T1IK JIHK: OMAHA, TUESDAY. AUtiTaST 10. VJlb. row HKT One Small Office For Rent Good Location Fourth Floor. Water and Electrrc Light, Free. $12.00 lVr Month. The Bee Building "The building- that is always new." Office. Room 103. WAHTKn TO BTjT OJTFIcn furniture bought and oTJ 37 ? Rd. 1KIT arnam. iMug 4144 HH'HK-T prlcya tor old rlothlm. D 4714. ' Talw nuyt vrythinK tid hand. Wab. 4vt4. liabtiy uavti nlli araaa uiuu f iiij" HEAL ESTATE FARM A HA Hit H LANDS FOR IALK tail turaia. "..J, Colonic non bettr. W. T. . Smith Co.. 1?-14 City Nat Ha. O. 8)a Colorado. FOR PAT.K OH TKAPK-TWutiful Drn var hom. 6 lota. 12-ioom houac and yarmaa ana outounainga; praaand brick. full c men ted baaeincnt; nw nard wood iinian; new fapitoi mil, on principal " ajnpinonia or m.,w iiu.. aaalnat re boulavard; will alto conalder trade for lpJl''s uf i'.STH.Uuii bu. and alilptnenU of 8 18. Prltchard. llarley II .ti l. lIlaha j -er iiruwrtF near umtiia. call Mm COIX)IlAI0. Barauaa of hoapllal operation I will Bell aeraa at H Ita value; good schools. P. O. and cream station 1 mile. Location for atore; 10 per acre. Rocklln, liox bi, Eub tla. Neb. lavra.. HAVE TOr A FARM FOR f A I.E ? Write a good deaciiptlon of your land and aenJ It to the Sioux City, la.. Journal, ."lowa'a Moat Powerful Want Ad We dlum." Twenty-five worde every Friday evening, Saturday morning nnd every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving eixteen ada on i waive auierent aaye for 3; or 60 word a. 4. vr i worau, ea. Lrgeai circulation of any Iowa now paper, fcO.OOO readera dally la lour great Moauar. GET ABOARD OUR SPECIAL CAR BOUND FOR Iha-Judith Basin, Montana, where you an buy rich new land that will produce food cropa yearly and without Irrlxatiim. ou will open your eyes wide and be delighted If you take a trip with ua and ee the big cropa. Low railway rales tae ua for tlokete and mane. How nun acreg can you manage? Wm. H. Brown Co., 6 N. ItSalle St.. Chicago. Minnesota. MINN, farms; low prloe, easy terms Min neeota Land Co.. P. O. Box 317. Omaha. Mebraaauk. FARMS FOR PALE. The farms I have for sale are all Im proved, located near Plattsmouth, In Case eounty. are well worth the prices asked, and will bear the closest Inspection, lod acree at ISO per acre, 80 acres at $llr, 160 acres at 125. 190 acres nt $130. lib acI?,.at I4- 410 crea at $125, 40 acres at $200 per acre. S, S, 10. 10 and DO acre small Improved trade adjoining Plattsmouth, at prices that are right. . T. H. POLLOCK. Tel. No. 1. Plattsmouth, Neb. FOR 8ALK Best large body hlsh-grade medlum-piioed land In Nebraska; very tittle money required. C. Bradley. Wol fcach. Neb. FOR BALEu-80 acrea. well Improved, 6 mllea from Meadow Orove, Neb., and baa good soil; $100 per acre; $2,0)0 rash, balance terms. Camper Thelscn, Osmond, Neb. Soath Dakota. FOR PALE 320-acre farm. 300 acres In corn, wheat and barley: good Improve ments; plenty of Water; 100 miles west of Bloux City; $75 per acre; easy terms. lHO-acre farm, 100 acres lu corn, wheat and oats; well Improved: per acre; eaey terms. F. S. Strohbern), Waisner, Charles Mix County, South Dakota MlaceIki..eoBS. ISO-ACRES farm. $12 per acre; $20 cash and $30 per month; no Interest: rich soli; fin land; pure water, good title. Write AV. T. Young. Jr . Kimball. Neb. REAL ESTATE LOANS FARM LOANS, (I PER CENT. TOLAND TRUMBULL, 44S Bee Bldg. $100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam St CITT and farm losuvs, E. 64. 6 per cent J. H. Durnont Co.. 416 state Bank. V ANTED Good farm and city loans at loweat rates. PH3TERS TRUST CO.. 1B22 Farnam. CITT property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas, as State Bank Bldg. MONET on hand for etty and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. BEE as first for farm loans In eastern Neb. United States Trust Co., Omaha. 'fiof- CITT LOANS. C. (i. Carl berg? ta nj.it Brandela Theater Bldg. "WANTEIV-Clty and farm loans; lowest ralea. W. O. Tamplatun. tut Baa. T. 3030. HEAL ESTATE) FOR EXCHAXGE a-XIR EXC11ANQE Clear corner lot, tx iw, uwi a ion., umanii, ror good rive .pawnger automobile. Address T 51, Bee. PRACTICALLT new S-eyllnder car and one-half ton truck; will exchange either or both for equity In bungalow, or what have youT Address B. M.. Care Bee. OMAHA residence property exchange for fcloux City property. Box 69. Bloux City. REAL ESTATE VACANT 1XT. eaat front. 41st and California Bts., . 12x130. Price $750. (o. Schroder, 403 , Ware Block, Phone Red 44C REAL ESTATE: SOUTH BIDE ibEALTIFT'L PRAIRIE PARK, graaa shrubs and trees giving splendid shads and uniformly distant from each other, all In now, not promised for future years. Pav ing tax as paid. No sheds, alleys or dis agreeable environments. On car llnea, near achoola and churches; five new houses completed, or hearing completion. Can be nold on easy payments to responsible par ties. Keya at my residence, H. J. Scanned. Phone Doug. tHH or Web. JC11. JBLNQAIJW 6-room. modern, new and up-Udata In every respect, 22d and Amea. Oak Chatham addition. Webaier aa. ' BKAUTIFUL 7-room bungalow, strictly modern; corner lot; sacrifice for quirk aale. SOU Grand Ave. Phone Webster 91 REAL ESTATE SOUTH BIDE CLOSING up an estate, aell at sacrifice Vacant lot, also S-room cottage on Polk fit.. So. Omaha; gooii surrouudings and location. Address T C4S. Baa. REAL ESTATE: WEST SIDE CATIIEDKAL D1STKICT New, modem, 6 rooms and sleeping Perch : oak floors: oak and hirch flnlah throughout; built-in buffet and bookcase. I viumwing, turnace and hardware very beat; south front; close-in: best buy tn Omaha. TeL Owner. Douglas l.C. . REAL ESATE I Ji VESTMENTS rR.5I'or rc"a building. Dual $1. 