Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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Desertions Heavy
from II, S. Army
The marshal's office In , the Federal
bulMln has received S.1.T6 notices of de
sertions from the United States army
inf-a The War department sends
theae notices out from the sdjutant gen
eral's office in Washington, and they
come at the rate of from 50 to 100 a
week. Many of the deaerters surrender
themselves, end many more sre cap
tured, but a large percentage never come
The total strength of the army at
present within the borders of the Cnlted
States, not Including the Inaular poa
sess'ons, la about Jn.CO men, and the
total ptr.'neth of the army. Including
those men on duly at forclsn porta anJ
In cir overaca hoMlngs, la about jn.MW.
At present there ii nmf csltatlnn Ih-
Ka krmv in &'Oflnfl men. If thrt
SIONS Mrs. J. Borden Harriman and Mrs. Rogers H.
Bacon, both well known and wealthy widows, selected by
Mayor Mitchel to sit on the widows' aid board of the new
widows' pension law.
desertions tncreae proport'onally there
-ll be I7..,fl aceertcri" irom tne array
In the seven yeaia following the In
Wednesday, August 11, 1915.
Bent rooms quick with a F-ee Want Aft,
THE formal opening of the new home of the University club will be
held On Thursday evening, August II.
The committee In charge of arrangements baa Issued Invita
tions for thia affair, which la to constat of a reception and dance.
On this occasion the new quarters of the club are to be hrown open
for the first time to the club members and their friends. An orchestra
wli be placed upstairs and down for the entertainment of all sets, and the
committee is deep In plans to make It Terr gay evening. Quite the most
Interesting feature of the club, however, Is the charming way the ladies
have been considered. Here they will now have their private dining room,
resting and reading rooms, with private entrance to the department. 1
Mr. Sam Rees, Jr., la chairman of the entertainment committee, with
the following corps of assistants: Messrs. O. T. Eastman, Frank 8elby, It.
A. Van Orsdell and John Latenser, Jr.
Engagement Announced.
Am engag-emetit announcement of Inter
cut today Is made by Sir. and Mrs. A. B.
McConnell, and la that of their daughter,
Mary Irene, to Mr. Richard Coad.
Mr. Coad la the en of Mrs. John F.
Coad and resides on a ranch near Malaga,
N. M. Mlas MoCennell attended school
at Park Place and later at ft. Mary's
Notre Dame, Ind. Fhehaa spent much
of the Urt year traveling and was a gueat
at the Coad ranch lat winter with Mrs.
Coed and Mine Alloe Coad. Hera the
romance began.
The wedding M le celebrated Tuesday,
fMU'tember 'A. It will be a Urge church
editing (flowed by a reception at the
iioji.e i .) lirlde's parents on Karnam
si !;
.u )iii-.'!Cjt'r.if itim on the choice of the
(i.r.r.t c'ay Is that It la the birthday
if the bribe's only brother, Mr. Harold
JiiVcnneil. ' (
FlcMnrci It.
I'he "Its' il'i.'i u-..e a w 'mtiltm parly
at Saixl Ztll V. icl.. Monday evening.
hen iiie 'l.ov'. iu vi'ie present:
i.i'H.l el a I in . y,
Nellie Willi,
. ...aylM-lle ' h.i ei.
M.'HH .
t'. I.ckK.
c llemili.i,. ,
lu.ymond l.x I n u. .
Mlltt- - .
ri ruqu'i.'
atarjr ltm,
viitrta aleio.e.
XI ma Unit) .
I bariea Uaunian,
i Iver Helm. -
lnni. llpvnnlr'H
A!r. and Mra. A. Am'eraon.
A aurpria party waa given In hcr.iui
ol Mr. A. V. Kunc-l. by hla friend. Hun
day. The evening Was spent In game
and mualc. Thoae prraenl were:
Messrs. and Mesdamc.
A Hvoborta, rfoe Kuncl.
joaeph Houcck, A. V. Kuiu l,
jrmea Kola, j.icoh VolaN.i,
( lis rim tioracek, .1. norky,
amea lloracck.
t Koucek,
je Hemeali,
.,i hard llorky.
