THE TIKE: OMAHA. TUrHSDAV. AI'dl'ST 12, 1H. f " ' tM'jMJTa'r'riiTTrirrii . mihhi mi i i Lii' it 1 i m" n t TTTWTi it?t tt ttt r,;TTiT"TT's' i"srsi nsm r 5 LlioUuaELuI uau I t Ford Will Distribute $800,000 To Nebraska Ford Owners Aug. 15 What Will You Do With Your $50 Profit Sharing Check? ;5 Vli t. .. I f ' ' .1 lailor to the Ford Branch Our tailoring delights young men for its exclusiveness in stylo and appeals to older men for its conserv ativeness. Call and see our lino of fabrics for your fall suit. NORMAN LEWIS ...Fina Tailoring.,, 305 South Nineteenth St. 7 Investment 7 jn.00 KAVK1) n iKjO.OO KAIt.NKI). HOME BUILDERS (Inc.) Tnvites you to invest your GIFT DOLLARS and your SPARE DOLLARS earned by hard work in HOMB BUILDERS' 7C7 Preferred JO Shares With Mortgage Security and with Guilders ' I'rofits. Nov.- earning present shareholder over J0 per annum. Authorized capital of $200,000 with not $1.00 of bonded indebtedness. Investigate! Our free booklet, the "New Way," gives full information. Home Builders (Inc.) American Security Company, Fiscal Agents, 202 So. 17th St. Douglas 5013. h r- , r fcrrT . 1 MIS" Henry Ford. Jun 16th. 1901, th Ford Motor Compuiiy wm offlclmlty bora to th commercial llf of tlie world. At th riKj or tlie rirnt floral ynar 1.T0X cr had bn built. Th fac tory payroll hulil tho naniea of 111 mpluyaa. A branch houa waa catau Uphrd In Now York City. At tha rloaa of the twelfth flcal year (July XI. l1ft, over 100,000 rara will have been niaria and aold Hhln tlie yar. Tnareara IS branchaa aiij 16 axaeinbllnir plants (any on of which doe mora hustneaa ann lal'y thait the entire oualneas of tlia company In Ha first two years). 25,000 employe with 11,000 on the factory payroll, Bualnesa firm year, ll,0uu,i0.uO, bus iness for 1916, 1110.000 009.00. The Fvrd Motor Company nhartia profits with Its employes pfroxl tnatlnr about tlO.OOO.AOO annually, and will share profits with Font buyers who have bnuRht Kord cars at retail (from August, 14, to Aurust, lilt), to the extent of 116,000,000 or more. WosfinghouGO Starting and Light ing Syotom for Ford Caro This synttm has bn spclallT dssljnsd nd bultt for Perd Cart bj the n esUsot maDUfacturen of elrtrlctl apparatus In the world. It curt the absolute guarantee of quality and aerrlce that goei with erery WeMlnghouse product. Let u ahow you thla outfit In operation or send you descriptive booklet. The Installation of a Westlnghouse nifans abundance of light whenever needed. Quick, sure starting from the seat without danRer or exertion. 2051 FARIIAr.1 STREET POWE LL pnotiE J3UPPLY COMPANY BOOGLflS OMAHA 921 Ford Owners Throw a Little Light on the Subject tr Head Lights Tail Lights Side Lights Dash Lights Trouble Lights and Bright Lights Obtain this by. installing ah electric self-starter. . No expense to main tain. Generates its own current. Complete With Lights $77.50 installed Complete Without Lights $70.00 installed Absolutely Guaranteed Master Sales Co. oS'llJEa Spend Some Money on Your Home! That little contribution from Henry Ford will buy a fine Edison Phonograph and a bunch of Records, or you could make the first pay ment on one of the best cabinet machines with records. You have always wanted to own an Edison, and your Ford money solves the little problem of the expense. DIFFERENT STYLE ED1SON5, $30.00 to $250.0.1 Come and hear the world's great singers, musicians and musical organizations In concert and solo selections. Our demonstrators are al ways at your service. Let us show yott the superiority of the Edison process. SHULTZ BROS.. The Edloon Sliop, 313 S. 15th St. Phone Doug. 4622 The Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph. Uhy lot Bay a Rebuilt Typewriter? W. bav. thsm tm all Biases, Sams of wlUelt are pra. U colly t4 as msw, lrle4 a S10 to S45 Xati-vsH stock of Type writer BnppUsa Im Oiubt to s.Uot from. Sola .a kf Vobsf sack" basU U yomf. Bet satUflsd, Midland Typewriter and Supply Go. t'M Ilee Dntldtnc rhon. D. 8147. Wants swap something for omethinf else more useful to you? Use the Swappers column of The Bee. Make Your Promise Good to Yourself You Ford owners have probably promised your self a good tailor made suit some time when you had the cash to spare. Now Is the Tine come in and let us make you a nice fitting, good wearing suit to order. Yon will get absolutely tho most expert fit and work manship combined . with the finest fabrics at tho. lowest prices. $35to$50 JOHN RYLEN TAILOR . 205 Paston Clock An Acre or Half Acre in Benson Gardens Omaha's finest Acreage Subdivision. Would make a good investment for your Profit-Sharing Check It will make payments for about 5 months on an acre. Get a plat and literature telling more about it. Terms on an acre S10 Down, $10 a Month HASTINGS & HEYDEN . v 1614 HARNEY STREET. Spend some . of your Ford $50.00 here. Have your old clothes made new. All work guaran- 1 teed. We call for and A deliver promptly. V y322 South 14th Street Phono Douglas HfiOQ Cleaning Carbon and Grinding Valves GILSOH AUTO REPAIR SHOP 2230 Parnam limy herviie, LKmik. 97. Xight hervice, Doug. 42fl3. FORD Commercial Bodies $25 to $100.00 Lot us show you what we can do on prices and tell you what you can do with a Ford in a commer cial way. Every extra pound of weight in a truck body means more gasoline, more tires, more repair, aud every pound not need ed is dead loss. A pound i a pound, but a pound not needed in a body for a Ford car is a much more serious pound than an ex tra pound on a five ton track. Tho heaviest of these Ford bodies weigh no moro than the Ford tour ing car body and top. . A. J. SIMPSON & Son Co. 1407-9-11 Dodge St. "Swappers' Column" Just to say "Swappers' Column" is al most sufficient. Who hasn't heard of it and doesn't know what hundreds of peo pld are using it for? Who is there to whom the chance for a food trade doesn't appeal? Every person who reads these columns can count one or more things among his belongings that he would be glad to exchange for something more useful. People are actually getting into profit able businesses through the medium of the "Swappers' Column." Every imagin able thing is offered for trade in this col umn from a section of land to a bottle of hair tonic. A SUGGESTION-Don't Spend That $50.00! Invest It! EVANSTON in Dundee offers you tho safest and best investment in the city. Tho prices are far below tho actual value of the lots and values are sure to go much higher because of the character of the growth and devel opment going on. Moreover, it offers you a most ideal place to build a home. Special improvements are fast being completed and nothing is being overlooked to make it an addition of character, beauty and pormanenoe. EVanston lots are being sold on very easy payments 910, $15, $20, $25 per month. INVESTIGATE EVANSTON NOW-It will pay you! Call Douglas 2596. H. H. HARPER & CO., 1013-14 City National Bank Building. O Start in using the "Swappers Col umn. Come to The Dee office and let us how you how to do it. Telephona Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE CMryUstr Sm Wmt Asts Special to Ford Owners FORD EZER, Shock Absorber $7.50 HAND KLAX0NETTE , $3.80 TOOL BOX $2.00 VULCANIZER $1.80 JACKS . . 75i Consumers Auto Supply Co, 1921 FARNAM STREET 9 ar-4 O