8,wrd Apply 144 REAL ESTATE MISCELLANKOfS FOR $ALSe 4 acres town property I- T.lTl.boumi Ur b'n. " ' fruit lor information write ilra. Annie Wtt "ca, iexter, la. r-AIN for caah. having moved t f,7m 0iVh,l 1 wt" "! tor Sand la Minnesota or North Dakota tha S'ropeity at 1A11 Capitol Ave., consisting "fw':,illy ,fi '.' ground, with t brick building thereon, at a sacrifice if 1. quick deal Is made Address your offer in C. fc. Elvlng, tU Plymouth Bids. aUiiineapolU. Mlua, GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Sentiment Bearish on Wheat Market and Old Drops Fire and New Three to Six Cents. OATS CROP IS BIO THIS YEAR OMAMA, Auf. . 1915. The wheat market waa vr hMriih to day. New wheat declined .Vti'i . w.ille "id w neat sold Sr lower. Thin weak- in wnfm la pmnaniy itt to tne ra v- aya tha enormoiia crop of oata raised ...tho fStatea tola year and tha wllllnxnosa on th. part of farme.a to alio B goodly portion of eurplua to slip throiiR-.i their flnitera around ihn nriini price level. It la anld that fore anoraJ ..i. "" mK' Pirchaaea of oats on a liberal a. ale, hut that they are walling 'or the new irop to move, and opeit uii!Ia,.nt"': vhrnt ttnd flour e,ual to ,oa) bu.. corn. .(H l u., and oala. 161.UD j Liverpool apot: V heat. H to Id higher; iv.,.", uii'-nanaeu 10 l hlgner. I "rimary wheat receipts wore l.OM.OOU bu. "i.iw on. taxi year. I'ritnarv corn recelot wem Ml om Kik nnd rhlpments of r.TAio bu., against re ceipt a f 6M.0OO bu. and aiilpiutnta of I7..t( bu. laal year Primary oata receipt were 383,000 bit. and ahlpmenta of ( hti., agnlnat re ceipt a of 6.li,ii0 bu. and shipment of t'lil.OliO bu. laal year. CAU1XT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oata. Chicago VlinneaiHiHa luluth Omaha Knnaa Cltv St. 1imts ..no ...is ...4-; ...2i;t r7 si 44 V lnniei;, holiday. Thea oaah aiilea were reoorted today! Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 'I cara toHl). i-' $1.40; 1 t ar (new) and old).11.23. No. 4 . hard winter; 1 car (old), $1.4w; 1 tar iold, i l.oM: 1 car (part oid. Sl.la; 1 car. $1.17, I 1 car. 11 n.W: 4 . an. ILln: 1 car. 11. 14. No. i t hard winter: 1 car, SL0&; 4 cara. tl.OW; d cara. KMc. SaniDle: S car. (Kns H enra. SEk'; 4 cara. ffco; I car, Ko.; 1 car, 77o. Corn 1 .ii z wiute: 1 rar i4r vara, mt.. c; cara nic Vt car, 74c. No. I white; t cara, 74ic; cara, 74c No. 4 white: Vi car. 734c No, 3 yellow: 7 cara, 74'4o. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, 74Vic; 1 car, "4o. No. S mixed: 1 car. 734c No. S mixed: 6 cars, 73c.. No. a mixed: 1 car. 73hc. Sample: 14 cara, HSc) 2 cars. tttc. Oata: No. 3 white: 4Vi cara. 2c. No. 4 white: 1 car. 61c; 1 car. Mc, 1 car (new). 44c Haniple; 1 car, 60c; 1 car (new), 43c. Oniana t ash Prices Wheat : No. 2 Turkey. $1.W81.414; No. 3 turkey, $L1& 1.41; No. 2 hard, $1.1W1414: No. S hard, $Ll.'Vul.0; No. 4 hard. x.i1.3h; No. 2, spring. $1.4tf;n.4f.: No. 3 spring, fl.871pl.43. Corn: No. 2 white. 74fiiT4.i; No. 3 white, 7;lV744c; No. 4 white, KHmSr: No. f. white, 73jf73V: No. B while, 72WSc; No. 2 yelow, 74u'74'ic: No. 3 yellow, 3i$ 74"r: No. 4 yellow. 7Vfr734c; No. S yellow, 727r73'c: No. 6 yellow, 724W3c; No. 2 mixed, last'tr'"": wo. a mixen. i.a.ic: No. 4 mixed, 72f?73V4c; No. 6 mixed, 724'(f 73ic: No. i. iifanv: sample. 644jVh. 1s: No. 5 white, 62m'3r.; standard, WVu? 524c; No. 8 white. MVtf&Ze; No. 4, S1W614" Barley: Malting, 6Wu'74c; No. 1 feed, 644 tflc. Rye: No. 3, liwc; mo. a, HOijwto. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feat area of the Trading; and Cloateg Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Aug. . Wheat flagged in value today, owing largely to ironpe.Tta of a bearish crop report from Washing ton. As a matter of fact, however, tho government figures, which were made public after trading hourn, did not prove o big as the more radical bears had predicted. Closing prices were unsettled at MrSo. to "c net decline. Corn closed nfr-'sc to c down, and oata. off to In provisions, the outcome was 24i'2".c to 274o advance. SuKffesttons which were current that the government crop report would Indi- HAILWAY TIME CARD UAION STATION Teath and Xdaaoa. Cklcago A Nortkvraatara NORTH. DatMit. trrtva. Twla City Kxprsss a 1:44 am 1U:N pa Iakota rasaaoter bl:U tn a an atoux Ctty Lml a S lS pm a 4 6 pa UIDnaapoils Exprvas a S 44 pia all 16 an Twla City Unilto! a ;M pm a 1:11 u AiST. Daavsr ' npeslal tl:ttia a 7 M sib a 04 pa !: all:64 pa all: pm a 1.44 p-a a 4 o pin aiO:W am a 4:40 pm a 1 to am Cvrroll Local llawkar giprcia Chicago Local Carroll Local Cfcloa Kp-Klal gaa Frmaclaoo Umltarl orlaod Limltad . all . 46 am a!0 U am a : pm a 7 no ao. Oraaoa-W'aaliiustoa UmitaS. .a l:U pm alt. 1 am Las ADgelea UlmlUd . I.U (u aU 44 am warn a. Chtcr-m tonal 1 lata Uacoln-Dallaa IJocola-Loug Has ... Maatinia-ijiipaTlor rMadwuoO-Hot sprlag. Caaper-Landar w a bask Omaba-M. Ixrala Kxpi Mail a4 abipraaa I nloa Pacific OnrlaM Llmlta Califunila Mall Omaha Epra Atlaata Kipraas Loa Angales Limited... Colorado Itapraas Colorado Spaelal 6aa Frant'isco Urnttad. atSopm ...a 1 14 pm alS:il pm ...k 114 pm b t:24 pm ...a 4:66 pm a t.zn pm ..a t.d4 pm ail .04 am ...atittpm a l it am ...a 7 m an alliw pm ...at:atam a 144 am ...atitapm alt: 41 am f ttpm a tit am ...all l am at 44 pm ...a4:Ppm a 4 M pm ...all Warn a T:d am ...aitittam Ocvgoa-W'aautnston Limited. .ait tt am a l it pm ' Nana Platu 1-J :i'm 4 a pm paolllo iimneo I am a T:t6 pm Grand lalaad Local .al:apm ait: at am u-omamirt Illinois teatra .au.u pm U:M pm Chleas IimlUd a 10 pm a I ! am thloaao Eioraaa a I M am H Hpa alblon-Oaxdal 1 S IS pm tl:pa tkloaajo, MllwaakM at. Paal paclfVo Umlted .. .a 7 4 om all li .m Cr.tcaso apeclej ; - - m a I:t ' " r.-M.h. ttnlKl A ff'lS - " t V.n!??,i- u.TT alia.- ...."! Manilla Loenl aiisai all I am -aiiiu.. --. - r Ifclcago Ureat vveetera TwIaCItT Limlte I I pm a S 4 ta Tula Cltr Kapraaa i ! 