THK U.MMJA SUNDAY i'AAr. AUUl'Sl S. 1U13. 9 A I AUIO HEN HAVE AN OUTING J&ckion Company Diitributm Take to the Michigan Woodi for a Few Daye. TWENTY-SIX TS THE PARTY Tanned and wMihtbftln from thrlr week' ojoura In th northern peninsula of Vie inn n iw'-tv-s l Mluitrrs anil rttclal of tn Jackson Automobiift com tAny rolled Into Jacfcaon tan k after a root eueotesf ul convention In th north Sine leaving tr. Jaeksnn factory a wee twfor. th flealer comprising th party had traveled elos to mile aver every ort of road from roncret. highway to oonlurov tot trains had wit nessed th rrforrr.anc of th new ltfht and four-cylinder models, Juat antuwmried by th Jaekson company, under th nnt trylnc condition; fished th trout fttrrimi and lake of uppar Mlchiran and, In ahort, had mad th moat of an ex cellently arranged proRram In which busU num and pleaaur had! part. Sale Manager Howard Matthew and hla assistant. x-enetor rranli Newton, tiara tha eradlt for originating tha pln rat thla yaafi oonvanUon. Both aro mambara Of Camp Newton, epaoloua and watt equipped hunting oluh. located in tha heart of Michigan's north wooda. Tha camp la lxtyiht mliea from the lake city of MantaUqu and la reached by mora lofting trails and tota road. vihI (nr la the Wnoila. mien Howard Matthawa at tha wheal of Modal at, tha new Jackaon elght cyllnder ear. drora up to tha front en trance of tha camp It waa the firat time a motor car had aver been aeen In that vicinity. Cloeely following Mr. Matthew came five of th new high duty four cylinder Jackson, whloh have bea termed the Model We. Probably no Stirrer teat waa ever put . ih MriMi nf a motor oar than the ahooka administered by traveling over the corduroy roads. The loga lata acroae me road furnished a continual hammering at the anting. At no time Were tha famous full elllptla apringa on Jackaon cara more aelf-evldent than In their abil ity to take up tha ahock without damage to themsetvea or discomfort to tha pas sengers. The dealera who accompanied th party were ao enthuelaetlo over th perform ance of the new eight and four-cylinder cara that they talked of Uttl U th day following their entry Into camp. The pulling ability of the small model 84 with the high duty four-cylinder motor In heavy sand and on long gradee was re markable. On several smooth stretches of road aa high aa fifty mllea an hour waa attained by these cara and the total lack of vibration was surprising. The eight-cylinder model, of course, more than fulfilled th many predlctlona made for It, both aa to power and speed. Plaa for Casapal-. Wednesday morning, th seoond day in camp, the first business meeting was called to order by Bales Manager How ard Matthewa Plans for the sales cam pa Urn of tha coming year were discussed, and the big distributer from the metro politan centers showed keen Interest In th two new eights and the new four cylinder models which- Jackson will shortly announce. In addition to the sales talks, technical Information on the new model was furnished by Chief En gineer Ounn of th Northwar Motor com pany. Thursday was given up to further bust. ness sessions and fishing expedition wer carried out by various member of the party. Not th least Interesting- de velopment of tha day was th placing ot orders for hundreds of Jackson oars by the dealers In attendance). Starting? for home Friday, th party followed a somewhat different route, passing through Cadlllao, Lake View Beldlng, Ionia and Lansing, arriving at Jackson on Schedule time. Iowa and Nebraska Roads Very Good liver since early spring the publlo has been reading that transcontinental tourists have found travel through th middle western states extremely diffi cult In the matter of roads. Such state ments are flatly contradicted by tha men In the moving picture party now filming .he great cross-country route. Those in the Studebaker car accom panying the expedition aay that not once have they encountered roada Impossible lo get through. Even at Marshalltown, la., storlea of stalled cars' were heard, but on going forward these reports were not verified. At Omaha stories of dozens af machines mired along the road were! heard, yet no difficulty at all waa en-! countered and not a single ear was aeen stuck. Hearing similar reports of cars which oould not get through, some motor ists have become alarmed and ahlpped their cara by rail, and probably told other people that tha roada ar Impas sible. Perhaps shortly after rain, parties might find the roads slippery and soft, but In from three to six hours after a storm tha roada ar normal again, due to tha quick-drying qualities bf the'aoU throughout the middleweat. t PILOTLESS PAIGE STARTLES WITH NEW DEMONSTRATION A alx-cyllnder, seven-passenger touring ear without a soul aboard, but calmly ambling up one of tha principal thor oughfare of New Haven. Conn., threw the Inhabitants of th celebrated home of Tale university into a state of consid erable excitement a few weeka ago. Be fore the