9 BRIEF CITY NEWS ; ava ImI Fats I Wow Bmm rraes IlMtiU faaa. fT.se. Bar a a -Qraaaasw "Today's Com put SCOTW rocT i i4MtfM (Mtlon iMtf. aad appear la Tha Baa EXCUUS1TELT. Find out what ha various nwivlnc picture thaatars ofr. Tot Bafaty rim In Ufa Inauranca aao V. u. Indoe, general aiteat 6tate Mutual Ufa Assurance Co. ot Worcester, Maaa aua of tha oidaat (71 yean) and beat cora laaJaa oa earth. Ci-aro Btoisn H. Kronstadt, who ho j The issue, whether a subtreasury a store at 1W6 Park avenue, reports that jnaJ1 be maintained in 8outh Omaha. SOUTH SIDE WANTS A SOB-TREASURE Matter ii Threshed Oat at a Meeting of the Board of County ' Commissioners. TO MAKE RETORT MONDAY tha police, atatlon tha loot Is ItcmUed, and many a policeman la Interested In trying; to determine who got tha cigars. lCoeorcydlat Flaad Alonso Jtussman. m mm n mt TMrtv-fnurtH and Farnam atreeu while riding hla School Board Treasurer Ure motorcycle around a street car waa fined So and costs in polio court and was lec tured by Judge Kubat for careless riding. The man who waa struck waa not seri ously hurt. Lootar Baenrea Bom Cash Moms W'elnateln. a North Twenty-alxth Isw, waa threshed out before tho Board of County Commissioners. A delegation from South Omaha and members of the city council and were present. After a dlscuaslon the board decided that the questions Involved were of a technical legal nature and referred the Issue to the legal advisers of the county, city and school board, who are expected to make a report Monday. The members street, heard someone In th houaa about Cf tr)8 board agreed that a sub-treasury 4 a. m. and failed to chaao them out. ! ,nould be maintained on the t-'outh Sid He found when ha got up that the early tn accordance with expressed intent of visitor toad entered tbrougn a sine win- th , Treasurer Vre presented several objec tions to the sub-treasury and explained that he had removed the duplicate county tax records from the South side, because he desired to proceed cautiously In the matter. Ho declared that originals of all tax records should be In his office In Omaha and that duplicates should be kept at South Omaha. He estimated the cost of preparing the needed duplicates at from 10,000 to $12,000. Other speakers objected to this estimate and declared tha coat would not exceed from $1,000 to 2.0. Mayor Dahlman and other city officials declared South Omaha had been promised a sub-treasury and that the promise should be kept County commissioners expressed the came opinion. dow which waa left open and had secured rash amounting to $3.60, . Nothing else waa missing. McVann to Spend ' His Vacation at Work on Briefs "For men may fish and men may swim, but McVann ' write briefs for ever." E. J. McPann. manager of the' traffic bureau of "tha Oornmerclal club, rolled down the top of hi desk at noon and re marked: "You now have th imitation of a man closing hla desk for a vaca tion." "Where tor ha was asked. "Olenwood Springs. Colo., until some time in September. Going to take tha family with me, and we will be on our way this afternoon." "Good. You will do lota of fishing, I supposed" "No, I'm not a fisherman," replied tha man whose head Is a beehive of rate schedules. "Do you swim or play golf out there?" "No." "Then what ia your particular vacation stunt?" . The rata man carved a big cube out of the atmosphere with his hands. "There, I'm taking a stack of papers with ma that high," he said, and he patted down the imaginary atmospherio mbe. "I'm going to writ my brief In the Nebraska rate case. Won't that be nlco out there In the cool - mountains aith no one to bother me?" Threshing Machines Humming All Over Mayor Waits for Offer from Movies Mayor Dahlman is being showered with encomiums by fulminating friends, who regard htm as the greatest Transmulean jockey who ever drove a mule. The mayor's feat at the speedway Is bringing him fame and fortune. He expects an of fer to become a movie actor. "It's all understanding the nature of the mule.. The mule has been a much- mallgned animal,' unjustly so," declared the mayor to a group of friends. "No animal is more susceptible to kind treatment and no animal will be quicker to resent an affront, he added Th mayor declares the mule has been misunderstood. "Stubborn as a mule," is wrong, ac cording to the mayor, who explains the ! mule Is not stubborn, but merely has the courage of Its