Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 5-A, Image 5

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5 A
Tortreii of First Class, Forming; End
of New SlftT Line of Defense,
Given Tip.
LONDON. Aug. 7. A dispatch to
the Dally Mall from Copenhagen
"The Russians are evacuating
Kovno. The governor and his staff
and the banks have gone. The popu
lation has been leaving for the past
Kovno; a fortress of the first class,
Is the capital of the government of
the same name In northwest Russia.
It has been stated that Kovno was
to form the northern head of the
new Russian line of Kovno, Orodno
and Brest-Lltorsk. The city has a
population of between 75,000 and
Owed Landlady for
Board, She Claims
Body of Her Debtor
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 7. The coroner
ef Philadelphia today refused the re
queflt of a boarding- house mistress that
she be given the freak body of her former
boarder so that she could sell It to the
highest bidder and thus get back money
she had advanced the man.
The body was that of William Outen
nilller, who had committed suicide. His
heart was on his right side and other
organs wers not in their natural posHlon.
nysicians naa aiscovrrea nis iirun
physical make-up and worry over his
peculiar construction, it Is claimed, caused
n irri wrm sunn si m i -rt i riiiiiiiini un nia
the woman a board bill and had borrowed
small sum from her from time to time,
telling her that when he died she could
get money for his body from a medical
college. v- -
The coroner told the woman that under
the law he could not give her the body.
It Is probable that It will be turned over
to the state anatomical board If no one
claims It for proper burial.
New York Moosers
Vote to Stand Fast
ALBANY". N. Y., Aug. 7,-Oeorge W.
Perkins and twenty-eight other pro
gressives from various parts of ths stats
at a closed meeting here today adopted
resolution pledging unswerving fsalty to
their party and urging any voters who
are dissatisfied with conditions In other
parties to come Into ths progressive
camp. . . i .
Harrison Deyo of Tonkers, who mads
public such news as was to bs given
out, said that no conferee even suggested
returning to the republican fold.
Mr. Perkins in an address Insisted that
ths United States should prepare for
peace by cangtng the tariff and also
prepare for war. If ths war wers to
stop now, he Insisted, Europe would flood
this country with the products of cheap
labor and . great business depression
would follow.- The progressive party, be
ooncluded, la ths only ens that offers
a plan looking to preparing this country
to fight, the battles of ths Industrial
marts In case of peace, or the battles of
guns and men In case of wsr.
Twenty Thousand to
Aid Flood Sufferers
ERIE, Pa., Aug. 7. With hundreds of
workers clearing 'away the debris along
the path of Tuesday's flood, about $,
X was raised today lor relieving the
suffering of victims.
Monday a committee of 100 business
men will begin a canvass to raise a huge
fund and from this money those who
havs lost their all In the disaster will be
given a new start In life.
The state health authorities are taking
sanitary precautions to avoid an epidemic.
State police have taken charge of the
guard work in the stricken district. There
was little looting reported today and few
arrests were made In the flood sons.
Three bodies were recovered today and
all have been identified. They ars:
This brings the number of known dead
to twenty-nine, with many others unac
counted for. . .
"Victory Shots" Fired
To Celebrate Victory
LONDON'.. Aug. 7. The Amsterdam
correspondent of the Exchange Telegraph
company sends the following:
"A Berlin dispatch states that General
von Kessel, military commander of Ber
lin, ordered a salute of sixty Victory
shots' fired at noon today in honor of
taking Warsaw."
Culls from the Wire
The Locomobile Company of America,
anaounoed at Bridgeport, Conn., it would
institute an eight-hour work day In Its
flant should Uie employes deeire that
nstsad of the profit-sharing plan re
cently proposed.
The Chicago. Rock Island and Pacific
passenger train from Kansas City to
' St. Paul, via Des Moines, was wrecked
several miles south of Owatonna, Minn.,
Ail the douches turned over, but nens
of t.B passengers was injured.
Kansas City, Mo., was selected as the
next meeting place of the Americiui
Osteopathic association at the closing
seesiijn of lta nineteenth annual conven
tion at Portland, Ore. Resolutions favor
ing national prohibition and opposing
militarism were adopted. The conven
tion favored the oompulsory reporting
ot all social diseases to boards of health.
