thk omaha. Thursday, aiticst 12, i;n.v TRAINLOAD OF GOLD TEX" ADMITS HE HARRY TIIAW IN OMAHA He is viewing the attrac tions of the city under escort of Postmaster John 0. Whar ton, whose nephew is traveling with the Thaw party. ) . KILLEDKIRKLAND Say He Hit Switchman 0?er the Head with Pick Handle in Self-Defente. WlIfiLSSES STORIES DIITZE Jo GaMa,' Mexican, of San An tonio, Tex., known as "Tex," has con fessed to Chief of Detectives Maloney that he struck Frank Klrkland, switchman, over the head with a plckhandle at Seventh and Leaven worth street. Tuesday nliht. Klrk dled t St. Joseph's hospital yester day niornlnc. Guru, who works on the I'n.on Fsolflo railroad a a nation tiand. Sfvernpsnlrd another Mfl-Rn In search of Klrklnnd. whom, the 1 utter said, hnd rohbed him. j Finding th fallow, Gsrxa says he Frank Dsufhrrty, 719 l,eavenworth sti-t, hand Klrkland a revolver and picking- up j a plckhaniile with which to defend himself. Gana approached and demanded that Klrkland give his fellow countryman the money that had been stolen from him. Oarsa says reached for his itvolver and with that he struck the switchman on the head, knocking him unconscious: After the other Mexican had taken the gun from Klrkland' s pock-t the two went back to their bunk car. where Carxa was found and arrested. Daugherty. who was also taken as a etate witness, told Captain Maloney a similar story, as to the actual assault, only differing tn the psr tlcular that. Instead of amling Klrkland a revolver, he had taken one from the fellow lie asserts thst be knew nothing of any robbery. The police are searching for the second Mexican. Abbott Klrkland, brother of the dead man, who was arrested also, asserts that he had had trouble with several Meslcans earlier In the evening and believes the fight really arose ever this. CONFEREES HAVE APPROVED APPEAL TOMEXICO CHIEFS (Continued from Tsge One.) rr u r i V' -I L : , Y if I i -' SIX IMDICTIIENTS IH EASTLAND CASE Tour Owner Charged with Man laughter and Two Employe! with Criminal Negligence. CAPTAIN AND ENGINEER NAMED CHICAGO, Aug. 11. Indictments charging; manslaughter and criminal carelessness were returned before Jndge Kersten In the criminal court today In connection with the Kustland disaster. The captain and engineer and four officers of the Bt. Joseph-Chicago Steamship company, ownera of the boat, were named. Those indicted were: r.eorge T. Arnold, president of th com psn. William H. Hull, vice president and general manager. W. C. Kteelo. secpetarv-trrasurer. Ray W. Davis, assistant secretsxy-treae- urer. Bank of England Sendi Fifty-Two Millions on Battleship to Hali fax N. 8. PUT ON SPECIAL TRAIN THERE NEW YORK, Aug. 11. A "pe dal train, carrying $52,000,000 worth of gold and securities, which bad been shipped by the Bank of England at London by way of Hali fax, N. 8., to thla city, arrived here today. The train was composed of several steel cars and waa guarded by forty armed men. Of the total shipment, 133,000,000 was in gold and was believed to be In the form of American double eagle. The weight of the gold shipment was about seventy five tons. It was said te be the largest single shipment of gold ever sent across the Atlantic ocean in one vessel. It was brought over In a British battle- Harry federwen, captain of the East-, ship, which was convoyed through the land. , I war sone and across the ocean by a Joseph M. Ericsson, enclneer. I . . . Bonds were fixed at .uu each for the cruiser and a flotilla of torpedo boat de- offlclaU and $10,000 each for siroysrs, io Buaru aainai an i .... tiuw.,, Thn two last I German submarines. The cost of trans- company Pederson HAKRT THAW. JOHN C. WHAItTON. louiity a flag bearing the wurUs In .