TIIK UKK: OMAHA. TTKSDAY, AUHUST 17, 1!i:. ntAL ESTATE n a R4rn laids ron .t.n 4aaaatv KOIl PALE OR TRA PE Two quartere Saskatchewan. Canada, land. Uox M. Ta mum, Neb, TTAVT! TOtT A FA TIM FOR HALE? Writ food description of your land and Mind It to the Nom City, la.. Journal "Iowa's Moat Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five worde every Friday evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evenlDg and Sunday mornlnf for out month, gllng sixteen ada on twelve different dajra for U. or W word 4. or 7 words, fa. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper. 160.00 reader! dally In four great at a tea. Mlaaeeota. MINN, farms: tow price. easy terms Mln . nesot Land Co.. V. O. Box J;7. Omaha. t4ft AC RE ft, 46 miles from .Minneapolis, one mile from town; $1 a res under cultivation; balance used for paaturo; can practically all I cultivated; heavy oil. Uood set buildings, consisting of S room house, large barn, granary, corn crlhs, windmills, etc.; the land will pro duce SO buaheia of corn per acre; tele phone In house: country thlcklv settled; complete act of machinery; If?" head of atocli confuting of 11 cow, balance 1 and 1-year-olds; six Kond horses, 25 hogs, chickens, one-half of thla year's crop and everything on the farm goes at tr) an acre, half cah. Schwsb Uros., 1028 Ply mouth Bid., Minneapolis, Minn. North Daktla. U NEED AN OUTING. TAKE IT NOW AND JOIN Our excursion rarty Tuesday. Ana-tint 17 bound for the BIG CKOTS on our farnia in North Dakota. You can bargain for our farma by paylnf 13 an acre down, balance on your terms or on the crop payment pmn. v e can neip you. Try tis. Win. II. Brown Co., t N. lt Salle ft., Chicago. o loath Dakota. GET DUST Snaps In eastern Meala county land and equities. First State bnnk, Marcue, 8. D. ' Tetsae. - WANTED Reliable real estate company - to sell large traet of Texas land, sub divided. Address Box 3D, 'VV Interact, ta. Wlsceasta. 40 ACRE8, level, miles Shell Lake, 1 mil school. ' Price, tMiO; $100 rash, bal ance terras. Tom O. Mason, Shell Lake, Wis. MlwHIaferuaa. t8P-ACRE farm, fit par aire; 110 cash and 120 per month; no Interest; rich soil; fins land; pur water, good title. -Writs W. T. Young. Jr.. Kimball. Nab. REAL KSTATTB FOR EXCHANGE ONE OPPORTUNITY. KM acres fine laying blank land, 10 miles tat capital, Houtb. Dakota; closer small town; Improvements and good fence; auto and cash, W.O00; by all means inform yourself. 304 McCague Bldg..- Omaha. REAL ESTATE LOANS FARM LOANS, t PER CENT. TOLAND TRUMBULL. 44 Be Bldg. 1)00 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. U. Weml, Weed Bldf.. 18ih ana Fern am Bta C1TT and farm loans, 6, BS. per oant J. H. Dumont A Co., 41( State Bank. WANTED Good (arm and city loan at lowest rates. PETERS TRtJST CO.. IRS Farnam. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATK CO., J01S Omaha, National. Phone Douglas 2715. CITT property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. k8 Mat Bank Bidg. WONET on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. BEE us first for farm loans In eastern Nb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. 6 CITY LOANS. C, O. Carloarg. vo t&-Vk Brandels Theater Bldg. VVANTED-Ctty and farm loans; lowest rate. W. Q. Ternpleton- 801 bm. T. KB0. REAL ESTATE WANTED Paras sad Rssck Laada, FOR sales, rentals, loans. Insurance, care : of property and collection of rents, se it. v. wmj, 1801 Famam St. KEAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE PART modern 8-room house, large lot, plenty shade, chicken house, small cash W'i-iu. jiai. m per month, weo. ?h44. BUNGALOW o-room. modern, new and up-to-date In every respect, 22d and Ames, Oak Chatham addition, Web. iUi. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE 7-R.. mod. sx. heat; corner lot; barn. S038 nwTon. inquire M14 Ohio Ht. Web. 1W0. Want Offer West Farnam District 612 South 38th Ave. .0?!nr !? 'ft clty " account of Dalth and InatrucU us to get a rsaaon aWe offer on this property. Located in vvest rman district, near expensive ; homes. Has g rooms and is all modern. ! Is not a new house, but In good condi tion. Lot alone worth $1,600. Reasonable terms can b arranged. Fred W. Shotwell, Agent, B54 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 1229. REAL ESTATE -WEHT BIDS j BUNGALOW for alAlaa thaari' - - Leaving city. Phone Walnut 43s. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS IVfti--0' natJ Iffoaage building" !&ttVtta4 ""t Apply liii REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN !ALL MODERN (-room bungalow with 44a lots, fruit, shade, large Poultry yards, hedge and pretty lawn. House has all modern convenience and hot water heat. TtKAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS t FOH BALE CHEAP I' .. Bueineaa College Course. ' ..I1 complete holarshlps In one ?Lih Praah BusUiees Sohoola ixood reason for soiling; perfectly reUa fble; worth full prlo, but will be sold I very reasonably. If interested InvesUgate ' nc- because fall term begin. J '. . Ther are a varlty of courses for sale Lomaslaolrfa. ' Leaseholds 132x122 feet of ground at th northeast trorner of 17th and Jackson Hi,, only two blocks from Hurgsss-Nash coniDanr tore. Suitable for a downtown aaraa Jtental. only T20 per year. No reau praisemant. Price, TS,ooo. A CLO8B-IN CORNER Northwest .corner 16th and Howard tits. ; Improved I with a substantial 3-atory brick bund ling; good store rooms and a hotel of M rooms. Near Orpheum theater, oppo lt Auditorium, and only one block from lh and Howard Re., Omaha's bent treet car transfer point. Leae w yeara Ho reappralsenient. Price. $.10,000. George & Company Phone D. 758. 