Miss Margaret Ulttner was exonerated
by a Chicago coroner s Jury at the con
Uuakon of the Inquest over the bodies
.f Oeorge H. Jones, ths M ay wood gar
iie owner who shot and killed bis wife,
'lis wife's brother and stater, John fcX
Coagrove and Miss Catherine Coo;rove,
and then committed suicide last Mon
Say. Testimony at ths inquest showed
that the tragedy was the outcor.-e of
a lov aJfair between Jones and Miss
The name of Robert Wtlnog was taksa
from ths tu of those Indicted for par
ticipation in the alleged Panama sone
supply purchase frauds at New York.
Wucox was IndlcUd with John Burke,
Bn ? chre of offering a bribe. Upon
production of AMtooa's books by his
lawyers United State District Attorney
Marshall was convinced that the charge
was unfounded. While Burke cave Wil
cox a larite order for kerosene it was
shown that the government has actually
saved twMity by ths transaction.
Dads of
"Look alter th kids? I should say
not. That's what the old woman Is
This statement, or the sentiment In
subetance, was heard so often from men
who thought thetreelvee too busy to glv
their children any attention that Styroeet
Rtevenson. a lumberman of Council
Bluffs, got entirely dlagustrd with I.
So he called a little meeting In the
Madison avenue school In Council Blurts
some two years ago. Then he lectured
the dosen fellows that csme. He told
them Just what he thought they, as
father owed to their children.
"What sort of father sre you?"
That la what he wanted to know. Pome
had little to say In defense of their at
titude toward their children. One man,
hard pressed for an answer, finally ad
mitted that he had never given fifteen
minutes a day to his children, although
he wa the father of six.
Then and there Sty meat Stevenson or
ganised the dosen men Into a Aethers'
club, the first In the world. Other
neighborhoods followed the example, un
til today there In a Fathers" club In
every one of the fourteen ward schools
In Council Bluffs; there r upwards of
1,000 members In all; thoy are united
Into a federation ! fsthera' clubs, and
have already, for a year or more, taken
active part In municipal and state leg
islation on the matter of ctgarct nnd
toners laws, Juvenile court matters,
matters of sanitation In the ward school
and on the efficiency or non-efficiency
of some of the teachers of Council Bluffs.
Tacoma, Wash., has caught the spirit
fcnd now has a club of 1,600 members,
Des Molnea and Outhrie Center, la., have
substantial Fsthers' clubs patterned
after Stevenson's club, and all are do
ing effective work.
8tevenson gave ths matter a grest
deal of thought for year before he
tarte, t(v orrBn1fe,
He marahalled ths
facta and tho evidence so etrongly
mogt My father of h- Qwn aenqu.
. . ....
In the matter of taking ths responsibil
ity of head of a family.
"There never was a man that could
stand the fire of Stevenson's arguments
Dies from Thirst
As Car Breaks Down
In Western Desert
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Aug. 7.-Fallur
to think of putting water In an automo
bile radiator brought death to one man
and frightful tortures to two others who
arrived here from ths desert and told of
their sufferings.
The trio, James S. Roche and John H.
Welsh, attorneys, and James O. Clark.
a real estate dealer, left here Bunday In
an automobile for El Centro In the Im
perial valley,
Monday morning the car stopped In the
sand. The passengers found the radiator
empty and had no water. Roche and
Welsh started after a mirage, which they
believed was the Salton sea. Clarke
watted a day and then, believing them
dead, made his way to Mineral Springs,
where he was resusclated and organised
a rescue party. They found Roche un
conscious and Walsh dead. Roche said
they drank lubricating oil.
Convicts Prefer Being
Bumped to Being Shot
SPOKANE. Wash, Aug. 7. Thirty
seven oonvlota on a motor truck, which
was crossing a railroad track here lata
today, realised that a collision with an
approaching switch engine was Inevitable,
but they refrained from Jumping for fear
ot being shot by armed guards following
In an automobile. The engine crashed
squarely Into the truck and seven of the
prisoners were severely Injured, two
probably - fatally. ' Twenty others sus
tained cuts and bruises. . The convicts
were being taken back to prison after a
day's work In flax fields. They saw the
engine In time to Jump to safety, but
thought the guards In the automobile
would not understand the Situation and
would begin firing.
