Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    TI1K HKK: OMAHA. SV'iT'.'I'AV. All MT
Alfonso Preparing- to Defend Do
main After Present War Ends,
I if Necesiary.
( (Cwi rpondenr of th Ao-ttd Pre.)
MADRID, June U.-Tb Bpr.1h gov
ernment reoentlr h been artlv In th
preparation of military and rvl m
. meat. Artlllerr. mII arm and pro.lee
tile faetorte sr workln nlsht and day.
and th minister of war, donlroiia hlmwlf
of learning their capaHty, ha during th
tart several days vie I ted thote at TraWa,
CHideo, Granada and Bevllle.
Military and naval commission bv
' tft for tha United Ptate and IUty for
tha purpo of acquiring rmi and am.
munition, at trell aa tha machinery fnr
' their manufacture. Ther la talk atn of
' tha acquisition by flraln of number of
' abmrlne and of lax quanta lea of
mm for coast defense purpose.
- AH tha activities are being conducted
' with tha greatest crTy, tha a-nrem-"
mm having requested tha press to main
' tain rtfld llence on the ubject. It li
' aald thai tha motive behind thee war
like preparations la by no meana to enter
tha present European conflict on either
aide, hut to trengthen Fpaln and to pre
,' para tt for any event which mjr follow
tha preaent war.
Ttie Idea aeema to he that Fpln aliouM
. be able to defend Ita own territory and
, particularly the Balearic latanda and tha
Canary Islands, fhoutd Bpanlah poeeea
alona enter Into the calrulattone of tha
maker of tha final terma of pesfl.
Eealdea tlila motive, tha Spanish gov
ernment, prominent Ppanlardu aay, fully
, resits that It liaa been negligent In
.military and naral matter and. In view
of tha complete unexpectedness of aoma
of tha event which hav characterized
the praaent conflict, now flnda It tha
- part of wladom to be prepared atalnat
any event.
Suggestion that the preparation on
the part of Praia miv be Indicative of
derlgn acalnat Portugal or Olbraltar,
are Indignantly denied here.
COLLARED! YES, IT'S MAYOR JIM! He won the mule
race Thursday, or rather, he drove the mole that won, and
the floral offering went to the driver Instead cf the mule.
Negro Accused of
Many Crimes is
Hanged to Bridge
BHAvTNBHX Okl.. Aug. a Ed Berry,
negro, charged with two casea of criminal
aaaault and auapected In connection with
ten othera that hav occurred her In
the last three year, wa taken from
officer early today and hanged to a
telephone pole at the seen of one of hi
alleged crime. t
Berry waa brought here from tha peni
tentiary at McAleater for trial. When tha
train arrived and the deputy aherlff and
hl prisoner alighted,- they were covered
by gun In the hands of a doxen men.
who appeared suddenly from the dark
nee. After an attempt at gunplay, the
officer wa dlaarmed. Ten or twelv
automobile loaded with maked men then
appeared and the negro waa quickly
conveyed to the Beard atreet bridge.
Wbaut tha rope waa adjuated around
Berry' neck he wa questioned about the
crime and aaked If he wa guilty. In
each Instance he nodded hla head af
firmatively. In every caaa the negro'
victim waa' 4 :whlt woman.
following the confession, the " negro
waa strung up In the prewnc of seventy,
fiv men. all maaked, after which the
crowd dispersed.
Mexican Bandits
Raid Texas Town
ffROWNSVlLLE. Tex.. Aug. . -Mexican
outlaw today raided tha vUlaje of
8t-atlan, thlrly-aeven mile north of
here, killing two men. United State
cavalrymen from Harllngen, twelv mile
distant have gone to Bcbaatlan.
Fifteen ranger and armed men started
from nearby point 'Tor Bobaatlan and
practically every man In Harllngen armed
himself preparing to hunt for the autlaas.
The dead are Al Austin, president of the
Sebastian Law and Order league, and
son, Charles
Tha leagua recently forced several men
or bad reputation to leave Sebastian,
which I little more than a crossroads.
About l: thla morning Auatln and hi
son we running a corn ahetler when
armed Mexican, galloped up, taking 4oth
Into tha brush nearby. There, they war
Teaterday a hand of Mexican raided a
ranch In tha Febastlan section, ateallag
five horses, two saddles, two rifle and a
pUtol. They got tha drop on some cow
boy on tha ranch, keeping them covered
with pistols for about an hour.
A Sebaatlan storekeeper named Alex
ander, aald there were twelve armed men
In the party. All of them appeared to be
Mexican of middle ag. ' They robbed
hi store.