5 " : Chlca Biprees a I pm aS tOpa Mlsaearl lclflc K C. "t. L Bxprese a t 0 am a T 4 am It! C. ac L. Expraaa all :1a p a lea p Jt. C. p,ul ' a I N pB Iklcago, Hock Island dt Pnclflo . CAST. nor gntUlt Umlted a 1 t im ajl M ( Lusaso Local Paaaaoger bl at am pi pj L Ctioase laiiy Jj,Dr J :t am a 4 to pm I pi MKtnaa Local raaaeaer..a 4 2t , . m cilc-se'"k Limiwd ..a;4pm a 1.00 am a fairly good -ah d.nwnd lor ta.t L'- i s. S-.. i -TJi.. Tl. I ' i I'iii 'Dili IUXlS-K-crlita. m hoad. rprrai. corn and oala wore cull anil l-iituroa rnnd a fol o a: u "L Z'Z,i . hla-hrr- bulk, tmrt? 40: tianvy. M7 tliera waa vary little demand for a th-r ArtkteM iiii.nT lli.h Fi Tr i J' Vh. V-iT-.;2 . , T .1 i'k'r and Wcham. r..00ift. of theao rrraala. Corn waa o,iol Ln 'x"w "" I H'iTb.l low. Clono. I tBt y Tha folio win talla ahowa tha avaraca L .... .,u,. .. -V hlahor to IV lowr. while oala a !l j "'hat (III T.t ?r.h"" "i" inhJ! KIIKKI' AN1 l.AMlli-t!otp wnc lowar. i npt. tarsi Th apaoulatlva world liaa tx.fr.ro Ita 1pC. 1 (TV: rhl -Neb Limited U Llacola. a 111 am s 4:47 ami' hard, $1.2J01.34; J Colorado California Eas... a 140 pm a 4 W pm I September. $l.(r74; OkUhoma Tex" 2M-,; J14am! May. fl.08. guck iaonan- ea a 1 i.H am BURLINGTON BTATIOBf Teatk aa Masoa. fiarllBCto: LIN BIS WKST. Uapaft. AfTtva Dearer Limited a 7 M am a f :0t am Nebraaka Looal al ataui a 4:10 pm Lauooia Loral bl:ittpm k l ot am I LouiaTllla-akhoTleT ai.Wpm bl:jt am KorUisaai. u.ack Hllla. Mea taaa and Waehtagtua a 4:1 pm a 1:64 pm Baeu-lca, nwiun aaa urea Ialaad at Unm alt ut ' DaBTar-Caulornla naMaa - raa4 UUad . r pm a 4 a, pm aU .14 uooom i P a 1 40 pm tleradaiue - naia, Wavte- -ijNaa- ilVr " M 4 " - LINKS &AHT. rklcage s4 llltaols a f:1l am a JM am Iowa Levsal . ........ .........s U am riatunoMk-Peairle i nam.... a I 90 pm a aa yiaiuiaoaik-Paome Juaet... .alt It pm a I 4t ZZ Craevoa Lel k 4 k pm bll:tam Cbioasa ! !' 44 pm Chloaao U-lla4 all pm a I tt am "y, as llllaola a I 30 u au m ZZ lwe iKign SOUTH SL. am Kaaaaa Cltf-ac iaaepk llllia a I tt StTLMts. Me..... .. - l t pm ail.Sim kaaaaa CIr-- Joaepb all m pm a 4 aa l2 aUllf- eallrj4Jkis44. 4.4 am WEBSTER iTSSEKT ITATIOsl rif. tetstfe aad Wtksttr, tklemae, Paal, MlaastpelU Oauk Deeart. Arrlea Twla CHr f is a 4 M am h 4 at pm waa City ftapraae kISpa kUMam teas Cltr t-aaaaaaar -..a I I am , aVmansa Lsmtl II M pea 104 am a eailjr. k sallji aaosM Soada. rate yield of l.irt.0rt.n bushels up. Ibarra o laJS'lnale many traders i ahem. The official estimate, thotiaii K.0i0Hi bushels whb h cam too lata to afre.l prl.-ew, turned out to be only S.OXi.O'ti buehcla more than Hie total as calculated by the Washington authorities a month aan. Aatde from the government report livavv receipts her tended to ""k'n th market an1 so also did flut tering crop reports from the spring whest el a tea and from Canada. In oom. a In wheat, the government etlnvue failed t, meet fully the flifitrea expected by the hoar. Better renditions inr mrcshlna; pulled down oats quota- I t,on' Higher price In the hoc market lifted ' .ioh -oni oilmen nraiers proteas 1 mil Hal, 1 uTi 1 P7"t 1 oav, l oti, l 07Sj 1 ( 74 Trii1 7414 T4' ' WV HS M I I 40 , )t, l 40V, 40 i as'i 40U I j IS ITS, n M 13 W 13 14 (10 ' 13 W I 14 00 13 87S 1 I I ITS, 07V, S 1ft I I 12H 2!W 8 IS I 8 S 3 "Corn Kpt. Lr.. Oata Pt. 741 !, Pork I Sept.! JS 70 Oct.. IS K Lard tept.i g 12 Wl Oct. S 30 Rlha I Hept I 22H I 12W SO 10 Oct.,! t 171,1 a ai; a 124' is t hlcairo Caah PrlcwWheat: No. i red. SI 13461.16; No. 3 hard. S1.2Rfl.3s. Com- No. vdlow. kOJjiSiv-; No 4 yel low. 7940: No. 4 while. 7c. Oata: No. S White, old. .Wl..4.-: No S white. nr atandard. M -uv. Re: No 2, noml- i nal: No. .1. iliw Itatley. 7(iiN4. Se.-ils j iiuioirj. w u clover. min(ill. Pmvllon: I'ork, $!S.; lard, SJiO;1; rlha, SS Krfiy On. Hl'TTKR Higher; creamery. Vi;4i,o hXXIS Hlnher; reoolpta. 13.247 cajea; at mark, caaea Included, ltOT!74c ; ordinary firKtv hVdliio; flrta. northern atoi-k, 17V 'Ul74c; first a, aonthern, l(V4(o 17o. IHlTATOl-S Steady; receipts. K, cats; Virginia, barrelled. 41 5H; Jeraev. bulk. POrLTRT Alive. unsettled; fowls, 134i, springs, Kani4c. SKW YOnK t.lJKRAl, MAKKK.I' NEW YORK. Aug. 9. FIOtR !ower to sell; spring jntenta, $fi.C-n7.10. w Inter pHtents, $j.iiOfiu.,j; winter straights, f ..2 Vp pi WHEAT-Bnot, easy; No. 2 red, St 21. r. I. f. New York, CNport. and No. 3 hard, tl.as'i. c. I. f. to arrive; No. 1 northern, Hulnth, nnd No. 1 northern, Mnnlioba, $1,114. e. I. f. Buffalo. Futures were esy; Srptemlier, fl.W. CORN Spot, easy; No. 2 yellow, lake and rail. August 20 shipment. OATS Spot, weak; standard, 140; No. 8 white, fl4c: fancy dipped white 6W74o. HAY Steady: prime, $1.4fi; No. 1, fl.fcqi' 1.45; No. 2. $1 S0ffl.8u; No. 8. $1.25; shlp - plnff, $l.lM?1.tn. HOPS Steady; atate, common to choice, 1914 crop, SJMSc; 1-aclfio coast, 1914 crop, 12il5c; 1913 crop, 9llc. HIDES Bteadv; Bogota, 30f-nc: Cen- tral America, 29c. LISA THE It Firm; hemlock, firsts. 32c; seconds. Sfliii31e. PUOVISIONS-Pork, steady; mess. $1B.ro 17.00; family, $2A00ftil.0D; short clears. $UtKViaO.BO. Beef, steady. Iard, fltm; middle west, f.ir.fa.2B. TALLOW Quiet ; city, 6ic; country, 6-,'qi4c; special, 6e. ' wtKMsteady; domestic fleece, unio. :tic RICK Steady; head, 5c; Blue" Rose, 33i MOLASSES Dull; New Orleans, open kettle, 4O4j&0c. Bl 'ITEH-Steady: receipts 8,301 tubs creamery extrns, 2ftS'27c; firsts, 244J244c; seconds, ZTWiKSc, RGOS Irrcgulart receipts, 13,373 pases; fresh gathered extras, 2:i4i'2Tc: extra firsts, 2Kg23e; firsts, l:!t004c; seconds, 14 J1184- CHEESE Barely steady; receipts, 1,822 boxes; atate whole, milk fresh, flats, white and colored, specials, 13Vil4c; do, colred fancy, 134c; do, white, laVtWiWc POULTRY Alive, prices not settled. Dressed, easier; western frozen roasting chickens, lti22c; fresh fowls. Iced, lsS 164c; fresh turkeys. Iced, ISrtfUSc. OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. BUTTER No. 1, 1-Ib. cartons, 25c; No. 8, no-lb. tuba, 23C CHE1-:SE Imported Swiss, Stic; Amer ican 8wIks, 26c; block Swiss, 22c; twins 16c; daisies, lbc; triplets, 16c; Young America, loVrc; blue label brick, 1640; limburger, ii-lb., aw; New York white lo4c; Imported French Roquefort, 400. r lSH Trout. 