Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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United Sutci Commander Fears
Anti-Foreign Demonstration at
Vera Cmt.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. Secre
tary Lansing announced 1st today
that only one warship would be sent
to Vera Crui and that it waa ftolng
to relieve whatever ship la uspd for
transportation of the Brazilian and
Guatemalan minister. Secretary
Lansing denied riatly that military
or naval expeditions were being pre
pared and declared such reports only
settle Mexican affairs peacefully.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 10. Serloua
anti-foreign demonstrations reported
today to the TTairaington government
from Vera Crui gave State and Nary
department officials considerable
concern, particularly In view of tha
Fan-American conference to be re
tamed In New Tork tomorrow to de
tise means for restoring peace In
Advices from Commander McKamm at
Vara Crus, depleting a threatanlnff sltus
Itan bi Carransa'a sommnt. led to a
ronfersnr bolmsn Secretary LaiulntT.
Rear Admiral Pennon. acting; rrtry of
tha nary, and hon J. Canovs, chief of
tha , division of Mexican affairs. Com
dander UcNamee'a report had at first
been retarded as alarming enoug-b, to
warrant spending naval reinforcements to
Vera Crus and preliminary order have
been given la tha battleships Louisiana
and New Hampshire, at Newport, to
make ready.
Wltf Await Reparta.
Deliberation on the situation,' however,
rs suited In tha determination to await
further ra porta before d la patching any
battleships, there being a genuine desire
upon tha part of administration officials
to do nothing to stir ap feeling that
mlgh be embarrassing te tha Pan-American
conferees. Aa order was sent, how
ever, directing the gunooet Marietta to
proceed st nee from Progreao to Vera
lYus, a distance of sbout miles. Rear
Admiral Bsnson explained thst the
Marietta might be utilised to convey ths
Braslllan and Guatemalan ministers In
Mexico to New OrleansL
Commander McNamee reported that
natives have made tnnendlary apeechks
la the streets of Vera Crus agalnat Amer
loans and other foreigners and thst there
hsd been numerous endeavors to Incite
uprising, although no overt set had yet
been committed.
Secretary Lantang will leave for New
York tonight to resume deliberations with
Ltla-Amertcan diplomats tomorrow.
Whether the definite plan agreed upon
could be fairly worked out in one more
session of the conference, Mr. Lansing
would nor. predict.
Gaaleatalea at Yrr Craa.
Tha Guatemalan tnlnlater te Mexico
reached Vera Crus last night from tfrs
capital and went aboard the gunboat
Hscramsnto. The Braslllan minister to
day Is enroute from Mexico City to Vera
Crus, where be will arrive tonight, and
also board the Sacramento. The two di
plomats probably will remain on the gun
boat until the gunbo&t Marietta reaches
there from Progreao to bring thsm to the
United States.
While much speculation continues en
what deficits plan of action haa been
si reed upon by the Pan-American con
ference. the feeling Is growing among
thoae wall Informed on the Mexican sit
uation that It contemplates forceful ao
tlon tf General Carranaa does not yield
to ths preliminary proposal for a eoiv
ference of all the factions.
fate DeiMtrtn'oat (aallaii,
Preparations for forceful action are
evident In the array and navy, but It Is
apparent they are being held back by thu
influence of the State department, which
doea not want to accompany the negotia
tions with a show of force and la work,
ing to use the military branch of tha
government only as a last resort, the
departure of the battleships New TUmp
shtre and Loulalania being delayed for
that reaaoo.
Although there are other small naval
vessels In Maxicsn wstsrs, the gunboat
Harramento, on which Commander Mo
Wamee has his flsg, la the only American
naval vsaael at Vera Crus. With the ar
rival of the Louisiana, the flagahip of
the fourth divi.ion of the Atlsntio fleet.
;ommandor McNamee will be super
seded in command of the American furcee
by Itear Admiral McLean.
alent Serum
.Working Wonders
Among Wounded
PARIS. Aug. WWhat are described as
remarkable cures of wounded French
aoldiars have been effected by the new
.polyvalent serum, discovery of which
was announced laat March. Complete re
covery la announced of men who were
terrible mutilated and tor Whom all hope
had been given up.
uociors ie ciamt oe and Vallee. the
diacoverers of the serum, have been us.
able up to present to make more than
1.009 flasks of It dally, mostly of which
goes where the worst eases ars to be
found. When It can be made In eufrtcleni
"juanUtlea to aupply the firing Unas,
where It could be used preventively as
anti-tetanus serum Is now used. It la be
lieved that thousands of live can be
The new serum, which may be d.
scribed as a combination of a number
of serum against different varieties of
oactena, . naa been put to practical use
only recently.