Owes Her Good
Health to Duffy's
"1 was under tbe care of different
doctors, bat did not Improve and was
so weak I could hardly stand and
could not keep anything on my stom
ach. A druggist advised a table
spoonful of Duffy's Pure Malt Whis
key with an egg In milk, before
meals, and after following bis advice
I could eat, I overcame my weakness
and gradually gained In weight. 1
cannot praise Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey too much." Mrs. Mary
Carmody, 118 N. Elliot Ave., Brook
lyn, N, Y,
Daffy't Pure Halt Whiskey
should be In every home as a safeguard
In emergencies requiring a eumultuU,
and reaoy to be taken on Journeys for
the protection it affords the traveler.
Ite regular use by the weak and allins;
gives remarkable results in health and
strength as well as proper wrlirht by
stimulating the stotnarh to better action,
and In consequence nourlxM" the su
nt a pony.
"Set Butfy's ana
Keep Well"
At most drug
gists, grocers an t
dealers. 11- If tlie
can't supply you.
write us Medic!
tooklet free
Vhe Duffy Kal Whiskey C, st aches
tee, m, a.
ly -
the Race Arraigned
r- 1
i y
p 's A
I -; -i
V; f tl
L: :
Stymest Stevenson
for twenty minutes at a vtretah," said a
Council Bluffs man. In discussing Stev
enson's organisation.
"Make the Indifferent different." Is
the slogan of the club.
"I know when people hear the word
'Fathers' club,' " says Btovenson, "thsv
think we are a bunch ef aunbounet slssloa,
chewing white gum and spitting In the
coal bucket at the meetlnga But they
are wrong. We are not angels. We are
no better than anyone else. We only
want to wake the fathers up to their re
sponsibility, and they all wake up when
they hear a few lectures on the eunjeot.
Tractor Being 'Used
To Tear Up Roadway
Traction machinery Is being used in
the preparatory grading on West Broad
way, Council -Bluffs, where Contractor
Wlckham Is engaged In removing the
central strip of macadam and replacing
It with Qalesburs- block laid an mil.
Crete base. A powerful traction engine is
puiung a plow and tearing up ths old
rocky base with apparent ease.
The work was firm attempted by men
using picks, but was found slow and dif
ficult. Then several heavv horass wan
attached to a strong plow, but the task
was too much for them. The powerful
tractor was then resorted to with com
plete success. The work is belnc nmhAd
rapidly and the street will not be inter-
icrea witn to any great extent
PARIS. Aug. 7.-The Chamber of
Deputies today paed a bill carrying an
appropriation of 130 million francs f!24.-
000,000), to be used in the purchase of
And HERE'S News of a Lot of 1915 FALL Suits
mtmmmammmimm ggsasaMsVaigeHeTsasMsVsnsMeWsgsiBaasv
to Be Included In Julius Orkin's "Enlarging Sale"
Advance Fall
that were bought g
to retail at $29.50 V
will go now at
Newest Fall
of the Week Just Passed
A week of halved, quartered, even greater
fractionized prices but sales that marked
a new page in the annals of Omaha merchan
dising! THAT 'S the history of the first week
of this "Enlarging Sale." Women's suits,
dreswei, coats, waists and skirts sold at prices that
won Id seem ridiculous, Imposlble, If not advertled by
a legitimate merchant. Were YOU among the exceed
ingly well pleased buyers? If not, will ou not par
ticipate THIS week?
Wash Skirts
Wash Skirts that have been selling at
as high as $1.95, arc yours at
Wash Skirts worth up to $2.95 are in
tbe "Enlarging Sile" at only .,
All of themValutB
$19.50 to $25, in En
larging Salt, at only
Then again they say It's political. It
no such thing. We don't give a darn
whether a fellow Is Presbyterian or hull
moose. We want him there for his prac
tical hard sense about the handling of
growing children.
"Federal statistics show that of every
100 boys that start Into the grade school,
only flvs finish high achool. Yet every
mother thinks when she ties Willie's tie
the first morning that he Is going through
high school. Khe falls In ninety-five cases
out of I. Is she altogether to blame?
What hand has father been taking in the
course of that boy's development?
"Ixok here! If a fsrmsr starts to shsll
corn, and shovels ins ears of corn into
the hopper and at the other end of ths
machine finds thst only five of them tire
shelled, whst does hs do? He stops the
machinery at once and fixes the shelter."
