acre down,
- balance on your terms or on the crop
payment plan. We csn help you. Try
lis. W m. H. Brown Co., 6 N. la Salle
St., Chicago. o
Boath Dakota.
. .GET BUSY Snaps In eastern Menle
county land and equities, rlrst State
' bank. larcus, S. P.
OWNER has for shIc or trade 1 acres
In Harding County, South Dakota, also
' bouse and three lots In Hutte, Boyd
ountv, Nebraska. What have you to
offer in exchange? Rose A. Hupp, Butte,
M iseel bMt.etw.
ISO-ACRE farm, $13 per acre; $30 cash and
$28 Der month: no Interest: rich soil:
" fine land: Dura water, aood title. Wrtta
W. T. Young. Jr.. Kimball. Neb.
r.$)00 TO 110,000 made -promptly. T. O.
Wead. Wead Bldg.. Uth and Famam Sta
CITY and farm loans, 6, b. 8 per cent
J. H. Li union t ft Co.. 418 State Bank.
WANTED Good farm and city loans at
lowest rates.
PETERS TRUST CO.. 1st) Farnam.
OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms.
10:8 Omaha National. Phone Pouglm 271S.
CITY property. Large loans a specialty.
W. H. Thomas, Z28 State Bank B'.da.
MONEY on hand for city and farm loana
H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg.
SHE US first for farm loana In eastern
Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha
CITY LOANS. C. O. Carlberg.
810-12 Hrandels Theater Bldg.
WANTED City ana farm loans; lowest
ratea. W. U. Teinplatoa. Cut Be. T. 2U24
4113 NORTH 20T1I
- On the Boulevard.
A beautiful home. H rooms and sleeping
porch; oak finished down, pine and birch
up; modern in every way; lot 40x125. A
htg nap at $3 400. Ixt me show you.
Ml Neville Flk. '
PART modern a-ronra bouse, large lot,
plenty hRrie, chicken houee, si.iail cash
Payment. nai. jj ptr month. , Web. M4.
THTNCJALOW 5-room, modern, new and
up-to-date in every respect, 22d and
Ames. Oak Chatham addition. Web. 42A
7-R.. mod. ex. heat; corner lot; barn. 2-nj
inimiii.iiiunnoi, weo, liWJ.
For Sale
vv,PJh?,?'.1 hom Property located la the
very choicest residence district, tad St.
till yl, L J""ent repair, can-
iid..M"." "nd , Handsomely
decorated; two bathroom, billiard room.
iir)I,,li ''llou combined ,un room
luT.h 1 porco ""tlf u hardwood
kilh ".Vd, ne trees and shrub;
r- .1ilU 'a un extremely effective
rZt? . mu."i bo ?'en to PPciated.
Prwe Is rlKht and terms reojuinable.
, lt show you this attractive home.
1-1 City Nst. Bank Bldg.
ivouglas 4M. '
JtCNCiALOW for suis clieHp; terms
LeavU.g city. Phoue Wgiuut
FciR SALE or rui. building
lltljaod aaward, Jkjua. Apply ujt
SJU Ko I' l-l; No 2 "isrd,
loTuiiv No. 4 hard. $104t1?7; No i
fl'inmi. Vfcttn: No .1 dunim, tMiUr.
Corn No. s white, ;4,4iTV; No. S white.
4'4tii4c: No. 4 white. 741r7m.-; No.
white. ,lfi7l'je: No. wltite, "tV'Ttc;
No vellow. .il,4i'7rKe: Vn vellow. 7
It"--: No 4 yellow, 7r7V..c: No. 4
vellow. 4-. No. a.ellow. TtmrTlSr;
No. 2 mixed. 4itV7V: No. 3 mixed. T4
4'c: No. 4 mixed. l.ft:v,f No. , mixed.
iSVl74Jc: No a mixed, TUVSc; rn
ple mixed. v't!c. tiat: No 2 uliite,
4tV,r4lHo; standard. 4ivtHlp; No. x white.
Hfi'loHc; No. 4 white, im'-W- Parley;
NfHltlng (old). 7of:?r; No. I feed mewl.
Mi.c Tte: No. i. Sk"-ittx'.,'ic ; No. .t, tM
94 '.4c.
l-'ea terra nf the Tradlaa and loelna
Prices oa Dar4 of Trade.
CIirrAOO. Ana-. 17 Stormy weather
and a d-cl(1ed faJilna- off In receipts here
caused a sudden advance today of piiics
for wheat. The market closed stronR.
ISc to 1S'11 net higher, with September
at II 6l and Lcember l.oC'4jl.o.
Other sains for the day were: Corn,
to ik"; oats, Ho to Vc, and provisions,
1(iiJMtO to 2T.c.
Seaboard minors of export sales as ere -
Kntlnir l.otioao bushels had much to do
with the strenirth of the wheat market
late in the day. The most that could be.
falHv well confirmed, though, was 4mO.(xJii
bushels. Ineludlnir Manltohss. Shlnplnir
sales In Chicago Included W.ftnl bushels for
export, notwithstanding a fresh low rec
ord for sterling exchange. On tne whole,
however, the best Information ontalnable
Indented that the. export demand today
was by no means very urgent.