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Eagles Meet Next
Year at Savannah
BPOKANE. Waah., Aug. C-Tna
adroinletration to conduct the affairs of
the Grand Arrle. Fraternal Order of
Kagle. we elerted here yeeterday.
Thoan named were:
William Oraysnn, Havannah, Ot, grand
worthy prealdent; Rex B. Ooodsell, San
i Fran-:lo. grand wnrlhy rice rrreH'lenf.
i r. P. Weed, Helena. Mont., trand wor
i thy chaplatn: J. H. Pertr. Kanaaa City,
Mo., grand sei.retary; Frederick Hugh,
Tonkerav M. T-. grand treasurer: ohn
F. Lenny, Chester, Pa., gTand worthy
oundoetor. Thar wwea no contests for
thess office.
Charles T. Laird of Maamrhuaett won
rn a sharp fight for grand Inside guard,
over T. a H. Winn of British Columbia.
A. n. Pnnoan, W. Jnewph. Mo.: Manson
Retff, Marlon, tnd.: Frank Mullen, Beat
tie. Wash., and Victor T. rierrelee of
Ashland. Wis., were named trustee.
Savannah won over Minneapolis, Minn.,
and Scranton. Pa. for tha ptacs of hold
ing tha lit grand aerie.
NKW 70RK. Aug. 1 Oermany, which
In former year has supplied to the
United States a large portion of tha trade
In canary Mrda, ha Riven way to Hol
land In exporting feathered aongeters,
according to Karl ron Bauley of Nynen,
Holland, who arrived on th Ryndam
with a shipment of .00 bird consigned
to New York dealer. j
MTesea r Oce" steamer.
Port Arrint. fslled.
WJ.T Ahmal......
MAIFlIA.Bi..iiit An
BtrnORIN Dneq art
LiniilFOOU. Domlnloa.
WW '
(Continued from Page One.)
antojiomy under Kumilari suscrtinty.
Th ', ovjtrome of these event la
Warsaw probably will determine th
political statu of roland during th war.
Next M Probleasatlc. ,
What the German will do next In a
military way after attempting to' com
plete their enveloi.lng movement la a
matter of much speculation. If the cam
paign against the Russians la not ener
getic ally puahed there 1 the possibility
of the present victories being undone,
while If an offonslv In tlio east la con
tlnued. th German face the rigor and
danger of a winter campaign In Ruaala.
Conservative atudenta her think It will
result In compromise. In which th
Germans will withdraw part of their t
ern army, leaving enough men to main
tain and aecur th defensive position
when they have dug themselves In.
(Coiitluued from Pag One.)
l.oaaoa Csrreesoaaeat at Petre arras
Reviews sitaatlsa la Eaet,
LONDON. Aug. . 'The Russian war
office has set aaid 13,000,000 to help,
pay th cot of th removal of Warsaw
mill and factories to the Interior of
th empire." y th Ptrograd . cor
respondent of the Time.
"Th Warsaw retreat la lea th direct
outcome of engagement on th Blonl
line and In the Nowogeotglevak region
than tha result of th strategic situation
as a whole. In th region of Oatrolenka'
and the mouth of the Kkwa the enemy
threatened to cut our roar communica
tion and deprlv u of th opportunity
of regrouping, while by their offensive
in th Iiomsa district, which 1 begin
ning to overshadow even th Vistula
front In strategic Importance, tha Uer-
mana are etriving to effect a deep en, rt , -r-t
. . - . .t . VJ nn n rni Lnnvinnn
. Ip i raui'iwm oi our lonre in in ivii aJvJ-UC bUl X Uiil UOU
k) LcV tO JL1 tJaoUI Ul r1 v,r- ("lould orient M rurthsr
developed It polbl will be dlrex ted
'; against Btalyatok and Brest-Lltovk from
Villa Executes
five brigades prepared to combat any
The Russian war office comment on
th effect of Warsaw's fall on th north
rn front as follows:
"The enemy is slowly advancing, but
against great oppoaltlon on th part of
th - Russian armies - in th Narew and
Lomsa directions.
"In ths vicinity of Riga, th German
received a evera check on th Mtaa."
Freaeh Of flelai Report. '
PARIS. Aug. ft Th French war office
today gave out an official communication
on the progre- of hoatllltle which read
aa follow:
"In th Artol district there wei dur
ing almoat all last night a aerie of en
gagement with hand grenadea around
Souche. In front of Nuvllla St. Vaaat,
a German attack wa easily and quickly
"In the Argonne, the f!htlng with
bombs and other explosive. uppcrtcl
by artillery ctlon. took on creater In
tensity during the night, particularly in 1
the neighborhood of Hill No. SIS. In the !
region or FotiUlne-Aux-Charmea and In
the direction of SC Hubert, to the west
of Hill No. H3, th Germans endeavored
ro move out from their trenche. and
they were at onos chsoked by our fir.