Allies Are Making
Sensible Gains in
the Dardanelles
PARIS. Aug. 10.-Ths allied force, havs
resumed their-attacks upon the Turkish
position at the PardanelUs with great
vigor durm, the ).., two day. and nave
made sensible prugrvas on the Oalllpolt
iccnlvtd from Athena Ths TurkiUi losses
have been licavy. Kloiultaneoualy the at
lied flrt-t tuiiibardd the Turkish positions
.mi the 1 'r Jur!li'5. luflictlnj severe aam
ate to their iu-n a oiks.
For bio ' ad wnr turn second-hand
ur tii to cash,
(Continued from .ae Otie.)
but thua far such reports have not been
borne out. and the Porte and Borne
maintain aurface relations with nations
at pesos.
for German's reported peace overtures
to Russia the British press finds only sar
casm. Virtually all papers Iterate edi
torially what officials have Insisted so
often, that there can be no peace until the
aJliee have gained victory. It Is believed
generally In England that Germany la
willing to conclude peace as matters
stand, but the burden of all written and
spoken comment la that such a situation
would be Impossible from the standpoint
of the allies.
I.oee eft.OAO Men la Oae Hat tie.
OKNKVA. BwlUerland. An. jn.-tVIn
rarls. ) A dispatch to the Tribune from
Innsbruck. Austria, savs thst In the re
rent fighting slong ths section of ths
eastern front running from the I'lssn
river to Ostrov. northeast of Warsaw,
the Germane lost 66,000 men In killed or
wounded, but succeeded In capturing the
principal fortified positions of the rtus
sisna The engsa-ements In the vicinity of
Novogeorglovck, the dispatch said, have
been continuous for five days and ths
Germane have occupied the northern
portion of the defenses of the surrounded
fortress. The Russian garrison depends
mainly upon bayonet charges, as srtlllery
ammunition la lacking.
North of the Lublln-Chelm rsllroad the
battle continues to the advantage of the
Austriana and Oermans. In the region
of Nova Alexandria on the Vistula south
ef Ivangorud, the Rusalans ars offering
fierce resistance. Inflicting heavy losses
on their opponents. -
Free Official Report.
PARIS, Aug. 10. The Trench war office
this afternoon gave out a report of the
progress of hostilities which reads aa
In the Artola district to ths north of
the touches railway station the Germans
last night delivered two attacks In which
they made use of bombs. They were
driven back to their trenches by our fire.
'In the Argonne, In the eastern part
of ths forest, laat night witnessed a can
nonade and rifle firing, but with no In
fantry engagements. There also fighting
with bomb and hand grenades at
''In the forest of La Fret re the enemy,
atar a violent bombardment, attacked at
about I o'clock yesterday evening our
trenches in the vicinity of La Crolx-Dee-Cannes,
but they were checked by a cur
tain of fire from ths French troops. Dur
ing the bight a further attack, accom
panied by a bombardment of shells con
taining asphyxiating ' gases, also was
checked by our artillery.
'In Lorraine a reconnaissance made by
the enemy agalnat the station and the
mill at Moncel wss easily repulsed.
"The night passed quietly in
Cruiser Tennessee
Sails for Haiti With
Marine Eegiment
PHILA1KLPHIA. Pa.. Aug, lO.-Csr-rylng
SSI marines, the Vnlted States
cruiser Tennessee sailed from the Phil
adelphla navy yard today for Haiti.
Colonel L. W. T. Waller and his sUff
were also on board. Colonel Waller will
assume command of all the United States
marines In Haiti. The marines that left
here today will reinforce thoae now In
Haiti, under command of Itear Admiral
The Tennessee carries enough supplies
for a three months' campaign.
Enalga V. V. Dubres of the Tennessee,
whose home Is in Texas, was stricken with
appendicitis Isst night and was operated
upon In the naval hospital. Ho will re
cover. Lindgren Makes
Nearly One Million
in Public Bequests
CHICAOO, Aug. 10. -The bulk of the
ri.060.000 estate loft by John R. Lind
gren. late vice president of the State
bank of Chicago, goes to religious and
educational Institutions, according to his
will, which wss approved In court today.