convictions. He avers the mule knows Its own gait and does not attempt to exceed the speed limit. It does not believe in working ' fli-i.. -r vr-l 1 : until Its nature has been exhausted, nor . ijlCttC 01 lNoUlcloKcl ' will it supplnely submit to scurrilous at tacks. "Man's most faithful friend tn tha ani mal kingdom," says the mayor. According' to th morning reports to the railroads, while there were a few scattered showers over the stater Thurs day night,1 the weather is clear and warm. From all points com reports that farm work is progressing rapidly and that since the cessation of the heavy rains, farmers have made good headway with their work. . All of the Nebraska small 'grain has been cut and threshing Is well under way. 1 Throughout tha northern part - of the ' state In territory tributary to th North-1 western lines, threshing commenced the j middle of tha present week and, accord-' Ing to reports to tha company head-! quarters here, the yield Is much better than waa anticipated. . Reports tell of many fields that are yielding thirty" to l thtrty-flva bushels per acre, while twenty flv bushels la the rule, rather than th exception. - DoeslurSKM mile lu 1 Tom Allen Spends the Day in Omaha Thomas B. AUen, new incumbent of the I nitCd State) district attnrnonhln th day in th city, 'attending to business ui m onic. "I can't glv any definite Information yet as to who will be my assistant," hb said. 'Of course, whoever It ia, he will have to Jjvo here in Omaha.'" . A visitor In the office expressed aston ishment when Mr. Allen said he liked to liva In Lincoln. The . visitor said he couldn't believe his ears. The visitor brought out the old Joke and remarked that h had siwnt a week In Lincoln one Sunday.. "Well) I've lived In Lincoln all my life and I Bon't feel like moving to OrruUia for four years." said Mr. Allen. If SO ClltiCIM myoii The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Oint ment to soothe and heal. Nothing purer, sweeter or more effective at any price. Samples Free by Mall CaUeura Soap sad Otntmaat eotd ararywlMra. libanu auupi 1Mb uallatf from with SJ-e book. Asanas paat-aard "Cutloura." XMpt- BoMoa. An Extraordinary Sale of $16,50 Sewing Machines kNIA' 10 brand new sewing machines in this lot . to le .sold Saturday at a sacrifice. Similar to illustration, with the ex ception of tlio drawers, the one adver tised naving only two drawers, h,very machine strictlv brand new. This is not a lot of shopworn, slightly used or second hand machines overhauled and fixed ut) to look like new. but evervrmn is new direct from the manufacturer, perfect in every detail, nil are drophend style, complete with all at tachments and fully guaranteed. Only a limited number at this special price and it ' will be worth your while to come earlv. liegular $10.50 v r 4 1 V M I It" -1 .. . K3 values be worth your while to come early, liegul :es, specially priced Saturday at $9.95. TERMS: $2.00 DOVN-$1.00 A WEEK Burgass-Baaa Co. TUlra moor. Friday, August G, 1915- BUROESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY- -Phone Douglas 137. BURGESS-NASH ANNOUNCE FOR SATURDAY It's Doubtful If You Ever Shared in Greater Silk Hosiery Values Than These $1.00 to $1.50Kinds at 69c UST another demonstration of service to you. A maker'3 surplus of pure thread silk hose, strictly first quality, with hlRh-yplloM heels and double soles, Hale tops and all silk, black and white; regular f 1 and fl.60 quality, at 60c pair. Women's Tan Silk Hose Usually $1, Saturday 25c J Ture thread silk and strictly first qual ity, high spliced heels and double soles, double garter tops, $1 quality, at 2Ac pair. Burfasa-BTaah Oa, BCala moo. Manufacturers' Sample Silk Gloves 50c to 75c Quality at 29c a Pair A REMARKABLE value in this special purchase, including both 2 clasps and elbow length gloves in silk, lisle thread and charnolsette, black, white and fancy colors. Regular tOc ana 75c quality; Saturday, at 2 a pair. orr s.lTash Co. Mala Tloor. "W1RTHMOR" WAISTS Here Only at $1.00 Are Always Worth More CHARMINQ new models on sale Saturday. Tretty, attractive, dainty and appealing. Well and carefully made and readily recognised by all who see them as blouses decidely better than the usual dollar blouse. As to their marked superiority over other blouses at the same or some what higher prices, this we believe is now universally recognised. They are all reproductions of higher priced models, giving them a distinctiveness that every woman will like. Four new models shown for the first time Saturday, at fl.OO each. SPECIAL! Lingerie Waists, were $1.00, now. . .5t?c Lingerie Waists, were $2.50, now. .