T11K BEN: OMAHA. TH17.?S1.Y. AITW'ST 12, 1!M." 11 FOU RKNT llivn and Cottages, ftonlk. STCt PACIFIC 7-r modem: will nut In beet condition, $3. 11S Park Ave., 7-r., mod.. In fine cnn.li 1kn. AR.VHTROVO-WALSM COMPAXT. Tyler lV,. State ItHnk tl4u. TWO NEW lU'.N(AI.OVfl. 7 rooms each, stricllv modern and very fine. 27.50 and $.. 1.V17 8. Iith St. Tel. Red ISM or Tyler 112-J. M IwrllKarnn, FIDELITY 8fhvcif TEE Phono TVijjelaa rs for complete Hat of vacant bouwt and apartments; also for Itonit, moving, Idth and Jackson Pte, RFTT tha Ontrat Furnftura Storea FRKB FFNTA1, LIST. GlobeVan & Storage trrea. movM, pscks ahlpa; 8-horne van and I men. 81.2S per fir.: at or ace tt per mo. ftatlsfacllon guar. D. 4.WA A Tt. 8. TTmisou C-relgh Bona A Co., Be biui Aioubea ,B aT, nn) nf th f)ty Gordon Van Co. S n w. uth at. ti. n ww web. TV J Van and .w.m Maggard s lDg, packing, iM-.uglaa 148. J- f T) y-. J P. Co.. moving, . V. lYCcG Packing A storage W Farnam, f. m WE HAVE rod. led tt.fluO buildings since 1919. and never bad one struck. V jliiarantee every Job. AMERICAN I.IQHTNINO ROD CO.. 703 6. 16th St. 410 N. 22D., 10 room, modern, HO. . 2405 Cap. Ave., 7 rooms, modern. tX. Iffi N. SOth, 4 rooms, $14. RING WALT BROS., Brnndcls Th. Bldg. FOR RENT 7-r. house. Phone Tyler IMS. I-KOOM rottsga for -rent. Tel. Hiir. H,ln. Mores at.d Ufftees. LARGE modern store near noatofflce; low rent. Q. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. Office on 17th St. Double Windows ONLY VACANT ROOM AVAILABLE ON THE STREET. Print tiffic Waiting Room 189 Sq. Ft. $18.60 . The Bee Building Offlc Room 103. One Small Office For Rent Good Location Fourth Floor. Water and Electm Light. Free. $12.00 Per Month. The Bee Building "The building that is always new." ' Office, Room 103. WANTED TO BP VANTED Reliable real estate company to anil large tract of Texas land, sub divided. Address Pox 36. interact, la. WE pay Chicago prices for aluminum crap casting. Paxton-Mltrhell Co. o OFFF1CE furniture bought and sold. C- Read. HOT Farnam. Doug. 14 HIGHEST prices lor old clothing. D.4714. Tale our, everything 2ad hand. Web. 4W4. dignity .jst-u nisu ana. uiaju U. MIT. 16 OR 20 acres food land close to uome Nebraska town; quote price and descrip tion. Addrosa Y 607, Bee. . WANTED TO RENT TWO business women want separate rooms with board; reasonable dlHtunce. Address, E 894, lies. KEAIj ESTATE FARM A HAM II LANDS FOIL SALE talliursl. - Uv Oak Colonies none better. W. T. Smith Co.. 1.-14 City Nut. B. r. ail. Colorado. X HAVE for sale 160 acres of level land in Morgan county, Colorado, can all be irrigated; four miles from town. For particulars addrees Chan. Phelps, Wei dana, Colo. lowav. HAVE rOU A FARM FOR PALE? Writa a good description of your land fend wnJ It to the bloux City, la.. Journal. "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Ma. dlum." Twenty-five words, every Friday evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days for U; or 50 words. 4. or tt words, to. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, a.Wl readers daily la four great states. ARK TOU OOINO TO BUT LAND? If so you should first get a copy of the Farm and Real Estate Journal. It Jas lands advertised i.i It from nearly very state, so that you can find Just what you are looking for in Its columns. It keeps you Informed on land oppor tunities in all parts of the country, gives you personal help In finding land, SSc today for a year's subscription, or 10o for three months trial. It will be stopped at the and of the time ordered. Farm and Real Estate Jourinai. Tr-r. Iowa. Mlaaeaota. MINN, farms; low price, easy terms. Min- GET out of the mud: com to west cen tral llinuesota and see the bumper crops grown with an unusual amount of rainfall. Harvesting now under Ideal coiv dltlons. Roads fine, inland Land & Loan Company, Fergua Falls, Minn. Jsrasnw. Farms For Sale " . acres with good Improvements, splendid land, 8 miles from Council liluffa. 14 miles from Omaha, $110. B40 acres, improved, extra choice al most level land, $4 miles from railroad town and Catholic church In northern Iowa, WILL tSKU, EITHER HALF OF THE lABOVE SECTION AT THE SAME PRICE. , loo acrea with good Improvements in Washington county, Nebraska. f miles from Florence; very productive bottom land. Brings tl.OuO cash rent, SlIlVi. 46 .acres Ida bulldlnffsk. miles from Omaha, l1 miles from electric car line, paved road and small town: all level land of finest quality, $:j0. This land is leased to a neighbor fur $a per acre cash, which Is the best evidence of its quality. Ordi nary farm lands rent for from $4 to $. 1W acres, cultivated (no buildings), two miles from palmyra, in , eastern Ne braska, $15. ' acres. Improved. Knox county, $40. MOO acres, improved. Banner countv; cne of the best ranches in Nebraska, $15. KIMBALL COUNTY BARGAINS 40 acres at U per acre. acres at Jil.W per acre. 640 acre at ilS.VJ per acre. 40 acres at $U 01) per acre. 2.600 acres. Improved, at $!5. All In the north psrt of Kimball county. Where th soil Is equal to eastern Ne braska. That 112 50 section la nearly all y"y land. CO acres ar broken out and the land is partly fenced. It would bo cheap at tlfi. J. H. Dumont & Co. 41-ls Stat Bank Bidg. Louglas Wo. A REAL good farm for sale:, 10 seres, ludea, tiL Paul. Neb.; well Improved, plenty of hay and alfalfa; this can keep bead of Mock: wheat .average from 3o to 40 bu. per acre; plenty fish and ducks lo fchoot in seanon; must be sold to settU Mtate. Price, $75 per acre. Owner, John v.. LiitULk, St. Paul, Nsb. o RK.1, ;ST.TK FHM A Rtrii ImW lie FOR MLK FOU SAt.I-V-an srrcs, well Imrtoved. I milos from Mrndow tlro-e, .rb., and hss good soil; $I pT ncre; t.'