Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Till: HKF.: OMAHA. MONDAY. AT'dl'ST !, 1 !)!.").
Many Candidacies for Next Spring1!
Primary Election Are Said to
Be Incubating.
(From Stuff t'orrespondi-nt.)
LINCOLN. Au. a.-ifpeclal.l-Hamiiel
Roy McKelvle appears to be very much
surprised that liny one should arrlns; hla
name In ronnrrtlnn with the republican
nomination for the overnorhlp ami says
that "Just now tnere la nothlnf doing."
The announcement that Mayor William
Madgett of Hastings and former Mayor
Miles of the Mine townwere randldates
for the tame plav may or may not have
made ome difference to the plana of
Mr. McKelvle. Of this the (rental -lieutenant
governor l not talking.
However, ahould Mr. McKelvle keep out
there appeara to be plenty of othera who
are willing to ahy their hata In the ring
and get Into the game.
Resides the two Hsstlngs men. there la
till talk that ex-Stats Treasurer Walter
George might qualify, while rumora keep
coming that Itrpresentatlve James
Nichols of Mndlaon la tasting his eye
in the direction of the governor Job.
Then, too, J. H. Kemp of Fullerton. who
came so near two yeare ago, may have
to be reckoned with. The latest coming
to the atate capitol la that Judge Sutton
of Omaha could be prevailed upon to enter
the list without much persuasion.
It might be Interesting to announce that
when Senator Elmer J. Burkett resumed
from hla automobile trip to the exposition
he found severs! letters on his desk
urging him to get Into the fight for the
nomination for the fnlted States senate.
In connection with this office It la gen
erally understood that former governor
Chester H. Aldrlch la looking with long
Ing eyea toward the same Job and
wondering If he can sidetrack John L
Kennedy of Omaha.
Word eomea front the Fifth district that
Hon. V. EL Andrews will try for the re
publican nomination for congress. Po far
the only other possibility mentioned Is
e-Conirreman 81 la R. liar ton, who
fell down last time.
On the democratic aide there will be
candldatea for governor galore. It la not
beyond the possibilities that Oovernor
Morehead. might be prevailed In the In
terests of harmony to be a candidate for
a third term, though If he does it will
be against hla own wlHhea. Dr. P. I
Hall la being touted, but as usual the
doctor does not seem to take kindly to
Jobs of that kind. Judge Thomas of
Howard la mentioned as 1 also Senator
Kohl of Wayne also.
Another report which reached the
atate house the laat week was that Ken
a tor John Mattes ef Nebraska City wouM
be a candidate for the democratic nomi
nation for atate treasurer.
Very little la heard from the bull moose
camp. Chief of Bteff Corrlck la busy
these daya selling real estate and does
not stop long enough to talk politics.
Driver Killed at Dei Moinei, Hit
Mechanician and Billy Chandler
All in Omaha Race.
Thomas Dismisses
Case Affecting the
Lincoln Highway
(from a Staff Correspondent.)
UXCOLS. Aug. I (Special.) A case
recently appealed to the supreme court
from Merrick county Is of considerable
importance to automobile people, aa It
materially affects the Lincoln highway.
The case Is known on the records aa
Donovan vs. the Union Pacific railway.
It appears that in 18 Merrick county,
having used and claimed a pat llo road
through the county along the right-of-way
of the Union PacUla road, the com
pany denied the right of tho us of lis
right-of-way for that purpose and began
to fence It The county authorities di
rected the road overseers to remove
the fences and a suit was begun In the
United States circuit court to enjoin the
overseers and the county officials from
Interfering with the fences. -
Aa a result of that litigation a final
decree was rendered by the cofrt giv
ing Use county a public road through the
rounty sixty-three feet south of the
center of the main track. This Judgment
of the court was never appealed from,
but the railway company, recently has
leased the part of the right-of-way from
the village of ' Chapman, west to the
Hall county line to adjoining property
owners, who have fenced up the publlo
highway adjudged by the court to be an
established road over the company's
The recent suit was commenced against
tho railroad company and the lessees
of the right-of-way to enjoin them from
closing: the road.
