Tim U.MA11A !Sb'M)AY BKK: AUlUTST 8, 10U. 3rU What Women Are Doing in the World A. 0 A. Wants Girls' Dormitory at Lincoln NEW SECRETARY OF THE OMAHA Y. W. C. A. Man aleadar. Tt'BSDAY Monmouth Park Mothers club picnic. Miller park. II a. nv Omaha Womm'i Christian Trmperanre union and Young Men u Christian association at I P. m Commerrlal club luncheon for lin. Klla A. Boole, by local temper ance worker. VKDN ES DA Y Fra ncea Wlllard Wo man' Christian Temperance union. Mra. Edward Johnson, hostess. Ueneral I, am ton i auxiliary. Ire cream social. Mm W. I.ane, hostess. Omaha Women's Christian Temperance union, Young- Men s Christian association, 8:30 p. m THCRPDAY-rTmrna HoaRland Flower Mission. Vesta chapter. O. K. 8., Ken sington, Carter Lake club. 1'RIDAT L,ucy Stone dny. suffrage celebration. Mrs. F. S. Kin, hostess. George Crook Woman's Relief Corps picnic. MUer park. (Notices for this column should be mailed or telephoned to the club editor before Friday noon.) DORMITORT for freshman girla at the University of Ne braska is one of the achol's urgent needs, according to the local Association of Collegiate Alumnae. A committee com posed of Mra. C. R. Maxwell, Mr. Olga Stastny and Mra. M. W. Dimcry la at work aiming to crystallie public senti ment !n favor of the establishment of uch a dormitory. Mrs. Maxwell la In communication with the Nebraska Fed eration of Women's Cluba and the Lin coln branch of the Collego Women's asso ciation, both of which have prom sed to aid In the work. Chancellor Avery favors the plan also, It Is said. A , f : " A J DrOlga Stastny Ice during tlie suffrage ninnlin last .fa I enderred her to local suffrage work jeis. has, been made star speaker on the unirmi rroaram of me iew ior sui- "". y Oo rampnian, w.th Brtch Internattotial Mrs. H. C. Sumncy, will celebrate Lucy Ftone day Friday with a picnic at the home of Mrs. F. S. King. 5SJ3 HopM.is street, Benson. There will be a picnic luncheon at 12:30 o'clock, followed by an Informal program In the afternoon. Lucy Stone was a pioneer in suffrage work. American -writers will furnish the In spiration for programs by tha Omaha Ftory Teller' league next year. Of spe cial interest will be an afternoon de voted to Omaha wrltors, among them leing Mrs. Ella V. Pcattle, Julia A. Kwarts, Thomas J. Kelly and Keeno Ab figures as Mrs,. Carrie Chapman Catt. Dr. Anna Howard Shaw and Mrs. PHlip Suowden. Her speaking Itinerary covers Iho larger cities of New York state and the fairs of the most populous agricul tural districts and- great Industrial cen ters, with the final six weeks of the campaign In New York City. Mrs. Catt recently characterised this talented girl as "the most capable speaker we have the most efficient worker in every phase of the work." One of her latest triumphs hwas her delivery of Mrs. Call's "Patriotic Appeal" on July 4 at Exposition park, Rochester, N. Y.. to- an audience of 15.f'0 bott. The program Includes special after- perlM)tl(l ,n 8Uoh an effective manner that noons devoted to Washington Irving, j ,ne rocc)ved an oV.tion. jSathanlel Hawthorne and Henry Van Dyke, while Indian stories, Christmas stories, Bible stories, humorous and mis cellaneous stories will be told. Miss Emma Roslckjr Is president, Mlsa Stephen OJaviea. vice president; Miss Sarah San borne, secretary, and Misa Eleanor Ke vin,, treasurer, of the story league. Local temperance workers will enter tain at luncheon at the Commercial club Tuesday, for Mrs. Ella A. Boole", vice Mrs. .Ella A. Boole, vice president of the National Women's Christian Temper ance union and president of tha New York State Temperance association, will ad dress the Omaha Women's Christian Tem pefanoe union Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Y'oung Men's Christian as sociation. Mrs. .BoqJe will talk on "Is Nebraska Ready for Prohibition?" Mrs. Boole will iO on a lecture tour president of tha national and president I . of the New York Temperance union. Women's Christian ! Mra. William Berry. waa re-elected president of the Ssuth Side Women's (Christian Temperance union 'Thursday afternoon. Mrs, Phil Shields - Is - vice ! president; Mra. L. O. Banner,, aecretary, and Mra. James Parsley treasurer. ' Mrs. ; Banner and Mrs.