Corn ranged a little hhor throughout
the day, ehiefly owin to the strength of
wheat. The oool temperatures, which
were unfavorable for the growing crop,
had a tendency to embolden buvers iim
what, and the close was steady, with
September at 74Sc and Iecemher at (U'
rm-c. in.ts nanteneu In rrice beeaus
of rains that hindered threshing and In
terfered with tho movement to primary
terminals. . Nevertheless, a leading au
thority expreNscd the opinion that a yield
of l.sAo.nmi.wO bushels for tho fnlted States
would not he surprising.
Heavy soiling ot rlhs weakened pro
vislons. The unloading was snid to be
mnlniv on the part of packers. During
a large part of the day not much atten
tion was given to pork or lard.
Futures ranired as follows:
Artlilel Open. I High. I Low. noe. ITes'y,
I i.
1 04 1 ft, 1 04m 1
1 04H
1 04S
1 04-Vl 1 W'-1 1 W 1 0u'
39 I
LI 70
15 70
13 70
n 4Ti
13 56
13 624! 13 7
IS S) j 13 90
13 SO
7 US
7 95
7 STm 7 774
7 97Hf 7 87H
7 80 f
7 74jl
7 9J'
8 00
Ribs I
Sept. 50 M
8 60
8 6741
8 674I 8 70
9 Pi
"Hi S6?H!
8 fiJVa! 8 77S
Chicago Cash Prices W heat: No. 2 red,
Jl.064iiil.OB1,.; No. 2 hard. fl.lObttl.U.
Corn: No. 2 yellow, SOVygsic; No. 4 yel
low, SOKONe; No. 4 white, 78Hr78so. Oats:
No. H white, new. 3W(t3f;c: No. i. white.
old. 434f48e; rtandard, old, 4Rfit.3c. Rye;
No. 2. 1.03'u 1.03M,. Hurley. 0i-70e. Seeds-
Tlmothv. $5.riniii..Tn; clover, $s vj 13.2r.
Provisions: Pork, $13.60; lard, $7.72i; ribs,
$S OMitl 60.
BT'TTER Steady; creamery. S!iic,
K(as Steady; receipts, 11.6ii6 cases; at
mark, casese Included, lUfi'lIk:; ordinary
nrsts, j.frrinc: firsts, northern, lswjl9V4c;
firsts, southern, lS'vflSc.
POTATOES Ijower: receipts. 60 csrs;
Minnesota. Ohios. 424f45o: Jersey, bulk.
57Wc; Virginia cobblers, barreled, $1.50
POCLTRY AJIve, tower; fowls, 13Hc;
springs, 18'ie.
((otattoas of the Day on Various
NEW YORK, Aug. 17.-FIXUR-Qulet.
WHEAT Spot. Irregular; No. 2 hard.
81.17K. c. I. f. New York, to arrive, lake
and rail; No. 2 red. $, c. 1. f, New
York, all rail, prompt shipment: No 1
northoen, Dululh, tl.lOH: No. 1 northern,
Manitoba, $1.07 Vi. o. I. f. Buffalo. Futures,
firmer: September. $1.1IM. !
CORN Spot firm,; No. 2 yellow. KSc.
prompt, snipmcnt. - -
OATS Spot., easj'j standard. f.'c: No.
3 white. 65u; fancy clipped white, 4ii'.c,
HAY Firm: prime. $1.K; No. 1. $1.4fgi
1.50; No. 2. tl.4rf7i.ti: No. 3. tl.30lil.t5;
shipping, $1.2081.25.
HOPS Steady; state, common to choice,
1914 crop, 9fal.te; Pacific coast. 1914 crop,
12'15c: 1911 crop. 9(Crllc.
HIDES Steady; Bogota." S031c; Cen
tral America, 29c.
LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 32c;
seconds, 3(Vf731e.
PROVISIONS Pork. barely steadv;
mess, tlli.50ji7.flt; family, t'-MOOfi 22.1)0;
short clear. $18..Wr30.fln. Reef, liarelv
steady mess, $lJ.6iplS.00:. family, $19.oiKtf
20,W. IarU, cany: middle west,
TALI-OW-Qulet; city, BHc; country, 6T4
tjVe; special. 6lc.
BL'TTEH Easy; receipts. 22,843 tubs;
crtsmety extras. ZPi'vTtc; firsts, 24JrtSHc;
seconds, 2iMa23tc.
EOGS Firm; receipts. 1B.SM eases;
fresh gathred extras, 25VWirj8ic; extra
firsts. -L'.MiiZ'jc: firsts, 21922t4c; seconds,
CHEESE Weak; receipts. 8,273 boxes;
state whole milk, fresh flats, colored,
apclals. 13tie: do. white, MaiSHcj do,
colored, average fancy, lSfrjlSVic; do,
WMt te
POULTRT Alfv, not quoted; dressed,
julet: western froien roasting chickens,
lKfuJo; fresh fowls. Iced, 13wl7Hc; fresh
turkeys. Iced, loltlfic.
Kansas t'lly tirsln and Provisions.
KANSAS CITY. Aug. 17. W H EA T No,
2 hard. $1.1!ki 1.S3: No. 2 red, 1.1.VS4.17;
September, $l.oS: Oecember, tl.MtH
1.04-S,: Mac, $1.0;Val.07.
