Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 4-B, Image 14

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High. Honor it Umally Giren to
One of the Qnirer Debu
tante! of the Fa.lL
(Continue from Page TwaJ
TVrrmnn of Chic. A luncheon at the
Hotel I-oyal wUl b Htm 'of Mrs. Urf
nan later In th week.
1 Betrothal Announcement.
at Reymonr tk In honor of Mtae Gre
BrMirea of Chlro. who It spending; the
lumirwT with her parenta, Mr. and Mr.
Robert Brlda-ea. Cover were placed for
eight gueete. '
Conncil Bluffi Boat Club.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Lrona entertained
at dinner Friday evening for Omaha
guests at the Boat club cafa. A banket 1
of Mrs. Ward roaea formed tha center- j
piece and covera were laid for: I
Meaare. and MemJamea i
Oeorge K. Thompeonlloward Ooodrirh. j
K. J. Jumper. M. M. Lynns.
R. N. Howe. I. A. liaiter,
Dinner at Boat Clnb. !
Mr. and Mra. M. M. Lyon entertained
Mra. . Graeu announce, the entice- ' j
inert of her daughter. ft..!, and Mr. " r "" ' h
turn 13 reenoe rarer ot urnna iwna,
.mm. C.raet will he "at home" Sunday
-SiiKiKt l. between the hour of 1 and
'.. and ; and 9, In honor of the young
Stork Special.
A danithter wna h"rn to Mr. and Mra.
lunula hocher Friday.
A aon waa born laat Saturday to Mr.
and Mra. Samuel Reea, Jr.
club In Council Bluffa. The table waa
decorated with a large allver baaket
filled with Mra Ward rora and tha
gueata, who were all from Omaha, In-
Meeera. and Meadamea bg
K. J. Jumper. Howard Ooodrlrh,
II. S. Howea, tieorge K. Thompeon.
D. A. baxter.
Reception for Son's Return.
Mr. and Mra. C. P. Wilson held aa In
formal reception Saturday evening for j
their aon, Clarence P. Wilson, who hae ,
Golf club entertained "'V'"""1 'l J "
t i wiiii, wnvre nm nmm vwn m rivu en i
glneer In the United Rtatea Indian crv- ,
Ice. On hi way home he visited the
California exposition
mzd tup a rr
11 Uj JrS.
Jl 11
1 i .
i '
Tine Very Finest of the Year
No Other Peaches Grown' Can
Prettiest Mile Note.
The PretUeat Mile
at a picnic luncheon In Miller park 8at
. urday afternoon. There were 180 In at
lrndance .v
In the afternoon there were driving and
in tha women. Mra.
r - I . IT n il W
Fred Crane winning the former and Mra. Al Jiappy U.0110W
V 11 Flinn the latter. Following theae I Mr. Herman Smith entertained four
eventa luncheon waa rved. Then rame 1 gueat at dinner laat evening: B. D. Wll
the exciting race open., to all. In the llama, two, and Mra. J. A. Bpence, eight.
ladlra' event there were eeveral trial". I With Mr. and Mra. Korrla Brown at i
the real contest being between-Mra. IlajM dinner laat evening at the Happy Hollow
lialnbolt and Mm. J. W. Bprague. the eluh were:
'latter finally wlnnlwt by a cloae margin. I Judge and Mr. Hoatetler. Kearney.
r..,i.h in an eaay winner ma . m iw.m.
-- - .7 i Mra. Irving liaster
in the miaaea """" e .nd Mr. Howard Loomla enter
. . . .-..-. A null .... ttnurn I ..
ran anead Ol me icn "i" ""' I j . . . i. ....u, ,h.
the pnxe m m. mm- ,,. Hollow cIuw Thr ueat In-
I .I...I -
.. - n I lUNi
Wonrer. Marina jiuh. i , -
Adwera. and tlie winning boya were Ar- - hl Mnn. 1. 8. Jewell,
.. t. Jnhn Carr and Frank 1 Madam Mann.
,ur ... I xi iiim- MKeea-
Smlth. The oomiwuee nl ... ,.- JfW,.
iiinin iih Tir and Vlra. Charle O'Nell
barth. W. J. Morrell. M. moh laat evening were:
n T J. w. 1 . .