"Un th heights of th Msus at Boia
Haut. the enemy delivered two attache.
each at which wa without success, our
assailants wr driven back with hand
grenadea and by tha fir of our infantry.
"In Lorrain th German during last
night bombarded tha village of Ember
menll, a well a our positions around
Rclller. Two German aviator bav
thrown down on the village of Fralse, In ;
in valley oi th nor Meurthe, a total
cf ten bombs, killing tw women and on
"In th Voage tha night passed
Early Fall Models
Adoptions of Paris Models
Rust Proof
You can tub and scrub a
Warner's Rust Proof Oor
nnd always keep it fresh
nnrl clean. You can wear it
in the hottest weather in
bathing if you like every
thing about it is guaranteed
Rust Proof. Water will not
hurt the cloths and trim
mings, wasli it as yon will.
Prices $1 to $3
Corset Section Third Floor
Women's and Misses' Dresses
Redingote Princess and
new waist line models of
French Serge and Satin,
Faille or Taffeta Silk, show
ing the new straight lines
and the full length tunica.
$25 to $65
Tailored Suits
Tot Women and Misses.
Imported gabardine, En
lish whipcord, broadcloth
and popular mixtures in
plain, braid or fur, trimmed
$25 to $75
All Summer Dresses
Suits, Blouses, Coats, Skirts,
are offered at decidedly re
duced prices. Not a large of
fering, but very low priced.
AU$1.00 to $3.75
Wash Dress Fabrics
. i. i
at a Sweeping
An event of extraordinary
importance. All are this sea-
son's beautiful dress fabrics,
at a mere fraction of their!
real value.
See the goods displayed in
lfith street window Sunday
papers for particulars.
The August Linen Sale
Offers Values You Can't Afford to Miss
Bleached Damask
By the Yard
$1.50 Bleached Damask
at $1.10 yard
$1.75 Bleached Damask
at $1.25 yard
$2.00 Bleached Damask
at $1.50 yard
25c Huck Towels -35c
Huck Towels -45c
Huck Towels -75o
Huck Towels -
- 19o
- 25c
- 29c
- 50c
Extra Specials for Saturday
250 Bleached Table Cloths - - - - $1.89 each
450 Bleached Napkins $3.50 dozen
175 Silver Bleaced Hemmed Napkins - $1.25 'dozen
17c Bleached Crash - 12Vc yard
Saturday Hair Goods Specials
Now is the time to buy
your light weight switches,
transformations and other
hair accessories. Made of
fine wavy hair, they will re-,
tarn tho wave and are espe
cially adapted for the sea
shore and mountains.
Th cost if trivial, so take ad
vantage. 24-inch Yrettt) Wary
Switch: - - - - 81.69
28-inch Tvtte Wary
' 8wltch - -- $2.89
24-inch Trett Bwitchea of
Natural Wavy Hair - $3.29
28-inch Tvetta Switches of
Natural Wayy Hair - 85.69
All-around Wary Transfor
mation - --- - 89
All around Transformations of
Natural Wavy Hair S5.49
Yrette Bathing Fringes, $1.19 i
i I
mm .
sT r . WMtXaT - W
White Silk Hose
Every good make repre
sented in this large complete
White Silk Boot Hose, 50c
per pair.
White Silk Hose with lislo
tops and soles, 75c per pair.
White Silk Hose with the
Way New Foot; lisle tops
and soles, $1.00 per pair.
Misses' White Silk Hos.y
both plain and ribbed, $1.00
per pair.
To supply your hosiery'
needs satisfactorily, come to
Women's Gauze
Underwear at
Special Prices
Women's Gauze Lisle Union
Suits, low neck, no sleeves,
fitted or wide knee, a final
clean-up, $1.00 values, at 50c
Women's Mercerized Union
Suits, low nock, no sleeves,
knee length, just a few sizes ;
$1.50 values, special - 98c
Women's Lisle Union Suits,
low neck, sleeveless, laco
trimmed; regular prices
$2.25 to $2.50, special, $1.35
We also have a few vests
reduced to one-half price and
' Third Floor.
Rubber Cushion Brushes,
special for Saturday - - 39c
First Aid Cases for Travel-
ThompsoR-Belden & Co.
