THE BEE: OMAHA. Fill DAY, AUGUST i, 11)15. r REAL ESTATE srRCRBA!! Daade. District A home in Evanston will insure the proper environment for your family. Evanistoim Lots are sold on very easy pay ments ,$10 f $15, $20, $25 FOR RE XT Karnlehed Hoomi. N. 21ST., 60S Front parlor, aultable for ?, with or without board. Phone D. CT07. N1CKLV furn. cool room, walking dis tance. 609 H. 25th Ave. D. 4466. Famished Hoi'lirrpli Room. North d, 414 Front room, mod., rea. BT. MARY'S AVK., 36a 3 rooma fura. complete; modern. Phone D. 4432. Four nice rooma: new bath. 1113 8. 11th. 1 rooma and bath. 1112 8. 11th N. 20th, nice clean furn. hskg. ritu. R. T43. 'jDAVKNPORT, 2018 TVO OR THREH NICELY FURNISHED FRONT HSKQ. RM3 COOL rooma. cloae In. 1617 Chicago St. Furnished Huaaekeeptna: Room. Newly furnished, cloae In, 1617 Chicago Kt Hoaeea aad tottasjes. North. 1110 No. Ed St. new 4-r.. mod. . heat. ateel range, gas plate, kitchen cabinet, weter paid. tl7. 113) No. 18th St., -r.. all mod., $28. HASP PROS., J McCague Bldg. 8 N. 17th tit., 4-r., mod, apartment. liT.M. HH Nlcholaa St., new. 4-r., mod. x. hoac; ome special features; water paid, ?17.(0. ltw Ohio St., 6-r., part mod.. $16.00. HA? HROH.. 10 McCagu Bldg., P. 1658. Look At This 114 N. 1Mb. room; hot water heat, naa and electric ll.'htx; completely mod ern; two blocka to two car lines. Rent induced. See about thia today. Keya at r office. Creigh, Sons & Co. Dougiaa a0. 9 Bee Bid. Hoaaea Bad Cattarea. loata. ROOM, modern houae. 1407 Jones, $32 04 per month J I. Kemp. Douglaa Off. For Rent Dealrable 9 -room modern house. tit 8. 17th St., near Field club. Call Offerman Construction Co.. South Omaha, Neb. Phone South IIT7 or l. For Rent South half at double brick suae T rooma. 4 bedrooms, all modern, at Itol Souih aHh St.. (tear Park school, ena block aaat of Haaaooia park. Tel. Harney Ik. Mlseellaaewwa. tZi HOWARD, t-r part mod. houae. f l 50. K N. 41at lit-, -r.. all mod. house, 126. 5"17 race, 6-r. part mod. houae, 117 50. i:M N. 7th PL, 4-r. all mod. house. T7.rA ' U23 a. ttd St., t-r. all mod. houae. t.Wi ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO. First Nat. Bank. Douglaa 72Z. Globe Van & Storage titr-r... incvaa, pack ahlpa; t-hor van and I met. HM per hr. ; storage 11 per tn Satisfaction guar. P. 4-tM At Ttr IA Pboaa Ixniglaa DM foi oom plate list at vacant boUaea and aportmeiits; also for atorage. moving Uth and Jackaun Bis. IlnnaAit Cralgn aona r., re. Gordon Van Co. tit N. Uth Bt. Tet n m or Web. UM bER the Osetral rumltara lioraa. a Ba K.HAVE redded 44.0U0 bulldlnga since l.'lO, sud never had one struck. W ruarantee every Job. AMERICAN Maggard's Sfsiss tag. BacktiHc. ahlpplns. iru WebaUr 8i JC UflA 41 14e4 aXX alaea, tt per month up. Ml I'aaieo. REAL ESTATE SlIURBAN per month. See that your husband A payment on an Evanston Ipt will be the start towards the home you expect to build in Dundee. For information about Evanston call Douglas 2596. Tor IFOR RENT REAL ESTATE " . .. .'ARM A RANt'll LsNDI FOR ItL. Hoai aail t , Miaeellaneona. FARMFCmAI E JP T?OpH MAlnt" MMiS Tho farma y'hSvf "for sale' are all lm . IVCCU ir V?" rf.8l proved, located near plattamouth. In Casa WT Fu-nam. O. '14, county are wel, worth tnB prc0, aafced. torea ahd urrtuea. 'nr1 w'" bar the closetit Inspection. 