CORN-Jm'o. 2 mixed, 77c; No. 2 white.
75c; September, 71tc; December, 0c;
Mav, vtiric.
OATS No. 3 white. r,lji63c;, No. I mixed,
BUTTER-Creamery. 27c: flrstg. 25c;
seconds, 23c; packing, ld'itc.
KK5S Firsts. 19c; eecon4s, 12'ic .'
POULTRY Hens, 12c; roosters, 9c;
broilers, 15c. .
Mlaeapoll tirala Market.
September, $1.H: December, $1.04; No. 1
hard, tl .W,: No. 1 northern, tl 3bl.&.
FUO I H Un c h a n ged .
BARLEY Old, StTTSc; new. n70c.
RTB 97i1c.
(.RN No. S vellow. 74'Vfi,Wc.
OATS No. 3 white (new) 42w:ic.
1. Loals Urala Market.
ST- iuis. Mo., Aug. 17. wheat
No. 2 red. tl.124i-l.13H: No. 2 hsrd, nomi
nal: September, tl.0t14'!il.o&'4; Uecember,
CORN No. 2. 7r: No. 2 white. 77ti'8l
7"ic: icemDer, wpfinwc.
OATS No. 2. new. 40c; No. 2 old. 53c.
Liverpool Crala Market.
TJVERPOor,, Aug. IT.-WHKAT-Snni,
No. t Manitoba, lis 8d; No. 3. lis 8'4d;
No. northern, lis 7d.
CORN Spot American mixed, new.
'.new. 9s Id.
Coffee Market.
market for coffee futures was gulet to
day, but ruled Kenemllv steady In sym
pathy with the continued steadiness of
Braxil and in the absence of any Inv-
poriani selling, me market opened un
changed to two points higher, and closed
r m nei auvanee or two to four Points
Kales. 13,600 bags. August, 8.36c; Septem.
ber. 8.39c; Octoler. .4:k:: November. 4-:
Oeeomher, .4ic; January, 6.54c; Febru
ary. oc; nan-n, en:; April, .7e; May,
n il', u-iw; S.DIC. spot, quiet;
Rio 7s. 7c; Santos 4s, Hc; cost and freight
offers were steady and about unchanged.
The official cables repotted an un-
TOiingtxi ninraet at Santos, with Rio 7
reis nigner ana Kio . exchange l-16d
1 .,.
Cottoa Market.
NEW YORK, Aug. 17. COTTON Spot,
steady; middling upland, .iuc; sales, IM
futures closed steady; October, .ic;
TVeeemlxr, 9Iac'. January, .c; March,
.'.'(: ilsy. lo.l!ic.
The cotton market cloaed steady at a
pet advance of from three to five points.
I.IVEKItMiL, Ai. 17. COTT(N-Siiot.
steady: ;ood nilildling, i.Vod; nilddling,
6.4ul, low middling, id. Bales. l.0uo bales.
I -
K an rated Naples aaal Drleal Krai Its
I'KIKU r'KI'ITS Prunes, nuiet. ADrt-
cots, dull. Peaches, iiuwt. Itaislns firm,
Ctttle HeceipU ' Large and Prices
. Not Tar from Steady Sheep
Slow to Easier.
OMAHA. Aug. 17. int."..
elpts were: Cattle, Hoe. Sheep.
Offl.lsl Mondnv ..
listiniatcit Tuesday
a jv
27.3 a
Two days this wwk.IlM W.VtJ 4..t
Same dnvs lust week .12 ;'! UMM t7.?"-'
Same dsvs 2 wks. ai:o. 7. "II lo p? "s.vf.2
Same das 3 wks. sgo. 7.71"( r..T7 ll.two
Same dn 4 wks. ago. ) lVi i,tl
Same dns Inrt yenr. .12.4-H 12.IIHI "".i73
The following tahlo shows the rerelpta
of cattle, hogs and sheep at the oinnli
live stock market for the vear to dHte,
aa compared with last year:
V f?14. Ine. Pe".
cattle gi."st 4:.04 rv7?n
Hogs 1.W0.SI l.M2.f7 K7.M2
Sheep l.4i)A3l 1,412.740 12.7i
Tha following table shows the averaga
price for hogs at the South Uinnha "Ive
stock market for the last few dsya, with
TatoTTiii3. H14.jl!13.i19i2 Ittfl . t190. ' m
Aug. I.I f I 40, 7 K'.i i J Wi 7 4
Aug. J.I 60 I I 041 7 Ml 7S: ; .6. t 4
Aug. 4.1 ( M 7 OS I 8 4S ! Ml 7 70! 1 52
Aug. 6. 4S! 7 70 g 2;i t 03 7 04i 7 S 7 i
Aug., a. I HMa. 7 K
1 171 7 T 711 7 54
Aug. 7.1 9vi a a
t ml 7 m 7 1 17 :i
U 7 831 7 2x 7 901
Aug. a. it u
AUg. . I L2W,
I ll 7 H9 7 27 7 791 7 4
I 7 W I -'Si I ll '
Aug. 10. 6;l I 90
Aug. 11. ( 6 t-ai 9 "II 8 11
7 SI t
Aug. 12. S a"fei I 7:i 7 I 041 7 111 1 6I I 42
Aug. 13. I iJiVi, 8 Ml 7 .'i 8 0141 I 8 0T 7 4,
Aug. 14. Ros 9 04 ' 7 70
Aua. l.V 1 nil 7 731
8 1SI 7 10 7 48
8 12 7 00 8 16,
Aug. 16) 7 65V I 7 771 8 HI 7 171 8 241 7 64
Receipts and disposition of live stoek
at me t nion stock yards, raiuin inium,
eD., ior iweiuy-rour noi
3 o'clock p. m., yesterday:
Neb., for twenty-four hours, ending at
(-.. M. St. P.... 2 8
Wabash 1
8 ..
