TIIK BEE: OMAHA, FKIPAY, AUGUST 6, 1915. LIU 1 X- Bringing Up Father a CepyrlgM. WS, International Neni Service. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus HICK - HE JOtT CAM 5. FROM TH rVN PrWICICQ FAIR I 1 SORRf MEO MOO OP THE.RE 1 3 DDfOO fsru 1 THE. USHC, rOOCLS m eATwt; sorts "HE INDOVTfVlM. I COMT TO 1 .-Sa-M I II n I - til I I tklKiT-iu . 1 II DC. 1 MrHP I -zS . TI T! Cj ' AUttt ,ET TO tEE i tVlLRXTWif 4 ANlOlDM-T TOO' SteSTCLUA" the ftEAOTtnju OMAHA SLIPS BACK. INTO SIXTH PLACE Dei Moines Wins, Making it a Clean Sweep of Scries, and Sioux Cop Two Games. EREOES RESPONSIBLE TOR LOSS Being rather intent upon tho course of his brave crew toward the well known Western loop pennant and having no regard for the feelings of our Roiirkes. Mr. Isbell of Des Moines not only mode it a clean sweep of the series by copping the corrtbat yesterday afternoon, but he also gave Marty King's warriors a gen tie shove into sixth place. The game . ended 6 to 4. Three straight took the Dee Moines . . . i ... gang. But saaaesr. oi an our wjro rn , notch in the percentage column. For . Bloux City captured two games and j passed us quite briskly. Tom Blodgett was the unfortunate I twirler who lost the game. It wasn't en tirely Toms fault. His mates behind him made five errors and each and every error had its part in contributing" runs to the opposition. In fact five or mo six runs made by the Boosters are directly traceable to the mlacues. Rally Falls Short. Omaha made a desperate rally In the eighth and slipped four runs over on Mr. Lefty Thomas, who was tolling for tho hostile bunch. Krug opened with a doublo and Hippo McChesney scored him with a single. Schllebner walked and Blanck beat out an Infield hit, choking th run way with live stock. Hippo counted on Wells' Infield out and Smith's ripping single to center marked Schliebner and IBlanck. But four runs couldn't win the game and Thomas pitched In keen form in the ninth, thus cutting off any chance our side had for victory. Today will be Booster day, with the Denver GriMlles as the attraction. The game will be called at 8:30. At 6.30 the wrestling exhibition by tho Btechor brothers will be staged. Score: DES MOINES. AB. R. II. 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 2 0 Cochran; fcVore. second game: SIOUX CITY AB. R. Coonoy, lib 6 0 Kichards, rf 1 KJallaban, ss 4 0 Lejcune, cf 4 0 Kane, lb 6 0 Hensling. 3t 4 0 Davlrixon, If & 0 Donnelly, c 4 1 .... 4 1 Grover, Callahan. Time: c... Unspnr, Totals Bostick, Corhran, 3I..., Fisher, lb Tydeman. if.. Brown. If l.nttlniore, 2b. Jnckson, cf... Aloni-oe.. c Hall, p O. S 0 1 3 13 il 1 11 1 A. 8 0 4 3 0 0 1 3 6 42 3 TOPEKA. AB. R. H 6 5 4 S 4 3 13 3 17 4 H. 0 0 2 2 3 1 0 1 0 O. 12 7 1 A. 3 2 .1 . 1 0 S 0 3 GIANTS CAPTURE TWO FR0H REDS New York Opens Series at Cincinnati by Taking Both Ends of Dual Bill. STROUD HURLS FIRST ONE CINCINNATI, Aug. B.-New Tork opened the Series here today by taking 0 both pnmos of a double-header from Cln- ii Totals 40 2 34 19 0 n. out whi :i winning rim scoreil. Flnux City 1010100000(1 0-3 Topel a ....0 lOOOOloOOO (--2 Two-base hits: Cooney, I.aUtinore, I -us. log, Lcjpuno. Sacrifice hits: Urowit, 1 itl more, Gnspar. Struck out: By Cnl I linn, 1. Double plays: Oaspar to Cal luliau to Kane. IrfJpune to lKjiineliy. Kasos on balls: Off Gaspnr, 4; oft Hall, 2. Struck out: By Gaspnr, 11: by Hall, 5. Wild pitch: Hall. Hit by pitched ball: Hensllng and Iejeune by Hall. Time: 2:17. Umpire: Segrist. PITCHING BATTLE GOES TO WHALES g cinnati, the first, 5 to 2, and the second, i to 1. In the openrr Stroud was mas ter of the situellon all the way anil, al though the locals lall'ed In tho ninth, New York's load proved too great. Bon- ton was hit opportunely and forced to retire. Lear, who relieved him. held New lnrk scoreless for the remainder. In tho svond game New York won In th fturtli when Doyle and Fletcher sin- uli'd, Merkle sacrificed and l.obert brought In 1 oth brine runners with a double. Scor", first game: NEW TORK. CINCINNATI. AH H i! A F. AH II O A K Hiirni, ir o Robertson, rf. 3 rnKiniM, rf.l IVlvl, Jb t ! ritrher. M..4 Mcrkle. rt....i Lobert. 8b... om, lb 4 yen. o 4 Btroud. p 4 Standing of Teams Des Moines Denver IJncoln .... Topeka Omaha Sioux City Wichita .... EL Joseph WESTERN LKAOUE. Played. Won. I-ost. ..Ml ... ! ... 07 ...13 ...K1 ... 1 ... M ... 87 60 6 M 4 47 41 27 38 47 f.3 M M f7 ret. .6J4 ,13 Mi .4 .471 .4H0 .418 .il Brooklyn Loses Opener with Chicago in Game in Which McConnell Is Victor. Hunter, cf... Bills, If Hahn, rf Jones, lb Hartford, ss. Sawyer, 2b... Kwoldt. 3b... Graham, o..., Thomas, p... Totals... .35 Smith, cf Breen, - 3b tKorsythe, rf.... King. 3b Krueger, c...... McChesney, If.. Schllebner, lb.. Blanck, sa Blodgett, P Wells Everdon, p OMAHA. AB. R. ..5 0 H. 2 2 , 0 0 0 Totals S3 4 10 Batted for Blodgett In eighth, Des Moines O. A. B 2 0 0 S01 2 0 0 14 0 0 3 2 2 16 0 12 0 10 0 0 S 0 27 13 "i O. A. E 4 0 0 2 3 1 10 1 2 2 0 5 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 W 1 THREE TO ONE IS THE SCORE BROOKLYN. Aug. 5. The Brooklyn i club returned home from Its western trip today and was defeated, 3 to 1, by Chicago In a pitchers' battle In which McConnell had the better of Bluejacket and Upha-n. The visitors bunched four hits for a run In the fourth, poor base running depriv ing them of another. Two hits and an out gave them their second and an error by Holt was, responsible for the final tally. In the ninth two fumbles by J. Smith and a hit scored Brooklyn's only run. Score: R.H.K. Chicago 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 13 11 2 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 6 3 Batteries'. McConnell and Fischer; Bluejacket, Upliam and Simons. Johnson Whips Terriers. BALTIMORB, Aug. 6. Rankin Johnson Total! Oroh. 3I 4 Herrnn, Wsirtifr. 2b. . .4 l Kllllfrr. rf .4 ( Hirlfflth rf..S Winno, r 4 (Wliiiama, If. 4 ( Mnllwtti. lb. 8 (i Benton. P....1 Iar. p 1 liodcara ....I ..ttlin It O'Von Kolnlll 1 Clark 1 14 0 11 0 0 0 0 1 0 S 0 0 0 ,M 17 It 1 Totals .. Batted for Benton in fifth. Batted lor Mollwltz in ninth. Batted for Lear In ninth. New York 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0-5 Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 12 Two-base hits: Wlngo, Rixlser. Snod grass, Williams. Three-base hit: Meyers. Stolen bases: Merkle, Wlngo. Il.is-ti on balls: Off Benton, 1. lilts: Off Benton, 7 In five Innings: off I.ar, 4 In four In nings. Struck out: By Stroud, 2; by Benton, 1: by T.ear, 2. Umpires: Qulgley and Kmsllo. Score, second game: NEW YORK. CINCINNATI. AB.H.O.A E AB.H.O.A.E. Burns. If 4 snodsraaa, rf.l Doyl. 2b 4 Kleachar, an.. 4 Marklx rf. 1 bUobart, 3b.. I Uralnard. lb. 8 looin. o t ttrhauar. p. ..I Marquard, p. I I'Ornh. 3b. c Hxrios. .. Wanner, 8b. Kllltrer, cf., idrlifith, rf. Totals 0 1 u Wil.lama, If 3 1 (Mnllwltl. lb. 8 0 Mi Kmery, lb J Z Toncv p 0 VonKolnlta .1 .84 4 37 11 . Ixach 1 i I 1 o t 0 2 ( 0 1 1 VI 0 0 0 e 0 I) NAT. LKAGUB. I AM ER. LEAGUE.. W.L.I'ctl W.L.Bct. Phila Rl 42 .64!t Boston E9 84 .834 Chicago ....4s 45 .61S Chicago ....M 38 .taH Brooklyn ...60 47 .Blbl l.Mtrit .... 