O M. Morteneon. w pr &tid Mra. barren, nouecon,
,.,, nav Ralnbolt, C. V. KAinDoii, Mr mtA Mra. J. C. Chaawick
! C. Haddleaton. E. E. Wonder. George Mr ani Mra. W. R. McFarland had a
Adwera, W, II. ITuner,' Mie Etta Smith their gueaU at dinner Saturday evening
and Nettle Utile. let the Happy itouow oiuo
their URII rra" I Vf mA Mra w. I .. itoee,
me womrn , MacAllaater. fakland. Cal.
mar meeting in nepw"""" 1 We.rfamea-.
.innce of Mra. Charle Martin. I Smith. A. O. Edward.
t(- h Mra. Hornaberger oi Miaa Mlinren aicrarmna.
a daughter. Mra. Arthur
two wk outln
i at.! 1Ulttnii(itt.
- R.t.irdv. accompanied by her I delphla.
.h-r mhn will remain eeveral day,
Me Kre Burr of Uneoin I pers0nal JienilOn.
. u tieothnra I ... . b,.h.
Wilbur Jonea. iney i Mr. and Mra. araur mini" "
.k.. university of Nebraaka. I tar northern Minnesota.
MIK Ixla Mjrd haa gone i I mim Ix)Ulae winning la viaiung
. . wi.ii m-1 t ii ruiauTwi Bars fnumm j DriDii . .w. " "
... r.rai-e Bumadon of Peru. Neb.. Mr, j j. Brown pent a few day laat I
viaited a few daj thU week with her WM, ln rjncon with her daughter. Mr,
stater Mr. Y. N. High. ' Lauer. '
Mr. and Mr. Ulen raiui i Mr. B. n. n.uan murn
trip to Bourn n"m I from lx Angeica, wmn "--
... . . . mm w fiahlna. I - - . . MMn,vi.
i Will .IWnU - .aw- innn 1
Mra Allor) Gould ana cmmrai " I air. wtiaon tw '
. " i the home of Mra, IaiIu wlf at Eaton ranch. They will both
, i. at week. Mr. and Mra. I r-turn In two week.
!. T' j t and children will spend aev. I Mr. n. M. Durkee haa returned from
.v. with Mr. Jerome next week N,weaaU. Wyo. Mr. Durkea wUl re-
. .1 I .11 a&M.AM.KA
. . . . -..v. la the expoeiwui. i uwiq umu i.,u.
liivii , ,
Mr. and Mr. Thomaa Fell gave a
' orn.ha. .pent a very enjoyable dinner of eight cover Saturday evening
""Veeka- outing at Ike L'Homme, at the Happy Hollow club complimentary
Mr. Jone returned I to Mr. and Mr, m. tineater tm oi ri.
i ..... Br4itii for a two
11! MB Uliart aui - - 7
woeka- vlalt -t Shenandoan, ja.
Mr. and Mra. Edwin A. Perfect have
returned from a trip to OaUfomla and will
locate permanently In Omaha.
. ,-, I Mr. J. T. Btewar n nai itwiuto
Recent Aliain. Mv w..thamnton. wbare Mr Stewart and
and nM Their tha children will pend the ummer.
a box party y.w.uj . oetrarud McCarthy ef Chicago
C A. VtoiM.
B. b. Bwanean.
waa Ut Omaha a short tiro Thursday
on her way to California and Honolulu
with Chicago frlenda
Via May Engler motored to Plain-
view Neb., with her brotner, nr. v.
gueata wre
Agnra Delflng.
Kdna Alpaladt, Roberta
irom: . honor of E. Engler. She will b a suest at hl
ton Tw-kU.n. BC ho for serarai tfay.
Mr. tawara vt. "--"-- ,, ... , jn,,ith caaaed through
" ,Je,.en. LrT W Omana laVt wTk . roui. from the eaat
MiM trna Mr. B. l. and Mtaa Blanche
heUn, Ml" uenma. --- . . " tlMJMl from . vUlt ta
Konntxe. Kobert Ktoux ana . ; - - -. .-...
.. - i.i. I "mornruu cana, -
neii, an irom . n,i,..
en"erulnl at dinner in honor of her Mr .and Mra Robert Bradford will
nkece Mlae Ullian Stewart of D Moines, ! gtv up their apartment at th Beaton
. .J. .t Mr. cantlln. Tellowandlin Ootober and will Join. Mrs. louis
m. v"v nuiiw w - ' . . . 1 1. 1 .