Among the beneficiaries are Northwest
ern university, Evanaton, 111.: the Ger
man Missionary society and the Chicago
Home Missionary and Church Extension
society. The widow, who renounced her
dower rights, and a daughter, receive
annuities of 115,000 and !M00, respectively.
and certain specific bequests.
Continued from Page One.)
mar attorney general of. this state, who
participated In the receiver proceedings,
brought in ths nama of ths state of Kan-
sas. has been paid N.tK by the receivers
- viinfi rniwg wniie noiaing
the office of attorney general and draw
Ing adequate salary from ths state.
"I am citing this inquiry to you to as
certain, the legality of acceptance of the
fees In auch cases by tha attorney gen
of ' state, and proper methods of
pro''d ur- 10 '"'ore restitution in case
,uc" Payment and aooeptanoe are In
your opinion not sanctioned by law."
Graft Dlsarace te Bar.
rescues ing hla action Oovernor Capper
Ths milking of corporations, publlo
snd privets, with the complataant con
nivance ef Judges sitting In bankruptcy
i Proceedings and receiverahlbe haa lone
a disgrace to the American bene
' and bar.
Popular Indignation haa. in recent
years, been something of a restraint
upon ths orgies cf graft, but the case of
me Kansas Natural CUs company seems
to revert to the aeys when receivership
grabs were Uken as a matter of course."
Department Orders.
Washington. iur iAinr-i.i ti.
! P&eVt.r 1 at oPui
county. Neb., vice John W. l.l.s. resigned,
ivr'.r,..l,iltL5rrir" appointed: Irvln T.
'iVn.". Wur'S
"CVmy and U. H, Slaher at Perrlllo,
Or man It rimkurn j a t. v. . .
been appointed assistant Im 4.'t-i i
toiiitettiuu ,ua Uie agriculture eKt-
Mlea lo sled at btarkville,
. US sw Si a
or "Jns, la., haa boon ap
pointed flold matron at Koaeuud. Indian
Agency. Koutn Dakota.
A civil service eaamiuatlon a 111 be. hll
September lor poeUuuier at fet. H
bury, Mcb.
Thirty Thousand Moved from Rus
sian Front Driven Into Goriza
After Long Fight.
OENKVA, Aug. 10. (Via Paris.)
The appearance on the Italian
front of 10,000 Austrian troops re
leased from the Russian campaign Is
announced by the Tribune in a dis
patch from Laibach, Austria. These
troopa, equipped with artillery suffi
cient for two army corpa, attacked
the Italians yeaterday outside of
Gorlria, leaving 2,000 dead on the
The Italians a re said to hsve gained an
I nportant point strategeilcally by Joining
frooee between Romans and Doberdo,
south Of aradiaca. The Austrians en
deavored in vain to prevent this Junction
Valng heavily In the effort.
The bombardment ef Rovsreto con
D. J. O'Brien Sells
Candy Factory to
Towle and Gordon
D. J. O'Brien, for many years a candy
manufactuiwr of Omaha, haa sold out his
interest In the D. J. O'Brien Candy com
pany, to R, B. Towle, who has been sec
retary and treasurer of the company for
a long period, and A. W. Gordon, of the
aordon-Lewlesa company, manufacturers
of tin cans. Mr. Gordon's connection
with the Gordon-Lawless company will
not be affected by the move, and Mr.
Towle will probably become manager f
the candy company, ths name of whli
will remain the ssme.
Nearly a year sgo W. B. Walker, presi
dent of the American Thermos Bottle
company, a tl.090,000 corporation of New
Tork. made Mr. O'Brien a very attractive
offer to Join his company, and aa a direct
result of this offer Mr. O'Brien hss sold
out his Interest which for so long has
been the controlling power in the big
candy factory. Mr. O'Brien will leave In
about a month to Join the New York con
cern, and will probably become vice pres
ident. Ths salary he will receive Is very
large, and a substantial portion of the
concerns stock will shortly be placed In
hie name.
The final transfer of ths stock held by
Mr. O'Brien In the D. J. O'Brien Candy
company was mads In the offices of Ma
honey Kennedy In the City National
bank building, and ths beaming faces
of everyone connected with the trans
action showed only too plainly how satis
factory the arrangements were.
"1 am delighted with the men who will
manage the factory in the future." said
Mr. O'Brien. "There are no men in the
country whom I would rather see In con
trol of It than Ross Towls and Al Gor
don, and tha whole deal is perfectly
The amount involved In the transfer
Is not made publlo, but inaemuch as Mr.