3 .Uli Boston 60 47 .5lf. Wash'n 61 4 AM New York. .48 4 .6111 New York. . 47 47 .WW Pittsburgh .48 48 .50u Cleveland ..37 67 .S."4 8t. Louis. ..47 63 ,4itBt. Louis.... H8 69 .S3 Cincinnati ..41 65 .427 I'hlla. 33 4 .340 AMEH. ASS N. FED. LEAGUE. . wi.Prt.l W.UPct. St. Faul 64 41 .6101 Kan. City.. .67 40 Ml Minneap's ..66 4 .63Chicago 43 .V lndmnap s .64 48 .52f rtttsourgh ..63 43 .6J3 Kan. City. ..64 49 .iit Newark ....3 44 .643 I.oulsvine ..60 60 .6l St. Louis.. ..62 66 .4S1 Cleveland ..46 63 .4,fi Brooklyn ...46 67 .44V Milwaukee .46 61 .441. Buffalo 46 67 .441. Columbus .i40 63 .m Baltimore ..84 86 .343 Yesterday's Results. WESTERN IJSAGUR Des Moines, : Omaha, 4. Topeka. 4-a: Sioux City, 10-8. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Philadelphia. 0: Pittsburgh, 1. New York, 6-2; Cincinnati, 2-L Boston, 3; Chicago, 4. Brooklyn, 2: St. Louis, 8. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Chicago-Washington, wet grounds. Detroit, 11-; Plillaiieipnia, o-. St. Louts, 1-0; New Vork, 8-2. Cieveland-Boston. rain. FEDERAL LEAGUE. St. Louis, 1; Baltimore, 0. Chicago, 3; Brooklyn. 1. Pittsburgh-Buffalo, wet ground. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Minneapolis, 7; Louisville. 6. St. Paul, 6-8; Columbus, 3-7. Games Today. Western League Topeka at Bloux City, wi,.hn. i ki ..naAiih Denver ut Omaha. National League-Philadelphia at Pitts burgh, New York at Cincinnati, Boston at Chicago, Brooklyn at 8L Louis. American League Chicago at AVashlng ton, Detroit at Philadelphia, St. Louis at New Y'ork, Cleveland at Boston. Federal Lcague-8t. Iouls at Baltimore. Chicago at Brooklyn, Plttsvurgh at Buf falo, Kansas City at Newark. BROWNIES BEATEN TWICEJY YANKS New Tork Cops Double-Header from St. Louis on the Home ; Grounds. ! - SECOND ONE IS SHUTOUT NEW YORK. Aug. 6.-New York took two games from St. Louts today, win ning, 8 to 1, and 2 to 0. In the first game Caldwell was effective in the pinches, while New York bunched hits on Well man to win. Mslol (2 Austin (2). Walker. Double; t Innings. Struck out: By Poland, l oy Mays: Pecklnpaugh to Boons to Plpn; ; Boehler, 4: by Bheehan, 1. Umpires: 1-evan to Staler; Slsler to Ijtvan to Bis-1 Chill and Evans. ler. liases on balls: Off Fisher. 4: or Ioudcrmllk. 1. Struck dut: By Fisher, 6: by Ioudermllk, . Umpires: O'Lough llit and Hlldebrand. .1H ltble Bill. FHILADBLPIItA. Aug. . -Hard hit ting marked both games here today. De troit winning the first, 11 to 6, and Phil adelphia the second, to I. Both Bteen ana uressier. wno started tne nrst game. . ... 1 ibe n. were knocked off the rubber, while De- 11 . , " I ,1,, " trolt mixed hits with passes by Davis tlonal lawn tennis title) from the latter at and plied up runs. Drubs, who sue- Newport last year will take place tomor- ceede.1 Hteen, was effective. In the sec- Ti,-ood courts. to chaiienff NORRIS WILLIAMS WILL MEET M'LOUGHLIN TODAY BOSTON. Aug. S.-Tho first clash be tween R. Morris Williams 2d of this elty aild Maurtcs E. McLoughlln of Pan Fran- Photton. If... 4 Auatln, lb....t Staler, lb 4 I Pratt, lb 4 , Walker, rf...4 iWalah. ef.,,.4 Iavan. ss....4 A(new, o I Wellman. p.. I Totala ....81 St. Iiuts... New York. Two-base Yirans, tb Nianas. o Steaa, p.,. Uasas p .. Vllt, tb 8 Diiah. at 4 OM. rt...,.t f . . . The second gams was a pltohers' duel avaeh, if'.. ...8 between Flahee and Tudermllk. the Rurna. 