mystery had been solved trolley car conductors, pedestrians, automobile driver and even the chief of police vol unteered for a role in the little dram, only to discover that no asalstano was neoesaary. The ear that stirred New Haven waa a Palgre "Slx-4" and It waa turned loose In th city streets by a salesman of the New Haven Palg distributers. The Paige was started on Whitney avenue In high and throttled down and than left to It own devieoa. It rolled along at about two miles aa hour with the sales man la charge walking along tha aide walk to keep ambitious and over-excited Peopl from manias; to an ill-advised res sue. The Palg proceeded thua for aeveral blocks, passing automobile and trolley oars running In the opposite direction. Whll th "phantom ear" shattered the nerve of a few the demonstration was certainly eomplet and entirely success ful There l no longer any question In th minds of th New Haven dtlsens that th Palg la flexible and will throt tie down to a walk on high. Even the hlef of polio admlta It. Motorists' Gossip Heard at tho Omaha Auto Club Rooms "Bpeaklng of good roada through Iowa and Nebraska," remarked Mrs. J. P. Packham. Boston, Mane., who stopped tiff In Omaha last week, "w made the trip from Chicago to Denver la Juet five rtaya and a few minutes and ocnuldertng tha mileage, 1.14. and tha freak weather w have had, I consider thla good going." P. A, Walls, th club counsel, reports that th olua has paid alt W reward In tha last two weeka to polio offloere for th arrest and oonviotion of persons throwing glass en th publlo streets. "A few years ago," remarked Mr. Welts, "before the clufe took up thla Important feature of safeguarding punctures to mo torists, It waa not unoommoa to awe our streets littered with broken glass, even on th downtown streets." "W ar almply Jubilant over th splen did support the elub Is receiving from tha motorists," said President J. 1C Ueorge, when asked what growth had been made. "Tha applloattona ar liter ally oomiog In ewarma" P, A. Walla, the aiub counsel, will mo tor to bla summer home on the shores of beautiful Crow Wing lake, Minnesota, the latter part of the coming week. Eastern tourists passing through Omaha have heard rumors that Harry Thaw Is motoring toward Omaha, but they could give no definite newa where he waa last seen. Dallas, Tel., Jitneys are no more. The new license fee stopped th nickel get ting. W. K. Text of Crystal City, Tex., go ing through to Cleveland, O., baa a faith ful companion called "Watch," a mas el va Uraat Dana, who, while he hasn't learned to drive the oar, can keep anyone but hla muter from driving lb "Watoh like th trip fin. When h geta cramped be hope out and ohases a rab bit and hikes on ahead. Ha takes quits a few detoura that I can't possibly fol low. No, I'm no relation to the former president, and never even saw him, but my nam la Bill." Studebaker Car Climbs Boston Hill A 1916 alx-cyllnder Studebaker holds the record ot climbing Uio steep Incline of Boston's Corey hill, In high gear. Just to show that It waa not merely a one time, or lucky feat, the car was made to repeat the teat, performing with the same ease as marked th first ascent This was but one of a series ot .difficult performances shown by the car In on afternoon, without its hav ing undergone any preparatory adjust ment. The Insistent demand on th part of automobile buyers for Increased power, oomlng with the more extended use of automobiles for touring purposes, has been met by Studebaker In th new mod els, as tha Boston and reports of other tests mad over th country can be con sidered to conclusively show. Not only In hill climbing, but In negotiating rough and rain soaked roads, have the new Studebaker realised the Ideal of the designer, and the suocessful demonstra tions are pronounced by witnesses aa speaking volumes for the car's ability. FIRESTONE EMPLOYES ENJOY ANNUAL OUTING Employe of tho Flrentone Tire and Rubber company and their families, to the number of 16,000. enjoyed their an nual outing at beautiful Sliver Lake park, near Akron, on Saturday. There waa never a dull moment from early In the morning until late In the evening. Two of the big thrills of tha day were produced by Barney Oldfleld racing In hla 100-hora power Flat Cy clone, and D Lloyd Thompson, the aerlallst, who exhibited his hair-raising feats of "loooplng the loop" and flying upsld down. Oldfleld Is a long-time friend of the companydriving all his race on Flrestones. On Sunday, August 1, at tha Randall, O., track, he made a new world's record driving a mile In 0:4$4. The best previous record on dirt circular track was 0:S held by Oldfleld. A base ball game In th morning between the factory and general office depart- menta resulted in a scrappy contest for th coveted prize of ISO to the winning team. Tkoa Three-Year Coatracts. Beaton, the Tip Tops' star pitcher, who continues to be the softest kind of a mark, still drawa'that 18,500 salary. Do what