'ii 40
37 8
It 1
136 4
Missouri Pacific .. 1
Union Pacific 6
O. & N. W.. east.. 6
C. N. W., west.. 83
C, St P., M. O.. 3
., u. A u.. east., ft
C, B. & Q.. west.. 82 I
C. R. 1. & P.. east 10 '
4.'.. R. I. & P., iwegt ..
Illinois central ....
Chicago (it. West. ..
Total receipts ..203
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
' Totals 8,492 8,864 17,170
CATTIK Receipts were the' largest of
any market point thfs morning, e,ioo head
being reported In. This makes the total
for the two days 14.289 head, the heaviest
of any similar period since the beginning
of the range se vn.
Fortunately t..ore was a very fair buy
ing demand for both killers and feeders,
so that the market opened in reasonably
fair season in the morning. TTlie trudo
waa not active partly because of the late
arrival of some trains and partly be
cause of the sorting and shaping up that
naa to tve done Derore tne came couiu
be shown. SHU they kept chsnglng haiHls
and desirable kinds of both beef and
feeders were disposed of in good season
at prlcea that were not materially differ
ent from yesterday. The market, In fact,
showed little change In either direction.
Quotations on cattle: Uood to choice
fed yearlings, $.0v'u9.7O; fair to good fed
yearlings, 87.75i(.75; common to fair fed
yearlings, $fl.75u.7.7&; good to choice heavy
beeves, $9.0oa.4); fair to good torn fed
boevea, ts.2Vy9.00; common to fair corn
fed beeves, $I.0iJjH.2j; prime graaa beeves,
tH.2MjS.7F; good to choice grass beeves,
t7.s.Vug.26; fair to good gruss beeves, $7.40
07tf; common to fair grass beeves, $h.40
4i7.40; good to choice fed heifers, $7 oivyi
8.60; good to choice fed cows, tti.fuvnl.lio,
good to choice grass heifers, $6.wpu.7.c(i;
good to chotoe grass cows, $.ifi;i6.7u; fair
to good cows, $o.7Ktf6.26; common to fair
cows, t4.ftvji6.76; good to choice feeders,
$7.35&S.O0; fair to good feeders, t.7Mi1.:tr.;
common to fair stockers, $6.60 70: stock
heifers. tS.7Mtd.75: stock cows. $o.&(H.ii.&0:
stoek calves, $6.60.00; veal eslves.
10.00; bulls, stags, etc., $6.03'7.lX).
Representative sales:
Ko. At. lr. No. A. l'r.
u im 7 M 8 M l
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr
2 steers.. ..13t 8 20 21 steers.. ,.137l 8 20
39 steers.. ..1404 8 20 20 steers.. . .14! N 20
15 e tears.... 1403 8 20 3d steers... .i:M 8 20
22 steers.... 1300 7 40 3 cows M0 4
1 800 8 11 tl Ill 8 H
1 11M I 80 1 1374 I
33 431 T( 3 IQ II Oa
10 22 I M
I H0 Oi 14 1W7 I U
1; ) t n t?t o
11 US I 6ft ft M0 1 00
14 7" 74 87 .. M 1(
14 ?4 It m tNift I (A
4 634 6 MO 12 1141 7 N
53 steers , S..108S 7 25
29 steers lli3 7 16
HOcJS There waa just a fair run on
hand, about 142 cars, or 8.000 head, being
reported. This brings the total for two
days up to 13,62. which Is more than
l.ouo larger than last week. 8,uuo heavier
than two weeks ago, and a gain of l.ooO
head over tbe same, two days last year.
Trade opened out much the Mtme as It
did Monday. Under the Influence of a
little competition from packets, shippers
bought several loads of lights at about
steady prices, both shippers and packer
paying as high aa $7.30 for sovetal
hunches. After first rounds, however,
things eased off, and later sales of light
show fr'aiuo declines from enrly prues.