1B....I visitors' pitcher weakening . In the eighth when the Yankees scored ' two runs on singles by Boone and weeney, Fisher's Infield out and High's single. Fisher allowed only, two hits, but . fit. Louis had a runner on third In each of the first four Innings. - In the last five innings not a man reached first bass. Score, first game: T. LOtTIS. KEW TfiK. AB.H.O.A R AR I1. O A R. Oltlsh. It 4 U 8 0 0 ond game Detroit's thres twlrlers were i Ineffective. Cobb got two hits after fall ing to hit safely In his flratn Ine times at hat and Hheehan once caught htm napping off first base. Score, first game; J . I'KTROIT. I ri(lLADRTHIA. All II O A K AB.H.O.A. 89. 4 lllealar. 8h.,.l 0 I I 4 1 OHtrunk, rf.:..8 1110 k t (Olarlns. If... 1 I ( 0 CH-liaa. f..J 18 ' 1 I.aole. 1 3 I O 0 OMclnala, lb, .1 III I ft dlop. I I 0 1 t (iMrAiroy. 0 0 1 (Kopf. M......I 114 1 tiUnaalar. P...1 t 0 I . IMvla b 1 lata Tdtals ,... 1 tl 14 lnakaton ...0 0 0 1 1 t 4 1 Totala i. ..IT U 17 II 4 Batted for Bressler In third. . . DetWilt ............ 0 3 0 8 0 0 4 0 ll PhllttdrtVhla 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1-6 Two-base Mis: Vltt, Stanage. Three- bsss hit: Srtuk. Home run: Burns. Stolen bases i Stanage, Dauss. Double f lays! Vltt to Young to BurnM,- Young o Bums. Bases on balls:' Off Dauss, ivkin.. ni i I i ill sff Bresslor. 4: off Davis. . Hits: Off Maiael, lb..4 1 1 I Steen, 4 in ohe-thlrd Inning: off Dauss, rripo. lb 4 111 1 t in eight and two-third innings; off tCrmk. rf....'..4 Itl 4 i Bressler, 5 In three Innings: off Davis, ! I i . i!6 In six innings, mi ny pitcnen nan: iiy a v 4 II 1 I I Williams won ths right McLoughlln, the present holder of tha Longwood bowl,' In a brief match with N. W. Nlles of this city this afternoon, Nlles won only two games In thro sets, -L 8-0, 6-1. ... GRAND CIRCUIT RACES . ARE STOPPED BY RAIH KALAMAZOO. Aug. B.-A' hsavf shower at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon mads It necessary to postpone th grand circuit harness races until tomorrow. ( Tree, ef liflnone, lb Nunamas. e. C Caldwell, p.. I 10 4 1 I 84 10, I ' Totala ...M I IT 11 1 0 1 a A A n n a a i 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 -3 - hit: Walsh. Double plays: entity ef I Keaoh.' If. llama, lb.. Veuns. lb.. .Dakar. ... HOlHSd, p. Runs Hits ... .. Hits ... ...2 0 0 ...2 0 1 ...0 0 0 ...1 0 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 I 2 1 0 0-9 0- 4 0-10 Two-base hits: Bills, Krug. Krueger. Stolen base: Smith. Sacrifice hits: Bill Ewoldt, Hahn. Left on bases: Djs Motnea, 6; Omaha. 10. Hits: Off Blod- fielt, 9 In eight Innings; off Everdon, none n one Inning. Struck out: By Thomas, 1; bv Blodgett. 6. Bases on balls: Off Thomas, 3 off Blodgett. 1: off Everdon, J. Time: 1:50. Umpire: O'Brien. BIG BOOSTER DAY FOR BIOUX ladlaos Captare Both Games of Doable-Header from Topeka. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Aug. S. Sioux City celebrated Booster's day with a double win over Topeka. 10 to 4 and 8 to 2. The second game went twelve Innings and was a hotly contested game between Caspar and Hall. Score, first game: SIOUX CITY. AB. R. IT. O. A. E. t.ooney, zd. o Totala ....90 I 27 11 0 Batted for McKenery .i e olith. Batted for Urlffth in nlntu. New York 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0-2 Cincinnati 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Two-base hit: Lobert. Karned runs: allowed St. Louis but one hit today, but yvw York, 2. Double plays: Hcnog to It drove in the only tally of the game, Mollwkz, McHenry to Hersog to roi Plank getting the better of a 1 to 0 vie- to Mollwltz, Fletcher to Doyle to Brain- tory. Plank had nine strikeouts to his ard, Maruuard to Dooln to Flotnln-r. credit and was eltecuve in uie pincnes. nHMe, un uails: Off Sclmuer. 