$1.95 Lingerie Wai3ts, were $3.50, now. .$2.50 Lingerie Waists, were $5.50, now. .$3.95 Bnrrass-Kaah Co aooad rioor. A Decided Clearaway Saturday of ummer Dresses At Prices Bordering on Ridiculous OUR big groups embracing a wide variety of tho season's prettiest summer styles. The materials are crepes, lawns, dimities, voiles, etc. You are certain to find the very dress and style you have in mind and at a big price reduction. Summer Dresses were 97.BO, now $2.95 Summer Dresses were flO.OO, now $4.95 wlfm Summer Dresses were $15.00, now $6.95 Summer Dresses were to. $2ft,j now $8.95 And Don't Overlook This August FUR -Sale 20 to ZZy3 (o Under September Prices. DISTINCT, Indeed, are the advantages of purchasing now during this August Sale. Not only is the selection large, the styles authentic, but the prices decidedly lower than they will be In September. Bnrgasa-Maah Co-sond Floor. Special Values in Pretty RIBBONS Formerly to 65c, Saturday, Yard 23c T NCLUDINQ Dresdens, jacquaras, nun emycu wuu '""w 1 checks, from 6 to 7 Inches wide. 25c SILK RIBBONS AT 15c PLAIN taffetas, moires and fancy striped ribbons, In an. excellent auality. 4 XJ to 6 y inches wide, white, pink, blue, scarlet, cardi- . . J LI 1. nai, copen, navy. Drown aim uii. Bnrrass-Wash Co. Main Tloor. Clearaway of Women's, Child's, Misses' and Boys' SHOES 20 to 50 off RADICAL price reduction on every pair of low shoes in 6tock. Wnmcn'i $6.00 Pumpa or Oifords. . . .94.RO Women's !VOO rumps or Oxfords ... .$4.0O Women's $4.00 Iumps or Oxfords Women's H.50 I'll m pa or Oxfords. .. .$2.80 Women's S3.00 to sU.OO Pumpa, 92.45 1? Lot of women's white canvas and nubuck pumps, $S.OO and LiAlfd ft.00 values, for V2.45. Women's Pumps to SI.OO. for $2.65 I Women's patent colt and dull calf pumps, with cloth and LOl 1 buckskin quarters; values to $4.00, for $2.60. Women's Pumps to 5.00, for $2.05 In this lot. all of our short lines of pumps left from this season's selling, all leathers and a great number erf styl to select from; values to $5.00. for $2.U5. Child's, M Uses' and lilg Girls' Welt Sole Tumps Reduced Child's ankle and instep strap pumps; regular price $1.75. now. $1.40 Child's ankle and instep strap pumps; regular price $2.25, now. $1.83 Misses' ankle and instep strap pumps; regular price $2.50. now. $2.1 A Misses' ankle and Instep strap pumps; regular price $2.75, now. $2.33 Big girls' ankle and Instep strap pumps, regular price $3, now. $2.55 Bar cm a-Wash Oov asoiaa no or. Lot 2 The Season's Greatest Sale of MEM at Involving Valnes of $1.00 to $1.50 GREATEST Yes, greMrt by far of any shirt salo held in Omnha this season. A big factory's surplus bought at ft ridicu lous price. The shirts are made coat style, sonio have soft low collars attached, while some have military collars attached, nil have cuffs attached. The materials are the most favored, clean cut stripes with white grounds. Every shirt poaltlvnly first qual ity and high grade that's what makes this aale so im portant. Value-Giving Such as This Is Unusual Even Here No man can come here and leave without supplying himself with plenty of rlilrts for the entire summer. Special attention of young men is directed to tha military collar shirt so desirable for school and college wear. On Sale Main Floor and Basement. Tha quantity Is so great that we decided to devote space In our main floor and basement men's section to tha sal. So as to give quick and smooth service we hare extra salespeople, extra wrappers and extra cash iers, and arranged the styles and sizes so aa to enable you to make quick selection. Mothers, Wires, daughter and Waters, now Is the time to get shirts for Father, Husband, Hon and Brother. We especially Invite you, for you know materials and workmanship, and we know you will appreciate the wonderful values we are offering. aargsss-Vaah Cow Mala Floor and Baseman. .finrn.nm. J Pit ) mm i i aw r JSs. itir:, ,i HI I- NOTE -I ! Ahont 50 dosen of the- lot are neck band, cuff attached. Mid act bosom ahlrtN. $1.00 Parasols at 48c YOUR choice of any of our par asols, tn white embroidered or colored sllkollne, llnene or colored silk ribbon effects; were $1.00. some