When a oeae of a notoriously delinquent
young girl In central Icwa was attraot
Ing a great deal of attention and the
mother was blamed for the delinquency.
Stevenson. Just for a gamMs, bet a friend
In Council Bluffs 5 thst the father was
as murh to blame as ths mother. If not
more so. Then- he spent t of his own
money to visit the town and Investigate.
The facts he unearthed of the father's
delinquency, which had actually starUd
the once devoted mother on the down
road, won him the f6. but the expense
of the Investigation, which was Mo, he
bore himself.
"I've got a couple or three dotlars and
slx-blte Td Just as soon spend that way
as any other." said Stevenson. "I'm
simply tired of hearing the mothers con
tinually blamed for not bringing vp
No, the elub doesn't have to be com
posed of preachers. That Is clearly shown
by the fact that federal Judges. Iswyers.
manufacturers, doctors, wholesalers, re
tailers and men In every field f work
have Joined the clubs.
"It's n place for the fellow that wants
to wear a bustle 6r a corsst." says Btov.
enson. "We get the practical men. We
man who have opinions and are
not afraid to speak them out Some of
them say damn' when they are enuiusi-
astically discussing a point, but we ars
getting results."
wheat and flour for feeding the civil
population. The limit of such purchases
Is fixed at 30S.000.000 francs.
R. N. Oeorge was struck and painfully
hurt by a car driven by County Commis
sioner Best on Eighteenth street bstween
Farnam and Douglas streets about (
o'clock last evening. George, who was on
a bicycle, rode out ot the alley beside
the telephone building. In which he Is
employed, just as Mr, Best, with a party
of four, drove up the street.
Although the automobile wss moving
slowly. It was Impossible to stop before
It struck the bloycle, throwing Oeorge to
the pavement with considerable force.
The auto was stopped within two or three
feet of the spot. Oeorge was not run
ever, having been knocked to one-side
by the fender. . Dr. , Zlmmerer. attended
the Injured man. The Injuries are not
serious, but Mr. Oeorge was taken to the
Swedish Mission hospital, where he will
probably remain for several days.
Those who witnessed the accldsnt seem
unanimous In declaring that Mr. Best
handled his car well under the circum
Bright, newly styled, just unpacked 1915 Fall Suits at "EN
LARGING SALE" prices! Impossible, say you? Ordinarily, yes, but
when a dealer Is confronted with the con iUons that now confront Julio Or kin,
nothing la Impossible. .Julius Orkln places on sale Monday a lot of ladies' fall salts
that were ordered UEPORR the Remodeling and Enlarging of this establishment was
considered. They must sell while they are new so here they go, right after tuu
packing, at true "EXLAIIGIXQ SALE" reductions.
Silk Dresses
A lsrrs
You know the
All Waists for
merly told to
All of f Asm - ValutM
$29.50 to S3 5, in En
larging Sale, at only
Central Labor Body Appoints Com
mittee to Have Charge of
At the meeting of ths Central I1or
union last night steps were taken to pre
pare for the entertainment of the Ne
l rank a State Federation of lhor, that
meets In Omaha September 14. On ways
snd means, lYesklent Reynolds appointed
the following committee:
J. R. Wangberg, Frank Mannell, Robert
Dunlsp, H. Kilmer, 11. 10. Mi-Connoa. H.
3. Beal, John Pollan, Bert Wiley. J.
Murphy, I.. I Cm Ik, Ueorge Arnold,
Rudolph C'hleboiad. F. Huller and F. A.
Mensles. The members will meet at
lsbor temple Sunday morning st 11
o'clock snd decide upon a line of sctlon.
As a delegate to the Nebraska State
Federation of Labor, J. R. Wangberg
was elected.
For ths six months beginning August
t. President Reynolds appointed ths fol
lowing standing committees:
Law A. C. Weltsel. plumbers; T. A.
Meniiea. machinists; Ueorge French,
iioto engravers.
Kduratlonel John Pollen, printers; Ru
dolf Chleborad, brewery workers; Frank
Mansell, stationary enalneera.
Grievance J. J. Kerrlsan, carpenters;
J, Whiting, stage employes; M. Courtney,
Organisation J. R, Wsngberg, mschln
Ists; James Murphy, bollermakers; H. K.