101 City Nat. Ek. Bldg. Bee readers are too intelligent to overlook the opportunities in the MWant acT coU umns. They're worth while reading'. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Htary Receipt and Light Demand Send Price of Wheat Down Two to Fite CenU. CORN RECEIPTS ARE FAIR OMAHA, Aug. 14. 19I5. The relts of wheat wer very large at all the leading grain mark eta. Thea rc-elpts. together with the light demand, caused a drop of 2c to 6V' In the local wheat :narket. The receipts of all grains on the local exchange have Improved during the last few days, and It Is the opinion of many of the local grain merchants that there will be a big liu-reae In receipts during the next two weeks. Corn receipts were ra:r today and the demand was fair. The market sold un-hanKed to Ho lower. The oats market was Terr weak and declined le to 8c. The recelpta of this cereal wer pretty light, but there was practically no demand. Threahlng has been resumed In th winter wheat belt and harvesting la gen eral In the spring wheat country, which means a big movement, no matter what the price may b. as ther will be many who will be forced to sell at buyers' price. Cloerances were: Wheat and flour, equal to 1,877,000 bushels; corn. M.000 bush els; oats, 62.a) bushels. Liverpool: 8pot wheat, unchanged; corn, unchanged. Primary wheat receipts wer t.M,000 bushels and shipments 4.nu) bushels, against receipts of 2.678,001) bushels and shipments of 1.421.0(0 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 718,000 bush els and shipments (W6.000 bushels, against receipts of t, mi ,ooo bushels and shipments of "4.xi bushels last yesr. Primary oats receipts were 1 M 000 bushels snd shipments ,Vrt,rtO bushels, sgnlnst receipts of lOTS.OOO bushels and shipments of WT.flno bushels last year. CARLOT RIMKIFT. . Wheat. Corn. Oats. i1'0 mm i4 r Minneapolis 2SJ ' iniluth j Omaha 4 Kansas City :m St. Iioula 248 Winnipeg 22 43 S!) G6 These sales were reported today: Wheat .-. i naru winter: 1 car (old), n.so; Jk car. $1. 12V. No. 8 hard winter: 1 car, ji.iu; a cars, l.o; 10 cars. 11.08. No. 4 nam wimer; 1 r (Cholc dry), 11.08; 2 cars. $1.05; 1 car. I1.044; 11 cars. 11.04; S car, 11.04; 4 cars, I1.03V4; $H cars, $1.02. fample: 4 cars. $1.00; S cars. Whtc: I cars, 0c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, $1.08. Rve No. 4: i cars, Wc. Corn-No. 1. whit: 1 ear. 74o, No. S white: 1 cars. 74c; 1 car, 4'o. No. 2 yellow: 1 car. 75c. No. S yelUiw, 2 cars 7Bc; 1H cars. 74c. No. yellow: 1 car. 74Hc. No. I mixed: 1 car, la. No. t mixed: 1 car (near yellow), 74c; 4 cars. 74Mrc; S cars, 744c. No. S mixed: 1 car, 74Vc; 7 cars. 74"4C No. mixed: 1 car, 74c; 1 car, 7Si4jc. Sample: 1 car, too. Oats No. 8 white: 3 cars, 40a No. 4 white: 2 cars, 2!Ha; 1 car, 38c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 1 tur key, ll.Uffll.Sl; No. 3 turkey, $1.O90l.,y); No. I hard. IL09-&.1.S0: No. hard, n (rii i1.; No. 4 hard. $L03'4m.27; No. i durum, Ptcff1.02; No. 3 durum, WaKc. i:orn: iNO. 1 wnne, 74ri4c: No. 8 white, 74'4(74Vkc; No. 4 white, 7374Hc; No. t white, 73H4V74C; No. white, 6inzc; No. 2 yellow, 74476c; No. 3 yel low, 74M75c; No. 4 yellow, 74'4'874c; No. 6 yellow, 7474Hc; No. yellow, 73V t(74c; No. 1 mixed. 74'4J74o; No. $ mixed. 74g74Vtc; No. 4 mixed, 736T44e; No. 8 mixed, 733740: No. 8 mixed. 7341 74c. Oats: No. 2 white. 40VU41r; sUnd ard, 40'4ia404Jc; No. 8 white. 39lg40c; No. 4 -whit. 8f3Hc. Barley: Malting (old). "MTi2c; No. 1 feed (new). 80-yCJc. Rye; No. i, 9&WVc; No. 3, 4QWHc. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Featares of the Trading and Closing; Prices oa Board of Trade. ' CHICAGO, Aug. 11 Huge receipts here today, aggregating Xjm cars, weighed down the price of wheat The market, although steady at the close, with Sep tember at $1.044 and December $1 041k, was He under Saturday's finish.- Other leading staples, too, all showed a net decline corn, o to c; oats, "40 to lo, and. provisions, 7c to 17Mr20e. Weather conditions favored - threshing and shipping, and there were dispatches at hand predicting tremendous yields in the spring crop states to the northwest and In Cana-Ja as well. A new low rec ord for sterling exchange was also a bearish Influence. The wheat market, however, was steadied later by a good export demand. About 1,000,000 bushels was estimated to have been sold In Eu rope, Including business not announced on Fat unlay. Some additional support for wheat de veloped In the late trasactions. owing to fears that a gulf storm reported at Oal veston would bring heavy, unwelcome rains In the winter crop states southwest. Corn weakened with wheat. Hnhia. quently, however, pessimistic crop advlrvs rrom lowa 1 ended 10 bring about a rally that left the market steady at the close, with September 73c and December U3 3e. Oat-, like wheat, felt the pressure 01 neaging sales, owing to heavy arrivals. rroviBions gave way in sympathy with grain and hogs. Demand was vet-v slow. but it was said that some export business was being done in meats. Future ranged as follows: Article! Open. High. I Low. ) Close,.) BatT Wheat Sept. Deo.. Corn Sept. Dec..! Oats Sept. Dec... 1 OS 1 06 74 3 1 054 1 05 1 mm 1 044 104. 73T, 1 0Jt 74 M 19 11 16 14 06 I 00 107 88 I 90 I 0B 73: 744 63m 3 3t',! 37 381 JW 38 'i 38Vs Pork Sept 11 98 I 14 02V4I 18 78 13 78 11 W Oct. 14 OiVsl 14 16 I 13 87U Lsrd Sept. Oct. Ribs Sept.! Oct.. 8 00 I 1 00 02 lOTVi 1 85 I I 88 I 8 90 I 8 90 7 82HI 7 92W 1 00 I 90 I 8 77Vj I W 1 70 1 77H; Cash Prices Wheat: No. 1 red 81 aixun 1.0tH; No. 1 hard. ll.OSisB'l.lOS. Corn: mi. s yenow. iwwc; iso. 4 yellow, nominal; No. 4 white, 77V3Jr&c. Oats: No 1 white, new, Wado; No. 1 white, old. 43iM8c; standard, old. 80c. Rye: No new. $1.0. Barley: i!Qc. Timothy: $5.8O04).M. Cloven 18 13 .28. Pork; $13.18. ara: if.su. jiids: ta.itw.iv. BUTTKR Bteatiy:. creamery, 100240. BOOS Lower; receipts, 8.6e cases: at mark, cases Included, l&tflftc; ordinary firsts. 