1; off Mo Score: R.H.E. Bt. Louis 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 1 0 Baltimore ....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 6 1 Batteries: Plank and Chapman; John son and OwsniL GROCERS WILLING TO CLOSE TO BOOST FOR BALL GAME Secretary Cameron of. the Retail Grocers' association made a trip among tha retail grocers of the city to ascer tain whether or not they will close their places this afternoon in order that their clerks may go out and boost at the ball game. He found more than 100 firms willing to dose during tha after noon. In these places most of the clerks will attend the game. , uii .ti ; - Kenery, 1. Hits: Off Schauer, 2 In three and two-thirds innings; off Muniunrd, 3 In five and one-third innings: off Mc Henery, 4 in eight innings; off Toney, none In one inning. Hit by pitched bail: By McKenery (Snodgrassi, hv Schauer (KUlifcr.) Struck out: By K.hauer, 4; by Marquard, 8; by McKenery, 3; by Toney, 1. Umpires: Qulgley and Emelle. Pirates Blank Phils. PITTSBURGH. Aug. 6. Adams Shut out Philadelphia here today. Pittsburgh winning. 1 to 0. The winning run was . scored in the ninth Inning when, with the ; bases full, Kllllfer threw wild to third snd Hlnchman scored. Alexander pitched i for the visitors, allowing five hits, one i less than Adams gave. Score: I PH1LADEI.PH1A. PITTBBPROH. AB.HO.AK .AB.H.O.A. H. nlng a hit batsman, a wild pitch, Myers error and singles by Miller and Long ...... q Tnia thrA runs. Smith was replaced' by Dell. Brooklyn twice filled fit. I tlm bases In Its half of the third by vlr- Njw tue of four successive singles, out iooi av chance to score when Cutshaw was caught napping oft first. Sallee struck out Smith and then forced Myers to ground to Butler. Score: . BROOKLYN. BT. LOUIB. AB.H.O.A I AB.H.O.A.B. f . 4 ft I A iBeschsr If.. I 0 I 0 I III, Muaiina, zn.a v v e v 1 JO 0 .Miller, lb... .4 live Dolan. CI....I 1 I a 9 gnrder, e I 16 4 4 In. rt......l till Butler. a....l 1 1 tlietiel, lb.. ..I 0 111 Bailee, p I III! Walker to Aanew: Caldwell-to Boone to Crawford, rf.l Plpp. Bases on balls: Off Caldwell. 2: . Vtarh. If 4 off Wellman, 8. Struck out: By Cald well, 4; by Wellman, , Umpires: O'Loughlln and Hlldebrand. Score, second game: BT. LOtMS. NEW YORK. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.B Howard. rf...4 10 0 (IHIsh. If 4 14 6 1 Auatln. lb. ...I 0 OPrrklnp., aa.,4 0 0 1 1 Shotton. If. ..I 1 I OMiileel. lb. ...I 110 0 HUl.r, lb 4 Oil 1 epipn. lb .....1 til M Pratt, lb I 11 rrook rt I 0 I 0 6 Walkar, rf...l 0 10 I Barney, rf...l 0 10 0 Ijevan. ae....l Oil OHoone. lb. ...I 1140 Pevereld. c...l 0 T 0 ftweeney, e...l 14 11 Low4erm., p. I 0 0 1 fyallauinan ....0 0 0 0 4 Nunatnak., e.O 0 10 0 ToUls ....IT 114 11 Or'lsher, p I 0 0 10 O'Mara. aa..4 Dauhert. lb. .1 Wheat, It. 4 ( utahaw. 2b 4 Hlensel. rf...4 lti. lb 4 Mi arty, cf .4 Smith, s 1 Dell, p 1 i Hchulla I ADDleton. 