.""" cash, iHilaiice terms. Casper Tlieisen, tsnund. Nth. FOR 8 41.K Beat large bodr hlsh-graae medium-priced lnd in Nebraska; vory Utile money required. C. Bradley. Wei bach. Nrb. Montana. GET AROAUD OUR SPECIAL CAR BOUND FOR The Judith Bnsln. Montana, where you enn buy rich new land thai will prixhifi! ?iHid i tops yearly and without Irrigation. I ou will open your ees wide and lo delighted if you take a trip with us audi see the big crops, low railway rales. ee us for tickets snci maps, now many acres can you manager s m. II. Brown Co.. 5 N. I nSiille St., t hlcngo a ACR.KH i land in eastern Montana; I'JO acres broke; fine for wheat or llver Allien isrmiiia, irii, i i ,mi-m. sprlnK water; near school house; Slt miles from station. Write J. Uuth. Marmarth N n. ' M lsreiw.evna. 18H-ACRE farm. $12 per acre, KO cash and $20 ner month; no Interest: rich soli; fine land; pure water, good title. Writs W. T. Tours. Jr.. Kimball. Neb. REAL ESTATE LOANS FARM LOANS, PER CF-NT. TO L A ND A TP.CM BULL, 448 Bee BMg. iitvTTO ?10,0P0 made promptly. F. wead, wead hk. ixtn and I' arnam ta CITY and firm loans. , KW. ( per cent. J.H. Dumont A Co.. 41 State Bank. WANT EJ Good farm and city loans at lowest rates. PETERS TRPPT CO.. 1KJ2 Famam. C1TT property. Large loans a specialty. W. II. Thomas. uCH State Bank Bldg. MONET on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. Clt y Natlona I Bank Bldg. SEE us first for farm loans In eastern Neh. Lnited States Trust Cc. Omaha. 6 CITY LOANS. C. O. Carlberg. 810-11 Rrsndds Theater P.ldg. WANTED City and farm loans; lowest rates. W. a. Templeton. Cot Be. T. 2010. REAL ESTATE; FOR EXCTIANGK FOR EXCHANGE Clear corner lot, x 140. Lowe's add., Omaha, for good flve passenger automobile. Address Y 6fil, Bee. OMAHA residence pnqierty exchange for cioux vity property. Box t. Bloux city. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE Fifteen Acres Three Blocks From Car Highly Improved This is the choicest, close-in and bent Improved property svallable at this time. The whole tract lies high and very smoothly. Every foot can be worked. Improvements consist of a large entirely 1 modern house, fine barn and tool house, beautiful large lawn and a fine grove of large shade trees around the house. This place has its own water system. Two blocks from paved road. Would rather sell for cash; but would consider some well located city property. I Hiatt-Fairfield Co. i 230 Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 49S. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Look 24th "& Manderson - $4,200 Seven rooms, hot water heat, quarter sawed oak. East front, corner lot, pav, lug paid in full. Best bargain on the North Hide. House alone could not be replaced for less than $4,600. Practically new: Newly painted on outside and newly decorated within. Jt's a snap. See for yourself. Our sign is on the property. 4trmstrong Walsh Co. Tyler 153C. State Bank- Bldg. New Bungalow In our new addition In Parkwood, 739 North 21th St., we have a new five-room bungalow tliut Is up-to-date in every rcBj.ect. It is 21x40, with full basement. oak finish. 0-n for inspection today. Take North 24th St, car to Miller park, then three blocks north. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 4270. SEVEN-ROOM DRlcK HOUSE IN KOUNfZB PLACK FOR $4,000. Hot water heat, corner lot 112x121; lots of shrubbery- , W. H. OATES, S47 Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 12U4. $l00 Vacant lot 00 ft. south frontage on Bristol St., Just east or 2K22 Bristol St.; lot is on grade Just rendy to oulld on; sewer, water and gas In street; paving all vaid for; $UO0; terms to suit purchaser. C. 0. CAULBERQ, 312 Brandels Thester Bldg. o BI.'NUALOW 6-room, modern, new and up-to-date In every respect, 22d and Ames, Oak Chatham addition. Web. 4ZX. A Good Buy ! Fine four-room cottage, with four full alxed lots; plenty of fruit. In a good neighborhood, near 34th and Maple bts. Can bo bought on easy terms. Scott& Hill Co. Douglas 1009. 107 McCagu Bldg. Classy Bungalow Five-room rooms, one has oak finish in three sun room, beam ceilings. bookcs.es, window seat, fine large kitch en, with convenient pantry and les box room; furnace heat; cemented basement; fine lot. paved street, close to car: lo cated near 19th and Laird streets. Easy terms, or lot taken as first payment. Rasp Bros. 10S McCague Bldg. Douglas 1&3. Modern Home Not Far Out Tarlor, dining room, with colonnade oienlng, library, with large sliding door, all three rooms in oak, large kitchen. nice iront oeorooiii and bath room on i first floor ;two nice bed rooms and store room on second fioor. Entire house nicely decorated: fine lighting fixtures. Entirely modern, including first-class furnace. Built honestly throughout. 1'aved street, south front lot. Near Sherman Ave. car! school, stores, etc. This Is a splendid property and can be bought right. Scott & Hill Co. Pouglas 1000. 807 M.'Cagu Bldg. BEAUTIFUL PRAIRIE PARK, grass, shrubs and trees giving splendid shadi and uniformly distant from each other, all In now. not promised for future year.. Pav lng taxes paid. No sheds, alleys or d! agi'M-ablu etivlrcninents. On car lines, near schools snd churches; five new houses cuinuleted. or neat lug completion. Can ba ! sold on easy payments to reapun.tM. par I ties. Keys at mv residence. B. J. fccaiwoli. ' f none Doug. or eb. J01L BEAUTIFUL 7-room bungalow, strictly modern; corner lot; aaciiilca for quick , sale. 4uU Grand. A.ve. 1'hou. Webster 9-'7. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Market Active, Old Wheat Gaining Two Cents and New Wheat One Cent. CORN MARKET REMAINS FIRM OMAHA, Aug. II, ISM.V The mtv at market was fnlrlv tu t.s-e tolav. Did wheat mlvsnod 1 ,-r-nls while the new showed a Bain of a Cent a bushel. i up iteinanil tor both old and new wneat 1 whs gool and wns surruient to take te of the licht receipts. Old wheat continue lo command a suhet.'tntUi preinlum oer the new. (Vrn nveipts were light and there was a pretty fair demand for that grain. The inarKct was firm, selling from V to c higher. tat receipts were fall', but there was not much of a demand for that certal. ! The oats market remained unchanged. Many rviairts are coining from Iowa. regarding the oats situation In some 1 no tions some of the cn.p will never he 1 I REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE Watch For Announcement of Sale of Lots in Shimer's Addition 6th and Dorcas Sts. Only o5 lots and wo intend to soil ull by Saturday night. The last bunch of choup lots south. Announcement Thursday American Security Co. 17h and Oouglas Pts. Douglas M.',. Field Club District brand New Home M2 Mason St., one block norm of Field club, a brand new home bunt oc tirst cias materials and by A-l workmanship. Has five iarao rooms and nam on first fioor; size of building 24x4; full basement and laige floored attic. Living room, dining room and front bed room finlsned In oak, rear lied room In white enamel. All floors, except kitchen, central hall and 1 . . 1 1- . . . 1. ... .. .. .. I nnii,,u,4 urlii rouiii. WI111W 4fl WBru CtllU 1 Colonnade opening with bookcases biwi tween living room and dining room and : beautiful buffet In dining room. The best I of plumbing and heating piant. Textile I snlngles used on roof, a material that will last a lifetime and reduces fire insurance ruiu V mnnpv imr Itnlnx snared to niilhl this house right, and the purchaaer will uet the benefit of our cxix-rience and knowledge of building xood houuea. A critical examination is invited. Price $4 2t0, on reasonable terms. Key at my orriee. Fred W. Shotwell, . 3T4 Omaha Nat l Bank BltlgollKlia. REAL ESTATIWWEST 8IDB" Poppleton Park Home Near Sauuders school and cathe dral; east front, corner, 60x125; nearly new; full 2-gtory square. Price cut 10 per cent from (3,900 for Immediate sale; $300 cash, balance $35 monthly and Interest. O'Kecfe Ileal Estate Co., 1016 Omaha Nat'l. Doug. 2715. o BUNGALOW for aale cheap; terms. Leaving city. Phone Walnut 436 A Large Corner Lot Bargain West Farnam District 78x128 Only $625.00 Only This price Includes sidewalks, sewer. wster mjiln and m. nutn: lot Is lv. and on the exact grsde. ana on solid ground; surrounding property restricted to moderate-crlcea homes. Shuler & Cary 202-201 State Bank Bldg. Choice South and East Front Large Lots $275.00-to-375.00 $5 Down $5 Per Month No Interest, No Taxes For Two Years. Near Good Car Line These lots are high, affording, a splendid view; they are practically level and on grade and are splendid lots for building small homes. Phone us for full particulars. Salesmen and autos at your service. Shuler & Cary Phone V. 4233., 204 State Bank Bldg. REAL EHATK INVESTMENTS Harney Street Investment tixl 33 feet, on Harney fit., east of 22d St.. brick Improvements, almost new, paved street, paved alley, good tenants, full de.cr.pt ion. price and terms on appli cation. This Is an exceptional chance to get a downtown business lot that will double in value In a few years. J. H. Dumont 8c Co. 416-1 State Bank Bldg. Doug. W). FuH KALE or rent, trackage building, lltll and Seward. KxK. Apply 1U4 Gust St. REAL ESTATE SUBIRUAX SIOHTLV suburban bum, with five acres; bearing fruit, all kinds: modern poultry houses; garage; only 8 blocks to city mr line, school and churcn. Web ster tf.79. REAL ESTATE MISCELI,AM0Oi;B Some Cheap Ones Lots 6. 7, 23 and 25, in Block 4, your choice, $2V). Lots jf and 18, in Block 6. your choice, tljO. All In Saunders k Illmebaugh's Addition to Wslnut Hill. Sewer, water and gis In and paid for. Two havo brick sidewalks also. The owner Instructs us lo sell this prop erty. Bee It at once. A. P. Tukey & Son Phone Ix ug Vt. 1607-8 W. O. W. Bldg o. 4J,0u0 CIJrtE 1 N (V-room cottage, all modern: sleeping porou; paving paid; nice shade. Terms. ULOVER SPAIN. Douglas 3963. RKAIi ESTATE VACANT FOR SALE At a bargain 2 lota located between lui and ltd on Corby St. aach lot. buxlA ft. $7U for both Call S-'lS Corby ., or phon. Web. $106. o. rut iin.l the complaint as to quality are tirly gneraL. not only in la. but la hhiw ut Hie other stales. Clearances were: Wheat at1 floie equal to UU,0u buKhels: corn, I7.0UO bush els U-erpool spot: Wheat, ld higher, 'orn, timhangHl to Id hlgtier. Primary wheat receipt were Lisi.WO bushels and shipments ti4A.0iD bilmliels, .'iglnst receipts of 2.OC000 Ittishels and slnpnMnta of LKsi.oM bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were Slu.0 bush els and xlilnmenla 477.000 bushels, ssalnst rvents of 4l0.(, bushels and shipments of ;.;-.") bushels Isst vi. Irlmary oats reeelnts were JkB.OOO bush- els and snlpmenta ?.',( bushels, ssalnst reivipta or i.mi.iui bushels and sn;pmenia or m.otv bushels last year cakjjot rrobipw. Wheat. Corn. tals Chicago Minneapolis lhiluth Omaha Kansas City :i IT .. 