Mcfonnon. bartender; O. F, Moth, car
penters; Joe Laux, elevator constructors.
8anltary O. H. Arnold, plumbers;
Frank ilackett, press assistants; Joe
Bohren, electrical workers.
Union Lebpl H. Hilmer, pressmen; L
L. Craig, moving picture operators.
The secretary wss Instructed to' com
municate with, the members of ths city
commission snd urge that the proposed
new fire alarm system be Installed by
dsy, or union labor.
A mass meeting was called for next
Wednesday night, at which time speak
ers from abroad will be present to dis
cuss the coal miners' strlks In Colorado
and ths Isbor condition in that stats.
Russians Declare
Warsaw Evacuated
To Spare the City
PETROORAD. Aug. 7. Vln London. )
The following official communication was
mado publlo tonight
'There la no appreciable change In the
situation. Between ths Dvlna and Nle
men rivers, ws yesterday repulsed the
"There wss desperate fighting through
out the night of August 4, and all
of yesterday on ths left bsnk of ths
Narcw on the Rosan-Ostrolenka-Oatrov
roads. A series of vigorous counter at
tacks by our troops held up the enemy
along sn extended front. At a distance
of about ten vents (about six and one-
fourth miles) from ths river, ws captured
several hundred prisoners. Violent fight
ing continues.
"Along the middle Vistula all Is quiet
since our retreat to the right bank.
"Warsaw was evacuated In order to
save the town from the effects of a
"The fruitless attempts of the enemy
to extend the sone of Its occupation Is
only being continued In the region of
Apartments, flats, houses and cottages
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Bee "For Rent"
Monday's selling. At this writing thsy are la eases unpaoked I ae tune to look
np their prices now bat ask to see tbem stun DAT
ssu'1 style.
All Wattle for
merly told to
$3.95 to $5.00
-Now $2.36
All of them Values
$15 to $19.50, in En
larging Sale, at only
All of them Values
$25 to $35, in En
larging Sale, at only
Soon to Add the En
tire Building at 150S
. Doug. St. 1 Door East
Price Thinks Youth
Should Be Fighters
W. n Price of Lincoln thinks the
youth of the I'nlted State should not
be trslned to yield too easily when faced
with ths alternative of putting up a
similarly he thinks the nation should
not sit passively and 1st other nations
walk over us. Mr. Price Is In full accord
with the view of Frank L Haller. who
told the business men at their Chautauqua
that the young men of the country needed
to be taught respect for authority,
"Why," aald Mr. Pries, "are we going
to let olhsr nations do what they want
to toward us without protesting. 1 am
opposed to It. The people as a whole, I
think, ars with President Wilson In his
Mr, Price e ss In ths early days of Mr.
Bryan's residence In the west one of V
most srdent friends. He recently paid a
visit to Washington while Mr. Bryan was
still secretary and protssted against too
much peace In the policy of any govern
ment. "You've got to let your neighbors know
you're alive once In a while," declared he
to The Bee, "In order to maintain your
Blackwell's Island
Not Pleasant Place
ALBANT, N. Y.. Aug. 7.-Condlttons at
the Blackwell'a Island prison wore se
verely criticised and blame for them
placed directly on .the New Tork City
department of corrections, of which Kath
crln B. Davis Is the head, Ir. a majority
report on an Investigation of ths Insti
tution mads public by the State Com
mission on Prisons today. The report
recommends the dismissal of Warden
Patrick Hayes.
Among the findings of the commission
That the administration of the peni
tentiary Is too severe, harsh and repres
That over 1.000 Prisoners are confined
two In a cell with an air space of about
la) cubic feet, which Is a grave menace
to hselth.
That healthy prisoners are doubled up
with prisoners affected with tuberculosis
and other diseases.
That the oels are more or less Infested
with vermin.
That prison guards on vsrlous occasions
nave struck prisoners wun ciuoe and
their fists.
Thst on two ocnaslons a hose of about
seventv pounds pressure wss played UDOn
prisoners, who were moklng a disturb-
anos in tneir feus.
