HIE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1315. ing perpetrated several recent burglarie The detective department has Informa tion to the effect that the pair planned to rob a local business establishment and then make their getaway to a small town In the Interior of the state. They are being held for further Investigation. Auto Overturns, had not stopped from the fall ard was apparently Intact in every particular. The accident occurred at Twelfth and Douglas streets. Pallner was attended by Dr Charles Shook and Charles Ztm merer, after which he was taken to St. POLICE HOLD SUSPECTS FOR RECENT ROBBERIES John Meyers and Louis Pmollntkl have been arrested ' by Detective Praanowskl and Officer LaPage on suspicion of hav BOASTFUL LAD IS Throwing Couple Into Carter Lake SUBDUEDM LASS Joseph's hospital. Monday, August 16, 1915. A' By I.IELLIFICIA. NNOUXCEMENT Is msds todar that Mr. and Mrt. Felix J. McShans and daughter. Miss Marie,' will leave October 1 for New York, to remain Indefinitely. Mr. McShans Is building a home at Kensington, Little NecK, Lone Island, on Manhattan Bar. which, will be ready for occupancy this fall. Mr. Edward C McShane1, eldest eon of Mr. and Mrt. McShane, baa been In New York City for the last ten years engaged In the automobile business. He is Tire president of the Motor Dealers' association of New York, and it Is to be near him that Mr. and Mrs. McShane go east. In the departure of the McShanea the Visiting Nurse association will lose two of their very active workers. This is the second gap In the ranks of this well known charitable organization this year, the first being Miss Louise McFherson, who left for her new home In Maryland early last spring. At Happy Hollow Club. , Dr. and Mrs. Henrr B. Lemcre will en tertain at dinner this evening at ths Happy Hollow club In honor of Mica Fanny Hayden of Boston, who Is a suest t ths homo of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. I"ol lard. Tha auecU will bs: . Dr. and Mrt. Robert Holllster. Mr. and Mr. H. C. Kvarla. Mias Hxyden. Mr. Gror Sumiwf. Dr. and lira, i'ollnrd. Mr. and Mrs. C L Gould entertained Ix cursta at supper last ovenlna at th Happy Hollow club, W. McAdama, two; Charles Lsils, two; W. C Iloss, four; W. W. Johnston, four; F. R. Hoajtland, four; Harry Koch, threa; Stanley Koaa water, tores; W. R. Watson, two; C E. Balbach, two; C. C. Fedlar, four; D. Slb txrniMn, two, and W. C. Slby. two. Mra e. Vf. Ounther will alvs a luncheon f twelve covers Tuesday, Tucaday evenlna' at dinner Mr. I. 3. Nelaon will hav eighteen guests and C F. Waller, four. The Mioses .Alice and Kathertne Wood Kurd wiU entertain at luncheon Thurs day. Twenty-four irueeta will bs praarnt. klr. and Mrs. E. E. Klmberley had wl!h them at supper last evening; Mr. and Mrs. Charlet Machron, Hills City, a D. Misa Mlaaee Waciiron, Hills City, R"th Klmbrly, H. L). : Alice Klmberley. Betty Kintberley, At the Field CliA. Mr. and Mrs. 3. R. Jamleaon entertain d at supper lwt evening at the Field club for Mr. and Mrs. IL C. Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Quinlan. A small supper party laat evening at the Field club was composed of Dr. and Mrs. W. It Sherraden, Mr. and Mrs. J. Trimble and Mr. and Mrs. Morris IX. Dunham. Others entertaining at supper laat even ing were D. . V. Nholaa, who had two guests; C. W. Calkins, two; U J. MIHard, two; Charles Ware, four; King Donman, four; Alex F'ick. two; Faul Wehrner, three; R. It Manley, four; W. N. Cham bers, two; W. R. Adair, two; J. W. Hughes, two; W. R. Wood, two; B. W. Mulligan, four. At the Country Club. Budikts at tho Country club luncheon Sunday evening were given by Mr. Luther Drake, who entertained four tucat:.D. M. Vlnaonhaler, two; J. M Dooley, four M. Q. Colpetser, four; Ed ward Dauglierty. two. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Towle will enter tain Uslrty-ons gueaU at dinner Wednes 9ay evening: Mr. W. A. Fraaer will have ten gueats Wednesday evening and Mr. Daniel Uauin, Jr., four. .. At the Branded!. Theater parties at the Prandels on Mon day evening will be given by Ml Bolln. Hanley, Irwin, H. Thompson and Hughe At tho Tueeday matinee Mrs. T. 3. O'Brien will entertain a party of eight -uata; Mrs. John Guild, five; Mlas M. Hansen, four; Mrs. D. Well sevenj, Ml M. Donahue, sltfht: J. IL Conrad, four; Mr. Neal Uut, eteht; Mlas Ray Brown, four; Mr Earl Storrtcker. fourteen; Miss G. TrUnble, eight; Mrs. W. Q, Silver, eight. On Tuesday evening Miss O. Southard will have six gueats.; Ueorge A. Uuodman, tlve; C. F. Banner, four. Picnic Suppers. Mies Grace Allison will give a plcnlo aupper this evening at Rosemere Lodge, In honor of her guest. Mias Lillian Bluts of Pittsburgh. Thoae present will be: IltKlna t'onneJL larin Towlu, Non Tniln, JoiH'phlne Cnnsdon. Ilelun liiKVwaoa, Meaaru. Ralph CaMwell. V:1r.t ..Murphy, Hob rM arris. 1'aul hhlriey, Loim Iturch of , Piibuqua, la.; Catherine Colder of Cleveland, O. Mrs. F. J. Murphy won the prise for the card game. Guests of the club were Mr Myles Gahan and Mr Arthur Jensen. The club will be netertalned In two weeks by Mr J., J. Dlnneen. Personal Mention. Mrs. H. M. Byfert Is visiting In Broken Bow, Neb, i ' Mr James Gurnon of Lincoln Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. Josef. Frof. and Mr W. A. Wlllard are at their cottage In Estes Park, Colo. Miss raizabeth , Kern returned Sunday from a thr weeks' stay In Colorado. Miss Edith Bolomon will remain In Omaha this fall to continue ber musical studies. Dr. Alfred O. Peterson left today for a two weeks' outing with his family at their camp tn the Black Hill Mlas Cornelia Crittenden has returned from Lincoln, where she has been the gueat'of friends for several weeks. Mrs. O. M. Smith and daughter, Mlas Iseppa. have returned from a month In California, where they visited the expo sitions and spent kui.ta lime at La Holla. Dr. ad Mrs. Robert Gllmore and daugh ter, Miss Amy, who have been traveling through California, are now at the Hotel Del Coronado, Baa Diego, vlsrthig the exposition. To Take Religious Census of the City A religious census of Omaha more com' plete than has ever been made before Is to be compiled preparatory to the "Billy Sunday campaign. This was decided on by the executive committee when It met at noon at the Young Men's Christian association. Oliver Keve of the Walnut Hill Meth- odlat church and a. J. Ernst of the Lowe Avenue iTenoyterlsn church were ap pointed to arrange for the canvas The machinery of the prayer meeting com mittee with Its ICO prayer meeting places throughout Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs will be used in the work. The cards on which the returns will be gath ered will bo more complete than any similar cards ever used here. To Declare War On " Fake Auction Sales Commissioners Butler and Jardlne in tend to make war against fake auction sales, particularly Itinerant parties who display misleading banners at temporary downtown locations. Some of these signs read "bankrupt stocks" and give a false lmpreaalon to stranger Eight-Tear-Old Telia Talea of Prow- ttt, Whereupon Little Maiden Kearly