Packers received very U-ailnh orders
again today, and, aa was the case yester
day, they did not evidence much activity
during tils early rounds. When thev
finally started bidding the prices offered
looked a big dune, and In spots as much
as lo lower, and as sellers refused to
concede so large a break, nothing much I
was done until a late hour in the fore- I
noon. j
When sellers finally decided to rut
loose prices had Improved a little, and
figures paid for the bulk of the hogs did
not look to be over Mi10c lower, (len- i
era! mar't was snywhere from steady
to a dime down. Movement became full ly
lively fifter tV,e Ice had been broken und
it did not tans very long to eti'eel a
decent clearance, once a trading basis
was establish.'.. Most of the parking ;
hogs moved at IJ.l'i'u 36 with, of course, j
a fair sprinkling ot good butcher and
lights on up. 1
A. gs. rr.
KS. Av. h. St
' M m lit
14 Hit ... IN
tl Ut 44 1 14
M.. ...... ins 44 7 1
11 114 ...1m
4? M4 ... t li
44 !1 U 4 M
V.. 177 H $ Ji
41 IVJ ... l.
IT Ill ") t ll,
t ) I at
44 Ui ... 4 M
71 ll 14 lit
rHKLl' Tbare w
falrlv decent
Tiiendsy run of altoep and lambs here.
lUtnougu supplies were not I. early as
large ss yesterday's. Total for the ween
to date ainouuls to 40.346 head. heliiaT S.a4
larger than Ut.t week and II 0U bvavier ,
tlisn two woeks ago, but nearly iO.OuO ,
lighter thai i for tha same wk last vear.
Tin. i. ti... . -i .. . -.. .. . . . .
..w .um, V, wj; ..WU U ,
this var. !
Ths lauib trade started out verr alowlv
mis morning r ieexs wers very wet and
packers lusuiled on taking off something
Morris & Co 60S l,i9.i
Swift & Co 819 l..Vo
Cudahy Parking Co.. ..1,435 1.SS3
Armour A Co 739 2.494
J. W. Murphy 1.7(M
Lincoln Packing Co.. 27
So. Omaha Packing Co 1
Agor Packing Co i
W. B. Vsnsant Co.... 114
Henton, Vansant & U 138
Hill & Son 33
F. B. Lewis 124
Huston Co 12
J. B. Root & Co 147
J. II. Bulla 43
L. F. Hus 81
Rosenstock Bros 23ft
Kellogg 99
Werthoimer 4t Degcn.. 134
H. F. Hsmllton 266
Sullivan Bros 97
Lehmer Bros. in
Rothschild 72
Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.. 18
Christie 7
Higglns 25
McOonnaughey t '
Roth 2A
Meyers 17
O lass berg t
Baker. Jones Smith 82
Tanner Bros. -140
John Harvey 149
Cllue M
D. at r 72
Other buyer &2
on this sr., Mini, while sellers asked prices
on a pur with thoie piild Monday.
It wss close to mlddsy before enough
lamba bad been sold to ret stilish the
market, but In the end salesmen had to
take about the same sort of p-1ces pack
ers hsd offered from the outset Hulk
of the good lambs brought 8vJS and,
while this Is on paper l.c lower, the
amount of water In the fleeces made ae.
timl costs shout the ssme as on Mondsv.
Movement wss drsgsv at beat, and theia
were still a few lambs unsold at noon.
Old sheep were also rather slow to
moe. hut flimllv brought generally
stesdy prh-es. Hest ewes were unable
to heat ., an to paekers, although a
string of breeders went at I.V3.V, and buv
ers i-onslder that price high enough to
stop most of them.
Trade In feeder lamba wss for the
most part a reetltlon of the butcher
market. Most of the feeders took If 00
or a little less, and nothing waa aWn
lo go over Sxivs, while the bulk yester
day moved around 8v0iMift.i;l with one
bunch of av pounders aa high as 8.S 3D.
(Quotations on sheep and laitiba; Ijunhs
good to choice, S K.,i.4ii; lambs, fair to
good. 8)iOhi.2o: lambs, feeders, I7..vvtf
8.2.i; yearlitigs, good to choice, I.'-.60Krs '.;
wether.-., fair to cholca, j Wt00; ewea
gooi to choice, 8i.00tPi.2u; ewca, fair to
good, 4.r,Ori6.i).
Keprem nialivo sale-
. 97
. 94
. Hi
a i .
4 Ml
4 7!k
4 7T
6 90
8 15
8 1 .
ft lu
7 40
8 86
8 26
?W South lakota lambs... .
V45 S' oniiliic feeder ewes .
S9 South PaKota ewes
in South I'rkois rwea
" Wyumlim ewes
Wyoming feeder lamba
1i Wyoming feeder lambs.... 5
m n yuranu re-1er lamba....
iH omlng feeder lainlis...,
i4fl Idaho lambs
TOO Idaho Ismhs
i'f lilaho lambs
V.t Idaho lambs
... M
... tw
... KM
... 70
tattle leady lloga Weak Saeea
CHICAOO. Aug. 17 C ATTLR-ne-eeipts,
3,ii0 head: market, steady: native
."T".''1', sh 1("U10.2&; western steers,
I 8ti9.jd; eowa and heifers. ta.lotia).M:
eaives. Sft.iril.T,v
IHMjS Reeeinta. 11000 b...t- ....
we8,. mostly 10c lower; bulk of sales'
8h.3Htifc.9n; light. t8.s4i7.70: mixed, $h lots
SIIEKP AND IMBft-Receipts. 17.000
hend; market weak; sheep, to.tWeOO:
ewes. t3.Stvtifi.60; lambs. t.2:x(!l.t.
onl. I. Ive Stock Market.
!T; ''''Ifv A,1- '7. CATTIjIO Re
ceipts, R.800 head; market lower and
active; beef steers, r.WVif 10.U; yearling
steers and heifers. $ 50r(j I11.11O; cows, tn.0O,j
8,; storkcrs and feeders, $t OrHiS ;,.
southern steers. $.-..2r,(fr.!: coww and helf-
r.n; native calves, t.00ti 10.00.