17'llc: firsts, northern, lSfc'iso; flrsta southern, ls4J19c POTATOl-XJ Ixwer: receipts. 88 cats; Jersey, bulk. 67CGke:. Virginia, cobblers, barreled. il.6u&l.t; Minnesota and Ohloa. 4B'47c. POULTRY-nAllve, unsettled; fowlg, U'rc; springs, lfgHVic. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET aaotatlaas ef the Day ea Varleas t'oiasnadlties. NEW YORK. Aua-. W rtlt'R RmI steady; Spring patents. $.8i7!00: winter patents, $oiO(ao.75; winter straights, $o.ji 6.40; Kansas slralghu, $115j.i'i0, 11 L i I.' A 'I' Ll . . . 1. , . . $1.19, c. I. f. New York; spot and No. 1 bard, 11 .30. c I. f. to arrtvs; No. I north ern, Duluth. tl.OsVi. and No. 1 northern. Manitoba. $1.07, c. 1. f. Buffalo. Futures were easy; September, $1.13. OORN-Spot, easy; No. 2 yellow, $5V4o. lake and rail, prompt shipment. OATrt Spot, weak; standard. ftHc; No. I white, Wc; fancy dipped white, gt'Wo. iiai-rirm; prime, ij.oo; o. I, $1.46a 'v?'1 ' h i1 ?1H; No. 1. H.aLK; shipping, ll.tv16. rtor btesdy; state, common to choice 1SI4 crop. 9i.lV; Pa lflc coast. 1W4 crop ljjl5c: 1911 crop, llc. ' HIDES Hleady: .Bosnia irtfrfl- tral Amerlea, '&. LEATHhK Firm; hemlock flrata. S3c: Seconds. Sofl-Slc. PROVISIO.NS-Pork, easy; mess. $18.503i I7w: family, $J0 .ta a.00; short dear llS.&'riM.O". Reef, quiet; mess. $17.606lH 00: family, $1 OOn'JO.OO. Lard, easy; nUddle west. $S0bto.15. TALJXw-vjiiiet; dty, 6c; country. $Ti 6c; special. c I. L i i x.t rjtsy , receipts, 7.081 tubSL ireamery extras. Jbusia: firsts. lirt'r.U-- seconds. CrilA'sC. i-XHjd r irm; receipts, 11.KS8 cases; freeh g a tiered, extras. SaiMC: extra firwis ZjuHc: firsts. OPrk'h'JZc : seconds. 18V0 V-. CHKKSK Weak! receipts, till boxsa: state, whole milk, fresh, colored, specials, lJ'VultVc: ssme, while, lis. U1ic: same. colored, average fancy, 131c; same, white, 13ui:i',tc. 1 "-a nut leiuai, xreasea, 1 lulet; western froien roasting chickens. I IWlr; fresh fowla Iced. l.HJirkc: fresh turkeys. Iced, IbfrlAtv Kansas City ;rai a4 Prlalaa. KA.VSA" CITT, Mo.. Aug. K-t-WHE AT No. . 1 hard. II 1741 82: No. I red. 11.17 September. I1.04m.044j; I'etember. Jl.iCH tiiir.-"; May, i... CORN No. 1 mixed. trHc: No. 1 whit. 7; rptemher, 70'c; Kecember. 68c: May, OATS-No. 1 white. ljlHc; No. t mixed, 44'ii4no. BKTTr.K-Oreamery, TTo: flrsta. 36c; seconds, 2.V; packing, lHc. KtHVS Firsts, ISc; seconds, 12Sc. POI I.TRT Hens. llWc; roosters, Jc; broilers, 15c. nvaporated Apples awg Dries) Frwlt. NEW YORK. Aug. 1. KVA POUATEI AFPLES-yulet: fsncy. 8tTc; choice. 7 ic: prime, 7fr7Sc- IRIKH FRl lTS-Primes, quiet; Csll fornlas. 4,n11lc; Oregons. TStilOc, Apri cots, firm: iholce. fcnuc: extra choice. 8S4ic: fsncy. Va10.c. Prsrhe. stesdv: choice, 44f(Vc; extra choice, 69'.'o; fancy w. luiisins, itrm: loose muscatels, HWITT'se: choice to fancy seeded. TytifiVlcj seedless. Vif7c; London layers. Jl.W 1.40. Mlaaeapolls Grala Market. MINNKAPOLM. Aug. 18. WHEAT September. $10.1; December. $!.BV No. 1 hard, ll.'Wij No. 1 northern. $l.4?jl.t0. FllUK nchAngeit; shipments, 47,831 bsrrela. BARLKY-Old. 0(rfi'7Sc; new, l 37K-. KYF Mrl.(i. BR AN $'.'1.00. CORN No. 3 yellow. UrtfMOtje. OATS No. 3 while. 4:tj42iic. FLAX $i.1H l.rSH. m I.tverpool Urala Market. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 1.-WHEAT-pot, No. 2 slanlloha. lis M; No. i, lis id; No. 1 northern Dultith. lis 7d. CORN 8ot, American, mixed, new. H. FIX'VR Winter Patents, 43 d. MOPS (in Ixndonl Pacific coast. 1 1.1s gf 15s. at. Loela f;rala Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Aug. 18. WHEAT No. 1 red, $1.1161.13; No. 1 hard, nom inal: September, $1044: December, $1.0. CORN No. 1. 77c: No. 1 white. 77S't 8c; nepiemner. 73ipc; lecemher, soiao. j OATS-No. t. 30c; No. 1 white, nominal. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Aug. M COKFEE The market lor coffee futures opened at un changed prices. Active months sold a point above Saturday's closing figures during the middle of the dsv on some further scattered covering, but ther was no aggressive demand and th market later eased off under realising with th close at a net decline of two to four points. Sales, 7.S00 bags. August. 1.32c; September, .37c; October. ,4"o; Novem ber, 8.43c;, December, .46c; January, .50c; February. .64c; March, .!e; Anrll. 3c; May, 87c; June, 8.72c; July, 77c. Spot, nulet; Rio No. 7, 7c; Santos No. 4. Hc. Cost and freight offers from Santos were Irregular, ranging from about 8.8Sc to .4rtc for some specially described Santos I. Rio 7s wer quoted at about 8.90c to 7c. It I reported that ocean freight rates from Br ax 11 have advanced 10u per bag. The official cables res-orted n- change, at Santos, but an advance of GO rels at Klo. Rio exchange unchanged. Oil and Roala. SAVANNAH, Oo.. Aug. W.-TL'RPKN--TINB Firm. :c; sales, 443 barrels; re ceipts. .18 bsrrels: shipments. 171 barrels; stock. 15A barrels. ROSIN-Flrm: sales. 878 barrels: re celpts, 7i4 barrels; shipments, S.0S6 bar rels: stocks, O.IJO bsrrels. Quotations: A, R, C and D. 12.80: K. z tfi: K. 1.1 00: u $.1 VMS.!.-,; H and I, $3 30; K, $3.39; M, $4.00 14 05; N. $4.7J, WO. $...60; WW, ii.10. Cettoa Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 18. COTTON Spot quiet; middling uplands. 1.28c; no sales. Futures opened steady; October. 9.37c; December. .64c; January. 9.73c; March, 10.00c; May, 10.20c. Cotton futures closed steady: October, B.14c; December. 9.64c; January. 9.46c; M"rch, 9c; May. 10.12c. The cotton market closed steady at a net decline of 7 to I points. LIVERPOOL. Aug. W.-COTTON Spot, steady; good to middling. B.74d: middling. S.44d; low middling, 4.98d. Hales. 