16c: white riah im." k.iL but. 13c; channel catfish, Uc; herring, 7o codfish, 10ft 12c; mackerel, I5c; aalinon, lil14C. SWKET POTATOES Kansas. f!.78 bbl BIOKF CLTSRlbs: No. 1, l1icj No. li4c; No. 3, 16c. Loins: No. 1. ZI40; No. 8, 20c; No. 3, Vic. Chucks: No. 1 124-c' No. 2. 114c; No. 3. 4'. Rounds: No. L lie; i. i, lov., nu. a, jjC. 1'iaXCS: NO. 1. c; No. 2. 94,c; No. 3, H e. Krult and vugutahie un ti furnished tv Gillinakl Fruit company: FRUITS Oranges: California Valencies 100. 120s. 2888, 348, f4.60 per box (Ulfomla Valencia. Ibis, 176a, 20is, L', 2ii0s. to. W per box. Lemons: Extra fancy Golden Bow, 30ue, 8nna, fj.bO per box; ex tra fancy Sunklst, HMt. 3tAis, lo.OO per oox.; Red Ball, fA.iiO per box. Peachoa: Oali fornla Crawforda, 66c per crate; Calilor- I. 1a Klbertas, 7"o per cr.ite; 100-crate lota, S74c per crate: ooo-cmlu lots, Olo per crate; per bu., fl.Su; 26-bu. lots, tl.20 per bu. Plums: Burbanks, $1.00 per crate; Wlcksons and Kelseys, $1.26 per crate; Tragedys, blue. $1.40 per crate; Diamonds. Hungarians and Gross, $1.40 per crate: Wlckaons, $1.15 per box. Pears: Califor nia Bartlette, $2.00 per box; Washington II. Mlatla nru 41 TTL Per crate. $1.75. Bananas: Medium fruit. $2.O04j-2.2G per bunch; Jumbo fruit, Chan-, iulnola and Port Union, 4c per Cantaloupes: California ponlea, 64n, $: Per crate: California atandarda. I.SO rur crate; Moapa Nevada standards, $2.76 per crate; jumbos, $2.50 per crate; ponies. $2.25 1 per crate, watermelons: Per lb., 14c 11 VEGETABLES Cabbage, home-grown 4 and southern, 14c per lb. Head lettuce, $1.00 per Uox. Leaf lettuoe, 40n per dox. JI Peppers, 60c per basket. Tomatoes, $L0O Ji per basket. Onions. Washington. 2V.c nor ' Ih I 'wlol-V 9J JM rioiln,1.. 1 1 f., r.r- Ku.k.t Paralev or, lu- ,1 1 xi ' r . i".-2i" i f r ana green ocarie, wuu per DanKeu orcen 1 peas. 50c per basket. New beets, carrots and turnips, 40c per basket. Radishes, 20c per dox. New potatoes, 70c per bu.: white, 80c. per bu. Sweet potatoes, $1.76 per hamper. NUTS Wajnuts, No. 1, 18c tier lb. Fil berts, 15c it lb. Braxila. 12 40 per lb. Pecans. 124 Pr lb. Almonds. 30e per lb. Peanuts: No. 1, raw, 6c per lb.; No. 1. roasted, 8c per lb.; Jumbo, raw, 7c per lb.; Jumbo, roasted. 9c per lb. MISCKLIjA NKOl.S Crackerjark. $3 60 per case; $1.75 per half case. Com pops, S3 X per case; $1.65 per half case. Kanaa City ;ral aad Provlaloas. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 1-WHEAT-No. hard, fl.21fl.4; No. 2 red, f L17r1.18; ueceniDer, l.(AV4; CORN No. 2 mixed. 7ri3734c: No. 2 whlto 74c:. September, 71';c; Deioernber. 0'iVc; May, CVc. OATS -No. 3 white, 6lo; No. 2 mixed. 477.-. Kl TTEll Creamery, 27r; firsts, r; seconds. 2Sc; packing, 18c. FGflS Flrat. lhc; seconds, 12c. POULT BY Hens, 114c; roosters. 9c; Drouers, iitfiiw. Omaha liar Market. PRAIRIE HAT-Choice upland, $13.00; ! No. 1. Sl'.Olfl 12 .V): No. ? Ill MV,i I" fat. M $S VVnll 0. Choice midland. tSO No'. aa fiv.i.wi ii i-i,i,. , . $lnVi 10.60; No. 2, $.0u'lii.6o; No.' 8. $7.M: STRAW None here. Quotable at $6 50 Qf.'.do. ALFALFA-Two cars In stor. No de mand to apeak of. No. 1 to choice, f.i'ft $J 12.00; No. 2, $9.Ou11.0n; No. 3. f7.0c& ;t.00. at. I.oals Grain Market. ST. IM'IH Aug. 9 WHEAT No. red, fl lrsvi m- v0. 2 hard. 1 X; B'"'" ber. f1.074tll.07S; Termbtr, $!.074 $1.'7M. Cf.TfN No. 2, 7!iVfOr- No. 2 white. TSHVdtKV;; September, 7T4tr74e; December, 61c. OATS No. 2. new. Kir; No. ! white nominal. ' Mteenoni firala Market. LIVBRPOOT. Aug S-WIIF.AT-Bnot. No. 2 Manitoba. 11- 1i4d: No. 3. 11a TVad: No. 1 northern Duluth, 1!s 6.1. OORN 8pot, American mixed., new. t n't FT Om Winter patents 42a. T fO PS In London ( Pa elf I o coast, fl vkg 9f& 6a. I Wheal Kaa ! Flower Lower to 1 Sell. 5 1 OMAHA LI YE STOCK MARKET Htarieit Cattle Ran Since the Be ginning of the Range Season Sheep and Lambs Steady. I HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS UP - I Kaaaaa City l.lve Stork. MfTtl OMAHA. Aug. 9. IMS. i KANSAS CITY, An. 9. -CATTLE Re Uecelpts wrre: Cattle. Una. Sheep crime. IS." Imad; market lower; prime r.atimate Mom lay Same day last week... 4 OM Sam day S wooka tiro. 4..N Lata. ituft.iisu ilftl .'Hl.il0.;ta. I 711 1 S7! I X t Mi 1 T I C S l 7 fcSl Hi S 4 T t July 23. t ;r July S3. Mi Ju.t 14. S SOU uiy as.l I I 641 77 T 47 an I July ttfsrV f si( T 6Ti 45 I J7I T M ! 1 T S S M S Sl T 4i 44 S K.'ti S : S 9 I S M. 3Si 7 51 July xv! July at S 33 V S M S W( t t!7 1 Hi j 14 4.", S tK S Mil T 7S S 9 I 44 July 31. Ug Aug u. l. I lH 1 7 S 4 T a4 u. 3. S(sS b 7 I, S SSI 1 0 7 49 ua. 3. Im I S 04! 7 Ml 7 7 76 T M ug. 4. 6 H; 7 SI S 43 (Ml7 7tliS3 u. . f 4?S 7 70 S W S 1 T 04) 7 M 7 n4 A A A Aug. . a i., 7 ar,, 171 7 asi I 7 71, 7 M Ann. 7 I fc -v,i 1:1 1 1 .i 7 W 1 7 (. Auk. S. 1 K Mi S li T SSi T 3R T V0 Sunday. Uieipis and disposition of live stock at tee 1'nion Stock ardx. South Onuuia, lor twenty-iour hutira ending at 3 p m htorOa : RDCEJPTS-CAllA t jit tie. Hot Sheon Ill's. .. ..1. ri. 1 ju ahnan ft Hum l'aoifl : M C. t N. W riiat.... In C A N. S ., wrat ... M c St. P., M AO... ti l . li. it W . eaat.... 2 ., It. .V g.. went 112 C K I. ni P., east.. S C. K. 1. P.. weat. 4 Clilcago (Jt. West.. 2 1 1 U it; a I 1 Total rerclptH....ii t4 14 DlMSlTION-HE.l. jtorrls A Co wlfl A roinp'a'ny . Otidnhy Packing Co.... Cattle. Hogs, bhivp til 1 1,'(19 ,, S-7 K! .... 