1 1 I 1 1 0 0 ...1 0 p..O 0 Total! a I it u i Brrone, lb. ..4 Bancrof;, a.i..l Irfiderua. lb. .4 Ciarath, rf . l NlehoK, 2b... 4 Whltted, cf..4 Beck-r, If..,. I Kllllfer. C....I Aleiander, p. I (Carey. If....4 I'iuna, cf I Jobnaton, lb. 4 Hlacbmaa, rf.4 t Wasner, ss...l Vlox. 2b I lialrd. lb 1 Be banc, O....I UAdama. P I Peader Oatplays Allen. PENDER, Neb., Aug. 6. (Special Tel ppnm 1 The Pender haie hall te.am H. feaUd ths Allen club today, the third i T,,ul 'u ' ToUI n 3! 10 1 time this season. Although ths vlsKors cne out when wlnnma run scorctl. otitplaed the locals as a whole, the I Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 home team was able to hit In the pinches. , Pittsburgh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ti This is tha sixteenth straight game tha . Three-base hit: Hlnchman. Stolon ! 3b.. If.. Rl hards, rf... Callahan, ss.. Itteuue, cf.... Kane, lb.. Hensling. Davidson, Crosby, c. Wrhlte, p.. Clark, p.. Totals Bostick, ss.... Cochran. 8b... FHher, lb Tydeman. rf.. Brown. If Lattlmore, 2b. Jackson, cf... Kappa, C Orover, p...... Dashner, p.... I.akoff. p lilgglns, p...., 4 4 O. 3 0 0 4 8 3 0 10 0 0 88 TOPEKA. AB. 6 8 4 4 4 10 14 17 10 H. 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 O. 1 1 6 0 0 4 1 I 1 0 0 0 A. a i o o o . 8 0 2 0 0 0 Totals . S3 8 24 t 2 sioux cur .o l t t i i i i -io Topeka 0,0 0400000-4 Two-base hits: Hensling. Tydeman. u, LeJoune, Clark. Stolen bases: t-allahan. Brown, Cooney. Double plays: Lfjeune to White, boat Irk to LatUmore to FUher. Hits: Off White. ( In three Innings (none out In third; ; off Orover 8 In six and one-third Innings; off Dash ner, 1 In paxt of Inning; off Lakoff. 6 in part of Inning; off Clai. 2 In six innings. Bases on balls: Off White, 3; off Orover 2; off Lakoff, 1. Struck out: By White, 3; t y Orover. t; Ly liuggins, 1; by Clark, . Wild pitches: Orover, White, passed ball Rapps. lilt by pitched ball: By While, Ponder team has won this season. They will play the Ston Triumphs of Omaha, Sunday. Batteries for today's game: Pender, Wenke and Smith; Allen, Courtney and Trulyby. Hits: Pender, 7; Allen U. Er rors: Pender, 6; Allen. 3. Three-baan hit: Crane. Two-base hits: Racely. Brown (2), Pomcroy, Trulby, Davis. Score: Pender. 4; Allen, 8. Umpires: Racely and Farley. R.H.H. T 10 1 of Amerlrss Asaoclatioa At Louisville Minneapolis , Loulevil'e 8 13 Batteries: Williams, Ylngllng and Sul livan; Hoch and Crossln. At Olumbus First game: R.H.B. Bt. Paul g Columbus 8 11 4 Batteries: Hall and Johnson; Curtlss, O'Toole and Coleman. Second game: R.H.B. St Paul , io Columbus 8 T 4 Batteries: Lakoff and Glenn: Schene- Fitrnat. bants: ki, lifer. Carey. Bases on balls: Off Alexander, 2: off Adams, 1. Struck out: By Alexander, ti; by Adams, S. Um pires: Rigler and Orth. Cabs Trim Braves. CHICAGO, Aug. 8. Bresnahan out guessed Btalllnga today and ChUago nosed Boston out of the first game of tha series, 4 to 8. After Boston tied the count on Tyler's homer in the ninth Mc Larry doubled to left. Archer advanced him to third on a sacrifice. Stalllnss In structed Tyler to pass Phelan in hopes retiring the side on a double play berar and Robertson. Mt'waukee at Cleveland postponed, rain. Kansas City at Indianapolis postponed, cold. " Ivaerae. At Fait Take City Pan Francleco Sa't T ak City Battere: Fanning and G'r and Lynn. At Oakland-Venice Oeklsnd R.HK 8 8 I Til 1 Bepulveda; when Humphries came to bat. Instead. Knlsely was sent to bat for him and again ths Boston manager ordered the Latter passed, filling the bases. Saler went to third and ran for Mr Larry, scor ing the winning run on Murray's single, widen shot past the drawn-in field. Boston played an uphill game all the way. Score: BOSTON. CHICAOO. AB.H.O.A E AB.H.O.A E. Moran, lf-rf .l 0 10' Oood. rf I 0100 riiauai-. an., a t e Murray. rr..l l a a Ean. rf I lie r uber, aa ...4 114 .nnellr. tf .l 0 0 0 i Hrhulte. If. . 