T1IK NET.: OMAHA. FRIDAY. AUflUST n 1015. THIRTY-HIHE KNOWN DEAD IN ERIE FLOOD Great Filet of Ruini in Derattated City Tet to B Explored-Eg-hteen Are Identified. OUAXDIIIO AOAHT3T PESTILEfCE ERIE, Pa., Aof. . Worklna; In relays onder a srorrhlns; sail, police, flremei and volunteers today con tinued thstr eearrta In tns masses of wmksfe piled alont; Mill creek by Tuesday night's freshet for the bodies till believed to be In the debrlB. The coroner estimated the death list would toUl ssventr-fve. Some headway waa made during the night, but there still remain, how. ever, great piles of mint that have not ben explored. . One body waa recovered during the Bight. Eighteen victims of the disaster have been Identified. Twenty-four bodies have been recovered and fifteen are known lo be missing. Coroner Hanley said this morning that ha thought the death list would rach seventy-five, being swelled by the probable loss of a number of foreigners wnose bouses ( were swept away on the banks of tne creek at Ninth street. Karal Militia mm Patrol Daty. Work of clearing up the rlty was com menced In earnest this morning. The aval militia was called out to reinforce th national -uardmn on duty rr-ardlnc th trrkn section, and lfhtsr were kept away from th working gsng. Mayor sjura announced that h had re ceived offars of rellof from many cltle In Pennsylvania, but he thoimht the city would be abls to taks car of Its own ex pense. Physfclana from the Pennsylvania heHh department arrived hare during the nlfht, and at once took up the task of safeguarding the city from pestilence. All person known to hava come In con tact with the filthy flood water were ordered lo appear at the office of the Erie health bureau this afternoon for vaccination against typhoid- It waa aid that all disinfectant necessary were at hand to spread through the flood dial-let Property Daeaaa- rive Mllllona. ' Estimates of the damage continue to mount as the extent of the flood be come apparent. Where yesterday It was believed that M. 000.000 would cover the Iossl It was believed today that probably Avtt.OOO would be nearer the eorreet es timate. Mayor "tern said that W.OOO was al ready in hand and much more In sight for relief. A trip through the rood region this morning; showed hundred of peraons lin ing the banks of the now Insignificant stream, while ether hundred were kept back by the National Guard amen. The stenoh arising from the mssa of wreck age kept ether hundreds away. Gangs of men were early put to work clearing up the stores along Bute street, the principal business thoroughfare, whore many places were flooded, rive, ytaadred llenteleM, " There are more than 60S persona mads homeless and dsstltute," today declared Mayor Stern, who has taken active charge of all relief work. "We have the ait na tion well under control and expect to clean up our city In lee than a fort night" i Mayor Stern today walked through the flood sons and later aald the loss en city property would not exceed 1500, Ono. The first funerals of flood victims will be held tomorrow. Although a few more of the dead were Identified today, no more bodies were recovered. FATAL AUTO WRECK Otto Glick is killed when machine driven by H. L. Mallo hiU trolley pole at Forty sixth and Cuming streets. Lower panel shows crowd looking at ma chines broken up in collision at Eighteenth and Faraam street'. i y nr ' V - -V .iV'v; S v 1 club's I- - v:r.'t. ii 1 jf ZL 7 ;talned y j;;:;jJ -V- - i . - ,, i : wmm. - :) f V , ' . at t - J n l I .