- H. J, Oswold were -lected delegates to the Douglas county ' Women' Christian Temperance . union convention, which will be held August 31 i ftt Elk City, Mra. Berry being a delegate also by virtue of her office. Plana for tiext year's work in the prohibition cam paign were discussed, active work to be 'Started directly following tha state convention. The postponed meeting of the Bensm Woman's Foreign Missionary society held Wednesday at the home of irs. K. 8. Beaaley of Council Bluffs. It was an all-day session with luncheon at noon. The annual meeting for election of of ficers of the Benson Woman's Christian , Temperance union,' held Friday aft i ernoon at the home 'of Mrs. J. M. Bailey. The officers elected were: President, Mrs. M. D. JVeinqvice president, Mrs. C. H. Stephens;"" treasurer, Mrs. H. N. Hawkins; recording secretary, Mrs. El J. Whistler; corresponding aecretary, Mrs J. M. Bailey ; -.chairman of the do mestic science department, Mrs. F. 8. King; evangelistic, ; Mrs.1 C H. Btephens; franchise, Mr. Z. T. Llndsey; mothers' meetings, Mrs. M. ' C. . Kerry. The dele raUs chosen for the county convention ora Mcsdames M. t. Velno. Frank King ancT C H. Stephens; alternates, jmcs dames J. M. Bailey, E. J. Whistler and J. Crews. After the business session there was a social hour. 2&s.C.Naxwel HARRY R. THAW TO STOP OFFjN OMAHA Is Now Enroute Here from Chicago On His Motor Trip to the Pa cifio Coast. ' At a meeting of Harry W. Lawton auxiliary to Camp Lee Forby, Spanish War Veteran. lat week, bids were re ceived for the new flao; pole which will be erected on their plot the curly part of September. An Ice cream social will be held at tha homo of Mrs. W. Lane, Thirtieth and Wirt streets, Wednesday evening, to which the comrades have been Invited. ; The Montesaori school In Omaha will rwsuma Ha work September 1 under the iiractlon of Mrs. Florence Merritt bf Toronto, Can., a graduate of the first Montessori training claa at Rome. Miss Florence Cook, who was In charge of tha school at it Inception, la taking up tha advanced work in thla system at Mlsa George's school in Boston. Upon Mra Merritt' arrival In Omaha he will Introduce the Alice Bentley rhythm work, a method of teaching music to children which Madame Mon tessori ha approved. ' A new location, a detached cottage, I being sought to house, the Montessori school this next year. Tha plan Is for the teacher to take up her residence there alaa. Last year the school waa snaintalned at the home of Dr. Grace WIghtman. ' Eighteen pupils have already been en rolled for the new term and there are several more prospective pupil. All but two of last year'a pupils are returning. Keen Interest haa been manifested In tha announcement that Madame Montes orl la soon to giva out an advanced sys tem of education for children of the grade achol age. t ' The picnic of tha Monmouth Park Mother' club, which could not be held In July because of rain, will take place Tuesday at Miller park. There" will be a brief business meeting at 11 o'clock In tha morning, followed by a basket lunch eon. Mra Charles M. Flott la president of thl mother's circle. ' . Mrs, George W. Covel! will read a paper on "The Sociability Side of tha liquor Question." at a meeting of the Frances Wlllard Women's Christian Tem perancs union, which will , be held on Wednesday afternoon at Z o'clock, at tha horn of Mrs. Edward Johnson, 2 Wool worth avenue., Delegates will be elected to tha county temperance convention at Elk City August 11. George Crook Women's Relief Corps will hold a basket picnic at Miller park Friday. Tha gursta will meet at the Pavilion and luncheon will be served at I o'clock. Mlas Merle Hurris is the latest addi tion to tha Young Women's Christian as sociation staff of secretaries. She Is an Iowa air! and a graduate of Coe college class of 1914. UUi Burrls takes the place of Ml-, I .aura Mulford. who left tha first of tt month' for her home at Stuart. Xb. . ' , Mra Elsl VandergTlft Benedict, whoa Interesting personality and efficient aerv- Electlon of oftlcer and delegate to the Douglaa county- convention will be the basket i principal business at a meeting of the Omaha Women Christian Temperance union, which will be held Wednesday at 2:30 o'clock at tha Young Men's Christian aHSolatlon. Vesta chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will give a kensington at Carter Lake club Thursday afternoon. Try Tbla fr Nmralata. Neuralgia is a pain In the nervca. Sloan's Liniment penetrates and sooth" the aching nerves. Get a bottle now. 2Tc. All druggists. Advertisement. Tr7IN3 HONORS AT SINGING, PLAY ING AND WHITING. "" . i - i ! ':.