IKM.S Receipts. 8.0U0' head- m.
tecelpts. 8.0H0 head- mirb.l
pigs and I 1 a 7 Y.V.7 ?
and butchers. i? 4fV.i7K- imui k'u'.... ta
J7.2. - en.
SH HEP AND LAMHS-Ueeelnl. A inn
head; market lower: lambs, t7.7irfi3T:
sheep and ewes. $.i.G0fi.7r.
Kansas City I. Ive Stock Market.
KANSAS CITY. Aug. 17.-CATTLK-Re-celpts.
11.000 head: market lower; prime
l?L?SX- 9-H'-: dressed heef steers,
$x.OWi!.40; western steers, $7.409.00: stock
ers and feeders. 1.2,VU8.26; bulls. ta.2f,fl76
calves. $6.v,va 10..ri0. "
HOOS-Recelpts. 9,300 hesd; market
lower; bulk. KHa7.35; heavy, W.70ii7 20--nLk"-r
an butchers, $.(Vf,7.4); light!
$..OiV7.40: pigs. t8.rtI7.2S. "
SHEEP AND LAMB.S-Recelpts, 10,000
bend: market lower; lambs, fi.rwffg JO-
ewes i"'7'00' wether"' Jf-OoadO;
lox city LIt stoek Market.
? I?L'"JMTr' Au"- 17. OA TTLEJ Re
ceipts, 1.200 head; ninrket ateady; native
steeia, t.6O?t9.40; cows and helrers, 84.20
canners, t3.751i4.7o; stockers and
feeders. to.WMr7.fiO; calves. IG.C(Vfr9.oO; bulls,
stags, etc., i4.75c,t5.6rt.
.,H.(HShRc'''"'".', l! ""S.: nMu: market.
i'."1, Lhpvy. 8tl 4Kij7.1R; mixed. t.2o
J.4ji; light. t.0uT.2O; bulk ot sale;, $.10S
hSHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 300
St. Joseph Live Stoek Market.
ceipts, 3,000 head: market slow; lo16o
lower: steers, 7.Kf.76: row. and heif
ers, $4.(Xv;i9.00; calves. t.0(Va10.26
HOGS-Recelnta, 1.7U0 head; market, 10
i&lnc lower; top, $7.26.
SHEEP AND I,A MRS Receipts, 3,500
heHd; market. 164ffia lower; lambs, $7.50
I ,
1,1 re Stock la Slahf.
Receipts of live stock In the five lead-
a niBirm inarneis;
Cattle. Hogg. Sheen.
South Omaha
Sioux Cltv....
.... v,wv s,vv , 19,111)0
.... 1.10 6.(V4 000
.... 3.000 ll.ono 17,000
.... 8,8i0 8,000 4.100
....H.OUO 8,300 10,000
27.000 42,800 44.40
St. Ixiuls
Kansaa City .
m'.emfi'aiiniui .ii ywj
! i r i n
jwwwi.a,....iw, . . . . ....................
Sciiion Again Covtxt . Familiar
Ground of Unrestrainrd
NEW YOU K. Aug 17 Today's mnrket
again traversed familiar ground. There
was further unrestrained trading In war
hares. Including several Issues In which
public Interest or support had heretofore,
been utterly larking, mora or less neglect
of the atandard railways and recurrent
weaknes In foreign exchsnge. This lat
ter condition waa partly rectified towanl
the end of the session bv the receipt of
U,iV Jspanesn told from Canada and
a reinl -of (l Inl statement Indicating the
.-omlng flotation of a British loan here In
fusing some strength in the general
financial situation.
Trading in the first two hours waa on
the basis of almost l.boft.fitrt share for
the day, but slackened visibly later. As
usual war apeelatttea. together Willi
I'nlted State Steel, which sold up to 77i,
Its highest quotation slnoe. WU. con
tributed more than their ouota to the
grand total, which aggregated 1.0,'O.noo
The only stocks to aaeend to new rec
ords were Weatinghotise at 130 und Max-
wren Motors 1st preferred at 91 Htude
baker repeated yeaterday'e record price
nf 1). but soon forfeited its advance, and
Hethlnhem Steel Issues denoted selling
pressure. other Blocks in the group
comprlxlnr minor equipments, industrials
snl motors gained two to eight points,
few of which were retsloed at the close.
Forelsn selling wss again, a factor. Ion
don'a lower level for the American liat
being followed by further offerings here,
chiefly of transcontlnenlals and grangers.
Various iewnce Included In the former
Oonld group were heavy on the MIs
ourl Pacific receivership, which was
without Influence elsewhere. The early
weakness In exchange caused a revival
for "future" or foreign selling on bonds
on a fairly liberal scale. Total sales, par
value, amounted to tl.gvt.onn.
I'nlted State 3s declined t per cent on
1w York Money Market.
call, steady; high, 2 per cent: low, ii per
cent; ruling rate, li tr cent; last loan.
2 per cent; closing bid, l per cent; of
fered at 8 per cent.
TIME LOANS Easv: sixty da.vs. H4C
2H per cent; ninety days. 2 Ml 3 per cent,
six months, 3V per cent.