-1, tie wi the color scheme used for the I Bradford In California for th winter,
deooraUon and the hoeteaa was alsted Mr. and Mra C. W. Hamilton and Mis
by Mra Upplnoott and Mtas wnorea 1 Marlon Hamilton have gone to zeuow.
rdneott of Blair. The guets ware Mr ton- an1 oiaeler park, where thy will
and Mrs. J. R. TTimoia. 1 joined by Mr. Charles Hamilton.
Ktewart end Nellie Crandaii, Merra captain and Mra Alexander MaUh are
George Clnter, E. E. Magee, Wlltlam ,taon(1 at rrankUn arsenal, near Phlla-
Kerr and Bawyer of Bulae, ldano. I aephia. at present. Mrs. Malah was
formerly Miss Pauline Bourk of this
T TTnnr Vititor. I City.
- . I ... . . . n .... ..J v
v eluK mambara WUl D I aire. 4. . "Muvm mnuyauini
Ills iwm " .. 1 ... J- T T.IIm, l.e Katlie.
. 1 1 . raMntlnn thia anemoon 1 nvr niu" f ,
rnuiim - --- . c 1
t ha home of Mlaa Ruth MoKeon, in "x r ctu.lUr -"-
hLor o mTm J."!. Vgor of Norfolk, Mr Ben.don wUl r to ths CaUfornU
Neb. I VII.. TAaK. fUiau lax iiMil si x k
IJ 1 irvxf viax av'ea v wy svaw .uai aw we
..I.I. ta..xi kaaasi V,at4 saw VNtaKlA
belief Corns Entertained. I nlv Hh. will lie miu for a month and
The U. . Grant post end Woman's J Mar returning will vUlt other relaUve
Relief Corp met at the home ot w. n. 1 a, ordway. Colo.
Pruitt to celebrate the bird ay anmver- 1 ... Rm Meeath of New York la ex-'
aartee of Mra. Mary J. Pruttt, Mra uxue 1 har today ea route from Call-
11 ,iii .nn Mra Anna Lng weoneaaay 1 , 1. m k. -j.v vfr WiM Run.
evening. 1 no, Mr. and Mra u. w. stegeaux wui
Mualoal nutnbera were given 07 ' I the middle a the month.
Allen. Mle llobmns ana tu. . uiini. 1 u, . - w - . k.Uv. wha as.
Mlaa Dorothy McMurry gava a whlatUng oomplinlwl tha party of local Ro tart ana
kIo. Mra. Kobbtn. gave a talk on tie C(JKornUt returned home Saturday
Orcutt Woman's ReUef Corss In relief n,. Thay vtalted la Salt Lake City
Put Up Peaches This Week
The Toothsome California, Elberta Peaches
Are here in Thousands of Boxes. Every
housewife will do well to get her share
of these Big Bouncing Elbertas; as full
of meat as the Proverbial Cocoanuti
These Elberta Peaches were Nursed
and Raised in the dry, red soil of
Placer County, California- -no im-
there. When we say Best
we are Telling the Truth.
Cash and
the Value
Nerve to
of these
It takes Keen Foresight- Ready
uy in Quantities But we Know
Peaches to our friends and customers. We Realize every
Omaha housewife is Keen for Good Things to can for Win
work. Thoee preaent were:
Meter and Meadamee
Jt. H. V llcox. W. H. Prultt.
'li M. Ilaverly, John Newman. Hu m. VN llliam McMurry.
U. J. Sey, '
llwUm-a- Meadames--Aimi
hi lUbjlna, Reulah A. lavU.
Kalamasoo. Mlih.: M. A. Melvtu.
A. NShitnev. H 8. Allen.
J,.hn A. ivmpetrr, W. .1 Hheehee).
I Uirenre H Mtytra I M. Rut.
51 0. Imldwln, Anna A. Long,
Milf.ird.Neh.: Helen Jrfcot.
II V. Iiiffenbacker.
M aflaaea
1.-'. Vivian Robblna
1 ' l. .....' Kalamaaoo. Mich.
I tiK'.ln- ' IorothyC. McMurry.
Y. H. lien,
Prv. lAMcttn A. Prultt. IJncoln.
Viiiwr K. Witllaina.
and Penver on the return, trip.