-. r V . V--;.1' yx I i: U jv a I BIG CROWD SHOOTS if ; GREETING TO HORSE Close Contests and Hot Finishes Mark First Say of Omaha Eace Meeting-. CAL&O&KIA B FIBST IN TEOT 11. U HALLO. WARSAW FALLS INTO HANDS OF GERMAN FOROES (Continued from Tags One.) large portion ef Poland had been a thorn In the flesh of the rtuaetan military at thorlllAa. They ahowed thla by their dea perat abd, at time, partially succsssful attempu to stralshten their fighting front. Before they could advanoe at the center and move west from Wax saw, the wings. tnunj, be brought up so as te pre vent suooessrui flanking movements. Simultaneously In east Prussia on ths north and In Oallcla on the south, the Ruealan armies began to push forward. Twice In east Pruasla they were swept bark, but before last wlntsr set In, thsy hsd succeeded in pressing their way through Oallcla and were nesting Cra cow, which Is almost directly on a line eouth of the Polish capital. In the spring, however, after Prsemysl had fallen Into their handa and the victorious ftuaran armies were threat ening the Uerman bordor and an Inva sion of Hungary, came the organised Auatro-Qerman movement, which re captured the great Auatrta fortreea and svept the Russian lines back further RUSSIAN ARMY IS IH GREAT DANGER British Military Expert! Fear Dme Worth of Warsaw Will Cut Off Its Betreat SITUATION OF RIGA IS CRITICAL LONDON, Atif. 6. Warsaw's fall Is now considered In London to be so certain that Us fate has ceased to be a matter of speculation, while the vast turning movement of the Ger mans to the northwsrd of the Polish capital Is exciting; the concern of the entente allies It Is feared by observers here that the evacuation of Warsaw may bo too late to save ths armies of Grand Duke Nicholas from the crave dlsas- r which would be Inevitable It Field Marshal Von Hlndenburg should get astride the Warsaw-Fetro- grad railway In the north the Russlsns now are de fending the line of the Ekau rivet, east of Mltau. Thla means that the Germans are at a point forty mftea eJUth of Riga and about one march from that town. ttaatlaa of Ra Critical. The critical situation at Riga la In creased by the evacuation of the city by the nonmllitary elements of the popula tion, the banks being the last to leave. German cavalry forces are scouring the country In such numbers that the War-saw-Petroft-red line always Is la danger of being cut ture ground held by us on Monte !telbusi. but was beaten off with heavy loai D. S. BUSINESS HAN IS BEHiND IN RACE (Continued from Page One.) boy In Germany that does not go to achool to men. We are a generation be hind Germany In these things. "If there is no other way, we must have compulsory military training for the i By n. K. Ml BBAT. Omaha yesterday gavo a royal welcome to King Horse, returning! from a long exile. Five thousand spectators at the Speedway track In East Omaha greeted with mighty cheers the good race horses as they hurled them selves round the track In contests which would hav drawn the ap proval of crowds at any meeting In the country. The opening day of the Omaha Driving first meet ng passed into history distinct success. The racing was remarkable for close flnlshss and sus- effort In every heat by horses and drivers. The track was soft and was at , leaat six seconds slow and for that rea i son the time does not do the horses Jus tice. But they all tried. They finished bunched, aometlmes noses apart and des perate stretch drives were eeen In every beat. The grandstand cheered. It roared Its delight with the entertainment and this Is a sure Index of what the spectators thought about It most of the crowd stayed until ths last race horse had fin ished his last mile and had been taken to the barn. Mayor Dahlman won ths Transulean raoa from a field of seven starters. Gen eral Manager E. E. Buckingham of the Union Stock Tarda was second. The mayor was given with a wreath of flow era after his wild run. The aummarlee: Trotting. 1:80 class, purse 500- . Call torn La B, b. ., by Athae- ham (Beeseley) 1112 1 Pronto J, blk. g., by Stratlv- . . way (Sebaatlan) 7 3 1 1 t Fred R, b. g., by Mytolus . . (Comba) Hill Sodoua. b, S-, by Spokane (Dennis) 1 4 4 4 6 Minnie Oaten, b. m.. by Ceoel- . . Ian Bells (flat field) 4 S S 4 Alile Axwood, cb. m., by AUer- ton (Rhode) Mill Colonel Vldmer, br. s., by Major Vldmer (Ginger) S I dr Tnmmv VJ rtnnmr. a. w n V CI W. McKlnney (Wagner) 7 7 dr Billy Murray, sr. g., by Nor- val Chief (Jenklna) dls Divided fourth money. Time. 2:27. l.Uhi. 1:274. 3:274. J:2H. Pacing. 