8 III laasee, ef ...4 0 1' Eiuuaim., lb. 4 ill SYhm (It lb.. 4 0 4 I 0 V ,.i . mi. rf .4 4 a Multk. lb.. ..4 0 0. 0 l airLarry. lb. 4 110 Marmorll., aa I III Arcber. S....1 041 W hallux, a.. I 14 1 CPhelaa. Ih . t a a a T lor. p 1 1 0 I Vauahn. .. 1 0 0 10 DrU. p 0 0 0 0 Mumphrlea p I 0 0 0 0 Hasan, p. ...I I 0 2 ewer 0 0 0 0 0 boadr. C I 110 uleeler ...0 0 0 0 0 R.H.E. ...4 3 1 111 Totala ....14 1-24 11 I ToUI I 17 11 1 itan ror Mclarey tn ninth. Baited for Humphries in ninth. Boston Chicago 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 000 1-1 m 1-4 Batteries: Fromme and Spencer; Burns v,',cm"" 'LV."" ' i . 7 v 0 w 1-4 and Kuhn. Hm" Two-base hits: Egan. Schulte. McLarry. At I -os Angelea Portland Loe An'elea Batteries: Kahler and Boles. R.H.E. 1 I 0 Ill 1 aad Fisher; Ryaa Mkt Coaah Rellered. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey eases your cough, soothes the lungs and Invites sleep.' Only 25c. AU druggists. Advertisement. Home run: Tyler, bacrtflce hltat: Archer li), Phelan, Moran. Bases on balls: Off Davis. 1; off Ragan. 3: off Vaughn 8: off Tyier, 2. Hits: Off Davis, 1 In one-third Inning; off Kagan, 8 In five and two tlilrda Innings; off Tyler. 2 In three in nings: off Vaughn. T In six and one-third Innings; off Humphries, t In two snd oite-thlrd Innings. Struck out: Bv Hasan, 1: bv Vaughn, 2: by Tyler. 1; by Hum phries, 1. Umpires: By ion and Kaaon. Cards Meal Baprrkas. ST. LOUIS, Aug. (.St. Louis defeated Brooklyn today, 1 to 3. In the third la- Totals ....II 10 14 11 4 , Hutted for Dell In seventh. Brooklyn 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 St., Louis 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 8 Twc-baso hits: Ixng. O'Mara. Double plays: Butler to Miller, Wheat to Dau bert, Butler to Hugglns to Miller. Bases on balls: Off Smith, 1; off Appleton, 1. Hits: Off Smith, 4 In two and two-thirds innings; off Dell, 1 In three ane-thlrd Innings; off Appleton, none In two In ning Hit by pitched ball: By Smith. Bencher. Struck out: By Dell, 2; by Salle, 3. Umpires: Klem ad Cocklll. Dodge Defeats Snyder. TrnOE. Neb.. Aug. 5. (Special Tele gram.) One of the fastest games of ball was played on the Dodge grounds today, when Doda-e defeated Snyder, 1 to 0. One was out when the winning score was made. The pitching by Wright, for Dodae. featured. Qustln pitched a good m for Ktvrlr. Score: Jiodge 0 000000000 11 Snvder 0 000000000 00 l.rt nn bases: Dodge. 4: Snyder. 1 Bases on bals: Off Olefin. 3. Struck out: By Gustin, 1: by Wright, IT. Stolen bases: Totten, Ixmgacre, Haines (4) Time: 1:65. Umpire: .McClellan. Albion He-el ten ly (leess. OflNOA. Neb.. Aug. B.f Special ) Albion was defeated by the Genoa club In a fast game. The 'nature of the game was Bill Nelson's running one-handed ratrh of a line drive In left field. Score Mhlon 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 03 Genoa I 0000011 Batteries: Albion. McKay and Hayes; Genoa, Todenhof and lllard. Street Railways Defeat Firemen. The Street Railway ball team defeated the Firemen yesterday, 8 to 2. Klalen- macher and Baughman were the Street Railway battery. Klelf nmaohcr allowed but two hits, one be'ng a scratch. Quackenbush, Suptln. Synn and Baug'i. man got long drives. Two fast double plsvs by the trolley men were the oth'-r features. form I.ake Wlaa Kaallr. STORM LAKE, la.. Aug. 6. (Special Telegram.) Storm Lake took an easy 11 to 3 battle from the Red Fox today. The only feature was the hitting of the locals. Batteries: Purchner snd Cham pan; Smith and Purnell. Keolt Is Winner. NFWPORT. R. I., Aug. B.