1,000 bales.. i Metal Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 18. METALS Lead : Offered. $4.60. Spelter: Not quoted. Cop per; Unsettled; electrolytic, $17.a818.0t. Iron: Firm; No. 1 northern, $)6.60ti 18.00; No. t, $16.!fi316.78; No. 1 southern, $15.00 18.80; No. X HtSlLlfi. Tin: Unsteady, $34.8O(SXk.00. At London Copper: Spot, 87 17s 6d; futures, 89 6s; electrolytic, 80 10s. Tin: Spot, 1M; futures, 163. Anlrnony, 128. lead. 2U lfia 3d. Snelter 83. Sagar Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 18. 8Ua A R Raw. dull; centrifugal, 4.864.96c; molgssea, 4.09 i4.18c. Refined, quiet; cut. loaf, 6.70c; crushed. (IWc: mould A. 6.25c: cubes. 6.0Sc; XXXX powdered, B.96o; powdered. 6.90c; granulated, 6.80c; diamond A. 6.80c; confectioners' A. 6. 70c; No, 1, 6.80c. Fu tures were dull and featureless. J Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 16. DRY OOODB- irotton goods teadr. Yarns stronger. Raw silks stronger. Dress goods lines for spring are Decerning active. Large orders for uniform cloth are being placed with woolen mills for 800,000 overcoats for the soldiers in the Italian armies. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hogra Weak Sheep Weak. CHICAGO, Aug. 18. CATTLE Re ceipts, i,iw head- market steady; native oeer caiue, o.iwiu.xo; western steers, 1.78C.00; cows and heifers, 13.109.00; calve. $8.00(911.60. HOdft-Reoelpts. 11,000 head; market weaa, mostly haiuo lower; bulk, $.36ip7.06; mixed, moet.fe; rough. $.00iS.16j light, $tS.90(rr7.7i;; heavy, $8.O037.00; pigs. $.90a7.7S. SHEEP AND LAMBH Receipts, 17.CI0 head; market weak; wethers, $i.80en.80; ewes, $J.i&4j.70; lamba, $4.&oa.66. I 1 Kansas City I-lve Stack Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 14. CATTLE Receipts, 11,000 head; market lower; prime fed steers, $.603.90; dressed beef steera $8.0O9.4O; western steers. 17.000 9.00; stocksrs and feeders, $0.00(07.90; bulls l5.2fiS.&0; calves. t&OOtinO.lS. HOO Receipts, 8,600 head; market higher; bulk, $7iP7.40; heavy 16.9047.16; packers and butchers, 17.30tf7.46; light, $7.1M(7.4B; pigs, $8.784P7.40. BHBBP AND LAM BS Receipts. 8,400 head; market lower; lamba $8.16.48; yearlings, $0.50.26; wethers, $13ij.c; ewes, (J.6OS4.60. St. Los Is Lire Stock Market. ST. LOUI3. Aug. 18.CATTLB Re ceipts. .600 head: market lower; native beef steers, $7.60q9'10.16; yearlings, steers and heifers, $3.6u-(fl0.00: cows, $1.0038.00; stookers and feeders, $8.0OO.25; southern steers, $8.16(08.86; cows and heifers, $4.00ili 1 60; native calves, $.OfrflU.00. HOO8 RsoelpU, t.luO head; market steady; pigs and tights, r.V.TB; mixed and butchers, $7. 40V.. 76; good heavy, $.s0 Q1.t&. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1003 head; market lower: lamba. 87.?aHfi sheep and ewes, $8.60O.75. Sloax City LIt Stock Market. SIOUX CITT, la., Aug. 18.-CATTLE-Receipts, 6.000 head ; market 10tr26c lower; native ateera. tl.vOut.tn: ooi and heifer. $4.JM.7fc; canners, l.0CKaH.75; stockers and neonri, so.iexj'i i; carves, 4G.toti9.a0; bulla tsgs. etea $6.0fS 60. iKXioKecetpt. 3.509 head: market Steady; bssvy, $8.4667.10: mixed, $4.2$A $.46; light. $.U4l.. SHt-KP AND LA MBS Receipts, $00 head. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSKFII. Mo., Aug. 14.-CATTLK-Keuelpts. 3.6u9 head; maiket slow; lGjtUAc lower; steers, $7.0ut(0 75; cows and heifers. $10ufi0O; calvea. $8.0rr? 10.25. HODS Receipts. 8,0u0 head: market steady to 60 lower; top, $7.16; bulk of sales. $1 60(37.80. SHELP AND LAMB Receipts. 4 600 head; market alow and lower; lamba. I7.7o49d.80. Lie Stack la Sight. Reoeipts of live stock In the five lead ing weetern markets: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 8.uo 4.6u0 $7w hkao 18,00 S1,(m 17,i)0 6l 3J UiO 4.(KKj t.KM 1.0.O U.OU0 tf) 6.4U0 ni bt. Louis Kansas Ctty, . . Total recelpta..-.. 42.10$ .790 61,900 OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt Heaviest in Many Weeks and Trade ii Slow Sheep Run Alio Large. HOGS STEADY TO SOME LOWER OMAHA. August 1$. ll.V Kstlmate today 1.8t 4 27.000 Kstlmate today 8 800 4.M0 27. One week ago 7,e 4.M7 is.;if Two weeks ago 4.0SS 1.4,11 17. l Three weeks ago 4.HW .M7 4iUl Four weeks ago 8.IO 7.T7 1.l Monday, a year ago... 8.137 4.78 H.nl The following table show the average price for hogs at the Houth Omaha 'Ive stock market for the last few da, with comparisons: Data, I 11S. lll.:i!U.lU.iii)U.ll10.ll0. fuly 11.1 4a. k 4M I M! 7 7$i KI I I 44 til 7 J Aug. 1.1 I I I 83 7 7 ug. 1. Aurf. I. Aug. 4. Aug. 8. Aug. 4.i 0H 1 4 7 lai 7 to 7 41 80 I I 041 7 VI 4 7 J Vol t 4 80'l I 6Kl 8 431 ! 8 i t 701 J M 4H.I 7 701 8 lil 8 Oil 7 041 Ml 7 M 7 tt I 171 7 fi 8 12' 8 19 7 Wl 7 711 7 88 Aug. 7.1 7 ll I 7 $1 7 Ml 7 Ml Aug. . Aug. . I 61S 8 Irl 7 S IKH IN, 1021 8 H Aug. 10. I 871a M I 7 M t 23 7 111 7 41 Aug. 11. 10? I l!N 7 II 7 M 7 14 AUg. U. Aug. U Aug. 14. Aug. l.v Aug. 18 SMl 8 7W 7 Brtl I 041 7 lit T SM 7 41 nxtt I 88 T K& 8 W I S Uf; I l 1 8H 04! 7 70 I 111 T 10 7 48 a 7 84 1 I Ml 7 781 Hi 7 0w I 1 7 nl 1 14 7 17 8 H Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards. South Omaha. Neb., ft.r twenty-four hours ending at o clock, rx m. yesterday: uncraPTs CARS. Cattle! logs. Sbsen.U'r's. C M. st. P M .. .. v abash 1 Mlnsoiirt Pacific .... I 1 Union Pacific 63 C. & N. W.. east... 8 l. 4 1 11 S3 61 1 ' 'J 1 !! 