Judge Thomas last Friday sustained
a demurrer to plaintiffs petition and
dismissed the rase. In effect holding
that the decree of the United Ftatrs
court was null and void. From the hold-in-
the case has been appealed to the
supreme court and the Interesting point
is as to whether a decree of the United
states court, which has Jurisdiction of
the parties and subject matter, ' unap
plied from, can be nullified by an In
ferior state court.
lee Itaas Straek by Ltsbtatas.
BRIDGEPORT, Neb., Aug. t. (Spe
cial.) While a violent electric storm was
In progress laat night, accompanied by a
heavy downpour of rain, the Burling
ton's ke house st this place was struck
by lightning and badly damaged before
lite flames were extinguished, although
the fire department worked heroically In
the deluge of rain and within a few
minutes had to streams of water play
ing on the flames. This building seems
to be a mark for the fiery element, hav
ing been partially destroyed about two
ears ago, afwr which It was repaired
and moved to lis preaent location.
Joe Cooper, who was killed In the auto
derby st Des Moines Haturday, louts Plel.
hla mechanician who was seriously In
jured, and Wily Chandler, who was also
seriounly and perhaps fatally Injured, all
took part In the Omaha race on July R.
Cooper piloted the same Bebring In which
he was killed and Chandler the same
Deuarnbetg. Roth failed to finish In the
Omnha race because of engine trouble.
During their short stay here Cooper
and Chandler both became very popular
among the speed enthusiasts. Cooper at
trs'ted everyone with his flaming thatch
of hair ami hla good-natured grin. Curi
ous Omahans who flocked to his garage
after he dropped out of the race found
Joe willing to tell them all atout his
motor and his hlatory as a racing driver.
Seldom Is a driver found who will talk
about his Iron steed to the layman.
Victim of Hard I.sek.
Cooper was new to speedway racing.
11 In first race on a speedway was at In
dianapolis Decoration day. At Indianap
olis he was forced out of the race with
engine trouble. In his next race he won
tenth at Chicago. At Blou City ha was
flagged off ths track with only a few
laps to go. The ruling was made on an
arbitrary technicality. In the Omaha race
Joe was foT'-ed out of the race on the
l.TTith lap when his hearings burned out.
It seemed that s cruel fate was con
stantly punnilng him, but tho good
natured youth never complained. He
built his car himself.
Louis riel, Cooper's mechanician, once
worked In an Omaha garage. He has
many friends In Omaha, among those con
nected with the automobile Industry here.
Jsksios la Portaaate.
Morris Keeler, Chandler's merchantman
who was killed, did not take part In ths
Omaha race. Art. Johnson acted as
Chandler's partner here. When Dr.
Cooling, who entered the Cooling car In
the Des Moines race, looked about for a
driver he selected Tele Henderson, who
wss Eddie ODonnell's mechanician In
Omaha. Pets took Art Johnson along as
mechanician and Keeler was signed for
Chandler. Only the course of circum
stance saved Johnson, probably, from the
death that was In store for the man rid
ing with nuiy.
Cooper Is the fourth of the country's
leading race drivers to be killed this year.
Callaghan was killed on the coast In
January, Cox at Hloux City and nilly
Carlson at Tacoma. With races yet to
be hold at Elgin, Minneapolis, New York
and Corona, It Is probable that this Hat
of fatalities, will be augmented.
It was In 1M4 that the famous Spencer
Wishart was killed at Elgin.
1. 1
Curley Sayi Johnson's Bo a it that He
Threw Fight Responsible
for Offer.
LINCOLN. Aug. ".Nettled because
Jack Johnson has been telling It In Ixin-
dnn that he threw the Willard fight for j
M. and that he could have whipped
the white champion with ease. Jack Cur
ley, who promoted the Wlllard-Johnaon
fight will offer Johnson a return match
and expects Willard to agree to It,
although the champion drew the color
line right after winning the title.