-The Rest lute defeated the Vanltle today In te special event for cup defense yachts he'd in connection with the rsce fir the Aator cup by the squadron of the New York Yacht club. neapaadrsef Dae to ladtveallea. "About three months sxo when I was suffering from Indigestion which caused headache and dlssy spells and made me feel tired and despondent, I began taking Ctiamberlaln'e Tablets," writes Mra Geo. Hon, Macedon. N. T. "This medicine proved to he the very thing I needed, as one day's treatment relieved me greatly. I used two Untiles of Chamberlain's Tab lets and they rid me of this trouble. Ob tainable everywhere. All druggist. ' Totals .'...n 4 IT 14 1 Ran for Sweeney In tne eighth. Louts 0 0000000 0-0 York 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 3 3 Three-base hit: Pratt. Stolen bases: Ateen (Ufa ley), by Dauss (Bankston). Struck out: Bv Dauss. 8. Umpires: Evans and Chill. Score, second asms: DTTROTT. PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. lb 4 1 I 0 OWeleh cf ...I 0 10 0 3 10 OKlrunV rf.i!'.4 I 1 0 0 111 tiinnring. 11 I I 1 rVhani, lb 111 t tJnle. lb, I I I OM Innla, lb.. 4 111 I 0 111 Ijpp, e 4 I I 10 110 0Kpf. as..... .4 0 18 1 0' 0 0 tftheehan, p.. 4 4 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 II I ft Totals ....IT 14 IT 11 I 0 0 0 0. T....V s 1 1 If. ..I 110 0 lb-ef .l Oil b....l 110 0 Fteen. P.....0 liiehler, p. ...I Psbuo 0 . touts ....14 10'IS 11 Schang out, hit by batted ball. Batted for Steen In the fourth. Detroit 1 0 0 J 0 8 0 0 o S Philadelphia 0 I I 0 M I 0 M Two-base hits: Crawford, Olrlng. Mo Inn!. . Three-base hit: Lapp. Double plays: Bush to Young to Burns; Kopf to Iajole ' to Mctnnia. Bases on balls: Off Boland, I; 'off Bteen, 1; off Boehler, 1; off Hheehan; . Hits: Off . Boland 8 in two and one-third Innings; off Bteen, 2 In two-thirds inning; off Boehler, 8 In 8 LSUgssaaiA43lBs Fashion's favorite for Spring and Summer Hie stiver. k CoIsirs 10. . 101 CO., IJtatrs. TMT, . TV Fee sale tr Bw Mia 11 lug Hiatn PE3Y AND Thos. Kilpatrick & Co. 194)7 Douglas Street f?f 1 mm . , ...... 1 mil m bu , ''hi mi 11 11 1 ' ivifl . . mmry,FM '!lH Ft I ; :-'"..' AU I I' I Hi I I I' .i 1 art 4W 'Zmtm0"..m Pnm 77rwfw Jrtvmp tfTi&hf .tU,iiulil' II. rvtT '.' . ..' j r e ' 1 rrrr, WJr' jiaaw- J'Hi, ' -- I 1 1 The Falstaf f flavor is as un varying as it is inimitable. ' . 'Cft? cAmt product of tA sVa'awlh awf " enjoy that delicious flavor because the whole three quarters of ft century of Lemp brewing experience has culminated in this superb beer. . The flavor is uniform because it is controlled by the malt; and the malt used in its production ' is all made by Lemp methods in the Lemp ' brewery. Beef Is s lead. Bread sad beer sre made of lbs Ossto materials; oersels, feast and water, bread Is solid; hear Is liquid both are big hi aouiiantug. ' Pbrslrteae prescribe beer le produce soars, , guild tiasus and siraaglaea aerrss, . IQAfi TVIpBrwsUtfceOUeellAmmwltl. ! ft C 1 0i U NatioaeJ Patreaage-78 years' Brewing Eparieace 1 iJ 1 3 Henij.RohUf 'Companx.ipUtributor, 2567-69 Leavenworth St., Omaha, Neb, ., i . w Telephone: . Ltouf . 571