-panieh: "Army of Liberation fur Mexicans In Texss." Officers here tody, when Informed of the Washington report that Carransa sol i irrs bave been crossing Into Texas, sa that they have information that for sev eral days thirty to forty Mexicans dally have been crossing Into Texas. Some of thm appeared to have been Carransa oolitlera. Many carried three cartridge belt. Ueneral Seott Dewbta Story. EL I'ABO. Tex., Aug. 11. Major Gen eral Hugh U Scott, chief of staff of the I'uited States army, said today that he doubted the accuracy of dispatches Im porting an Invasion of Texas of UK Car ransa troops to the neighborhood of IlrownevUI. "I have no edvloea of the matter," he said. laaeet Bltea aad) lafeetlaa Daageraas. Apply tfioan's Unlment to any bite, Hlisg or bruise; It kills the polaon and heals the wound. Only Sc. All druggists. -Advertise merit. RATES DECISION FAYORS SHIPERS (Continued from Page One.) Girl Who Killed Man is Exonerated VANBUKEN. Ark.. Aug. U.-Kthel lHxon, 14 years old. last eight told a coroner's Jury how she shot and killed Prank Ilollldsy on a fruit farm nesr hers yesterday, using llolllday's shot gun. She shot when' Holllttax attempted to assault her. she said. The coroner's Jury re turned a verdict finding her blameless. west. It affects, indirectly,, every rail road In the United States and the com mission today served notice of Its action upon I.W large and email lines. The de c 11 n d'.-nlns all the more Important In creases. The advances granted are, In the viewpoint of the commission, of relatively tittle significance. Sovea MIIHaa laeraaa. , The commission Itself has no final esti mate of the amount of the Increases In dollars and cents. Prom various esti mates of record, however, made by wit nesses for both sides and baaed upon the higher figures where the estimate dis agreed, the following table announced In the decision. Indicates roughly the annual increase In the railway revenues and the Increases being allowed to go Into effect: Grain and grain producta, $2,M0,ZJ7. Uvs stock, Il.tuO.WO. lackine houss products and fresh meats, tl.ano.onft. Coal, tUZH.iii. Tills makes, with other Items, a total Of Daalele llarlsm Dtsaeat. . Plsaentlng reports were fllod by Com missioners Paniela and Harlan. Differing from the attempt of the east ern railroads to get a t per cent Increase, the westera roads, Instead of asking a named are . charged with criminal care lessness, snd the officials with man slaughter. Separste bills were returned against the captain and the engineer, while the four officials were named In a Joint In dictment. Three Csstet Disaster. The report of the grand Jury finds that the disaster was caused by 'Instability under conditions of loading." and states that the Instability was due to "one of three main causes, or ajiy two, or all of them," as follows; First The overloading of the vessel with paesengers. Second The mishandling of water ballast. 1 Third The construction, or tne vessel. '. The report says that the Eastland be i gan loading passengers without water ballast, and belated efforts to fill the tanks failed of success. "That the Instability of the boat was not corrected yeara before we regard as Indicating criminal carelessness or In competence on the part of all persons - connected with the design, construction control, operation and Inspection of the boat." says the report. It points out that federal Inspectors have the right to refuse a permit to the boat, but that they are ferrlng It from London ts New Tork was estimated today to have been 0,- 000. ' It waa said that the British battleship brought over not only the ti2.000.000 In gold and securltcs for New Tork. but also a shipment of gold destined for Canada, whose treasury recently sent gold amounting to 1135,000,000 to New Tork. fee ted carriers generally throughout In creased operating costs." Ballraads Arc Dlapoled. CHICAGO. Aug. ll.