Curley Is visiting friends In Lincoln1 and
tonight Issued a statement In which he
proposed the return engagement and went
Into detail to show that Johnson was all
"broken up" over the defeat and wept
many times during the day before Wil
lard and Curley left Havana. Curley ex
plained what he considers the reason for
the black man's boast as It was printed
In the English sporting paper, "John
Johnson quarreled with his white wife,
according to Curley, over the proposed
economy standard.
"I dint know what happened after
their arrival In England, but Johnson
must havs been almost craxed with
desperation." said Curley. "I used th
word 'erased' for certainly Johnson must
be crasy to tell the world and expect
them to believe It, that he never entered
the ring without being paid In full In
advance; he, who never took the word of
any body for anything; he who waited
at hla own home In Havana until I ar
rived with hla balance of a.oo0 for hla
guaranty for the Willard match; that he
would an easily accept tho promise of a
paltry VH.OOO to 'lay down' to Willard
and give away his title."
Field Marshal Liman yon Sanders
Pasha Describes Dardanelles
(Continued from Page One.)
Howard Drew Will
Leave Racing Game
M'RINGFJELD, Mass., Aug. .-Howard
P. Drew of this city, the track ath
lete, announced his Intention to retire
from racing In a signed statement pub
lished here today.
Telegraphing from the Panama-Paclfio
exposition field, where yesterday he was
beaten In the 100-yard wash event of
the Amateur Athletic union track and
field meet. Drew said:
"I was bothered with my tegs a great
deal today In the race, so that I pulled
up Inine at ths finish. I have been In
poor phys'cal condition, for I now weigh
only 1M pounds, and that is much be
low my normal. I want to say right
here that 1 am through with open com
petition after this year."
D. H. Adams, address lodging houses,
wss stunned at Thirteenth and Douglas
streets last night, but before his as
sailants could rob him of 1397 which he
had In Itla pocket, they were frightened
away by pedestrians.
WEE PI NO WATER. Neb,, Aug. .
(Special.) The Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph company Is engaged In a rate
raising campaign In two nearby towns
that s resulting In the'usuaf protests
among ths patrons and causing talk and
some action toward establishing Inde
pendent lines. At fyrscuss tho com
pany's endeavor la to Increase ths
switchboard rates maintained with the
farmers and mutual lines. The owners
of the sub-license lines do not think an
increase is Justifiable. At rim wood ths
company wants to rebuild Its llnea. chang
ing over from the grounded system to
the metallic system, claiming that the
Installation of electric light llnea In the
town and the presence of so many trees
along their telephone lines make the
rrbt'lldfng necessary. The company has
applied to the .Nebraska atate railway
commission for permission to raise Its
rates to metallic rates, whl-h are from
X to SO per cent higher than preaent
grounded rates. A number of the Elm
wood patrons have organised with the
Intention , of starting an Independent
line. About sixty subscriptions of stock
In the new Independent company have
been secured. It Is claimed.
(Prom a taff Coireeoondent.)
LINCOLN, Aug. g.(SlM lal V-Rudge
jaY Ouensel, owners of one of the largest
department stores in Lincoln, havs pur
chased and leased several buildings
along the north side of N street and th
east side of South Twelfth street In
Lincoln, the total giving them 2WirC ttrt,
an I will erect a skyscraper thereon. .
Tna Haras Straek by Llshlatys.
TECL'M.-ihll, Nob.. Aug. S. (Special)
-This point was visited by a severe elec
trical storm early this morning, during
which the J. O. Graf sale barn, near the
Burlington dtput in Tvcumaeh, was
struck by ligMnlug. Despite a blinding
aln storm, during which an inch and
one-half of rain foil, the volunteer fire
department responded to the alarm and
aaved the tarn. At Cook, in the north
ern part of tiie loutsty. lightning struck
the barn of Louis Heiuoilnghaus, the
town drayman, and burned It to the
ground, together with an automobile, a
inula, soine hanieaa, etc.
1'1 He Constipated.
-V!! kli.da of ailments result from ,con
Mirtl n. lr. King's Vew LJfe Pills are and effoctlva, fervent ivnMlpatlon.