MEW 1ANTILK PAPER-J4f:!. sterl
Ins: slxty-dsv bills. $4.n9; on demand.
t4; cahlea t4.8&75.
SILVER Bar, 46c: Mexican dollars.
BONDSOxivernment. hearv; railroad,
Closing qnotatiops on bonds today were:
r. . rf. la. re.... MVl'M . K A T. t.t 4t 7t.
do coupon -PTMn. par. i-r ft..., .n
V. g. . ret .KKHiN v. i .d sab. Ha lies
do coupon UWN. V. f. i, 1MI. 10114
T. 8. 4a rag I'm N. V. Htate 4t,....tow
do enupnn... ...... .1111 N. V., N. II. at II
PaltsinM la. coupon. Inl ev 4a , no
Am. Smelters a.. 1 Northern IHrlMr 4a. IU
A. T. 4V T. by. 4H.lit On la fc.
Armour Co. 4'ta... 4IHO. g. 1 rf, im..., S
Atrhlton sn. 4 aiN'Pac T. T. la....
Hal A Ohio 4a Mup.nn. eon. 44a to1'!
nlral rt rifle lat... ail, Ao sen. 4ia a: '4
Cllaa. Ohio 4a... Ttasillns sn. 4a
c. n. a Q . 4a.... n . r. r. t wu
C M B P g 4a 7.oiitlifrn Tao. er. fit iot
C. n. I P. r. 4a till, gn ref. 4 i
Oil. A Ko. ret. 4V4a ao Soul hern Hallway ta w,
t. 41 R. O. raf. ! 44 Union Pacific 4a asiu,
Frla ami 4a 4 ilo cr. 4a aov.
Denaral Klectrlo ft. .109 ap Ruhber 6a.. lm
Ot. North, lat 44a 44 V. g. gtl 4a llji
Illinois -n. ref. 4a. Xa Walviah lat (a m,
K. C. S. raf. (a v e.t.rn fnlon 4'a
L. N. ua. 4 42 Wast. Rico. it. la.. Ilk-
London Stock Market.
IjONDON, Aug. 17. American securi
ties on the stock market were fairly ac
tive with the chief Interest In United
Btates Steel and Canadian Pacific. The
closing was steady.
SILVER Rar, 22 13-1d per ounce
MONEY H4 per -cent. IHsoount fate,
short hills, 41 per cent; three months, (
per cent.
Baak Clearlnas.
. OMAHA, Aug. 17. Rank clearings for
Omaha today were $2,802,831.38, and for the
corresponding day last year, $2,o30,092.&L
goa-ar Market.
NEW VORK. A nr. 17
dull: centrifugal. 4.lava4.95c; molassea 4.09
4S4.18c: reflnded. eteadv. Futures nnenad
easier, but later reacted and gt noon prices
were a no in net, unennnged from yester
day's closing,
. 1
Oil and Rosin.
SAVANNAH. Oa.. Aug. 17. Tt TP put V-
TINE Firm: 374c; sales, 418 bhls.: re
ceipts, . 668 bhls.; shipments, 179 tibia:
stocks. 17.84 bhls.
KOK1N nrm: ssles. l.ftifl bhls re
ceipts, 2.448 bhls.; shipments, : bbls.;
Complying with a recently enacted city ordinance, all
street cars will, on and after August 18th, stop on the
near side of street intersections in the City of Omaha,
to take on arid discharge passengers. They will not
stop on the far side. At all points outside the city limits
of Omaha, however, cars will stop on the far side as
heretofore, and not on the near side.
Passengers will please remember this so there may. be
as little confusion as possible. .
Street Railway Co.
ks. TI2 bhls. (Juote! A. 11. ('. l. t."0
K. t-'.'"fjl : K, $jtino; J. 11. 1 IHiMf
JT-. K, CWi'iS'i. M, $liftfMi, N. $4 Tutr
4.., u, tov-yjoe, vv,
Ilry (iooals Market.
NEW TORK. Aug 17. HUT UoonH
At an auction sale today of Munetla cot
ton blanketa. 2.1 cases, on, ana wer,
shout SO er cent under the lint and the
w hole ofterlng waa taken. Cotton goods
quiet. Yarns In better demand. Shirting
siiks anil satin dress goods In better a.
Staple worsted dress goods active.
Metal Market.
. NEW YORK. Aug. 17. M ETA f .ft-
Irf-ail. offered. II 4: spelter, not quoted.
Coper, quiet: eleetrolvtic. ll7aiiWP00
Iron, steady and unchanged. Tin, quiet.
At London: Sot copper. i;7 Is Sd; fu
lures, liis 7s fid: electrolytic. 40 Spot
no. a. I.., Timiresj 1ead, AL"0 l,d,
SHlter. A 10.
. 1
Great Britain Consider! Selling Half
Billion Bonds in New York to
Restore Equilibrium.
NEW TORK. Auk. 17. The light
Improvement in foreign exchange
rates gained In yesterday's late rail;
was wiped out at the opening of the
exchange market today. rounds
sterling again touched the bottom
quotation of ft. 4; francs made a
new low record $S.04 I cents ua
der yesterday's lowest Quotation, and
Italian 11 res were acutely weak, fall
In it to 10.64. 7 cents under the cloi
ing figure of yesterday and 6 cents
below the previous low record.