-The western freight generally not trained men and falle4 to rate adjustment by the Interstate Com merce commission was largely disappoint ing to the heads of the railroads affected. The advances are much less than we make stability testa "The handling of ballast by the officers of the boat Indicates an entire lack of understanding of the nature and proper had a light to expect, as Commissioner uses of water ballast and an absolute Daniels, who heard the evidence and disregard of safety after repeated warn filed a dissenting opinion, said," com- ngs and frequent Indications of extreme mented E. D. Bewail, rloe president of j instability, continues the report, which the Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul, r Uo criticises tha system of water bal- "Hewever we are thankful for small favors." Mr. Sewall'a remarks were typical others. of last employed as not preventing the shift ing of the ballast. Auto Falls Fifty Feet; Man is Killed CLEVELAND, O.. Aug. 1L One man French Millionaire Sentenced to Exile PARIS, Aug. 11. Tha permanent court marshal at Marseilles baa sentenoed Henri Racine, a millionaire perfume d's filer of Mentone, to perpetual deportation and payment of eeata of the proceedings for supplying essence of nerolla and KO tons of olive oil through a Lausanne firm to a famoua perfumer of Cologne. GERMANS INVENT NEW METHOD OF MAKING PAPER W.El'N, Via Wmdnn, Aug. 11 O, r,an selentiitts have discovered a method of making print papsr without cellulose. , It is alleged that teats have proved this new method better than the old and that it will cheapen prices and niaks Germany independent of foreign countries for thts srtide. VICTORY TOWL OMAHA INTERESTS Big Bavlas; t Prodacers and C awaeere tar This Territory. ( Railroad freight traffic officials feel was killed and five were seriously In that they have sustained a decisive ie- Jured today when an automobile In whloh feat tn the decision of the Interstate the party was returning from tha Grif Commerca commission, just handed down, fithe-gaylor prise fight at Akron crashed Wherein an Increase is denied on the down a fifty-foot embankment after leap principal commodities on which they m through the rail of a fcridge over the asked for mora money for the haul. On , Erl railroad tracks, several miles aouth the other hand, traffic men of the Omaha i" ' tP ctyy Commercial club are in high glee, con-1 , rt Pi n 1 1 tending that Attorney McVann. who opT : NlTlfl Uralc SlinK DV Doaad th advano won ' & nmnnnnMil I v victory for Omaha. Issue were Joined and the hearing in what haa com to be known as the "Western Advanced Rate Case,' was started In Chicago. March 4, and con Sale of Steamer Trunks These aro some of tha moot wonderfuj .alnae w hava ever of farad. Made of fine, baaawood box, covered with heavy, oil painted duck, bound with vulcan ised fibre, hardwood . slats, and hoary leather straps; good brass ed hardware and lock, neatly lined and fitted with covered tray. Not thee prloee and eon the trunks; you couldn't do better 'elsewhere: 30-inch CC CH TrunW $D.DU 32-inch Trunks 34-inch Trunks $6.00 $6.50 Freling & Steinle "OaV, Bt Einqt BoIlW 1803 Farnain-St. German Submarines LONDON, Aug. 1L The sinking of nine craft was announoed thla afternoon. uniform Increase, singled out particular , tlnued almost constantly until early In j Thf wer th" Brttl,h tJnr Oakwood, JHf) 1 BS illll WVSWU fcn anawa asast sww w