it, un in mmv mark stands for? It stands for vice and work tee behind it. It will pay you to remember that. Th Ultimate Car New, Ught Foar$13SS F. 0. B. Factory McINTYRE AUTO CO. Douglas 2406 2427 Farnam Street . Agente Propotition jGreat Awt . DEALERS AT SAXON FACTORY Men from Near and from Far Drive to Their Horn Town! in Their New Cart. DETROIT MAT OB, THE STAXTEEt Iteoenlly the fcenon Motor company tailed Its ajrwnts Into the home offlo and plant at Txtmlt, Mloh, Ther they wer entertained In royal style, being ben quoted and given trips wtmut the clly. Conferences were held and for several days there was a regular convention, at which shop talk and the handling of business waa discussed. When the ftaxon arenla got ready t leave for their respective homes, each man started out In a new car. driving the route, regardless of distance. In stsrtlng. the official word was glvea by Mayor Marx of Detroit and away they Want, with 104 dealers and agents driving h new Saxon Sixes. A rain that lasted most ot the hlftht and well Into the forenoon did not dampen the ardor of the participating dealera Uarh man knew hie car and had confidence In It. Not a one feared the prospect of driving over heavy roads. All day long from early morning to lata In th afternoon the streets resembled a lot of racing campa before a big speed way event Taalaat l's Maaats. Each dealer spent several painstaking hours tuning up his "mount;" then, the Job don to his entire satisfaction, he covered It up carefully and kept It veiled up to the time ot starting. Confidence waa In the air. lvry dealer felt Sure of capturing the big honor and proving Kaxon "tax" economy and reli ability to the whole nation. Preeident Tord, together with a com mittee of Dttrolt newspaper men, acted aa Judgea of the contest Mr. Kord an nounced that other considerations In ad dition to eoonomy would be noted, and he urgod every contestant to make a oomplote report. Including gasoline and oil consumption, mileage, road conditions, weather and average speed maintained. Mr. Ford requested telegrams Immedi ately upon arrival and a detailed written leport following. At the Detroit meeting Omaha waa represented by H. B. Noyes. who her has the sgency for the Saxon car. Lightness in Auto Wheel Rim a Thing Hailed with Delight 'The trend of automobile rim design la toward almpllclty and lightness," says E. R. Hall of the Goodyear Tlr and Rubber company' engineering department. "This development toward lightness will be hailed with delight by many automo bile manufacturer, tending a It does, to reduce car weight and tlr expense. The rim now being placed before th dealera for thla year's selling harmonise with the principles sought by many car maker. "It la th consensus of opinion among dealers and manufacturers that th transition from the cumbersome, Chlneaa- pussle rim with lis many complicated parts, to th simplified type, will soon be effected. Our quick detachable rtm shows this trend to a higher degree than any so far displayed. The aide ring and the locking flange ar Oomblned ana can be anapped off the wheel In an In stantand off slips the tire. After the tire Is replaced the side flang snaps into place without effort Following as It doe a period of eoonomy testa to determine tire expense, this simplified type come at a most opportune time. This rim dealgn. also glvea to rim sales that air of newness that Is ao eseentlal to a eue ceseful selling season." Chalmers Company Has Banner Year "The Chalmers Motor company has Just closed the biggest July in Its sales his tory," Is the statement made by C. A. Pfeffer, vice president and assistant gen eral manager of the Chalmers Motor company. "The books for July show sn Increase of nearly 300 per cent over July, 1914. "Chalmers production Is going forward on a greatly Increased basis with th 1918 cars," added Mr. Pfeffer, "but even with our Increased building facilities, our enlarged faotory force and our machinery running night and day, we have been unable to keep pace with our order. In aplte of our. efforts w have fallen behind In our dellveriee," You Remember that little trade experience, ser with a guaran 2V; j ft tr M AVZB ITM jr V V TWO HUNDRED CARS PER DAY Maxwell Company Find that the Demand for Its New Cart It Something- Enormous. SALES ARE RECORD BREAKING To renew th. stocks of more thsn j merchants who two neeks a so had ahso- lutelv nothing to sell, and to An It In the j ahortest poealble time. Is th. task with which the Maawell Motor company l now entered. Us efforts In Israe-ijusn- I tlly production of the new l'.'ia cars fonn on of the most Intereatlns; phases of the motor Industry. When the new Maxwell wss announced tha company's dealers had been for sev eral weeks entirely sold out of ear. Their eslcaronms presented In the snare (ate hundreds of seres of polished floor space, unoccupied hy rolling stock of any sort. The dealers knew tho now cara were coming; and had been booking on dere for