31 4 6 "'si l.'ih 10H 54 41 127 118 37 M S33 2frt W :- K7 1 16 870 7 41 1.873 ,,M1 2.tH 4.0UO I J v"UMi?rphy : Morrell Lincoln Packing Co!.'.'.'.' ' South Omaha l'aok. Co St. Clair Tacking Co... I Cudnhy. from country. . w. It. YatiHaiil Co 1 Benum, 'auauit 4k L. . Hill A Bon K. p. Lewis Huaton ei Co iJ. H. Kot Co Ij. II. Bulla L K. Husx Hosenetock Bi-os. ........ Kellogg I Wertlielmcr Dcgen... H. K. Hamilton Sullivan Broa 1 llolhschlld Mo. Kan. Calf Co.... Mlaklna H"tiinan I ''tli 1 "yers 1 oiasFherg ' !, ' 7t V.2 4i. . iiii, ......... John Harvey.. Kline D. c F Other buyers.. 3.821 Tolsla .7,064 4.6T.I 18,2!J CATTLE-RacelDta of oattle were very large this morning, larger than they have been on any Monday since April 2ft. it was. In fact, the largest run of any day alnca range cattle began coming. It might almost be called the opening day of the range season. At the same time Chicago had a very heavy run, and aa that mar ket cannot ship out stookers or feeder cattle owing to the government quaran tine, 'prices there simply slumped badly. As a result this market and other Mis souri river market a showed more or lesa decline as a result of the drop in prices at Chicago. The market hera opened vary alow and dull. In the flrat place a good many of the cattle had to be shaped up and made ready before they count ne shown, and In tha second plaoe buyers were Inclined to go slow and await re ports from other market points before nuying very freely. J hey etanea out, ho ever, by bidding; prtuea that were anywhere from lOo to aa muoii as 80o lower than last week and ln some cases possibly more than that. The maraet wus more or lesa of a drag all forenoon, and It was late before a clearance waa effected. In tha and tha general run of cattle sold lixdlfto lower than Saturday. Home of tha medium kinds on which there wax little competi tion showed even more decline than that. (quotations on cattle: Good to ohotca yearlings, $J).0Cdjj.Hf: fair to good year lings. $7.i.V$.0i); good to choice heavy beeves, $.ua.K6; fair to good Oom fed beeves, $n.66U'it.2S; common to fair oorn fed beeves, 7.2.'Kti 6f; good to choice fed heifers, 47.0onj,tO, trood ta choice fed cows, $G.60ffl7 S; good to oholoe grass heifers, fl.oOon.OO; good to choice grass cows, tti.2fi4r.7&; fair to good oowa to.ktt 6.00; common to fair oowa S3.7S43B.fa); good to choice feeders, tf.lkYutt.nO; fair to food feeders, f6.6itt7.riO; common to fair stookers, $6.50fit 60; stock heifers. fS.760 6.60; stock cows, fn.iVOfttj.OO; stock calves, $6.0uft7.uO; veal calves, $7.0uii 10.00; fat bulls, stags, etc., $5 r07.2S. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. 14... At. Pr . 7r. 4 til . 474 7 10 .1140 7 . . 44 1 . No. II.., At. PT .nt 1 m .101 t4 IM S nt .1477 S tu ,M IN n'.Y. IA. li. i.'ALV tiS. MS I S" ..... jw , ud aiu v MTOt.Kr.lt.-t A N 1 CEEDKRS. : m 4. Sit t at 1. '. 4 01 ' ?4 t M 710 :' -. H jo 1 (xi l 161 J! 74t T 111 in in 11 43 l to ta t 4o t 444 T z, 744 70 17 . US t 10 4V71 4 71 i ' ji 1 itera was only a moderate Mutt- day run on hand, about seventy-six cars. k..,. i a .., .... ni.i- , ..... , ' puuw,ii M''. I1SW. d lariri., than I I ,m) m i.A nl.. rl. lour times ss large as or tha mjiw Monday last year, but Is a shortage of about bnO smaller than tha run two weeks sgo today. Shippers were fairly liberal buyers and took a doccnt percentage of the aupplv. Good lights were not In very eager de mand by either 1 nippers or peckcm, aad consequently didn't show much advance, but shippers bought good butchers and fairly weighty hogs at pile that were fully a nickel, and In a good many cej-a, as much as a dime higher. Best light attain brought 87.36, which has been the top for tha last three market days. SHEEP Eutlinated receipt were sixty four cars, or li head, whkih was larger than last Monday's official aup ply by nearly 1,00 head, four Hums aa Urge a two weeks ago, and a gala of i,Jui over the same wuek last year. If today's estimate la realised. It will make the run tha largest of the season. Local supplies were the largest on the market map, being ,( heavier than Chicago, which was the only other point to have much of a run. Early reports from Chicago were of a slightly bullish nature, but later advice were to tha effect that lambs were sell ing In the aame notches aa at last week's close. Local aeliers started ask ing higher prices, tint In view of the fact that the Chicago trade was no better, and supplies were so large, it did not take them long to decide to take rneaay prtca, and the market opened on this baa la, first sales of good lambs, being made at fw.OO, with a few scattering load of the leas desirable stuff under this figure. Trade was nol very active at the outset, and while several drovea were cashed In pretty reasonsbU season. It was well along In the forenoon before the bulk of the offerings had changed hands old sheep were not very tieavllv sup plied, and, a in the case of larob. opwted steady. Quotations on she p and lambs; Lambs, good to choice. Sa.7u4r9.00; lambs, fair to good t S0Ji7t; lambs, feeders. $7.lksU 86 VearHnt. fair to chloee. S4 2MP7 26; weth ers, fair to choice, $75tJ.S0: ewea. good rholce, f6.0ne4.W. ewes, fair to good, $e.0ttj$.00. No. Av Pr 1 Wvomlng ewes 110 4 to U1 Wyoming lamtm foo 116 Wyoming feeder lambs ... r.l 7 So RT. IjOUIS, Aug. $. CATTLU Receipt I S.4U) head; aiarket lower; native beef I steers. 7 roii to l.".; yearling steers and heifers, 8 r49.i; rows. HI OH. On; Block ers and lenlim, SHOWM f: southern steers, !" .. ocwe mul heifers, $4 lV(f5.6i; na tive calves, fa nitrio.76. HoiJ4-K line, 4.W9 head: market hlehcr Hsra an. I Hunt. $7 Lnl ft, mlvd and butchers, $.".