100 8TORI3-lth and Cuming. J,r . l P' rr. cr7 '"h 81H N. Hith. new, 22x60, baae- i c'et" V3 J 't, l Jl. ment; rent S5 per month. ir?'L!lW ' ,125" 40 a0r 2iJiL!lJ! 2J tra'cfi 'Ej&n'fil tto'ut' aWSS Nice Cool Office T rgt,t roHgsgh,Mih. Witli Vault Wyoatgr. Near the Elevato. and Stairs ? ilco'SSS" p. r JSSl ri4 T:i,a Tr water. IH per acre. Write for lnforma- lleCtrlC LilRUt rTe tion. Mra, M. Murphy. P. O. Box No. M. THE BEK DUILDINO CXJMPANY, w""- auprlnteDdDf Offlca. Room 103. Uako, PRIVATE .rncr office, rec-ptlon room. 1 i'. atenographer and telephone, In State Vontans'w. ra?-va Bank, building to responsible ittorney a. ?l?,?tna.!,Vl Vi.?.rt2 ?SJ 140 on nr mnnlh Arirfroaa t H7S n saving assistance In aecunng the WW per month. Address J 8.8. Bee. bMt J,argalni and , gating full 1 r7i.l, L4. nd exact Information as to the IJTTICG Oil 1 til CiL merits of any property. We have V-,J"LAV'V- VAA L1A vJl" no land for sale, and wa work only pi -itT- j,. for you. Highest references given. DOUDlO VVmaOWS Write for detaila. Watera Real ONLY VACANT ROOM l''vu Purch",n a0""- Mlll,r- AVAILABLE ON THE - . Mlalaieaa. STREET. 140-ACRE farm. Ill per acre; HO caah and ... .... ,,, , , IW ner month; no Interest; rich soil; PTlvktB tiff Ice Wultlng Room fine land; pure water, good title. Write ISO Sq. Ft- 118.50 w- T. Young, ir-, Kimball. Neb. The Bee Building RBalebtate"lo " Offlra Room 103. FARM LOANS, ft PER CENT. STORKROOM at 1410 Cumlnir Bi., JU. TOLAND aV TRUMBULL, 441 bee Bldf. ALFRED C. KENNKDY CO.. .;. -: 300 First National Bank Bid. Doug. 722. liJO TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. . , Weed. Wead Bldg.. Uth and Famam ft oj.vrvn m sinw CITY and farm loans, t, tVa. per cent WANTED TO BPK J. H. Dumont Co.. 414 f tate Baak. OFFF1CE furniture bought and aoU. T. WANTED Good farm and city loana a4 f Reed. Karnam. Doug. 414 lowest rates. HICiHEST prloea tor old clothing. D.4714: PETERS TRUST CO.. 1421 Famam. i lale ouva avarythniM Mi hand. Wab. 4M. CITT Property. Large loans a specialty. laie ouys everywmia nu nano. . w. H. Thomaa. U mate Baak Bldg. WONKY on hand for dty and farm loans. WANTED TO RENT H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. WILL leaae or 10-room modern houae. 5TEKu,Tl"t, f2.ff.rmp 'n, B "t"r0 prefer close In; can furnish best of ref- Nh. ITnlted States Truat Co.. Omaha. erences. Apply 626 Bee Bid. Web. 6h6. o (ic CITY LOANS. C. Q. Carl berg. u ' 11018 Brandela Theater Bldg. 3 WANTED City and farm loana; lowest KEAI. ESTATE rtM- w- - Templaton. 401 Be. T. 20M. FARM 4t KA.MH HAua FOR ItLR - , i , Uv. Oak Colon'-uotlT better. W. T. RKAL ESTATB FOR EXCHANGE timlth Co.. ,1-14 Oily Nut Ha. D. ia. WANTED 8F.'ONI)-H AN D auto for Colorado. equity In choice acre. Wel. 1801. FOR HALE OR TRAD 10 Beautiful Den- PRACTICALLY new 4-oyllnder car and ver home. & lots, U-rooiii house and one-half ton truck; will exchange either farage and outbuiidiima; pressed brick. or both 'or equity in bungalow, or what uil cemented baseiiicni; new nurd wood have youT Addreaa B. M., Care Bee. finish; new Capitol hill, on principal boulevard: will Uo couxidcr treue fur 1 ...... , eliar Properly nrar Omanu. ChII Miss S. K. Pritihard, Haney HjtH, Omaha. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE HAVE yotT A FARM FOR 8 A LET OwflPr IvTllCJl" Spll Writ a good description of your land V V IIVX iUUOL and senj It to me eiuua i ity. la,, Journal. f,l T T) i lo-ae Moat Powerlul Want Ad Me- LIOSe-In rrnnPTTV dlum." Twenty-five worda every Friday vluOL xl 1 pCl ty evening. Saturday morning and avory Klegant 4-room strictly modem dwell- baturday evening and Uunday morning lug. having reception hall, large living for one month, -luig aUteen ads oa i roum. dining room with press brick twelve different days for U, or 6u words, fireplace and built-in china closet; roomy WVlitWriwJ ft , kitchen with built-in cabinet. Second Largest circulation of any Iowa news- floor has three large bedrooms and bath- paper. M).(wu readera daily in our great room and toilet room, separate Beau. "tle- tif ul lighting fixtures, nicely decors ei KasMi. rul1 cemented baaeinenl. Large corner 6MOOTH Quarter section unlmnrovd lot'.,.pvd '1rt- 001 neighborhood. tour nUlei from S eePl21an ,lor.t.h c,0,, , torea and county; near two ratlS id ?2to , &r eVli'?' r Vw.?er.would c,?n1 M acre or will apply a pay.iitnt ....l' rott' " "' reaaonaUa well located five to seven-room house in OnuUtM uorih from 44,lu u 6,ogu. Ad- O 1.1. O TT'lt f rr Scott & Hill Ca MINN, farm.; K.Mr term. M.n- l-,-,U"V.. B'd- nesota Iind Co., I'.ji. Box 317, Omaha. lh'2,iHX) I'andy fc-room inodcrn houae; cement MONTANA '4) sections Township 11, basoment; fine lot, paved street; close Range M East, HQ per cent steam plow i school and 14th afreet car line: ahade land, balance grating. I'lice 114.50 per trees and ahrubuery; .) cash, balance acre; H, cash, inortgsgt: Ik per acre, monthly; located near Mth and Brletol 8t balance & yettra 4 pr cent. Nn trades. A C f i' 1T m.'TJr' real snap. lKdgou kisliy Co., 1'argo, ' " IHIrJl I, u- ; :.Vi Krundeis Theutei Hide REAL KSTATF SUBUIUlAN Daadee. Visit the many beautiful re si" dence sections throughout the city. You will he pleased with EVANSTON the new residence addition in Dundee. Have us tell you about the many new ideas incorporated in our plan of developing selects a lot now. REAL ESTATE t'Bl'BBA!f this new part of Dundee. A Dundee Special 4M1 CAPITOL AVE.-Ia a brand new bungalow home of 7 large well arranged living rooma and bath. 3 rooma finished In oak; oak floora throughout; mirror door, bookcases and other special fea tures; strictly modern and up-to-date In every way; water meter, set screens and shades on; choice 60-foot lot, nicely ter raced and sodded; atreet paved. In every respect an Ideal home. IU value la Su.OOo, you will agree; but our price la only M 4fci rash or terms. SEE AND BE CONVINCES. Rasp Bros. 10 McCague Bldg. Doug. WM. Owner in the City Says Get Offer Dundee High Grade Bargain, Six Rooms and Sleeping Porch Also Garage The Interior of this home la excellent, beamed celling, beautiful fireplace, built in bookeaaea, window aeat, decorating by Orchard & Wllhelm; t dandy bedrooms, with aleeplng porch on second floor; oak woodwork and floors on first floor. The construction is A-l. Price 16.250; a reduc tion of !Ao0 and one of the best buys In Dundee. Located near 52d St. Glover & Spain Doug. 3962 1 City National. 4004 BURT 8T dee. Clyde W. Drew.' Owner. Wl. 1234 Flore are, NEW store bldg., large lot, located 4434 .v,u atv rnuni ' lore nee HbM. REAL E8TATE NORTn SIDE Well Built Bungalow In BoulevaiM park; 4 large rooma, oak finish; strictly modern and up-to-date In overy way; choice lot; paved street, small ranh payment or lot taken as first pay ment. For bar kh Ins see Rasp Bros. 104 McCague Bldg. Doug. IHM. NEW modern cottage, i rooms, every IawlTr-,Vnr,ii' ,?Ak ,0"h', floors, flni awn, would build garage; to good party under leaae to only small fimlly. Ruggles fcL; 123 60; with gares. 