111 I THE OMAHA SUNDAY 15EE: AUGUST 15. 1913. 9 A : ECHOES OF THE ANTE ROOM Commercial Camp, Woodmen of the World, Plan for Beunion Sinner During the Ak-Sar-Ben. ACTIVITY AMONG FEATEEBA13 Wwxlmra of World Items. German-American No. 104 will meet for 'Initiation at the new Bohemian hall. Thir teenth and Dorce atreeta, Tuesday eve ning. ' A large attendance la desired to entertain gueat who will be preaent and assist In the initiation of a large olaaa of candidate. Arrangements are now being made for the semi-annual dinner of Commercial camp No. 178, to be held following Ak-riar-Ben week at the Fontenelle hotel. This banquet has been ao successful in the past that Its announcement bringa a real a mils to the many business and profes sions! men who comprise Its member ship. Marooni camp No. - CI will meet (Wednesday evening at Muncuso hall. Twenty-first and Pierce streets, for Ini tiation. The officers and member of the camp are making a special effort for a large Increase In membership by October - : . South Omaha Camp No. 211 la making arrangements for an -entertainment Au gust 26 at P. m., at McCrann hall, Twenty-fourth and P atreeta, when Dave Mercer will give his lecture entitled "Around the World." All Woodmen In South Omaha and their famillles will be present, The union meeting and initiation of all the camps in South Omaha is meeting with enthusiasm of the membership gen erally, geptember 15 Is the data agreed upon and McCrann's hall the place of meeting. John Butlor and Fred Brock man represent the committee from all the camps and are giving the meeting enthu siasts attention. Nebraska LI pa No. 1S3 will hold a gen eral meeting Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at Bohemian 'Turner hall. Thir teenth and Dorcas atreeta. " Candidates will be Initiated. Fraternal Ualoa. Mondamln Lodge No. Ill, Fraternal Aid Union, welcomes all transient Fraternal Aid Union members to their meeting ev ery Tuesday evening, at Barlght'a hall, Nineteenth and Farnum atreeta. Loyal Coaaeil. Loyal Council No. 2348 will give a card party and dance, at the hall. Twenty fifth' i'a venue and Leavenworth streets, Thursday, August 2& Refreshments will , served Sunday, August 28. Loyal council will have a plcnlo for its mem bers and friends. - HANSCOM PARKERS ASK CHARTER CONVENTION Hanscom Park Improvement club at Its meeting last night at Windsor school de cided to ask the city commission to take teps for a. charter convention. Further consideration of what action shall be taken "wth regard to securing rebates from the ga company was deferred. A committee composed of W. II. Hat- ' teroth. A., L. . Ha vena and M. J. Greevy was named by the president. W. Boyd Smith, to prepare suitable resolutions on the-death of Willis I. Hoopea, a former president 'of the club, and Judge W. H. Hunger, a member of the organization. Passes Up Radium. To Steal Camera Dr. D. T. Qulgtey, City National bank building, reports to the police that a sneak thief gained entrance to his office last night and, after overlooking a very valuable receptacle of radium and radium equipment, stole one camera. - War of Nations .- .... History would be dull reading without Illustrations. 'The War of the Nations," which begin an engagement of alx daya at the Douglas County Fair ground Tuesday evening, is a vivid Illustration of the stirring European history of to day in the making. This spectacular fireworks drama produced by the Thearle-Pain company depict the alege and capture of ,a city In Flandera. It give the hitorical reader a vivid Idea of how Liege, Namur, Maubeuge and Antwerp fell before the Oermaa gun. The War of the Natioejs" la pre aented on an open-air stage 460 feet wids and ue people are in the cast. The town with Is quaint Flemish architecture is strongly garrtucned. One haa a glimpse t' .tri'nehes and fortifications. The army juf defense la under arms; awaiting an attaj k. Two sple brought in by cavalry ere shot. A hostile aeroplane comes scouting above the horison. It 1 followed y a fleet of aeroplane and dirigible. ,- . . -: .,"7 .-v"l ' brief city news tar TtU IV Wow Beaeoa Press lectrls fane, fT.M Burgeaa-Oraade Today's osylt Movie Program slssssfliil section looey, and appear la Toe Bee EXCLUSIVELY, rind out what ins various movlog picture, theaters offer. OeneTlsT SCaa flair school of dancing opens September 1. Hotel room. Ball room. Keep your messy and valuables In the American Safe Deposit vaults, 218 South Seventeenth street. Bee building. Boses rent H for three months. Open from I a, m. to I p. m. per afy Pirst In Life Inouranoe see W. H. Indoe, general agent State Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Worces ter, Mass.. one of the oldest. 