11 dru Advertisement.
MADISON. Neh.. Aug. .-(8,cJal V
Mariied at the county court room this
afternoon. Judge MDnffee officiating,
William C. Ernest of Columbus and Miss
Anna 11. Koenlg of Creighton.
"Ware a DedlMte.
FAIRBl'RT, Neb.. Aug. S.-apec1aU--
me rresDytenana of Falrbury formally
dedicated their new Hi 00 church at 10 JO
a. m.. today. Rev. C. K trh.iKi.. ..
Uushnell, HI., delivered the dedication
avrnuin. He waa aaaiatf h. it,-
pastor. Rev. 8. J. Megaw. The corner-
tons igr inw turtn lait the middle
of laat April ana since than ih. nri
has been rapidly pushed to a finish. The
church is a handsome brick structure,
strictly modern and retraces the eld
rraine vuiairm vrrt-ieu iu iiw.
greas Is likely to be slower, Between tie
Jara and the Dvlnsk there are great
swamps, while between Kovno and Vilna,
his second objective, lies the Nleman river
to the south and ths Bventa and many
other streams to the north and east, all
of which lend themselves to defense.
The besieged fortress of Novogeorglevsk
at the Junction of the Vistula and Narew
rivers, the most westerly place retained
by the Russians, still holds out, although
the Germans claim to have captured one
In franco a spirited engagement be
tween the Germans and French with
hand grenades In ths Argonne forest Is
announced In a French official communi
cation, which also reports fighting with
hand grenades and bombs In tho vicinity
of Souches and artillery duels In the
region of Tracy-Le-Val and Berry-Au-Bao.
In Flanders the Germans claim to have
forced the Belgians to evacuate soms
portions of their advanced positions over
the Tser river south of Dlxmude.
Unofficial advices from Turin ssy ths
Italians have stormed ths summit of
Monte flan Michele. which dominates ths
Austrian town of Gorlsia, and whose fall
is now said to appear imminent.
A second Italian submarine, tho Ko
relde, la reported to have been destroyed
in an engagement In the Adriatic with
an Austrian submersible, while in the
waters around Great Britain six British
fishing smacks have been sent to the
bottom and a Danish steamer set on fire,
presumably by German undersea boats.
Walter E. SulUvan. 1611 North Twenty-
fourth street, was arrested Saturday In
connection with- an alleged writing of
checks without funds to rover them. He
is said to havs given Mrs. M. Haller, U
South Twelfth street, a check In pay
ment of a board bill about a year ago,
which amounted to $3. and she cashed
another for 110. Charges to the extent of
S3 accrued on ths two checks in their
meandeiings through the banks, and Mia
Haller is consequently out fill.
The case will corns up In police court
Monday morning.
Mlscraaat Destroys tCagtae.
AVOCA. Neb.. Aug. Special.)
Frank Marter, a Cass county farmer
living northeast of Nehawka, was greatly
astonished Tuesday morning to find his
new gasoline) threshing engine had been
ruined. All the brass fixtures and all
the connections had been cut and slashed
and the spark plug and sonie of ths
other fixtures carried away. Sheriff
Qulnton was notified of tho affair, but
as yet has been unabls to locals exactly
the guilty parties.
Omaha Pair Ulvea LLreaae.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Aug. t (Special.) Arthur
H. Llpp of Omaha, aged IS, and Myrtle
K. Rosengren of tho same city, aged SO,
ware given a license to marry by Acting
County Judge Rled yesterday. Lynn
Trobee of Omaha and Miss Annie
Pchroeder of Lincoln will be married
Wednesday at the home of tho parents
of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. V. D.
Pchroeder, SMS B street
Apartments, fists, houses and cottages
can b rented quickly and cheaply by a
Bee "For Rent"
Washington Affairs
Secretary Oarrlsoa has approved a plan
to eaiabllah an army transport serviue
between New tork and the canal sons.
The tiaiiHport Sumner Just overhauled In
New York, wtll make the ft rat trip. Bouth
bound the traneiorta will calk at Uai
veatun to enable the War dapartuient to
supply army poats In Texas.