As on yesterday, the exchange mar
kets were in a condition of demor
alisation. Quotations Issued simul
taneously by leading banking house
showed variation of a cent to a cent
and a half on sterling, with corre
sponding discrepancies in francs and
Nearly $5,000,000 In foreign gold coin
reached Wall street during ths forenoon
from Ottawa for tha account of Great
Britain. This, It wag raported. nraotle-
ally exhausted the Bank of Kngland spa-
da! donosltg of about $130,000,000, nearly
all of which had already been hipped
to the United States. At the, office of J.
P. Morgan Co.. to whom tn gold wag
consigned. It wag said that no further
conalg-nmenta of gold from Ottawa, were
expected In the near future.
Tha arrival of this trold. howsjvwr,
failed to deflect tho rate upward.
With the American dollar enthroned as
monarch of the exchange markers, bank
erg here looked to England to protect Its
credit by the establishment of a hugs war
loan In this city. Over-night oabls reports
from London telling that English bankers
wer talking of tha establishment of such
a loan, were discussed with Interest as
indicating tha reslliatlon had at last come
to London that pounds storllng wer no
longer the world standard ot finance.
There seemed to be little doubt that
should England seek to Issue a loan ot ap
proximately in two year &
l-er cent bonds free from Income tax. out
lined In cable dispatches ss a suggestion
for remedying the present situation, such
a loan would be cared for here and tha
foreign exchange markets would be re
stored to some degree of equilibrium. The
disruption ot the exchange markets was
reflected In today's active stock market,
where foreign selling of American bonds
waa resumed.
DIst llarllagr Staff.
No club In the country has a pitching
staff the slse of the lted Sox. There are
nine slabinen on the payroll, yet less
than half have come anywhere near
earning their salaries.
-i-ii-n-i- r -u-.nrj-LrLii-j-u-u-u-i.n-T---u -u - -
& Council Bluffs
lionet Stolen by Bandits in Itxai
During Raids Are Delivered
in Matamoras.
tUtOWNSVlLLE, Tex., Aug.. 17.
The border situation along the loner
Rio Grande assumed a thrcatonrnn
aspect today. Gathering of Mexican .
In force last night at Progreso, on the
Kio Grande, thirty miles above
Urownsvillc, and thctr daring attack
from across tho river on a troop or
the Twedftta United States cavalry,
was not the only aggravating feitturo
ot the situation.
Authorities hero received report i
that twenty-flvo horses. Including
some recognised aa animals stolen by
bandits In recent raids on the Texan
side, were delivered this week is
Matamoros, the Mexican town op
posite here held by Carrana troops.
Delivery of these horses and the fact
that the Mexicans at rrogreso had been
gathering openly and In conspicuously
Urgn numbers for days, created suspicion
umong Americans that Carranxa offi
cials were lax In discipline or without
sufficient dependable troops to copo wlln
tho bandit element on the Mexican eld.
The death ef Corporal Wllman In the
fight at the Pregreao crossing last night
and the wounding of Lieutenant itoy o.
Henry and Trlvate Jackson. , InteiiHiflen
feeling In this section.
For nearly twenty miles, about Trn-
greso crossing alarms were sounded by
rifle shots and by bells last night. Armed
men patrolled roads and women and chil
dren were gathered where they could he
Ksrly today more troops reached Mer
cedes and the Pmgrcso section. They
were Infantrymen from the Twenty-sixth
regiment, which reached here yesterday
from Texas City.
Colonel Dullard strengthened the pa
trols about Progress and Mercedes in
the afternoon so that there are 800 cav
alry and Infantry In that vicinity.
Reports by Mercedes officials lust
night that mors than 1M Mexicans had
crossed into Texas under cover of this
fight proved unfounded. Officers who
were In the rrogreso fight ssld they
were sure that all firing came from th
Mexican side of the river.
Rent rooms quick with a Bee Went AA
Departuaeat Orders. '
WASHTNOTOM. Aur 17 rRiUu.i-i ti..
gram. Postmasters appointed: Mm
tralda V. C rut cher at fmri..iiiA a.i
Nb,r,Rk,VT.v,c ,U- M- Non Is. do.
1... "" l Academy,
khBr?f. Ml coun'y. Mouth Dakota, vb'e
P. C. Krane.
JullUS lilt II let Waa reaimolntH .......
master at llartsvllle, Platte county,, South
from a Bone Spavin, Ring Done,
Splint, Curb, Side Bone, cr similar
trouble and gets hone goir.g toutiii.
Does not blister pr remove the
hair and home csn b worked.
17 in pamphlet with ewh tort's til;
how. 12.00 a bottle d.'livtfd.
Horse Book 9 K free.
ADSORBINE, JR., antiseptic liniment fo
mankind. Reduce! Painful Swellings, En
larged Glandi, Goitre, Weni, Bruiti, Vari
cose Veins. Vsricoai ties, hcsji Old So re 4. Allayi
Pain. Will tell you mora if you write, ft tnd
$2 a .bottle st dealer or Slivered Book
"Evidence" free. Manufactured only by
W.TOUN. P. D. F., miaatK tUlsrlssfleld Msesi
ft V