better, at 48c. nrfa-Wali Oo- Mala rioor. Blazer Belts at $1.00 PRETTY belts In three different stripes, shown In black, navy, Copenhagen and green, at $1.00. X arraas-BTaaa Co. Mala Floor, Silverware Specials INDIVIDUAL salt and pepper shakers, stiver plated, at, each, 'lane, Ice tea spoons, silver plated, per set, 60c. . Glass sugar and cream est In pretty pierced sliver plsted hold ers, at only, a set, $1.00. Cold Meat Forks, 80c . - Community-Reliance plate cold meat forks In the Exeter pat tern; ordinarily $1.00, at 80c. aargess.ash Co, Mala Floor. DRUG and TOILET Specials Monoxide tooth powder 26c size 12c Talcum powder, 12-oz. can. lo Mme. Ise Bell's face powder, 60c size . . 10c Abonlta Toilet water, 26c size for 16o Dr. Graves' tooth powder, 60o size for 2tfo Pozzont'a pow der, 60c size for 27o Canthrox sham poo, 60o size for 20c Jergen's ben zoin and al mond lotion 17c Pebeco tooth paste, 60c size for S9c Hill's cascara quinine, 26c size for . . .12e Sal hepatlca, 25c size . . . lo Denver mud, 25c size ..10c Jad salts, 76c size for . . .40c Syrup of figs, 60c size Eskay'a 76c size Hinkle's 100 for , Horllck's ,8U0 food, . .630 pills, . .10c malt ed milk. 60o size 80c Swamp root, $1 size 60o Sodium phos phate, 60c size for ....... 22i S 1 o a n's llnl ment, 25c size for 17o Bath sprays, 76c values, 0o Bath sprays, $1 values, 60o Rubber gloves, 76c values, 8c SALE OF BATH CAPS 86c VALUES 19c 75c VALUES 42c $1,00 VALUES 600 BUMmiKH BOYS' WASH SUITS, Saturday, Including Values to $2.50 at $1.00 VARIETY of styles, Including Oliver Twist and rentes siyle. Thera ' Is a great big assortment of combinations of colors, in plain and striped effects, In blue, tan, brown, white all neatly trimmed with pearl buttons and all nicely finished. Roys' $1.80 Pnnls, 08c Knickerbocker style, for ages 6 to 18 years, Including blue eergea and fancy; were $1.60, at 08c Hoys' Straw or Wash Hats Were to 92.00, Saturday at 50c ' Wide selection of styles and kinds for the little fellows. Every' mother will appreciate the unusual opportunity to save. Burrsss-sTaaa Oo- (Fourth Floor. Any Man's Sailor STRAW BATS In Stock FORMERLY to $3:50 for 75c EVERY bat new this season, and the very latest shapes arc represented. You can't afford to wear that dirty, old straw when you can get a new, clean one at such a price as this. Panamas, Leghorns, MUans , and Bangkok Excepted. Bargass-irash Co. Tourtlj Floor. A.,ir A9akab .. 1 Genuine ther mos bottle, qt. size for fl.89 Red Wing grape juice, pint size, 10c; quart size, 48c; H -gallon size Mo A u t o m o b He spomges, 76o values . . . .80o A u t o m o b lie chamois, $1.25 value Sao Sanlflush, 25o ran 17o Toilet paper, 16c quality, per roll ...8o Bar rasa-Wash Ivory aoap, 6 cakes 18c Household am monia, 1 qtiac Pure peroxide, 1 pint 17c Toilet paper, crepe finish, 6c grade, 8 rolls for 2Ao Toilet paper, crepe finish, 10c grade, 4 rolls 25a Borax chips, large pkg. .19c 20 -Mule team borax, 1 lb.tfc Co. Mala Floor. Clearaway Saturday of Men's SUMMER SUITS Including Palm Beach, Mandalay, Mohair and Normandy Beach Suits Were to $12.50 at SHREWD Omahans haven't had a better chance this sea son to practice economy than nt this opportune sale of men's summer suits here Saturday. It's Indeed a most unusual of fering. Including our stock of men's Palm Beach, Mandalay, Mohair and Normandy Beach suits that were priced to $13.60, all to go Saturday at the on special price of SO.OO. There are all sizes for men of all propor tions. Men's $18.00 to $25 Suits, Sat urday, at, $13.65 The suits are superb Burgeas-Nash Standard Quality, the broken as sortmeaU from our higher priced lines, ranging from $18 to $26. Every garment strictly band-tailored. This is a practical dem onstration of our splendid organisation; it will appeal to shrewd business men men who, know. Men's $4.50 Trousers, at $2.95 An odd pair of trousers will go well with that coat from your suit. These offered Saturday are pure worsted, in stripes, fancies and blue serges. All sizes, SO to 60 waist measure, were $4.60, now $2.03. Borfl-ass-irasn Oa. fourth Floor. JIn We Develop your "films free of charge when order is left for printing. Bobgess-Wash Gomssktc "eye ryd ocrrtJ stores' "Meet Me in the Cricket Room 1 11 be there any hour you say." in iUrgess-Nash Company. VTh It T HAVEN'T READ ALL OF THE NEWS K sJU TIL YOU READ THE WANT ADS "gVIRYBODYa STORK"