waa . h At .. I trawlers, the Young Admiral, the ' - ' - .uiiitnuw n r- kk. k. Iln.t,,. h r.ln, the Trevlre. the Welcome and the Utopia. The crews were saved. commodities, moving mainly In carload Ms and specified Increases, changes af-1 fectlng minimum weights, Increased charges for special service, and In creased rates on a number of miscel laneous articles. They based these claims for adltlonal revenue on the ground of financial needs, the downward tendency j of their net earuings and because, the commodities involved do not bear their equitable share of the burden. The state commissions and other bodies denied that the financial condition of the roads warranted Increased rates. The region more particularly affected by the decision embraces Illinois. Wis consin, Minnesota, the Dakota, Colorado, 'Nebraska. Iowa, Kansas, Missouri,' Ar kansas. Louisiana. Texas. Oklahoma, New Mexico and the ooal traffic area of Indiana. Kentucky and Alabama. Daalela for Greater r'waeesataas. , Commissioned Danluls In his dissent held the roads were entitled to Increases far in excess" of those granted by to days decision. He waa convinced that the majority of the commission tn re fusing the principal increases took the position that the financial straits of th railroads were traceable to mal-admin ror by Mr. McVann was won and It Is asserted that tha decision means much for tha producers and consumer tn Omaha trade territory. Tkorae Calls It Victory. DBS MOINES. Ia.. Aug. lt-CUfford Throne, chairman of th Iowa Railway commission and chief of the counsel rep. resenting th shippers at tha western rata hearing, said at his home her today that th award of th Interstate Commerce commission was a great vlo- tory for , his side. . 'I am delighted." he said. lie added that nine-tenths of th Increase' asked In which Iowa, waa Interested had been denied. Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent." A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into cash. Coadltlaa. of National tlaaka. WAPIIINOTON. Aur. 11 (Bpeclal Tel egram.V The abstract of the condition of the National banks of Nebraska, exclu sive or reserve cities, at tne close ot buslneMS on June IX as reported to the comptroller of the currency, shows the reserve held at per cent; loans and dlerounts, tci.3lB 74: gold coin, tl.02.6U; lawful money reserve, $2,707,681; deposits, ..... Dewartssoat Orders. ' WA8HINOTON. Aug. 11. (Special Trl- PKTam. NeDrasaa pensions - granted r.lla Virginia Arlrup, DeWeeee, til; Kits abeth Re-d. Coaad. Ill Omar N, Anderson was reappointed postmaster at veraun, urown county, Bourn uaxoia. HYMENEAL A hra m-T k less a. FAIRBUKT. Nob.. Aug. U.-(Bpeal.) A wedding waa solemnised at fa home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tblessea iA Janata. Fix Bille BortUoast of hare, when their uu,twr, Mine jtgtiea, was married to Henry Abrama. The Rev. J. K. Shellen-I'c-rger, pastnr of the Christian church In letreUon. The commissioner held that there was no question as to tha fact of the financial affairs of the Rock island Frisco system and the Alton, which he referred to as having beep wrecked and plundered, but held the rate Increase were Justified on their ow merit. He added that the railroads had "abundantly demonstrstrd" that their operating Income Was smaller than ts Hemsnded In the public Interest. Commiasloner Italian's dint was lirluf. merely holding that, aside from me nnaneiai condition of the rallroada. l Ms city, cifftiiatrd, and Immediate rela tives of the r.nlractlng parties wltneaaed he was convinced that the Increases they the wed'ilog. The brldo was beaullf ully j aked were Juf and reasonable. He fctUrtd In a guwn of white