ZURICH, Swltssrland (Via London),
Aug. . 7. Dispatches from .Vienna stale
that the publlo manifestations of joy over
the fall ot Warsaw, which were Intensi
fied by the later news of the occupation
of Ivangorod by the Teutons, far sx
oeeded any Jubilation stnoe the outbreak
of the war. Publlo buildings and privets
houses were decorated with flags and
great crowds promenaded ths streets. Ths
Rlngstrasse In front ot the ministry of
war was blocked by people cheering the
armies of ths central allies. The demon
strations continued until ths early hours
this morning.
According to private reports from Berlin
the calling up of the untrained tandstrum
between tbe ages ot 41 and 46, in various
towns generally is masting with vigorous
opposition on ths part of manufacturers
who have held several conferences with
ths military authorities. Until now these
classes have been called only from ths
rursl districts.
will be included ta
Go On
aerprloed la true
Of the Week to Come
Carpenters are already remodeling tho
TRIED FLOOR of this establishment; car.
penters are already working in the room to
be added on the east. It makes necessary an
even GREATER clean up for this week
than was beheld here daring the week Just passed.
Those carpenters will soon work down to the MA1X
floor, but, before they 1X, this entire stork must be a
thing of the past. Now then wlU TOU be in on this
week's selling?
Look for a ttill
"$econd week'
Waist Sale
Think of buying any Waist that sold
up to $1.00 and $1.25, at only (.
Talnk of buying Waists that sold for
$2.00 and $2.25, at, each, only
All o them Values
up to $10, now in En
larging Sale, at only
7.83 1.87
!5fl Douglas St
Defenses of Polish Capital Fall
Virtually Intact Into Ger
man Hands.
BERLIN (Via London), Anit. 7.
The forts of Warsaw have fallen
virtually undamaged into the hands
of the Germans, according; to Infor
mation reschlng here. The defenses
of Ivsngorod, however, were de
stroyed by the Russians before their
retirement. The garrisons of the
two fortresses appear to have com
pleted the evacuation without ma
terial loss and to have carried away
a large part ot the stores and muni
tions of war accumulated In Warsaw
for the armies In Poland.
Some disappointment Is expressed
among the ermn people st the failure
of the Teutonic force to lusk-i an Impos
ing capture of prisoners snd guns in
Wsrsaw, but military expsrti here do not
share this feeling.
Slgelfleeaee ef rasters.
They polrt out as the real significance
of the capture of the two fortresses thst
the Russians thereby nave lost the forti
fied basivof operations which gave then
such immense advantage in tbe earlier
movements In Polar J and that this ad
vantage now has been transferred to the
derma nt, who can utilise it either for de
fensive strategy or to facilitate a further
offensive campaign against tbe Ruaslsn
If prisoners and grin are desired there
la still a chance of making a conslder
sble capture, the military writers say, for
ths Russians crowded within the long
salient running out to the fortress of No
vogeonrtevBk are in a precarious posi
tion. With German armies on three
sides, the mouth ot the sack from which
Ihey must escape is scarcely a dosen
miles wide and from the north General
von Qsllwlls's army has broken through
ths defensive lines and Is pressing irre
sistibly down toward tre Nsrew river.
Oread Pakt'i Pies.
No Indications of an evscuatlon of
NoTogsorglevsk by the Russians have
been received here and Grand Duke
Nlcholss, commander-in-chief of the Rus
sian armies, perhaps may Intend to
leave the garrison in this fortress, which
is really stronger and more important
than Warsaw, to stand a siege.
The RuaHisna stilt hold ths eastern
bank of the Vistula t Warsaw and com-,
mend the crossing here, whloh is so Im
portant In facilitating ths orderly retrest
by the railroads which converge at this -point.
No details of the capture of Wsrsaw
beyond. the meager official reports hsve
tcn received here. 4. number ft Ger
man wsr correspondents arrieed In the
vicinity of the Polish capital a few days
ago, but have not yet been able to tend
any dlspatchss.
LIVERPOOL, Aug. l.-TreaUng has
been made Illegal in a new and drastic
erdar regulating the sale of liquor In
saloons and clubs here. Credit also hss
been abolished, me pen ... ......
the liquor way be sold la limited to five
and a half hours per day.
Advance Fall Suits
that were bought fK Fip
to retail at $35 $ j Uf ibs
will go now at J pjoll J
only s ss
Sale Monday!
Any Skirt that has
been bringing up to
$10, is yours at only