2:22 class, purse 1500 Joule Knight, b. m.. by Twelfth Ntaht (Dennlii) 1 Louie Mack. b. g.. redding not given tCaaey) "L.'.'r' iiK'S'-b?: aKVb8yhllet ' are of ago; but something must be done to give them training and discipline under men. "You people can do much toward cur ing this evil. If you all work, and realise the handicap undsr which we labor, through our conceit and through our Ignorance, we shall soon see whether we are to amount to something as a nation, or whether we are to flitter away our time In Idleness and entertainment ever which we have gone wild." Jobber Not Dolnc Share, II. Lealle Wildey of Graettlnger, H., spoke on. meeting competition. He beldj that the jobber Is not doing his part In helping to .meet the competition of the mall order houaea, and a dosen agreed with him by raising their handa Others protested that they had no way of know ing Just how much the Jobbers are doing In thla way. L. C. Jonee of Ottawa, Kan., president of the Retail Clothiers asaoctatlon of his state, talked of the association work there, and declared that his association has over 500 farmers as members, and that they co-operate well in meeting the mall order competition. "But let me give you a tip, also," he said, "that the mall order man get hla buainess through Idleneaa. He got It by good solid advertlalng. - They had hUh-class men write their ada for thorn and they have advertised persist ently. They- have don it by a good live Milton Cook I 4 6 6 son and Rhodes) Fred HI I. b. a., bv Mi (Wagner) 6 Tiptop, ch. g.. by Aldenwood (Comba) 6 rranK llallowav. cn. g., oy t. w. McKlnney (Sebaatlan) dls Major Conatantlne, blk. s., by Con- atantine (Boyd) dls Time. 8:22tt. 2:23, 1:24. Trotting. 1:16 class; purse, 1600: David Look, blk, g.. by Wllask (Caaey) 1 Muno Mc, b. nv, by McAdams (Ginger) t Lord Duke. b. g. by Jackdaw (Owena) S Arondo. b. g., by Moquette (Ben- ner(teld) 8 Tena O., ch. m.. by George W. McKlnney (Sebaatlan) 4 Jim O'Hhra. blk. g., by Jim Mc- Kiever (Green) Time. 1.2&. 2:23. 2:244. 1:36. Running, one-half ml. e daah; purse, 1100: Blue, ch. m. (Connor), flrat; Queen of Diamonds, gr. m. (McBrlde), second; D.xle Minor, ch. m., third. Running, three-quarters mile dash; purse, $1U0: 8talby. b. m. (Connors), first; Vol trome, b. m.. second ; Concha, ch. m. (Reese), third. Exhibition, one-eishth mile: Babe King, pony racer, beat a running pony. Time. 0:18. "d'not Police Say Accused Men Admit Crime 1 1 4 1 2 1 4 Mt te clear Uallcia. or the greater part of It, ef the troops ef that aatioa. Hw successfully this was accomplished Is familiar history. Field Marshal Von Matkensens campaign la Its fin im portant stage culminating when late In June Lamberg was retake and the Rus aiaas were driven over the Oallciaa bor der. Then early In July the Teutonic forces, coming up from the south, halted while preparations were made for the nest stage ef the campaign. Btgns of the form thla was te take were soosj apparent. Oreat armies hsd kweis assembled to the worth, and these arly la July began pressing down upon ths . Russians from that direction. A vtgtroue offensive was opened In lbs Bal tic provinces, ths Teutonic troop at tacked from point to point alone the Ksst Prussian border, and with Tleld Marshal Von Hlndenburg directing- the general operations along thla section of the fighting front, a determined dri-e oegan In the Prsasnyas region. -!. Besla, Retreat. ImuliaaeouaJy the Teutonic arml in the south showed reawakening activity. Field Marihal Von Mackensen resumed his advance, hla German forces working east in some soctlona than they had been At Kupleub, seventy mUes west of a.H in the wj The Waraav aallenL Dvlnak. heavy fighUiwr Is In progreae. thus saposed hasardoualy from th south, i with the Russians resisting stubbornly, campaign of advertising. ... .iMitiM.ailv ihrtened by ths Oer- as the breaking ot tne aaiense wouiu nand advance In the Baltic provlncee. imean the early loss of Dvlnsk. th moat important juncuon oi ura Warsaw railroad. i.eperic muh . iuii ' would advartl along tit warw nver, wun ui mraim ( wouW no meeting the stone wan or ins humhh defense, except at a point near Oetro- whloh aoted not only as a supporting movement t th flank attack on War saw, but ' threatened to cut oft th re treat of th Ruaaian armies. Ft ret DrlTe frwas West AdYertlaln-T la the Thlaa- "I tell you, gentlemen, If I were selling IOWA CITT, la., Aug. 5.