125 to ZH-AZKiMcCaVui Bldg B-A4UTIFI-X r1,r' ,"'-gr"a"rihr.(lb; and tree; giving aplendl(f annua and uniformly distant from each other aU in now 0t promlaed for future y.Vafi Pa!" Ing taxes paid. No sheds alleva A" dieagrerabU environment? ratlines near MCl.ocf, and churches; five "11 CanC0.m'e,"1' or ""ring Complet" anaihl,ni,r..2!? e"y Wvmenu to r il,i.n ''''V' my residence, toil Bcn,,el1- 1 hone Doug. or Web! BKA tJTIFL'L T-raoni" bungalow, strictly mod.! OOP Inl . ' Or-nd A;V Phje.,.,eV' ;rI t 8PAUlN(J-4-r. cottage. mdeT I . heat; larae lot; 1260 down. Wb. f.:)2 iFOR SALK-2112 BUUTStt I FTA11r, rgaln 5 block from new ""-.Vrt?t.H honie. wr wmrortable CADET TAYLOR, Douglas aVM or im Bl'V from owner, 4 rooma and bath 7jEvans. HUJtRTPhone Web. lt REAL EATR INVESTMENTS V.1 a a TTTT . .... rji o a i.r. -yr rent; 4raiaae building, 11th and beward. J6x, Apply lii4 Oust Ht A "For Kale" ad will turn e.;uud-hanl furniture Into caah. RBAL ESTATE ACREAGE Plan Now For the Future Buy An Acre Xear tho crowing city of You will never le able to nnni. 4.,, 4k..., myuvj oiki yiu liiiun, imui IVI nil! CMUllU l VU "III IWIM' locality Inter on. Itenson Garden Acres the host located norps close to Omaha, which addition is located on a paved road, close to enr ?md school, that can be bought on tlie emy payment plan of $10 Down $10 a Month You caji have a garden. Your own vegetables and fruit. You will have plenty of room to raise 50t to 1,100 chick ens; sell eggs and chickens for the market. You could liavp a cow and hae plenty of milk and your own fresh butter. You would certainly reduce the high cost of living. Don't put it off make your start now, the way many others are doing. Call us by phone, or call at our office and we will take you out to see Benson Gardens any time. Salesmen on the ground every forenoon and Sunday at cur liranch Office on the ground. Get literature telling about .Uenson Gardens. Hastings & Heyden 16li HARNEY STREKT Watch tho new town of West. Benson grow; located in the center of Reason Gardens. Grading will start this week. REAL ESTATE ROUTH SIDE Field Club District Bungalow Beautiful Ideal 4-room strictly modern bungalow. constating of living room (across entire front), dining room, with panel strips and Plata rail, built-in buffet, built-in book rases, nak finish In theae rooma; oak floora throughout entire house; large kitchen, roomy pantry and refrigerator room: three large bedroom) and bath with tiled walla on second floor. Klegant bathroom fixtures, guaranteed Fox furn ace; house built by day labor; full ce mented basement; nice large lot, 141 feet deep. Good neighborhood, 1 block east of Field club, on paved street. Owner would consider vacant lot as first pay ment or sell on reasonable terms. For further information see Scott & Hill Co. Douglaa 1000. SU7 McCague Bldg. 35th Avenue, Near Woolworth Fine 7-room residence on east front lot, 57x124; large living room with fireplace; and public and parochial schools. Price, ampie pantry ana ciosei space; 4 bed rooms, tiled bath, hardwood finish, oak floora. Thia property Is In the very tieart of the cholon Flold club district. There la no other like It at so low a price, fi.760. Owner has been transferred by railroad company and haa made this price to In sure tmniedlate sale. Terms If desired. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tvler 15M fltnte Bank Bids;. CLOSING up an estate, sell at saarlfice vacant lot. also l-room cottage on Polk Kt., 8i. Omaha; good aurroundings and location. Address T 444, Baa. ENTHUSIASTICOYER CANNING Boyi and Oirli Workin Harder Since the Visit of Uncle Sam'i Garden Expert. MANY MAKING GOOD MONEY The boys and girls entered In th garden clubs, are very enthuslaatio now on th subject of canning their produce, slnoe the government export wa hers a UtKe over a week ago, to give sclcntlflo leo ture on canning. Katherlne Krisa, aged 12 years, sl9 itouth Twenty-third street of th Vinton school, has already canned eleven quarts of beets and three quarts of brans. The harvesting of this amount from her garden has made scarcely no perceptabls inroads on her crop, al though she haa a patch covering a paoe only ten by ten feet. The amount of produce raised by the children on small patches Is almost be yond belief. Russel Burton, agsd 14, of the Central school, haa a small garden at his horns, 3)24 Harney street. H has scarcely four square rods, or a patch as large as a good alsed parlor. From this Insiglnlflcant strip of ground hs hag sold thus far 1:4 worth of produce, Hs has made It all on beans, beets and radishes, while ha still has tils other vegetables to sell. Camples of eapeclaJy fine produce, rald by th girls and boys of the clubs, will be exhibited at the Young Men's Chris tian association rooms whenever sent In. Soma persons have acquired th Idea that the canning recipes left In Omaha by the government expert are for sale. On the contrary, they are free to all who apply for them to E. E. Dal, at th Young Men's Christian association. King of M, P. to Help Clear the Ford Site Industrial Commissioner King of the Missouri Paclflo Is In the city from i"t. Louis, accompanied by J. R. Lelghty, engineer of maintenance of way, and ! Assistant General Freight Agent Alex ander of Kansas City and J. F. Russ, superintendent if th Nebraska division of the road. The visit of Mr. King and other Mis souri Paclflo officials at this lime Is for tho purpose of closing the last of the deals, looking to the establishing of th Ford automobile assembling leant here, They cams to make survey for som of th siding that will hav to be extended to the plant and to arrange to have the buildings cleared from the sits. The ground to be occupied by th Ford plant will Include all of the block be tween Isard and Cuming and between Fifteenth and Ktxteenth at reels. At the present time ther are a number of (mail buildings upon this ground. RKAL ESTATE ACREAGE Omnba. buv Aoroa near ihnaha for less! Vi iAV l i t m . ivu .iiu uuv wivs liuw 'V H'l V.IIV twin 111 UH NllIR' REAL ESTATE WK8T SIDE Cathedral District Home For Sale A very desirable. 7-room house, with smith and east fronts, comer lot; abun dance of shade and shrubbery: one block from street car: within easy walking dis tance of churches nf four denominations and publln and parochial schools Price. 