09 103 3 '. N. W.. west.. SO C. St. P., M. A O... C, R. tk Q , west. .187 C, R. I. A P., east.. 1 V.. H. I. A P., west. .. Illinois Central 1 Chicago OU West.. I Total Receipt. ..IT1. DISrOSlTION-llEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Shoep. Morris A Co 847 Swift e Co l.Utt H'udahy Packing Oo....l,&8 Armmir A Co l.LM J. W. Murphy 7.14 1.W7 1.034 1.4MI 3.241 73 340 2,4: Uncoln Parking Co... Cudahy, from country.. W. M. Vansant Co Ronton. Vansant L.. F. B. Lewis Huston & Co J. B. Root A Co J. H. Hulla L. F. II us! Rosenstock Bros Kellogg Werthelmer A Degen.. II. F. Hamilton..... Sullivan Bros Rothschild Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co.... Christie Hlgglns Huffman Olassberg Raker. Jones Smith.. Tanner Rrna. John Harvey Cllne T. A F Other buyers 1,931 son 182 63 97 OR 48 140 38 102 S3! 18 86 8 3 It ft 1 W) 88 187 ldfi 82 & 12.661 Totals ..&.1X 4,987 14.110 CATTLE Cattle receipts were very large thla morning, being the heaviest of any recent Monday, and larger than a year ago by 600 head. The receipts con sisted very largely of western cattle, and the quality on an average waa none too good, there being a heavy percentage of rough-horned ateera The large reoeipts. combined with the fact that there waa a good deal of sorting and shaping up to be done, mado the market very slow and late in getting started. The forenoon was well advanced before the market was really ready to open, and It waa later thsn usual before anything like a clearance waa effected. Prices ranged anywhere from steady to 10a to 16c lower in some cases. The, trade continued slow throughout the day, and the decline, as a matter of course, was most noticeable on the lesst desirable kinds. It waa late In the afternoon be fore everything had finally changed hands. Quotations on Cattle: Qood to choice yearlings $9.0S8.70; fair to good year lings, $7.780.00; good to choice heavy beeves, $9.1ttf1.60; fair to good cornfed beeves, $s.6Oij.00; oommon to fair corn- red beeves, 17.0O'u.W; good to choice rea heifers. $7.008.60: good to choice fed cows, $S.50ir7.2fi; good to choice grass heifers. $8,5037.28: good to choice grans cows, $8.Ktf7.00; fair to good cows, $6.80i ..; common to ratr cows, 4.idsb.m; good to choice feeders. $7.60&.36: fair to good feeders, $A.60tf7.60; common to fslr stocksrs. I6.60tfrt.60: stock heifers. $8.76(3 .7t: stock cows, $6.Mrrr.M: stock calves, $.6Otr.00; veal calves. $7.00(910.00; fat bulla stags, etc., $6.16477.60. HOOS Supplies were Just moderate for a Monday, about asveniy-one cars, or ,vuu neaa, neing reporuea in. inis is slightly smaller than for both last week and a year ago, but le something; like 1.2U0 head heavier than for Monday two weeka ago. Shippers and one or two of th pack ers wanted the good lights badly, and started out paying prices that wer fully ateady, to possibly a little stronger. Later on, when the bearishness of peckers on heavy hogs became evident, prices eased off. and some of the good butcher, as well as a fsw lights, were cashed at slightly easier figures. Two or three loads and sorted bunches sold as nigh a $7.36, and there wss a fair sprinkling of lights ovsr gi.uuv wun Duicners selling on down. Packer buyers started out acting very mean. Up to a rather late hour In the forenoon they claimed that they didn't have an order, and not a bid had been made on the stronger weight nogs. A little later on packer got into action on the heavy hogs, and finally auoueeded In buying th bulk of them at price thai were quoted aa anywhere from weak to a much a RliOOc lower, and the general trade was largely 80 lower. Movement was slow at best, but owing to th mod erate proportions of the run. It did not take long to make a clearanoa after the market was once under way. Most of the Dacklna- bnara rnnlA at 18 KM 40, the long strings landing around $6.fci -fi , and good lights moved as high aa $7.86 in a few instance. Representative sales: NO, AT. U U to. Pr. Ns. At. Ik. Pr. 1!) IS Tt Ill 40 4 K) 1 4 1th 70 ... 4 M W 4 SO 44 170 40 4 M ... 4 IS 4 m ... 7 s ... 4 4a 11 lut ... t )5 44 8 44 77 Ill ... t 14 ... 4 M 17 in 44 T It M 4 M 71 lkl ... T II 40 I 40 II Wl ... 1 M 4 4 M M 118 ... 1 H U ,.! 41 S'S 1 3m 7 .871 .4t T Ill Tl til 4 1M bHJP Receipts assumed real liberal proportions this morning, when about I'd oars, or 17.0U0 head, were received. Thla Is a gain of l.Ouo over last week and Is lO.ftO larger than two weeks ago and al most ,vu0 heavier than for th same Monday a year aao. Thla la the larseat run of the year end is th heaviest since wtioutj 11 iaai year. With so heavy a supply It waa natur- lly pretty well alona in tha forenoon lefore much of anything was don. First sale of iamb when made looked around lixu-Lbo lower, several loads of aood lambs going at 88.40, a prlo which ackrs In- iiuiaiea wouui d in ouuaae figure. vttten trad got In full awing most of th early prediction were born out. In tbat price were generally lUvUi lower. Bulk of th decent lamba moved at $.aVd 8.4U, th latter figure being tbe day high mark. Movement was not specially active, but a fair clearance had been made by midday. Old sheep took th big end of the day's break, fat ewe being quoted a a flat quarter cff. The best sal reported up to noon as a bunco at &.. leanings showed aoout the earn decline a lamba. om selling a high a $4. to. There wer not a great many wether on hand, but a little bunh waa reported at $.&, which was a dim above last week's higher figure. Feeder lamb war uneven, and while a few war quoted a nearly steady, they showed about the same decline a butcher stock in most Instances, There was a broader supply hsr than at any prevlou time this season, but buyers wsnt right after them, and took the bulk of the good ones around $a. 0038 18, with some en down to $7.78, and one load was reported aj high a $8.80. Feeder yearlings old aa high a $4.40, which waa higher than the best price quoted on butcher Stork. Wuotstlons on sheen snd lambs: Ijimbs, good to choice. ! lf.tfg.4n.; Ismba, fair to good, 019 MA; lambs, feeders. $7.&Uu800; vearllnga, latr to cholee. 