silk lce ever ilk. Mr. ALrama Is at present supertn tvndunt of the Jefferson county schools, Tkornr-lnsllsw, IOOMVS, Nfl.. Aug. 11. Hpe'lsl. Mr. Duke XI. Tl.orpe of Rertrand and .M:s Myrtle A. Hwallo of I.oomts. were uwrrlrd ha turd iv evening et the local ( 'nig',jU nsl parsor.aso, by Rev. II. ii. 1 jihe. Tiny v. Ill mnke tlielr hums la frMM-Aksalt. concurred in the increases allowed In the msjorlty report, but was unable t agree with the rvfusal to grsnt incresses on llvs stock, frsh meats, parking houne producta and cotton piece foods. Ro Oyeratlwat Hatlwe Tea Lare. j The major.ty held that the financial , experience of the roads had beea that ot j industry generally, but referred to the possibility "that particular carriers, by reason of financial mismanagement, re- ! fleeted la their operating methods, have nut mm mil: (MS JICST GO ?GE8 UJEEK Can't you use another pair of high-grade PERFECT low cuts, when you can buy them at thee clean-up prlceaT We have weeka and week of warm weather ahead ot us- you'll get plenty wear out of them. Hurry If you want them, while they are celling AT ADOUT HALF PRICE Tt ! gum Armaitd Pro. of Urooklyn X. V., and Mi Cajnllla Abbott of Kali t.i,r, Kaiuua. were married here today ly i(v. Ii. F. Gathers. 1!:ATRICK. Nrb.. Aug. U.-SpoIhI been uneoonomical and wss the result of . expenditure aed thu necessarily In- , creased their operating ratios." j "It does not ai ptar." tha majority held, ' "that any uniform relationship caa be ! traced between the present level of tite ' oreratlng ratio of carriers, whose financtol scminlstration has been culpable end of the remaining carriers. Similarly ir-1 stances of notable increase la the eper aUng (alios do not seem to be ctnTlnti I to roads such as the Re- I .land er the Frisco. The aegatlve conclusloa recwl-ed In this coanecttoa u but confirmatory of tha fe t that toe general Increase to the tiM rating ratios Is traceable te deep ,aud uul.rljlng reuses hlch have af- DEATH RECORD. Delia X. Mlaer. 1.KJM1.S. Ncii.. Aug. ll.-CprciaM-Miss Jw-'.U 'I M!nr dlfd st her hoioe at ti ia (. Ti -! ni 'riling, after several v..' r.lm-n. The complaint was heart t! . Vi il v,s at on tune a i,.-.i.b-r ' i ' i. !-' iiil S' ti'ivl faculty, b;.t fi.r 'it Uri m cr Mien yat his bren ;t. II.,' fiil'Tjll m bill tocy. Fon vvor.iEn S4.7S $4.45 $3.75 $1.45 J?.83 Ijilrd Schober's t S0 hand-made i'elta tiiinpa now Ird Schober's !&. patent dull and tan I'umi a. now Sriht I'etera' IS O I'atunt. tliill and while calf lops, at Ilk palre broken lne tixforOe and straps, kid Slid palenta, now 11 II. tlray s patent txfrts, extra n.ial. at......... Ten llnert. all good makes, straps pumps ana button t'xforJs 1 patenta. dull ami kids, J'.llJ up to 4.t vaiues FOR MEN Johnston a Murphy's t 60 tan Russia aud gun metal Oxfords, at , MaclKtnald s Kll.ey s f .0 snd 15.00 Ol fords, at Slater Morrill's 15 00 tan calf cloth top Oxfords. now. RevnoKta. Drake Gabel'a M tan and black rub ber sole Oxfords Howard Foster's tt.l and gun metal Oxford, at Ten lines 14.00 Oxfords, tan Russia. cUf and pwleuta. at $1.75 $4.45 $3.75 $2.85 $3.45 $2.85 "IlEViILL TRUST YOU" Tou can get your clothes on eagy credit terms. 91.00 a Week L sr BEDDE0, 1417 Douglas HOTELS - Extra Spsch! ia IVhitss AVe have Included In this big Clearing Pale every pair Wrlgbt A 1 eters' tii.0 and m rjp it Imported buck Ij.JJ aid linen shoes, for. .,. sew I l i S I 11 t X V - ' Extra Sps&l fcr f.!ea til pairs of li e and It tan and black Oxfords, broken fines, entail end large stsee; k 4 f our olioic Jl.lfJ V. ... 