Co rand
of Chicago,
llennetta Roucek.
Kvelyn F"uJia.
fcelenka Bedlacek,
Anna. Kosak.
Anna Dlouhy.
t'rtr.k Kuncl
Frank Koaak.
1 rank tturaivk,
Kilmond Horn),
Ktd.e Koucea.
M. loltnl,
I.oule ZrUny,
V. A. HedlaeK.
.ium VmotK,
l.inma Kuncl,
Anna Kuncl,
Aierte rivobotia,
irancee iiaear.
of t'rernont. Neb.:
At Carter Lake Club.
The. Junior mombers of the O. T. V.
club gave a dancing party at tha Carter
Lake borne, on Saturday evening. Mrs.
Kdlth gchroecler chaperoned the party.
Thoae present were:
" Messrs.
Unit M rehlow,
otto PankroU
K.atnn MaaorL (
lre rVlirolr,
Howard Otbaon,
M Fran
Mesa re.
Oliver Nlckum,
Art Wteehlow,
John Krage,
Harry Huwee.
('rank Hlouach.
Marlon Hansen.
. . . 1 . V. Juun Wl 1ML
M. Ilanaen. Helen Ietwller.
) file ctravert, laabel Hhukert.
Marie Bthroedcr, Huth Hulton.
At Carter Lake Club.
Local building managers held their out
ing at Carter Lake club Tuesday, cov
ers having been laid for nearly guests
at dinner. Others entertaining at dinner
la at evening wera J. R Weatron. who
liad four guests; T. A. Martin, two; A.
jetea, sir; A. W. Jackson, three; F. C.
Lutta. four; Mrs. I. Leavltt, five; U W.
Johnston, two. and T. K. Beay. two.
At th Country Club.
Mr.' and Mra. Glenn Wharton will en
tertain nine grueets at dinner this evening
at the Country club; Bob Connell. four;
IS. 8. Weatbrook. six; J. t- FlUgerald,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed will entertain
at dinner tills evening at tha Country
club. Covers will be placed for:
Wesr. and Meadamea
C T. Konntie, J. K Bummers,
barton Millard, Rved.
Theater Party.
Ulna Carita O'Brien gave a theater
party yeaterday afternoon at the Bran.
ovla, (ollowed by tea at the Ilenahaw, In
rtvr of Miea Mary Butler. The guests
Marion Judson.
Mildred Hliodea,
Mary Hutler,
Bull) Beauy.
Florenoe Riley,
F.lale titora.
Huth Klnaler. ,
snd Mrs. Troup, Mr. and Mra. Harry
Montgomery and Mr. and Mrs. C. N.
Robinson and daughter.
Among othera who will entertain at
dinner this evening will be F. U Cubbs,
who will have five gueatsi C. B. Hunter,
five, and C. A. Wella, six.
To Honor Viiitor.
Mlag Vlrglna White entertained at her
home today for Mum Blanche Boyeen of
Chicago, the gueat of Mra. I. Blbbernaen,
and for Mlm Dorothy Krucpn of Minne
apolis, the gueat of Mies Winifred Brandt.
Those present were:
illxea idlnaea
Blanche Boyaen, Kdltli Wlllebrands,
Iorthy Knapp, I oim Burnett,
Joeaelyn Btotie, Winifred Brandt.
Lillian Head,
Luncheon and Bridge.
Mrs. fl M. Martin entertained at lunch
eon and bridge Wednesday at her home
la Falracres. The guests were:
Meadamea Meadamea
Oeone rujlrea H. C. Petera.
K. I. Klrkendll, c arl Ballmch.
W. J. Coad, John 1 Kennedy,
W. V. ehelton, K. M. Martin.
Personal Mention.
Mlaa Kdlth F. Mahaffy la visiting in
Des Molnee, la., her former home,
Mlas Louise Burch of Dubuque, la.,
la ths guest of Mlas Helen Ingweraen,
Dr. and Mrs. J. 8. Loney have sold
their home in Foreet Hill addition, and
taken an apartment In the Oreo.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brldgea and family,
and Mr, aad Mrs. Sam Ootdamlth and
family, are at the Yellowatone Qun club
at Gretna.