-i'..7.i; good hcaw, HIS H r .w 8HKF.P A NO t. VMBil-rWclPi. S.fflO liead: market Mher, lamb. $s OnfiO W . slicci ami iwca. $u.2tii 2.. I Jim i x atoara. lfl.VSiJ.10; tlreaaed beef Meera, S 42 i' Vi w; CHti'rn ateera 17 0t1T A; Hock- a'f-17 4'vj'r" n1 era. I.i; bulla, SS4 H.,n: r.it pi m iniiii.ni market. MiT IS; ; iirht. ta, .400 . SOflO 1A; i.MHr7 0i; ewe a, SaSotja K.. Chleaan Lira ttark, CHTCAOO. Aug. -CATTI.FJ-Recetpts. 3.io head; market, weak; native beef cattle, fii.liitfl0.fti: western t-tera, $s7i 8'.; cowa and heifers, $a.10tu.i0; calves. $7.eVril.. , . , majB-Recelpta, i.0fi head, market firm: imrhanaed to lAo higher: Ini. "f sal... KSftoOO; llaht. "fj !1Mr7.4S: heavy. S1.V.; rough, S-. siiki;c a.-nh i"i'ir,v,'';'-i.'-";,.7 head; market eaty; shm'P. " 1. 1... lanl-, $7 .'Jtit.:iO. aloax Clr l.a tak Itarkat. SIOUX CITT. la.. AutT. .-'ATTLW-Recelpta. t.SOO head; market IWIfcc de cline; native steers. $4.7"ii "; heifers. IT. 0Ui 77.: cannera. f4.(J'4.i.. ?tocke7i. nnd fcnlere. Kl $rtfiOi. bulla, stags, elc. . f-rT.T. 1UK1H Receipts. bea.1 . market 10c higher; heavy. $rt !4i'7 Of.; mlaetl. fW .: Uifht. ftiOHfe.-'o; bulk of sales. t.l 4?llF.r,P AND LAM It -Ttece.pt a. nona Rt. Joseph Live "Wit Market. BT. JOSEPH. Aug -3ATTLrV-TU-oolpta 1.40.1 head: market. V lower; steers. 87.004175; oowa and heifers, .i); calves, tti-onirio.?". , . . ... llOOS Recelpta 8!i neau; niarnn, lo hither; top. $7 40; bulk of sales. $.. SI 1 MRP AND LAMBB-Rerelpts ?.M head; market, steady; lambs, i tAyo.lo. I.lve atork tit 81ghl. n.eelms of live aoek at the five prin- cl,l market, "i".".;,,, Hoss. Hhet- South Omaha. KsnHaa City.. St. Iculs Chicago Bloux Cltv 7. llo is.000 a.4o 1S.0 la.om v . ,.rv"o p.(i"0 4.D r, 010 Totals ....fV.W) 4S.K 42.100 I l-offee Market. Nl-.W YORK, Aim. S-OOFIEE-Tho market for futures oined at an advance of two iwlnts on a little further buying based on the talk of a second valorisation deal by the Brasilia it government, but there waa no eirgTee-iv demand and prlis eased oft under acaltered reallxlna or liquidation, which may have been promoted by the ver' heavy prims ryre celpts and the sbevm of a mora am oral demand. The close waa at a net decline nt U to 13 point a Bfilft were 34 6.10 las; August. .49o; September. .49e; Octob"r, H.n(8':. Noremwr, n.ou, her. f..6: January. "'': February, a.,.; March, 6.64c Avril, c: Mav. 74c; June. .7&o; July. 6 84c. Spot, quiet:, Klo. No. 7, 74c; Santos. No. 4, If,.. Cost and freight offers were steady and some of the lower offers received last week were not renewed, with quotations ranirlng around s'IiaSc for Santos 4s. Mlneapnlla ftrala Market. MINNEAPtH.IB, Aug. Se tembej, $1.(M7; December, fl Ob1: No. 1 hard, $l.r.7V No. 1 northern, S3 JTCI.MF,; wo. i northern. H.1K.4MH. 4.'. EIXICR Advanced; fancy patents, ti.10; first clears. P.7; second clears. $3 . RARLKT-6WJ8C. UYB-4)l.O4t.0S. linAN-fl.tiO. 4 CORN-NO. 3 yellow.i 80U4iAlc OATS No. 3 white, M4"-- FLA X el . 6841T1 . 7t. I Evaporated Applee ltd nrlvd raits NEW VOllK, AUr. H.-1-7VA rVllATIlu APPLES Steady; fancy. 84fflao; cholco, 7V4WC: prime, 74074c DHlKTi FRUITB-Prutiea, firm; callfor Mas, 44fVllVc! Oregons, 7410o. Apri cots, qulot; choice. siaaVao; extra choice, 84j4)c; fancy, 4lrl04c. Peaches, steady; choice, 4Vdfc: fancy, ft4ic. Raisins, firm; loose. 4J74c: choice to fancy m,eded. 7Vj47f,V'! lfs, S'itjTAc; Lon don layers, tl.W.40. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. t.-METAI J4 Tha Metal exchange quotes lead at $4.6t Balked; spelter not quoted. Copper dull; elec trolytic, flS.OOT18 25. Iron firm: No. 1 northern, $l&2&Vuir.7G; No. 2. $16.00(16.00; No. 1 southern, $14 UWI4 25; No. 2, $14.60 Ol5 00. Tin dull; offered at $34.60. At London: Spot copper, i 7a M; turea, A;70 16s; electrolytic, 84 10a. Spot tin. 160; futures, 162 6. Antimony, alfc. I-ead, 22 Ua; spelter, 70. Cextam Market. NRW YORK, Aug. . COTTON-pot. quiet; middling uplands. .46c. Sales, 0 balsa. Cotton futures opened steady; October, a.4nc; December, f.76c; January, f.8Hc; Msroh. 10.l0i LIVERPOOU Aug. . fVyrTON-ftpot. easier; good middling. 6.77d; middling, 6.47d; low middling, 6 Old. Sales, lo.ofio bales. sugar Market Nf)W YORK, Aug. a KUUAK Raw, flhm: oentrlfugal, 4.ut!c; molasses, 3.75c. Refined, steady; cut loaf, S.nbc; crushed, 4.46c; mould A, 6.10c; cubes, 6.S0c; XXXX powdered. 6.lc; powdered, 6.7.V; fine granulated, 6.6Tc; dianiond A, 5.6fc; con- rect loners A. a,bnc; no, 1, o.euc. rum res advanced i to S point on covrrinf early today. oil and Rosin. SAVANNAH. Oa., Aug. S-TURlr7N-Tl NB Firm. Shc. Sales. 2 bblat ; re ceipts, 80b bbls.; shipments, 4.4H2 bbs.; stocks, 21.198 bnls. ROSIN Firm; aalea, 939 bbls.l receipts, 90 hbla. ; shipments. 4.410 bbla; stocks, 6S.0S6 bbla. Quotations: A, B, $3.96; c, p. un; E.jiio; f. ts.10aa.i6; oT$i.iii? flo; li. I, $3 B4; K, W.n; MV$4 064.i); N, f4 Uf.; WG, ffc.tW. VTVV. So so. Kpw York Money Ma4Tt. NEW YORK, Aug. 9 MERCANTILE! PAPER 344a4a Per cent. 44TKRUNG J-TX.C1 LA N G E S 1 xtr-d a y Mile, $47060; demand, $4.7864; oablea, $4.71.26. SILVER Bar. 47o; Mexican dollars, $640. HO NDB Government, strong; railroad. Irregular. TIME LOANS Firm : sixty daya IH per cent; ninety daya 2442)3 per oent; alX months, 84"4 per cent. CALL MONEY Steady; high. $ par cent; low, 14 per cent; ruling rate, t per cent; last loan 2 per cent; closing bid, par cent; offered at t per cent Bank CI earl a era. Oaf AHA. Aug. S Bank clearings for Omaha today were S2.843.UU6.64. and for th corresponding day laat year, f2.43a.942.81. Germans in Kussian Factories Pack Shell Cases with Rubbish LONDON, Aug. $. "Thousands of cases af ammunition of every kind when opened at tha front, vera found to contain rub bish," aaya tha Dally Mall In an aocount of tha condition under which th Rus sian army ha bean fighting. "Thla rlU nation la popularly ascribed to tha work of Oerman agenta In Russian munition factories." ... PetrogTad la foil of wonnded. tha Dally Mail assert, and the Ruaalan casualties art) unofficially estimated at 1 .600,000 up to tha middle of July, In killed, wounded and prisoner. Tha paper aaya, however, that thla estimate seemed gueaa work, as tha military authorities do not know the real totals. Notwithstanding the tremendous casual- 'i ttea, tha Ruaalan people are cheerful and n,ldent OT they believe Germany' financial collapse la pear. HEW YORK STOCK MARKET 6UZZ:::" in New York. BIO WAR CONTRACTS REPORTED N'BW YORK Aug. .