O'Brien's Interest wss the controlling
one In the big company, It Is safe to as
sume that the amount was ons of the
largest Involved in any business trans
action arranged in Omaha, for some time
past. The amount of stock Mr. O'Brien
owns In the American Thermos Bottle
company Is also not made public.
Powder Company
to Raise Wages Ten
Per Cent Monthly
OART, Ind., Aug. 10. Employes of the
Aetna Chemical company and the Aetna
Explosive company of New York, which
operate plants at Aetna, a suburb of
Gary: Thebes, 111., and lahpemlng, Mich.,
have been granted wage Increases of SO
per cent. It was announced today.
According to the announcements of ths
companies, ths employes will be granted
a further Increase of 60 per cent If the
European war lasts beyond December of
this year. ,
Effective August L the employes were
given a voluntary Increase of 10 per cent
In wages and a similar monthly Increase
will be mads for five mouths. If at the
end of thst period the war still permits
and the experiment is a success, monthly
advances will continue until June L 191.
when the workers will be receiving 10)
per cent Increase over today'a wages.
Several thousand men will ahare in the
Children Burned
to Death in a Barn
Near Pilger, Neb,
PILOBR, Neb., Aug. 10. Special Tale-
Krv)A barn was burned on til farm
ct otto WWers. northwest ef this town.
this morning and two children, aged i
and years, wars burned to death. An
older child, cf years, waa playing with
the tare In the barn and bad metchee
with her. In aome way she set fire to
ths hsy. She tried st tee little ones
out, but waa unable to ao so. liar mother,
hearing hsr cries, rushed to the burning
building and waa able to get the older
girl out, but failed In her hereto attempts
to save the smaller children. Ths entire
building waa consumed, together with a
Entente Sends Joint
Note to Bulgaria
PAIU8, Aug. ia Ths cot-respondent at
Balonlkl of ths Havas agency telegraphs
that diplomatic representatives cf Franco,
Russia, Greet Britain and Italy have de
livered a Joint communication to ths
Bulgarian government with a view to
procuring the collaboration of that na
tion with the antes aa part of a common
understanding with the Balkan states.
PARIS. Aug. 1.-Ilirro Xaxlm Is
credited by the l.nnjou rvrrvspondent of
the Petit Partalen with having Invented
a slmpls and tnexpe'vs cot.trlvn"e to
protect soldli-rs from the effects cf deadly
gases employed In battls. Ttls davlca Is
designed te cause the aesee to rise and
pass over the heads of the mem against
whom they are directed,
Warns U. P. Against
Sending Munitions
Over the Bridge
Warnings have been written on bleached
skulls In the past; but on pin plates
have dire warnings never before been
Trainmen coming across the I'nlon
Paclflo brlda-s Into Omaha early In the
morning saw a pie plate sticking up In
the frog of the track.
Their attention was drawn at once.
On plrklng up the plate they found writ
ten on It In lead pencil the words:
(Signed) "Watch."
Tuesday afternoon Ed Dodrlll, In the
city Jail, confessed to Stephen Maloney
that he had written on the plate and
made the threat. Dodrlll was Jailed Mon
day night when he thought he was an
officer of tha law and began petroling
the river front warehouse with a gun In
his pocket, although he had only put
In an application aome houra before and
had been turned down. Just what Is
the matter with this man, Dodrlll, alias
"Watch." the police have not yet de
termined, but he will be turned over to
the proper authorities, who will exam
Ins Into his state of mind.
Express Company is
Robbed of Large Sum
by Systematic Thefts
CHICAGO. Aug. 10. With three mn
under arrest here today, one of whom Is
said to have confeased, detectives for
the Wells Fargo Express comnanv. claim
to hsva uncovered a system of thefts
through which the company has been
robbed of merchandise total Ins- norlv
fcXtt.OUO within the last twelve years.
The men under arrest are Prank Wil
son. Who Is altered to have rtlnn.M f
the, stolen goods; Benjamin Watklns, an
vnipioye 01 me express company, and a
man known to ths police only as the
' mysterious man." who Is said to havs
traveled under as many as twenty aliases.
Watklna wss employed by the United
States Express company, which was ab
sorbed by the Wells Fargo more than a
year ago. For eloven years previous to
that time, detectives said, the United
States company had been losing an aver
age of 13,000 worth of goods a month.
