MtlMI III MIIIIM Ml MMMmHMillt9IMMIU''WaiiWa SaWIIMnWIM S I la as I I I - 14 TTTE BEK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1915. TOMATOES 0FJP00R QUALITY Troipectt Bad far Local Crop Ap plet An Cheap California Peaches Next I0TAT0ES GROW CHEAPER Elbertss are on the market at 71 cents a crate. California plums are Ml cents a crate, snd not many are being sold, although tha quality la especially fine. Lemons are the cheapest ever known at this tlma of year In Omaha. Nice lemons can be had at a dime a dosen. There Is no record of any such quota tion on lemons In August In any former year In Omaha. Cantaloupes are still abundant and are selling at from 6 to 7'4 rents apiece. IMentr ef t'as iattaaa. rotators are cents a peck. They hare settled beck again after a temporary rise In price due to the extreme muddy fields In which potatoes for a time could not be dug for the market. For a time they sold at M cents snd tl a bushel; but now can be had at 66 and 70 rents a bushel. Cabbage Is still a cent a pound and of good quality at that figure. Flour has taken another advance and Is now selling at 17 and tt a barrel. la the retail market It has gone up a dime a sack In the last week. It Is cost ing fl.K a sack now. Butter Is steady at M cents a pound. Fgs are steady at 19 cents a dosen. Cheese of all grades Is remaining about steady. Merry Time for All at the Armour Camp Just to make doubly sure tha Armour girls were having a good time at King's lake, Messrs. Orchard and Shields of the Armour company, accompanied by their wives, motored to tha take Thursday and proceeded to make things hum with merriment A huge camp fire waa made and a "wiener" roast was Indulged In. Mrs. Hudson, tha congenial rhsperone ef the camp, hastily dispatched Invitations to all the campers at the lake, and tbey responded In large numbers. TEST OF LOAN SHARK LAW IS TO BE MADE Tomatoes are of a rathrr poor quality t r'fKwnt, owing; to the bad wthir that tint continued for week. In former years lhy have sold at this tlma of year for from S rent to $1. Now they are. aelllna ,at f om ts to 60 cent a market basket, arcordlns; to tha grade. The prospect la bad for a good local crop of tomatoes, according to dealera. Apples era aa cheap a fruit as on ran buy at this1 time. Nice cooking apples can b had at tt cents a peck. Southern Elberta peaches are about grinding up this week, while California Jules Althaus loaned Alonso Wlnslow Your Choice of Any Silk Shirt $31 and together lth the commission and Interest, charged him a rate that amounted to rr cent per annum. The oan became due and was not paid, Wlns low asset ting the rate was In violation of ,., .h. jmi , llli '.. ...I.'. .- M . In Our Entire Stock, $2.25 s- bbmbmmbmmbm . ftBBBBMgaaBBaMsBMBMBamagisaaBgaBaBBgaBMt MaBssssaBsssssssBBsaBnBnBsssssa.asBea. wWaBsaaMBMBBMBHaaansM Included in this lot are all the fine silk crepe, silk broadcloth and satin, stripe fiC Of silk shirts; worth 54.00, $4.98 and $3.50, some of these shirts are actually k worth up to 56.50; all go at one price yLdtdJ A Gigantic Shirt Sale law. Althaus will probably aeek to collect and then be arrested. If convicted, he will Liver Complaint Makes Vena t'ahappy. No Joy n living If your stomach and appeal, taking the cane to the supreme court In order to test the law. The loan shark law was passed by the liver don't work. Stir your liver with Dr. King's New Ufa Pills. ZVc. All druggists. Advertisement. legislature last winter and became oper ative July 1. N OurH. eadimes m i ereee 99 STARTING MONDAY, AUG. 9 W ess HAT happens in Omaha is of a great desl more interest to you than what happens in Antwerp, in Ypres, or in Przemysl. An accident in a local park in which peo ple whom you know are lost is more important to yon than a marine dis aster which wipes out over a thousand lives. In other words, what is "front page stuff" to you is the event which "concerns your everyday life. And, generally speaking, you are more interest ed in domestic than in foreign news. Our New Affiliation Puts "Our Headlines on the Screen" So the Omaha Bee has ar ranged that the important news events happening right here in Omaha and some that happen in other parts of the United States, will not only be told you in print but actually will be shown you in motion pictures! This has been made possible by our affiliation with the National News Week ly, a service organized to pro vide the public with a News Pictorial based upon matters of local interest. You will be shown a film equally divided between local and national events. YOU Will see "eur head lines on the