1 .. M ..lis .117 3 4 3K .T 11111 W!mlieg ft These cash sales wer reported today: Wheat: No. 1 hard winter: U car (old, 11.40. No. 1 hard winter: 2 cars (dark), Jl H csr. $1.1(1; T cats. IMS. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car (old). $l.Sft; 1 car, $1.11; a car. $1.10; S cars. $1.09; i cars. l.rtS: 1 car, $107; 1 car. $1.05. No. I aprlng: I car. '11.14. Sample: 1 car. Me; t car. 7c: I car. ISfiC. Com No. 1 white: R-8 car, 7oCjc. No. 1 2 white: I cars, ToUjc. No. .1 white: 1 car. No. I yellow: I car, 7Se. No. J yel- low: 1 2-6 csrs, TftUe. No. 6 yellow 1 car. tc No. 1 mixed: 1-C car trc. mixed: 1 car, 74-Vc; 1 car. 74Hc. mixed: 1 car. 74c: t car, 74-c. mixed: 1 car. 74Sc. No. mixed: No. 3 No. S No. S 1 car. TIT; Oats 1 car. 7So. Sample: 1 car. V. No. J white: 1 car (new and old). 4; car (new), 42c. No. 4 white: a-. car. 49 2 cars (new), V. Sample: 1 far, fxic; I car, 4!We; 1 car (new), S7e; 1 car (new), 3ti''. Barley Rejected: H car, Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 3 turkev. tl.lxu 1.4V. No. S turkev, 11 IMA 1 40: No. 2 hard. ai.1Mrl.40: No. & hard. II. I& ft1.n: No. 4 hard, !l.044r1..: No. I spring, $ 1. 40111. 45; No. 3 spring. fl.S7il.42. Corn: No. 1 whit. 7.'H4i7r,iv: No. I white, 74S4 7i"ic: No. 4 white, 7414i74r: No. ft white, 74li.T4e: No. 6 white, 7"M-t74o; No. 2 yel low, 75-r4"f. : No. 8 yellow. TftV'rttHc; No. 4 yellow, 74i7ut4c; No, 6 yellow, 74t. 4i75c: No. yellow. 74!(fi74c: No. 2 mixed. j 74Mr7tc; No. 3 mixed. 741i741c: No. 4 nuxeit, itHi(M,r ko. mixed, iva i'w, ,no. mixed, 73-'(i7Sc. Oats: No. 2 white. 42 fi4?c: standard. 42'iir42U.c: No. 8 white, 414M2c; Nil 4 white. ."SMic;. Barley: Malting, Wil74c; No. 1 feed, WfWc. Rye: No. 2, W!SiV2c: No. S, 90tilc. CHICAGO URAIM AD PROVISIONS Feat area of th Trading; and Closing Prices on Board of Trade. I CHICAGO, Aug. 11. Reports that the r rencn government had nougnt iw,wi barrels of flour at Minneapolis caused sharp advances today In wheat prices here. Bullish sentiment was tncresaed by assertions that estimates based on the government crop report were lOO.OOO.OjO bushels too high. Prices closed unsettled, He to ltilTc above last night. Corn fin ished 4c to SW-re up and oats with a gain of c to lS'irlVri'. In provisions the . . , ... 1 1 1 . .. . I, """-"'"V, ' r,"f "f- . . . . , t nt'l news came of the big purchase of ""r'r Prance the wheat market her had been for the most part on the down grade. Almost simultaneously the trade was confronted with a statement of a leading authority that owing to continued rains I-1 to ," per rent of the winter crop acreage in eight leading states had been abandoned outright. Strength In corn was cnlefly owing to sympathy with wheat. VVtt weather formed the principal reason that brought about the oats advance. Provisions failed to keep pace with higher quotations for hogs. New out breaks of the foot and mouth disease In Illinois seemed to make traders Incline to be wary. Futures ranged as follows: Artlclel Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes y heat I I I Sept. 1074I 1 10i4 107U 1 ORS 1 7 Dec. 1 07'i 1 K 1 07 1 09 V 1 W Corn I Sept. 76 7T.V 7& 74H Dec. 64 64H 3i MSI M Outs I Sept. Si. 41 3D 41 1 SDV, Dec. 40 j 4114 40 . 41 ST Pork I I I Sept. 13 92Vxj 14 00 I IS So 13 Km 13 R7V4 Oct. 13 06 I 14 12ttl 13 rVi 13 B2SI IS 7Vk Lard 1 I i I Hept. 8 10 I 8 IS ) 8 024 02H 15 Oct. 8 17Vi 8 22HJ 8 V 8 07H. 20 Ribs Sept. 9 25 0 26 ) 06 1K 20 (K-t-l 17HI 9 20 I D0C4 074 15 4'hicago Cash Prices Whest: No. 2 red, 11.164'SrUWs; No. 2 hard. $1.23tiH.2. Corn, No. 2 yellow, 8mt2'c; others, nominal. Onts, No. 3 white, new, 49tffic; No. S white, old, 6iMj60c; standard, 2c. Rye, No. 2. $1.06. Barley. TL'i!3o. Timothy. $.'..50iT.(V). Clover. l.liofi.U 25. Pork, $13.80. 1 srd rjw,. Ribs, $a.7&i'ft.IS. Bl'TTER Higher; creamery, aOfaHc EJU8 Higher: receipts, 13.332 cases; at murk, cases Included, lk$rl7tc; ordinary rirsts. l51A,,'1tiMic; firsts northern stock, 17W1Sc: firsts, southern stock. 1fiV''0l7c. IMTATOEH steauy; receipts. z, cars; Virginia, barreled, $1.60; Jersey, bulk. 67 aaoc. IVILTKI-Alive, springs, lial7c. higher; fowls, 13'sc; NEW YORK fcE.RAL MARKET Quotations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW TORK, Aug. ll.-FLOUR Firm. WHEAT Spot, strong; No. 2 red. $1.23, c. 1. f. New York; No. 2 hard, ll.aoVi, c. I. f. New York, to arrive; No. 1 northern. Duluth, $1.18, and No. 1 northern. Man itoba, 11.11, c. 1. f. Buffalo, Futures were , firm; September, $1.19. I CORN Spot, strong: No. ! yellow, BOe, lake and rail. August shipments. , OATS Spot, firm; standard, 6Sc: No. I, white, 67"c; fancy clipped white, 89tfj73. HAT Firm: prime. $145; No. 1. $1,404 1.46; No. i. $1 3UU1.36; No. 8, 11.22; ship - ping, $l.ir2il.20. HOI'S steadier; state, common to choice. 1C14 crop. 94H3e: Paclflo coast. 1914 crop, 12(fil5c; 1913 crop, sllc , 1 1 i I'r.i". w uiei , xjugoia, arQ'iic, ven tral America, 2e. LEATHER Firm; hemlock, firsts, 32o; seconds 304(310. PROVISIONS-Pork, steady; mess. $l.50 fri17.U); family, t20.0wi21.00; short clears, $19.k& 20.60. Beef, steady. Lard, firm; middle west, $8 1 .".(US 26. TALLOW Quiet; city, ttsc; country, Sntib'ic: special. Hie. BUTTER Weaker: receipts, 12.7KS tubs; creamery xtras. 