Mra W. A. Praser and children ar
rived by train Wednesday- from 8L Paul,
while Mr. Fraser and his chauffeur mad
the trip by motor. Mr. and Mra Fraeer
have been motoring all through Minne
sota for the laat month,
Mr. and Mra Jack Barber, wfca have
been the gueat of Mr. and Mra Fred
Hamilton for several. weeks, left Thursday
for Ariaona. They will return In fiep
tember, when Mr. Barber and Mr. Itamll.
ton plan a hunting trip together.
Miss Xxiretta DeLone left Saturday
morning for Missouri .Valley, where ahe
will fill a Chautauqua engagement 8he
will give a harp program and In the even
ing a musical entertainment aaalated by
Mra. Iieulah Dale Turner, aonrana. and
Mlf Bernio Thomaa entertained Delta J Mia Nora Neal, ptaniet .
Delta Delta eoronty gina ai mnoneon ai Mlaa Grace McBrlde returned this morn-
the Field ilub Thursday in honor or in. frora Cleveland. O.. where aha has
Ml.w U'la Shade of Hebron, Neb. Thoae ten vlaltlng slnoe the cloae of the Araer-
ANOTHER tempting fruit that
Appeals to the Palate if properly
canned is on the Market this Week.
These are exceptionally fine this
season and we were fortunate in se
curing the finest of the crop for
Omaha. Buy Monday Sure.
This Will Be Fetch .Week.
Place your order with your grocer first
thing Monday morning, by telephone, and he
will deliver to you Monday afternoon. Don't
delay for these peaches are going to sell fast -they
are the best to be had and everybody has
been awaiting their arrival.
Order by the bushel for canning and take
out what you want for the table. They are se
lected stock throughout none better will ever
be offered at such prices this year.
v 1015-1017 Howard St.
Phone Douglas 762
Tn Horror Houe Gaeit.
p.-o-ot were:
Cluf. IW-rmaneoii,
Ai.n H-riiianaon,
- Kncy Hw,
V..)i'h N'irrlit,
Lucille Ihuiuae,
P'eaauret Pat.
Mlae lraldlne
Lillian Johnaon,
1 .11 la
lirrnli-e Thoroaa.
ileaa sutertalned
lean Conservatory of Mualo ln Chloago.
Mia McBrlde will remain in Omaha for
the reat of the summer, returning to her
Studies ln Chicago this fall.
Mra M. M. Ilamllo left Friday for Kau
aas City, where she will meet her daugh.
tere. the Mlaaes Catherine and Mayme.
ho are returning from California. Mra
at I Hamlin and Mlas Katherlne a ill return
l ii, hr.on yeataiday at her home la Coua. borne the laat of the week, but Mlr
i ll lujffa In h nor of Mlas Ullian Biuts Mayme will remain . as the guest of
,,( i 'ituburgh. Va. who la the guest of friend In Kan City for a couple or
"i t i.r.oe Allison. wecka
jtj. J. ". WutMlrouah entertained at SAU Maria Dak. and Mlas Bernlce
33d and Arbor
Ptone Harney 937
Oalifomia Peaches,
California Bartlett Pears,
Washington Pears,
$1.83 Per Box.
Carnation Bread, 16 oz., 5c.
Benson tQO
Benson, Neb.
, Douglas 3435
1901 S. Sixth Et
Pkonc Douglas 57
We Have Peaches
Harney 158
3024 Leavenworth"
Douglas 3116
3702 S. 16th St. 4
Elberta Peaches and ail
Kinds of Fres) Fruits.
17lh St. sad CAPITOL Ave.
Douglas 1494
622 S. 16th St.
Tyler 1208
419 S. 25th Ave.
4679 West
C. V.
Walnut 317
2209 Military Avev
Newman Bros.
Phone Douglas 444.
2404 Cumins St.
Hannegan & Co.
3524 Leavenworth.
Harney 763.
Groceries and Meats .
Walnut 790
4727 Military Ave.
YOU can buy
these peaches and
pears, and also the
fruit jars pt. 37c
qt 40c; H Gal. 65c
at any of the
LOUIS S0f.lf.lER
All That's Good
In Groceries
Valcul 102, 4B20 Oodga St.
TO EATe-ee
Harney 138
3501 Lincoln Ave.
1337 Park Avenue Harney 1402
2223 Leavenworth
Tyler 562
luncneon i--7 r Cont(nu,d c, .. Five-Column On.l J