EL. FA SO, Tex.. Aug. a,-ArrtTal from ,. 7 " ,. . , , . .
Chlhuahu. City tclay dsrUr tha, fcb.. ' U'V J ' ,l,y, n'a
tt. Van... Jr.. slat treasurer f Chi I ' V" M"k'nr , l",f!r 1U
iruvf irvni n v nvun ouuiif 10 10- wa x o it. d Wednesday on or
ifirt from General Villa.
Accortlins; to VI1U offirer -ho r
reaponsibl for th report, A areas with
Mlvestrro' Terraaas. aecretary of th
state government, left the capital with
their (aniUlea In automobile lor th
operat In thta attempt. Another factor
wa tha auxiliary operation on both
bank ot the Vlevr and against Lukow,
to Introduce Tariff
Reduction Bill
PHILADELPHIA. F.. Aug. I.-Unlted
htata Senator Boise Fenroas In a. peuh
at a dinner her laat night. Announced
Intendet to cut tha Ivangorod-Lukow ln,t "- Introduc In th next e
jine. ln of congress tariff bill that will
Today a tiws warrants the 'ont,lln reduction of IS to per cent on
alon that th fat of Klga la waled. ! many of th dutl. In th Fayn-Aldrich
1 ne avnaior aia:
Intend to Introduce at th opeuinsr
tariff bill, pro
teose in it naturo. containing horl
tontal reduction of 15 or to per rent on
. . l . - I . . ,
.v jnwiwum, iiiiiriy muea 1 mm
. ... . , T1.a PAiinlru mm tkl. - (.1 - ... I. - Xf.. - UUI
aouin ui juarea, imy wci rretd on I ... ..... .,u- ,
... ur. iai . mm, 11 a sui, ana - - - ' - - ... ihm
. i irn v in. iiiriij, i ner rge - ... . .... -1
& executed. The fate of Terras wa i cPo' " tinnlng the enemy' d?
not rejrted. ! -nre. but la auttabl merely for rear
Report from Coiun.l.t.s. N. M.. today ! uard action. Th river Pvina 1 In-
in'licat th qurlllitg of th latest fac- trlnslrlly a mor formldabl obstacle.
but a rt'ga I situated on both lrte
of the river. It doe not afford oppor
tunities for effective defen. I
tlon In northwestern Clilhuahua, whl h
resalttd recent!)- In (lie revolt of the
Mil garrison of I'eloirss. Cases Qrande
and Ascension. It la said VUa fores Two corps of OtneraJ Von BuUow'
rrom Gutsmn occpld Falom. At
ceiuKon nd other revolting garrieona 1st
)etrday without a ftht.
The revoltera had declared for Gutier
rez as prestJcnt and refusod to fight Car-ransa.
NITW TORK. Aug. g.-r.eorfe O. Me
Murtty. chalrrtMn of th American Bhet
fid Tinplate company, a aulldlary of
ti.e I'nlted ttaie Ktoel rorixiratlon, died
ejddenly at Atlantic ity, Jt. J., rarly
tidsy. Mr. Jt.Munry. also was a
rtnei-if.T cf ti.e Amri. an Can company,
I'. O.Uatn, vk laind cV Fuclftr
'-y e-.-iOi.kir., r li'Miurg'i Truai rn ciMny,
(itifi I-. nrn, dad been In
; ( r I al-b fvi lo n.i.uu.s
army already liar retched th Muasa,
Th evacuation ef nig la in full awing.
Th sLreets r packed with dens crowds
and tha station ar besieged with thoa
nxtou to leav. ' ,
"Th evacuation of itltau wa effected
by th postof ftc employe and th
police last Sunday. Oerman residents
wer greatly delighted at th arrival
f their countrymen. Thty had mad
no secret of; their sympsthle-
nesrtast Order.
WASHINGTON. Aug. t-Kehraelr
pr-natoo sranted: Uhenuaa Hill,
Hrm. lit: llnry H. Ilailey, K.llinbur.
t'!: Esther W Hullahan. Lincoln, t'i;
huaao M. Taylor, Nebraska City, lli;
jllas Kllen (unit n ax.lnt.t pust
iiutater al Hood, il-erry county, Ne
lrka, 1 1ce l.lrn H'lll. reetsti-xl
Homh Ixkota rural letter i-arrtera ap
Milnted: lierrick. Ixiula It. Larson, L--terville,
f rank 1. H.ibias.
many of the duties contained In th
I'ayne-Aldili h bill, Wut reinforcing eoino
of the schedules, like the chemical sched
ule, to the estmt that may be neceeaary
to eecur these Industries In our country.