14.500. Owner leaving city and will sell at a sacrifice. J. H. Dumont & Co. 410-11 State Bank Bldg. Phone Douglaa 4M. C ATI IK DUAL DlsTlUtT New, modern, I rooms and sleeping fwierth! Aak fliwirk1 mvtA HI eeH rlml-b. Ihraurhntll' hlllll.ln K,,rf kiw.V..u plumbing, furnaos and hardware very neat; soutn ironi; cioee-m; nest buy in Omaha. Tel. Owner, Douglas 1M. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS SNAP Ws have the greatest snap In house to be found In Omaha. street. Close to street oar. Fine borhood. Inquire for price. 4-room Paved neigh- BENSON & CARMICIIAEL, Pouglas V2I. 441 Paxton Block. FOR BALE 6 acra town property, J room house, large barn, lots of fruit For information write Mr. Annie Wet rich, Dexter, la. Apartment, flat, bouse and cottage can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Boa '"For IUnt" Grading is Nearly Completed for the Sunday Tabernaole The grading for th sit of th "Billy" Sunday tabernacle at Fourteenth and Capitol avenue Is nearly finished. Th large knoll at the north aid of th space Is nearly leveled. Th billboards have been removed and lumber will be on hsnd ready for th carpenter aarly next week. Rafferty Pleased With Fontenelle William B. Rafferty of Syracuse. N V.. president of the Interstate Hotel company, lessee and operator of th Fontenelle, Is In the city for a few days with Mrs. Rafferty en routs from the Pacific roast, where they saw the ex position. Mr. Rafferty will attend the horse race while here. "It la a pleasure to hear people whom I meet comment on the excellence of the Fontenelle." he aald. "Though they don't know I am lute rested In It. I am often treated to a description of Its excellence. And wherever I go I don't find any to beat It. Why. It's Just as cool In here even on the hottest day. Business la very good and I am glad to find everything going satlsfsotorlly." Burglars Flee and Leave Loot Behind Awakened by the sound of roe, lets In the houae, Mr. Louis Oreen, 1S31 North Tweiity-flrat street, ran to call her hus band In an adjoining room ond In so doing came face to face with two bur ler who were bent on ransacking the house. Cpon being confronted by Mr. Oreen, the burglar fled precipitously without stopping to rarry off their loot with Iheni. DEATH OF OSTERGARD LAD IS CALLED ACCIDENTAL The verdict in the coroner s Inquest held over the death of Ilelnrlrh Dreeson. who died July so as a result of burns re- I reived In a fir of mysterious origin In hi pool hall at Fifteenth and Howard .July ?7, is that Dreeson rsm to his ; death a a direct teault of burn received In th, the. origin of which la un known. Tlis in'.iie.t over the death of Arthur Ostergard decided that It waa purely ac cidental and that Robert Wendt. who has been held In connection with It, is blame less, and a recommendation U mad that he be released. NEW YORK jTOCK MARKET Demand for Important SpecUHiei Showa No Signs of Abatement Durinf Day. PUBLIC BUYING STIMULATED NF.W YORK. Aug. I.-The demand for th popular specialties nhnwH e of abatement todar and there was . ether advan" nf good proportions. Puhll- I buying, which red given ldfm ef tall- jing erf. nrparentlv was stimulated iwt by yesterday's upturn and a large, amount of order accumulated over night. Trad ing waa brisk throughout and total sales were . share. The InttaM.lty of the war stocks at thrlr cm-rent high lerel wa demon strated again hv occasional periods of reai-thin. but the general course waa up ward. After the first nieh of