Mrs. Bertha H. Ooldgraber and Mra.
Louie Allen of New York City, are gueata
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fplgle, en route
to their home, after a vlalt In California.
Friends In Omaha have been notified
of tha birth of a son to Prof, and Mrs.
E. A. Zartman, formerly of Omaha. Tha
Kartmana are now in Plttaburgh. where
Prof. Zartman Is superintendent of pen
manship at the Blast End High school,
tha same position which be filled In the
local high achoot.
Apartments, fUtA houses aad cottages
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Bee "For RtnL" .
rieasarti Past
Mra. Guatave Hahn and daughter,
Ivouise, returned Monday from a six
weeks' may at Klkhart lake.
lira. A. Welae gave an afternoon tea
Tuj.dey In honor of Mra. Radio of Den
ver, the guet of Mra. K. Klrschbraun. A
centeipin-e of rosea and geraniums dec
orated the lea table. Twelve gueata were
Pionie tt Kiikwood.
Mi- Kxther W!ll,,im vt R p;cr,n
eur.-er this evening at Kirk wood In fcnnnr
r Si l.UUan Kluty of ritteburgh, the
giu-frt of Mine Grace Allison. After aup- ,
r trie gueata will dance at the Country
Uub. Tlioae rrcaent will be:
To Prevent
Falling Hair
l.i. i h'.iai.
1 I ill S-ed,
! h4iih Heed.
i'.Hii l'nuiclieriy,
' I titl I '! lJ,
Tt le,
(,II Ml)lli.
. . - t ri'ibern n.
Fumy Keller,
l.iTHi.lllMi llra '
of i o'lr.cil ikiuffs,
lleln Ualker
of tVuncll l luffs,
lKK .ll.
L.oia Hurt
of c.iiiHli Bluffa
Joliii C aldwell.
rj i auti.'ieriy. lul,ett i-.dwcrds.
ti I y.
. ..'. iridic,
r.n Kvuiitxe,
tl 1 111 M l'fll-11
l'.olrfit rt" it.
)..ndite Klrliendiill,
JikIjhxi utra,
ilenry Hart
ut ("tiudiii bluffs.
I;?t:tal ia llaioa City.
Mr arvl Sire. Henry Cos: wera preaented
lii a Ji-iiit tecital ou fYtdav evening at
ti.e c'icSl hotel In Muun City. Ia. The
pfsxtttn H cuiiiH;aed cf pvinilar sho;-t
a. ,1 ,i .
IX t'.e licli Club.
;.:r snd Mra. C. 8.. Montgomery will
i.i..jt;u it dinner this eienu;g forjudge
Mi Ointment
Are moat successful because they re
move ciandruCT, allay itching and irrita
tion, ki-p tba ecklp clean, and promote
Leehhy, hair growing conditione.
Samples Free by Mall
Cuimira up a4 ucacuM sate rarkm.
lMn KSPK at ooS HHH r tih lp. Wo4,
UIe "tllUtUH," iMet. VJ, Si iIIM.
a) '
aaeaaif..... i iaaa ay.-.r. .v efSt -sajeawa,-
j o
1 1 1
' ' " V
: '?:
. - ' 5
' ' ' , '- "
. nty
j f:r':'
. ' ) I (if; . ' ' ill
w "I r 111
W. D. Hoiford, Chairman of Ball
Committee, Announce! American
Coronation Ball.
An American coronation, whatever
that Is, Is to be seen at Ak-Bar-Ben
den this year on the evening of the
grand ball this year.
Hitherto the king of Ak-Sar-Den
hua been crowned annually amid all
the pompous ceremonies of a Six
teenth century or a medieval court
function. W. D. Hoaford, chairman
of the ball committee, announces that
this year some of the ancient court
stuff Is to be done away with, and
that there Is to be an American ball
and an American coronation.