screen' That fire in your block, that celebration in your community, that sporting event in your cityall of these will receive as much attention as do the news events from other American cities. These Weekly Pictures Will Abound in "Local Color" A camera man is to work under the personal direction of the managing editor of The Bee. This insbres an accurate and most timely review of local events. No fire, wreck, accident, parade, sporting event or other happening of interest will be permitted to escape the vigilant eye of the camera. The photographers they constitute the largest force of camera men employed by any news service have had the benefit of a special course of instruction to develop, their news sense. Some exceptional films may therefore be expected. v See These Bee Pictures at Your Neighborhood Theater We urge you to see these pictures which are to present an entirely new idea in news pho tography. You can read about current events in The Bee. You can see them on the screen at your neighborhood theater. Do so! Ask the manager of your local theater what day The Omaha Bee World Film Weekly will be shown. Ask him any other particulars you'd like to know. We consider it a privilege to be able to offer our readers this new service and assure you that you will find the pictures to be most interesting. You must surely see them. Papers Co-Operating With Us: Philadelphia Public Ledger Atlanta Constitution ' Washington Times St. Lo uis Times Chicago Evening Post Milwaukee Journal Cincinnati Enquirer Buffalo Examiner Dallas News Cleveland Leader Baltimore News News Orleans Times-Picayune Detroit Times N v Minneapolis Journal Pittsburgh Dispatch (Note: Complete list will be announced at a later date.) Omalm Eee W oriel - Film Weekly World Film Corporation, Omaha, Distributers 1,800 Men's Negligee and Golf Shirts made of fine quality madras, corded oxfords, pongee and mercer ized soisette. Every shirt in the en tire lot is worth 51.00; sale A Q price for quick selling. . . . frC Manhattan Shirts $1.25 All 51.50 Manhattan Shirts, at All 52.00 Manhattan Shirts, at. Broken lot of all our Ath letic Union Suits,' fine quality linen, mull, corded madras and fancy nain sook materials. Values to 51.25, suit All 52.50 and jt t Manhattan -j.v Shirts, at ojvw- jr j 59c One big lot of Pure Silk Fibre Hose in all the new shades. Regular 25c values, special. pair 15c .s fjr ilk i i I it m ift v f . . TP " MM i . I a r .jr MT i 1 ' s '1 M ' M $1.65 $1.95 All 5350 to 54 Ma n h a 1 1 a n Shirts, at $2.85 All our fine Silk Four-in- kand Ties that have been selling at 51.00, 51.25, some even 51.50, go in one lot Satur day, choice for 69c Is There A Mai In OmaM who does not realize the actual money value In being well dressed? If there is, let htm step into the store Saturday and try on some of our Distinctly Different Models. You will gain an added self-respect in these original suits and they will add prestige to you in your contact with other people. . f We Will Give You Choice of any rait in our broken line in the entire stock. Theae tuiU were tailored for both young men and men with more added yean. All sixes are carried in stock. Saturday $1 1.00 $18.00 to $25.00 were our former prices In this offering ara blua sarins, full and half alllr Itnail nlt and al.n l' targe lined suits; English patch pocket suits with two snd three buttons. ' Ail or them will he sold at 111.00. . Get a Pair of Pants V We also hare come excellent Tslueg In trousers in our broken lots, which will be sold regardless of cost Saturday In three big lots; all sites snd wesres. Lotl $2.00 to $2.50 Values ?1.00 Lot 2 $3.00 to $3.50 Values $1.50 Lot 3 $4.50 to $5.00 Values v 2.50 Palm Beach Suits 1 made for the tall slender to the short heary man. A stock I not complete without Palm Beaches in the rich dark shades, and we have the models that will surely appeal to you. They were formerly to $7,60, flfl now to be sold at pDUU Palm Beach Trousers, natural shades, pair. . . .' ; . . . .$2.25 Visit us and be convinced. tsv TM A'F lW. i mrM ML W IP 1 illll' - -. - .-j itreet Car Service to the For the accommodation of Speedway patrons attending the races on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week, through car service from 14th and Howard Streets direct to the Speedway will be maintained beginning at 12:30 P. M. each day during the races. These cars will bear signs read ing: "TAKE THIS CAE TO SPEEDWAY." In addition, there will be stub service from 16th and Locust Streets to the Speedway, beginning at 8:00 A. M. Races Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway Co.