-(fpelal Telegram.) The alleged bank robbers. William Smith and Win lam Loomis, who were brought her this afternoon from low. green and brown aho-trlng and I BUoB .th DnJ1 1 them, that's what I quired, want back to Jail. Pollc say they hav confessions from both and that "Did you ever watch an old duolc. oh vtl u,,t-' tomorrow and be lays her egg. get off th nest and wad senwncea. ey an nn w.m roo ii.. ..,. ...,,.. .v,. jt tilnr th bank at North Liberty. October. Within a short tlm the Oer- turou inn . of ,t A befl Xms an M ru v. 4.m-(n-4 drive asalnat Warsaw from ths west, occurred last "- wer tb rtver "P; man advano guards penetrated te with- forced the Ruaalans back to the outer de In nlaeuen miles of th city, over which Ifsnses on the northern front of th German aroplaos and Zewellna flew. ot wim-a- l h Russian, moved troops hastily from I Prlnos Lsopold and his Bav.rtsns now Oallcla and Waraaw slipped from ihoiara before Waraaw. Berlin claiming that k. ...... . k. nmn. t !th Ruaalans have been thrown from the hortly afterward a second attempt , oiome una mw i w ' lu ir,ee be hen eggs, of oours. They was launched and gained force until a that fortress, which brings them four havs kn adVertled and every on knows great battle developed along th rtvr teen muea t xne o. kbout thm. w.ri ni Vuitula.. Th CMrmsns at.caiutai. off th nest with an awful fluutter, cackle and makes a thunder of a lot of not about It, "What's th raeultT When a woman goe to buy eggs, does th grocer ask her what kind of eggsT Does h ask her If she wants duck sggsT I should say not Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be ranted quickly and cheaply by a Be "For Rent" first wsr reported successful, but th fighting turned In favor tf th Ruselaus. Thsy cut off and apparently surround ed two German corps, who bravely max aged to cut their way out. Aoother attempt at Warsaw occurred In February after the Husslans had for th second tlm been drlvn out of East Pruaala. This tlm the attack cam from th north and Field Marshall von ttlndenburg'g forces reached and cap tured Prsanyea with 10,0u0 prisoners on w-i .in Tlim 4aV- later. hOWM'tt. i X WIS, WW, J Ml. . . wit the Auatriana to Inflict amaahlng h Ruaslana recaptured and put the blow upon th Ruaaian fMn. wi. hi Germana on th defensive. Hommenng Uob. Btep by step, th A urtro-German i along this Un and at other sections Nets pounded their way toward th city from th north and th south, whiu - tb wat, actMtiea along th tin of en- I trenchment that had so long held eff th tennaru In that section wer rMumed. Mefor th power of th Teutons engaged in this encircling movement th armies of Grand Duk Ntchels began to fall back. t Frsansnyas. t the north ef Warsaw, was eeoupisd and th Oerman armlss wept on. By July IS thy bad forced th Ru tana back to th line of th Na rw river and pushed their war .ihi. twenty mile f their soal. The ft . f Oairoienka u tmk.a ., ,k. w . ela georglvak fortification, th. k. . i dfugglsU. Advertl aaw n th north, wa approached. To th south Radom was occupied and th Husaian lines of comunlcalioa la th Luo. lia region threatened. Then began a tightening of the Gcr man line around th cap'toL Th Teu ton famed their way past th Blonl ; 'lI7V,?r Itne, aouthweet f ths city, puihed their way across th river Xurew, below O.trv lnka. and th battering at th fort if Wd k-ales of th city atarted in earnset on Tvuday of this wk by Bavarian troops uimmw tonin.nnd of 1'iinc Leopuld of Ba-vart. south and wC from th Kast Prueslon frontier continued for moniha, but it until th IncepUon Of th present cam paign waa there anywhere a sertoua break In th Russian deXanses. Th city which th Teutonlo foi-cee have taken lie on the VUtul Ui mUea south west of Ptrogrd and 1 miles east of Barlla. It la an Important Industrial center and Its population Is timatd at Hav ttesaUr Vwl Mvant. Tsk Dr. King s New W PHU and hav a dally easy movement of th bow- Cur constipation. Omy c. ah ment. A "For ale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Inte ah. Warsaw Tkera la fleab. rrem th beginning of to war the Auauata, county. Iowa, vie w il.lam Kearn at olnes Wsiklattea A tats. WASH I NOTON, Aug. . Bpedl Tele gram.) 