3r rVev T tre , - liiomsonsrorei. gtr4 Chicago ujzxzz EveryRoomwitha Bath ' U Uomtm mf thm BostonOysterHouse FsfnotMforkstnwxcledserrkxpoetiB Ipgdisbessndaaoigaialy and good cheer. Dine in the Dutch Grill t saWiwiai eaieatja, TsMmMstej 77m Hotmt f dPaWWcf Smrdcm mWef 90 a, M. . r l ' C- ' I ..f. ' '.ii ,,i (itt) Mew l .. fk I -I i "! r --"III I ' .rr1rir mi . . r . Thompson-3elclen Negliees and Kimonos for the Autumn of 1915 We take particular pleasure in announcing the arrival of these new styles, knowing that they are attractive and novel enough to meet with your approval. Notice the golfine robes in delicate shades, unlined, $6.75. Lined with China Silk, $15. You Are Invited to Inspect Thi Showing Whenever Convenient The August Linen Sale READY MADE ROLLER TOWELS 50c ready made roller towels, - - - - 35c 75c ready made roller towels, 50c SALE OF TURKISH BATH MATS $1.75 fine Turkish Bath Mats go on sale Thurs day for - - - - - $1.25 "That Economy Coffee PAXT0YS GAS ROASTED COFFEE tt Onlyln G aMboCaxraUl The Each Qaa Boasted d&reet tn th fl&roa quickly not in oreog slowly saves you the strength and deli cate aroma that is economy. Then baying in a 2-Ib. c&n at 60o tha quantity pric Is eoooomy. A Trial Can Will Conduce You i ? . J . .. . ' i Low Excursion Fares to New York - Boston and Jersey Coast Resorts via Washington Long return limits. Liberal stop overs. Circle Tours wide choice of routes, including both rail and water. Tickets on sale until September 30. The Best of Service ever the famous Sceale Root of Eastern America. Four Modem Elactric-Llglitad St Trains Leavs Chicago Grand Central Station, Chicago, 8 a, 103 a. ra, 5:45 p. nv, 930 p. nu, eia Pituburgh, Washington, Baltlmor and Philadelphia. x. c iTsora, TraveHn PaKwnger kttmt, 10.1 W. O. W. Bid-, Oaaaaa. sb. . Baltimore r Ohio "Oar foieaner Arm OW Cassrs . (1 , . If: AlfUSEMENTfl. AHCIEMCHTI. Maminoth Tractor Demonstration Fremont. Neb., August 9-14 iG rnanufactnrors entered, 80 tractors, 80 plows. ,1,000 acres of. stubble will be plowed, harrow ed, disced, etc., during the week.' W. J. Bryan and Governor Morehead will be present at the opening, Auguot 9. Remarkable motion picture scenario will bo ataged Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Joe Stecher will wrestle Thursday. Blp barbecue dinner Friday. All demon strations and entertainments are free. . For further details, write TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, Omaha Or phone Tyler 1C00. CAN FRANCISCO eeaiT at Tarlo. CCLLEVUG HOTEL 1 mlnutas to Bawltlon without trsnsfer. Uullt of evnerst and stseL I'rivsls bath to evsry room. Urst class In every dst&lL Ratns from ti up. H. VVULa, manairvr, Mimbtr of Official Eatiositioa llutsl Bursau. H0TELTUBPK1 u as suit er vaa rrrr" tr POWtU ST. AT MARKET , SkJX rKANCISCO Cvcav coNvrmtNca sno coMroaT luKOPtts plan, ti es awe crw S'RCC Auto Bi Mim Trmin. reer. NEW SHOW TODAY W1LLE BROS, taster BaaOitarUta RILHY WILSON Blaise atorr Taller. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cippelaa "Xiriar a Maia." STKwUD trio "A ay la aoaa-laaA.' IT1I THAT BTOT" A S-txrt oustly eseiua tat amply iirevss ti.s blladasss of love. A Woufal story ef wa aurs sf ecrt lover that ada la a akle wedia. Has WlaalaT Wirt," with Mam and ftaA. -Th Waaaorera rUAf," a aaort Story rt. kMnutuif, mo. in, abm laaioar in. I U C l l aoata. 10 Batra. U B ltat. Idd Itu. ft. as ALL KEEX xai sxocic rxjuratrv.- Edward Lynch Vistl aSS From Out Yonder" TH Sweatee Story Brer Tola Matlnoss 16e-aaei Irvra a6-ooO H W Ts lfatrrUf of Bitty." Baoe Ball OMAHA vs. LINCOLN ROURKE PARK. ' Aug. 12-13 rrl&ar, Aaxast 11, raeUea Bar. Oamss CU4 T. ML. LAKE MANAWA ' Bataia, Boattaa. Bsaotaf aa4 Othar Attraouoa. Tt Mtorlnr rictars. This T.wri "Ambroao Lorty yrea," "ku ef Loke MsTaas,11 -r. atsMaoa Wlaa." 1