2(uTikc; firsts, 2tfc; seconds, 2-"ii23c i.' , i , : J 1.' I r-, - ..n.l.,1 1 1 Ml . fresh gathered extras, cl'vyi; firsts, 21W23c; firsts, 19Vo!lc; seconds, 176, i,. CHEESE-Irregular; receipts, l.LKl Bulk of the killer hogs sold at ths nar boxes; state whole milk, fresh flats, row range of $ii.60u(.M. The failure pf colored, specials, UPW14c; do white, 1SM! ' Hg-hts to show ths asms uplift as butch- rvic; ao colored, average fancy, Y3p 13'c: do white, llSe. POULTRY Alive, unsettled; dressed, quiet; western frosen roasting chickens, mt'Hc; fresh fowls, iced, l&cH7c; fresh turkeys. Iced, 16tjlc. Minneapolis tlrala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 11. WHEAT September, $1.074: December, 11.06; No. 1 hard. H.63S; No. 1 northern, tl.42V.yi 1.6aSi. FLOUR Unehsnged, except second clears reduced to t:tl0. BARLEY-t4'7tlc. RYE 8l.04tr1.OS. KRAN-ll'l .60. CORN No. 8 yellow. RVSutCPo. OATS No. S white. WW&'Mc. FLAX-tl.60Aiwl.7O. , .... : . . t Kenans citr iram ana rr.Tiii.ai. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Aug. 11. WHEAT -No. 2 hard, tl.231.; No. 1 red, 81.18 bl.h; September. $i,W'4; lecember, ti.07; May, $l.lo'.al.lo4. CORN-No. 2 mixed, 14c; No. S white, 7iic; September. 72lD73c; lecembera fO',c: May. etc. CORN-No. 1 white. (14$2c; No. t mixed, WibK. at. Itnls Grain Market. BT. IM'lH. Aug. H.-WHTCAT No. t red. $1.17Kfcl 20f4; No 8 htrd, nonil al; Sep tember. $l.0; Decern her, $1.0hi. CORN No. 2, 7sHc; No. 8 white, 79'4 so'.c; BcptemlK-r, 74Tc; December, MVtP tl.c. OATS-Nomlnal. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. NEW YO?lK, Aug. 11. EVAPORATED APF'LF-Steady. DRIED FRUITS Prunes snd peaches, quiet. Apricots, firm. Raisins, steady. Liverpool Uraln Market. LIVERPOOL. Aug. II WHEAT Spot, No. 8 Manitoba, Us 7d. No. 1 northern, Dulath, lis 7d. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Moderate and Trade Fairly Actm at Steady Pricea Sheep Are Weak. HOGS STEADY TO TEN CENTS UP OMAHA, Aug. 11. HIS. Receipts wrre: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Official Monday .... Official Tuesday .... Estimate Wednesday W.i'lt 1047 11.710 Thive days this week.H.24 Sam days last week..ll.i Sam days 1 w ks. ago.. s.TVi Same days t w ks. ago.. I2.7fc'i Sam days 4 wks. Same days last year.. H.134 I.f.l 21 at K.ll 2V'.4 13.7J4 UMS 4t". n.4i 4 1. ioj 2S.OV, 41a.lt Ths followlmt table shows th average pile for hogs at the South Omaha llv stock market for the last few days, with comparison: Pat. I tint 1414 iimi .iii "iil.UHO.'lM. July U. July 34 July H Julv M l I M I M I Hi I 2 i t? t I S4i t TT t ' t ffll 1 t I t MJ k T7 T 471 t M I 1 Tf I I KM T 671 4ft I J7 Tt July r. I 41 I l I T K 11 T 4 July 2S. MUI t 3i ) I t 4, til T SI July s:i. I fNV sr, t h7 T S C7l 7 ; 7 2! July ). B! t V) I M T s7l I T III 7 M 1 M 7 44 T 4 July 11. 1 4"'v, s 46. S Ml 7 n t I.I . Aug. Aug, Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. I S 29 B fc.11 T Till IU II i S. 4. 6. SOS! I 4K, 7 8f.l l 7 ) I I 041 T 64 i4)', 7 ni 431 1 6 Wli 7 7) 7 M 4.': 7 70 t tl I ftl T 04j T 7 M V, 7 8&! 171 7 !K 17 71! T M 1 S I H f'Jl Wl 7 ' 1 W I T t I I 14: i It 7 Ml 7 2J! 7 i R?Si II 7 sit, 7 I7 7 7i 7 49 ft- 90 7 Ml 7 2:l 7 HI I 7 41 I (Hi t M' I 7 21i 7 Kl 7 34 1 iJI n ill It) I tr C. 7. . Aug, 10. Aug. 11.1 Sunday. Rncelpts and disposition of live stock at the I'nlnn Stock Yards. South Omaha, for twenty-lour hours ending at S p. m. estenlsy: RECEIPTS CARS iMtlln ll.ttra D1.MII li e's ., at. anu hi. t" W abash I'nlnn lnclflc C. N. W.. east I r. 12 't 4 b 20 C t . 4 H .. .. H 3 IK 10 t 1 k I- t .. 1 2 2 "is; ii (J 1 N. W., wwit.,,, St. P.. M. O . 14. & q., eaat.... M. y., west... It. I P., east. IC 1. Ai P.. west. Illinois Central C. O. W Totals DIblOHlT10N I1KA11. Cat t,e. Hogs. Shcrp. Morris & Co i",2 lift slit Bwlft ft Co Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour & Co Schwarts & Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co.... So. Omaha Packing Co. Cudahy, for country,.., W. B. Vansnnt Co Benton, Vansant ft L. . K. B. Lewis Huston Co J. B. Root A Co Mccreary at Kellogg.. Werthelmer & Dvgcn.. Sullivan Bros 1.010 7bl 2.010 1.773 2i4l l.Mtt 2S0 1072 Id ir.7 18 214 91 III.'. SI 37 27 7 15 1 I IK ! 4 a Rothschild 1 Mo., A Kan. Calf Co.... HlKglns Roth Meyers Huker, Jones &c Smith.. Tanner Bros John Harvey Fra nets Carn Other buy eis 3.47k Totals 2.W7 7.400 8,700 CATTLE) Receipts of cattle werjs very moderate only 84 cars being reported In. Other points, however, were quite llber 'fally supplied, some markets, notably Chicago, navlng sufficient run to render the, opening market weak to lower. Beet steers wer in very fair demsnd and the market generally aleady with yesterday so far as the general run of heavy cornteds and westeri, ranre beeves was concerned. Yearlluga have been in very plentiful supply this week and buy ers have loaded up heavily on that kind of cattle, with the result that the year lings were a little slow and weak tnls morning. Cows and heifers were in good demand and sold freely at prices that were a lit tle stronger than yesterday. (Juotatiuns on cattle: Uood to choice yearlings, $) uHfl.Sf; fair to good year lings, $7.jru!).ui; good to choice heavy beeves, $9.26ij9.KS; fulr to good cornfod beeves, $X.ttiitJ. JG; common to fair corn fed beeves, 7.2.yS 65; good to choirs fed heifers, 7.0tu W; good to choice fed cows, tfl.6n4ti7.26; good to choice grass heifers, t Go.OO; good to choice grass cows, 86.2b(tr&7S; fair to good rows $...&0J (.00; common to fair ows, $3.'rjf6.60; good t choice feeders, $7.6Vy1I.W; fair to good feeders, t!.&or7.60; common to fair stockers, .504T.60; stock heifers, $S.7UJ 160; stock cows, $o.riO4l'S-00; stock calves, x nvai.w veal calves. 7.(tf lo.oo; fat bulls, stags, etc.. ft gtXfl.U. Representative sules- BEEF STEERS. No. 7.... rt.... 4...', M.... A v. Pr. ..M0 T OS ..ion T M . .IIM M No. 4... 