Provisional American registry was
granted to the steamship Rina, the fourth
vt twelve foreign built venaola. proposed
for admiaaion by the Ainei tcau-Traita-At-Isntio
coinpanle. The Kya) hi Copen
liasrn. According t the lx-partment of
Commerce information, the cicala were
financed bv liugu Kttnnea, a capitalist of
Eaaen, Germany,
President Wllron has signed an execu
tive order, the big l.akv reserve
in northeastern Arkansas, for the pro
taction of native birds. The nw re
Sfrve. about nine miles long and carr)!n
from it yards to a mile and a u arter
to atdih, forms prubably tha moat im
portant tlrd rvaervetion in the country.
Big lAke U famous for its vast nunilwr
of water (owl and plume birds and Is
a paradise for maikwt hunters a ad plume
iCorresirnd nee of the Associated Press.)
poll, June If "There are no secrets
sro.ind here. Tou can go anywhere you
Pleaae." aald Field Vnr-he.1 Llman von
Pondera Pasha to the Associated press
correspondent, when the latter ptesented
his credentials and naked for permle-Mon
to visit the front
"I may add that the military situation
la moat favorable for us," he continued.
"We Intend driving- the British out of
Arl Boumou before long. But we are In
no hurry because wo can achieve that
without making the sacrifices which
might atlll 1e neccaanry to tret rid of the
Tho supreme commander of the Turk
ish fore on the Galllpoll peninsula is a
man somewhat advanced in years, but re
markably well preserved. He Is about
six feet tall, and well proportioned In
body; there Is a soft quality In tho llnog
of his face and the expression of his eyei.
IJman Paaha came to Turkey In the
summer of 11)13 to aaatat, as head of the
German military mission. In the reorgani
sation of the Ottoman army. Ha has
been an Indefatigable worker In that ca
pacity, and ths splendid conduct of the
sultan's troops in this war may be said
to bo largely due to the reforms Insti
tuted on Id advice.
In his conversation with tho Associated
Press correspondent. Llman Pasbe out
lined briefly the course which military
events on the peninsula had taken since
the landing In tho last week of April.
Allies Lost a a Urssst.
"In foity-nln days (ths Interview oc
curred rn June 11) tho allies have done
little beside losing ground steadily," said
the commander.
"Their offensive collapsed as soon as
we were able to counteract their tac-
tlca. It must be borne in mind that this
happened despite a tupeiiority In artil
lery that left our own arm of that char
acter no chance whatever. For days and
days tho allied ships bombarded and
searched every part of the peninsula
with an artillery fire (is severs and Inces
sant ai, on the whole. It was unproduc
tive of result favorable to the British
and Vrcnch troops. I will sny that the
moral effect of a heavy bombardment Is
not as lusting in tho case of Turklah
Iroops, aa tho allies may have expected.
Our brave Ottoman soldiers are not easily
frlniitcned by noise, owing to their splen
did nerves and this Is a war of nerve",
a war In which strong nerves mean vic
tory." Later In the day the correspondent was
given a letter by Llman Pasha In which
all commanders at the front were re
quested to t-ernilt an Inspection of their
sectors by the holder. On the following
dsy. June 12. the positions at Art Bourn ou
were visited.
Indirect Klre Falls.
But In the Aegean Bea two British cruis
ers were maneuvering when the ride to
Arl Bournou began. Hlnce S: a. m.. they
had kept up a rather severe bombardment
of certain parts of the peninsula. Pass
ing through the section under fire It was
obvious that Indirect flro,, without ob
servers. Is a waste of ammunition. The
flro of the cruisers was purely "chance"
work. No aeroplane or captive balloon
was up and the heavy shells exploded In
the open and on the wheatfields. Ninety
were Counted and tho result achieved if
represented by sero.
The bombardment ceased about 7 a. m.
A little later the Arl Bournou position
waa reached, and the Journey covered
ground formerly occupied by tha British
troops, which at Arl Bournou, are ex
clusively contingents from Australia and
New Zealand.