bnylna; was w the severest rlape came, can celling most of the early rise, but In the afternoon this movement received fresh Impetus. Weakness of a few specialties and railroad shares In the last hour pre vented the market from making an even display of strength at tho rloaa. but the late relapse was not extensive enough to cut deeply Into the sains of most stocks. Bethlehem Steel maintained Its reputation aa the moat aneitacular of the war sharea. It pnsse.l the 'M mark early In the day and reached ln7 an advanc af IT points. Later It relapsed to n The urgent demand for t'ntted States Steel continued snd the action of tnia tck save tone to the whole market. Railroad stock played little part In the forenoon rise, but on the recovery which fol'owci the early relapao they were bought heavily at advancing price. The tat selling was directed largely at the railroad, which fell hack generally. War newa played little part In the deal ing, although the fall of Waraew- was mentioned aa an Influence In bringing about the late reaction. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value. IS.tSO.OOO. United States 4s declined i on call. Nerntwr r satae sn4 Iea4tag eMatta e stnrks were foienr.: b)m. Hie. Lc"- CIom alerts OoM T . "H America iwt gutar.... (.TWO M IH "' IimIi f an ." ' " AnMrto.a .. . 1H . 7H . AilMrlnea S. R-, M. Amwieea "iar Ref la.. tail 14 li ie 111 in l"4l, 1M AsMrtrea T.I. m T.I..... Amerleaa Teaeee Anaeneaa Mlnalg Atnhlte Deli.aiwe a Ohio Bpwatra SwlS Trsaslt. (auroral l-.trol.esi ... Can4laa raelMe Oniral LMther Oisniln Oh I. Chtcaan. Ofl Wr. Oil.. Mil. St. rl 817 Tt' , T . IF ii . M , i.ine nt , 4.79 1T' , .a 141H 1I1 114 Snv 144 1UH , J4.W 41 t 41 uv iiVj ituj 4.40 4Vt 41 il 1U ..,:!9? 4 ) sH 4AA 4 I e in 1 i i.r v I7. 1I.m yr'i . fT LM 174S, V1 171 t oot It 11 "i 1U4 l.n lVt 41 4t t,T mi 1H 74 .KM 34 ll'i 11." HI V" 1"'V lev) 14H S'4 1.4M 14414 141 14', 110 tone n, T T t.4nn MH ' 1 7 V 7hm 4.IM III H tt . lTW j,l t H UH m iu 1444 14. l.7nd oi H " no U 1,?l IM 1M . 10 I.HW lot 1J Ill's n m 14 4 ,tu ins, 11 isiv, in lan ten 1 .1 41 tt't Ht M.lnt 1"H 14" "4 ! 14, 1W) U US 44 a1 kinase a noruiweeiera. ever Olnesae Feel S Iran... leraiam.... IXnnr A Rio Orsnn. .. Innnr A R. O.. M ... Mlllenr' aerarltlw ... Rrle rret K.rlkw. H4 Dreat Nortbern Ore rtf. Otis.aklai Kialeratim. Illlnnl. Central Inl.rbamnili MM., pM- lnDlrMnn OoPW , International H.crerter , Knnnn itr. Houlh.ra.. Ihlsh Vall.r txmirrlll. X.ahvtll... Mninn rtraliia Miami Co.pT Mo. Kan. Tex Mlwurl r"l'lf . N.llon.l Blwult N.llnnal Ual Navan. Oipeer T.rk c.nlrl N. T., N. H. 4 H Norfolk A Wetex Nonhtrn Pacific Faellle Mall p.nn.rlTnla I .tltiu. P.I.O. Oir J Jar Oenselldste Cp.r natniMIe Iron t Steal.. Hock l.lsna f. Hock I.I.B4 fa, pfd.. RL U 4 H. F.. 14 B4.. So.ith.rn ricltw I.W Katlear 4.J" TnnfM Cto l1'i5 - f.M. i . .......... 4ne 17', 44 4 ItV, 14. 41 m 14 l: ITS 14 41S IMS nivt t nloa 17.M 11 tinlon Pselfle. r4 - l'nlt.4 llt.tMl tel.......l.snj t'nlt4 t.i Stl. d- I.J t'tah Ooppsr . s."" W.bash. pi ri Vmmpi talna II 11V4 TV, ni'4 in i 4i, ii 1)34 It las 1WH 71H 114 W'4Mlnsh.iiM Bleetrle.... rraelM. Hte.1 Aill.-7h.lni.r. is..'i 111', 77-, 14 S 17 Total fer the ear. 414,00 shares. 5 York Maf Market. NKW YORK, Aug. ..-MERCANTILE PA PER I'aflSi Pr rent. oTKIXUNa fcxCHANOE-8lxty-day bills. 14.71: demand, I4.7MO; cables. 