Watklna remained In the service when the
United States company was absorbed.
Packsges containing valuables would bo
rewrapped Into one large parcel by Wat
klna, It was charged, and addressed to
the "mysterious man," at some suburb
of Chicago, where It would be claimed
under the alias which happened to be on
the label.
Raiders Hope to
Annex Part of
-Texas to Mexico
BROWN8VILLB, Aug. ia An explana
tion of the purposes and extent of the
Mexican raids of ths Isst three weeks
wss obtained today from Jesus Garca,
a Mexlcsn wounded and captured In the
Sunday night tight at Nodes, who Is
expected to die. He said many Mex
icans, especially the lower classes, hope
to regain possession of that part of Texaa
between the Rio Grande and the Nueoes
river or roughly the strip bounded by
Brownsville and Corpus Chrietl and re
turn It to Mexico.
Garcia said a political party having this
aim exists In the Southern part of Texas
and that he waa forced to Join the band
which attacked Norlaa. It la claimed
that, for ths last two years, Mexicans
have held weekly meeting at Garcla'a
horns. 1
.WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. -An official
report from Major General Funeton wss
received at the War department today
describing the attacka of bandits on
civilians and United States soldiers at
the railroad station at Norlaa, Tex. Gen
eral Funaton said It has been established
thst "most of ths men concerned In these
outrages are residents of , Texas, but
only a few are Americans."
Resinol will
stop that ugly
itching rash
The moment that Resinoi Oint
ment touches Itching akin the itch
ing stops and healing begins. That
is why doctors have prescribed it
to successfully for twenty yean in
even the severest csirs of eciema,
ringworm, rashes, and many other
tormenting, disfiguring skin dis
eases. Aided by warm baths with
Resinol Soap, Resinol Ointment
makes a sick akin or scalp healthy,
qukkly, easily and at little cost.
Reslaol Oiatsssat and RssUol 80s alee
clear aay M, bUcaWet aad dtaarva.
Sold by sll arutitMsi "' " nte to
IUsUmJ, DpL 14-S, Baldaere. Mi.
Phnno nniio-lam 7Q1fl I I O
U (Of
Go-Pa-Go Paints
1812 Farnam St.
C. 0. Cook Paint Co.
On:hi's Itsiinj Psinl Stors
Smelting Company
Compromises Suit
With United States
DENVER, Colo., Aug. 10. The Amer
ican Smelting and Refining company to
day paid United States District Attorney
Harry B. Tedrow, as representative cf
the federal government. $1 12.706 as dam
ages and rent for tha uss of S.Ms acres
of southern Colorado coal lands valued
at $1.000, mo. The peyment follows the
Institution by the government of a suit
In equity. In which It was charged that
the lands In question had been secured
fraudulently through the use of "dummy"
The company was allowed to retain
206 acres upon which stands the plant
of the "model mine" at Cokedale, upon
payment for the land. This payment Is
Included In the 1112,766 received by Me.
Tedrrrtr. All the land .s In the vicinity of
Cokedale and Arullar, Colo. Some of It
Is under lease to the Victor-American
Fuel company and the government will
allow the lease to stand, thus becoming
a coal mine landlord.
In consideration of ths payment of
recent damages, Mr. Tedrow dismissed
the suit pending In the United States
district court.
Fair Attendance
Passes Ten Millions
8AN FRANCISCO, Cel.. Aug. lO.-At-
tendanoe at the Penama-Paclfto exposi
tion has passed the ten-million mark.
aocordimr to announcement todar bv
the exposition directors. The ninth mil
lion waa registered on July 28. and the
dally average in rolling up the tenth
million waa to.kks.
woman WOULD
Though Sickaod Suffering; At
Last Found Help in Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound.
Richmond, Pa, " When I started
taking Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable
Compound I waa in a
dreadfully rundown
state of health,
had internal trouv
bles, and was so ex
tremely nervous and
prostrated that if I
had given in to my
feeiinga I would
have been in bed.
Aa it waa I had
hardly strength at
times to bo on my
feet bd2 .-. . I dH do was by a great
fort. I could not sleep at night and
of course felt very bad ia the morning,
and had a steady headache.