The center of the British position Is
Art Bournou, or Cape Art. Here a long
outer trench has been dug. Behind this
outer trench ths British have established
a second Hue of defense, consisting of
two short sectors. Back of ths souther
most of these sectors lies another trench,
serving, evidently, as a support to an
artillery redoubt located on tba summit
of Cape Arl Itself.
Ceatrr f British Posltloa.
This may be callod the center of the
British position, though the left flank of
the British consists of a single short
trench on a hill about 400 yards north
of the extreme point of ths northern sec
tor. .
The British right flank, or southern
series of entrenchments, Is located on the
southeast of ths Korkou-Deresl creek and
follows the course of an advanced trench
and two supporting sectors.
With Ati Bournou as pivot, the British
position Is rreerent-shaped. about 2.800
yards long from north to south; and l.W
yards wide In a line drawn across Art
Bournou. The site Is rather bars. Thar
Is a small spring on it, and moat of the
water needed by the Rrttliah troops has
to be brought from the a'llacent Islands.
The Turklxh trenchea are In one case
only two yards from the Britlnh trench.
At another point the trenches of the op
posing forces are only ten yards apart.
Constant sapping by the Turks is tho
cau.-o of this Interesting condition.
Already tho British trenches have been
blown up by the Turks In three places.
Haild grenades and large bombs thrown
by A catapult are used by ths British
One of the former had failed to explode
end wt the subject of study of some
Turkish officer. The bomb consisted
of a cast-steel outer shell, two and one
half Inches In diameter and about six
inches long. The shell contained an inner
tube filled with an exploitive.
About noon Kaaad Pasha, commander
of the third army, and during the late
Balkan war, defender of Janina, was met
by the correspondent. General Eawad Is
man of mt-dlum height, slightly gray
about tho temples, of dltoilflrd, military
appearance nnd courteous demeanor.
'The situntlon here at Art Bournou
and 81d-el-Bahr is very favorable," he ,
said. "Tho British and French have been
obliged to assume the defensive, which.
I should say. Is not what they landed
for. We hope to get them out and be
fore long. The alltes havs come to re
spect the bayonts of our soldiers.'
Bayonet Charges.
Essad Pasha then recounted what some
of the British prisoners thought of the
mighty bayonet charges by the Turks.
Most of them did not like the experience.
"I sdmlt there la something uncanny
in men ruehlng a trench silently with
bayonets fixed. Noise has a stimulat
ing effect at times, while Its absence
acts In an opposite direction," he said.
' The afternoon was made Interesting by
a visit from a British aeroplane, which
dropped three large bombs.
Throughout the day the sniping from
both trenches continued. A Turkish bat
tery on (he British left flank added to
the picture by taking a pot shot st some
part of the opponents' trenches. Tho
British pieces on land did not reply for
soms time, but finally were also beard
from. No British or French men-of-war
could bo seen near Kaba Tepe, their
former ststlon. A single hospital ship,
painted gray, lay off shore. The alllod
war vessels had 'been driven to cover
by the German submarines, opined the
Turkish officer, and then pointed in the
direction of Imbros Island. With the
aid of glasses a good view of ths north
east bay of tho island was to bo had.
Tho small heet of water was literally
covered with shipping of all sorts, men-
of-war, transports, supply ships, every
conceivable sort of watercraft in fact
had been Jammed into the smal bay,
outside of which torpedo boats and de
stroyers were patrollng for submarines.
British Plana Fall.
Tho Galllpoll campaign plan of the al
lies, according to officers of the Otto
man army, was to take the forts guard
Ins the entrance and lower reaches of
ths Dardanelles. For this purpose land
ings were made at Kurn Kale, Bld-el-Bahr,
Art Bournou and Kaba Tepe.