-The demand fori industrial stocks attain doterm.ne.t tho character ff the market toda. ln tho early transactions the course of price was iinoertaJn. A few siie.lalu. rose wVf "'la-JS1'!. ,B ol,rr ',u"rtrr r'"tr",nl poailloli to take profile was apparent throughout, but Intivst In war sliaree was unflagging Their sustained strength rentoved the chief source of doubt as to ine conduct of Ue market and prepared tha around foe a aanaral avn,.A .t. big the afternoon railroads aa well aa lis- aiiairiaia reepondod to a lirnnd buying movement, whioii Miniinni, t.. . h. ,.1- 1 .at quotations were on a aubatantlally higher haais. Total sales. .wi shares. Steel laaues aaain m-nra 1 h. rBv,wit.,a Among the war stocks advances in some cases were from ft to in pcanta These high records wore established: General Motor, 2l! g rise of IS points; Willye- tivenann, up 4: weetlnghous, hjec trlo. U4, up t; United Statea induetrlal Ah-ohol. TlV. on 4. The report that war contracts amount ing to more, than $ai,0ni.fl. were to be let waa need to keep up the bullish Interest in inn wax oruer group, uteei trade al vlces were optimistic. The crop report reacted fiivaraMy an railroad ehama. being better In aonm par- . i.inra man waa expeotert. Heaviness apiwarefl In iVn,m.n ! clflc. News of the declaration of the regular dividend waa tw.t m.ii-1 r,..n Montreal until after the close.. There waa an unusual nra in exi hange rates. Ex change on london declined to 4.7S4, a new low reTir1 for the war nr.n.l chanre on Pans also rear had a low reoord HnaJs wsra Irretular. Total aaJea, par nvm.i 1 n lira nt a tea ana I an- ai.ua noma anvanoeti 4 to 4 on call. Number af aakm aaa lsiHai o4atlaaa ea w. mm rami; IllrO Ti oma ;, 1144 n .1414 Amerleaa Beat Suaar .... apl M M', Amerlnan tn l.i sou jHi4 ts Amarloaa Vmatt. Rat.,, gen 11 WW sou AmarKaa . k., pfd ' ,i Amerlnan amir nna.. 't r 1"4 mu Amerinaa Tel. Tal let urtj "t, n- iw ii'a u Anai-enda Minlni In an nu. a 4 AlrMann ISno lfiflj IMt, 10A naliimnre m (Kilo J.i, a,, mn- Mu limnalyn Rapid Transit.. 7m m mlZ saal . lT,nn,ia .... in in Canadlaa IWIIs 1 loo u 14744 144 at- 1 .-n,ra. iminT l.aov 41 4S Chesapeake A Ohio 7 41 41V (hlan, Oreat Waotara Chi . Mil. m Hani.... I tot n4 t.4 I'hl.an a Northveauira Chine (Venar asi ii )m S.tno 4 Si 44V 444 Vlorada KimiI Iroa.. leraito a Soatharn ,. IWneer a Hlo Ofaiuln., Itonvar V R. O.. ard.. IM 414k Ml 41 tt 4 t4 in uianr naearuiaa . las ..... t."1 804 itt tuv, 4.104 trl hi t' I7i4 1714 1714 srte iMnarai snamns 1714 17IU 1714 Oreat Sort Kara. fU en liil I1114 oreat Northern Ore etfa..1M.toa 4t4 tt 414 fluisanhelm Kiplarattaa.. S.4M 44aZ aja H14 Ihnola (lentra lilt Intarbnroafh Mat., pM.. Inaplratlon Oepper Intemattenal Hareeater . Kaaaaa Cut. Hvathara . Ihish Valley IMilerlll rfaahrllle.. Men Iran Petrntaam Miami Copper M.. K. a T MlaanuH raciric National ktanult National ljeatt Nevada Covper Naw York (Vntral N. T. H. M. A II.,... Nnrfolk A Weatara Northern Paolflo Pacirio Mall rapine Tel. Tel....... Penaerlvaala Pnllmaa I'alao car Kav CiMisolidated Copper Readlna 7t 4, too t4 124 114 Itt 1M l(Mi4j 4 t00 1414 1414 1444 lilt i.tos Lte l.nia !. 71V II h 4 "4 t 14 hh a 34 . . 14 ai 7 4 144 144 1.4 toi. ?u, 4.H t'S l.vuo mi 700 IOT4 1M' w 3.100 Itn 1117 1074 .100 M It II so 1.700 )(4 li4 inn 16 1.100 U 134 U4 rtepuMla Iron fttel.... 10,400 444 414 444 IVH'K lawna t:o. 4 :::::: ::::: ::::: H I.4C pa.4 ITT4 It Lino lk4 164 H4 I.6O0 4V4 44 414 an 1414 i4 11,000 114 1104 lit 114 lot.tne 7444 714 744 1. 1 lll't lllva 11"V 1.400 47 t 444 ' "700 '704 'tu 7oI S3.I00 1144 1114 114 4M 'iii' '174' t4 ltoak UleaiS 0 , prd St. Ij. A a. P.. td pi pfd. Hmithara raetfle Soullrtrn kellvrsr, Teaneseee Copper Texas Otmpanr I nlon Paeifia , Union Parltlo pM VnlteA Htales Steel T'nlUMl aiatos ateal, prd 1 tan . topper ... 1 Wabash. pf ( Western faloa 1 WeaHnshooea Blartrlo Montana Power .. Crucible ateel ,. Allte-Chalniers . . ,au.. ai)t i )4 TsUI for tha dar. 414. 000 alMrea. Austria Announces Successes Against Armies of the Czar VIENNA (Via Ixmdon), Aug. 9.-The following official communication was Is sued today: "Russian war theater: The army of Arohduk Joseph Ferdinand, in the dis trict between the Vistula and the Vleprex yesterday, prosecuted Its attack. Our at tacklnsr forcea repulsed the enemy west of tha Vleprex and occupied in the after non XAibertov and advanced northward to tha bend of the river. Tha repulsed enemy fled In disorder acrosa tha Vleprex. "South and southweat of Wlechov our troops tallied a f uil euocea. In order to parry our attack, tha enemy counter attaokad. Hand-to-hand fighting de veloped and tha enemy, caught In front and flank was driven back acrosa the Vleprex. Th number of prisoner taken at Wlechov up to yesterday evening ag gregated twenty-three officer and 6.0"0 men, and booty consisting of two cannon. eleven machine guns and two munition car. "Threatened by our troops, victoriously advancing from tha south toward tha lower Viepres, th Ruaalan corps In tha Vistula district northwest of Ivangorod began to retreat northwestward early thla morning, pursued by tha Auatro- Hungarian forcea. 