71 years, and best companies on earth. To Pala Auditorium City Officials will begin Monday to renovate the Audi torium throughout It Is said the build ing needs a thorough cleaning, and some paint Xtosas Money and Watoh John Mor ton of Qrlswold, la., waa held up and robbed of 119 and hla watch at Twelfth and Douglas streets. Tw -white men per formed the holdup. Terdiet of aTulolae A coroner' jury returned a verdict of aulclde after hearing evidence offered aa to the circumstances attending the death of Mra. Jessie Harris, 207 South Ninth street. Talk Cost Thirty Dollar George Marnlng, a Missouri farmhand, engaged In conversation with a colored woman Friday night and upon concluding the gabfest found that he waa minus t. Tor Keeping- Disorderly Xoua Carl Hanson, saloon keeper at Sixteenth and Davenport streets, arrested Friday night by Officers Coffeytand Dolan, was fined $30 and costs In police court for keeping a disorderly house. Six Inmates were fined 15 and costs each. Are Hold for Iaroeny Bryan II. Cal loway and H. II. Glbbs. 1100 Farnam street, were bound over to the district court on a charge of grand larceny. Tho boys were arrested for trying to dispose of the auto belonging to W. G. Shrlver, wrecked near Ralston several days ago. JTooa Prayer Meeting Under the auspice of the business women's com mittee of the Sunday campaign commit tee, prayer meetings will be held at noon at the Toung Women'a Christian asso ciation for the business women of Omaha. These meetings will be held Monday, Wednesday and Thursday next week and every noon during the subsequent weeks. Looking After Xls Daughter William C. Edgar, editor of the Northwestern Miller, Minneapolis, has written to the Fontenelle hotel to have an automobile meet hla daughter when ahe arrives here over the Northwestern road Monday morning: to have0 a special maid as signed to hef ,-whlle she is at the . hotel during the day and to have her taken by automobile to the Burlington train for Denver in the afternoon. Shamp Again Heads Stationary Firemen The headquarter of the International Brotherhood ot Stationary Firemen will remain in Omaha. This waa determined when C. L. Shamp of Omaha waa unani mously re-elected to the office or general secretary-treasurer of the organisation at the thirteenth biennial convention, held In Cincinnati. Mr. Shamp ha been prominent In sta tionary firemen affairs since the national organisation was started, and ha been a factor In It growth and prosperity. The term of office to which he haa just been elected will round out twenty years of service for him. He waa accompanied by Mra. Shamp and daughtor, Gladya, on an eastern trip, which Included many other citlea beaidea Cincinnati, where he at tended the convention. Kansas City waa aelected aa the place for holding the convention of the brother hood two year hence. This Week - , . . . . manned by living operators, that swarms to the attack. The ensmy'a army atorma the trenchca. Attack and counter-attack are, delivered. Wireless towers sputter messages. Armored automobile wheel into action. Aeroplane batterle battle with the hosts In the sky. The airship rain down bombs. The Oothio cathedral crumble beneath the bombardment Fir aweepa the town. Buildings fall. Soon the city, onoe ao prosperous looking, is a smoking and blackened waste. In an Interlude before the battle, a dosen act of high class vaudeville are Interpolated. After the fight, two tab leaux are ataged. One typifies "The Hor ror of War" the other 'The Blessings of Peaoe.f The performance closes with a dasating dlspltay of fireworks. In this exhibition liquid bombs are shown for the first time and by what seem a mir acle of pyrotechnics, a rainbow is hung across the heavens from horison to horison. PROUD OF THE ALL-YEAR CAR Xisiel Turn Out a Machine that it Asserted to Be Most Attractive that Has Ever Been Seen. MACE IK HANDSOME DESIGNS A considerable, but not too aweeptng reduction In the prices of the successful 41-81 and JU-Four, an entirely new and mailer chassis at a revolutionary price for a KIsselKsr, and Improved designs of the popular all-year car, are prominently mentioned In the announcement of the new KlesciKars. The Kissels are very proud of the great success achieved by the All-year car. which they originated and Introduced last summer, and naturally the new mod els center largely around this feature. The new All-year cars Include a coupe top as well ss a Sedan top and both are very handsome designs. The new tops are attached by bolting at ten points, at six points to heavy steel brackets and at four points to the regu lar top Irons of the touring car or road ster. An Inverted top Iron la used, so that when the top Is on, there la not the slightest Indication of the parting line between the two halves of the body. The frames of the new All-year tops are of heavy white ash and elm with ma hogany sashes. These frames are cov ered with sheet steel and aluminum after the manner of the flneat limousine. The roof la three-ply white wood, covered with canvaa. The material and construc tion ofrhe roof are of such a character that peeling and warping are practically out of the question. Preach Plate Glass. The window and door panes are French plate glass set Into high grade hard channel rubber, eliminating the possi bility of leaking even In driving rains. Eight panes of glasa. Including two oval panea, are used In the Sedan top, alx In the coupe top. The atandard tops are trimmed with leather, but special ma terial la provided, aa ordered. There is a center dome light In each top, the electrlo wiring being connected automatically, aa the two halves of the body are