( m A I - - , ! ; I L - ) PRIVATE SECRETARY HERE NOW H. J. Rice, private secretary for Harry K. Thaw, who on July IS was Seclared ' to 'bis sane by Supreme Court Justice Peter A. Hendrlck la Kew York following a similar de cision by a Jury which sat on the case after Thaw had spent approximately seven years at Matteawan and had made numerous attempts to secure his freedom, arrived m Omaha this morning from De Kalb, 111., where he left the Thaw party, which Is (raveling overland by motor to the Pacific coast. Mr." Itlce -will remain In Omaha, stop ping, at the Fontenelle hotel until the Thaw party . arrives here. Then he will proceed, bytrain westward to Denver, again to awalt;Mr, Thaw' arrival In that city. 'He Is acting as a kind of advance agent fbr the thaw party. Mr. Rice elpect Thaw to arrive In Omaha some' time Monday or Tuesday, probably Moridy evening, unless acci dents of some kind should be encountered en' route or unless the Iowa mud proves to b slow going as n result of the many rains. Rice ;lft .Thaw at DeKalb at 8:30 Friday evening. ! Thaw will probably re main here a da v.- '! That; Thaw and. his party are merely taking a pleasuip rip to the coast, motor ing the entire. distance. l. the word of his secretary. Omaha, happens to be one of th points' on th itinerary. Thaw loft Vew York the sat)ie day he received his freedom, July 1.' on a r.i.li0 bond named by jurtlce HfndrlPk. .(: t!ic,tate ap pealed the cne.vThsw I 1111 under this bond, a the slurp has . I hdramn its appeal, althoUch it is po. iblc that thlt may be done, tha attorney general .having I th case under, advisement. Shoottna Flne Years Age. It was nine year ago June 25 that Thaw shot Stanford White on the roof garden at Madison. Square. New York. lie was tried .for murder, but released on the c.harge, the jury judging him insane.- Ho waa committed to Matteawan and then began a series of sttempta at freedom that.1 gave Thaw almost as much space I In the publlo prints as tha European war. j He was unsuccessful in every attempt j until the last,, when Justice Hendrlck made hi July decision, scoring, a he ! did' so, the alienist who declared Thaw lnne. Charles B. "Wharton of Chicago, a nephew of the Omaha postmaster and ex-congressman,' la with the Thaw party. "Whatever people my think of Thaw," said Postmaater 'Wharton, "his mother Is n fine woman and she ha done and Is doing a great deal for the Presbyterian I ; Theological seminsry her. 'When we were' raising funds for the ! r.rw location and building I wrote to Mrs. , Thhw anJ asked her to contribute Jo.OCO. Bhe replied that. I hould let her know) j when tha cornerstone wa laid and ah would aive thit sum. Bo I sent her i copies of the . newspapers and a letter J when the stone was laid. Bhe replied i 1 by sending me her check for $1).0(. j : "Since then she ha contributed right. along to the seminary's endowment fund I i and current expenses. I believe mat al together Mr. Tafiw has given nearly 0,CO0- to the seminary." Vincent'Astor Gives Cup for Auto Race NEW 'YORK, Aug. 7. When the Bheeps head Bay speedway opens on October t, the' 860 mile Inaugural race will be for a perpetual automobile trophy which was offered todsy, by Vlncont Astor, th event to bo known as tho Vincent Astor cup race. In addition to the trophy, the speedway management offera 100,000 in caah' prise for th' event. One of the conditions of the Astor cup race Is that no' ear will ba legible to compote unless It Is capable.of Bklng n average speed of eighty-five miles an hour. k fferle f 'Burns f- f r - v ..: . il r ?'