8n.7.Vu4t.); weth ers, lair to choice, 8n2rve3ft: ewes, good to choice, t, :fiX,7B; ewes, fair to good, n.TMft $6. Start Play in Annual Championship Bout at Seymour Lake The qualifying round In th annual Play for the club golf championship wag staged at th Seymour Ik Country club Sunday. The following ar th pairings for the match play In th first round: CHAMPION FLIGHT. J. .7. Fltsgerald playa Harry Cheek, J. J. Lefler plays Oenrge Frances. Oeorg McDonald plays M. McOaffery. A. N. Laverty playa Otto Radauwort S10OOND FLIGHT. K. A. Rose plays F, O. Hemes. Mike Culklns plsys C. A. Mangum. W. R. Threlby playa Dr. William Berry. James Currant plays Uus Radsuwort. THIRD FLIGHT. H. C Morrlng plays Frank Ttobe-ta Roy Dennis plays J. K. Rnyl. W. B. Cheek plays 3. Jeneen. Oeorge Cleveland play J. Steinberg. DUKK HOTS' FLIC1HT. Henry Forler plays II. McWilltams. tean Ringar plays J. E. Bednar. I. Vollmer plays A. H. Frys. William Jelter playa J. J. Klnohey. The annual rlghteen-hols team compe tition between the fat and leans waa played at the club Sunday with victory for the leans, 31 to 10. Fourteen men plsyed on each team. Peter Volo Makes New Stallion Mark CLEVELAND, O., Aug. 1.-Peter Volo broke the world record for 4-year-old trotters and tied th world's stallion trotting record, established by The Har vester when he won the first hest of his match race with Lee Axworthy at th North Randall track this afternoon. Time. 1:08. The 8-year-old stallion William won the first heat of hia match with Direc tum I. world's champion racing pacer, at the North Randall track this afternoon. Time. l:68i. Th match Is being raced on the two In three-heat plan. William lowered th track record held by Frank Bogash, Jr., two and a half second a and made a new mark for himself. His former record was 2:00. Le Axworthy won th second heat of th trotting event in 1:03V This mark establishes a new record for two heat by 4-year-old trotter, and sets a new record for Lee Axworthy, whose previous record waa 1:0444. William was an easy winner over Di rectum I in th second heat. Time, 2:00. This victory earns for William the dis tinction of being the greatest pacer In training. ' Ie Axworthy took the third hest in 1:04, winning the trotting event from Peter Volo. The three miles, 1:01. 1:03V, and I:04i, breaks the world's record for trotter or three heats. Today waa the first time Peter Volo ever was beaten In a heat. Star Tennis Players Compete for Cup 1 . NEWPORT, R. I., Aug, 18. Many of the leading tennis players of th country wera entered In an Invitation tournament beginlng here today. Th principal trophy offered I a three-year challenge cup. Among the entrants wer R. Norrls iWUIiama 2d, national champion: Mau rlc EX McLoughlln, former champion; C. O. Griffin. William Johnston, N. W. Nile. W. r. Johnson. William Wash burn, I. C. Wright and R. C. Beaver. Summaries: ' FIRST ROUND. F. P. Alexander, New York, beat Syd ney Thayer, Jr.. Philadelphia, -, 4J-4, t-t Robert Le Roy, New York, beat W, L. Pate, New York, Sl. S-2, A-j. V. S. Walter. New Orleans, beat E. T. Gross, Providence, -$, 8-4. -7. J. C. Thomas. Newport, beat ta M. Thomas. Newport, by default. K. Dana, Providence, beat La Baeck man. New York, by default. H. l. Harvey, Narraganaett Pier, beat A. Ijovlbond by default. Craig BlUdle, Philadelphia, beat Prea ton Gibson, Newport, 8-0. 84, detsult. G. H. Wightman, Boston, beat K. C. SMIloway, Concord, N. H.. 7-8, . $, SBOOND ROlJNO. B. U Law, Philadelphia, beat J. B. Cushman, New York, a-g, 4-1, 8-4, 4-0 Richard Stevens, Hoboksn, beat A. L Hosklss, Philadelphia,. 6-1, 6-2, 4-1. de fault. I. O. Wright. Boston, beat William Roeenbaum, New York, 8-1, l-, T-8. Wallace F. Johnson, Philadelphia, beat F. (i Inman. New York, beat B. r. Torrey, Utlca, by default. Date Set for Water 7 Carnival at Beach Saturday, August 21 hag been set for th water carnival at Carter lake, under th direction of th municipal recreation department. Th activities will b held In front of the municipal beach. Th program Include swimming and diving events for various ages; also boat ing events. A 200-yard ranoe race will be a feature. Contest will b held In t-aftoe tilting, tug-of-war, life-saving demonstration, barrel ant lea, demonstra tion of strokes and dive, watermelon acrambl and tub race. Prise will be given to th winners. PLATTE CENTER WINS TWO GAMES OUT OF THREE PLATTB CENTER, Neb., Aug. 14.- 8peolal Telegram.) Piatt Center cele brated a three-day harvest featlval her Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Friday aft ernoon Piatt Center defeated Lindsay In on of th hardest fought ball game ever aeen on th local diamond. 1 to 1 Batteries: ' Lindsay. Oik and Agnew; Piatt Center, Gellgannon and Badura. Saturday Schuyler cam to got revenge for th t-to-0 shutout of last Tuesday, dui received ui earn drubbing aaaln. th scor being 4 to 0, Zavodll, for Platte Center, allowed but two hits and waa never in danger. . Batteries: Schuyler. Ouston and Jenkins; Platte Center. Zavo dll and Badura. Sunday Dodge, accompanied by Jo Stecher, defeated Platte Center, 7 to 1. In aeven Innings. Attendsnce, 1,000. Battsries: Dodge, Andrew and Rains: Piatt Can- tar, Todanhoff, Gellgannon and Badura. I BURGESS-NASH NINE CLAIMS . FORFEIT FROM KING-PECK Th Buj'ge Nash team claim a for feited gam from th King-Peck crew In tbe Mercantile league, Sunday. Th Burgeas-Nash outfit would Ilk to schedule games for any Sunday with fast amateur teebs either In or out of Omaha. Any team wishing a game may writ or call W. 11. Atwood. car of Burgeas-Nash stora NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Conflicting Feature. Evident tt Day's Scuion of the Exchange. AMERICAN CAN O0INQ UP NrTW YORK, Aug. 18-Fiirlher furious manipulation of the war shares