'Between tha Vleprex and tha Bug fighting la proceeding. "In eaat Gallcla tha situation la un changed. "ItaUaa war theater: After renewed heavy artillery preparations, strong Italian infantry force In tha evening at tacked tha border plateau in the district of Polasao and Vermegliano. This at tack, aa ln tha case of all former attacks directed against Monta Otbnat was com pletely repulsed." G0MPIERS AND PINCHOT FLAY LAWSON CONVICTION PHILADlTLPHIA, Aug. f -Samuel Oomper. president of th American Federation of Labor, and Otfford Pinchot were among tha speakers at a mass meet ing held tonight on tha city hall plaza to protest against the conviction of John R, Law son, the Colorado strike leader, of first degree murder. Resolutions ; denouncing tha coal eom paniaa for "the flagrant domtnanc of the government and courts ln vartou part of Colorado" an demanding "the removal from the bench of Judge Oranby H 11 Iyer" were Introduced by Rev. Samuel Zane Batten, representing the Federal Council of Churche of Christ In America. Other speakers were WHUain Oreo, gen eral secretary of th United Mine Work ers of America, and Frank Morrison, secretary of the American Federation of Labor. JITNEY MEN NOW CALL THEIR MACHINES TAXIS "Special Taxi Service" was tha aign displayed by some of the Jitney men yes terday. It was evident that they had taken thla method to use Instead of hauling their fares free a was done by tha lltneer Saturday to get around th pending ordinance situation. FRENCH AND BRITON OFFICERS QUARREL , I Berlin Agency Bays Gauls Accuse ' English of Hating Lost Courage in Oallipoli. . . NOT ALLOWED TO CONVERSE 1 - I "EkLI.V, Auh. 9. By Wireless I t O SnyTille. ) Th following Tiea r. I i .u. """" W'r ,T'n 0,11 7 7 th Ovtraa News Arancy: "Telpurains from Athena report increasing friction betwii French and British officers on GalllpoM ppn insula. It has been necesaary to for bid them to con Tors with eacb other. The French accuse the British of having: lost courage on account of tonnes. "A MUan dispatch aaya the British lme purchased five Italian ships, filled th. m with ballast and sunk them off the count of th peninsula to form a bridge for landing heavy artillery. Hrldice Nol litotes) I p. "The Voasiache Znltung learns ft.Hti a reliable source that there la no truth In th report that a British submarina blew up the bridge between OaUata aad Stanv boul. "Newspapers of Athena aay King Con stantino has determined perennially to open tha new elon of Parliament wttfe a speech emphasising the necessity for Oreeoe preserving unconditional neu trality, aa tha only guarantee of welfare. ck ahlp Detained. "Tha Lokal Anselgar print a letter dated Jrloboken, Belgium, July M. aaylng that when tba Dutch ataamahlp Rotter dam waa detained hy tha Brtttah ad miralty In June It waa compelled to make several trips at night bet wen Dover and Calais, apparently In tha hop that It would bo mistaken for a British troop ship and torpedoed by German submarine." Kingsley Carries Off Honors at Fremont Shooting Tourney FRJJMONT, Nab Aug. a Special Tel- agTam ) Ray Kingsley of Omaha carried off tha honors at tha shooting tourna ment ea: th Fermont Gun club her to day, scoring 141 out of a possible ISO tar get. Carlo Moorehoue of Fremont and 8. MoCown of Omaha tied for second place, with 137. Ia tha handicap event Ray Klngley took first money with 24 out of 26. Owing to two other towns In thla part of tha state having shoots, th attandanoe waa smaller than uaual. The weather waa Ideal. Following are the scores of tha ahootera who ahot at IM) target. Score: R. Kingsley Carlos Moorehoue A. McTVpwn A. Koven 141 137 117 I'M iar. I.::; i:t 128 127 US 12 124 . 124 121 131 17 !' i8 George Redlck ...... rr or. j:a Hank H. M. Donald Ed Ret R. J. Mlddaugh Bert Dixon C, Chrlstenaen , H. M, Landroth Prof. J. HoUlngsworth O. H. Htoner Prof. Geors Cartel' r. J Marr F. H. Ranslnm A. Robertaun , Here's Variation of Garden of Eden Yarn rtrteADFXPIIIA. Aug. S.-It was not Adam and Eve who brought about the fall of man, but Noah, according to a translation of a tablet now in the Uni versity of Pennsylvania museum. Announcement to this effect was made today by an official of the museum. According" to tha dumerlan Theology found en tha tablet, which la said to have bean written before the daya or Abraham, and translated by Dr. Steven Langdon, professor of Aaayrlology In Oxford uni versity, England, Noah was ordered not to aat of tha cassia tree In the garden of Paradise and whan he disobeyed . the curaa fell upon him. Howard Drew Will Leave Racing Game SPTUNOFIELD. Mass., Aug. S.-How- ard P. Drew of thla city, th track ath lete, announced hla intention to retire from racing In a signed statement pub lished hare today. Telegraphing from th Panamar-Paclfia exposition field, where yesterday ha was beaten In th 100-yard dash event of the Amateur Athletic union track and field meat. Drew said: ' - "I was bothered with my legs a great deal today in the race, so that I pulled up lama at the flnlah, I : ave been in poor physical condition, ir I now welf: only UO pounds, 4nd that l much be low my normal. I want to aay right bar that I am through with open com petition after thla year." Evers Changes Mind About Quitting Game T. UOKTSm. Mo., Aug. . Johnny Bvera, star of th Boston Nationals, to day aatd be had told newspaper men that ha intended quitting base ball thla week, but later changed hla mind and decided to see Jama E. Oaffney, owner at? the club, before deciding the ques tion definitely. . L : To nan tray aa 11 tile as aw share at He York Stock X'lcojLnae aesuriuaa. TH ODD LOT KSVlltW Ulla bow. ImiMS enry Saturday 41 a rear. Band nr sample eeplaa. Pubilahed by Jelia Muar Co.. 41 Bread war. New Verb dir.