.'?!!,-r yll fh6t Milady Decollete Gillette Important Part of Toilette The first requisite of good dressing Is perfect grooming. To be perfectly groomed today means more than mere personal cleanliness. A freshness, a careful daintiness In person and personal belongings marks the up-to-date woman. , It Is the spirit of the day. One by one the prejudices of the old habit of thought concerning woman's toilette have been eliminated by this ideal of good grooming. And Fanhlon almost always a con structive dictator haa helped things along by Imposing styles that demand ex quisite bodily care. Women's fashions today are less ar tificial than they have been for age. The figure is no longer contorted into unnatural shapes. The . free movement of the body Is unhampered. Heavily boned, lined and padded basque have given way to the readily laundered, easily cleansed, blouse. . All of which make for a sweet clean- Suit Cases Of All Kinds and for Every Purpose Everything from the light weight nnd economical fibre and matting suit cases for fvacationa or outings up to the most elegant cases of cane and leather for per manent, long-time service. e Prices are likewise of broad range, anything you wish to pay from $1.25 up, and you may be sure of getting good value at any price you wish to pay. Itainfinlier, too, that we are agents for the Hart man Wardrobe Trunks. Freling & Steinle "Omaha's Best Baggage Builders" 1803 Farnam Miss Jessie Watson Is among Omaha's young musicians, having played at sa te rtalnraenta since the age of . Bh has j'ikt returned from' Auburn, Neb., where she ha played and sang at an enter tainment. Jessie. I a Clifton Hill school graduate and received the certificate foi th beat penmanship. Bhe Is now IS years old and la th daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Watson of tl3S Grant street EARN V UmiM te .ki itomm MW nlHUnHn fIMlt ol ymt .ry an. MORS nnuiM at iMtnMiaa Iwhih aniH fvm, Iumh aiui hirpuMM. Utm trU; mil- iwnm: hit; . i LESS ,; -ft. miu. wwi TOIL-. K fu M Ml MM M OpMI M HM. Win m HIGHLAND PARK COLLEGE Oaarae p. ,lll, A. St., O. O., PraeMenl Pm Molees, Iowa. Ilnrss nnd personal refinement heretofore Impossible to attain. With this Mra In mind women feel that a smooth underarm Is an Important de tail of the perfect toilette. The sleeveless evening gown th drr-s of filmy material, together with th popu larity of the dance have demanded an underarm as smooth as the face. Hut with th up-to-date woman the smooth underarm I a toilette necessity whether In evening gown or port' clothes. Depllatorlr have ren tried without success In many cases with most un pleasant and injurious results. It la only reasonable to suppose that the chemical drastic enough to destroy hair will Irri tate the skin and cans discoloration. Then came the use of the safety rasor. And because women In sll parts of the country found thla tho easy and safe ay of making the underarm Smooth and white the Oillette company brought out Milady Decollete Gillette, especially for women's use. And now the well-dressed woman every where regard- Milady Decollete a most Important accessory of her dressing table. She finds it ao simple to use. Need no help In Its manipulation. Just a soap lather well rubbed In, a few strokes with the blade, which Is easily secured In tha rlever little holder, and her underarm I dean and smooth. No Irritation and not the slightest danger. Fhc knows she need use It only occas ionally And she has found that th hair when It does grow In again la not coarse or stiff. The natural moisture and oil secretion of th underarm keep the hair always so and fine. Traffic Tied Up at Lane Cut-Off A frclKht wreck on the I'nlon Pacific In tin vUlnliy of the Krug brewery and at a p.ilnt where the Une cut-off branchra off the main line, delnyed traf fic from midnight until nearly 7 o'clock Saturday morning. In some manner several cars ov i. freight ratn were de railed nt this ixint, completely blocking both th. cut-off and the old line ao that It waa Impossible to get t reins past until the obstructions were removed by the wreck rs. The llnrnum A Pulley circus train that ahowr: at Atlantic today and which sliouH have gone east through Omaha at mldn'ght, did not pass until after 7 o'clock this morning, having been caught on the other side of the wreck. The wreckage was cleared up In time o that late morn ing trains arrived and went out on their schedules. A gamer t'nnah Hart the l.anfi. Dr. Holl's rin-Tar-Itnney stop tha cough and prevent your cold getting worse. It's guaranteed. Only Sic, All ruggUts. Advertlwment. I F you will just try one pound of- Fontenelle Brand Coffee you'll drink it every day. A delicious high grade coffee. At your Grocers'. Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a it 'Tor Itnt" Ad. We Have Moved to New Quarters And want our patrons to know we have tlio finest equipped benuty parlors in the city. Cur Increased facilities and additional floor upaca en ables us lo render you th very beat expert service poaalble. We cordially Invite prospective customers to Inspect our new parlors. We are Mire a visit will convince you of our ability to render satisfactory service. Everything ner, sanitary and up-to-date. Appointments by Telephone - GILROY and SCHpPKE Beauty Parlors Toilet Articles 1001 W. O. W. Bldg. Phone Douglas 3325 J (0 a-errection,,r"p AfcMlsUly tumtM4 Safer thin poison or drug O 6 V at hardwir.. mrnf "r A d.WiUnnt star. 95 by sua Parfectloa Iiki Traf Co. I0 1. Si. Una, M Women of fashion demand gaBMEK HAIR.Net ocfe fnr tli fSnlshinir Viantv.t alllK atn fall AB C -kl WB A For the finishing beauty-touch on all occasions, wear Carmen -the Quality Hair Net strongest, wears longest. A style for every coiffure mar-" " " r x.tjiTrtt! Tf 1 I t tt .nW JrtM mil i ii Those who have furniture needs should supply them now. In less than a week the opportunities of the sale will have past. Only a few days remain. rn A 7b The reductions are extraordinary the cut in price is 30 to 50. Many articles are offered at HALF Regular Prices. Such a deep cut in price ought to inter est every economical person. Tomorrow will witness a still greater number of price-cut articles. t Solid Oak and Genu ine Luther Chsirs cmn WW V kw tk C.ina an. .Up. lr riu fiiiihsr. la bvjriaaj ikair MU a shade for any balr. Ask your dealer for tha "Carmen Booklet" Latest Style In 1 iair-dressing- it'i free," Try StyU 13 Carmen, clastic cord, fine mesh. Look for th Carmen envelope Be each At YOUR dealer's uu S 65 Thl full box seat dinar, mad o r solid oak, with aenu ina leather oovtrina Oak Exlention Tabla wU A well built tabl. rinisnaa, s-rooi extension daily prle' now , ?:S7,95 HTlTr I Easiest Terma In Qii Colonist Table tw Bolld Oak Colonial Dining Table 6-foot extension, masslre and sub- sUnUal, different fin lahea. Special for thla sale only SI3.75 reral Bsela1 Vata Thla M tck la CIKIKQ CHtllS MAHY PIECES AT 1 USUAL PRICES GO-CART SPECIAL JpIn Vf-ln stroni S3.95 fipUndld eollapslbl cart. Inch rubber tires, hood. iff. yet liaht and easy io manaf. Special Monday, at OKT KIBEL8 PBICB RKFORK IOC BUI ART REA0IX8 LAMP Lara Umpi, 20-ln. shade, mad in the rich soft freea Vrdtrls finish; for a or elec tricity; special, at ..... .85.75 0OOOOW4 lTtn yoi think of Furniture think of BnbeU Quality and Serrtoe the Highest Frloef the lowest always. LETTS GET ACQUAINTED. Z04ee9ee4 atia HUM GOAL OAHGE OKLY $52.50 CRES1T TERMS TO SUIT two raw era in onb Thl 1 a wonderful Peninsular Combination Oa and Coal Rang, two rtnin In on can us four hole with saa and four Ith coal at th same tlm. Oa aectlon entirely separate from coal section. Ab solutely th most compart, simple, efficient and safe Combination Kane made. Kiriet AffA f f taker with either gas or coal; all h" I h 1 1 removable burners; all Improve- mh.l 111 mnt. be thl plenilH range WUfclWW TURMi TO SUIT. EASIEST TERMS IN OMAHA r-i IV 1 Leather Seat Rockers Msd of genuine solid oak. with genuine leather seats. luirira or early English, toiacK leatner or brown Spanish; a 111 value, this sal TOUR TERMS SHALL, BB OIR TERMS. Early isnglish, Ls4.75 fig 1 51 3-1 SI S ROWAia STREET MISSIOII CLOCKS 84?5 They stand ( feet high, made of solid oak. Brass m oTt meats. O naraateed fine time keepers. 1 eaV q p