Joined by means of spring plungers. Seventeen coata of paint Is ap plied in twenty-one finishing operations. The hardware la of the best pressed steel hinges and door locks and brass handles and window fixtures. The front and door windows are divided and easily adjusted for ventilation. There Is a drop shade In the back window and silk curtains are draped in the rear side windows. Velie Increase Changes Policy The great Increase in Velie sales and production brought about by the advent of the new $1,065 Velie "Six," haa caused the oompany to change it policy aa far aa distribution of car through John Deere branches is concerned, primarily, that there may be no conflict or Inter ference with the vaat implement organi sations established these many years. Hereafter the distribution of the Velie cars In Minneapolis, Omaha, Kansaa City, Oklahoma City, Denver and other citlea where John Deere branches were formerly used will be handled by automobile dis tributors of high standing. Each will carry large stock of cars and parts and will be fully prepared to give the aupport and service to automobile dealers ex pected of the Velie company. Corkhill Talks on Spring Advantages "The advantage of the aeml-elllptlo springs are recognised by automobile do signers both In tbls country and In Eu rope." states C. J. Corkhill of the Ne braska Hayne Auto Salea company, dis tributer for the Haynes Light Six. "The aeml-elllptlo is ao termed because It la a half-ellipse. It supports the frame at the middle of the spring. Thla con struction allows extreme resiliency and ease of riding, at the same time pre venting any side-sway of the body on the chassis. "The three-quarter elliptic spring Is anchored to the frame of the car at the end and at the middle of the ellipse. The full-elltptlo I fastened only at the middle. Either of these types of con struction permit a great deal of side sway of the body relative to the chaasla. which, of course, creates heavy strains and etreaeea detrimental to the entire car." Pleased with Work of Omaha Auto Club Omaha Auto club membera are pleased over a compliment paid them by H. K. 8. Doorman, autolst from St. Psul, who motored from St. Paul to Nebraska City and back with hla wife and two daugh. ter. and while here he had occasion to Inquire Into the condition of the roads. The eervlco rendered by the Omaha Auto club aided hint so materially that be ex. pressed his opinion that no other club, with the possible exception of the Buf falo (N. T.) Auto club, was nearly aa useful to the members, and to the tniir- lata who have occasion to secure reports on roea conditions. PAIGE MOTOR CAR COMPANY INCREASES PLANT CAPACITY EvldtAce of the prosperity of the auto mobile industry In general and of th Paige-Detroit Motor Car company In par ticular ia disclosed in the news that the Paige directors made arrangements for th Increase of thslr capital stock Au gust , from 0,000 to ll.uoo.ooo. This ao Uon waa taken at a recent meeting of the director, when the payment of the regular monthly cash dividend of M per cent wa ordered. Thi move en the part of the director, coupled with the ftct that an army of workmen is busy night and day con structing a Urge addition to the plant that will enable the Paige to double Its capacity, ia calling attention again to the sensational achievements of this company. Gossip Along tho Automobile Row Harry Thaw stopped at the Omaha Auto Club room at the Fontenelle hotel, and applied for a membership In the club. He had secured considerable Information concerning the roads west ot here from Mr. Smyth, the secretary, and expressed hi desire to become associated with the best auto club he had come In contact with. He secured the emblem of the or ganisation, and personally attended to fastening It upon his radiator. The Pcripps-Booth light roadster type car Is becoming very popular In thla sec tion. The W. L. Huffman Automobile company, distributors for this territory, ia finding a great demand for this lux urious oar. It la In a claaa of It own a very attractive, light, economical, dur able and handsome design. The 1914 mod els have already arrived and are ready for Inspection. Many deliveries are reported being made on the Hupmoblle lflld models by the W. L. Huffman Automobile company, the car going largely to agent who are very enthusiastic on account of tho new model developing such wonderful power, and the new body dalgn being so very roomy and comfortable. The many new features on the 1918 car over all prevloua models Is attracting the buying publlo more than at any time In the past. "Spesklng of Omaha as a distributing center for automobiles, 1 think the Max well people are reatly to aumit that It Is quite a spot on the map," said l J. lirokaw, district nunanrr. '"The outlook Is so good that I'm going to increase thi number of cars whl h I contracted lor. That means something this eifuiori, ton, because every car we contract for and every car our agents contract for ere bona fide orders. If we don't sell thtm they are on our hands and I don't fancy Uss Vs .