"This bill will prjtect ua from th col
lapse which will occur on th close of the
war In Europe, and will furnish us money
to . prepar for . U' natl.inal defense
should any nation of Kurope in anna de
sir to Invade or aaaault ua."
11.00 Wine Cardul
I5e Allan's Foot Eas ..............
50c Fitch Dandruff Remedy
f 1.25 Fitch Li lo Iloyal Toilet Water.
oOc Doan's Kidney Pills
25c 4711 White Hose Glycerine Soap
50c I'ebeco Tooth Paste
iOc Mentholatum
Hind Honey and Almond Cream.
Pape'a Dlapepsln ,
Jad Salt ...
25c Carter'a Pills.
rOc Sal Hepatlca
12i 28?
34 1?
(Saturday) 23c jar of Mustard Cerate (a
necessity in every home, for It la an all-around
salve) vlth every drug purchase. Please ask
for It.
25c Lyon's Tooth Powder ...
10c Wanou's Shampoo Bags . ,
25c Packer's Tar Soap
25c Mennen's Talcum, all odors.....
50c Syrup of Pigs
35c Castoria
1 pound Powdered Borax
25e Peroxide Hydrogen
All Safety Razor Blades sharpened at,
$1.00 Horllck's Malted Milk
$3.75 Horllck's Malted MUk
50c Kodol Dyspepsia Tablets
60c Hay's Hair Health
$1.00 Traxo or Frultola
25c Persplno
2 5c Rivlrls Talcum Powder
25o Kolynos Tooth Paste
25c Opal Shampoo
60c Beaton's Effervescent Phos. Soda.
$1.00 F. F. F. for Enema
50e Pompelan Massage Cream
7Bc All Rubber Bath Caps. . .
each. . .20
Ms.ll Order Receive Prompt attention. We Prepay Express or Freight on Orders of $6.00 or More.
BEATON DRUG CO., 15th and Farnam Gts.
National Power
Farming Demonstration
Tbe World's Greatest Tractor
Plowing Exhibition.
Fremont Neb.
August I, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Friday, Aug. 18th Omaha lwtj
80 Tractors 80 Plows 1,000 Acre
""mi,"""IL 1 IJI -
f fctld Fataltr Hart la Haaawar. .'
ROCKWELL. CITY.. Ia.. Aug. 1-(Special
Telegram A mesaag waa received
her today from Rev. Oilbert Yoorhee.
paator of th Rockwell City Presbyterian
rhurch, statins that hi daughter. Mar
tha, axed T year, was dead aa th result
of being struck upon the head by a run
awn hois.
TP. family la on a vaiation trip to the
ooaat and th death ocvurreJ la a hos
pital at Hood River. Or. The bod will
b taken to Franklin. Ind.. for burial.
Apartment, flats, houws and cottag
ran be rested sjstckly a ad chaapl by a
Be Tor Roak"
Safe Will fc
Infants 4 Invalids
The Food-Drink for all Ages
Rich snilk, malted grain, in powder form.
For infants, invalid mi growing children.
Pur nutrition, pbuUding &i whole body
Invigorates nursing raothsr sal th aged.
More hsalthful than tea or coife.
Vnl&f you My 'tlOMJOX'S
you cjsty ot m muaatltufm
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succcessful.
Bathing, Boating, Dancing
and Other Attractions
Char Us Ohaplla in Kovlmr Flo.
tares This Seuu. Titls ef 11 e.
tarsi "Taos oa Bar Beom loor."
Otnsrst "Bobbilaa Water," "S
tl4 at tbe w Sid." and "Tbs
rirst ntoa."
KM1 ( 4
"SU fcil8" OAKI.KV
yastomlms "Baaa BaU" s Otbsr Aets
"inn. lt..D HOlli''
an Assort-
of Photo-Plays
U TXBATO - 1 LtSt TWO ll
Mat. 8:30
A IVargs, Loud,
Vm T
yesk Bertnalns Totnst-sow sTlfht
atwa. raatxauT,
Edward Lynch Amm2??;'
' i si oaL nox our toidsk'
HaUse . ISe-Sao By, SSo-aooOn
Baoe Bail
Ilourke Park, Aug. 6-7-H-8.
Vrtdaj, Aag. S, boostkb bat.
;m railed 1.14 P. M
Stecher Mros. Wraetllnc Mutrh i re PH.
tsuniiay, Aub. . Tw. 1ar
Klrat saiKK ralll z f. Ji
Sati.r1a iine ''id ; 1.