14.. f,. HlLVER Bar, 47c; Mexican dollars. BOND Oovrnmnt. easy; railroad. 'rT iMf b'lOANS Firm sixty days, 1UJ m per cnt ninety days, tit fT cent, six months, lyttH Pr etnt. CALL MON EY Htesdy i highest, t per cent; lowest, ltt per cent; ruling rate. I per cent; last loan, 1 per cent; cloe Ing bid, 1 per cent; offered at I Pr cent. ' London ltok Market. LONDON. Aug. S American securities on the slock market were. firm, especially United States Bteel. Th closing was steady. B1LVER Br. J2H4 per mines. MONEY 3Wl per oent. DISCOUNT RATlCH-ohort bills. 6 per cent, and three month. txr cent. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Aug. .-COFKEB-Th market for coffee future opened at a decline of I to I point under som scat tered selling, part of which was thought likely to he against lower cost and freight offerings, but trade In this were buyers, and prices rallied during the day with the cloae steady net unchanged to 8 point higher. Hale, MoO bag. Au gust and Kepteinber. 4.51c: October, No vember and December, 4.49c; January. 4.Mc; Fehruary. 4.6c ; March. 4.43c; April. 4.47c; May. 4.71c; June. 4.77c; July, 4.43c. Hpot. qi let: Rio 7a. le; Santos 4s, Hc. Cost and freight offers war reported around KViUitPie for Bantoa 4s. according to credits and description, while Quota tions for Rio "s ranged around i!.r4i'7.tAc. Mllietn prices in Braxll were unchanged with lUo exchange on London "d lower. (nlta Market. ! NEW YOrtK. Aug. S.-0?TTON-Hpot. l.lendy: mltl ill'ig ui'lunda, 9.4lo. Hales, !lV bales Cotton futures o;ened Steady: October. '(46c; le, emlier. 9.6x ; Jauuary, .Slc; ; Alsrrh, 1m ''7c. Cotton futures closed barely steady: October, .4Ic; Kecember, 7ic; January, 1 ."; March, 10.04c: May, lO.Mc. The cotton market closed barely steady at a net sain of only I to 5 nolnts. LIVERPOOL. Aug. . COTION-Bpot. firm; good middling &7Hd; middling, .4ixl. low mldJIIng. SCr.'d. Hales. 14.000 bales: for speculation and export. I.jOO bales. Oil Reala. HAVANNAil. Ha.. Am, V-TCRPEN-TINK Firm. ;'Miiks: xulea. 7in hills.; re ceipt,., h bids.; shipments, 2 bbln. ; mocks 5 bills "hOSIS EIi iu; K.-ilei.. l.i'M bbls.; receipt, ' bbls ; shlt.mentr, 711 bht. : stock. 1 2AT) bbls. OuolnMon: X, R. C. D. U.Wf?'t: E. $J.tttl!..iS: F. t'.lfi; O. ttr H. I. riMil.W; K. :t 4( HU.4V M, 4I.04; N. I4.!lr; WO, I.'-. Hi; WW. 5.n. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 5 -The Metal ex change quotes lead at 6043 AO. Hpelter not quoted. Copper, quiet; electrolytic. 11 (.2641 11. 60. Iron Ueauy and unchanced. Tin. east. t.i4.iu(rad.0J. At London: Spot copper, 4:74 ra 4l; tut urea. f.7 Is d elertrolyttu. til Kh. Hpot tin, VA 6s: fu tures. litt l.s. Antimony, KV. Lead. lis Id. Hpelter, 4.S.'.. ( liw.l,. Mar Market. PHAIRIE WAY Choice unland "S ffiti 14 00, No. 1 I11.00ttll.ft0: No. 1. 0 00: No I IvOtrTioo-. choice midland, I'lOOil. 13 W; No. 1. Ill nO4t13.00: No. i, tlO.OOtTllOu: No 1, II.OOO'IOOD: che lowland. I'l.oMr 1100; No. 1. Uo.iiOfni.OO; No. t, 4S.Ot(.00; No. I. 4l.6ot.OO. tar Market. NKW YOKK, Aue. 5 fCUAR Raw. dull; rentrtfuual, 4 4o: molasses, Refined, quiet, finger futures, ateadtor erirly on scattered covering and local buying. At noon price wem 1 to 4 points higher. Kveworated Apple nl Drted Frwlts NF W TORK. Aug. 5. EVAPORATED APPLFH fteadv DRIJCH FKCIT8 Pruttea. steady; apri cots, firm; peaches, quiet; raisins, steady. I