-SJr The Best IGsselKars Ever Built KtSlSELKAItS always were oars of pronounced quality, and the new models are better than ever. Evidence of thoir nuperiority is unmistakably reflected from every angle jn construction appearance finish performance. These KisselKurs measure up to those standard that give assurance of serice far beyond the avernge, because the en during things are built in because they are manufactured tt jr it jr The ALL-YFLXU Car invented and introduced by Kissel vas the paramount achievement in body design last reason. It met for the first time a demand for tho continuous service ff one body an oin-n touring car in summer and closed car in vinter. Tho top is easily attached and detached by inexert men. , ' The new ALL-YEAR Cars are perfection, beautiful Rothschild line masterly workmanship worked out o skillfully that not even an expert' can distinguish them from the finest closed coach In passing. In addition to th ALL-YEA It Sedan Top, there is a new ALL-YEAR Coupe Top mounted on the anirtctt four-passcngcr roadster yet conceived. . t . fTi fit . 3 2-Four Fivt I'aistnytr Touring t ar having more than one or two cars or my personal use." K. M. l.uheck, assistant otia super visor for the Maxwell fsotory, who wsa here Thursday, mad the statement that the Maxwell dealers' meeting held In Omaha was tho most svcceaMul of any In his sons. C W. Francis of the Frsncls-CulUs Auto rompanv haa been in Detroit at the Maxwell factory durlnir the last week .-ndeavorlng to speed up the V'lrt ship ment. Mr. Francis will drive from De troit In a 1H Maxwell. It. B. Dsvls has been traveling through Towa all week In the Interests of the thanrtler automobile. The recent dry weather has made a wonderful tmnrove ment In crop conditions, says Mr. Davis "Sold out" eld W. I Kelly of th Noyes-KeMv Motor company, ".litat sent four cars Into the sand hills of NehraftKa, the toughest country In the world for sutos." Mr. Kellv'hea contracted with Klhv A Stuart, Atkinson, Neb.: Jensen . Sage, Xnaworth, Neb and H. A. Wclhlte of 8omlow, Neb., for the handling of the Saxon. J. C. Helbert has returned to the An person aSHln. He worked under Joe Kon erta three years in Illinois and since Mr. WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE YOUR CAR FOR REPAIRS AND OVERHAULING? This stands for Ream Bros. Garage and Repair Station Phone Douglas 4401 209 North Fifteenth Street It3 $1050 Roberta ha been appointed branch pian sser of the Apverson Motor company ot Omaha they have been renewing th old frlendnhlp. Mr. Helbert will t In the sales department and will travel In the territory covered by the Omaha branch. H. Teltow Is anxlouslv waiting for his first shipment of Frsnkllns. These Cars should be here In a week or so. FLORISTS FROM THE EAST PAY SHORT VISIT TO OMAHA Forty delegate from the east to the Natlonsl Convention of florists at San Francisco stopped off In Omaha three hours yesterday. The delegates were met In Council Bluffs by an assembly of Omaha florists and were then brought by motor to Omaha and taken about the city, visiting the various greej) house. In ins the florists' convention was held In Omaha and many of the party had at tended that convention here. They all marveled at the rapid growth and ad vancement of th city In the Interval. 4m Mm cars in every vital part Therefore, there is deep significance in tluo fact that bigger plans and increased output' havo brought about a new alignment of prices, including a four at $1050 and a six at $1485. And looming in the background is the perfected ALL YEAR Car an original feature that gives a KlsselKar dis tinction, attraction and utility exclusively its own, ' ALL-YEAR Gar $1485 The complete KlsselKar line Including the new 32-Four, S6-Kour, 42-SU five and seven passenger four door, two and three door corridor bodies ALL-YEAR Touring and Sedan Bodies, ALL-YEAR Roadster and Coupe bodies, Limousines and Coupelets is fully described in our new catalog. Write for It and learn the full story of KlsselKar values and price, a well as the comforts and conveniences of the ALL-YEAR Car. Noyes-Killy Motor Co., Distributors 2066-68 FARNAM ST., OMAHA, NEB. We are closing our 1916 contracts with agents N0T7. This is a very desirable and attractive proposition. Write us, or come and see us at once. WIDELY KNOWN GOLFER KILLED IN AUTO MISHAP OIIANT.B, N. J.. Aug. 14.-Thoms An derson, Sn, a widely known golfer, wa killed near Montclalr tonight by being crushed under his automobile, which went over an embankment Anderson waa the professional golfer at the Montclalr Oolf club, and a former open champion of Pennsylvania. He waa born In Glasgow, Scotland, and waa a brother of th late William Anderson, former national golf champion of the Vnlted State. Apartments, flat, houses and cottage A nlmmr View. The tyear-old daughter of an army of ficer at Fort Hamilton waa returning from Hunday achool a short time ago. when she met a friend of the family, who asked her where she had been. "Jos' to Sunday school." she said. "And what did you do there?" ques tioned the friend. "Oh. we jus' sang sad song about heaven." answered the child. Harper's Magaslne. And is backed up by expert mechanics who will over haul and repair your car. ...... ...Every j -Xnci a Cor nr Touring Car 1 mmmGl Fits IWni