"After taking the second bottle I no-
' ticed that the headache waa not ao bad,
I rested better, and my nerves were
! stronger. I continued its use until it
' made a new woman of roe, and now I
, can hardly realize that I am able to do
so much aa I do. Whenever I know any
woman in need of a good medicine I
highly praise Lydia E. Pinkham'a Veg
etable Compound." Mrs. Frank
Clark, 8146 N. Tulip St, Richmond, Pa.
TTomea Hare Been Telling TTomea '
for forty years how Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound haa restored their
health when suffering with female ilia.
This accounts for the enormous demand
for it from coast to coast. If you are
troubled with any ailment peculiar to
women why don't you try Lydia E.
Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound? It
will pay yon to do ao. Lydia E. Pink
bam Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.
Advertising Specialty
Salesman Wanted
for Omaha and surrounding territory,
by an old, and strong; Kaatern houae
manufacturing a big line of Advertls-
'i nertnometers. We want a man 1
with the Urlt of a Grindstone and the i
Oo of a Oun. Bide line or full time. '
liberal commission. Klglit man can '
make J5.000 or more a year. One hav
ing established trade with hlrh claaa '
business houses preferred. Novice with
puali considered. Ulva references, expe
rience and present line. Write today,
TATX.OB BBOB. CO., Division
Taylor Instrument Corapaaies, Roches
ter, V. Y.
EAR fa H WslM ts SW rw slMsta vwk f kliSaS)
vato to Mj4ev.r. rtiruiBMstWrairartarraeal.
SlORI Tkorwtl.sM if faMtnwtioa Umm U
yyYU sssr, umssm saS sspbUmm, liberal Mtti task
. srtssi a i air lisic: 1 1 sus n t isl ; snitswsy I
Oeefe p. Mslll, A. M, O. 0., PreelSees
bee SSolaea, few
1 0m.iftA I 0
Vi:if ;' '
OClIlbC g
Beauiy l
Economy I
I n
The August Linen Sale
Values Which We Cannot
Duplicate When These Are Gone
A Sale of Fine
45c Scalloped Guest Towe's
50c Hemstitched (juost Towels
75c Hemstitched Guest Towels
A Sale of Turkish Towels
45c Turkish Towels -
50c Turkish Towels -
75c Turkish Toweb -
$1.00 Turkish Towels -
Table Damask
$1.25 Bleached Damask -$1.50
Bleached Damask - -$1.75
Bleached Damask - -$2.00
Bleached Damask - -$1.50
Silver Bleached Dania&k
To Chicago and East
Four Daily Trains
Leave Omaha . . . 1 :15 am 7 :10 am 5 :50 pm 7 :50 pm
A rri ve Chicago . . 2 :00 pm 0:10 pm 8 :10 am 9 :15 am
Equipment of these trains has every requisite of travel com
fort, including coaches or free reclining chair cars, drawing
room, compartment and open section sleeping cars and unexcelled
dining service. Observation cars on all trains, together with well
ballasted, double track roadbed protected by automatic signals,
add to the pleasure and comfort of passengers. Try the "Mil
waukee" on your next trip eaat.
Round trip summer excursion tickets to New York, Boston
and many other points, including attractive trips by lake, river
and ocean, are now on sale at reduced rates. For information,
reservations, etc., call on or address ...
W. E. BOCK, City Passenger Agent, 0. M. & St. P. Ry., '
1317 Farnam St-, Omaha, Neb.
Agents for all steamship lines.
OM fflff
Douglas County Now Fair Grounds
6 Nights, August 17 to 22
General Admission, SOo Reserved Setts, 75c - Box Stats, Each SI
Mammoth Tractor Demonstration
Fremont. Neb., August 9-14
46 manufacturers entered, 80 tractors, 80 plows.
1.U0U acres of etubblo will be plowed, harrowed,
disced, etc., during tho week. t
W. J. Bryan and Oorernor Morebead will be present at the
opening, August 9. Remarkable motion picture scenario will
bo staged Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Joe 6techer will
wrestle Thursday. Big barbecue dinner Friday. All demon
strations and entertainments are free.
m 9
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Guest Towels
- - 19 each
- - 39 each
- - 50 each
- 25 each
- 39 each
- 50 each
- 75 each
by the Yard
$1.00 yard
S1.10 yard
$1.25 yard
$1.50 yard
$1.25 yard
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Base Boll
Rourke Park, Ang. 9-10-10-11.
Two earns A or 10J 1st OaUs4 9. m.
An. S-il, hua 0J14 M . ss.
KoaAay, Aa S. XasAlss X7.