1... IT... At. Pr ..1IM i SO ..104 t 00 ..117 ) ..ILt M a.1 M fcU'c.ltrt ANi Ha.l'e.lin. 11M I M 11 , (44 13 2 HEIFllVH. V I 7 7 720 . tt 11)...,.. 71 I M it 7JU t oo t 7H ( M $1 771 ( U BULLA. Bli I M i. 1US t 7 1 CALVfc. I1D N 1 1U I M 1 M 10 til a ,14., t it!! ;?:: B7t I 44 , 674 44 SMI 0 KM 7 Ht , TX T Is i. i. ....141 I 71 ....IMS t 19 I . it , I I., I.. 130 ID OS til ItN HTOC. Erte, ANi KBEUfcKa 70 5M ( HI IN Bit! t SO 4 IIS T S 7U3 m ( MS T IH4 ( M I IS IK T HOUtt Receipts Wer about the same ss on, Tuesday, some IK cars, or 7,600 head, making up the day's supply. Total for the three days is 19.(61 bead, being l.DoO smaller than last week and 12.6uu short of two weeks ago, but a (.000 gain over last year. This veek's run Is th. smallest sine, four weeks sgo. when only 13,734 head ahowed up during the first three days of the week. Shipper, bought f slrly laterally, con sidering the size of the auppllea and while they ware willing to pay a full dime ad vance for mixed and butchers, good lights did not look much better than steady. HeversI loads of good lights reached $7.4 ibtit nnthina sold over that figure. era and heavies has resulted In a notice able narrowing of their rang. Packing boss are selling fully too higher than last week's close, while good lights do not look to be any more than strong to, st the outside, a dime above last Sat urday. Representative sales: Na A Sh. Pr. (i Ml W 4 71 ' 7 179 ... 4 N. At. sn. Pr. W 1.1 s ( 4S 42 11 4 7 .1 KM ... 4 44 i M M ( k) 14 124 ... ( 4 0 Ml ... I M 11 JKO R H 77. Ill ( M 6 lot SO ( M H 1H0 SIN ; tk ' 124 ( SO 74 t2i IS ID . 14 110) 44 ( V M ... T SS IM Tin fcS t 44 Kl 124 S 111 ; (i tu & 7:. 121 to f It I Jl H ... S 70 40 II. B 1 il'.' '.21. ... 4 10 14 IX ... IW SHEEP Sumilles moderated a good bit this morning, but at that there waa a fair Wednesday run her, soma torty-two cars. or 11. 'UO head, showing up. Of these ten cars were billed direct to a paa.r. lotai run for the first halt or tne weea is 4X. head, as against 87.493 fast week, 19..39 two weeks sgo and -'.6-i a year ago. Th. supply lor tns weeg to oats Is th. heaviest elnca lb. last week of October. Yesterdays trad, wound up a little stronger, a flv.-csr string of Ismbs going to a packer at so on tne close, i nia waa a dime above th. earl killer top for rangers. This morning, with a more moderate run, packers were still In a beaiish mood, and mads their early bids on a 104 l6o lower basis. Hellers thouxht steady prices would be about th. rig la thing, and as no on. seemed to b. in much of a hurry to trans it was late before much of anything was done. One car of lamhs sold early to a shipper buyer at to 7i. but this could hardly be tuken as any criterion Quotations on sheep and lambs: I .smb., good to eholi-a. tw 7.(1 w lainbs. fair to good, $H.Gi(t.i6; lambs, feeders, 7.6uu25; yrarlliiits, iair to chol. e. $i i'7.0': weth ers, fair to choice, $o.7.Vtl4.J6: awes, good to choice, cwea, fair to good, i.jii00. ilepresontgtiv. sales: Pr. i on v. -I 171 Idaho lamt 40 Nrhrasks Ismtui Idahn Israha , i'Li Idaho lamlts ...... 174 Idaho Isinhs .... .. lds lamia :ll Idaho yearlings . X M joining Ism u. . M , I on to m s..aasa Pf fO a w Has VS l tsO (lllr4.t-4 LITR STOCK MARKET t attle 1 nwtle4l . lings Dtpssf Shen Wk. CHICAOtX Aug. IL-CaTTLK Rm-eints. 1H.0I4) head; market unMUsd; nattvw Iteef cattle, tn.loollo.Jfi-. westen ste-rs, $B.7Vn ); cows and heifers, JMORraiO; calves, t7.".Vttll.M. IHsJ-Iterelpis, 17.0rt) head; maiket mi rang. 16 to 36 cents higher: bulk. W cur 7.26; light r.iai.SS: mixed. aV4Un,.;s; hea--, $.3f;.26; nxigh, t(.t(4m.; pigs, $t;.J.T7 A'v SHEEP AND IwMBV Receipts, 1H.000 head; market weak; sheep, OOuSJO; la mil, t;.0wi JR. at. I.anla I.I. Itsek Market. BT. 1IJS, Aug. 11. 'JkTn.l'-Re-celpts, ,: heed; market higher; native beef steers, T.fcmrfl16; rows snrt heifers, tiOC4fIOiO, stiMkera and feeders KV 8 26; aouthern steem. $6.26it1l.; natlvn calves, tAiXitnOTV HOtlet Iteceliitn, 6,100 head: market higher: Hgs and lights, fllil.; nilxd and butchers, t7.6fafT.10; good heavy, $176 tr7 U ICr?l AND I .A MB8 -Receipts, 2.400 head: msrknt Mewdv; sheep and ewes, $4.60tr7.2i; lambs. $g.ootiaax Kansas City Live grock Market. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 11.-7ATT11-Re-etpts, 7,iX bead; market steady; stockers and feeders Weak; prime fed steers, $!).60ni.r: dressed be.f steers, t.'0 KiO.M); weelern steem, t704r9.96; Blockers and feeders. trt2bfa.26; bulls, $6.iWjt,78 ; caWes, $)t. OOdi 10.36. SHKKP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4 900 head; market weak; lambs, tK.tiVfixi.); yearllnga, M.7tU7.X; wethers, $.. 404.00; ewes. IH.2C4i4i.7S. at. Joseph 1,1 v. stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Ana H. BATTLE Re ceipts, l.ttio head; steady to 10c higher: steers, t7.otMrlO.oo; cows and heifers, $4.0 H9"0: calves, ROOitf 10 jr.. IKXIS-ltecelpts, 3.500; head: lights, "4j ItKi higher; others alow; top, $7.50; bulk ot sales, lii.noii'r.fc. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 60ft head; market weak; lambs, tH.Ontutt.iC. Coffee Market NEW TORK. Aug. 11. OOFFEKv-The market for futures opened at a further decline of 7W10 points this morning under renewed liquidation prompted by the con tinued heavy primary receipts. Offerings were less acllvn at the decline to about C34o for December contracts, however, and prices steadied later on covering and the continued absence of anv material selling pressure from Brasll. Slight ral lies were barely maintained, with the market rinsing at a net loss of T to 9 points. Hales, 35, 7M) baas; August and September, t.2tc; tctober, tltlo; Novem ber, 4.S.V; December, aSfcc: January, g.tOc; Frbmary. -46o; March, .H0c; April. .S6c; Mav, ( We- June, .4o: July, 4.8So. Hpot, irregular. Rio 7s. lc; Santos 4s, (.lost and freight offera, shade easier; quota tions ranging around 1 60tf .6u for Santos 4s and aa low as ( Wn for Rio 7s. The of ficial cables reported a decline of 76 rels In th. Rio market and of 3-32d In the rate of Ilia exchange on London. Santos wr.s unchanged. Oil and Hoaln. SAVANNAH, Oa.. Aug. U.-TURPHM-TINE 3S4tjCI4c; sales. 4i bids.; receipts, M9 bhls. ; shipments, 109 bills., stocks. 22.001 Mils. ROSIN Firm; sales, 2.2N5 bbls.; receipts, 1,119 bbls.; shipments, li.S bbls.; stocks, 0,4OS bbls. Quote: A, R. t2.90; C, D, U: K. $3.06; F, $.1.10: O. 8.V2T.: H. I, 8A30: K, 1146; M $4.16; N. 84.90; WO, 85.80; WW, j.76. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Aug. I L M ETA I-Ixad Offered, 84.60. Speller tint quoted. Cop per, dull; electrolytic, $l7.76tj'l.0O. Iron, at pong and unchanged. Tin, firm, 834.87H TYir7H. At Ixindon: Hot oopper, (t Is d: fu tures, 0 7s Ad; electrolytic, 81 10s. Spot tin, ird; futures, 164 6s. Antimony, 125. - Lea 1, 20 10s 9d. Spelter. . Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Aug. ll.-OTTON Hpot. stesdy; middling uplands, 9.46c; no sales. Futures oened steady; October, 9.26c; December. 0uc: Januarv. 9.73-: March. Mc; May, 10.18c The cotton market closed firm at a net advance of 16 to 20 points. LIVERPOOL. Aug. II. COTTON Boot steady; good middling, t.(7d; middling, 5.37d; low middling, 4.91c; sales, 8.UU0 bales. Dry (looda Market. NEW TORK, Aug. ll.-CVtton goods quiet; print cloths firmer; substantial In- ?u tries are In the market for clothea for tallan army uniforms. Worsted yarns firm; fall underwear In slightly improved demand. I Rngar Market. NEW YORK, Aug. ll.-SUO AR-Ra w, firm; centrifugal, 4.77c: molasses, 4.(4)0. Re fined, firm. i v Hank Clearings. OMAHA. Aug. U. Bank clearings for Omaha'today were t3.017,39.33 and for th. corresponding week last year, t2,692,497.9ti. Fqds Will Not Try to Invade Boston BOSTON, Mass., Aug. 11. The proposed Federal league Invasion of Boston has been abandoned. President James A Oil more announced here today. "Boston la not ready to take car of a third big league team," said ha, "but wa ara surely going to New York with a team In 1918." EUSTIS WILL HAVE BASE BALL TOURNEY EU8TI8, Neb., Aug. U.-reclat.)-The fourth annual base ball tournament will be given on August 23, 24 and 27, with four of ths strongest teams In western Nebraska competing for the prises. North Platte. Willow Island. Cambridge and Klmwood are tha four teams. Two games will be played each afternoon commencing at 1:30 and 8:30 sharp. The lineup of the games are as follows: Wednesday, 1:80, Cambridge against Wal low Island; 8:80, North Platte against El wood. Thursday, 1:80, Elwood against Cambridge; 8:30, Willow Island against North Platte. Friday, 1:80, Willow Island against Elwood; 3:30, Cambridge against North Platte. These teams havs all been playing excellent ball this season and therefor, sn excellent tournament Is ex pected. RAIN PREVENTS TENNIS , MATCHES AT CHICAGO CHICAOO. Aug. 11. Rain prevented tha second round of th. national elimination tournament In doubles which was to have been played on the tennis courts of ths Onwentsla club, Lak. Forest, today, Th. matches scheduled for today prob ably will b played tomorrow, Th. postponement will bring the finish of th. doubles .vents to Friday Instead of Thursday. Th. challenge round between O. M. Church of Princeton and Alex Squair of Chicago for tha western cham pionship In slnglas also la to be played on Frtduy. Coast Leagn. At Ixs Angeles Oak Is nd Los Angeles ilatleilrs- Pruiett. IWr and Ryan. Wllllsms and Brooks. R.H.K .16 3 . 6 10 8 Elliott; At Portland- R.H.K. Vernon $ i j Portland aft Batteries: Decannier. and Spencer; Coveleskte, Evans and Cariwh. Constipation Can Be Cared. biort a two weeks' tieatma-nt of Dr. King's New life Pills today. Good for stomach r liver. 2,jC. All druggists. Adv i-rtUrni Ac. FEW YORK STOCK MARKET Same Forces Influencing' Scuiou Day Before Are Evident Again. TRADING IS HARDLY ACTIVE NEW TORK. Aug. II -The game fori (-. which Influenced veslerdava broad nnd strong market were again In evidence io day. albeit trading was somewhat leu active and realising sales more rftcctl.e Shares of the leading --ailwavs were liriiM to higher prices In the early dcalinss. the movement coinciding witli the in, nnuncement that the Interstate Con, nier.-e commission had granted a gn. ... freight advance to the western road Although these advances were dienppot.ii Ingly small, they served for a time t. stimulate speculative demand to a gieid , degree. h-very division of the raihvnv I shsred In the rise, particularly Canadian .Paolflc and allied Issues, which gained from two to over five points, tlrancur and tha Harrlman and Hill Issues ao.le i one t" two points to yesterday's r quotations and southern and southwest ern issues, as well as trunk lines an 1 in, classified stocks mad similar ItnpMve. ment. lter ta weight of the Kuropeon sc ; Ing, which aggregated fully 60.i sunn coinhlned with heavy meal realising foi profits, caused material reductions' ... these advances. In the final hour s..m of the leadnra were a point or two ua.l, . yesterday's final figures and the entlrt list developed a distinctly rvactlnnarx tendency. United