Makei Him Cry. BOY TRIES TO THREATEN lone Bcott, gupervlBor of the play ground at Hanscorn park, Intercepted what mlttht have been a terrible tragedy. This la what the overheard an 8- year-old boy gay to a .10-year-old girl of the playground: T will tie you to that tree! I will fill my rewolrer wlff pepper and den I'll dance around the tree until you cry!" i "Why. IJonel, what do yott mean by such conversation? Is that the way to treat a young lady?" asked the super visor. Well, she twisted my wrist ' Just to show how strong she was, the youngster replied. The facts are that the femlnlnlst move ment has taken hold of the Ittnaoora park recreation center. The Independ ency cf women is progressing oy leaps and bounds at this rendesvous. Lionel, which is not his name, was boasting of hts athletlo prowes He declared he could chin himself many times without, half trying, run like a March hare and do all sorts of Tltanlo feats. Whereupon the tiny maiden twisted his wrlnts until he nearly cried for his mamma. The threat . of tying the fair maiden to a tree and then dancing around the tree was suggested by . the story Lionel had read. He told Miss Scott he was only fooling and thought he would scare the girl. Lionel has since made amends by offer ing Imogens a slice of cake hts mother baked for hts birthday. o That Cataah IVew t When you catch cold or begin to cough take Dr. Bell's nne-Tar-Honey. It pen- trates the throat and lung All druggist Advertisement. . . Railroad Men Have Gay Time at Picnio Reports of the passenger men's plcnlo are just beginning to leak out, and many Interesting episodes miiat have been In eluded In ' the program. For Instance, Rutherford,, of the Rock' Island, asked to be allowed to wear a bathing suit to bowl In, but the authorities refused him permission. Then Wltlebrands of the New, York Central lines upset the coffee on Ms nice Palm Beifch suit. But the bunch with the jinx Were the ticket mea from the Burlington uptown office. To start off with, Allen got hit-in the eye with a base, ball; then Dunham went swimming and had to be rescued when he got the crampe; ! after that ' Sharps, who was active at the rescue, cut his foot on a pop bottle, and then Mahoney lost all cf his money, and had to take up a collection to get home. In an automobile aocldent which oc curred west of the Carter wmie m works at t o'clock at night. Mr. and Mr Dan E. Murphy, Kit California street, were thrown Into Carter lake when their machine struck a rut In the road and tipped over on top of them In several feet of water. The extent of Murphys Injuries cannot be ascertained, as an effort has been made to -hush up the affair. Mr Murphy and her husband fortu nately were not pinioned by the car. The former came to the surface first and called for help, and with the aid of her brother, whom they had been visiting and near whose home the aocldent occurred, the couple were brought to dry ground and an ambulance called. In the morning the car was extricated from the depths of the lake and the rescuers seeing that nought but the fender' appeared to be harmed, cranked the engine and to their own astonish ment were able to drive from the spot as if nothing had happened. Mr. Murphy has been employed as traveling agent for the John Deere Plow company. Mr Murphy's brother, who lives lust north of the Carter White Lead works, and luckily was near the spot, unaided res cued bis slater and brother-in-law. DIVORCED WIFE OF TEN YEARS. STANDING A WITNESS M. 3. Owen. 709 North Sixteenth street. charged with being drunk, was