'i auk 1. Buck wa appolnud Mliaia. (iM l Will la nod. nd riorene O. Lewi at Kart-n-na. Haiains county, g, D., vice O. IS. Lewis, dweairnd Mlae Josephine (Whom of Lincoln, Neb., waa apiKlntrd a iir at Chuyenn Klvrr Indian Kluivl Houtll l'Vot, and Teaal ". oll of Sheriann, Wyo., at han t'ar loa. Art. C. L. Kniatlna. Lincoln, was appointed a srailns e-prrt in le foret ikxa ic at lUaden. I tan. f. II. luibvrta oi incoin. ! tt.a knul., iim fj.ui.ujl k ik aItant fiireat ranger at Albuquerque, Client 1 the Kuaaia llr formed by ths , N M ftl4 ljtou H of ljooi aiui w lubiuuv mnaw mtn raiu( eaeiatenl ml Bpanom. L ian. Uerwaai ttwwg? Ivaaarwrwd. Berlin reports th Germans hav oc cupied th wcatern portion of Ivangored fortress, but Ptrogrd claims that th I vans orod-Waraaw railroad still Is pen. Comparative quiet prevail en th west ern front and In the minor battlefields. A significant phase ef the near eastern operations, which has paaaed almost un noticed. Is revealed In th announcements from Petrograd ef the destruotlon of almost nln hundred Turklah craft In the Black sea by a Russian torpedo boat flotilla. Mot than W0 of the vssseU were sailing- shlpa, which had been built te carry aupplte from th Anatolian coast. The prratatenc of the Turk lu building the ships, despiu their con tinued destruction Is accepted here ss meaning that Conatanttnople la in des perate nd cf . supplies. Ths British Board of Trade for July ahowa that alxty-two Brltiah tamer and sailing craft wer sunk by th German during th month, with a loaa of aixty-thr lives, while four ateamers and nineteen lives were lost by mtae. Italtaw Offlolal Repert. ROMS. Aug. 4 -(Via Parle, Aug. IV Th following statement was las'ied to night at th headquarter of th Italian general staff: "Our heavy batteries directed a ef fective fire on the station of Borgo, on th ralUroad In Val Sugana, where there la an Important freight traffic. Th enemy's losses In stubborn attacks on Mount Mrdatta In Cantla now snt found to hav been very grav. "On th Carso platrau th night cf th 3d passed quietly. During th morning our artillery ahelled maseca of Infantry observed near Marcottlnt, and columns marching along the road from Rupa to roherao. Our troops, having rcaumed their advance, th left wing and th center made alow, progreae, but on th right w eeaflned urlve to maintain ing position previously conquered. "The snetwy attempts vainly to reoav- Prattrasa fr Tadar, liar Is tb program scheduled for to day at th busln men's chautauquai Daylight to I U0 a. in. Boating, bathing and fiahtng. V oo a. m Children s relay race. Blue Bgalnat Whites. ltf.W a. in.-Audltorlum, "Co-Operation Between Tradra and the Public, to Make Buying and Calling More Profitable," J, 11. llo. New York, vie preeiden of Loowe-Wtle Biscuit company. I JO p. m. Band concert. 2:o p. m. 'Tre againat Merchant and Communliy." ex -Lieutenant Oovemor 8. H. MoKelvle. S OU p. m. National speaker. 