With that remark W. D. Hoeford
caught a train and hiked out of town.
Until he geta back the patient society
people who went to know how to dress
for the occasion will be puszled as to
whether this "coronation" Is to follow
the ceremonies of a twentieth century
Inauguration of a president of ths Amer
ican republic, or whether it la to follow
the coronation ceremonies that would be
likely to be witnessed in America if the
River of Doubt should ever be crowned
' Ta Wear Kalckers.
"Knickerbockers will probably be worn
by the governors."
This much of a bint W. D. Hosford
flings back from the steps of ths train
before he goes.
That Is consoling, too, for It will give
Everett Buckingham of stock yards
fame ample time to have his chapa out
down and tied with a bow at the
Ijist year the knights could not march
at th ecoronation because their uniforms
got wet end ruined the night before In
the electrical parade. Thla year their
uniforms are to be properly preeerved
and they are to march.
Gaiety Johnson is
Catching Real Fish
E. Ia Johnson, manager of the Oayety
theater, ia not only acmling back fish
stories from the wilds of Shell Lake,
Wis., but Is sending fish aa well, as some
of his Omaha friend can testify. lie
writes that he Is having a aplcndld time,
but does not say whether he will come
back with those famous whiskers, which
he cut off a year ago. He gays he will
return about August IS, to redecorate and
remodel the Oayety for the winter run
Han Francisco Is Just a small village if
one may Judge from the way Harry
Byrne accidentally met Omaha people at
every turn there. It may be that Frisco
la email, or that Omaha la better repre
sented there than any other city In the
world. Mr. Byrne saw II. J. Penfold
juat In pasalng. Then around the corner
he bumped smack Into W. J. Burgess.
In a cafe he met E. V. Parrlsh and
Roma Miller, Mr. Miller'a aon Billy, and
daughter, Mra. Waggener. Then Oma
hans got to be such a common occurence
that Mr. Bryne ceased to count them or
keep any record of them. They are all
having a good time at San Francisco.
Photo Craft Shop
"Film pact a Hats.,
41S See lJg.
Films Developed Free.
When Purchased .Front Vs.
Frists So to So. a-Kour Sernoe.
Rent rocftns quick with a Bee Went Ad.
A future) For You
A laeratlre araettce aae a lit of aufutaena Is
aftserea every man aad woman who are coaselvn
Clous ene will enroll Is a school ot roputo found
S ta tat ea rooosnlied br too Psna State Board
Diplomas sre Era mad In maaaas, mvdloal and
eoroctl eriusaatire and electro and Hydrotherapy.
C'laeaM sow Corming. Write Of oall at oaoe lor
Informatlo and catalogue. Rates wltaln roach of
St.. t-btladslahia. fana.
-I !r
rr nu.r-r
For Every Cooking Purpose
Whether for Cakes, puddings, custards, cream soups or
gravies wherever you have been using bottle) milk or cream
you o& get better results with Cottage Milk.'
It li more economical than bottle milk every drop can be need. It Is
always on your shelf ready for ute so you don't have to plan your cooking
and baking a day ahead.
It it good to the last drop. In bottle milk the richness goes Into ths
cream which It genera!! used for coffee or cereals while the blus milk it
used la baking and cooking. Aad thia blus milk hasn't the proper food
value to Insure taiitfactory and uniform results. With Cottage Milk you
can use part of it full strength for cream sad dilute the rest fur cooking
purposes and always bare the proper food valus.
Cottage Milk It of the highest quality and uniformity at all times.
It kas swore) thaa twice) tha food value of bottle) Bulk. Order a
supply i-wiay. unce von leans the quality, conven
ience and economy of Cottage Milk you'll never go
backa-to bottle milk.
77, Mtfk Without th Cooked Tau
I t T nr c? r? 1 in.