them, but the sales were mad on the basts ot Maxwell reputation alone. They had nothing to show or to demon strate. "If w. had a picture It would help." on M dealer wired th factory. "Hut w can't make a picture climb Main street hill on high Rear." But President Flsmters' production staff stole a march on his sales and advertising- aide by Retting tho Maxwell Plants here and at Paytnn and Newcas tle Into full swing of work several days before th cara wore formally announced. Tha date of the announcement found the plant producing more than lot cara a day. Shipments were already on the way to the flrm'a largest dealera. Now the shining, handsome cars of the now model, with the heart-ahnped radiators, one-man top, demountable rlina and other Improvement are on view at virtually alt the trading centers, though In num bers neceeearlly limited on account ot the wide scope of distribution. The production men have not. however, been allowed to pat themselves on the bsck over their feat of new model build ing on this record-bresklng basis. Ap peerance of th new cars has stimulated, rather than allayed, the salesmen's do mands. RIDES ARE THE POPULAR PLEASURES AT KRUG PARK Exhilarating and exciting are terms for the many forms of locomotion at Krug park. The "rides" continue to set on tha tallest pedestal of the popularity column, and continue to furnlHh much pleasure to those who desire to Indulge in this form of recreation. Dancing and picnicking hav proven to ba the popular entertainments of the summer. The free moving pictures that ar shown out of doors, have a targe following, and that th Interesting plays ar appreciated Is sTiown by the enthus iasm of the spectator. A flve-mlnute car service has been Installed on the park Un. Cars transfer to any part of th city, which avoids any Inconvenience or delay on the trip. y Y - "cV4 y-2 -;': ala h-w 45rM RALPH HITCHCOCK IS BACK HANDLING THE KNIGHT CAR llxlpn Hitchcock has assln turned to Kntsht motors after a short aoeone of thirty days. He says: "Hlm-e lli I have b.-m learning all 1 cn Hloiit Knl.vht motors, as well as others, snd I'm satisfied with my first eve." Hlt.hcork started allh the .Vol Ins FARMER mm onstration of the new Allis -Chalmers soil tilling machine and farm tractor which will be given at Fre mont, Nebraska. The Rotary tiller has been active in different Euro pean countries for the last three years with best results. Entirely new to the American Farmer. Come and got full particulars Allis -Chalmers Manufacturing Co. f - i - irrij , .'. I,,,,, , n ,lfr ft,,!: 4..j-. Mi. A fix I f n The first "Six" under $1,000 Tho Saxon Six" is tho out of tho high-priced class. Today, when you read "announcements" of other cars at or near the Saxon price, remember that Saxon brought out its new "Six" three months ago. In this car the Saxon Company scored a double "beat" on the entire motor car industry. For not only was this tho FIRST "SIX" under $1,000; it was the FIRST of tho now season's cars to bo placed in owners' hands. 8aott "8ixH Is th fastest eetllnt "Sis" on th market. It is a tried and proved car. It ia also new nd up-to-date car. It is aa much ahead of other in design and con struction aa it mi ahead in getting on the market. Consider the feature of this can powerful sis -cylinder, high speed motor of Sax on design and Conti nental manufacture! Tim ken rear axle; Gray St Davis electric starting and Saxon Motor Company, Detroit Steura this vilaiM for year territny it ones. Telephone today. Ooutlit Noyes-Killy Motor Co. KnlKht In the experimental utatlun in j I!1 and has. In mMltlun tn a morhanli'nl ! training- In Iowa arhnnla. a ver thorough, practical experlein- along thf mechanical trail. Ho will act as sulfn nian for tho ilclntlre Auto company lhal handle the Hiearna Knight cars and rlnlms that the ol.l hnmealrk fooling hn. loft him since he Itnx placed hl fort on tho floor over the Steams KnlKht motor. Kent rooma quick with a l!ee Wan! Ad. I0NT fail to see method of plowing dem MILWAUKEE. WIS. . ... m i tktu..,. LA I llJ car that brought "sixes" lighting system ; Atwater Kent Ignition ; honeycomb radiator; Cantilever springs; dry plate clutch; 113-inch wheclbaae; 32i3i" tires; genuine streamline body, beautifully finished and upholstered and in all vital part materials of th aim specification as car selling at (2.000 or more. When you can get so much in a Saxon "Six" don't be satisfied with lea. Com and see why this great car ia selling so rapidly. Distributors .X" Pm4 t, -r" - , m:rjKtm0r- vA ' : , a' . - ,'. " 1 ' fc REGAL CAR MAKES BIG GAIN IN SALES "Our liiMlnra Ue liv reisofl this eaam far beyond my expectations." said V. f . fierce, Kinornl calo mnnasT of till K. rhI M tor Cnr rnmpanv. to a jrathor nn .f .lealrra at the factory. " knew our I.laht Knur moll at l'T, lth fine oiiilimrnt . wotiM he a wlfinar. hut never dreamed It woulil rsua th stir In the niolor unilil that It hit. the new ,.,.1(1.4 ' is- r - :'-4 3S4I. -m0h J: 4