4:00 p.' m. Band concert and sports. bowllns. Clothier againat Harno Mak er Men swimming corneal. T: p. m. Muslo, itscn tvroinera. :0 p. m. Moving tilcture. "Prevention of Fir WasU." L. 11 T7 M P. lo, lap. H. Btubbs. Chicago. Apartmente. flats, Tiouaaa and eottag can be rented quickly and ehaapty by a Be "For Rent." U SUMMER " EXHAUSTION is that feeling of weakness, bordering on collapse, often re sulting from heat or over-work. Persons in a "run-down ' condition sure the most afflicted, as their -systems are deficient in phoephatJe elements. Restore the phosphates necessary to bodily stamina, and fortify it against summer exulta tion by taking nonsFono's Acid Fhocphato (Ne-AUeelie) I. era a betti b) yew Sets n LATHERS J I IMSTArJTLY Thompson, Belden & Co. The August Linen Sale Specials for Friday Damask By the Yard - $1.10 per yard - $1.25 per yard - $1.25 per yard - $1.50 per yard $1.50 Bleached Damask - - - - $1.50 Silver Bleached Damask - - $1.75 Bleached Damask - - $2.00 Bleached Damask - - - - Huck Towels 25c I luck Towels, 19c each 35c Iluck Towels, 25c each 45c Hnck Towels, 29c each 75c Hnck Towels, 50c each Ready-Made Roller Towels 50c Bleached Crash Roller Towels, 35c each 75c Bleached Crash Boiler Towels, 50c each Plan to Attend This Sale All of our finest Imported Wash Goods regularly sold ot from $1.00 to $4.00 a yard, at next-to-nothing prices. Goods Are Displayed in 16th St. Window. Watch Papers for Details. Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessful. j& from the ovenMk Sunshine (J Loaf Cake U M 9 flavor M Order ytnt favorite Hod from 9 H the a-rocer B H Maa Mr R H ses.(k8 gMcnr fM 0 H Jtaasrs W KaiUM MeeaM IS H OMAHA U X 0 C y'c: y 1 he best and surest way to aave mouey Ir to buy a diamond or a watch on credit at L0FTIS BROS. & CO. mm TTTT SsSjmwal S5S Ladles' ribs;, ltk solid old Coftls "Per faction" mount In brilliant VCfl Diamond, at. S5 a Moath 6aa Ladles' Watoh, U lilt, Hunt in case, fin- eat quail t y sold rilled, asaorted an tra v Inge, polished fln '"h, a-uaran-teed fl yra.. fitted with Senuln El Sin or Wal tham move ment. Spe cial price 15 Si.so Keath TSS Mn'a Rlni carve-l. 14k solid rold fine Diamond. tStfSrt Extra value at.,W' Terms i SS a Mostft mm fpio Dally Till 8 p. n., Saturdays Till 9:3d ' Call or write for Catalog; No. 03. Phone Douglas 1141 and our salesman will nai.. nn,Mri?it!ZTHE national Ur I fi 2 CKtDIT JEWELERS ilaBROS&cau40 s. lath St., Oaaaas. For Protection anlnst the eerious sickness so likely to follow an ailment of the digestive organs, bilousnesa or inactive bowels, you can rely on the best known corrective Pills THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPER. AMI'S tM UMTS. TaTXATXTS and Ireenlnr. "ti mtfxnc ijarxcT - Edward Lynch AJ5ftrS5T5?w "THE AVIATOR" MaUaeea. 15.aSo , aA-aoJo Wkl Ts Olrl From Out Toad. ' CXW r-r Ms As b tVs WstiO CaTieil.assa7l fcsass, ISa, Ms, LEGAL NOTICES Office of Commissary. Fifth Infantry, N. J. U., Si fuui. .eb. heal- 1 pi Soeala In duplicate for furnish Ins; and ellverlna; on or befor August 17. 1 a. at Crete. Neb., aubalateno storea a be low, in accordance with apeclfleatiins and conditions aet forth In Circular No. 6. Cf.io oi the Coinml'sary tiaiieral. Washington. D. C, April fl. 1M0. will be received at this office until ten o'clock a. m . Aurrust IS. UK. and then opened. Epeclflcationa will be furnished upon re- I quest. J. L. Paul, Captain Commissary Fifth Infantry. N. N. (J., til iba. beana, : 110 lbs. rice, i7R lb, totatoee. I.(to0 lbs. . onlona. fttt cana toraatoea, Ss iba. peachea (dried). SN lb, oof fee. roasted an (round: 640 Iba eu-ar. U4 cans milk (fain ilr else). 10 sals, vineser, U sala. sour nlcklea. 18 lbs. salt. 43 cana pepper . Kf..wi imi i h rr Isrd. as lbs buttei it'ieamery), e lb, eleotnarsaxlne. 42 Kslluiis syrup. 1 lb, laundry aoap, 30 bottles vanilla extract (-oa, also t7 lh fraah tieef. 4u Iba. bacon. 4.S0O Iba. fresh bread. M lb, flour. 7 roll to.let ppur, lu. rtue. ids. pi wie t . ran B. B. lam. to be delivered a epect Jfled A--d-M EMPRESS Vaudeville and Photo Play NEW EASTLAND PICTURES TODAY sssattstTSatasTSassaa sji mm aws sbss , , .,,,. 'la-lVliltH, UAKLKY las a "Base Bail" Ota Aoti "Irtt siwtu bUt.Lt' " ' " And an Assort-1 10c of Photo-Plays 10c Base Ball OMAHA vs. DEXVERV Rourke Park, Aug. A-7.8-8. rnaay. A-, s, sooms sat. iam called I III P. M. Steoher Bro. Wreatlln- Match I; 10 P 11 Bunday. Au. I, Two Game. nret same called t P. U. Ratnrrter same railed I P. M. LAKE MAN AW A at bias'. Boatla-, -aaus; aa4 OAaar Anractloaa. ntOaed Tata," Tke akshsaa" aa4 "Ta B3rk Malsra