A At all Cooe DaeJers "
it American Milk Company
S sis.eaalleta1 liasst status!. tliatlshsJH iiltiialiwaissiafaa's ssW.eM Ilal n.lJaf, L . -fyf trt; , i, rr1,n r-jl
V . J
Special Lot of Palm
Beach Suits, $6.98
One rack of smart and nobby
Palm Beacb suits In several
different styles, made of the
genuine Palm Beach and worth
to $16.00. Special Thursday
Silk & White Serge
Suits at $12.50
Your choice of about 25 suits
made of fine serges and all
alls: Shantungs. In smart and
summery effects, some have
sold at high as $49.00, at
rvni atBJ Jgi. El I
I aw ta .1 v l l I sjisj i aai SJ grl it
J12.50 . V 3.95
- : ' -' V
Worth to $10 and
We offer choice of 400 beau
tiful wash frocks, In white and
colors, stripes, figures and plain
voiles, lawns, linens, dimities,
etc. Every one a new, up-to-date
frock. Special at
So n n
Silk Jersey Sport
Coats at $3.95
Your choice of a lot of the
season's smart coats, made of
silk Jersey In the pretty sum-'
mer colors; plain with cuffs,
collar and sash. Regular $10.00
values, at
Better SHOES Reduced
On the Main Floor
All our $3.50 and $4.00
Pumps and Oxfords for
Women, In patent leather
and dull leather, plain or
fancy tops, hand-turned
soles; all new, splendid
styles and patterns; Louis
heels. All sizes and
widths. 8pe- tQ qj
ckally priced, prPeOO
Bath Slippers for Men ,
and Women, leather I Bath,n Shoes and Slip-
soles, velvet cord bound.
All slses. a r
Special. palr....i7C
pers, Tango laced,
slses, special,
I ms a a a
r 1
Uainty BLUiJSES Lower
The Kind 'the Majority of Women
and Young Women Live Etest
Garden Smocks, slight
ly soiled; values to
$6.98. Specially priced
Thursday, bt
Crepe de Chine and Lingerie
mouses, values torn 4 Jf
$2.60. special, at..J1.0i7
Middy Blouses, sizes 8 to 14
to $1.60, Thursday
3,000 Pairs Shoes Like Those We Had Last Week for $1
Xeek. Thiri art V. natrndier,.H Ta,UM that ensatlonl history ol our Dollar Shoe Sale last
Mtorda. wfth 7h ti -L,Caher Kmp, wh,te buck t01"" Avon patterns, canvas shoes, tan calf
oxfords, with rubber soles, etc., etc. The same great bargains worth to $3.60; pair .....SI.uO
c - ass
BS1 - wa a . Ja.
1 I. lil t I? -f
For $17.50 More
than VOUT ExDOSition ticket, via direct mutM to rnlifnrni.-i sTl
This is the greatest travel offer of a decade. See this empire yellowstonj!
w UKKJ yituiueur, sei wiin sucxi snow-capped gems as
Mt. Hood, Mt Adams, Mt. Rainier and Mt St. Helens.
Glimpse the last frontier of the U. S. Much that is wild, as
you have fancied it, and as your forefathers found it. The
scenic Columbia River ha3 no superior in natural beauty.
You view it for two hundred miles by daylight on the
r. i
Standard Road of the West
enroute to Spokane, Portland, Tacoma and Seattle.
This tour Include gtop-over at Denver, Colorado Springs, Ogden
and Salt Lake City. Choice of rail or Portland & San Francisco S. S. Co.'a
steamers between Portland and San Francisco, berth and meals In
cluded, both Expositionnd Los Angeles. Connects at Seattle with
tha Alaska S. S. Cc's steamers making four different tours of Alaska.
For slight additional expense) you may visit Estos Park, Rocky Moun
tain, Yellowstone, Crater Lake, Rainier and Yosemita National Parks.
For complete information concerning thia tour, fill out cou-
yiM sums aueua tuuay.
p m. ' . awl
iah ttmMr-
1S Saimaaa St.. Oauiia, keh.
ahea Vimm. SaS
VLtt OU FaithM Inm. r.ffoaMfaM NaHomcl
MnS aae
gailoa. book
it a d cHotl..
.K V .nn.l I Ia. .
' en the Oreel faetse
... Uu a
a. a . " A
' X