at higher prices, relative heaviness in Investment Issues and utter demoralisation In the markets for foreign exchange were the conflicting features of tixlay a session on the stock exchange. Trading In the war lamiea completely overshadowed Ihe deal ings In other parts of the Hat, I'nlted States Steel being the only former favorite to manifest activity and strength. On a very large overturn, ranging In In dividual lota from 1.00 lo 4.000 shares steel tou hed 7S or 1 of it top quotations of reenl years. New high records were scored hv Ameri can Can at 4, pressed steel car at 87, Weattnshouae at 118 and Studebaker com mon and preferred at 1JH and respec tively. The extreme gain of studebaker common for the day, was 204. Numerous other stocks In the same class added 2 to i points to last week s final quotations, with Irregular recesstlons at the rinse. Coppers recovered from their recent leth argy, the advance of 1 to I points being stimulated by reports of large sales of the retinal metsls to forelaii Inlereata presumably the allies. Th railways were unoer persistent pressure until the final hour when a recovery In the exchange markets caused an Innulrv for the I'a- clflca and other dividend pavers. Totsl ssles aggregated 70.no shares. Th fcslure of srvalrM unsettlement wss the decline In remittances lo 1-ondon, Paris and Italian poluta to new low lei orils. 1'einand sterling fell to 4 04. a decrees of $ points from the low of Inst week. Paris check were quoted at 8U). Ions of loc and Urea at 8.47 registered, a break 01 so irom last week. These rates im pounded sharply In the final hour on an nouncement that New York bankers were holding a ooiusrence to bring about remedial measures. Other news bearing upon the financial situation dealt with another advance in prices of manufactured steel and Iron anil crop advices from the west and south-w-et confirming last week's fsvornble re ports. Ixndon sold moderately In this market of the International list, all then Issues showing distinct heaviness abroad. tiond were irregular with heavy trading In New York Central debentures. Tot J sales, par values. $,1,M0,000. I nlteil Btetes bonds unchsnsed on call. Numrter of sales and leading quotatlona on stocks wer as follows glM.( High. Low. Clnaa, t,ano Its "S AtMb Oold American et Sugar Amerlraa (a Amlraa 8sll. 4 Hat... Aawrlraa 8. It.. sf4... Atnarleaa suiar Ratla... 11.100 t" S"i KK MS MV .) 11 M II 34 arts lu in4 131V, M .IS 10IS "S MS .XI I.wo I.70 l.ana l.w 111)1, lc lllS 1S American Tel. A Tal Amrlcaa Tnbancs Anftpoasa Mlnlag Airhiaoa 4H WIS US MS 1S ltia4 MS It nalllmar Ohio Brook Ira Ras'4 Traatlt.. tVlirornlt Prtralsaai .... Canadian Parltla Ontral iMthtr OiaaaiMwlK A Ohk Chloas". Oniat Wartars... Chi., Mil. m. Paul (Tiica Northweatsra, Chlno Capper OoloeaVf Puel A Iraa.... t'alorade Sk goutharn.... eUnTar A Rio Uranda... Iwartr A it. O.. p(4 Olatlllera Beeurltlaa Krla (irnaral Plec'rla UrMt Northern, pti lrt NorUMrn Ora otr.. l)uaanhMlm Bxpiorados., Illinois Central Interborniish atet., pfd... Inaplratlnn Coppar ....... Intarnatlnnal Harveattr ,. Kaniua 1lr, Soulhars.... Ihlsh Vallar IouI.yIII. a Naahrllle... Maiiean Patrotauia Miami tnpper Ma., Kan. A Tax Mlnaourl Panlflo National Blarult Natloaal 14 Navaaa Covpar Kaw York Ontral n. r., n. h a h Norfolk Waatsr , Northern Paeltla Paclfla Mall Paolflo Tal. 4 Tal pvniuylTanla Pullmaa Palae Car Har Conaolldatag Copper., ltaaftlns Republlo Iraa A Steal.... m.ick laland Co Hack Island Co.. pt4 HI. UAH. P.. 14 pf4... Hoothara Paclflo ......... Soulbera Kallwr Tannaaaaa Cnooar Taiaa rompanr T nloB Paolflo I'nlon Paclflo, pfd Vnllad Sutaa "taal 1'nliad Stales Btaal, pfd.. t'tah Coppar Wahesh. pfd ton la linn IMS l.l'XI 4.1s IMS 1M 4 41 OS its us INS lit 1 "S IIS M INS 44S 41 KM 1,'0I KM) 4 II KK s M 114 44S s 17 MS s 174 Has 41 Vk 41 103 1S IJS loS rs in 113'. II M'4 IS IS 111 MS lS s IS t.ft lorn) 7.104 ii'.jon a "i.ii lot II 2IS 171 'lii, Ma 101 "ii" 104 it!s "ii" MS ioas 104 l.MKI 1.400 too 100 1.100 'iiios en U4 "to 11)0 1. too in lS MS i . a II 14S OS ioas IMS I 11S s MS IS IS 'ii" 14S KS ioiu imvt iij s MS M 14 lots 1"S 1.100 104 1.104 IMS o its -J 81 114 11 Z2 e.aon U, 14 S 147 S 14IS ' WS 4S i: s s s 41 144 II! S 41 7S ms MS ms ti 14 41 thi 61S T 111 1714 4 .WO SO bo 1111 11, 4S 400 144 10,700 li:S hM US 144,004 7S us 14 41 jus HIS 1 IIS 1.140 . 41 41 S Wauarn Valos Waatlnshouaa Blaatrla Manuna Power Crur.lhla gtaal AIIIialBir Balhlahau Htaal Amarlnas Iooinols Haldwla Leonotlvs . lion oral Motor 1.100 114,100 aio 14.1O0 U.40S 11 111 I ms US 1114 41 ' 1S 40 s m M os 111 us 4S 00 IM 11.000 (I n.ioo ms iat kms C. U, I. P 4, too US Total lor th day, 474,404 abara. Nw York Meaey Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 11. M ERCANTILD PAPKR ISfitfV per cent BTrirt 11 W t J-Mi tiAflurj ov-any Dins, 14 Kl: demand. M.CId; cables, 14.48. BlLVlilt Bar, 47c; Mexican dollars. BONBS ajovernmeni, sieaoy: rauroaa irregular. MONET-Tim loans, easy; aft days, 14 per cent: ninety days, IV447I per cant; six months. 34i3i psr cent. Call money. .firm; high, I per cent: low, i per cent: ruling rate, 14 per rent; last loan, 1 per cent: closing bid, 14 per cent, of fered at t per cent. Lssloa Stock Markt. LONDON. Aug. I. American securities on the stock market opened dull and eas ier, but closed steadier after th execu tion of a few amall buying orders. MILVEIV-Her, Zilkd per ounce. MONEY U4 per cent. lilHCOU NT RATE Short bills. 4 per cent; three months, 5 pr cent Bask riearlags. OMAHA. Aug. 11. Bank Clearings for Omaha today war gx.e44.104.64, and for the corresponding day last year, 12.