Essad Pasha la of the opinion thst
of those only Kaba Tepe was a feint
Insisting at the same time the assertion
of the allies that tho Kum Kale landing
had also been a sham manoeuvre la due
to the fact that the allied troops could
not keep the ground they had taken
there. The landing at Arl Bournou was
Intended as a flank attack upon the Otto
man forces opposing the allied troops
set ashore at fild-cl-Bahr. By occupying
the narrow part of the peninsula between
Arl Bournou and Matdos, the Australians
and New Zealander now hemmed In at
Art Bournou were also to cut 6ff the
land i'ne of communications of the Turk
ish troops at Pld-el Bahr.
Meanwhile the troops landsd at Pld-el-Bshr
were to advance north and in so
doing, tske tho Turkish forts on the Euro
peon shore of the Dardanelles from the
landing side. With these forts taken the
water route to Constantinople would
have been open as far as Nsgara, Prompt
action by the Turklah army ruined the
plan, bringing about what General
d' A made, commander of the French con
tingent is said to have feared. It is
Understood In well Informed circles in
Constantinople that General d'Amade fav
ored a landing near Enns on the north
shore of the Gulf of Saros, but that
Plr Ian Hamilton was against this.
Dodsre to Have a Mill.
DODGE, Neb., Aug. S-(Ppeclal.)-At a
special meeting of the Dodge Commercial
club, a resolution was passed to consider
building a mill with a capital of flO.000, to
be operated in connection with the Farm
ers' Grain and Lumber company, organ
Ixed about three years. A committee of
six were appointed to solicit stock and
a good amount baa already been stib
Scrlbed by farmers and business men of
this vicinity.
Culls From the Wiro
Five members of the city council of
Revere, Maaa., were Indicted by the grand
Jury on a charge of receiving gratuities,
totalling 3no, for granting licenses to Junk
dealers. All pleaded not guilty.
Thirteen funerals of victims of Tues
day night's flood were held at Erie, Pa.
All regular buslneas waa susended, and
only the work of clearing away the
debris left by ths flood and disinfecting
those portions of wreackage and streets
that threatened pestilence was proceed
ing. Miss Emma Goldman, anarchist lec
turer, and Dr. Ben Rettman, her busi
ness manager, were fined 1 100 each In the
municipal court at Portland. Ore., on a
rbnre of violating a city ordinance hy
distributing literature on birth control.
They wert- arrested whli MIhk Goldiiutn
was addressing R public meeting.
A JL Paint and Class
1517 .HOWARD ST.
Phono Douglas 2042.
firncral Manager.
iiiri'grasT' .Til ri v m'-nUaisU L.u.nvraej
- r
f Mammoth Tractor Demonstration
g Fremont, Neb., August 9-14
16 manufacturers entered, 80 tractors, 80 plows. I
l,U0i J ares of stubble will be plowed, barrow ed, ,
disced, f te., during tho week. , .
W. J. Bryan and Governor Morehead will be present at the
opening, August 9. Remarkable motion picture scenario will
be staged Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Joe Stecher will
wrestle Thursday. lUp barbecue dinner Friday. All demon
stration and entertainments are free.
'rsjswL- For further details, rlte
' T 1 V'
)y Omaha
or phone Tyler 1C00.
I rZ
Htt t a era 4aete Ham.
Memphis, New Orles-us, l
,-shJvlls, 11; Mobile. L.
Is Next to
Mil; As
A glass of milk yields
184 calories; a similar
glass of pure beeri 137.
Calories form the meas
uring rod -by which
science computes energy.
A glass of Schlitz in
Brown Bottles is suffi
cient fuel to furnish
abundant energy to the
human machine,
.Aim! Doesn't
Schlitz is pure, and
the Brown Bottle pro
tects it from the damag
ing effects of light.
Light starts decay even
in pure beer.
The Brown Bottle keeps
Schlitz pure and whole
some until it is poured
into your glass. It costs
no more than light bot
tle beer.
See that crown is branded "Schlitz'
Phone Dong. 159?
Schllta Bottled Beer Depot
723 S. 9th St., Omaha, Nth.
Phone 424
Hy. Gerber
101' 8. Mala St., Council Bluffs
The Beer
Thot Made Milvaultee famous.
U tot