brought before Judge Foster and sentenced to thirty days. His divorced wife of ten years stndlng appeared against him and testified "Why, Judge, he haxn t bought, any clothe for our child for tne last year, and tells me I will have to work and buy them myself!" "How old Is your child?" Inquired Judge Foster. "Why, he's 17, Judge, and his father. refuses to clothe him," forcibly retorted the divorced wife of ten years' standing. After hiding behind a blotter for sev era! moments the Judge finally emerged and Imposed the sentence. ASKS FOR AN OLIVE IN HIS MARTINI ON RIVER FRONT T. S. Oavanagh. - polished laborer. In vaded a riverside saloon Saturday even Ing and called In a mellow voice (or "a Martini." After looking through "Bril llant Bits for Bustling Bartenders" and the weather forecast the mixologist finally handed out the concoction. "But my dear fellow, where Is the olive?" In quired T. J. In Injured tones. For . this oruel demand he received a blue eye, was ejected Into the outside and was later arrested by a minion of the admlnlatra tlon, "You should . never ask for olives. only In season," cautioned Judge Foster before allowing T. 3. to "went." BREAKS THREE RIBS, BUT . WATCH. IS NOT BROKEN After falling through a manhole and breaking three rib,' Nathan Saliner, 1833 North Twenty-second street, discovered that, through some freak, his open face watch, which occupied the pocket of his coat and directly above the broken bones. GOOD APPLES ARE GOING TO BE SCARCE THIS YEAR "Poor and medium apples will be cheap end abundant, but good apples will be high this year," said Al King, manager of the grocery department of Hoyden Dro, on returning from a trip to 1'latts mouth and other towns, where he In spected the apple crop with a view to plaoing some order "The apples are badly halt-pitted and wormy In many sections," said King, "and right good apples are, after all, . hard to get. in spite of the foot that there seemed to be an abundance of them In the state." Meaers Albert Sll.hemsen, Allen Tukey, Kdward I'migherty, J'oiiKlaa t'rtera, . ,-r.r, Hri.konrlc1m V allon Walters. Mi Kather WUheim will enlertitin at a picnic eopper this evening at Valley. Her gueats will be; ' ' M lanes ' Mlneea f'ir iUrt. MoiL.n ftllltun. Murioit Turner. ,tn-pinne Hmi, Mmri- - AUir. Henrv lUrt. Rnlwrl Turner. Waiter Mlllman, Jr.; Iiobf rt. Connell. Judeon .-w!ilrea, : ' At Seymour Lake Country Club. nr. a nil Mr. V. B. TaSg entertained at dinner Riin.Say evening for Mr. A. L. Uoyden of Hamlll. 8. D., and C. F. ljeclirl ot CUchso. Mr. W. Boyd fmlth had with him F. C. Jtfeweomb and M. Ingram. Others enter luSiileu st dinner Sunday evening were George J on.' a, who had four guests; W. C. Croaty, seven; R. lfc Reynolds, fiur; T. O. TravUi, atx: C. A. Mel'her, three; li.-nty Nytraard. three, and C. I. Volimer, four. J "Hi Sundny evening muaicat was eom ).. .,1 of vocal aotoa' and duets and a la:!ira' quartet, compound of MIS Mabel Mtfkhrr. Mr. HHry Korahr. Mra. C. A., Mttiivum and MUa 4)race Pool. A male ci.or u unuYr Hi direction of liviiry Ky Kttaril ave sevtrui selectiona. ' 7 Pleasures Past. , ' A a.r-i; party was fiven A honor of ;h MrU"iy- fcftfilV'Mraary .of Mr C. C Tr!