- lUi.H7.el. OATS AND WHEAT TAKE ANOTHER DROP IN PRICE On th Omaha grain ma Hist, whlls ther wss a alump of 1 lo I cent on wheat, oats occupied th center of th stag In attracting attention. Usually oat ar th moat stabls of th trading commodities, but thsy hv gone off I cent sine last Saturday, lllng at to 40 cent per bushel. With a light foreign demand, the slump in cash wheat started with the opening of the market, continuing until the close. Receipts were M carloads and pries wer 1.10 for old and 11.04 to fl.llH for new. Corn was atesdy. but Ho off. Reoeipts wer 41 carloads and prices TSVfc to 76 cent per bushel. 1 EXPERT TO SHOW HOW TO CAN TOMATOES TODAY Another demonstration on the expert canning of tomatoes la to be given In the assembly room of th Young Men'a Chris tian association building Tuesday at 1:10. E. B. Dal, supervisor of th garden club work in Omaha, 1 to give the demonstra tions. Although th demonstration I to be given especially for garden club mem bers. Mr. Dale says visitors ar always welcome. FEAST OF THE FIRST FRUITS AND FLOWERS At Immaculat Conception church th feast of th rlrst Fruit and Flowers was celebrated Sunday, according to cus tom, being conducted by the pastor, Rev. Theobald Kalamaja. Kruits and flowers Were brought by th people and blessed by th pastor. JUDGE SUTTOH TO RUN FORGOYERNOR Decidei to Oo Before the People for Nomination on a Prohibition Platform. WOULD ABOLISH THE SALOONS Judga A. L. Button, manager of the "people's candidates" at the last city election, has thrown hi hat Into the ring for tbe republican nomina tion (or governor, and will ride the race on the water wagon. At tbe outset he announces bis op position to the saloon and his Inten tion to support the proposed consti tutional amendment for state-wide prohibition. ' , Hia platform follows: "To th Republican Voter ' of Ne braska: "After mature consideration I have concluded to ask for the republican nom ination for governor of the stale ot "Ne braska. "I have always been a progressive re publican and I bellce in the prlm-lple and pollct.;a of man like Senator tlcotge W. Norrls. "I believe In a better enforcement ami more respoct for the laws of the state and nation. " I favor rigid retrenchment and re form In the expenditures of public money and am opposed to the Increase or con tinuance of useless boards and tax st ing commissions. "I expect to discuss fully and frankly 1 this campaign the detail of all Issues that affect the welfare of th peopt of this state. - , "I am opposed to the Americsn saloon, because a great majority ot the saloon keepers Join hands with gamblers, the underworld and all other lawbreakers In the controlling of elections and debauoh Ing of public officials. The brewers and liquor dealers bav elected a majority of the city officials of Omaha for years and their work along th sam lln 1 seen throughout th state. - Ho long as they xslt they will atand In the way ot all inform or progress In Nebraska. "Therefor, In th coming contest, I will favor and support the (u-opoeed con stitutional amendment to . abolish th saloon In thla stats." . Police Have Too Good Memories to Suit Combatants Tom Dslaney and Den Sweeney, charged with fighting and resisting an officer, were both sentenced to thirty days In the county jail Monday morning. It seems that the two gents above men tioned wer having a heated altercation at sixteenth and California streets, when Officer Jams McDonald cam strolling by. "Oaa. gentlemen. I beg ot you." entreated James, In his most appealing voice, whereupon Tom and Pan shook hands, formed an alllanc and atartcd In to massacre th patrolman. . Evidently McDonald thought th! very uncouth and Impollt. because he dtvpved hia club and with two regular slxed duke beat th enemy at all turns. When ar raigned In police court Delanev- started to unreel a most pathetic sob story, as to th terrlbl way In which the pollc have been persecuting him. II wss getting much aympathy from the onlooker when th Judg happened to remember that not so very long ago lie waa aentenccd to jail for breaking th arm of Police Officer Bam Morris, and a court attache further recalled th fact that he also badly beat Warren llanley in a city jail cell because Henley had testified against him. At this junctur all negotiations were con cluded by Judge Foster. . RALSTON LOT OWNERS SLOW PAYING TAXES So large a part of th lot owners f th village of Ralston ar delinquent in the payment of their special water tax levied when th 111,000 waterworks system was Installed about two years ago, that the village Is hard pressed to meet it obli gation on the $16,000 bond. . Notices ar being annt out to some of the owners of town lots specifying what the special levy la on their lot with In terest, and giving th owners an oppor tunity to make settlement before suit Is brought. TH ODD 1yr RBVIEW tat la hoar aa aian aw? Invest la Maw York Rtwk Kichante aa earltiaa laened every Saturaar. 41.04 a rar. Han4 (ar aampla envies. Publtaha hj Jnha Mttlr Oa., 41 Broadwar. Nse York citr. Remember! THAT If you hay property to rent tbe easiest and surest way of securing datalranle tenant la to adrerUa It la tbe COMPLETE RENTAL. OUIDH ot tbe Classi fied aectlon la THE BEE. TliAT If you axe g renter and with to mots this Pail th eas iest and best war to find desir able renting Is to refer to tbat Bam COMPLETE RENTAL GUIDE as siren In th Classified department of TUB BEE. BECAUSE there, ' property owners and renters are brought together. Because, it 1 the moat complete and autlstactory direct ory to desirable renting property, aud for that reason all prosrre alve landlords will list their of ferings there, and for that same reason wise tenants will seek a home there. Remember to watch for It; the COMPLETE RENTAL GUIDE la the Classified aectlon of, 1 1 THE OMAHA DEE J