States Steel led the movement, being offered In lets of 1 on to 10,009 shares at from two to three points under yesterday's record price with general Irregularity In other specu latlve favorites. The foreign liquidation which waa a na tural outcome of the recent advance ot prlcrs, waa a recurrent feature of inter est. I-omlon offered large amounts or Canadian "aclfh-.. Union Pacific, K1e and Kteel. together with smaller lots of Atchi son and other grain carriers. War shares were again shunted to a place of secondary Importance with de clines of two to aix points. Striking ex ceptions to this tendency were shown bv the Bethlehem Steal preferred at tl51' Wllllys-Overland at 8lR, and Pludebaker at aXc, all new high records. Total sales of stocks amounted to 976.000 she res Exchange on London and Paris fell to r low rrda. despite the receipt of I'.'O.ftOO.ono gold from London via Halifax. Demand sterling waa quoted st 474S and rherka on Paris sold at 61. There waa a "better Inquiry for Invest ment bonds, with greater activity In subordinate issue. Total salej par value aggregated t-t.MO.OnO. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations nn siovKs were as rot lows: Ralea.t Hlirh. low. Clo Alaak. (lold 3 H t.1k, -" r ul ut. H.tM u Hti n ,av 41 1 1 107W J." in m ii.t, TW) 1X1, IU1 lltt T MS li.ins iu join inj ! ie.iw) 4i ts ti'i .7 .-, ts M" 17 1a4 ii. IMmi Ui Ut, Ji4 S.tno 4:t 4! 4;- I'D 444, 4t. 41', "" 1 It, IS W Ml R ar.s, 117 3.10 1 4'. 44', US ' - e f. t , i"0 u -th .v 4 t ... ISfc. r" si M.o S0'4 r:c. 17T 17l 1.3 U".-"4) ll lit1-, 8.7041 41V, 4.1, .4 s m A Its ia lots 1. 1 . , n f i.w is; itM ii ." 8.100 141 145 II'- ll lib ' T" It, mi K't ii m l.nm ES'4 r-H ui 4S 1A I 74, l.luo 24t IU 2", ITI t.) ', 44, U 4.70 14 14t, 14', 11.40 st'4 ! " ilia mi ir, l.l'O li '4i in (,7i 1104 ln HW mo I24i , tno 131, lis, 3U . 1h lin 110 l'- 4 Jan ! lr-a J.ans a T.'S 44.700 ir,i i.-.i T.tT. 45 t 43i 41'i Amprlcn ftt ftUCKf Am.rlnsa Ca Anifrtran Htn.lt. At K.r. . Amertras . A R. (t.. Amortnaa Pvsae lut. .... Aitntli Tel. A Tel America Tftbanoo Ansranna Mining Atrhlaoa tl.HKnnm A Ohio Drnokhn It. sis Transit.. California IVtmieam ... t'anadl.n Psnlflo Ontral iMIktr ChMsrimtk. a Ohio (., n. W.al.rn Chi., Mil. PI. Paul... I t'hlcasn A Northweai.rn. rhino '4ierMr "o'n. "u.l S Iwn Ol.r.4. a l4otith.rti Ienrir a Itlo llran.l tinv.r H. O,, put "i-tm.ra- Kaouritiaa .... Brie Itinera I Kl4rifl t)r.at Northern, pt4 Great Nnrtli.nt On efs., ftusrenh.tra lOiplnratloa. . Illlonl. (Antral Int.rbnroush Met. ptO..,. InsTtlnitlon Ofitoer lntf.rn.tion. I Harvester ., Ksnaaa Cllv. Boutb.ra. .. IiKhlsh. Valley iMulavtll. A Nuhvit)..., st.xlras Potrul.uni Miami Onppr Ms.. Kas. Tu Mlaaonrl Parlfln National Blacult National lr.d N.v.ds Copper New York ('ntral N. T . N. H. H Nmfulk A Wwii.ni North. m PuKlo Parlflo Moll Paelhi- T.I. T4 P.nnarlr.nla Pullman Paine. Cr Hay (tonsolldaud t oppor. KsMillns Ksblle Iran Rteor..,, Kork Inland Co Koik lnl.nd V, ptd Ht. I. a. K., td pit.. gonth.ru Parlfio Southern Railway T.nnNMM roerr Company t'nloa Psrlfio !"t av l"H 4?Ss 142 )', It 74 V, 11S 4 Vi 1 (no 7. wo via. )4 1H 42 l4t t.MA 144 IT.an 1M4 lw t nli Pmrlllo, Hd I'nlteS Hi.tM gtsil I'nlled Ht.te. gtMl. pfd. t'tah Copper Wsttaali, pfd WMtarn t'nlon WMllnshnnM KUotrte. , rrucil'l. tel .1M.400 t i.h ltavi iit 1,000 71 14 70 v, it.4fl0 11 4 U 1IJS 111 U.tn Hvt Vi tl4 Allia-Chalm. M.400 41 Total lor th. day. 971,60 aharea. e- Vnrk Money Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 11. MERCANTILE8 PAPER 3"JJ4a per cent. RTERLINO EXCHANGE 40-dsy bills, U'.OVi: demand, 4 747."; rabies, $4.76. A SILVER-Bar, 47',c; Mexican dollars, BONDS Oovemment, steady; railroad, strong. MONET Time loans, steady; (0 days. '-! er ant: BO dsys, 2a.1i4 per cent; six months. 3'a per cent. Call money, steady: high, 2 per cent; low, lty per rent; ruling rate. 1 per cent: last loan, l4t per cent: closing bid, m per cent; offered at 1 per cent. Closing quotations on bonds today were: V. S. erf. Is. rg.... 7M., K. a T. Ut 4. 7 d. emisoa 97HMe. Pao. ev. a..... 12 U. g. la. reg iu" N. Y. Cm. O.fc. (a .)n, do coupon Iwiun Y. C. 4v, 11) i.T U. g. 4s. rag i NT. Y. g. 4H. 1014 to aminos 11V N. Y.. N. H. H , Pinal la. OOUP.B..MI ct. . Asit. Rm.lt. (.....in Nor. P.O. 4. xi', A. T. A T.. ev. 4 via. lot Nor. Pmc. Sa Armonr A O.., 4t. tlVtjOr.. g. !, rf. 4a . stxhlana a. 4..... 1U P.o. T.I. T.I. "' J)al. Ohio 4s V P.nn.. roe. 4vta....lu 1 -en. Pi. 1st vinna. o. 4V-.... "S 4'hM a O . 4Vpa.. (4 P.. .1 Ins son 4a.... c. a. a l. j 4.. s. 1. a a. r r. 4a. - C M A a P g 4l. 7 go. Pao. tt. la ' i c. R. I. a r. r. 4.. no. ri. ref. ...... ' rlo A rof. 4V... riV,a. Rr Aa !M n. A B. O. rat. a.. 44 t ninn "arlfu- 4. ... Nt gri. Sa 4. 7V4 T alon p.. r. 4a.. im !. U 104 tt. RUhhr (a. 1' 04. Nor. lrt 4Vli... HV, g. ! i 1! .III. (n. Tf 4s.... - w.iv,., , 1. ... K. C. g., ref. a.. I "i'Wt. Pnlon 4'a.. - L N. n- 4 . . tit fsl. Elw. c. ia.lll'i Bid nffer.d iss Ptock Market. LONDON Aug. 11. American aecurlties on the stock market were firm snd ac tive. There were numerous mark'nes l;i tfrla. United States Steel. Union Pacl't. Canadian Pacific and Southern Pacific. T-e closing was firm. PIT VFR-Pitr; 22-18d pee ounce MONFY ner cent. Discount rates short bll's. 44t6-4T per cent; three months. 4'i per cent. Rent rkins quick with a tee Want Ad Bond OpportuaitlM For Small InrMlon Out lisad Is til. currant luta. at TH K t)UI I A IT KgVIKW UN 1 yMr. rVsd for nmpi. copies Publish r John Mulr A Co. l Uroadway, K.w York City.