-Il fct lr home. Saturday. Abrmt 'iriwn jr'-wa were nerolnet. SOLOMON RETURNS FROM ALONG AUTOMOBILE TRIP B. O. Solomon, deputy connty treas urer, and family, have Just returned from a 1.MMnile auto trip, going by the way of Pes Moine Clinton, I; Rock ford, III., to Madison, Wla. thence to Lake Gneva. Wl. and Chicago. Returning from Chicago to Omaha, they drove on an average of I! 4 miles per day of twelve hour Lincoln highway from Chicago to Mershalltown, Iowa-Interstate trail to les Moines. the Great WhiU Way road to Omaha, the last tea miles with out even a puncture. I A Healthy, Happy Wife Is the greatest lnilrailon a man can have and the life of the family, yet how many homes tn thta fair land are blighted by the HI health of wife and mother! It may be backache, headaches, the tortures of a displacement, or some ail ment peculiar to her sex which makes life a burden. Kvery woman In this oon dUlon should rely upon Lydla Hi Plak ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots snd herb, to restore her to health and liapplneae. Advertlaement. Haw to Beautify a Summer Soiled Face Automobile Agents g M immmmmm'mmmtMmmmmKmmi- man sw asj awawswmi mmmmmmtmmmmmmfmtln Are you looking for a profitable els cylinder auto mobile line! The factory I represent is building a Light Six , cylinder Car with standard equipment. 51.8 Prseo an flre-Uery fl A Bisg oun raotiue If you are interested I will be pleased to make a demonstration and present our agency proposition. HENSHA.W. HOTEL, OMAHA. lliMMllliS Sf QliUll 0a tie Mi . t . a t u rt ' la p.i.3 IT. T i . I ' - 1- ..-winy will 'give a ke-atternuon-at her K. ti "al. Ul 1 cf the Eee Ilifft. ai'.vy tift returned from a .'uruia. . , n an.! MUs t'rl'.a rt-iurind Iri'in a tu wueks i;. i Wn-r , i i i,jt) tit 1. J .1-1 it's rellf a almpla matter .to rnnovat a face a.m.1 v uu. vtlnije or dirt. Or1. tiarv nier. ., uaed like culi i rvsm. will li nimfnrm (he drt old coio- lie-xiua lutit iii.ir enowy Vk i,itrnLa an4 veln-iy noltnej.. H liirroilv io.ila o(f ina ont-r sell of aurfneo akin, but gently, Simliihlly, Hurt i no diacomfurt. The w.imk.i. t xkin coMiea rift ruit In p!.trhrj, tut evenly, In tiny parllciea, toavin no erl1.rir,i of the tr3tm-iit. Tha youiiitcr. Iniu.inr un'lor-ekin frmlnf the new euiniiexlon. U ona of 'ailivntlnw love'l ttrnt. tine ouoi- of nmi colli. .1 wii, to t tid at any diua; atnre. la enouyh to l"w-ttiove-aay UnnM, rrdaened. (,IiiiIp1, f r k l.t j.r Iduiciiy skiii. Aiilv le(ure rt-tn ln. i,iiii u oif rmnrulii'. Many akit.a wrlukl eaaily ilh every wUid tliai ijlowa. w iih heaC worry, U An eiA!!!! crinkle remover. b-catiae H Imlilrna (lie akin and ai ivngt iiena K iaie.1 iniisi'lt. Is m !i I. in,n mnde aa fol lo. 1 uwdirtd sa.xoUle, 1 ua.. dlilvoi In iti'! hnal. ' . l'hla iv Imme uiate rjulia. Al v n litw ni.nt. ' -?5rJ- -V-- -i - . u -i : .J L,sa - - '4 Substantial Savings In Muslin Underwear Embroidery and Isce trimmed Cor. aet Covert and Drawers of good quality muslin. Worth 29o, f" special Tuesday IOC Qowne, Combinations and CHemleee, trimmed with lace and embroidery edgings. Worth to 9149. or Now OJC Another lot of Crepe Qowna, Com binations, Chemises, Princess Slips, eto. - Formerly to 1.25. Tuesday, at V On Sale in the Basement Tuesday Skirts ' and oowna, embroidery edged. Cholco Tuesday, 25c .!L!lfi .65c Ws have mads a eslloctlon of odds and snds In underwear, In cluding Combination Suits, En velopes, Chemises and Gowns. These will bs sold 43c BASEMENT. .8c A wstl made and serviceable lot ot Children's Embroidery Trimmed Muslin Drawers, In sltss up to 12 years. SpsofaL pair.. Slightly Soiled Gowns' foror Children, worth 35c, Tuesday. aw OC Well mads Muslin Body Guards for Children, 15 values, on 1 A. sals st 1UC Children's Black Bloomers, In good quality of satssn. Agss f Q 2 to and to 14 years IOC r ho ii' Is it i J 1 'Hil.t . II lrt y l.iLitwUiui S TAXI CD. Touring aad Closed Cars. tSJM per hour. Xuff. 4100. kvaaa at Morcbauts Stutei. Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how ood advertisinrj may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessful. j We Cannot Praise These Cot ton Fabric Values Too Strongly Fancy Crepe la neat floral designs and other fancy printings, 27 Inches wide. Regular 7V4o J I quality , v..2C Good Quality Percale, light and dark colors. r Perfect goods off tho bolt, yard OC 40-Inch Printed Voiles. Remnants and oft the 17 1 bolt. Regular 15c value, special, yard f jJC 28-Inch Cotton Challle, beautiful assortment of the latest Persian and Oriental designs, neat J 1 figures, eto. Regular 60 quality, yard 2 C Apron Gingham, good, standard grade In all tha wanted checks; the kind that usually sells at j 5ttc. Specially priced, yard 4C . 86-Inch Bleached , Muslin, soft finish, good standard quality. Special, yard BASEMENT. 6c When One Can Bny Shoes at Such Little Prices! 400 Pairs Women's White Canvas High Shoes, Pumps and Oxfords, a splendid variety, In all sices, worth to $2.00, choice of the entire lot r A Tuesday, pair eJVC Tennis Oxfords for Men and Boys, white and 0 Q black. All sixes. Worth to SI, special, pair... .alafC Bath Slippers for Men and Women, all slses, g regular 25c values, Tuesday, pair .......... 10C Infants' Shoes, odds and ends, soft or hard fM soles. Worth to 60c. Special Tuesday, pair. 1UC Hundreds of Pairs of Women's Fine Pumps and Oxforda piled on the bargain tabtes, worth two and three times the price we ask, ail at, pair. . . p 1 V BASEMENT. ilMune E Thousands of Pieces of Blue Enmel- . ware, consisting of Preserving Kettles, Bowls, Milk Pans, Dippers, Strainers, Soap Dishes, Ladles, Baking Dishes, Cups, Ci Buckets, etc.. worth 1 IV w f up to 25c; on sale Tuesday, each BASEMENT. Thousands of Large Pieces of Enamel ware, such as Water Buckets, "Wash Basins, Stew Ket tles, Preserving Kettles; also Alu minum Sauce Pans, Frying Pans & Kettles. Worth., to 39c, special Tuesday, each .. . . BASEMENT. IL li Helping Greateir Omaha Grow Greater 4 - W f : 'U 31 tv 4rr f 1 M 1 Mil III III UaaM.Mmn( I III III 11 - -Kl llffll' IJ'J IJvijmi -V 111 ,.cr.;,r Ix)w rates for Electric Power always act as a spur to industry. And, with (he development of industrial progress, invariably comes prosperity true civic bigness better conditions for all. The New Reduced Rates for Electric Power now in effect are bound to give Greater Omaha' greatness a splendid impetus from this standpoint of industrial development. Not only have we reducod the rates for power used by our customers but wa have so improved our facilities and so broadened tho scope of our service that every power-using enter prise in the city will find it a distinct economical advantage to use this better, cheaper Electric Power, Electric light Rates Have . Been Considerably Cut Electricity for lighting nor costs less than ever before. Instead of starting at 11 0 per kilowatt hour as before, the new low rates start at 8c net per kilo watt hcur. And, instead of basing the ohtirges on a total connected load during thq month, the new low rates are based on the total consumption of electric ity regardless of connected load. The new reduced rates make electricity bo cheap that every home, store and office in Omaha can now easily afford to install Elec tric Lights. Omaha Electric Light and Power Company in:tf ft " ' r 'fl GEORGE II. HARRIES. Prciideat Maximum Electric Lighting Rte Have IWn Heduced Approximately 40 Within the lMt Two Years lu to lbjrical laiyrovetneuts and Growth of lluslaeaa.